TTNH :: Volume #18

#1724: Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit

Has not thought , the infinite universe, is really every possible strange thing, ties the fruit that from the tree, unexpectedly can also be so square \; You said the side also on side. What is more flamboyant, but can also give the perfect visual deceit...... 真的没有想到,大千世界,委实是无奇不有,从树上结出来的果子,居然还能有这么四四方方的\;你说方的也就方的呗。更加牛逼的是,还能给人以完美的视觉欺骗…… Really...... A little speechless. 真是……有点无语。 In the fruit surface, six that type of exceptionally dim mist, is very clear, looks like six white apertures, this fruit surrounding in inside. 在果子表面,共有六圈那种异常朦胧的雾气,很清晰,就像是六道白色的光圈,将这个果子包围在里面。 With in the hand, the finger cannot contact the fruit external skin actually truly, can only say that is taking one group of mist, is holding the fruit by the mist in inside. 拿在手上,手指头其实根本就不能够真正接触到果子表皮,只能说是拿着一团雾气,由雾气在里面托着果子。 Such mysterious fruit, do not say is Chu Yang, Sword Spirit, is the entire life the miracle that has not seen. 这样神奇的果实,不要说是楚阳,就连剑灵,也是生平从所未见的奇迹。 Really is mysterious! In the world actually really had magical things in this way......” Sword Spirit almost to look to stay the eye, suddenly called out in alarm one: Unexpectedly naturally on this fruit produces has the character!” “真是神奇!天地之间竟然真的存在如斯的灵物……”剑灵几乎看呆了眼睛,突然惊呼一声:“这果子上竟然天然生成的有字!” Has the character?” Chu Yang has gawked staring, looks with rapt attention. “有字?”楚阳愣了愣,凝神看去。 Cannot help but suddenly has opened the mouth. 不由得猛地张大了嘴巴。 Unexpectedly has the character really! 居然真的有字! Not only has the character, but also that character will move unexpectedly! 不仅有字,而且那字居然还是会动的! Five characters, a mark, in the six sections of this fruit is rotating slowly, seems abiding by some specific rule...... 五个字,一个符号,在这果子的六个切面上不住的缓缓转动着,似乎是遵循着某种特定的规律…… Day, profound and yellow, fruit......” Chu Yang character by character read, cannot help but has sucked in an cold air/Qi \; Really really has five characters, perhaps, this was the name of this strange fruit. “天、地、玄、黄、果……”楚阳一个字一个字的念出来,不由得倒抽了一口冷气\;竟然真的有五个字,恐怕,这就是这个奇怪果子的名字了。 Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit! 天地玄黄果 What fruit is this? Unexpectedly including name long on fruit? 这是什么果子?竟然连名字都长在了果子上面? Moreover, what mark is this mark? On behalf of what meaning? Oneself seemingly have not seen. It looks like two fish report necks sleeps, composes a black white strange circular \; On the murrel has a white eye, the barbel head has a black eye...... 而且,这个符号又是什么符号?代表什么意思?自己貌似从来都没有见过。就像是两条鱼报颈而眠,组成一个一黑一白的奇怪的圆形\;黑鱼头上有一只白色的眼睛,白鱼头上有一只黑色的眼睛…… What mark is this? 这到底是什么符号呢? Along with that strange fragrance unceasing volatility, Sword Spirit calls out in alarm one suddenly, because, his body unexpectedly in this strange fragrance. Restored unceasingly...... 随着那股奇异香气不断的挥发,剑灵突然惊叫一声,因为,他的身体竟然就在这股奇异的香气里面。不断的恢复了…… Before after and Sovereign of the Law fought , the injury of leaving behind, the medicine did not recover unexpectedly! 之前与法尊一战之后所留下的伤势,竟然不药而愈! But creates this astonishing achievement...... Merely is the fragrance of this fruit! The single is the fragrance can have such big function! What situation is this? 而造成这一惊人的成果……就仅仅是这个果子的香气而已!单只是香气就能有这么大的功能!这是什么情况? Chu Yang and Sword Spirit stare dumbfounded together, then also turns head, looks at the fruit on Chu Yang, has almost not turned the muscle the neck! 楚阳剑灵一起瞠目结舌,然后同时扭头,看着楚阳手上的果子,几乎没把脖子扭了筋! Solely is only the fragrance, has been able to make my injury recover completely...... Your you......” Sword Spirit some saying of shivering: „Don't you want to stutter?” “单单只是香气,已经能让我伤势完全复原……你你你……”剑灵有些颤抖的说道:“你不是想一口吃掉吧?” Chu Yang is also pulling out cold air/Qi one after another: This......” 楚阳也是一口一口的抽冷气:“这个……” The head sweated. 头上都冒了汗。 If put out this fruit comes the time a moment ago, directly was one swallows...... Then, what we definitely know is that now exploded entire Nine Tribulations Space everywhere is, even. Even entire Nine Tribulations Space also exploded continually, is not the strange matter...... 要是刚才拿出这果子来的时候,就直接是一口吞了……那么,可以肯定的是,现在自己已经爆炸得整个九劫空间到处都是了,甚至。甚至连整个九劫空间也都爆炸了,也不是多希奇的事情…… On the huge energy that this fruit contains, even if your ten people eats. Ten people share with joint forces...... Perhaps cannot withstand.” Sword Spirit simply felt this Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit in huge efficacy, complexion brushing bleached. “就这枚果子所蕴涵的庞大的能量,就算是你们十个人吃。十个人合力分摊……恐怕也是承受不住的。”剑灵只是简单地感觉了一下这‘天地玄黄果’之中的庞大药力,脸色“刷”的一声就变白了。 The pure huge efficacy that this type of fruit contains, regarding Martial Artist that cultivation base does not arrive, acute poison that is unable to melt! 这种果子所蕴涵的精纯庞大药力,对于修为不到的武者来说,就是根本无法化解的剧毒 Under clothing/taking only result only then explodes the body! 服下唯一的结果就只有是爆体而已! Chu Yang thorough intertwining. 楚阳彻底的纠结了。 The seal left completely the trick to open finally, had the fruit of formidable energy also to take. But...... Can this probably eat? 封印出尽花招最终打开了,拥有强大能量的果子也拿出来了。可是……这可要怎么吃啊? This chapter does not enter treasure mountain to come away empty, whether there is but is on hand spirit medicine, actually does not dare the end opening, was more puzzled! 这回不是入宝山空手而回,而是手有无上灵药,却不敢下口,更纠结了! This fruit the energy of load bearing......” Sword Spirit also smiles bitterly, is a little seemingly scruple, appearance that cannot determine: Sir Sword Master...... The strength of this fruit. Estimated by me conservatively that can definitely let an most common average person, from not having a thing in the world to start. A background has not started, rushes to the Earth Level peak directly, this is the most conservative estimate.” “这一颗果子所承载的能量……”剑灵也苦笑起来,貌似还有点迟疑,不敢确定的样子:“剑主大人……这果子的力量。以我最保守的估计,完全可以让一个最普通的普通人,从一无所有开始。一点底子都没有开始,直接冲到地级巅峰,这还是最保守的估计。” Chu Yang is shocked, this stood in amazement. 楚阳愣住,这回是真楞住了。 Since Chu Yang again world manner, fortuitous encounter has been nothing less than many. Heaven and Earth Treasure that obtains, takes a broad view at entire Nine Heavens. Looks over can match many two characters absolutely, does not have one, is alone one! 楚阳再世为人以来,奇遇不可谓不多。所得到的天材地宝,放眼整个九重天。纵观绝对是可以匹配“最多”两字,没有之一,就是独一份的! However, such a fruit, has projected on the valley Chu Yang all fortuitous encounters, seems like all fortuitous encounters and all Heaven and Earth Treasure all adds, does not have this fruit to be mysterious, this too has also exaggerated a point! 但是,就这么一颗果子,已经把楚阳所有的奇遇打到谷底,貌似所有奇遇、所有天材地宝全加起来,也没有这一颗果子神奇啊,这也太夸张了一点吧! Sir Sword Master the understanding to so-called Earth Level this name is quite probably dim, lifts a simple example contrast, so-called Earth Level strength, compared with present Sovereign of the Law...... Also wants the high level.” Sword Spirit grinning: At best does not only have the peak level of injured time compared with the same day Devil...... Slightly existence of low grade one! I said like this do not know, Sir Sword Master the time can the cognition clearly!” 剑主大人大概对所谓地级这个称谓的认识还比较朦胧,举一个简单的例子对比,所谓地级实力,就是比现在的法尊……还要高的层次。”剑灵咧了咧嘴:“充其量只比当日天魔没有受伤时候的巅峰层次……略低一级的存在!我这样说不知道,剑主大人时候可以认知的更清晰一点呢!” Naturally, achieved me saying that the prerequisite of Earth Level level was...... You must be able to withstand are good.” “当然,达到我所说地级层次的前提条件便是……你得能承受得了才行。” If cannot withstand, finally is also very simple, is Bang one, including the fruit, a adding people, the wood had.” Sword Spirit unexpectedly very rare charming, said: Naturally, cannot say that is anything does not have, flesh and blood of these dispersing, if buries in earth, can make surrounding area hundred miles trees grow instantaneously the limit, then instantaneous withers and falls to change to the rotten wood on the wane becomes fine powder...... Again then, in later several thousand years of passing of time, here Heaven and Earth Treasure grows unceasingly, even variation...... Becoming in Jiang Hu the desire of one's dreams valuable land with a good geomantic omen absolutely is not the dream, is a quite simple matter......” “若是一个承受不了,结果也很简单,就是砰地一声,连果子,加人,都木有了。”剑灵居然很难得的风趣了一把,道:“当然了,也不能说是什么都没有,那些飞散的血肉,若是埋在土里,瞬间就能让方圆百里的树木成长到极限,然后瞬间凋零枯落化作朽木成为齑粉……再然后,在之后数千年岁月里,这里天材地宝不断生长,甚至变异……成为江湖梦寐以求的风水宝地绝对不是梦想,是一件相当简单事情……” Illustrious......” Chu Yang skin Xiaorou motionless looks at Sword Spirit, the say/way of clenching jaws: You are really humorous today! Does not fall the chain to play with me humorously, you really? Are you really good? You are really great!” “赫赫嗬嗬……”楚阳皮笑肉不动的看着剑灵,咬牙切齿的道:“你他妈的今天真幽默啊!不是掉链子就是跟我玩幽默,你真可以啊?你真行啊?你真了不起啊!” Sword Spirit smiles, quite some being melancholy of taking pleasure in others'misfortunes. 剑灵嘿嘿一笑,颇有些幸灾乐祸的愁闷。 Being melancholy of taking pleasure in others'misfortunes, these words somewhat are seemingly contradictory. 幸灾乐祸的愁闷,这句话貌似有些矛盾。 But Sword Spirit mood at this moment is so, truly is first time sees Chu Yang facing the good thing is actually complete being at a loss, is completely different from the beforehand confident smelly fart appearance, naturally somewhat takes pleasure in others'misfortunes \; Naturally, how for this fruit processes, indeed is melancholy for Chu Yang, how not to take pleasure in others'misfortunes and be melancholy parallel. 剑灵此刻的心境就是如此,真正是第一次见到楚阳面对好东西却是完全的束手无策,与以前信心满满的臭屁样子完全不同,自然就有些幸灾乐祸的\;当然,为了这果子如何处理,也的确是为楚阳愁闷,如何不幸灾乐祸与愁闷并行。 Only can look is unedible. Trades to be anybody to want depressed hover between life and death. 只能看不能吃。换做任何人都要郁闷的死去活来的。 Does not suit.” Chu Yang frowns, said: „The fragrance of this fruit...... As if radiation quick.” “不对劲。”楚阳皱着眉头,道:“这果子的香气……似乎发散的很快啊。” Among their intention phonographs, simultaneously turns the head to look. Immediately at the same time has called out in alarm one! 两人心念电转之间,同时转头看去。随即同时惊叫了一声! Sees only in Nine Tribulations Space, in that spirit medicine garden, such skill of a while, inside spirit medicine unexpectedly went crazy general rapid to grow. 只见在九劫空间内,那灵药园中,前后就只是这么一会儿的功夫,里面的灵药居然发了疯一般的迅速成长起来。 They look that long time recovers. 两人怔怔的看着,半晌才回过神来。 This...... Also is only the fragrance function of that Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit? Was this also too seemingly abnormal?! Too has exaggerated a point? 这……还只是那天地玄黄果的香气作用?这貌似也太变态了吧?!太夸张了一点吧? Before Sword Spirit said that promoted to the Earth Level conservative estimate, now looks like, truly was the conservative estimate, was too conservative! 之前剑灵说提升到地级只是保守估计,现在看来,确实是保守估计,太保守了! Jade Snow Spirit Ginseng that Chu Yang clear sight, that several originally taken shape, under the moist invasion of that fragrance, is pulling out the new branches and leaves that brushes unexpectedly outward. 楚阳清晰的见到,那几株本就已经成型的玉雪灵参,在那股香气的滋润侵染之下,竟然在刷刷的往外抽新的枝叶。 But that Jade Snow Spirit Ginseng main body, unexpectedly at naked eye obvious speed, snow white fresh-faced big. 而那玉雪灵参的本体,竟然以肉眼可见的速度,雪白粉嫩的大了一圈。 Chu Yang is dumbfounded, in addition holds opened mouth to be dumbfounded the condition! 楚阳目瞪口呆,加持张口结舌状态! This speed, was too abnormal...... Jade Snow Spirit Ginseng grows up one most little to need 500 years of time to be good obviously...... 这速度,太变态了吧……玉雪灵参长大一圈明明最少需要500年的光阴好不好…… Turning the head, is one calls out in alarm. 愣愣的转头,又是一声惊呼。 Actually saw that Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit the six dim mist to be short. Turned only had five circles...... 却见那‘天地玄黄果’身上的六圈朦胧雾气已经少了一圈。变成了只有五个圆圈…… Originally, Nine Tribulations Space cannot prevent the efficacy outflow of Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow Fruit to dissipate unexpectedly! 原来,九劫空间竟也不能阻止天地玄黄果的药力流失逸散! Sword Spirit said: Quick!”, 剑灵疾呼:“快!”、 Chu Yang quickly grasps the meaning of something, instantaneous instantaneous understood the meaning of Sword Spirit, whiz left Nine Tribulations Space, then arrived at the outside. 楚阳一个激灵,瞬间瞬间已经明白了剑灵的意思,嗖的一声就出了九劫空间,接着就来到了外间。 Sword Spirit meaning Chu Yang is clear, although the energy in fruit cannot be absorbed now, but defers to such speed to send out, will again likely cross one to suffice to absorb. 剑灵的意思楚阳非常明白,虽然现在果子里的能量还是不能被吸收,但按照这样的速度散发下去,很可能再过一会就可以够吸收了。 Moreover, the equisignal realized can absorb, only feared that the effect reduced greatly! Therefore must be ready ahead of time. This is really the least bit does not delay. 而且,等感觉到可以吸收的时候,只怕已经功效大减!所以必须提前做好准备。这真是半点也是耽误不得的。 Once discovered taking that trend, must be without hesitation immediately. Perhaps discovery time still has the danger that the person supports to explode, but after waiting till into the mouth, basically can digest. 一旦发现有那种趋势,就要立即毫不迟疑的服用。或许发现的时候还存在将人撑爆的危险,但等到入了嘴之后,就基本可以消化了。 Gu Duxing and other people are waiting outside, being critical situation for his Guardian. 顾独行等一干人都在外面等着,如临大敌的为他护法 Chu Yang just exited, has bellowed: Tan Tan! Senior Wu! Le'er! Comes quickly!” 楚阳才刚刚出去,就已经大吼一声:“谈昙舞前辈乐儿!快过来!” This during, sent greetings continually saves, shocked shocks, now the time is most critical, moment could not delay! 这当口,连传音都省了,震撼就震撼一点,现在时间最紧要,一刻也耽误不得! Hears the Chu Yang sound to be anxious extremely, Tan Tan and Wu Juecheng Chu Le'er these three people are almost the subconscious movement, the conditioned reflex common diving posture. Bang enters in the room. 听到楚阳声音惶急万分,谈昙舞绝城楚乐儿这三人几乎就是下意识的动作,条件反射一般飞身而来。砰地一声进入房中。 Closes!” “关门!” Looks at 13 person many, Chu Yang rapid saying: Now without enough time explains anything, remember, all people do not act rashly, are ready, opens mouth to wait, do not suspect that do not inquire, so long as is waiting well.” 一看13个人一个不少,楚阳急促的说道:“现在来不及多解释什么,记住,所有人都别妄动,做好准备,张着嘴等着,不要怀疑,不要询问,只要等着就好。” People stunned. 众人一阵愕然。 What situation is this? Don't move? Also can open mouth to wait? 这是什么情况?都别动?还得张着嘴等着? What meaning is this saying? 这话是啥意思啊? Ji Mo also really has a mind to ask that any situation, unexpectedly Chu Yang suddenly dodges, disappears. 纪墨还真有心想要问问到底什么情况,不意楚阳突然一闪,又不见了。 Mo Tianji takes the bull by the horns, shouts to clear the way: Everybody has the question to ask again that now opens mouth to wait!” Mo Tianji knows, since Chu Yang said that certainly has his truth. 莫天机当机立断,喝道:“大家有疑问等会再问,现在都张开嘴等着!”莫天机知道,楚阳既然这么说,就一定有他的道理。 Moreover, Chu Yang rapid of sound, as well as the round trip appearance in a hurry, had indicated: This matter absolute significant! Therefore, being without hesitation has made the decision! 而且,楚阳的声音的急促,以及来去匆匆的样子,已经表明:这件事绝对的重大之极!所以,毫不迟疑的就做出了决定! The people eyes simultaneously outward a drum, looks at Mo Tianji...... The Boss goes crazy, does your this brain truster also go crazy? 众人眼睛同时往外一鼓,看着莫天机……老大发疯,你这个智囊也跟着发疯? Actually saw Mo Tianji to open the mouth, stern look strafes in the past. 却见莫天机已经率先张开了嘴,严峻的眼神一个个扫射过去。 Gu Duxing said severely: Hasn't opened mouth, what waits for?” Has opened the mouth. 顾独行严厉道:“还不张嘴,等什么?”跟着就张开了嘴巴。
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