TTNH :: Volume #18

#1725: True foundation laying

That brushes, the brothers greatly have opened the mouth. 刷的一声,兄弟们都大大的张大了嘴。 Mo Qingwu, Mo Lei'er and Chu Le'er three females naturally are somewhat embarrassed, but is obedient has opened the mouth, in the heart the infinite suspicion. 莫轻舞墨泪儿楚乐儿三女自然是有些不好意思的,但还是听话的张开了嘴,心中无限的疑窦。 Ji Mo and Luo Kedi see this situation to think to smile, actually does not dare hurriedly, only to open mouth, suppresses a belly drum drum. 纪墨罗克敌见这情形有心想笑,却又不敢造次,只能张着嘴,直憋得肚皮一鼓一鼓。 Opens mouth, not only cannot speak, seemingly smiles not to be good. 张着嘴,不光是不能说话,貌似连笑都不行来着。 Chu Yang returned to Nine Tribulations Space, fixes the eyes on to look at that super mysterious fruit. 楚阳已经又回到了九劫空间,定睛看着那颗超级神奇的果子。 Sword Spirit is feeling efficacy volatility attentively, only with enough time asked: How many people? 11 people originally?” 剑灵全神贯注的感受着药力挥发情况,只来得及问道:“几个人?还是原本的11个人?” This time links me 14.” Chu Yang rapid reply. “这次连我在内14个。”楚阳迅速回答。 I said almost...... Immediately starts to act! Is divided into 14 this fruit instantaneously, then within the earliest possible time feeds in the people mouth...... Any delay, loss possibly is massive cultivation base......” “等我说差不多……就立即开始动作!将这果子瞬间分成14块,然后第一时间之内送进众人口中……任何一点迟延,损失的都可能是大量的修为……” Yes!” “明白!” I open the mouth also surpasses surely \; When you separate the fruit time, certainly completely does not assume to withstand...... But, when puts in the import, almost on the limit that everybody withstood......” “我开口的时候必定还有超出\;等你分开果子的时候,一定也还是完全不呈承受的……但,等到放进口中,差不多就正是大家承受的极限了……” Sword Spirit reminded: Do not forget, Mo Lei'er and Chu Le'er two people also grade nine Supreme. You must be a little ripe, their two wants some to be good few.” 剑灵提醒道:“不要忘记,墨泪儿楚乐儿两个人还不到九品至尊。你心里要有点熟,她们两个的要少一些才行。” I knew.” “我晓得。” Two people of eyes anxiously looks that the Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit mist dissipates gradually, shears like the blade that loves dearly. But, is completely nonabsorbable, this is really the disciple shouts how. 两人眼巴巴的看着天地玄黄果的雾气渐次消散,心疼的有如刀割。但,完全不能吸收,这真是徒呼奈何。 Until now, but also slightly surpasses. Almost was the time......” Sword Spirit looks after the Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit six mist have dispersed outermost two, immediately reminded. “到现在为止,还略有超出。差不多是时候了……”剑灵看着天地玄黄果的六圈雾气已经散掉了最外面的两圈之后,立即提醒道。 At this moment! 就是此刻! Chu Yang takes up the fruit, such as flies. 楚阳一把抄起果子,如飞出去。 Outside, Mo Tianji and the others strangely is opening mouth to stand upright \; Now this situation, if there is a bystander accidentally to come, convulsion that perhaps immediately must smile...... 外面,莫天机等人都在奇怪地张着嘴挺立着\;现在这个情况,若是有外人偶然进来,恐怕立即就要笑的痉挛…… Was this Nine Tribulation Brothers this? Dumbfounded is standing, a collective movement, any situation...... 九劫兄弟这是咋了?一个个目瞪口呆的站着,集体一个动作,啥情况啊…… Suddenly! 蓦然! Airborne reappeared suddenly a quiet and tasteful fragrance beyond description, the people just smelled, saw that at present the person's shadow dodges. Chu Yang flies to come out generally, gets down moment, in the mouth of everyone felt by Serbia the little any thing. 空中突然浮现出一阵难以形容的幽雅香味,众人才刚刚闻到,就见到眼前人影一闪。楚阳飞一般出来,下一刻,每个人的口中都感觉被塞进去了一点点什么东西。 Truly is little, a fruit is big. Is divided into 14 again, can have many, is little! 确实就是一点点,一个果子才多大。再分成14份,能有多少,也就一点点而已! Then, hears the Chu Yang sound saying: Hurries to shut up!” 然后,就听到楚阳的声音说道:“赶紧闭上嘴!” . 啪嗒。 The people shut up together. 众人一起闭嘴。 Will ask: What thing that the Boss you to we do eat? tongue one volume did not have, such selects the gadget to play the major role? 正要发问:老大你给我们吃的什么东西?舌头一卷就没了,这么点玩意能起多大作用? The function of little fruit, all people experienced below moment, little volume not representative background also was little! 一点点的果子的作用,所有人都在下一刻体验到了,一点点的体积不代表底蕴也只有一点点! This little fruit still enough brace exploded in the Nine Heavens category to surpass 99.9% 99 Martial Artist! 这一点点的果子仍然足够撑爆九重天范畴内超过九成九九99的武者 Immediately, everyone can feel clearly the thing in mouth melts instantaneously, the flash enters in the abdomen again, is one just likes split heaven and earth apart general rushing soul force suddenly raises from the dantian! 随即,每个人都能清晰感觉口中的东西瞬间融化,再一刹那进入肚腹之中,然后就是一股犹如开天辟地一般的澎湃灵力猛地从丹田升起! The great strength of this soul force. Even if Wu Juecheng. Also felt almost flushed being frightened out of one's wits! 这股灵力之强大。纵然是舞绝城。也感觉到了差一点被冲的魂飞魄散! Is so little on the difference, this is soul force that little thing creates unexpectedly? 就差那么一点点,难道这股灵力竟是那一点点东西造成的? Everyone clear has a feeling: Digestion that if not hurry, perhaps below moment only then explodes the body to perish a result! Does not have any luck absolutely! 每个人都清晰的有一种感觉:若是不赶紧的消化,恐怕自己在下一刻就只有爆体而亡一个结局!绝对不存在任何的侥幸! As for relatively speaking cultivation base weakest Chu Le'er and Mo Lei'er, Chu Yang reduced two-thirds doses desirably \; But they are in the earliest possible time could not withstand, reddening all over the face sat. 至于相对而言修为最弱的楚乐儿墨泪儿,楚阳刻意的减少了2的药量\;但两人还是第一时间里已告承受不住,满脸通红的坐了下去。 Immediately. Body steaming mist overflowed. 随即。身上腾腾的雾气已经流溢了出来。 Then is some people and other cultivation base slightly weak Ji Mo Luo Kedi and other people. 然后是一干人等修为稍弱的纪墨罗克敌等几人。 Chu Yang took the fruit similarly, but he crazy revolution cultivation base, digested the efficacy, while focused attention on to observe the people to respond \; At the same time rapid passes message said: Everybody is surely careful. This is extremely rare Heaven and Earth Treasure...... After taking, so long as you cannot withstand, cultivation base can obtain nearly unlimited promotion...... But must remember a matter, if arrived to promote itself unable really to withstand...... Opening mouth that hurries, with the way of dantian circulation, the unnecessary nonabsorbable soul force turnover will exit...... Otherwise, will explode body to perish really! Is sure to remember! Do not show off power!” 楚阳同样服下了果子,但他一边疯狂的运转修为,消化药力,一边注目观察着众人反应\;一边急促的传音说道:“大家千万小心。这是一种极其稀罕的天材地宝……服用之后,只要你们承受得住,修为就能够得到近乎无限制的提升……但一定要记住一件事,若是真到了提升到了自己都不能承受的时候……就赶紧的张开嘴,用丹田循环的方式,将多余的不能吸收的灵力吞吐出去……要不然,真的会爆体而亡的!切记切记!千万不要逞强!” Chu Yang these words said is ordinary like the machine gun, pit-a-pat said. 楚阳这番话说的有如机关枪一般,突突突地就说完了。 But everyone heard. 但每一个人都听到了。 Chu Yang also wants to say one: Really must to cannot withstand again the turnover...... 楚阳本来还想多说一句:必须要到实在承受不住的时候再吞吐啊…… But the fruit erupts the strong fierce soul force this dantian to blast open finally thoroughly, bang to/clashes, he did not have the mental effort to say again during time of second words, already fell into deep boundless to control one's breathing. 但果子爆发出来强猛的灵力这会终于丹田彻底炸裂,轰的一声冲上来,他已经没有心力再说第二句话的时间了,已然陷入了深沉的茫茫调息之中。 Actually, these words seemingly do not need. 其实,这句话貌似是没必要的。 Everybody everybody know, understands \; Since Chu Yang has done first such, then, this definitely is the unrivalled immortal reason. 大家人人都知道,也都明白\;既然楚阳已经先这么做了,那么,这肯定就是旷世仙缘。 So huge chance, if not for dies at present, who gives up the real turnover to exit? In that case, according to the Ji Mo words is: wastrel that the world changes colors sufficiently! Can dye the the sun and the moon non- light the pit father goods...... 如此天大机缘,若不是死在眼前,谁舍得真的吞吐出去?若是那样的话,按照纪墨的话就是:足以天地失色的败家子!能够染日月无光的坑爹货啊…… This time, or is becomes in the future true foundation laying of peerless powerhouse! 这一次,或者就是成为未来绝世强者的真正奠基! Everyone in clenching teeth to support painstakingly, endures in the body that peerless fierce dragon general spiritual energy to hit in left Chongyou with hardship \; Felt own meridians, in bit by bit was flushed! 每一个人都在咬着牙苦撑,苦苦地忍受着自己身体里面那种绝世猛龙一般的灵气在左冲右撞\;感觉到自己的经脉,在一点一点的被冲开! Everyone can feel clearly that meridians one after another in own body, by tyrannical efficacy powerful penetration, complete penetration, then, rapid stuffs pure incomparable spiritual energy, thorough will occupy. Then , to continue the impact next meridians! This process said simply, is actually the pain, including Wu Juecheng this and other deep cultivation base, unusual mood, important closes one's eyes tightly, streaming with sweat. 每个人都能清晰地感觉到,在自己身体中一条一条的经脉,被强横药力强势贯通,完全贯通,然后,迅速的充塞进去精纯无比的灵气,将之彻底占据。然后,继续冲击下一条经脉!这个过程说起来简单,其实是痛苦至极的,连舞绝城这等深厚的修为,超凡的心境,也要紧紧闭着眼睛,汗如雨下。 As for Chu Yang Mo Tianji Gu Duxing and the others, not being able to withstand. Muscle, can look clearly in an intermittent convulsion. 至于楚阳莫天机顾独行等人,更加的不堪。身上的肌肉,可以清晰地看出来在一阵阵的痉挛着。 Chu Yang merely with the tenacious will as well as that instinct, moved side own body Mo Qingwu, exhausted all automatic control abilities, can lift the hand to grasp her slender waist gently. 楚阳仅仅凭着顽强的毅力以及那一份本能,将自己的身体生生挪动到了莫轻舞身边,用尽所有的自控能力,才能抬起手轻轻抱住了她的纤细腰肢。 Could not say including a few words unexpectedly. 竟连一句话都已经说不出来。 His seemingly simply will not have the time, not to have the strength to speak. 他这会貌似也根本没有时间、没有力气说话。 All psychic forces, all willpower, all mental efforts, are making the fight in within the body turbulent heat flow. Must it subduing, tame thoroughly, changes into me to use, to change into me thoroughly to have, changes into my strength! 所有的精神力,所有的意志力,所有的心力,都在与体内这股汹涌的热流做着战斗。一定要将之收服,彻底驯服,彻底化为我用,化为我有,化为我自己的力量! Mo Qingwu at this moment actually felt that oneself obtained one such as mountain Ruyue the thick dependence, in the heart a happiness. 此刻的莫轻舞却感觉到自身得到了一股如山如岳的厚实依靠,心中一片甜蜜。 Chu Yang has not spoken any words, but Mo Qingwu actually knows that Chu Yang wanted to say anything: Qingwu, supports! I side you! 楚阳没有说任何话,但莫轻舞却已知道楚阳想要说什么:轻舞,撑住!我就在你身边! He side me! I have something to dread! 他在我身边!那我还有什么可畏惧的! Mo Qingwu this soon support did not live, but since Chu Yang arm surrounds gently, actually does not know the strength of where coming, is similar to feel oneself felt better. 莫轻舞这回本已经快要支持不住了,但自从楚阳的手臂那么轻轻一个环抱之后,竟然不知道哪里来的力气,恍惚间仿佛感觉自己好受了许多。 Immediately, her far exceeded others' physique to display certainly the big effectiveness, start slowly bought in that wild air current...... Gradually during entered the thing I two to forget. 随即,她那远远超出别人的体质发挥了绝大的效用,慢慢的开始吸纳那狂暴的气流……逐渐的进入了物我两忘之中。 Only felt that on own waist, has had together the strong arm, in permanent is guarding itself...... 只感觉在自己的腰肢上,一直有着一道坚强的臂膀,在恒久地卫护着自己…… Dong Wushang and Mo Lei'er two hands grip tightly in the same place, they are maintaining the synchronized breath, luckily Chu Yang when the minute fruit, there is a reduction of consciousness the Mo Lei'er component, luckily Dong Wushang by Mo Lei'er, Mo Lei'er current cultivation base for people end, but also outline under Chu Le'er, if not the fruit component were few enough, Dong Wushang helped its burden efficacy impact, frequently had to explode the danger of body seriously. 董无伤墨泪儿两只手紧紧握在一起,两人保持着同步呼吸,幸亏楚阳在分果子的时候,有意识的减少了墨泪儿的分量,幸亏董无伤就在墨泪儿旁边,墨泪儿目前的修为为众人之末,还要略在楚乐儿之下,若非果子分量足够少,还有董无伤帮其负担药力冲击,当真是动辄有爆体之危。 Wu Juecheng cultivation base is deep, moreover experience is richest, after initial wild impact, accent slowly along own breath, although still did not feel better, but actually by far not like other people distressed...... 舞绝城毕竟修为深厚,而且经验最为丰富,在经过最初的狂暴冲击之后,慢慢的调顺了自身的呼吸,虽然仍旧不好受,但却远远不像其他人那样狼狈…… He even also branches out a hand, builds in the Chu Le'er shoulder, as far as possible absorbs the efficacy with own ample force help apprentice, the Chu Le'er talent is without doubt astonishing, physique also far ultra common Martial Artist, but if only depends on her to consume that little fruit, only feared that seriously is beyond one's reach. 他甚至还分出一只手,搭在楚乐儿肩头,尽量的用自己的余力帮助徒弟吸收药力,楚乐儿天赋无疑惊人,体质也远超寻常武者,但若只凭她自己来消耗那一点点果子,只怕当真是力有未逮的。 Stern-faced Mo Tianji as if felt anything, on the face the serious look somewhat relaxed a point slightly. 原本一脸凝重的莫天机似乎感觉到了什么,脸上严肃神色稍稍有些放松了一点。 But the following the crowd person braves the rich white mist, has flooded the entire room gradually, has the congealing mature archery target trend unexpectedly faintly. 而从众人身上冒出来浓郁的白色雾气,渐次充斥了整个房间,竟隐隐有凝成实质的趋势。 Before then, here over over ten grade nine Supreme collaborate the extremely tyrannical Supreme Divine Sense blockade under arrange, already firmly completely controlled all news of activity of this room. 在此之前,这里超过十位以上的九品至尊联手布下的极其强横至尊神念封锁,早已牢牢地将这个房间的一切动静完全控制。 From outside, only has one piece tranquilly. 从外面看去,只有一片平静而已。 In the room, in the body of everyone is actually startled big wave stormy sea! 房内,每个人的身体里面却都是惊涛骇浪 So long as carelessly, frequently has the danger that the whole body explodes, once explodes, is explosion must die incessantly, will inevitably provoke the chain-reaction, in this room will not have the survival, the soul walks the Nine Springs inevitably together, the dead end starts on a journey. 只要一个不慎,动辄就有全身爆炸的危险,而且一旦爆炸,不止是爆炸者要死,势必将引起连锁反应,这屋子里不会有幸存,必然一道魂走九泉,末路起程。 Sword Spirit this also quietly appears the body, what the whole face is dignified is people Guardian. 剑灵这回也悄悄地现出来身体,满脸凝重的为众人护法 Really cannot think \; Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit, moreover after dissipated most soul force, is shared to take by 14 people again, unexpectedly also has such overbearing effect. 实在是想不到\;只是一枚天地玄黄果,而且还是已经消散了大半的灵力之后,再由14个人分摊服用,居然还有这样霸道的效果。 Nearly explodes these 14 person together braces unexpectedly! 竟险些将这14个人一起撑爆! Is this huge efficacy? 这是何等庞大的药力? The own beforehand estimate really kept! 自己之前的估计还是真是太保守了一些! Sword Spirit feels future light suddenly. 剑灵突然间感觉前途一片光明。 Other did not say that only thinks in Chu Yang Nine Tribulations Space also so many Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit \; Seemingly also has some not well-known fruit of higher level...... In the spirit medicine garden these change with each new day is progressing, in promotion quality several thousand mystical spirit medicine...... 别的不说,就只想想楚阳九劫空间内还有那么多的天地玄黄果\;貌似还有更高层次的某种不知名果子……还有灵药园中那些日新月异的在进步,在提升品质的数千种神异灵药…… Remembers Nine Layered Pill, remembers Chu Yang , since obtaining, had not revealed eighth true might Nine Great Spirit Medicines truly \; Remembers Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor non- world inheritance, remembers these countless Soul of Purple Crystal, Purple Crystal Sacred Crystal...... 想起九重丹,想起楚阳自从得到之后一直没有真正显露真正威力的九大灵药之八\;想起紫霄天帝不世传承,想起那些不计其数的紫晶之魂,紫晶圣晶…… Can this Sir Sword Master, actually arrive at which finally? 这位剑主大人,最终究竟能走到哪一步呢? Anticipation! 期待啊! ............ …………
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