TTNH :: Volume #18

#1728: Only hope

Chen Yingfeng sneers, saying of cynically: Master of Nine Tribulations Sword side how many people, perform are the lanugo have not shed the young fellow completely, do not say that does not have no news of activity, what movement even if has, can send back Sovereign of the Law Law Enforcer aspect the army in surely to be inadequate? Any Nine Tribulations Legend, I!” 陈迎风冷笑一声,阴阳怪气的说道:“还有九劫剑主身边那几个人,尽都是胎毛还没褪尽的毛头小子,不要说是没有什么动静,就算是有什么动作,难道还能退掉法尊执法者方面的千万大军不成?什么九劫传说,我呸!” Xiao Chenyu coldly looked at Chen Yingfeng one, indifferently said: Against the wind, you also wanted insanely, you said that what Chu Yang also had his brothers to be good, but Nine Tribulations Legend these four characters, were you can blaspheme?!” 萧晨雨冷冷的看了陈迎风一眼,淡淡道:“迎风,你是不是也要疯了,你说楚阳还有他那些兄弟什么都行,但九劫传说这四个字,是你可以亵渎的吗?!” Other people, glower. 其他众人,纷纷怒目而视。 Ye Qiuye and Shi Paoxiao almost want to beat severely Chen Yingfeng. 叶秋叶石咆哮几乎就想要冲上来将陈迎风痛打一顿。 Nine Tribulations Legend, may also includes their fathers. Chen Yingfeng these words, have violated the popular anger absolutely. 九劫传说,可也是包括他们的父亲。陈迎风这几句话,绝对的犯了众怒。 Ye Chenchen dignified say/way: Do not quarrel again, goes back respectively, prepares to split up the strength in city, then our to convene master leads, is dies lives, a war, this during, does not fight to die at risk of life now, with every effort a war, but can also wrestle a luck.” 夜沉沉威严的道:“你们不要再吵了,各自回去,准备将城里的力量分化一下,然后我们召集高手率领,是死是活,拼死一战吧,现在这个当口,不战要死,尽力一战,还能搏个侥幸。” Chen Yingfeng bitter smile, took the lead, was does not return unexpectedly. 陈迎风惨笑一声,率先走了,竟是头也不回。 This is in the city the approximate distributions of all Jiang Hu strengths...... I have divided to be eight directions teams them, at present, was short of an efficient leader......” “这是城中所有江湖力量的大致分布……我已经将他们分作了八个方向的队伍,目前,就欠缺一个得力的领导者了……” Diwu Qingrou hands over a paper, above writes the military strength divisions of various places. Even, has many people including each region, can form many strengths, contacts with anyone, is headed by whom, in some region Jiang Hu person whose prestige is highest, who is most influential, whose financial resource are biggest...... 第五轻柔递过来一张纸,上面写着各处的兵力划分。甚至,连每一个区域之中有多少人,可以形成多少战力,联系谁,以谁为首,某区域江湖人之中谁的威望最高,谁最有影响力,谁的财力最大…… How to form an army, how to form a team to display a stronger strength...... Wait/Etc.. 如何成军,如何组队才能发挥更强战力……等等。 Has the clear explanation. 都有清晰的说明。 In all people when does not have housefly to fly generally randomly, Diwu Qingrou with the weak strength of own family, has achieved the above all these unexpectedly, it makes extraordinary painstaking efforts to be inferred. 在所有人都在没头苍蝇一般乱飞的时候,第五轻柔竟然已经凭着自己家族的微弱实力,做到了以上的这一切,其苦心孤诣可见一斑。 Must know in such a short time. Analysis world military force, but must rationally, that should be the how difficult matter! In Diwu Qingrou the past few days, absolute has not slept! 要知道在这么短的时间里。分析天下武力,还要头头是道,那该是多么困难的事情!第五轻柔这几天里,绝对的没有睡觉! Was laborious you! Diwu Family Lord.” Ye Chenchen received to come to see one, cannot help but is unexpectedly moved. “辛苦你了!第五家主。”夜沉沉接过来看了一眼,竟也不由得为之动容。 Ye Family is in various Great Aristocratic Families strength preserves most complete one at present, is the local bully of this place, but absolutely does not have the pointed strategy, compared with the Diwu Qingrou achievement, high under stands sentences! 夜家是各大世家中目前实力保全最完整的一家,更是此地的地头蛇,但却完全没有针对性策略,与第五轻柔的作为相比,高下立判! Even if Ye Chenchen. Also cannot help but thinks in the heart ashamed. 纵然是夜沉沉。也不由得觉得心中惭愧之极。 Carving of matter of life and death, to ask life force, does everything possible.” Diwu Qingrou free and easy smiling of: Perhaps although the final outcome still will end by the tragedy, but, actually cannot sit waiting for death in any event. Puts one's heart and soul, can die, but not regret!” 生死存亡之刻,为求一线生机,尽力而为罢了。”第五轻柔洒脱的笑了笑:“虽然最终结果或许仍旧会以悲剧收场,但,无论如何却也不能坐以待毙。尽心竭力,方能死而不悔!” Yes! Cannot sit waiting for death! Puts one's heart and soul, can die, but not regret!” “是!不能坐以待毙!尽心竭力,方能死而不悔!” Ye Chenchen gently, somewhat lost has duplicated one. 夜沉沉轻轻地,有些出神的重复了一句。 Immediately several old ancestors have circulated that paper, immediately the dignified diving posture departs in abundance. 随即几位老祖都将那张纸传看了一遍,随即纷纷神情凝重的飞身离去。 Now when is imminent, does not wait for us. Must launch to move immediately, early moment moves. Can many life force...... 现在已经是迫在眉睫之时,时不我待。必须要即时展开行动了,早一刻行动。或者就能多一点生机…… Diwu Qingrou walks, Ye Chenchen, still stands is standing a roof, crosses the hands behind the back to stand. In the upper air fierce wind howls, moves Ye Chenchen black clothes black robe, almost must dissipate him in this airborne. 第五轻柔走的时候,夜沉沉独自一人,依然站在站头最高处,负手而立。高空中狂风呼啸,吹动夜沉沉的黑衣黑袍,几乎要将他消散于这空中。 A Xiao Se (desolate) desolate atmosphere, sends out from his around the body. 一阵萧瑟苍凉的氛围,从他身周散发出来。 Diwu Qingrou only looked at one. Sighed on the heart, only felt in heart heavy. Wishes one could to trample to descend the mountain a Ye Chenchen foot. 第五轻柔只看了一眼。就心头叹气,只感觉心中沉甸甸的。恨不得将夜沉沉一脚踹下山去。 Because he looked: Ye Chenchen despaired now! 因为他已经看了出来:夜沉沉现在已经绝望了! Ye Chenchen and Ye Family are aristocratic family allied armies cultivation base are highest, that the strength preservation most completes, linked him to despair unexpectedly! 夜沉沉夜家已经是世家联军这边修为最高,实力保存最完成的一家,竟连他都绝望了! Mentality that although its life and death fight also has, but in the heart did not have the confidence to win victories. 虽然其决死一战的心态还有,但心中已经没有了必胜的信心。 Ye Chenchen, is at present in Nine Great Clans prestige and status is a highest person...... 夜沉沉,是目前九大家族之中威望和身份都是最高的一个人啊…… Follows one not to have confidence commander to soon the war of arrival...... 跟随一个没有对即将到来之战全无信心的统帅…… Does this weaponry also hit? 这仗还怎么打? The result that this fights, can be imagined. 这一战的结果,已经可想而知。 Diwu Qingrou silent sighing, the meteor rushes to the mountain peak. Dashes toward Capital City. 第五轻柔无声的叹气,流星般奔下山峰。向着中都城里飞奔。 He only wants to see Chu Yang now, he wants to ask, Chu Yang, Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, what means do you have? 他现在只想要见到楚阳,他真的想问一问,楚阳,九劫剑主,您还有没有什么办法? But is main, Diwu Qingrou believes absolutely: Even if were Ye Family gave up, Ye Chenchen gave up, all people gave up all over the world, Chu Yang is will not give up absolutely! 而最主要的,第五轻柔绝对相信一点:就算是夜家放弃了,夜沉沉放弃了,普天之下所有的人都放弃了,楚阳也是绝对不会放弃的! Regarding this point, Diwu Qingrou some suspicion, has never been believing. 对于这一点,第五轻柔从来不曾有过怀疑,一直坚信着。 The Nine Tribulations legend, is always legend, so-called legend, in many impossible to create magnificently! 九劫传奇,从来都是传奇,所谓传奇,就是在许多的不可能中创造辉煌! Initially, Chu Yang went to Iron Cloud Nation time, to be how could it not be similar to the present form? Then Iron Cloud, like present. 当初,楚阳去到铁云国的时候,岂不就与现在的形式差不多?当时的铁云,恰如现在的中都。 But present Sovereign of the Law, with Great Zhao that initially led approximately also similar. 而现在的法尊,与自己当初领导的大赵大致也差不多。 Each other situation fit and unfit quality, may distinguish. 彼此形势优劣,一眼可辨。 All people think that Iron Cloud must defeat without doubt, believes that trades to be any another person, perhaps is not necessarily able many confidence, perhaps already gave up diligently, but Chu Yang actually obstinately scurries about, the aspect that must defeat reverses. 所有人都认为铁云必败无疑,相信换做任何另外一个人,恐怕未必能有多少信心,说不定早已放弃努力,但楚阳却愣是上蹿下跳,将必败的局面生生扭转。 The war that will be impossible to defeat defeated! 将不可能战胜的战局战胜了! Did not let go any opportunity regarding this, the struggling spirit of putting one's heart and soul, Diwu Qingrou admires infinitely. 对于这等绝不放弃任何机会的,尽心竭力的拼搏精神,第五轻柔无限佩服。 Self-examined unemotionally, if will trade in Chu Yang then position, do not say that finally also struggled successfully, can have the thoughts of struggling only to fear that in two said...... 平心自问,若是将自己换在楚阳当时的位置,不要说最终还挣扎成功了,会不会有挣扎的心思只怕都在两说…… Therefore Diwu Qingrou these time descends the mountain, directly soars the Chu Yang station to go. 所以第五轻柔这一次下山,就直奔楚阳的驻地而去。 To be honest, Diwu Qingrou also very much has idea, how wants to have a look at Sword Master Chu these time also to jump da, but how can also jump to reach...... Also can be jumped da to leave really to hope by him? 说实话,第五轻柔也很有想法,想要看看楚剑主这一次还要怎么蹦跶,还能怎么蹦达……是不是真的还能被他蹦跶出希望来了呢? Drew back 10,000 steps to say again, even if jumped da not to be successful finally, can with Master of Nine Tribulations Sword die together...... Diwu Qingrou also thought own having nothing regrettable...... 再退10000步说,就算最终蹦跶不成功,能跟九劫剑主死在一起……第五轻柔也觉得自己没有什么可遗憾的了啊…… Moment, to inn. 须臾,到了客栈。 The Ling Muyang tiger the face is acting as the appearance that guards to have a scare Diwu Qingrou directly. 凌暮阳虎着脸充当守卫的样子直接把第五轻柔吓了一跳。 My little darling. 我的个乖乖啊。 Did this Sword Master Chu also too big rack, unexpectedly make the Ling Family ancestor guard the gateway here? 这位楚剑主也太大的架子了,居然让凌家老祖宗在这里看守门户? „Do you look for Chu Yang? His meeting is closing up.” Ling Muyang said: Old man here Guardian, what look is your? When the old man is a waiter?” “你找楚阳?他这会正在闭关呢。”凌暮阳说道:“老夫在这里护法,你那是什么眼神?当老夫是跑堂的吗?” Sees Diwu Qingrou one damn appearance, in Ling Muyang heart some aerobic and funny. 看到第五轻柔一副见鬼的样子,凌暮阳心中有些又好气又好笑。 Closed up in this during?” Diwu Qingrou heart one happy, he expression on face naturally was installed a moment ago, saw Ling Muyang to work as the guard, if did not have the surprised expression, perhaps this Ling Family ancestor must be angry. “在这当口闭关了?”第五轻柔心头一喜,他刚才脸上的表情当然是装出来的,见到凌暮阳当守卫,若是没有惊讶的表情,恐怕这位凌家老祖宗更加的要生气了。 Immediately thinks: Chu Yang early does not close up, late does not close up, closed up at this time, absolutely was the good matter, immediately also asked: „Has Sword Master Chu closed up several days of scene?” 随即就想到:楚阳早不闭关,晚不闭关,偏偏在这个时候闭关,绝对是好事儿,随即又问道:“楚剑主已经闭关几天光景了?” Two days two nights.” Impression of Ling Muyang to Diwu Qingrou is good, in his opinion, in Nine Great Clans does the matter on few, but this Diwu Qingrou actually absolutely will be one does! “两天两夜了。”凌暮阳第五轻柔的印象还是挺好的,在他看来,九大家族之中就没几个干事儿的,但这个第五轻柔却绝对是一员干将! Although cultivation base many were now lower, but that plans, are actually the solid unparalleled in the world. 虽然现在修为多少低了些,但那份心机,却是实实在在的天下无双。 Two days? That is also good, closes up for two days very well to be very good!” Diwu Qingrou relaxed, heartfelt tunnel: Time the longer the better. So long as before Law Enforcer attacks, goes out on line.” “两天?那也好,闭关两天很好很好!”第五轻柔松了一口气,由衷地道:“时间越长越好。只要执法者进攻之前出关就行。” Some response actually surprise of Ling Muyang to Diwu Qingrou. 凌暮阳第五轻柔的反应倒是有些诧异。 The confidence of this Diwu Qingrou to Chu Yang this Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, rather some point? It seems like does not have him to be so confident! 这个第五轻柔楚阳这个九劫剑主的信心,未免有些过了一点吧?貌似自己都没他这么有信心! Since Chu Yang closed up. I look for Mo Tianji to chat, we were also the old friends.” Diwu Qingrou smiled. “既然楚阳闭关了。那我找莫天机聊聊,我们也算是老朋友了。”第五轻柔笑了笑。 Mo Tianji? Mo Tianji has also closed up, they close up together.” Ling Muyang flipped the supercilious look: Closes up together, there are all Nine Tribulation Brothers, Wu Juecheng master and disciple, that Three Stars Sacred Clan Saint King, calls Tan Tan, Chu Yang Junior Apprentice Brother!” 莫天机莫天机也闭关了,他们一起闭关的。”凌暮阳翻了翻白眼:“一起闭关的,有所有的九劫兄弟,还有舞绝城师徒,还有那个三星圣族圣王,就是叫谈昙的,楚阳师弟!” „Do they close up together? Really? That explained that the matter had the favorable turn, good deed......” Diwu Qingrou thorough was excited. “他们一起闭关?真的?那就说明事情有转机了,好事啊……”第五轻柔彻底的兴奋起来。 The crisis appearing suddenly favorable turn, Diwu Qingrou simply does not walk, here sat, wanted several appetizer, has a drink together with the Ling Muyang two people. 危机突现转机,第五轻柔干脆也不走了,就在这里坐了下来,要了几个小菜,与凌暮阳两个人对饮起来。 Now is most important, throughout is here. So long as Chu Yang can endure, then Nine Heavens Continent is finally certainly all right. 现在最重要的,始终还是在这里。只要楚阳这边能挺住,那么九重天大陆最终一定没事儿。 In 1000 ten thousand Jiang Hu masters as for Capital City, as well as various Great Clans remnant forces, in the Diwu Qingrou eye, were still only some cannon fodders. 至于中都城里1000多万江湖高手,以及各大家族的残余势力,在第五轻柔眼中,仍旧只是一些炮灰而已。 Since Sovereign of the Law said wants purge, was then certain purge. 法尊既然说要清洗,那么,就是一定得清洗了。 Perhaps cannot fall Master of Nine Tribulations Sword purge, but purge falls other people, the Law Enforcer aspect of Sovereign of the Law and present stage to strength that has, does not have the pressure! 或许不能将九劫剑主清洗掉,但清洗掉其他的人,对法尊和现阶段的执法者方面所拥有的实力来说,毫无压力! What is Ye Chenchen their several present making?” Ling Muyang asked. 夜沉沉他们几个现在在做什么?”凌暮阳问道。 They are also preparing.” Diwu Qingrou very much respects to this Ling Family ancestor, very respectful replied. “他们也在备战。”第五轻柔对这位凌家老祖宗还是很尊敬的,很恭敬的回答道。 Prepares?” In the Ling Muyang eye the deep place has the faint grief, coldly snorted, said: People of one group of to forget favours and violate justice, the generation of being shortsighted...... Even if prepares is also useful! Hope lucky?” “备战?”凌暮阳眼中深处有着隐隐的伤痛,却哼了一声,道:“一群忘恩负义之徒,鼠目寸光之辈……就算备战又有什么用!希图个侥幸吗?” Scolded, has not waited for Diwu Qingrou to speak, listened to him to sigh first. 骂完,也没等第五轻柔说话,就听他自己先叹息了一声。 Yeah...... This war...... Projects on finally, where also has anything who to be wrong to whom, throughout was more than ten thousand years of friend brothers......” “哎……这一战……打到最后,哪里还有什么谁对谁错,始终都是万多年的老兄老弟了……” Diwu Qingrou knows that he has mixed feelings at this moment, but greets with a smile to accompany him to drink, actually does not pull toward various first ancestors on the topic. 第五轻柔知道他此刻心情复杂,只是陪着笑陪他喝酒,却并不把话题往诸家始祖上扯。 Ling Muyang kept sighing. 凌暮阳长吁短叹。 Time static passing. 时间静静的流逝。 In Capital City early was frightened by the slightest sound, every tree or bush an enemy soldier. 中都城里早已经是风声鹤唳,草木皆兵 Although the main force in Law Enforcer aspect has not arrived, but in the city the person actually clearly felt that as if from all directions, there are innumerable formidable pressures, is sweeping across toward...... 执法者方面的主力虽然还没到,但城中之人却都已经清楚的感觉到,似乎从四面八方,有无数的强大的压力,正向着中都席卷而来…… Suddenly, all person oppression feelings of not gasping for breath. 一时间,所有人都有一种喘不过气的压迫感觉。 Under the summons of various Great Clans, resolutely the Jiang Hu master who these time joined the war occupied the major part, only then few people also wanted to wait and see the following change, but part of people actually issued an order by Ye Chenchen, turned into hundreds of thousands of corpses instantaneously. 在各大家族的号召之下,这一次毅然加入战局的江湖高手占据了绝大部分,只有很少一部分人还想要观望后续变化,但这一部分人却被夜沉沉一声令下,瞬间变成了数十万具尸体。 Melted the corpse powder whistling scattering in the past, curled to leap a azure smoke. 化尸粉呼呼的撒过去,袅袅腾起股股青烟。 ...... ……
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