TTNH :: Volume #18

#1731: Dies then dies in this place

But......” “可是……” Not anything, but! This fights won to live finally the person, was the nucleus in later Law Enforcer ranks, gathered in the same place alone. 【.! As for dying person, that naturally was Lang Tao Sha verse......” “没什么可是!这一战中最终胜了活着回来的人,就是以后的执法者行列中的中坚力量,单独集合在一起。【。!至于死了的人,那当然就是大浪淘沙了……” „It is not no need to say!”, “不必多说了!”、 Sovereign of the Law has gotten down the decision decidedly. 法尊断然下了决定。 Sovereign of the Law view is actually not, indeed, Sovereign of the Law said no doubt has the considerable truth, actually only suits Law Enforcer daily Law Enforcement, is not applicable to at present. 法尊的论调似是却非,诚然,法尊所说的固然有相当的道理在其中,却只适合于执法者日常执法,绝不适用于眼前。 The situation unusual Jiang Hu infighting, is at present different in the ordinary significance two armies pitted against each other, because of entering the war of present facing both sides, is the special armies that is formed by large quantities of Martial Artist, such army needs a brilliant captain actually. 眼前形势非同一般的江湖殴斗,却也不同于普通意义上的两军对垒,因为现在的对垒双方的参战者,都是由大批武者形成的特殊军队,这样的军队其实才是更需要一个睿智的临阵指挥者。 Martial Artist compared with the common soldier winner, lies in the vitality that the energy, military force and the tyrannical battle efficiency their far supernormal person, and even were not finished easily, but compared with common soldier being less, actually lies in their stubbornness rude, refuses to accept mixing of higher authority senior official, this is actually the military commander biggest taboo! 武者比一般士兵优胜者,在于他们的远超常人的精力、武力、强横战斗力、乃至不容易完蛋的生命力,但比一般士兵不足者,却在于他们的桀骜不逊,不服上级长官的调配,这却是兵家最大忌讳! Soldier who does not listen to the order, is only in a state of disunity, fights the running free war also reluctantly to use, once if in unfavorable situation, will frequently total military defeat. The aristocratic family allied armies that side such as is, although Law Enforcer the situation is slightly good, once but if is in unfavorable situation, finally also very many! 不听命令的士兵,就只是一盘散沙,打起顺风仗还勉强可以一用,若是一旦失利,动辄就会兵败如山倒。世家联军那边如是,执法者这边虽然情况略好,但若是一旦失利,结果也好不了多少! Sovereign of the Law the procedure, was equal to planting a super timing bomb, looked when was detonated! 法尊的这种作法,等于是埋下了一个超级定时炸弹,就看什么时候被引爆了! Under acting arbitrarily of Sovereign of the Law, in Law Enforcer, can argue strongly based on reason without any person, therefore war by such nearly the arrangement of child's play. 法尊的独断专行之下,执法者之中,没有任何一个人能够据理力争,于是战局就被这么近乎儿戏的安排了下去。 But Sovereign of the Law does not care obviously, after he said that no longer said this matter \; The side light black fog ascended suddenly, asking looking pensive: Master of Nine Tribulations Sword and his Nine Tribulations, during this does fight does have the appearance?” 法尊显然一点也不在乎,他说完之后,就不再说这件事\;只是身边淡淡的黑雾突然升腾了一下,若有所思的问道:“九劫剑主和他的九劫,在这一战之中有没有出现?” Has not entered the war. Top observing, does not have.” “并没有参战。城头观战者,也没有。” Un.” In the Sovereign of the Law eye the look looking pensive, immediately the right hand hefted the board game piece, indifferently said: If Master of Nine Tribulations Sword appears, immediately inform I!” “嗯。”法尊眼中神色若有所思,随即右手又掂起了棋子,淡淡道:“若是九劫剑主出现,立即告诉我!” ...... …… The following reinforcements in Law Enforcer aspect entered the battlefield, has joined the war. 执法者方面的后续援兵进入了战场,加入了战局。 The form in battlefield sees more and more intensely. Each flash, has thousands of lives to dissipate. 战场上的形式越来越见激烈。每一瞬间,都有数以千计的生命消逝。 However, all people who observes in the top, everybody are look are confused, inexplicable, therefore. 然而,所有在城头上观战的众人,人人都是看得一头雾水,莫名所以。 Especially most cannot withstand by Diwu Qingrou, stares dumbfounded directly, an ordinary day school of calm. obliterate completely. 尤其以第五轻柔最为不堪,直接就是瞠目结舌,平日的一派沉稳。荡然无存 The weaponry, can such hit unexpectedly? 仗,居然还能这么打的吗? Is the Sovereign of the Law disposition crazy? Won't link the brain also to pull out? How to do such one? 法尊心性疯狂?不会连脑子也抽了吧?怎么会搞出这么一出呢? The Law Enforcer following reinforcements enter the battlefield. The momentum rises sharply immediately \; This is good, is as it should be by rights. 执法者的后续援兵进入战场。声势立时大涨\;这是不错的,也是理所当然的。 During the Xiao Chenyu and the others industry fell into has sieged, the situation may say in imminent danger. This is also good, is as it should be by rights. 萧晨雨等人业已经陷入了围困之中,形势可说岌岌可危。这也是不错的,也是理所当然的。 Can create this result, no doubt there is a reason of following reinforcements, there is military qualities of Law Enforcer team compared with the aristocratic family allied armies perfect, has the fixed regulation. 能够造成这一结果的,固然有后续援兵的原因,也有执法者队伍的军事素质比世家联军这边过硬,有一定之规。 But all people can still the clear feeling, if fight Law Enforcer also hit is dramatically, the following reinforcements arrived. Entire team instead chaotic. Population were many, the lineup did not have, the strength does not increase unexpectedly instead reduces. 但所有人仍能清晰的感觉到,若是刚才的战斗执法者打得还算是有声有色,后续援兵一到。整支队伍反而混乱了起来。人数多了,阵型却没了,战力竟是不增反减。 Team people are always the Jiang Hu men, is not truly the well-trained army. The fight time was slightly long, the ominous thorough eruptions, the respective dozen of each ones, the entire battlefield turned into pot gruel thoroughly. 队伍中人始终都是江湖汉子,到底不是真正训练有素的军队。战斗时间稍长了,一个个的凶性彻底爆发,各自打各自的,整个战场彻底变成了一锅粥。 Also should say stew gruel comprised of various assorted Martial Artist, all levels of practitioner and step masters! 又或者应该说由各色武者、各级修行者、各阶高手所组成的杂烩粥! Law Enforcer. Before originally also with close without a gap that ally coordinated, each other shielded mutually, left Chongyou suddenly. But the following reinforcements arrive, flushed unexpectedly them, then ran into the enemy time, has become operating independently. 一个执法者。之前原本还与自己身边的战友配合的紧密无间,彼此互相掩护,左冲右突。但后续援兵一到,竟是将他们两个生生地冲开了,然后再遇到敌人的时候,就成了各自为战。 Person has encountered the crisis. No matter unexpectedly did not ask that is considering only own safety, helplessly looks that Law Enforcer ally was hacked to death, hews the muddy flesh, was still aloof, still loudly was shouting the fierce battle, did not perform to aid slightly. 身边的人遭遇了危机。竟然不管不问,只顾着自身安危,眼睁睁的看着身边的执法者战友被砍死,砍成肉泥,仍是无动于衷,依然在大呼酣战,丝毫也不加以援手。 Such situation. Everywhere, the least bit is not new. 这样的情况。比比皆是,半点也不新鲜了。 The heavy rain was still continuing underground, meaning that the tactical situation still do not stop. In the top head surges, watches these is very being seemingly intense, actually very strange war. But the distant place Law Enforcer aspect also holds troops facing this situation unexpectedly, does not have the follow-up movement. 大雨仍旧在持续地下着,战况仍旧没有要停止的意思。城头上人头涌动,观看着这一场貌似很激烈,其实很诡异的大战。而远方执法者方面面对此情况竟也是按兵不动,全无后续动作。 The rain water in ground, accumulation, has inundated the ankle gradually unexpectedly slowly, underground, is not the rain water, is the bloody water, even more is the bloody water. Takes a broad view to look, straight such as a bright red vastness. 地面上的雨水,渐次累积,竟已慢慢地漫过了足踝,地下的,已经不全是雨水,还是血水,甚至更多的都是血水。放眼看去,直如一片鲜红的汪洋。 This is this place quite close river anchors, the drainage is relatively quick, perhaps otherwise, these people have not gone to war directly are drown to death. 这还是此地比较接近河泊,泄水相对较快,要不然,这些人也许还没打完仗就直接被淹死了。 In makes war to the both sides both disadvantageous place regarding the Sovereign of the Law choice like this, Diwu Qingrou is also puzzling. 对于法尊选择在这样对双方都不利的地方开战,第五轻柔也是百思不得其解。 Such operational pattern, such battle strategy, non- is wise man should be, even if stands in any angle, is unreadable, so long as any some captains of brains, should not make such mistake slightly! 这样的作战模式,这样的作战策略,都非是智者该为,就算是站在任何角度,都难以理解,只要任何一个稍微有些头脑的指挥者,就不该犯下这样的错误! Will Sovereign of the Law such do? 法尊怎么会这么做? Diwu Qingrou headache. 第五轻柔头痛之极。 Ye Chenchen asked several times: „Does the Diwu Family Lord, the present situation, how deserve adjusts?” 夜沉沉已经问了好几次:“第五家主,目前形势,该当如何调整?” To this simple question, Diwu Qingrou is hard to reply radically. 对这句简单的问话,第五轻柔根本就是难以回答。 The present location is very big, but is also very bad. To the player and enemy both are. Even, to Law Enforcer bad. Because Law Enforcer has not protected completely, such in heavy rain by drenching. But one's own side still in the city, least can also have the place to keep off the keeping the rain off water...... 眼前的场地很大,但也很恶劣。对敌我双方都是。甚至,对执法者更加的恶劣。因为执法者完全没有防护,就这么在大雨之中挨淋。而己方还在城中,最少还能有地方挡挡雨水…… Although this stretch of location is big, but most also only tolerates the next several hundred thousand people to battle, population were many, perhaps is more chaotic. Moreover cannot display...... 这片场地虽然大,但最多也就是只能容下几十万人交战,人数再多了,恐怕更混乱。而且施展不开…… Sovereign of the Law chooses the battlefield here, and has clarified one fair decisive battle the imposing manner, must keep Diwu Qingrou Mo Tianji this and the others from meddling. 法尊将战场选在这里,而且又摆明了一副‘公平决战’的气势,就是要让第五轻柔莫天机等人无法插手。 Your first move, I direct. Law Enforcer is gets the advantage in any case, once if some people direct precisely, perhaps the death was quickest, was a person of Capital City side. Law Enforcer which aspect instead can more effective preserving. 你一插手,我就指挥。执法者反正是占优势的,若是一旦有人精确指挥,恐怕死亡最快的,还是中都城一方的人。执法者哪方面反而可以更加有效的保全。 Because their military force originally high! 因为他们武力本来就高! Diwu Qingrou shakes the head dejected, facing this situation, is really at a loss: Really not any good means. Sovereign of the Law waits for us to direct, once participates, Law Enforcer that aspect this has the strict rank \; Everybody participates in the direction the words, owing that we eat is bigger \; The benefit that might as well such tangled warfare, can gain was bigger, or cuts to kill the effective strength of enemy more.” 第五轻柔颓然摇头,面对这种情况,实在是束手无策:“真的没什么好办法。法尊就等着我们指挥,一旦参与,执法者那方面本就是有严格的等级\;大家都参与指挥的话,我们吃的亏更大\;还不如这样混战,能够获取的利益大一些,或者说斩杀敌人的有生力量多一些。” Ye Chenchen low-spirited deep sigh. 夜沉沉黯然长叹。 He is not the simple soul, how could this situation cannot look. Asks Diwu Qingrou, but seeks a verification. If Diwu Qingrou has the means, he instead or believed...... 他也不是糊涂虫,这种情况岂能看不出来。问问第五轻柔,只不过是求个印证。若是第五轻柔真的有办法,他反而要不相信了…… Both sides in battlefield in rapidly sharp decline. 战场上的双方人数在急速锐减。 Around Capital City goes around a mountain, northern gate so, was equal to especially all people battle in a stretch of giant basin. 中都城四面环山,北门这边尤其如此,等于是所有人都在一片巨大的盆地里交战。 Totals 700,000-800,000 people to battle, location what kind greatness that occupies, the be continuous several hundred miles all are the battlefield categories, many people at most surrounding, approached at the foot of the hill, often hits is hitting, both sides howls, respective escape. 合共七八十万人交战,所占据的场地何等的宏大,绵延数百里全是战场范畴,有不少人处在最外围,已经接近山脚下,往往打着打着,双方一个呼啸,各自逃命。 Runs outward. 往外奔跑。 Now such scene was really too terrifying, had the opportunity to run, so long as can escape from the category, can run away the birth day. So long as crossed this to be almost within reach mountain top, has surpassed range! 现在这样场面实在是太恐怖了,有机会就跑吧,只要能逃出中都范畴,就可以逃出生天了。而只要是翻过这近在咫尺的山头,就已经超出了中都范围 Such being the case, what also waits for? 既然如此,还等什么? Therefore surrounding start batches of being defeated and dispersed. No matter Law Enforcer Martial Artist, everybody everybody gets the same idea, heart synchronous principle. 于是外围的开始一批批的溃散。不管是执法者还是中都武者,大家都是人同此心,心同此理。 What a pity is hugging the person of such idea without any exception is runs not far, is divided the enemy and ourselves by the Law Enforcer master who waits for in the surrounding, all cuts to kill! 可惜抱着这样想法的人无一例外的都是跑出没有多远,就被早在外围守候的执法者高手不分敌我,一律斩杀! The person who these wait for outside if crashes in the battlefield, absolutely is unexpected surprise-attack forces. Even can in lock the war extremely in a short time thoroughly! 这些在外守候的人若是冲进战场,绝对是一支出人意料的奇兵。甚至可以在极短时间里彻底锁定战局! But these people after killing complete human, actually quiet has drawn back, regarding the battlefield in other, performs does not spare a glance general...... 但这些人在杀完人之后,却又静悄悄的退了回去,对于战场上其他一切,尽都不屑一顾一般…… Naturally, people of this grade of situation in top cannot see. One is away from is too far, two come everywhere heavy rain camouflage field of vision, anything cannot see. 当然,这等情况在城头上的众人是看不到的。一来距离太远,二来漫天大雨遮蔽视野,根本什么都看不到。 Unknowingly, such passed in the morning. 不知不觉中,一个上午就这么过去了。 The population of warring parties turned into now 300,000-400,000. 交战双方的人数变成了如今的三四十万。 The troops who Xiao Chenyu leads had been all besieged by the manpower in Law Enforcer aspect, surround in an ultra giant encirclement ring, all around is an enemy, goes all out to prey on already the movement that became can make at this moment only! 萧晨雨所率领的人马已经被执法者方面的人手悉数围攻,包围在一个超巨大的包围圈里,四周全是敌人,拼命搏杀已经成为了此刻唯一能做的动作! The Law Enforcer aspect extant manpower also has 200,000, but Xiao Chenyu here population already less than 100,000. 执法者方面现存的人手还有200000,而萧晨雨这边的人数已经不足100000了。 The victory and defeat has decided! 胜负已定! But both sides have not received the meaning of hand, the least bit do not have. 但双方都没有收手的意思,半点都没有。 400,000 pairs 400,000, fair decisive battle!” The Sovereign of the Law sound is mixing with an indifference of serene, a light taunt. “400000对400000,公平决战!”法尊的声音夹杂着一种风轻云淡的淡然,还有一种淡淡的嘲讽。 This sound penetrates everywhere heavy rain instantaneously, flutters the reverberation in the sky, all people hear clear. 这个声音瞬间穿透漫天大雨,在上空飘扬回荡,所有人都听得一清二楚。 These words inside meaning of taunt, looks like a knife, inserted the chest of Xiao Chenyu without consulting anybody. 这句话里面的嘲讽之意,就像是一把刀子,径自插进了萧晨雨的胸膛。 Xiao Chenyu early saves the dead will regarding this war, had not planned to live going back, 400,000 people to 400,000 people, oneself here disastrous defeat, the manpower extinguish sharply, the opposite party also will actually retain nearly 50% strengths, this face, Xiao Chenyu cannot lose. 萧晨雨对于此战早存死志,本来就没打算活着回去,400000人对400000人,自己这边惨败,人手锐灭,对方却还保留将近一半的战力,这个面子,萧晨雨也丢不起。 Hears Sovereign of the Law this to be full of full shame meaning the words, jumping that the Xiao Chenyu sudden whole body is bathed in blood in the upper air, goes all out to yell: „No one can retreat! No one can help!” 一听到法尊这句充满十足羞辱意味的话,萧晨雨突然浑身浴血的跃起在高空,拼命大叫道:“谁都不许撤退!谁都不许来援!” Son life, when so fights!” “男儿一生,当如此战!” A lightning blasts open suddenly in midair, body that Xiao Chenyu jumps according to tiny particle Bi Xian. 一道闪电猛然炸裂在半空,将萧晨雨跃起的身子照得纤毫毕现。 Sees only the Xiao Chenyu whole body at this moment to be bathed in blood, including the face on is also the bloody water crossflow, body riddled with scars, tick-tock downward falls is dripping the blood. 只见此刻的萧晨雨浑身浴血,连脸上也已经是血水横流,身上伤痕累累,滴滴答答的往下落淌着鲜血。 Ye Chenchen that in the top, will order to reenforce just opened mouth, suddenly opened mouth is dumbfounded there. Only thought that in the heart surges an inexplicable sharp pain. 城头上,正要下令增援的夜沉沉刚刚张开嘴,就突然间张口结舌地愣在那里。只觉得心中涌起一阵莫名绞痛。 He knows, since Xiao Chenyu said that that has set firm resolve, did not plan to live. 他知道,萧晨雨既然这么说了,那就是已经下定决心,再也不打算活着回来了。 He understands the meaning of Xiao Chenyu, understands his choice: Even if can run away reluctantly with unusual cultivation base, in the face of the Law Enforcer so strength, sooner or later is also dies. Moreover this runs away will also damage own prestige, ten thousand years of illustrious name, a dynasty is shamed. 他明白萧晨雨的意思,也明白他的选择:就算是能凭着超凡修为勉强逃回来了,在执法者如此战力面前,迟早也是个死。而且这一逃还会更损自己的威名,万年英名,一朝蒙羞。 Even if dies, Xiao Chenyu does not want such to do.( To be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to cast the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, your support, is I biggest power.) 纵然死,萧晨雨也不想那样做。(未完待续。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来投推荐票、月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。) , ,
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