TTNH :: Volume #18

#1730: The war of bringing death

Originally, Chunbo has known, I also once know, was only a pity, I afterward forgot! Forgets cleanly, what is lucky, I think now, although thought late, but was thinks eventually!” “原来,春波一直都是知道的,我原本也曾经知道,只可惜,我后来忘了!忘得一干二净,万幸的是,我现在又想起来了,虽然想起来得晚了许多,但终究是想起来了!” If there is a next life, such stupid mistake cannot violate again. 【” “若有来生,这样愚蠢的错误决不能再犯。【” Brother everyone friend, if also who can live is seeing our people of father's generation...... Kowtows for me, kowtows for Chunbo! So Xiao Chenyu may subtract a regrettable matter!” Xiao Chenyu drinks greatly: Soldiers! With me, dies to fight!” 诸位老兄老弟,若是还有谁能活着见到咱们的父辈……替我磕个头,也替春波磕个头!如此萧晨雨可减去一桩憾事!”萧晨雨一声大喝:“儿郎们!跟着我,死战去!” Dies to fight!” “死战去!” Kills!” “杀!” Revenges!” “报仇!” Killed one to be under cost price, killed one to gain......” “杀一个就够本了,多杀一个就有赚……” Haha, this is Law Enforcer, usually looked Law Enforcer that does not dare to look is coming, has not thought that today the father has the opportunity to slaughter several unexpectedly personally! Must butcher several!” “哈哈,这可是执法者,平常连看都不敢看的执法者来着,没想到今日老子居然有机会亲手宰杀几个!一定要多宰几个啊!” ...... …… One intermittent or laughs wildly, or filled with grief, either in the solemn and stirring cry, hundreds of thousands Jiang Hu men follow in Xiao Chenyu behind the body, is similar to a huge advantage arrow, fired into Law Enforcer team both sides of coming simultaneously a shocking rave, the trim world simultaneously trembled, then, each other both sides on being similar to two meteors bumped into outrageously, loudly collision in one. 一阵阵或者狂笑,或者悲怆,或者悲壮的叫声中,十几万江湖汉子跟在萧晨雨身后,如同一只巨大的利箭,冲向了迎面而来的执法者队伍双方同时一声震天狂吼,整片天地同时为之震颤,然后,彼此双方就如同两颗流星悍然相撞,轰然碰撞在了一起。 This is also only the first wave, attacked everywhere flesh and blood! 这还只是第一波,就冲击出来了漫天的血肉! This occasion war started. Do we have a look?” Although is the tone that discussed that but Diwu Qingrou has stood in the inn. “此际大战已经开始了。我们也去看看?”虽然是商量的口吻,但第五轻柔已经在客栈中站了起来。 For Chu Yang and the others Guardian, although is important, but this war Diwu Qingrou does not want to miss, cannot miss, if has been short of assuming personal command of Diwu Qingrou, will only fear the aristocratic family allied armies a earlier collapse. 楚阳等人护法虽然重要,但这场大战第五轻柔也不想错过,更不能错过,若是少了第五轻柔的坐镇,只怕世家联军这边会更早崩溃。 Ling Muyang said: You feel at ease, I am responsible for remaining behind Guardian here, will not make anybody have the opportunity to stir up trouble they.” 凌暮阳道:“你安心去吧,我负责在这里留守护法,绝不会让任何人有机会滋扰到他们的。” Diwu Qingrou said: Good. Mo Tianji this will unable to come out, I must before looks...... Waits for Chu Yang they to come out, asked that any situation, I can also divide to explain.” 第五轻柔道:“好。莫天机这会出不来,我必须要到阵前看着点……等楚阳他们出来,问个什么情况,我也能够分说得明白。” Said that free and easy smiles. Takes a step to depart. 说完洒脱一笑。举步离去。 Han Xue, you take several people, escorts the Diwu Family Lord to go to that side the top, remember, does not allow him to have any accident! Takes this as the first premise!” Ling Muyang ordered immediately. 寒雪,你带上几个人,护送第五家主前往城头那边,记住,决计不允许他有任何失闪!以此为第一前提!”凌暮阳立即下令。 Ling Hanxue complies with one, immediately sends out, to lead several Ling Family masters. Goes rapidly. 凌寒雪答应一声,立即出动,带着十几位凌家高手。飞速而去。 Yue Lingxue, is looking at the people back quietly. On the face is having the meaning of heartfelt applause: This Diwu Qingrou, is good.” 月聆雪悄然而出,望着众人背影。脸上带着由衷的赞许之意:“这个第五轻柔,还是不错的。” Ling Muyang nods, said: Yes, most makes people think what is pleasing to the eyes, this person forever knows when should work \; Also forever can know when his position should where, understand what has to done, knows the onset and retreat, is really rare.” 凌暮阳点点头,道:“是的,最让人觉得顺眼的是,这个人永远知道在什么时候应该做什么事\;也永远都能知道,在什么时候他自己的位置应该在哪里,识时务,知进退,委实难得。” Yue Lingxue hehe smiles: Good. What is most valuable is. He understands to his localization clearly. Had Master of Nine Tribulations Sword and Nine Tribulations brain truster, with not having Master of Nine Tribulations Sword and Nine Tribulations brain truster...... His position is different. For the enemy and is the friend, is greatly different.” 月聆雪呵呵一笑:“不错。最可贵的是。他对自己的定位非常清楚明白。有了九劫剑主九劫智囊,与没有九劫剑主九劫智囊……他的位置是不一样的。为敌与为友,又是大不同。” But he is always very sober. This is extremely rare.” “但他始终很清醒。这就是极为难得的。” Ling Muyang blinks, said: Venerable Yue so esteems to this person,......” 凌暮阳眨眨眼,道:“月尊者对此人如此的推崇,难道……” Yue Lingxue shakes the head, laughs in spite of trying not to: This does not say any significance now...... At present demon tribulation calamity world, victory or defeat unknown. Life or death difficult material, but also thinks some no was actually fabricated......” 月聆雪摇头,失笑:“这个现在说没什么意义……眼下魔劫祸世,胜败未知。存亡难料,还多想那些有的没的却是虚妄了……” They simultaneously the relative soughing smile. 两人同时相对飒然一笑。 ...... …… At this moment, fights above the battlefield. 此刻,大战战场之上。 Especially in the curtain of rain of heavy rain. 尤在瓢泼的雨幕之中。 Xiao Chenyu provides leadership, the long sword like the wind, roars drinks greatly is crashing in the enemy position insistently, when sword glow turnover. Does not stay, in his body all around, tumbled is similar to shears the wheat to drop down generally at least several hundred people, must in a minute. 萧晨雨身先士卒,长剑如风,怒吼大喝着一马当先地冲进敌阵之中,剑芒吞吐之际。一路毫不停留,在他的身体周遭,翻翻滚滚如同割麦子一般的倒下了至少数百人,前后不过只得片刻光景。 left Zhangyou sword, tyrannical exceptionally. Along with the sword glow twinkle of long sword, left holds suddenly in airborne, shakes. Strikes! 左掌右剑,强横异常。随着长剑的剑芒闪烁,左掌猛地在空中一圈,一震。一击! The airborne curtain of rain had such bulk suddenly to stop suddenly, immediately, innumerable bean big raindrops along with his palm wind, to inundate smallpox rain form pu pu pu flew. 空中的雨幕有那么一大块突然间猛地停顿了下来,随即,无数豆大的雨点随着他的掌风,以漫天花雨的形式噗噗噗的飞了出去。 Under a palm vigorous strength urges, these raindrops are similar to the steel and iron cast unexpectedly general, the power and influence is astonishing, once falls on the body of person, hits the transparent blood holes the human without consulting anybody. 一掌雄浑劲力催逼之下,这些雨珠居然如同钢铁铸就一般,威势惊人,一旦落在人的身上,径自将人身上就打出来一个个透明的血洞。 Under a palm, selects raindrop simultaneously to depart surely flickers, left front over over 200 people accordingly but actually, almost the body of every person, is similar to the screen is unexpectedly common, the soybean thick or thin blood line shot off the mouth. 一掌之下,千万点雨滴同时飞出一瞬,左前方居然有超过200人以上应声而倒,几乎每个人的身上,都如同筛子一般,黄豆粗细的血线嗤嗤乱喷。 Pitiful yell sound moan imprecations continually Large expanse of resounding. 惨叫声呻吟声咒骂声连成片的响起。 Xiao Chenyu laughed aloud, immediately was a palm. 萧晨雨呵呵大笑,当下又是一掌。 The pitiful yell sound a piece, these because of the raindrop being near body, the severe wound actually had not died instantaneously continually especially, back and forth tumbles on the ground, unceasingly is actually not known is works in partnership or the footsteps of enemy steps in the body, the pitiful yell sound was even more sad and shrill three points. 惨叫声瞬间连成了一片,尤其那些因雨珠临身,重伤却未死的,在地上来回翻滚,却不断地被不知道是同伙还是敌人的脚步踩在身上,惨叫声愈加凄厉了三分。 Reached grade nine Supreme profound cultivation base by Xiao Chenyu, transported fully the skill, coped with front these to be even majority of using the rain water is not Supreme Law Enforcer Martial Warrior, seriously was when fled, easily accomplished. 萧晨雨已臻九品至尊的高深修为,运足了功力,利用雨水对付面前这些甚至大部分都不是至尊执法者武士,当真是当者披靡,摧枯拉朽。 Whole person left Chongyou suddenly, irresistible, likes the potential of bullying unexpectedly! 整个人左冲右突,势不可挡,竟有如虎入羊群之势! Follows in his behind the body, the Jiang Hu people in some remaining several hundred Xiao Family master also many Capital City see this situation energetic big quake, called to kill. 在他身后跟随的,残余的数百名萧家高手还有许多中都城中的江湖人见此情况不禁精神大震,嗷嗷叫着杀过去。 That side Xiao Chenyu, how many people this time came?” Sovereign of the Law and Ping Xiaoyun sit facing each other, the middle is putting a checkerboard. The head is a big canopy, falling of raindrop pu pu pu on the canopy, splashes the innumerable drizzle, immediately was destroyed by the raindrop. 萧晨雨那边,这次来了多少人?”法尊平霄云相对而坐,中间放着一个棋盘。头上是一个大大的伞盖,雨滴噗噗噗的落在伞盖上,溅起无数的雨雾,随即又被雨滴打碎。 Opposite Ping Xiaoyun complexion very ugly, to the utmost the pale meaning, did not say a word, was similar to machinery general playing chess. 对面的平霄云脸色十分的难看,极尽惨白之意,一言不发,如同机械一般的下着棋。 Answering, in another side, is actually closely watching out battlefield grade eight Supreme, this language fast extremely quick, is systematic: Lord Sovereign of the Law, on the side of Xiao Chenyu, this time sets out the population to equal 163,400 people! Un, is not right, before the moment, to/clashes a military strength of aiding, population numerous, at present the total military strengths of these two gangs of troops have surpassed 400,000.” 回话的,却是在另一边,正密切注视战场的一位八品至尊,此人语速极快,条理分明:“法尊大人,萧晨雨一边,此次出动人数合计163400人!嗯,不对,片刻之前又冲出来一股接应的兵力,人数更众,目前这两股人马的总兵力已经超过了400000。” New rush out that wave of reinforcements, are actually Ye Chenchen worried that Xiao Chenyu so strong attacks to lose, sending out family grade nine Supreme to lead northern gate to gather the massive Jiang Hu skilled people to attack to aid. 冲出去的那一波援兵,却是夜沉沉担心萧晨雨如此强势出击有失,派出家族一位九品至尊率领北门聚集大量江湖好手出击接应。 Initially distributed to the Xiao Chenyu military strength, had achieved the audiences of 500 thousand. But after Xiao Chenyu pushes to the front rush out, later the surface several hundred people came one to halt suddenly, their this stopped, the following person was perplexed, stopped, so presented a fault, by only has 100,000 along with the first wave of military strength that Xiao Chenyu went to battle with. 当初分派给萧晨雨的兵力,本就已经达到了五十万之众。但萧晨雨一马当先冲出去之后,稍后面的数百人不知怎地来了一个突然止步,他们这一停下,更后面的人不明所以,跟着停了下来,如此就出现了一个断层,是以随着萧晨雨出战的第一波兵力就只有100000而已。 Ye Chenchen sees this situation to fly into a rage, immediately distributes the manpower, cuts to kill several hundred people that halts in northern gate, then sent out the master to lead the remaining people to clash. 夜沉沉见此情形勃然大怒,立即分派人手,将那止步不前的几百人就地斩杀在北门,然后又派出高手带着剩下的人冲了出去。 This so-called backing team actually noisy does not have the least bit methodicalness. 只是这支所谓的后援队伍却是乱哄哄的全无半点章法。 Attacks, unexpectedly unceasingly some people sneak away \; Therefore cuts to kill. 一路出击,居然一路不断有人溜号\;于是就是一路斩杀。 When broke through 50 miles place distance, rushed to the both sides war battlefield time, this has not encountered any enemy, the single is cuts to kill the military deserter, these pour in the ground lying this way and that corpse, had enough several thousand numbers! 等到冲过50里地的距离,冲到了双方大战战阵之中的时候,这一路还没有遭遇任何敌人,单只是斩杀逃兵,那些倒在地上横七竖八的尸体,已有足足数千之数! In top, the complexions of all people ugly. 城头上,所有人的脸色都难看得要死。 This weaponry, is not only not optimistic, must have no way to hit simply! 这仗,不但不乐观,简直要没法打下去了! Xiao Yu early morning the powerful attacks, obtains the temporary advantage, although has raised the morale, but the fault event of following personnel, completely has actually exposed the weakness of one's own side, has not made war, dies head in own manpower, 110 numbers, this fights the running free war, once is in unfavorable situation, instantly hasn't totaled military defeat? 萧雨晨强势出击,取得一时之利,虽然鼓舞了士气,但后续人员的断层事件,却彻底暴露了己方的弱点,还未开战,死在自己人手上的人头,就已经有110之数,这还是打顺风仗,一旦失利,还不即刻兵败如山倒? A piece of white light glitters, an ice-cold aura twinkling transmits. 一片白光闪烁,一股冰冷的气息瞬息传来。 Does not need to turn head, Ye Chenchen and the others also knows that was Ling Family that side person came, only had the Ling Family person, can so bring such cold air along. 不用回头,夜沉沉等人也知道是凌家那边的人来了,也唯有凌家人,才能这般随身自带着这样的寒气。 In addition, Diwu Qingrou also rushed. 此外,还有第五轻柔也赶到了。 The distant place, the manpower in Diwu Clan aspect is catching up in spite of the rain. 远方,第五家族方面的人手正在冒雨赶来。 Looks at the both sides war, the Diwu Qingrou complexion is an ugliness. 一看双方战局,第五轻柔的脸色就是一阵难看。 Motley crew, completely is a motley crew!” Diwu Qingrou sighed again and again. “乌合之众,全部都是乌合之众!”第五轻柔连连叹息。 This kind of methodicalness no attack, how many times even if the population are more than also to have what using the opposite party? Battle team edge a horizontal corpse piece, several thousand people of violent death, among the teams the move, could not have seen including the enemy anything appearance unexpectedly! 这样一点章法都没有的进攻,纵然人数比对方多几倍又有何用?交战的队伍的边缘处已经横尸一片,数千人死于非命,,队伍中间居然还有一招未出的,连敌人什么样子都看不到的! Reviews the opposite, the team in Law Enforcer aspect, although cannot say that any rigid discipline is well-trained, but at least also has certain specification discipline! 反观对面,执法者方面的队伍虽然也说不上什么纪律严明训练有素,但起码也是有一定规格纪律的! This also called to go to war! 这也叫打仗! Is bringing death radically! 根本就是在送死! If directed the team in Law Enforcer aspect by Diwu Qingrou, have confidence to absolutely weakly here three times of military strength, perfect annihilating that group of motley crew. 若是由第五轻柔来指挥执法者方面的队伍,那么,绝对有把握以弱于这边三倍的兵力,完美的歼灭这边的那群乌合之众。 Even, is not necessarily able to present the too big casualties, the victory is absolutely magnificent Lord Sovereign of the Law, the opposite party has no less than 400,000 people of military strength, but us, actually only then 160,000 people accept a challenge, each other differs somewhat disparately. Should send out to reenforce?” On that grade eight Supreme face somewhat sweats. 甚至,都未必会出现太大的伤亡,战果绝对辉煌“法尊大人,对方有不少于400000人的兵力,而我们这边,却只有160000人应战,彼此相差得有些悬殊。是不是该派出增援了?”那位八品至尊脸上有些冒汗。 If such hits seriously, Sovereign of the Law does not allow some people on site to direct the combat, in the individual intuition fight of people with battlefield . Moreover the population by far is less than the opposite party...... 若是当真这么打下去,法尊又不允许有人临场指挥作战,就只是凭着战场上众人的个人直觉战斗,而且人数还是远远少于对方的…… The person who although the opposite party dies be much more than one's own side, but also is a massive loss. 虽然对方死的人要比己方多得多,但也是一笔巨大的损失啊。 You said is also reasonable. That again assigns 240,000 people to come up \; Let them come a fair decisive battle, has a look finally successfully to be anyone.” Saying that Sovereign of the Law does not lift. “你说的也有道理。那就再调派240000人上去\;让他们双方来一个公平决战,看看最终胜利属谁。”法尊头也不抬的说道。 „, Is this war responsible for directing by whom?” That grade eight Supreme awkward asking. “那么,此战由谁负责指挥呢?”那位八品至尊为难的问道。 Direction? Why can direct?” The Sovereign of the Law complexion sinks, said densely: „The opposite party has not been on site to direct, our does Law Enforcer instead want what nuisance to direct?” “指挥?为什么要指挥?”法尊脸色一沉,森然说道:“对方都没有临场指挥,难道我们执法者反而要什么劳什子指挥?” „? This......” that grade eight Supreme is stunned. “啊?这个……”那位八品至尊愕然。 Later everybody Law Enforcement Jiang Hu, basically is list Duxing (solitary) moves, even if occasionally has the coordination, at best is also only several people collaborates to battle, can we also each time distribute Military Advisor to direct?” Sovereign of the Law light saying: Law Enforcer strongest is the individual operational capacity. If this point was unable to train, that later is used for the Law Enforcement world?”( To be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to cast the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, your support, is I biggest power.) “以后大伙执法江湖,基本上都是单独行动,纵然偶有配合,充其量也就只是十几个人联手作战,难道我们还每次都要分派个军师去指挥吗?”法尊淡淡的说道:“执法者最强的就是单兵作战能力。若是这一点还不能培养出来,那以后用什么来执法天下?”(未完待续。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来投推荐票、月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。) , ,
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