TTNH :: Volume #18

#1727: Beacon to!

The Sovereign of the Law manifesto, making in Capital City everyone air/Qi break the belly! 法尊的檄文,让中都城内每一个人都气破了肚皮! this eminence wields the Nine Heavens Sovereign of the Law 13,000 years, always makes determined efforts, the benefitting world, has no qualms in the world, has no qualms in the common people. Now has Devil to rebel, Nine Great Clans and Jiang Hu military person from it, this eminence did not want to make killing \; But for the world common people, only then wields the butcher knife, purge world!” 本座执掌九重天法尊13000余年,向来励精图治,造福天下,无愧于天地,无愧于苍生。今有天魔作乱,九大家族江湖武人从之,本座本不欲多做杀伤\;但为了天下苍生,也只有挥动屠刀,清洗天下!” This is but action, but for a Law Enforcer 100,000 years of glory! Nine Heavens 1 trillion lives! Do not be not so, in odd/surplus Xin is really painful, regrets.” “此为无奈之举,但为了执法者100000年荣耀!九重天1000000000000生灵!不得不然,余心中甚痛,甚憾。” This war, the heaven and earth will change color, the sun and the moon does not have the light, lasted 20 days, wins initial success!” “此一战,天地变色,日月无光,历时20天,初见成效!” „The southeastern war zone, cuts to kill the Xiao Family rebel, equals four ten 30 thousand 7589 people! In addition cuts to kill the Jiang Hu rebel three ten 30 thousand more than 500 people. Commit to flames! Law Enforcer this loss, 373,000, include the Law Enforcement loyal ancestral hall. Southeastern Blood Reward loses 97,000 people, all comforts and aids a bereaved family arrived all.” “东南战区,斩杀萧家叛逆,合计四十三万7589人!另斩杀江湖叛逆三十三万500余人。付之一炬!执法者本部损失,373000,列入执法忠魂祠。东南血酬损失97000人,所有抚恤已经尽数到位。” Southwest war zone, cuts to kill rebel to equal three ten 30 thousand. The Law Enforcer Bing front refers, all rebels all disintegrate, southwest Law Enforcer this loss, more than 300,000 people. This war loss is enormous! For the Nine Heavens A Thousand Autumns Ten Thousand Generations idea, loyal immortal!” “西南战区,斩杀叛逆合计三十三万执法者兵锋所指,所有叛逆悉数瓦解冰消,西南执法者本部损失,300000余人。此战损失极大!为九重天千秋万载计,忠魂不朽!” „The northwest war zone, cuts to kill the rebel more than 79,000 people. Law Enforcer this loss, more than 20,000.” “西北战区,斩杀叛逆79000余人。执法者本部损失,20000余。” Due north war zone, cuts to kill rebel to equal 273,000 people. Law Enforcer this loss, 198,000!” “正北战区,斩杀叛逆合计273000人。执法者本部损失,198000!” Due south war zone, cuts to kill rebel to equal 663,400. Law Enforcer this loss, five ten 30 thousand \; Due south Law Enforcer, several perish together with the enemy. Loyal immortal!” “正南战区,斩杀叛逆合计663400。执法者本部损失,五十三万\;正南执法者,几与敌同归于尽。忠魂不朽!” Western war zone, cuts to kill the rebel 500,000 \; Law Enforcer this loss, two ten 30 thousand people! And, grade nine Supreme \; grade eight Supreme...... Loyal immortal!” “正西战区,斩杀叛逆500000\;执法者本部损失,二十三万人!其中,九品至尊一位\;八品至尊……忠魂不朽!” Due east war zone, cuts to kill rebel eight 150 thousand! This war investment military strength about 1 million, Law Enforcer loses more than half. Loyal immortal!” “正东战区,斩杀叛逆八十五万!此战投入兵力1000000左右,执法者损失过半。忠魂不朽!” Northeast war zone, cuts to kill the rebel more than 710,000 people, Law Enforcer this unit loses 479,500! Loyal immortal!” “东北战区,斩杀叛逆710000余人,执法者本部损失479500!忠魂不朽!” I and other Law Enforcer hero, have cut to kill surrounding surviving members completely, at present, only has is still Devil occupied. Comes by the general situation, potential wants in massacre, a peace world!” “我等执法者英雄,已经将外围余孽斩杀殆尽,目前,唯有中都尚为天魔盘踞。是以大局而来,势要血洗中都,一靖天下!” Or has the accidental injury, but. Do not be not so.” “或有误伤,但。不得不然。” Bing front refers, is, the generation blesses, blesses my meritorious military service becomes, but also my Nine Heavens sunny day!......” “兵锋所指,乃是中都,列祖列宗保佑,保佑我一战功成,还我九重天一个青天白日!……” ...... …… From Law Enforcer aspect combat report. Spreads unceasingly, probably is sharp knives, in the insertion the chest of Nine Great Clans remaining personnel. 一道道来自执法者方面战报。不断传入中都,就好象是一道道锋利的刀子,插入中都九大家族残余人员的胸口。 Suddenly, railed sound hiding the sky and covering the earth! 一时间,谩骂声音铺天盖地 Sovereign of the Law so talks irresponsibly, deliberately mispresents, jolts actually not, making the poisoned everyone air/Qi break the only son. From a some perspective, instead also has become the pre-war big mobilization of poison! 法尊如此信口雌黄,指鹿为马,颠倒是非,让中毒的每一个人都气破了独子。从某一种方面来说,反而也成了中毒的战前大动员! Too shameless! 太无耻了! Too mean! 太卑鄙了! You have done all bad matters certainly, unexpectedly in turn stand in a just side, stands in the commanding point of morals. Falsely accuses others, suppresses others...... 你自己已经将所有坏事儿都做绝了,居然反过来自己又站在正义的一方,站在道德的制高点上。来诬陷别人,打压别人…… May endure what else cannot be tolerated! 是可忍孰不可忍! Died these many people, was absolutely impossible to give up...... 已经死了这么多人,绝对不可能善罢甘休了…… Moreover, these huge data that in combat report manifesto contains. Also lets everyone is in the heart cold, the cold sweat streamings. 而且,战报檄文之中所包含的那些庞大数据。也让每个人都是心中寒冷,冷汗涔涔。 So savage! 如此凶残 This decisive battle. Unilaterally Law Enforcer has recorded, the entire Nine Heavens Jiang Hu master, over over 9 million personnel died! 只是这一场决战。只是执法者单方面有所记录的,整个九重天江湖高手,已经有超过9000000以上人员身亡! 9 million people! 9000000人! This is a huge digit, seriously is astronomical figures! 这是一个何等庞大的数字,当真是一个天文数字! Person who all hears these news, completely is the cold sweat streamings, long time could not speak. 所有听到这些消息的人,一个个尽都是冷汗涔涔,半晌说不出话来。 Now, Sovereign of the Law is directing his Law Enforcer believers after a slaughter 9 million, unexpectedly must continue in massacre! 如今,法尊指挥着他的执法者信众在一屠9000000之后,居然还要继续血洗中都! Must know that present, did not calculate the common people, the quantity of single Jiang Hu public figure has surpassed number surely! But in massacre meaning, completely massacres these thousands of people? 要知道现在的中都,不算寻常百姓,单只江湖人士的数量就超过了千万之数!而血洗中都的意思,就是将这千万人全部杀掉? Passing by Sovereign of the Law can only with absolutely absolute described crazily. 法尊的行经就只能用绝对绝对的疯狂来形容了。 Steady wise man and crazy wise man in comparison get up, the latter absolutely compared with former danger over ten times, steady wise man have this and that worry, the conduct has the limitation, but crazy wise man will not have any worry again, the disaster that the lethality that therefore he can bring, can cause, will count by ten times of ideas, the number by hundred times of ideas. 一个稳重的智者和一个疯狂的智者两相比较起来,后者绝对要比前者危险十倍以上,稳重的智者会有这样那样的顾虑,行事就存在着局限性,而疯狂的智者不会再有任何顾虑,所以他所能带来的杀伤力,所能造成的灾难,将数以十倍计,数以百倍计。 The disaster tribulation that Sovereign of the Law brings is the best annotation! 法尊所带来的灾劫已经是最好的诠释! wise man is friendly, can the benefitting world \; wise man is wicked, can actually the disaster common people! 智者为善,可以造福天下\;智者为恶,却可以祸乱苍生! Crazy wise man, was too fearful! 疯狂的智者,实在太可怕了! Southeast Law Enforcer the direction army, built up now completes, on the way of that is catching up with!” No one has thought that builds up first, unexpectedly can be southeast direction Law Enforcer. 执法者东南方向的大军,现在已经集结完成,正在赶来的途中!”谁也没想到,最先集结完的,居然会是东南方向的执法者 „The Law Enforcer army, comes, to meet mountain Shaoshan, every has stop, all does without regard for the circumstances completely to cut weeds and eliminate the roots. The Martial Study aristocratic family along the way, was commandeered to join the army, dares the non- follower, namely was equal to that from belonging to Nine Great Clans, the whole families completely certainly, chicken and dog doesn't remain is its only result.” 执法者大军,一路而来,逢山烧山,凡有阻拦者,一律不问情由尽都斩草除根。沿途的武学世家,都被强征加入大军,胆敢不从者,即等于从属于九大家族,满门尽绝、鸡犬不留是其唯一结局。” The following information more and more is detailed. 后续情报越来越是详细。 South Law Enforcer the direction army, built up at present, is going to put in order the armed forces to go north.” 执法者正南方向大军,目前也已经集结完毕,将要整军北上。” West army, already marshaling.” “正西大军,已经集结待发。” News, are similar to death sentence, bombardment one after another on the heart of Nine Great Clans people. 一道道消息,就如同一道道催命符,一波一波的轰击在九大家族中人的心上。 The group of armies of Law Enforcer aspect sweep across to come, the potential such as the billowing tide, the momentum is unmatched. Stands highest the mountain top looks outside Capital City that sees only the mist and dust to be billowing, hiding the sky and covering the earth! 执法者方面的各路大军一路席卷而来,势如滚滚浪潮,声势一时无两。站在中都城外最高的山头看去,只见四下里烟尘滚滚,铺天盖地 The armies, have not been momentum are threatening, the potential of forestalling opponent by a show of strength has become! 大军未至,已经是声势逼人,先声夺人之势已成! Sovereign of the Law also had the Blood Reward members to treat as the army to direct in the world Law Enforcer unexpectedly, those who most made the person admire, he unexpectedly also complete combed to take shape, when Martial Artist became qualified soldier, the battle efficiency of this army will be hard to estimate......” Diwu Qingrou to stand in the mountain top, the complexion was dignified. 法尊居然将天底下的执法者还有血酬成员都当做了军队来使唤,最让人佩服的是,他居然还完全的梳理成型了,当武者成为合格的军人,这只军队的战斗力将难以估算……”第五轻柔站在山头,脸色凝重。 Reason that this only Law Enforcer army can form, completely was based on death high pressure.” Stands in his Zhuge Cangqiong complexion grey defeat, in both eyes projects hatred ray, say/way bitterly: At the beginning of military-buiding, Sovereign of the Law biography had already ordered, various group of armies must strictly carry out the militarized management, not, since, kills one, ten thousand not, since, kills ten thousand! Stricts enforcement of orders and bans, disobeying orders, kills, does not have the amnesty!” “这只执法者大军之所以能够形成,完全是建立在死亡高压基础之上的。”站在他身边的诸葛苍穹脸色灰败,双目中射出仇恨之极的光芒,恨恨的道:“建军之初,法尊已然传下过命令,各路大军必须严格执行军事化管理,有一个不从,杀一个,万个不从,杀万个!令行禁止,违令者,杀,无赦!” In addition, out of the ordinary arrives at the order of extreme together is: The day Xiajiu Road Law Enforcer total gathers outside Capital City, at the appointed time, if there is any Law Enforcer unable to form an army, other audiences may rally together completely slaughter it!” “此外,还有一道出格到极点的命令则是:天下九路执法者全数集合在中都城外,届时,若是有任何一路执法者不能成军,其余之众可群起尽屠之!” This walks, because of the non- honorific titles command, cuts Law Enforcer and Blood Reward that member kills, absolute must over 100,000 numbers, have army in this way! This lunatic! Fearful lunatic! Terrifying lunatic!” “这一路走过来,因为不尊号令,斩杀的执法者血酬成员,绝对的要超过100000之数,才有如斯军队!这个疯子!可怕的疯子!恐怖的疯子!” Diwu Qingrou long inspired. 第五轻柔长长吸了一口气。 Such matter, ancient since, seemingly also only then Sovereign of the Law can do. 这样的事,亘古至今,貌似也就只有法尊才能做得出来。 Cannot form an army, other audiences rally together completely slaughter it...... Must know that this is not ten people of hundred people, but reaches head of 1 million audiences! Sovereign of the Law can want to kill unexpectedly kills, has not had slightly hesitant! 不能成军,其余之众群起尽屠之……要知道这可不是十人百人,而是多达1000000之众的人头法尊竟能想杀就杀,不曾有丝毫犹豫! This has exceeded so-called has murdered resolute the limit radically, is no longer has treated as the life the life radically! 这根本已经超出了所谓“杀伐果决”的极限,根本就是已经不再把生命当做生命! Present Sovereign of the Law has treated as the slaughterhouse this stretch of world radically \; The life of world all living things, now in his eyes, possibly is only the corpse that some can gasp for breath, or is only the dispensable ants, what of Shang war casualty?!” Zhuge Cangqiong long sighed. “如今的法尊根本已经将这片天地当作了屠场\;天下众生的性命,现在在他的眼中,可能只是一些会喘气的尸体,又或者只是可有可无的蝼蚁而已,殇之何伤?!”诸葛苍穹长长叹气。 Yes, the world common people, the Jiang Hu hero, is the goal that he must destroy. This point, he early will have displayed very much obviously.” Diwu Qingrou said: Even, has led more than 10,000 years of Law Enforcer including him, regards him for the Law Enforcer member of god! Also is goal that he must destroy, or, all lives in this piece of mainland, are the goal that he must destroy......” “是的,天下苍生,江湖豪杰,都已经是他要毁灭的目标。这一点,他早已经将之表现得很明显了。”第五轻柔道:“甚至,包括他领导了10000多年的执法者,视他为神的执法者成员!也是他要毁灭的目标,又或者,这片大陆上的所有生灵,都是他要毁灭的目标……” One side, Chen Yingfeng desolate saying: In this place, is Sovereign of the Law finally the place that devotes to destroy, after destroying this place, world will not have any influence to dare him to resist again, will not have any strength to be able with it to resist again.” 一侧,陈迎风冷凄凄的说道:“这块中都之地,将是法尊最后致力毁灭的地方,毁去此地之后,世间不会再有任何势力敢于他对抗,也不会再有任何实力能与之对抗。” The Ye Qiuye brow wrinkled, turns the head to look to Chen Yingfeng, indifferently said: Chen Yingfeng, I think you as if very excited appearance! Anticipates oncoming of war very much?” 叶秋叶眉头皱了起来,转头看向陈迎风,淡淡道:“陈迎风,我看你似乎很兴奋的样子!很期待大战的来临吗?” Chen Yingfeng bitter smile: Why did not anticipate that our old Chen Family person soon the death ray died now certainly...... The person in this world dies several, there is any relations.” 陈迎风惨笑:“为什么不期待,我们老陈家的人如今都已经快要死光死绝了……这世上的人多死几个,又有什么关系。” Xiao Chenyu hey sneers: Chen Yingfeng, your family member died, whether others' family member also does want dead has been suitable for your intent?” 萧晨雨嘿嘿冷笑:“陈迎风,你家人死光了,是否别人的家人也要死光才顺了你的意?” Chen Yingfeng sneers: Old man is lives not to have the love now, how was casual you to say!” 陈迎风冷笑:“老夫如今已经是生无可恋,随便你们怎么说吧!” Shut up!” Ye Chenchen is angry to shout to clear the way: Even if lives not to have love, doesn't want to report the enmity?!” “住口!”夜沉沉大怒喝道:“纵然是生无可恋,难道连仇都不想报了吗?!” coldly snorted of Chen Yingfeng whole face grey defeat, lowered the head, maintains total silence again. 陈迎风满脸灰败的哼了一声,低下了头,再也不发一语。 Sovereign of the Law this time comes depend on the potential of moving mountains, actually should how deal...... When this moment everybody lose in war, pools brains and brawn, everybody might as well offers advice, or discussed that can have the good countermeasure not to be uncertain.” The Ye Chenchen sound is somewhat weary. 法尊此次挟排山倒海之势而来,究竟该如何应对……此刻兵凶战危,正是群策群力之时,大家不妨出出主意,或者商量一下,能有好对策也不一定。”夜沉沉的声音有些疲倦。 Us can only do now...... Forms an army all military force similar building up in Capital City...... Otherwise, is hard to resist radically.” Zhuge Cangqiong said. “我们这边现在唯一能做的……就是将中都城里的所有武力同样集结成军……要不然,根本难以对抗。”诸葛苍穹说道。 About this, in the past few days I have been doing. However, our here did not have Sovereign of the Law that side death high pressure, therefore the effect was not very good.” Diwu Qingrou sighed gently. “关于这一节,在这几天里我一直都在做。不过,我们这边没有法尊那边的死亡高压,所以效果并不是很好。”第五轻柔轻轻叹了口气。 As once battlefield expert, how not to know comprised of the fearful degree of army Martial Artist, but forms a difficulty of such army similarly to be much higher, did not have such as Sovereign of the Law that death high pressure, did not have the effective method seriously, at least was not the short-term can be effective. 作为曾经的战场老手,如何不知道由武者所组成军队的可怕程度,但组建一只这样军队的难度同样是高得可怕,没有如法尊那种死亡高压,当真没有行之有效的手段,至少不是短期可以奏效的。 The Shi Paoxiao injury somewhat restored now, said: In the past few days, that side Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, does not have any news of activity, actually Ling Muyang is making the preparation that actively prepares for......” 石咆哮的伤势如今多多少少恢复了一些,道:“这几天里,九劫剑主那边,也是没有任何的动静,倒是凌暮阳在做积极备战的准备……” I think that Master of Nine Tribulations Sword of that being wet behind the ears early had been scared by Sovereign of the Law? His that cultivation base, must come by the external force most likely, facing at present future fighting in this way, escape was again normally also matter!” “我想那个乳臭未干的九劫剑主早已经被法尊吓破了胆子吧?他的那一身修为,十之八九都是靠外力得来的,面对眼前将来的如斯大战,逃避是再正常也不过的事情了!” Chen Yingfeng cynically. 陈迎风阴阳怪气 ............ ………… cough cough...... >\; 咳咳……>\;
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