TTNH :: Volume #18

#1729: The heaven does not give me to take responsibility, how about does slaughter extinguish the world?

Hundreds of thousands of people, such order makes the corpse, suddenly, the entire sky, has been full of a corpse flavor/smell, permanent is not loose. 数十万人,就这么一声命令化做尸体,一时间,整个中都的上空,都充满了一股死尸的味道,恒久不散。 Heard that the desire vomits. 闻之欲呕。 The Sovereign of the Law army has not arrived, here already first purge one time. This slaughter, lets all Jiang Hu military people are keep quiet out of fear. Regarding various Great Clans issue orders, was amenable. 法尊大军未到,这里已经先清洗了一次。这次屠杀,让所有江湖武人都是噤若寒蝉。对于各大家族发布命令,也是顺从了许多。 Getting quick results. 立竿见影。 The sky unexpectedly links a faint trace the wind not to have, the late autumn, the weather was hot strange. 中都上空竟然连一丝丝的风也没有,已经深秋,天气却是热得邪乎。 The air as if stopped flowing. 空气似乎都停止了流动。 On the avenue, everyone is round trip in a hurry, the calm face did not say a word. Expressions on the face, are similar to is walking the corpse are ordinary. 大街上,每个人都是来去匆匆,沉着脸一言不发。一个个脸上的表情,都如同是行走着的僵尸一般。 The eye braves the azure light, the look is fierce. As if looked that no one was pleasing to the eyes, wishes one could to kill the satisfactory general mania. 眼冒青光,神色狰狞。似乎看谁都不顺眼,恨不得都杀了才顺心一般的狂躁。 The time finally the third day that goes to Chu Yang and the others to close up the morning. 时光终于去到了楚阳等人闭关的第三天早晨。 Suddenly, entire Capital City presents a tumult. 突然间,整个中都城出现一阵骚动。 Came to come, came...... on avenue to have a person to yell really first, was similar to the sound must cry general. “来了来了,真的来了……”大街上先是有一个人在叫喊,那把声音如同要哭出来一般。 Came...... The Law Enforcer army came......” more people also to call. “来了来了……执法者大军来了……”更多的人也叫了起来。 Some people carry good cultivation base, but arrives at this news on first hearing, unexpectedly frightened sits on the ground. 有的人身负不俗修为,但乍一听到这个消息,居然吓得一屁股坐在了地上。 Law Enforcer arrived, the end approaches finally! 执法者到了,末日终于来临! All people simultaneously raise one's head look. 所有人同时抬头看去。 Sees only in sky over, slowly from has floated intermittent smoke cloud in all directions...... 只见在中都上空,慢慢地从四面八方飘来了一阵阵烟云…… Ling Muyang is just about to have a look at the situation, actually sees Feng Yurou whiz came out, simple instruction: Has a look at the situation by me, you are paying attention to here, must guarantee safely peaceful, do not let the people who anything disturbs to close up.” 凌暮阳正要出去看看情况,却见风雨柔“嗖”的一声出来了,简单的吩咐道:“由我去看看情况,你注意着这里,一定要确保安全安静,不要让任何事情打扰到闭关的众人。” Ling Muyang naturally very much respects in front of Feng Yurou, bows to comply saying: Yes.” 凌暮阳风雨柔面前自然是很尊敬的,躬身答应道:“是。” The voice has not fallen. The Feng Yurou whole person did not have the shadow. 话音未落。风雨柔整个人已经没了影子。 Until this time, heard airborne „”, the front clear appearance a space fissure, is actually Feng Yurou grazing of rapidly, has cut the space directly. 直到这时候,才听到空中“唰”的一声,面前清晰的出现了一道空间裂痕,却是风雨柔的急速的飞掠,直接划破了空间。 Whiz. “嗖”的一声。 Feng Yurou appears on the highest mountain peak, the look looks toward all around. 风雨柔出现在中都最高的山峰上,眼神向着四周望去。 Under heart cannot help but a sigh. 心下不由得一声叹息。 Law Enforcer, Sovereign of the Law, came. 执法者,法尊,真的来了。 Now, although still could not see any Law Enforcer form. But, beyond all around thousand li (500 km), can actually clear seeing brave the thick mist and dust from east, south, west, and north each direction. 现在,虽然仍旧看不到任何一个执法者的身影。但,四周千里之外,却能清晰的看到自东南西北各个方向都冒起来了浓浓的烟尘。 Similar to is everywhere wind and cloud sudden eight, turns toward the middle position to well up together. 就如同是漫天风云突然八面起,一起向着中间位置涌过来。 Another extremely evil dark imposing murderous aura appears distantly, even if widely separated by remote of thousand li (500 km). Also may distinguish to obtain easily! 另有一股极度邪恶黑暗的凛然杀气遥遥浮现,纵然是远隔千里之遥。也可轻易分辨得到! This grade of momentum, the Sovereign of the Law Law Enforcer army least answer 1 million audiences, can make the so astonishing effect! 这等声势,法尊执法者大军最少得数1000000之众,才能制造出这般惊人的效果! slaughter comes, looked that rich mist and dust covers the trim blue sky gradually, Feng Yurou knows, thing that Sovereign of the Law this, unexpectedly just can burn. Lit completely. 一路杀戮而来,看那浓郁的烟尘渐渐地将整片青天覆盖,风雨柔已经知道,法尊这一路,竟是将将能够燃烧的东西。全部都点燃了。 And not only then the houses, common people residence and farmland, have included the mountain, jungle, in brief. All can burn ignite...... 其中不只有房舍、民居、农田,更包括了高山,密林,总之。一切可以燃烧得都点着了…… Sovereign of the Law, why do you become so extreme?” In the Feng Yurou eye reveals extremely painful, muttered: You originally, although sense of purpose was bigger. Treats Master of Nine Tribulations Sword and all previous Law Enforcer objective rebels \; But you are actually not an inhuman person, why present you such extreme......” 法尊,你为何会变得如此偏激?”风雨柔眼中露出一丝的沉痛,喃喃自语:“原本的你,虽然目的性大了些。对待九劫剑主与历代执法者的宗旨相悖逆\;但你却绝不是一个灭绝人性的人,为什么现在的你会如此的极端……” You have applied many means. The measure, can feel clearly: You are good for this mainland! But now, why turned so has traced the type? Even if received the Devil influence, may not should......” “你施行了很多的办法。措施,都能让人清晰地感觉出来:你是为了这个大陆好!但现在,为何就变成了这般摸样?纵然是受了天魔影响,可也不应该啊……” „Does single to divulge the suffering from injustice pain in heart, need to slaughter the world in this way?” “单只是为了宣泄心中的委屈痛苦,就要如斯屠戮天下吗?” Feng Yurou standing, in the heart the infinite question actually does not know how should divulge, should ask to who! 风雨柔怔怔的站立,心中无限疑问却不知该如何宣泄,该向何人发问! Remembers behind that piece by piece black smog, follows innumerable living thing become charcoals inevitably, the sharp pain that in the heart cannot bear. These, are husband and wife and the others, all previous innumerable Law Enforcer worthy people of former times later generation, harmonious world that the laborious tens of thousands year builds! 想起那一片片黑色烟雾后面,必然伴随着无数的生灵涂炭,心中就忍不住的绞痛。这些,本是自己夫妇等人,历代无数的执法者先贤后辈,辛苦数万年打造出来的和谐世界! Such was destroyed in a moment by that person! 就这么被被那个人毁于一旦! Sovereign of the Law!” Feng Yurou cries, the sound is similar to a Dawley arrow, has cut the expansive sky without consulting anybody, passed on by far, changed to the billowing startling thunderclap above nine days. 法尊!”风雨柔大叫一声,声音如同一道利箭,径自划破了长空,远远地传了出去,在九天之上化作了滚滚惊雷。 At the same time, in the top of the heads of several thousand miles surrounding area all people loudly crack! 同一时间里,在数千里方圆所有人的头顶上轰然炸响! Sovereign of the Law! You come out to give me to answer!” Feng Yurou raised the air/Qi to call out: I am Feng Yurou!” 法尊!你出来给我回话!”风雨柔提气叫道:“我是风雨柔!” Below, all people shake for it heart! 下面,所有人都为之心头一震! Feng Yurou. 风雨柔 Two Venerables Feng and Yue, Nine Heavens patron god! 风月二尊者,九重天的守护神! The Feng and Yue two people, it can be said that in the Law Enforcer ranks are next to No. 2 existence of Sovereign of the Law! 风月二人,可以说是执法者行列中仅次于法尊的第二号存在! I, no matter you are Dongfang Badao, is Diwu Chouchang! You come out! You come out to me!” Feng Yurou called out: You dare to cause such Great Array weaponry, actually linked with the courage that I talked does not have? You come out!” “我不管你是东方霸道,还是第五惆怅!你出来!你给我出来!”风雨柔叫道:“你敢弄出这么大阵仗,却连跟我对话的勇气都没有了么?你出来啊!” Airborne, along with the Feng Yurou roaring sound, bang a series of startling thunderclap also crack, thundering horizon. 空中,随着风雨柔的咆哮声音,轰隆隆一连串惊雷也同时炸响,轰鸣天际。 But, that billowing thunder sound, is always incompetent to press the Feng Yurou sound. 但,那滚滚的雷音,始终无能将风雨柔的声音压下去。 Full Tianyun fog, everywhere mist and dust, electricity glow shuttles back and forth to appear intermittently. 天云雾,漫天的烟尘,一道道的电芒在其中穿梭隐现。 Brushes...... 刷刷刷…… Ye Chenchen and the others also one after another flies the mountain top, stood Feng Yurou behind the body. 夜沉沉等人也接连飞上山头,站到了风雨柔身后 The arrivals of Feng Yurou to some people just likes has not thought that ignores. The people did not speak, but was standing in her behind the body respectfully. 风雨柔对这一干人的到来恍如未觉,置之不理。众人也都不说话,只是恭敬地在她身后站立着。 Long time long time, simple and elegant sound faintly recognizable distant transmitting. 良久良久,一个清雅的声音飘飘渺渺的远远传来。 Sovereign of the Law sound. 正是法尊的声音。 Venerable Feng, does not see for a long time.” 风尊者,好久不见。” Feng Yurou shouted to clear the way: You said that you are what kind of? How is willing to receive the hand?” 风雨柔喝道:“你说,你到底想怎样?怎样才肯收手?” Laughter spooky heavy resounding of Sovereign of the Law: Venerable asked how I am willing to receive the hand actually to be held responsible the wrong person, Nine Heavens this occasion had been invaded by Devil...... I am Sovereign of the Law, leads Law Enforcer, Jin Mofen, is duty-bound! Even if must pay the huge price for this reason, refuses to balk. I know Venerable Feng bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind, benevolent mind, but, but also asked Venerable Feng do not urge anything again...... That does not have the significance.” 法尊的笑声幽幽沉沉的响起:“尊者问我如何才肯收手却是问错人了,九重天此际已经被天魔侵染……我身为法尊,率领执法者,一靖魔氛,责无旁贷!纵然要为此付出巨大代价,也是在所不惜的。我知道风尊者悲天悯人,仁慈胸怀,不过,还请风尊者不要再劝什么……那没意义。” Feng Yurou lovable body somewhat shivers, said fierce: Sovereign of the Law, the real man was born in world, when conduct has a clear conscience, your so to invert black and white, can to confuse right and wrong, once have to blush?” 风雨柔娇躯有些颤抖,厉声道:“法尊,大丈夫生于天地之间,行事首当问心无愧,你如此颠倒黑白,混淆是非,可曾有脸红么?” Sovereign of the Law calmly said: Today's weather is not quite good, rains shortly. Venerable Feng, wind heavy rain is cold, takes care surely.” 法尊静静地说道:“今天的天气不太好,眼看着下雨了。风尊者,风大雨寒,千万保重身体啊。” Hence, does not have any sound to spread unexpectedly again. 至此,竟是再也没有任何声音传出。 No matter how Feng Yurou said again that the Sovereign of the Law sound has not appeared throughout again. 不管风雨柔再怎么说,法尊的声音始终没有再出现。 Passes the moment again, a thunderclap crack, the bean big raindrop falls loudly, the ground splashes quickly light windblown dust, immediately by heavy rain to not having. 再过片刻,一声霹雳轰然炸响,豆大的雨点啪啪落下,地上很快地就溅起来一层薄薄的尘烟,随即已被大雨冲没了。 Whistling the rumor has blown swiftly and fiercely. 呼呼的风声凌厉地刮了起来。 In the world completely is a boundlessness. 天地之间尽是一片苍茫。 In the above fog, lightnings spread across, thunderclap thunderclap of linking up into a single stretch such bang resounding one after another. 上空云雾之中,一道道的闪电纵横交错,连成一片的霹雳雷声就这么轰隆隆的接连响起。 In world more and more obviously gloomy, to afterward almost put out a hand not to see the five fingers. 天地之间越来越显阴暗,到后来几乎就是伸手不见五指了。 Only has in instant, can illuminate this that the thunderclap glistens to turn into the dark world completely, fine rain that as well as that falls in torrents crazily. 唯有在霹雳闪亮的刹那,才能照亮这完全变成了黑暗的世界,以及那正疯狂倾泻的雨丝。 As if, Heaven is also furious for world brutal murdering. 似乎,上苍也为了人间这场残酷至极的杀伐而震怒。 Standing that Feng Yurou and the others decides in summit, was drenched the whole body soak by the rain water, the whole body is icy cold, including a heart, only rain icy cold piece. 风雨柔等人定定的站在山顶,被雨水淋得浑身透湿,浑身冰凉,连一颗心,也只雨冰凉一片。 Venerable Feng.” The Ye Chenchen dry sound called out. 风尊者。”夜沉沉干涩的声音叫道。 War! Now regardless of says anything again, did not have the significance!” Feng Yurou has not turned head, but calmly said: No matter life and death victory or defeat, has had no alternative, only then fought.” “战吧!现在无论再说什么,也没有意义了!”风雨柔没有回头,只是静静地说道:“不管生死胜败,中都都已经别无选择,惟有一战了。” Ye Chenchen, the complexion of Xiao Chenyu some people completely is mournful. 夜沉沉,萧晨雨一干人的脸色尽是一片凄然。 Suddenly, the distant place simultaneously transmits the shocking call in all directions! 突然,远方四面八方同时传来震天呐喊! That is all Law Enforcer, during the same period of time, shouting oneself hoarse roared! 那是所有执法者,在同一时间里,声嘶力竭的吼叫了出来! In massacre!” 血洗中都!” In massacre!” 血洗中都!” In massacre!” 血洗中都!” The sound that shocks in this way, as if entire also trembled, including people the mountain, in rustle shivers, crash-bang had the stone to tumble unceasingly. 如斯震撼的声音,似乎整个中都也都颤栗了起来,连众人脚下的这座高山,也在簌簌颤抖,哗啦啦的不断有石头滚落了下去。 Ye Chenchen and the others complexion even more pale. 夜沉沉等人脸色愈发的惨白。 A long sound spreads over ten thousand miles mountains and rivers in the shocking call clearly. 一个悠悠的声音在震天的呐喊中清晰传遍万里山河。 Sovereign of the Law. 法尊 Only listens to him to recite leisurely long: Everywhere the beacon settles on, two dye Jiang Hu bloody, the heaven does not give me to take responsibility, how about does the slaughter extinguish the world?!” 只听他悠悠长吟道:“遍地烽烟看中都,两手血腥染江湖,苍天不予我做主,屠灭人间又何如?!” Feng Yurou said fierce: Walks!” 风雨柔厉声道:“走!” The slender body first in airborne dodges, the lightning suddenly illuminates that flash of world, the Feng Yurou slender body vanished in everywhere drizzle. 窈窕的身子首先在空中一闪,闪电蓦然照亮天地的那一瞬间,风雨柔窈窕的身子已经消失在漫天雨雾之中。 In the morning. 上午。 The boundless heavy rain still did not have the meaning that the least bit stands still, instead is gets down more and more intensely. Flip-flop hitting must the earth thundering chaotic sound \; A trim horizon still darkness. 磅礴大雨仍旧没有半点停歇的意思,反而是下得越来越激烈。噼噼啪啪的打得大地轰鸣乱响\;整片天际依然一片漆黑。 The army in Law Enforcer aspect, 150 miles outside Capital City has pitched camp at this moment! That is full of destruction meaning the slaughter atmosphere, actually still huge has pressed. 执法者方面的大军,此刻已经在中都城外150里扎营!那股充满毁灭意味的杀戮气氛,却仍旧庞然的压了过来。 In Capital City, in great confusion, the weeping sound resounds, one such as end in the future. 中都城内,乱成一团,哭声响成一片,一如末日将来。 How long also had not known, the heavy rain was still continuing, the lightning thundering was still thundering, a sound is similar to gold/metal Tiejiao calls, forceful: Attack! First breaks northern gate!” 又过了不知多久,大雨仍在持续,闪电轰雷仍在轰鸣,一个声音如同金铁交鸣,铿锵有力:“进攻!先破中都北门!” Obviously, the Law Enforcer aspect was impatient, even if the rain cats and dogs, must persist in attacking, in massacre! 显然,执法者方面已经迫不及待了,即便是大雨倾盆,仍要坚持进攻,血洗中都! Calls out the sound to resound sad and shrill one after another, the tens of thousands master in Law Enforcer aspect also such as lightnings, rapidly raid. In everywhere torrential downpour, is similar to the evil spirit goes out! 一阵凄厉嚎叫声接连响起,执法者方面的数万高手亦如一道道闪电,飞速袭来。就在漫天的瓢泼大雨之中,一个个如同厉鬼出关! Has launched unexpectedly such first wave of attack! 竟然就这么展开了第一波的进攻! The Law Enforcer team makes a long and wearisome journey to come, is facing several hundred years of also rarely seen heavy rain \; Sovereign of the Law does not repair and maintain the army unexpectedly, has not given how much relaxation times, early launched the attack! 执法者队伍长途跋涉而来,又正面临着数百年也难得一见的大雨\;法尊居然根本不修整部队,根本没给出多少休息时间,早早地发动了进攻! Is fought the first war by me!” Xiao Chenyu cries, pushing to the front flushed. “由我来打第一战吧!”萧晨雨大叫一声,一马当先的冲了出去。 In his behind the body, is the Xiao Family only a small number of masters, as well as hundreds of thousands Jiang Hu masters! Everybody complexion grief and indignation, look decidedly. 在他身后,是萧家仅余的少数高手,以及十几万江湖高手!人人脸色悲愤,神色决然。 Just likes tidal gushes out northern gate, outrageously to Law Enforcer army. 犹如潮水般地涌出北门,悍然对上执法者大军。 Today I, if died in battle unfortunately, when looks for Chunbo to drink, is most important, compensates a crime to him!” Xiao Chenyu face upwards the long and loud cry, laughs: Originally to crucial moment, knows what in the life most cannot and most not should giving up is anything, what most should insist is anything.” “今日我若不幸战死,当去找春波喝酒,最重要的,是向他赔个罪!”萧晨雨仰天长啸,哈哈大笑:“原来到了生死关头,才知道一生之中最不能、最不该放弃的是什么,最应该坚持的是什么。”
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