TTNH :: Volume #18

#1723: Being not to a precedent

Chu Yang only felt that own brain fluid turned into the bean waste one after another, at present Venus braves randomly, as if presented the innumerable universes...... 楚阳只感觉自己的脑浆都变成了一块一块的豆腐渣,眼前金星乱冒,似乎出现了无数个宇宙…… Long time long time, stands, comes an attempt again. 良久良久,站起来,再来一次尝试。 Before Chu Yang, good that guesses, each counter-attack, fully endures a set of ratio 18 hell. 楚阳之前猜的不错,每一次反噬,都足堪比一次18层地狱的集合。 Such painful taste, if changes a person, perhaps would rather die than to attempt the second time, but Chu Yang absolutely will not actually give up diligently...... Even if ten times, 100 times! 这样的痛苦滋味,若是换一个人,恐怕宁死也不会尝试第二次,但楚阳却绝对不会放弃努力……哪怕是十次,100次! Because, he knows that here is the full hope that this fights is , is also a brother hand and foot life continues in a big way hopes for that is at! 因为,他知道,这里乃是这一战的全盘希望之所在,也是自己一干兄弟手足性命延续的最大希冀所在! Here cannot open, this war, absolutely does not have any odds of success! 这里打不开,这一战,绝对没有任何胜算! When the Chu Yang first use psychic force attacks the seal. 就在楚阳第一次使用精神力冲击封印的时候。 In does not know some far place. 在不知道多远的某个地方。 A white clothing youth, with 89 beautiful appearance to the extreme female, has been standing on a piece of grand mountain. 一个白衣少年,正与89个美貌到了极点的女子,站在一片雄伟的高山上。 In front, is together ancient, but actually the grand strange city wall, winds in the hills. 面前,是一道古老但却雄伟之极的古怪城墙,在群山之间蜿蜒。 Raises eyes four wildly completely is the picturesque landscape. 举目四野尽是江山如画。 Here, is my hometown...... Every one time sees ten thousand miles Longcheng, is always choked up with emotions, is unable to restrain oneself.” White clothing youth vision limpid and affectionate looks at the under foot boundless land. “这里,就是我的家乡……每一次看到万里龙城,总是心潮澎湃,不能自已。”白衣少年目光清澈而深情的看着脚下苍茫大地。 Graceful woman in white arrives in front of him, is beautiful above the dazzling peerless appearance, shows a smile: Here is indeed good...... Moreover, no matter the local conditions public sentiment, is the fine scenery, most places be much stronger than we have seen......” 一个仪态万方的白衣女子来到他面前,美得令人炫目的绝世容颜之上,露出一丝微笑:“这里的确挺好的……而且,不管是风土民情,还是风景优美,都要比咱们见过的大多数地方要强得多……” Another beautiful woman full of enthusiasm saying of: Or, do we live here some time? Is the rest some time. Trades the mood! Also was lets husband and lord satisfied the homesickness.” 另一位美女兴致勃勃的说道:“要不,咱们在这里住一段时间吧?算是休息一段时间。换换心情!也算是让夫君满足了思乡之情。” Great idea!” The females clap together, expressed support. “好主意!”众女一起拍手,表示赞同。 White clothing youth askew thinks that said: So...... Also good. However, I also first have a look at the present people to put on anything...... Here plays, good that does in Rome as Rome does, cannot extremely shock everybody is not......” 白衣少年歪歪头想了想,道:“如此……也好。不过,我还先去看看现在的人都穿什么……在这里玩玩,还是入乡随俗的好,总不能太过惊世骇俗不是……” Also good. However, below recent that city as if very lively appearance...... Has to put woman in white that the sound of firecrackers......” formerly spoke to lean unceasingly the ear to listen, said: As if any big day, many others are setting off the firecrackers, unexpectedly is anything...... University? Any person has been admitted to any university and so on...... Seemingly very amusing appearance. This university, is anything......” “也好。不过,下面最近的那座城市似乎很热闹的样子……不断地有放鞭炮的声音……”先前说话的白衣女子侧着耳朵听了听,道:“似乎是一个什么大日子吧,好多人家都在放鞭炮,居然是什么……大学?什么人考上了什么大学之类的……貌似很好玩的样子。这大学,又是什么……” Can remember these institutes of our hometown?” White clothing youth full of enthusiasm saying of: Here university, generally is the native name of that type of institute, but here does not have the feat of arms to teach. But can actually learn many other things, although learns is also not necessarily able to use on......” “可记得咱们家乡的那些个学院?”白衣少年兴致勃勃的说道:“这里的大学,大抵就是那种学院的本土名称,不过这里没有武技传授。但却可以学到很多很多别的东西,虽然学到也未必能用的上……” Is this, sounds very interesting appearance?” Audiences female excitement. “是这样么,听起来挺有趣的样子?”众女一阵兴奋。 Or, we go to school, coming a role to act?” White clothing youth evil smiling. “要不,咱们去上学,来个角色扮演?”白衣少年邪邪的笑了笑。 Great idea and great idea!” Audiences female cheers, the same table approves. “好主意、好主意!”众女一阵欢呼,同表赞同。 Walks! We get down to know the real situation first, then goes to school.” The white clothing youth laughs, stands up: Goes ahead!” “走!我们先下去摸摸底,然后就去上学。”白衣少年哈哈一笑,站起身来:“说办就办!” Will leave here, felt suddenly a spirit fluctuates, cannot help but a brow wrinkle. Immediately understands what happened. Knits the brows to mutter: What is the kid doing? Unexpectedly such has not feared death time and time again, wants to play itself......” 正要离开这里,突然间感觉一阵精神波动,不由得眉头一皱。随即已经明白是发生了什么事情。皱眉喃喃道:“那小家伙在搞什么?居然还这么不怕死的一次又一次,想要玩死自己么……” That kid?” Does asking that the beautiful woman is interested. “那个小家伙啊?”一干美女感兴趣的问道。 Is Nine Heavens Continent that...... Really annoying, I full of enthusiasm wish am handling a matter...... Many year not such high interest......” white clothing youth crooked mouth awry: This boy is being that type the type that hit the south wall not to turn head, must dash the south wall may not, good. Looked that he plays his poor life to play in laborious share such, has not taken time with him, makes him go in a time.” “就是九重天大陆那个……真是挺烦人的,我正兴致勃勃的想要做一件事情……多少年都没有这么高的兴致了……”白衣少年歪歪嘴:“这小子正属于那种撞了南墙也不回头的类型,非得把南墙撞破不可,好吧。看他玩自己的小命玩得这么辛苦的份上,也就不跟他多费事儿了,就让他进去一次吧。” Was saying hit a sound to refer, mutters: Only can eat yellow. Only permits with one, if supported itself not to blame me greedily.” 说着啪的一声打了一个响指,喃喃道:“只能吃黄色的啊。只准拿一个,要是贪心撑死了自己可别怪我。” Immediately stands up, laughs saying: Wives, walk, we go to school! Makes you experience while convenient, the mortal world that I most like!” 随即又站起身来,大笑道:“老婆们,走,咱们上学去!顺便让你们见识见识,我最喜欢的这花花世界!” In cheers numerous beautiful women go with him, like in these nine space, has hiked up piece by piece beautiful pink clouds. 一阵欢呼声中众位美女跟着他一路而去,恰如在这九天上,飘起了一片片美丽的彩云。 ...... …… In Nine Tribulations Space. 九劫空间里。 Chu Yang never saying die was still attacking, a little does not break through the seal not to receive renouncing of hand to mean very much, suddenly, the strength of entire seal towering vanishes, unexpected, Chu Yang looked like mang cow such staggering along flushed. 楚阳仍在锲而不舍的冲击着,很有点不冲破封印绝不收手的决绝意味,蓦然间,整个封印的力量突兀消失,猝不及防之下,楚阳就像是一头牤牛那样跌跌撞撞的冲了进去。 Nearly must rush to these fruits. 差点儿就要冲到了那些果子上面。 Suddenly, the eye stared straight. 一时间,眼睛都瞪直了。 Outside, Sword Spirit was also suddenly stares round the eye. 外面,剑灵也是猛地瞪圆了眼睛。 This what situation? How possible?! Broke through really? 这什么情况?怎么可能呢?!真的冲破了? Won't Fuck! Sir Sword Master so be fierce? Unexpectedly links the seal that can arrange greatly also to clash? 靠!剑主大人不会这么猛吧?居然连那位大能布置的封印也能冲得开? This was really too fierce! 这实在是太厉害了! But at the same time, in the Chu Yang mind has resounded a sound: Kid! Do you want to court death? Even if courts death does not use such painful suiciding way?” 而与此同时,楚阳脑海中响起了一个声音:“小家伙!你要找死么?就算是找死也不用这么痛苦的寻死方式吧?” Chu Yang has not spoken with enough time, hears that sound saying: Good, I currently have the important matter to carry on, with did not bother with you, this time was makes an exception, allowing you to go in one time. However you must remember, later wants again, must wait till the strength to be enough, strength, even if kills cannot go in! Gives favored treatment only then this time, is not to a precedent!” 楚阳还没来得及说话,就听那声音说道:“好吧,我现在有重要事情要进行,也就不跟与你蘑菇了,这次算是破例,允许你进去一次。不过你要记住,以后再想要进去,得等到实力足够了,实力不到,就算撞死也是进不去的!优待只有这一次,下不为例!” Only permits to take yellow that only allow Na. Does not take! If supported not to blame me greedily......” “只准拿黄色的那种,就只许拿一个。不许多拿!要是贪心撑死了别怪我……” Immediately that sound once again vanished. 随即那声音又再度消失了。 Chu Yang does not know whether to laugh or cry. 楚阳哭笑不得。 Originally is not the absolute sincerity, sincerity enough to move popular sentiment, but is others open the net on one side, makes an exception one time. 原来不是自己精诚所至,金石为开,而是人家网开一面,破例一次。 Also is, speaking of according to the beforehand experience, oneself this time attacked successfully was unusual a point, facing the reality, recognized the disparity! 也是,就照之前的经历而论,自己这次冲击成功的也太不寻常了一点,面对现实,承认差距吧! However, is rare I to come in one time, how also only to permit with one? Has this seemingly also been a pity a point?! 不过,难得我进来一次,怎么还只允许拿一个呢?这貌似也太可惜了一点吧?! Takes a broad view to look that sees only inside altogether has two types of color fruits, a color turns yellow, piles outside, the quantity not poor, is that type permits with one that one type is the luster becomes dark, altogether only has nine, aligns in inside. 放眼看去,只见里面共有两种颜色的果子,一种颜色发黄,都堆在外面,数量不菲,是那种允许拿一个的那种,还有一种则是色泽发黑,却一共只有九个,在里面排成一行。 As for the innermost, a sword, void float. 至于最里面,还有一把剑,虚空悬浮着。 Chu Yang puts out a hand, a yellow color fruit has grasped in the hand, wants to attempt to take second, as well as has a look at these is any thing the time again, suddenly, arrives at the extreme pure, seemingly also as terrifying as extreme huge energy, suddenly from the fruit in hand emerges, Chu Yang by this energy suddenly rush out, continually was turned unexpectedly several somersaults. 楚阳一伸手,一只黄色的果子已经抓在了手中,才想要尝试再拿第二个、以及看看这些都是什么东西的时候,突然间,一股精纯到极点,貌似也恐怖到极点的庞大能量,从手中的果子上猛地涌现出来,楚阳居然被这股能量猛地冲出去了,一连翻了十几个跟头。 Solid buttocks squat to sit on the ground, together Purple Crystal by the smashing that he sits. 结结实实的一个屁股蹲坐在地上,啪的一声,一块紫晶被他坐的粉碎。 On the Minister Chu face a look strangeness, wants to cry but have no tears: My buttocks......” 楚御座脸上神色一阵怪异,欲哭无泪:“我的屁股……” Actually real falling cracked the buttocks, the dripping with blood. 却是真真实实的摔裂了屁股,鲜血淋漓。 As for front seal, vanished again. 至于面前的封印,已经再一次消失。 Chu Yang knows that this time, was second time will not open, at least before own strength was enough, was will not open absolutely, even if has killed , was also useless! 楚阳知道,这一次,是再也不会第二次打开了,至少在自己实力足够之前,是绝对不会打开得了,就算自己真个撞死了,也没用了! But looks in own hand, is somewhat depressed, such a fruit...... Suffices? 但看着自己手中,有些郁闷,就这么一个果子……够么? However will that fruit, how have that big prestige energy? This any fruit! 不过那果子,怎么会有那么大的威能呢?这得什么果子啊! In is flushing, the eye that Chu Yang falls into skill in suspicion, Sword Spirit tumbled is perfectly round: You actually took! You have broken through the seal unexpectedly! You unexpectedly......” 正在楚阳陷入疑窦之中的功夫,剑灵已经连滚带爬的冲过来,眼睛溜圆:“你竟然拿出来了!你竟然冲破了封印!你竟然……” Is...... Chu Yang that person puts me to go on own initiative showed the whites of the eyes: Any I have broken through the seal, I also fall far short now......” said rarely word of the confessing, has not blown the atmosphere. “是那人主动放我进去的……”楚阳翻了个白眼:“什么我冲破了封印,我现在还差得远呢……”难得说了句自白之言,没有吹大气。 This...... ga?” Sword Spirit is vacant. “这个……噶?”剑灵却随之茫然。 This time said fights tooth and nail, is not I goes all out to break through that seal, but when goes all out to attempt, will bet him to put me to go in finally...... Yes?” “这次说是搏命,不是我拼命冲破那封印,而拼命尝试之余,赌他最终会放我进去……明白吧?” Chu Yang shows the whites of the eyes, said: He is so busy, but also is so lazy \; Definitely will not endure my impact time and time again...... So long as he has been tired, here opened \; Doing that otherwise I go all out? I do not know that I don't have that ability to turn on the seal?” 楚阳翻着白眼,道:“他那么忙,还那么懒\;肯定不会忍受得了我的一次又一次的冲击……只要他烦了,这里就打开了\;要不然我那么拼命的干嘛?我不知道我没那能力打开封印吗?” Said to sigh, said: „After this time, next time going in that wants such to be opportunistic again, that is directly is impossible, such is opportunistic again, did not say that he is willing, I will be looking down upon me......” 说完叹了口气,道:“不过这一次之后,下次想要再这么取巧的进去,那就已经是直接不可能了,再这么取巧,不说他肯不肯,我自己都会瞧不起我自己了……” Sword Spirit infinitely stunned. 剑灵无限愕然。 Appearance that originally this fellow makes going all out...... Actually is being opportunistic?! 原来这家伙做出一副拼命的样子……其实是在取巧?! Suddenly, the deceitful degree of Sword Spirit to Sir Sword Master had the new understanding. 突然间,剑灵剑主大人的狡诈程度有了新的认识。 Said proper, what you take is what?” Sword Spirit is tactful has changed a topic. “还是说正经的吧,您拿出来的是什么啊?”剑灵识趣的换了个话题。 And other meetings!” Chu Yang ill-humored saying: You make me gasp for breath first...... You think that so were a moment ago many time goes all out to attack plays the vacation? Although in my procedure bone is opportunistic, but also is solid breaknecks. hubbub...... Really loved me really...... How the wound on this chapter of buttocks, Nine Layered Pill cannot govern unexpectedly......” “等会!”楚阳没好气的说道:“你让我先喘口气……你以为刚才那么多次拼命冲击是玩假的?虽说我的做法骨子里是取巧,但也是实实在在的真的玩命啊。哎哟喂……真真是疼死我了……怎么这回屁股上的伤,九重丹居然不能治……” Sword Spirit curls the lip. 剑灵撇撇嘴。 That can look greatly is the temperament quite not good person, at present makes your buttocks blossom, has not let your chrysanthemum permanent disability is very benevolent good, said again, he must punish you, if Nine Layered Pill is also effective, but also is what punishes?...... 那位大能一看就是个脾气相当不好的人,眼下就只是让你屁股开花,没让你菊花永久伤残已经是很仁慈了好不好,再说了,他要惩罚你,要是九重丹还管用的话,还算什么惩罚?…… Long time long time, Chu Yang striving has stood, turns the body to look own flesh and blood dripping behind, feeling of wanting to cry but have no tears: How this also wears the clothes...... However, can actually not wear the clothes? 良久良久,楚阳勉力站了起来,扭着身子看着自己血肉淋漓的后面,有一种欲哭无泪的感觉:这还怎么穿衣服啊……但是,却又怎么能不穿衣服呢? Yeah...... 哎…… Did not say that a saying all was the tears...... 不说了,一说全是眼泪啊…… Finally had skill to have a look at the fruit in hand. 终于有功夫看看手中的果子了。 Sees only in the hand, a grotesque fruit. 只见手中,一枚奇形怪状的果子。 Reason that said is grotesque, because this fruit, if places the distant place to look, which side no matter from looked that is round. With is selected in the hand including the present at present, the eye can inform: This fruit is round! 之所以说是奇形怪状,因为这个果子若是放在远处看的话,不管从哪一面看,都是圆的。包括现在拿在手中举在眼前,眼睛都会告诉自己:这个果子是圆的! Fruit, round isn't normal? 果子嘛,圆的还不正常吗? But now takes in hand feeling inform, this fruit is not only not round, instead is the complete and square shape! 可是现在拿在手中的感觉告诉自己,这个果子非但不圆,反而是完完全全、四四方方的形状! Seemingly is a side neat cube! 貌似就是一个方方正正的立方体! The overall outward appearance edge is similar to the blade truncates general neat. 整体外观边缘如同刀削一般整齐。 Chu Yang gasp in amazement. 楚阳不禁叹为观止 ............ …………
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