TTNH :: Volume #18

#1726: Law Enforcement Bing front, in massacre!

Original time, some Sword Spirit also many future boundless meanings. However now, if some people told him that Chu Yang can reach Xue Leihan such situation...... The Sword Spirit surprise, slightly will not be absolutely surprised! 原来的时候,剑灵还多少有些前途茫茫的意思。但是现在,若是有人跟他说,楚阳可以走到雪泪寒那样的地步……剑灵绝对不会诧异,丝毫也不会惊奇! That is as it should be by rights is good? 那本就是理所当然好吧? Even...... Perhaps Sovereign that level, is not necessarily able to block the footsteps of Sir Sword Master Chu...... 甚至……恐怕帝君的那种层次,也未必能挡得住楚剑主大人的脚步呢…… Then, can rush finally creates Nine Tribulations Sword that to be able greatly that situation? 那么,最终会不会冲到创造了九劫剑的那位大能那种地步呢? Sword Spirit thinks at this time Chu Yang can reach agreement unexpectedly greatly a war with that...... Cannot help but is whole body burning with anger! 剑灵这时候想到楚阳居然与那位大能相约一战……不由得就是全身热血沸腾 If there is an opportunity to witness that war, this lives really not in vain! 若是有机会能亲眼目睹那一战,此生才是真的不枉! ...... …… The time passes in the static intravenous drip. 时间在静静的点滴流逝。 Chu Yang and the others still in static digestion huge efficacy, breakthrough aura one after another, continuous eruption in this room, by 14 exceptionally tyrannical Supreme Divine Sense suppressions firmly in the room, absolutely did not have the tiny bit revelation...... 楚阳等人依然在静静的消化着庞大的药力,一道一道的突破气息,在这个房间中接连不断的爆发出来,却被14道异常强横的至尊神念牢牢的压制在房间里,绝对没有一丝一毫的泄露出去…… In Nine Tribulations Space. 九劫空间中。 The Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit energy of initial dissipation continually was still playing the role \; The spirit medicine garden, is almost by one type the situation of jogging the advance proceeds to dash, all spirit medicine qualities, during swift and violent promotion. 最初消散的天地玄黄果能量仍旧在持续发挥作用\;灵药园,几乎是在以一种跑步前进的形势往前飞奔,所有灵药的品质,都在迅猛的提升之中。 This and other astonishing changes, even if Young Master Yu is near again, acts fully, does not have this scene absolutely! 这等惊人变化,就算蔚公子再临,全力施为,也断断无此光景! That three Jade Snow Spirit Ginseng, jumped from medicine field unexpectedly quietly \; It looks like three babies of snow white fresh-faced fist sizes, assumes an air of self approbation, graces, on the lifelike small face reappeared unexpectedly faint flesh color. 那三株玉雪灵参,居然自个悄然地从药田中跳了出来\;就像是三个雪白粉嫩的拳头大小的娃娃,摇头晃脑,举手投足,惟妙惟肖的小脸上居然都浮现出了一丝隐隐的粉红。 That is...... spirit medicine thorough formation, thorough mature, even there is a symbol of self- intelligence! 那是……灵药彻底成型、彻底成熟,甚至有了自我神智的标志! If can go a step further again. These three Jade Snow Spirit Ginseng even possibly arrive at the incarnation Medicine Spirit terrifying situation, becomes existence of Sword Spirit such spirit body. If such...... The Chu Yang spirit medicine garden was equal to three all-resourceful to the omnipotent steward! 若是能再进一步。这三颗玉雪灵参甚至可能到达化身药灵的恐怖地步,成为剑灵那样灵体的存在。若是那样的话……楚阳灵药园就等于多了三个神通广大到了无所不能的管家! Medicine Spirit, so long as it wants a medicine to be mature, then, no matter any medicine, so long as cannot surpass Medicine Spirit level, then, can overnight the accelerate ripening! 药灵,只要它想要一株药成熟,那么,不管是什么药,只要是超不出药灵本身的层次,那么,旦夕之间就能催熟! From a seed, to completely mature, is only Medicine Spirit instant! 从一粒种子,到完全成熟,就只是药灵的一念之间而已! Even said that are many three Young Master Yu not to have been overrated certainly. Seemingly true Young Master Yu is also not necessarily able to achieve this! 甚至说是多了三个蔚公子也绝不为过的。貌似真正的蔚公子也未必能作到这点! Just...... Must want to make these three Jade Snow Spirit Ginseng truly the Medicine Spirit words, actually also need huger soul force, whether finally can become...... This must close right up against Chu Yang to go diligently...... 只不过……要想让这三株玉雪灵参真正成为药灵的话,却还需要更加庞大的灵力,最终是否能成……这就要靠着楚阳去努力了…… In Nine Tribulations Space. 九劫空间中。 Chu Yang beforehand collection Nine Great Spirit Medicines. That Mysterious Ice Jade Ointment, Mysterious Yang Jade Essence. Wind and Thunder Heaven Heart wait/etc., is using a relatively slow speed, actually was still the naked eye obvious speed, was growing gradually...... 楚阳之前收集的九大灵药。那玄冰玉膏,玄阳玉髓风雷天心等等,都在用一种相对缓慢速度,却仍是肉眼可见的速度,渐次生长着…… Before Chu Yang , the part that used, in silently supplemented completely came out normally...... 楚阳之前原本取用的部分,在无声无息之间完全补充正常出来了…… As if, the outstanding person in this Nine Great Spirit Medicines, is also seizing the opportunity to change own quality quietly...... Actually does not know that which finally can arrive at...... 似乎,这九大灵药之中的佼佼者,也在乘机悄然的改变着自身品质……却不知道最终能够走到哪一步…… All these changes, are actually nobody know. 这一切的变化,却是无人知道的。 Because Chu Yang is promoting diligently, including Sword Spirit outside, naturally also will note in Nine Tribulations Space on again nobody change. 因为楚阳在努力提升,连剑灵都在外面,自然也就再没有人会注意到九劫空间内中的变化。 In Nine Tribulations Space but is actually not completely nobody. Seemingly also has a person. A living corpse! 九劫空间中倒也不是完全没有人。貌似还有一个人。一个活死人! Since previous time received must die the wound, was received by Chu Yang in Wu Qianqian that in Nine Tribulations Space protected, under the huge energy of Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit dissipation moistened, had the change of mystical unexpectedly. 自从上次受了必死之伤,被楚阳收在九劫空间中保护的乌倩倩,在天地玄黄果散逸的庞大能量滋润之下,竟也有了神异的变化。 Before Chu Yang, was Wu Qianqian opened a private room specially, a very complete young girl boudoir. 楚阳之前为乌倩倩专门开辟了一个私人房间,一间非常完整的少女闺房。 Incense stick account tassels. The warm bedding, the fragrance overflows, soul force circulation. 香帐流苏。温暖的被褥,香气四溢,灵力流转。 Before Wu Qianqian still such as, calmly lies on the bed. That black hair. The mild-mannered shop on the pillow, the corners of the mouth, is still that miserable, light, actually fills smiling of satisfied. 乌倩倩仍旧如前,静静地躺在床上。那一头青丝。柔顺的铺在枕头上,嘴角,依然是那一丝楚楚可怜的、淡淡的、却充满满足的笑。 Motionless. 一动不动。 Since previous time was injured, Chu Yang wants completely the means that not to know that was Wu Qianqian feeds many mystical spirit medicine, even took several including complete version Nine Layered Pill. 自从上次受了伤,楚阳想尽了办法,不知道为乌倩倩喂下了多少神异灵药,甚至连完整版九重丹都服下了数颗。 However the Wu Qianqian situation does not have the sign of least bit improvement. 然而乌倩倩的情况却没有半点改善的迹象。 As if, in Nine Deaths Soul Returning Grass except for that Legend, the possibility of again not having treated and cured. 似乎,除了那传说之中的九死还魂草,再也没有救治的可能。 This result lets Chu Yang grievedly. Every day, can give Wu Qianqian to feed some Spring of Life, once in a while, Chu Yang here will treat previous some time \; Accompanies this cruel fate Senior Apprentice Sister, the young person of cruel fate. 这个结果让楚阳心痛之极。每一天,都会来给乌倩倩喂下一些生命之泉,每隔一段时间,楚阳就会在这里待上一段时间\;陪陪这位苦命的师姐,苦命的红颜。 But, the Wu Qianqian situation has not improved throughout. 但,乌倩倩的情况始终没有改善。 This Lan Xin fine qualities for the young person, such on the face is bringing smiling of light satisfied certainly, lies down here. Looks deathly pale, appears her corners of the mouth that light satisfied smiling face is passing a mournful flavor/smell. 这位兰心蕙质的绝代红颜,就这么脸上带着淡淡的满足的笑,躺在这里。脸色惨白,更显得她嘴角那淡淡的满足的笑容透着一股凄然的味道。 As if in initially, her with own life was moment that Chu Yang blocked fatally that strikes, this lifetime significance, has volatilized completely. 似乎在当初,她用自己的生命为楚阳挡住那致命一击的一刻,她这一生的意义,已经全部挥发出来。 She already satisfied. 她已经满足了。 Every one time thinks that of that day that moment that flickers for a while, Chu Yang grieved such as will twist, is in deep sorrow. 每一次想到那一天那一时那一刻那一瞬,楚阳都会心痛如绞,痛不欲生。 However now, the situation seemingly had greatly differently. 但是现在,情况貌似大有不同了。 Along with sending out of Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit huge efficacy, the Wu Qianqian grieved complexion, really gradually had the new face, slowly becomes must white and tender. 随着天地玄黄果庞大药力的散发,乌倩倩原本惨然的脸色,竟然逐渐地有了改观,缓缓的变得白嫩起来。 Even, had one to blush the appearance. 甚至,有了一丝红晕出现。 Except that still remains unconscious, present she, directly is excellent beautiful woman of one in the deep sleep. Calmly, happy is sleeping soundly, seems having an infinite happy fond dream, that is all...... 除了依然昏迷不醒,现在的她,直接就是一个在沉睡之中绝佳美人。静静地,甜蜜的酣睡着,似乎在做着一个无限美好的美梦,仅此而已…… ...... …… Outside. 外面。 In the Chu Yang room, has continued entire the day a night, has not passed on any news of activity! 楚阳的房间里,已经持续了整整一天一夜,没有传出来任何动静了! The Feng and Yue husband and wife two people think strange, came to examine specially, but after realizing that totaled 14 Supreme summit powerhouses to collaborate the blockade under arrange, they understood anything. 风月夫妇二人对此觉得奇怪,曾经专门过来查看过,但在察觉了那合共14位至尊颠峰强者联手布下的封锁之后,两人就明白了什么。 They do not have the choice to enter forcefully, but was calmly stands in the entrance. 两人没有选择强行进入,而是静静地站在了门口。 Guardian. 护法 In, decides however has extremely important matter occurrence! 内中,定然有极其重要的事情发生! Ling Muyang has distributed all Ling Family existing masters completely, inquires the Law Enforcer aspect, particularly Sovereign of the Law my news \; Then, performs all abilities to collect all corpses, the cremation, will put an end to the occurrence of plague with every effort. 凌暮阳将所有的凌家现有高手全部分派了出去,打探执法者方面,尤其是法尊本人的消息\;然后,尽一切能力收集所有尸体,将之焚化,尽最大可能杜绝瘟疫的发生。 Besides still had the unceasing migrant workers to enter, as if returned to normal. 中都除了仍旧有不断的外来人员进入之外,似乎又恢复了平静。 Subtle balance. Subtle tranquility, all such as storm in the future final tranquil! 微妙的平衡。微妙的平静,一切都如暴风雨将来之前的最后平静! Many afterward migrant workers, still harbored to participate in the dream of Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting to come unexpectedly, is still doing is joining the Law Enforcer ranks at one fell swoop, henceforth the fond dream of carp fish dive Dragon Gate, does not know, Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting that they long, early has survived in name only now. 许多后来的外来人员,竟是仍旧怀着参加天鼎盛会的梦想而来,依然在做着一举加入执法者行列、从此鲤鱼跃龙门的美梦,根本不知道,他们渴望的天鼎盛会,现在早已经名存实亡。 This is not strange, is really this piece of Nine Heavens Continent, too vast a point. 这并不奇怪,实在是这片九重天大陆,太辽阔了一点。 Although everywhere is the beacon everywhere, but. Does not know that the person of inside story, still belonged to overwhelming majorities. 虽然到处都是烽烟处处,但是。不知内情的人,仍旧属于绝大多数。 After all, the Jiang Hu book is chaotic, how isn't chaotic can call Jiang Hu?!. After these people enter, knew the beginning to end of this matter, knows the present situation worsened in this way the situation unexpectedly time, wants to withdraw again, or the old route goes home, actually turned into not the expectation that is possible to realize. 毕竟,江湖本就是纷乱的,没有纷乱如何能称之为江湖?!只是。当这些人进入中都之后,知道了这件事的始末,知道现况竟然已经恶化到了如斯地步的时候,再想要退出,或者原路回家,却已经变成了不可能实现的奢望。 Suddenly, everybody stamp the feet and beat the breast. 一时间,人人都是顿足捶胸。 Cannot think oneself harbor zealously, comes in high spirits, unexpectedly has thrown into a giant vortex center. Fell into must die the bureau...... 想不到自己怀着满腔热忱,兴冲冲而来,居然是一头扎进了一个巨大的漩涡的中心。陷入了必死之局…… Heavens!. You open the eye to have a look...... 天啊,地啊。你睁开眼睛看看吧…… In Capital City. 中都城里。 Various Great Clans people now are already thorough red eye. All day all night is preparing. 大家族的人如今是已经彻底的红了眼睛。整日整夜的在备战之中。 Everybody know that Law Enforcer eyes covetously outside now, in entire mainland range encircles to chase down the Nine Great Clans remaining manpower crazily. Only waits for them to think that has completed outside task, the person who in Nine Great Clans outside they want to kill died completely, died certainly. Their Bing fronts. Will point to! 人人都知道,执法者现在就在外面虎视眈眈,在整个大陆范围的疯狂围剿追杀九大家族残余人手。只等他们认为完成了外面的任务,外面的他们想要杀死的九大家族之中的人全部死光了,死绝了。他们的兵锋。就会直指中都! At the appointed time, will turn into extremely tragic final war sites! 届时,中都将会变成一场场惨绝人寰的最终大战所在地! They now already during building up...... Already at surrounding...... 或者,他们现在已经在集结之中……已经处在中都外围了…… But, Law Enforcer real main force where. Now actually already thorough has become a riddle of difficult solution. 但,执法者的真实主力到底在何处。现在却已经彻底的成了一个难解的谜。 The Nine Great Clans people in Capital City, everyone is hoping, this decisive battle morning an arrival \; This grade of painful suffering taste, is really makes the person have a feeling of waiting for death, was too unendurable. 中都城里的九大家族中人,每一个人都在盼望着,这一场决战早一点到来吧\;这等痛苦的煎熬滋味,实在是让人有一种等死的感觉,太难熬了。 Dies is not necessarily fearful, perhaps is only a twinkling's matter, if by any chance dies is actually most unendurable, experiences one day like a year is not overrated certainly! 死未必多可怕,也许只是一眨眼的事情,但等死却是最难熬的,度日如年绝不为过! But turns over to unendurablily unendurablily, they faintly are actually hoping in the moral nature, the later the better that on that day arrived. 但难熬归难熬,他们却又隐隐在心底希望着,那一天到来的越晚越好。 Should better not to arrive. 最好不要到来。 Because, outside, own family, own brothers, own family member. If so the main force in Law Enforcer aspect arrives truly, proof these people all died, again did not have the least bit to count on. 因为,在外面,还有自己的家族,自己的兄弟,自己的亲人。若然执法者方面的主力真正到来,就证明那些人全都死光了,也就再也没有了半点指望了。 That is what kind painful matter. 那将是一件令人何等痛苦的事情。 Time static intravenous drip passes, appeared including Ye Chenchen and other high levels more and more is also anxious. 时间静静的点滴流逝,连夜沉沉等高层也显得越来越是焦躁了。 What is Sovereign of the Law making? His goal why? 法尊到底在做什么?他的目的到底为何? Now why doesn't the little news have continually? 为什么现在连一点点消息也都没有了? next afternoon that Chu Yang and the others closes up, had the recent news suddenly. 楚阳等人闭关的第二天下午,突然间有了新的消息。 Enduring of Law Enforcer aspect, from various world places, starts to build up in direction!” 执法者方面的忍受,从天下各处,开始向着中都方向集结!” Law Enforcer Blood Reward, quickly builds up toward!” 执法者血酬,向着中都快速集结!” „The Law Enforcer slogan, passed on!” 执法者的口号,已经传了出来!” In massacre!” 血洗中都!” This foot endured the astonishing news that shocked, the hurricane blows generally entire. 这个足堪震撼的惊人消息,飓风一般刮遍了整个中都。 Person who all hears this news, the complexions of all people turned into the miserable white! 所有听到这个消息的人,所有人的脸色都变成了惨白色! In massacre! 血洗中都! Unexpectedly is such extreme bloody slogan! In Capital City, this news plague general spreads, somewhat played chess by oneself to hit is also thorough in this time on the person of surrender. 居然是这样的极端血腥的口号!中都城里,这个消息瘟疫一般的流传起来,原本还有些打谱打不过就投降的人也在此时彻底绝望。 Except for a war, had no other alternative at risk of life! 除了拼死一战,已经是别无他途! Now, outside world, has been controlled by Law Enforcer completely, the person who all dares to revolt against, turned into the corpse. Some person many that this died in battle, now is hard to estimate, but absolutely is astronomical figures. 现在,外面的天下,已经全部都由执法者掌控,所有敢于反抗的人,都已经变成了尸体。这一战死的人到底有多少,现在已经是难以估算,但绝对是一个天文数字。 But truly those who make all people not think is...... 而真正让所有人怎么也没有想到的是…… Sovereign of the Law is doing this work unexpectedly. Sends out a huge amount of manpower and resources, this fights registers to compile a register the achievement and casualties that complete statistics. 法尊居然在做这个工作。派出大量的人力物力,将这一战的成果和伤亡登录造册,完整的统计。 Moreover informed the world this completely crazy and ridiculous the final bloody achievement of slaughter motion! 而且还将这一次丧心病狂杀戮行动的最终血腥成果昭告天下! This strange psychology and action, making the person gnash one's teeth in hatred . Moreover, unusual is incomprehensible. 这种奇怪的心理和举动,让人都是切齿痛恨,而且,异常的不能理解。 So crazy, through the ages one and only! 如此疯狂,古往今来绝无仅有 Even, Sovereign of the Law has also issued the manifesto for this time purge world! 甚至,法尊还为这一次的清洗天下发布了檄文! ............ ………… ...... I was insane...... >\;>\; original time, some Sword Spirit also many future boundless meanings. However now, if some people told him that Chu Yang can reach Xue Leihan such situation...... The Sword Spirit surprise, slightly will not be absolutely surprised! 哦……我疯了……>\;>\;原来的时候,剑灵还多少有些前途茫茫的意思。但是现在,若是有人跟他说,楚阳可以走到雪泪寒那样的地步……剑灵绝对不会诧异,丝毫也不会惊奇! That is as it should be by rights is good? 那本就是理所当然好吧? Even...... Perhaps Sovereign that level, is not necessarily able to block the footsteps of Sir Sword Master Chu...... 甚至……恐怕帝君的那种层次,也未必能挡得住楚剑主大人的脚步呢…… Then, can rush finally creates Nine Tribulations Sword that to be able greatly that situation? 那么,最终会不会冲到创造了九劫剑的那位大能那种地步呢? Sword Spirit thinks at this time Chu Yang can reach agreement unexpectedly greatly a war with that...... Cannot help but is whole body burning with anger! 剑灵这时候想到楚阳居然与那位大能相约一战……不由得就是全身热血沸腾 If there is an opportunity to witness that war, this lives really not in vain! 若是有机会能亲眼目睹那一战,此生才是真的不枉! ...... …… The time passes in the static intravenous drip. 时间在静静的点滴流逝。 Chu Yang and the others still in static digestion huge efficacy, breakthrough aura one after another, continuous eruption in this room, by 14 exceptionally tyrannical Supreme Divine Sense suppressions firmly in the room, absolutely did not have the tiny bit revelation...... 楚阳等人依然在静静的消化着庞大的药力,一道一道的突破气息,在这个房间中接连不断的爆发出来,却被14道异常强横的至尊神念牢牢的压制在房间里,绝对没有一丝一毫的泄露出去…… In Nine Tribulations Space. 九劫空间中。 The Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit energy of initial dissipation continually was still playing the role \; The spirit medicine garden, is almost by one type the situation of jogging the advance proceeds to dash, all spirit medicine qualities, during swift and violent promotion. 最初消散的天地玄黄果能量仍旧在持续发挥作用\;灵药园,几乎是在以一种跑步前进的形势往前飞奔,所有灵药的品质,都在迅猛的提升之中。 This and other astonishing changes, even if Young Master Yu is near again, acts fully, does not have this scene absolutely! 这等惊人变化,就算蔚公子再临,全力施为,也断断无此光景! That three Jade Snow Spirit Ginseng, jumped from medicine field unexpectedly quietly \; It looks like three babies of snow white fresh-faced fist sizes, assumes an air of self approbation, graces, on the lifelike small face reappeared unexpectedly faint flesh color. 那三株玉雪灵参,居然自个悄然地从药田中跳了出来\;就像是三个雪白粉嫩的拳头大小的娃娃,摇头晃脑,举手投足,惟妙惟肖的小脸上居然都浮现出了一丝隐隐的粉红。 That is...... spirit medicine thorough formation, thorough mature, even there is a symbol of self- intelligence! 那是……灵药彻底成型、彻底成熟,甚至有了自我神智的标志! If can go a step further again, these three Jade Snow Spirit Ginseng even possibly arrive at the incarnation Medicine Spirit terrifying situation, becomes existence of Sword Spirit such spirit body. If such...... The Chu Yang spirit medicine garden was equal to three all-resourceful to the omnipotent steward! 若是能再进一步,这三颗玉雪灵参甚至可能到达化身药灵的恐怖地步,成为剑灵那样灵体的存在。若是那样的话……楚阳灵药园就等于多了三个神通广大到了无所不能的管家! Medicine Spirit, so long as it wants a medicine to be mature, then, no matter any medicine. So long as cannot surpass Medicine Spirit level, then, can overnight the accelerate ripening! 药灵,只要它想要一株药成熟,那么,不管是什么药。只要是超不出药灵本身的层次,那么,旦夕之间就能催熟! From a seed, to completely mature. Is only Medicine Spirit instant! 从一粒种子,到完全成熟。就只是药灵的一念之间而已! Even said that are many three Young Master Yu not to have been overrated certainly, seemingly true Young Master Yu is also not necessarily able to achieve this! 甚至说是多了三个蔚公子也绝不为过的,貌似真正的蔚公子也未必能作到这点! Just...... Must want to make these three Jade Snow Spirit Ginseng truly the Medicine Spirit words, actually also need huger soul force, whether finally can become...... This must close right up against Chu Yang to go diligently...... 只不过……要想让这三株玉雪灵参真正成为药灵的话,却还需要更加庞大的灵力,最终是否能成……这就要靠着楚阳去努力了…… In Nine Tribulations Space. 九劫空间中。 Chu Yang beforehand collection Nine Great Spirit Medicines. That Mysterious Ice Jade Ointment. Mysterious Yang Jade Essence, Wind and Thunder Heaven Heart wait/etc., is using a relatively slow speed, actually was still the naked eye obvious speed. Is growing gradually...... 楚阳之前收集的九大灵药。那玄冰玉膏玄阳玉髓,风雷天心等等,都在用一种相对缓慢速度,却仍是肉眼可见的速度。渐次生长着…… Before Chu Yang , the part that used, in silently supplemented completely came out normally...... 楚阳之前原本取用的部分,在无声无息之间完全补充正常出来了…… As if, the outstanding person in this Nine Great Spirit Medicines. Also is seizing the opportunity to change own quality quietly...... Actually does not know that which finally can arrive at...... 似乎,这九大灵药之中的佼佼者。也在乘机悄然的改变着自身品质……却不知道最终能够走到哪一步…… All these changes. Actually is nobody knows. 这一切的变化。却是无人知道的。 Because Chu Yang is promoting diligently, including Sword Spirit outside, naturally also will note in Nine Tribulations Space on again nobody change. 因为楚阳在努力提升,连剑灵都在外面,自然也就再没有人会注意到九劫空间内中的变化。 In Nine Tribulations Space but is actually not completely nobody, seemingly also has a person, a living corpse! 九劫空间中倒也不是完全没有人,貌似还有一个人,一个活死人! Since previous time received must die the wound, was received by Chu Yang in Wu Qianqian that in Nine Tribulations Space protected, under the huge energy of Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit dissipation moistened. Also had the change of mystical unexpectedly. 自从上次受了必死之伤,被楚阳收在九劫空间中保护的乌倩倩,在天地玄黄果散逸的庞大能量滋润之下。竟也有了神异的变化。 Before Chu Yang, was Wu Qianqian opened a private room specially, a very complete young girl boudoir. 楚阳之前为乌倩倩专门开辟了一个私人房间,一间非常完整的少女闺房。 The fragrant account tassels, warm bedding, the fragrance overflows, soul force circulation. 香帐流苏,温暖的被褥,香气四溢,灵力流转。 Before Wu Qianqian still such as, calmly lies on the bed. That black hair, the mild-mannered shop on the pillow, the corners of the mouth, is still that miserable, light, actually fills smiling of satisfied. 乌倩倩仍旧如前,静静地躺在床上。那一头青丝,柔顺的铺在枕头上,嘴角,依然是那一丝楚楚可怜的、淡淡的、却充满满足的笑。 Motionless. 一动不动。 Since previous time was injured, Chu Yang wants completely the means that not to know that was Wu Qianqian feeds many mystical spirit medicine, even took several including complete version Nine Layered Pill. 自从上次受了伤,楚阳想尽了办法,不知道为乌倩倩喂下了多少神异灵药,甚至连完整版九重丹都服下了数颗。 However the Wu Qianqian situation does not have the sign of least bit improvement. 然而乌倩倩的情况却没有半点改善的迹象。 As if, in Nine Deaths Soul Returning Grass except for that Legend, the possibility of again not having treated and cured. 似乎,除了那传说之中的九死还魂草,再也没有救治的可能。 This result lets Chu Yang grievedly. Every day, can give Wu Qianqian to feed some Spring of Life, once in a while, Chu Yang here will treat previous some time \; Accompanies this cruel fate Senior Apprentice Sister, the young person of cruel fate. 这个结果让楚阳心痛之极。每一天,都会来给乌倩倩喂下一些生命之泉,每隔一段时间,楚阳就会在这里待上一段时间\;陪陪这位苦命的师姐,苦命的红颜。 But, the Wu Qianqian situation has not improved throughout. 但,乌倩倩的情况始终没有改善。 This Lan Xin fine qualities for the young person, such on the face is bringing smiling of light satisfied certainly, lies down here. Looks deathly pale, appears her corners of the mouth that light satisfied smiling face is passing a mournful flavor/smell. 这位兰心蕙质的绝代红颜,就这么脸上带着淡淡的满足的笑,躺在这里。脸色惨白,更显得她嘴角那淡淡的满足的笑容透着一股凄然的味道。 As if in initially, her with own life was moment that Chu Yang blocked fatally that strikes, this lifetime significance, has volatilized completely. 似乎在当初,她用自己的生命为楚阳挡住那致命一击的一刻,她这一生的意义,已经全部挥发出来。 She already satisfied. 她已经满足了。 Every one time thinks that of that day that moment that flickers for a while, Chu Yang grieved such as will twist, is in deep sorrow. 每一次想到那一天那一时那一刻那一瞬,楚阳都会心痛如绞,痛不欲生。 However now, the situation seemingly had greatly differently. 但是现在,情况貌似大有不同了。 Along with sending out of Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit huge efficacy, the Wu Qianqian grieved complexion, really gradually had the new face, slowly becomes must white and tender. 随着天地玄黄果庞大药力的散发,乌倩倩原本惨然的脸色,竟然逐渐地有了改观,缓缓的变得白嫩起来。 Even, had one to blush the appearance. 甚至,有了一丝红晕出现。 Except that still remains unconscious, present she, directly is excellent beautiful woman of one in the deep sleep. Calmly, happy is sleeping soundly, seems having an infinite happy fond dream, that is all...... 除了依然昏迷不醒,现在的她,直接就是一个在沉睡之中绝佳美人。静静地,甜蜜的酣睡着,似乎在做着一个无限美好的美梦,仅此而已…… ...... …… Outside. 外面。 In the Chu Yang room, has continued entire the day a night, has not passed on any news of activity! 楚阳的房间里,已经持续了整整一天一夜,没有传出来任何动静了! The Feng and Yue husband and wife two people think strange, came to examine specially, but after realizing that totaled 14 Supreme summit powerhouses to collaborate the blockade under arrange, they understood anything. 风月夫妇二人对此觉得奇怪,曾经专门过来查看过,但在察觉了那合共14位至尊颠峰强者联手布下的封锁之后,两人就明白了什么。 They do not have the choice to enter forcefully, but was calmly stands in the entrance. 两人没有选择强行进入,而是静静地站在了门口。 Guardian. 护法 In, decides however has extremely important matter occurrence! 内中,定然有极其重要的事情发生! Ling Muyang has distributed all Ling Family existing masters completely, inquires the Law Enforcer aspect, particularly Sovereign of the Law my news \; Then, performs all abilities to collect all corpses, the cremation, will put an end to the occurrence of plague with every effort. 凌暮阳将所有的凌家现有高手全部分派了出去,打探执法者方面,尤其是法尊本人的消息\;然后,尽一切能力收集所有尸体,将之焚化,尽最大可能杜绝瘟疫的发生。 Besides still had the unceasing migrant workers to enter, as if returned to normal. 中都除了仍旧有不断的外来人员进入之外,似乎又恢复了平静。 Subtle balance, subtle tranquility, all such as storm in the future final tranquil! 微妙的平衡,微妙的平静,一切都如暴风雨将来之前的最后平静! Many afterward migrant workers, still harbored to participate in the dream of Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting to come unexpectedly, is still doing is joining the Law Enforcer ranks at one fell swoop, henceforth the fond dream of carp fish dive Dragon Gate, does not know. Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting that they long, early has survived in name only now. 许多后来的外来人员,竟是仍旧怀着参加天鼎盛会的梦想而来,依然在做着一举加入执法者行列、从此鲤鱼跃龙门的美梦,根本不知道。他们渴望的天鼎盛会,现在早已经名存实亡。 This is not strange, is really this piece of Nine Heavens Continent, too vast a point. 这并不奇怪,实在是这片九重天大陆,太辽阔了一点。 Although everywhere is the beacon everywhere. However, does not know that the person of inside story, still belonged to overwhelming majorities. 虽然到处都是烽烟处处。但是,不知内情的人,仍旧属于绝大多数。 After all, the Jiang Hu book is chaotic. How isn't chaotic can call Jiang Hu?! After these people enter, knew the beginning to end of this matter, knows the present situation worsened in this way the situation unexpectedly time. To withdraw again, or the old route goes home, actually turned into not the expectation that is possible to realize. 毕竟,江湖本就是纷乱的。没有纷乱如何能称之为江湖?!只是,当这些人进入中都之后,知道了这件事的始末,知道现况竟然已经恶化到了如斯地步的时候。再想要退出,或者原路回家,却已经变成了不可能实现的奢望。 Suddenly. Everybody stamp the feet and beat the breast. 一时间。人人都是顿足捶胸。 Cannot think oneself harbor zealously. Comes in high spirits, unexpectedly has thrown into a giant vortex center. Fell into must die the bureau...... 想不到自己怀着满腔热忱。兴冲冲而来,居然是一头扎进了一个巨大的漩涡的中心。陷入了必死之局…… Heavens!, you open the eye to have a look...... 天啊,地啊,你睁开眼睛看看吧…… In Capital City. 中都城里。 Various Great Clans people now are already thorough red eye, all day all night is preparing. 大家族的人如今是已经彻底的红了眼睛,整日整夜的在备战之中。 Everybody know that Law Enforcer eyes covetously outside now, in entire mainland range encircles to chase down the Nine Great Clans remaining manpower crazily. Only waits for them to think that has completed outside task. The person who in Nine Great Clans outside they want to kill died completely, died certainly. Their Bing fronts, will point to! 人人都知道,执法者现在就在外面虎视眈眈,在整个大陆范围的疯狂围剿追杀九大家族残余人手。只等他们认为完成了外面的任务。外面的他们想要杀死的九大家族之中的人全部死光了,死绝了。他们的兵锋,就会直指中都! At the appointed time, will turn into extremely tragic final war sites! 届时,中都将会变成一场场惨绝人寰的最终大战所在地! They now already during building up...... Already at surrounding...... 或者,他们现在已经在集结之中……已经处在中都外围了…… But, Law Enforcer real main force where, now actually already thorough has become a riddle of difficult solution. 但,执法者的真实主力到底在何处,现在却已经彻底的成了一个难解的谜。 The Nine Great Clans people in Capital City, everyone is hoping, this decisive battle morning an arrival \; This grade of painful suffering taste, is really makes the person have a feeling of waiting for death, was too unendurable. 中都城里的九大家族中人,每一个人都在盼望着,这一场决战早一点到来吧\;这等痛苦的煎熬滋味,实在是让人有一种等死的感觉,太难熬了。 Dies is not necessarily fearful, perhaps is only a twinkling's matter, if by any chance dies is actually most unendurable, experiences one day like a year is not overrated certainly! 死未必多可怕,也许只是一眨眼的事情,但等死却是最难熬的,度日如年绝不为过! But turns over to unendurablily unendurablily, they faintly are actually hoping in the moral nature, the later the better that on that day arrived. 但难熬归难熬,他们却又隐隐在心底希望着,那一天到来的越晚越好。 Should better not to arrive. 最好不要到来。 Because, outside, own family, own brothers, own family member. If so the main force in Law Enforcer aspect arrives truly, proof these people all died, again did not have the least bit to count on. 因为,在外面,还有自己的家族,自己的兄弟,自己的亲人。若然执法者方面的主力真正到来,就证明那些人全都死光了,也就再也没有了半点指望了。 That is what kind painful matter. 那将是一件令人何等痛苦的事情。 Time static intravenous drip passes, appeared including Ye Chenchen and other high levels more and more is also anxious. 时间静静的点滴流逝,连夜沉沉等高层也显得越来越是焦躁了。 What is Sovereign of the Law making? His goal why? 法尊到底在做什么?他的目的到底为何? Now why doesn't the little news have continually? 为什么现在连一点点消息也都没有了? next afternoon that Chu Yang and the others closes up, had the recent news suddenly. 楚阳等人闭关的第二天下午,突然间有了新的消息。 Enduring of Law Enforcer aspect, from various world places, starts to build up in direction!” 执法者方面的忍受,从天下各处,开始向着中都方向集结!” Law Enforcer Blood Reward, quickly builds up toward!” 执法者血酬,向着中都快速集结!” „The Law Enforcer slogan, passed on!” 执法者的口号,已经传了出来!” In massacre!” 血洗中都!” This foot endured the astonishing news that shocked, the hurricane blows generally entire. 这个足堪震撼的惊人消息,飓风一般刮遍了整个中都。 Person who all hears this news, the complexions of all people turned into the miserable white! 所有听到这个消息的人,所有人的脸色都变成了惨白色! In massacre! 血洗中都! Unexpectedly is such extreme bloody slogan! In Capital City, this news plague general spreads, somewhat played chess by oneself to hit is also thorough in this time on the person of surrender. 居然是这样的极端血腥的口号!中都城里,这个消息瘟疫一般的流传起来,原本还有些打谱打不过就投降的人也在此时彻底绝望。 Except for a war, had no other alternative at risk of life! 除了拼死一战,已经是别无他途! Now, outside world, has been controlled by Law Enforcer completely, the person who all dares to revolt against, turned into the corpse. Some person many that this died in battle, now is hard to estimate, but absolutely is astronomical figures. 现在,外面的天下,已经全部都由执法者掌控,所有敢于反抗的人,都已经变成了尸体。这一战死的人到底有多少,现在已经是难以估算,但绝对是一个天文数字。 But truly those who make all people not think is...... 而真正让所有人怎么也没有想到的是…… Sovereign of the Law is doing this work unexpectedly. Sends out a huge amount of manpower and resources, this fights registers to compile a register the achievement and casualties that complete statistics. 法尊居然在做这个工作。派出大量的人力物力,将这一战的成果和伤亡登录造册,完整的统计。 Moreover informed the world this completely crazy and ridiculous the final bloody achievement of slaughter motion! 而且还将这一次丧心病狂杀戮行动的最终血腥成果昭告天下! This strange psychology and action, making the person gnash one's teeth in hatred . Moreover, unusual is incomprehensible. 这种奇怪的心理和举动,让人都是切齿痛恨,而且,异常的不能理解。 So crazy, through the ages one and only! 如此疯狂,古往今来绝无仅有 Even, Sovereign of the Law has also issued the manifesto for this time purge world! 甚至,法尊还为这一次的清洗天下发布了檄文! ............ ………… ...... I was insane...... >\; 哦……我疯了……>\;
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