TTNH :: Volume #18

#1722: The seal of difficult solution

Chu Yang is very big! 楚阳很是头大! Not only planned left Tie Butian and Wu Qianqian as well as the parental son's share did not have, but must momentarily guard against Tan Tan to hit oneself staggering blow, or up to cunning or petty ruses that set...... 不仅原本打算留给铁补天乌倩倩以及父母儿子的份额没有了,还要随时防备着谈昙来打自己闷棍,或者鸡鸣狗盗那一套…… By understanding of Chu Yang Tan Tan, the methods of these lows, this Three Stars Saint King can do absolutely. 楚阳谈昙的了解,这些下三滥的手段,这位三星圣王是绝对干得出来的。 Yeah, only then, found the way...... to bring the helplessness of being filled with, the front surface to meet several people again. “哎了,只有以后再想办法了……”带着满心的无奈,迎面遇上几个人。 Huang Xialiu and several Huang Family masters, as well as several Ling Family masters, has Ling Hanxue. 黄霞柳和几位黄家高手,以及几位凌家高手,其中还有个凌寒雪 No matter the men and women, look at themselves by a look of extremely hidden bitterness. 不管男女,都以一种极其幽怨的眼神看着自己。 Ling Hanxue, after all female, but other...... Top big masters, made this hidden bitterness the expression really to collapse...... 凌寒雪也还罢了,毕竟是女的,但其他的……个顶个的大老爷们,做出这幅幽怨的表情就实在是太让人崩溃了…… But now really does not have...... Others, you said that Huang Xialiu your also hidden bitterness, gave you to select the trash to support to explode you, your hidden bitterness...... 但现在实在是没有了啊……别人也就罢了,你说黄霞柳你也幽怨,给你点渣渣都能撑爆了你,你幽怨个屁啊…… Chu Yang hit to tremble, falls the desolate to walk...... Returned to own room once more. 楚阳打了个哆嗦,落荒而走……再次回到了自己的房间。 At this time, in inside several brothers, the real strength has absorbed the efficacy for Gu Duxing of crown of people faintly, for brothers Guardian. 这个时候,里面的几个兄弟之中,真实实力隐隐为众人之冠的顾独行已经吸收完了药力,正在为兄弟们护法 „Is effect of promotion what kind of?” Chu Yang walks quietly, lest has disturbed everybody's Cultivation, passes message to Gu Duxing asks. “提升的效果怎么样?”楚阳悄然走进去,唯恐打搅了大家的修炼,对顾独行传音问道。 Is very good! Surpassed me to expect greatly.” Gu Duxing passes message excitedly said: I am grade nine Supreme initially entered the middle rank, but after taking this medicine, now went to the grade nine Supreme middle rank peak...... Some of my even feelings, momentarily possibly march into high rank, the middle rank bottleneck barrier did not exist.” “很不错!大大地超出了我原本的预想。”顾独行兴奋地传音说道:“我原本是九品至尊初入中阶,但服用了这颗药之后,现在已经去到了九品至尊中阶巅峰……我甚至有感觉,随时可能步入高阶,中阶的瓶颈障碍不复存在了。” That is good!” Chu Yang relaxed, the effect that Sword Spirit said is only the theory effect, how the substantive effect is the unknown, although oneself before also took. The effect of but promoting although is also tangible, how actually does not calculate, but the super Nine Layered Pill astonishing effect obtains on Gu Duxing now has greatly manifested, the assurance that in the future will fight a decisive battle was also naturally big several points!. “那就好!”楚阳松了一口气,剑灵所说的功效只是理论效果,实质效果如何到底是未知数,自己之前虽然也有服用。但自己提升的效果虽也算明显,却也不算如何,但现在超级九重丹的惊人效果在顾独行身上得到了巨大体现,未来决战的把握自然又大了几分!。 Immediately said: I must shut a Xiaguan while this skill, after everybody absorbs the efficacy, gives me Guardian...... Before I am automatically sober, regardless of anybody any matter do not disturb me.” 随即道:“我趁这功夫也要闭一下关,等大家吸收完药力之后,给我护法……在我自动清醒之前,无论任何人任何事都不要打搅我。” The Gu Duxing nod complies. 顾独行点头答应。 Chu Yang inspired, entered room inside room. 楚阳吸了一口气,进入了房间里间。 Then entered Nine Tribulations Space. 接着又进入到了九劫空间 Since spirit medicine is effective, that. Own attempt one unties that seal, has a look whether can come out with the thing from that. Best is...... Can present and brothers' cultivation base to the thing that has helped. 既然灵药有效,那么。自己就尝试一下解开那道封印,看看是否能从那里面拿点东西出来了。最好是……能够对现在的自己和兄弟们的修为有所帮助的东西。 Otherwise, this fought was still not optimistic. 要不然,这一战仍不乐观。 You determined that you do want that inside thing?” Sword Spirit has sucked in an cold air/Qi: That inside thing only fears the no small matter...... If wants to open forcefully, forcefully perhaps is Sovereign does not have the full assurance to open......” “你确定你要那里面的东西?”剑灵倒抽了一口冷气:“那里面的东西只怕非同小可……若是想要强行打开,恐怕就算是帝君也没有十足把握能强行打开的……” Chu Yang calm face: „The present is very special period, knows perfectly well unable to open. Also must open with every effort. Even if spells to try also only to open one time...... Also was enough.” 楚阳沉着脸:“现在是非常时期,明知打不开。也要尽力打开。哪怕拼尽全力也只能打开一次……也足够了。” „The present situation is disadvantageous, if cannot obtain the further promotion, this fights us to be very difficult to win, only feared that frequently has the danger of being annihilated!” “现在的情形非常不利,若是不能得到进一步的提升,这一战我们很难获胜,只怕动辄有全军覆没的危险!” If seriously so, then this piece of Nine Heavens Continent was complete. The action that Sovereign of the Law extinguishes the world will not receive the hand absolutely...... Such consequence, Nine Heavens cannot withstand, we cannot shoulder!” “若当真如此,那么这片九重天大陆就全完了。法尊灭世的举措绝对不会收手……这样的后果,九重天承受不起,我们也担负不起!” But......” “可是……” Now not anything, but!” Chu Yang said decidedly: In any event. Does not hesitate at all costs, must turn on that seal! After opening, inside thing with cannot use is a matter...... But actually cannot early give up this hope before the attempt! Seizes this final opportunity, with every effort attempt!” “现在没有什么可是了!”楚阳断然道:“无论如何。不惜一切代价,都一定要打开那道封印!打开之后,里面的东西用不用不上是一回事……但却不能在尝试之前早早将这个希望放弃!把握这最后的机会,尽力尝试吧!” Leads me to go!” “带我去!” A Chu Yang order. But Sword Spirit, the looking distressed region Chu Yang is arriving in Nine Tribulations Space a corner. 楚阳一声命令。剑灵无奈至极,愁眉苦脸地带着楚阳来到九劫空间中一处角落。 Here, looks like basic and other place not any difference. 这里,看起来根本与别的地方没有任何两样。 Performs is the dim mist is covering the edge, obviously is the Nine Tribulations Space wall bonds to be. 尽都是朦胧的薄雾笼罩着边缘,显然已经是九劫空间的壁障所在。 Is here?” Chu Yang put out a hand to touch. Finger actually direct contact a piece of mysterious pliable but hard to break that is the wall of space. “就是这里吗?”楚阳伸出手摸了一把。手指头却直接接触到了一片玄妙的柔韧那是空间之壁。 Was here!” Sword Spirit affirmed the nod. “就是这里了!”剑灵表示肯定的点头。 Chu Yang is a little dizzy: Where here seemingly cannot look including the seal. How can also talk about eradicates?” 楚阳有点晕:“这里貌似连封印在哪里都找不出来。还怎么能谈到破除?” Explains this seal, use is not the military force. But must use the psychic force, you want the psychic force strongly...... Then can see the seal.” “破解这个封印,使用的不是武力。而是要用精神力,你只要将精神力集中……便可以看到封印。” Sword Spirit said: I spoke the offensive talk in front...... This seal is formidable . Moreover, because eradicates the seal to need with the psychic force to attack the seal, once if explains the failure, that must accept the psychic force counter-attack evil consequence...... Also in other words, once is defeated, you must withstand the complete psychic force to counter-attack, well yourself have hit your fist, moreover that spare no effort gets rid......” 剑灵说道:“不过我把丑话说在头里……这个封印非常强大,而且,因为破除封印需要用精神力来冲击封印,若是一旦破解失败,那就要接受精神力反噬的恶果……也就是说,一旦失败,你就要承受全部的精神力反扑,就好好你自己打了你自己一拳,而且还是那种全力以赴的出手……” Chu Yang grinning. Only thought in own back ditch cold sweat streamings. 楚阳咧了咧嘴。只觉得自己脊梁沟子里冷汗涔涔。 This gadget, said that is very relaxed. 这玩意,说起来很轻松。 However spare no effort, oneself hit a oneself fist, such taste absolutely does not feel better, not only does not feel better, radically is very uncomfortable. 然而全力以赴,自己打自己一拳,这样的滋味可是绝对不好受,不光不好受,根本是很难受。 Moreover psychic force counter-attack! 而且还是精神力反噬 The beforehand painful experience really does not want to experience again, that can be done 18 hells to travel absolutely! 之前的痛苦经历实在不想再重新体验,那绝对能被搞出一次18层地狱旅行来! But is a pity Chu Yang now already not too many choices, even if the painful experience must attempt, the hell travel travels on the hell, if because the incorrect words, the father must start the real hell travel to go sightseeing...... 但可惜楚阳现在已经没有太多的选择,即便是再痛苦的体验也要尝试,地狱旅行就地狱旅行,因为若是不行的话,老子就要开始真的地狱旅行观光了…… Stands in front of that seal, Chu Yang deeply inspired, adjusts the optimum condition own psychic force, lively full play. After the moment, merit gathering both eyes, look suddenly forward with rapt attention. 站在那封印前面,楚阳深深地吸了一口气,将自身精神力调整到最佳状态,活泼泼的全力运转起来。片刻后,猛然功聚双目,向前凝神看去。 Sees only in oneself at present, grows out of nothing, slowly presented nearly transparent barrier. 只见就在自己眼前,从无到有,慢慢地出现了一个近乎透明的屏障。 Behind this barrier, has many fruits to pile up in inside faintly visible, arranges chaotically. 在这个屏障后边,隐隐可见有不少的果子在里面堆放着,摆列得杂乱无章。 That person who lays aside these things has not clearly treated as any good good thing these fruits, conveniently has thrown, had not estimated completely will place to affect the fruit itself anomalous. This situation looks at Chu Yang one to love dearly, in the heart is also a great happiness. 放置这些东西的那个人分明没有将这些果子当做什么太好的好东西,就那么随手扔了进去,完全没有估计不规则摆放会影响到果子本身。这情形看得楚阳一阵心疼,心中同时也是一阵大喜。 Opposite party, since does not take seriously these fruits very much, the seal not necessarily is official, to oneself without doubt is a good phenomenon, perhaps all of a sudden opened? 一则,对方既然不是很重视这些果子,封印就未必多正式,对自己而言无疑是个好现象,说不定一下子就打开了呢? Two, since is the fruit, then, these fruits itself definitely are Heaven and Earth Treasure! 二则,既然是果子,那么,这些果子本身肯定就是天材地宝 Since is Heaven and Earth Treasure, then, definitely follows can promote the cultivation base effect. 既然是天材地宝,那么,就肯定伴随着可以提升修为效果。 Believes that this time will not be busy at work white, the opposite party not rare thing, we now are very rare. 相信这一次不会白忙活,对方不稀罕的东西,咱们现在可是很稀罕的。 Takes a broad view to look as far as the eye can see that on these fruits is lingering dim halo one after another, only depends on this point, is Nine Heavens Continent has all Heaven and Earth Treasure not like this special phenomena. 放眼极目看去,那些个果子上一个个都是萦绕着一圈一圈的朦胧光晕,只凭这一点,就已经是九重天大陆现有所有的天材地宝都没有这样的特异现象。 Enough has explained its outstanding degree. 就已经足够说明白其不同凡响的程度了。 The present issue is, how to take, hopes that the opposite party does not attach great importance to, so can not suppose the too strong seal...... 现在的问题就在于,如何将之拿出来,希望对方是真不重视,如此才会不设下太强的封印…… At the last moment, only then leads the way diligently, Chu Yang will steel one's heart, comes out a antenna the psychic force minute, extended toward that piece of seal. 事到临头,惟有努力前行,楚阳将心一横,将精神力分出来一个触角,向着那片封印就伸延了出去。 Just approached this piece of nearly transparent seal, immediately felt being incapable feeling that is unable to shake. 刚刚接近这片近乎透明的封印,即时就感觉到一股根本无法撼动的无力感觉。 However lucky, has not encountered counter-attack! 不过万幸的,并没有遭到反噬 Chu Yang gradual increases the spiritual strength the intensity, but felt that is constant, does not have the least bit effect. 楚阳逐步的加大精神力量的强度,但感觉却是始终如一,全无半点效果。 The psychic force intensity rose gradually Chu Yang own limit, is still unable to break through the seal, Chu Yang attempts in every possible way, throughout did not have any progress, under absolutely cancould be helped, complete psychic force all centralized, suddenly proceeded to flush away, makes the universe to strike, hope lucky...... 精神力强度渐次攀升到了楚阳自身的极限,仍旧无法突破封印,楚阳百般尝试,始终没有任何进展,万般无奈之下,将全部的精神力尽数集中到一点,猛地往前冲去,作乾坤一击,希图个侥幸吧…… ! 噗! pā! 啪! As intense as the extreme instead shook strength immediate counter-attack, Minister Chu Tengyun (to turn over the clouds) harnesses the fog to fall generally. 一阵强烈到极点的反震力即时反噬,楚御座腾云驾雾一般的摔了出去。 Chu Yang by seal counter-attack, lay down on the ground, quite a while has not crawled, suddenly, links a sound to hurt unable to send simply, can only back and forth tumble on the ground, that type exhausted all strengths, the whole body tight completely unconsciousness was tumbling, after quite a while, reluctantly breathed heavily the one breath, held to groan: Ao Yowei...... I hold him......” 楚阳被封印反噬,躺在了地上,半天没爬起来,一时间,简直连一点声音都疼得发不出来,只能在地上来回翻滚,那种用尽了所有力量,全身都完全绷紧的无意识翻滚着,半天之后,才勉强喘过来一口气,捧着头呻吟出来:“奥哟喂……我操他……” Right now by counter-attack really heavy \; Positive counter-attack of Chu Yang own all psychic forces, if converts the Chengwu strength, was almost equal to that Nine Heavens first master Ning Tianya hits a fist fully! After all the Chu Yang psychic force total quantity is almost the Nine Heavens first person, even if present Sovereign of the Law, wants! 这下子被反噬得真的不轻\;楚阳自身所有精神力的正面反噬,若是换算成武力,几乎就等于是九重天第一高手宁天涯全力打出来一拳!毕竟楚阳的精神力总量几乎就是九重天第一人,就算是现在的法尊,也要有所不及! Therefore then does counter-attack can it be that feel better? 所以这下反噬又岂是好受的? Has supported the time of standing to Chu Yang reluctantly, the perspiration that still from feeling whole body weakly, unexpectedly hurt approached the dehydration, counter-attack of psychic force has not only affected in the brain and Spirit Sense, similarly will have the suitable influence to the mortal body...... 到了楚阳勉强支撑站起来的时候,仍自感觉浑身虚弱至极,居然已经疼的出汗接近了脱水,精神力的反噬不光作用于大脑与神识,同样会对肉身产生相当的影响…… After gurgle gurgle has drunk several Spring of Life, feels restores slightly, looked that is also as if anything no seal is still at to that Chu Yang You Zi has a lingering fear. 在咕嘟咕嘟喝了几口生命之泉之后,才感觉稍稍恢复,看向那依然又是似乎什么都没有的封印之所在,楚阳尤自心有余悸。 Before always does not know that anything is a mantis trying to stop a chariot and ephemeral fly shakes the mountain, today was knows thoroughly. 以前总不知道什么是螳臂当车、蜉蝣撼山,今天算是彻底知道了。 Does not vacillate, what to do can this? 根本就是毫无动摇,这可怎么办呢? treasure mountain before, does not have the method of opening buried treasure obviously! 明明宝山在前,却无开启宝藏的手段! Or gives up.” Sword Spirit consoles saying: This at is not the seal that you can turn on now, the attempt, only will create reluctantly damages, the war nears, if your condition not entire, instead will be more disadvantageous to the future war, but the impact will be bigger, counter-attack will be stronger, will not be good, only feared that will meet......” “要不放弃吧。”剑灵劝解道:“这根本不是你现在就能打开的封印,勉强尝试,只会造成自损而已,大战在即,若你状态不全,反而对未来大战更加不利,而冲击越大,反噬就越强,一个不好,只怕会……” Chu Yang shakes the head: I understand that is not good, may let my spirit break, even turns into the living corpse, but gives up now, was equal to this fighting with brothers' life and death overall gave up, how can give up? Wrestles numerous brothers' lives with my life, this gambling stake wrestles, spelled!” 楚阳摇摇头:“我明白的,一个不好,可能会让我精神崩溃,甚至变成活死人,但现在放弃,就等于是将这一战和兄弟们的生死全盘放弃了,如何能够放弃?用我一个人的性命搏众多兄弟的性命,这个赌注搏得过,拼了!” Chu Yang deeply inspired, once again stood before that seal. 楚阳深吸了一口气,又一次站在了那封印之前。 The psychic force, the stimulation of movement, attacks seal once again. 精神力,再度催动,冲击封印。 Then is a pitiful yell. 然后又是一声惨叫。 Chu Yang fell again. These time is more miserable! 楚阳再一次摔了出去。这一次更惨! ............ …………
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