TTNH :: Volume #18

#1721: Feng and Yue responsibility

Chu Yang sincere say/way: Said again that Nine Great Clans completely had been slaughtered, Sovereign of the Law also wanted to stop but cannot, receiving the hand can not. horse near precipice reins evening, ship to trying to avert a disaster after the fact late......” 楚阳语重心长的道:“再说,九大家族已经尽遭屠戮,法尊也已经是欲罢不能,收手不得。马近悬崖勒缰晚,船到江心补漏迟啊……” Wu Juecheng sighed however said: How I do not know this line of risks, but this way, really extremely lost control...... The entire mainland is in the destruction edge, my safety is anything, my this life sorted, Nine Tribulations protects the world to have the responsibility......” 舞绝城喟然道:“我如何不知道此行的风险,但这样下去,委实是太过失控了……整个大陆都处于覆灭边缘,我个人安危又算什么,我这条命本来就拣回来,九劫护世有责……” Even if only then a hope, is worth striving.” “纵然只有一丝的希望,也值得去争取一下的。” Chu Yang said: I understand the meaning of senior, if Senior Wu were still determined to go, first took this pill medicine to go again.” 楚阳说道:“我明白前辈之意,不过若是舞前辈仍是执意要去的话,也还是先服用了这颗丹药再去。” pill medicine? What pill medicine?? What pill medicine this does during also take?” Wu Juecheng asked. 丹药?什么丹药??这当口还服什么丹药?”舞绝城问道。 Nine Layered Pill.” Chu Yang said seriously: I know that Nine Layered Pill senior, is not strange, but the younger generation this time delivers, actually with Senior Wu had eaten differing from, beforehand Nine Layered Pill stresses in the restoration...... Now this Nine Layered Pill, can actually increase Senior Wu current realm hundred years of cultivation base......” 九重丹。”楚阳郑重道:“我知道九重丹于前辈而言,绝不陌生,不过晚辈这次送予的,却与舞前辈曾经吃过的有所不同,以前的九重丹偏重于恢复……现在这一颗九重丹,却是能够增加舞前辈当前境界的百年修为……” Has this grade of divine medicine unexpectedly?” Wu Juecheng vision one bright, said: Such being the case, my this also eats any divine medicine old bones, might as well give Le'er, her strength was still weak, just may promote well......” “竟有这等神药?”舞绝城目光一亮,道:“既然如此,我这把老骨头还吃什么神药,不如都给了乐儿,她实力尚弱,正可好好提升一下……” Chu Yang forced smile: Le'er takes one, is the limit...... Only feared that also needs Senior Wu to comb meridians for her...... Although Le'er the talent is excellent, after all now only has the Supreme grade six peak achievement...... Also grade seven...... This pill medicine drug efficacy to big, is too bigger. Needs senior Tamenosuke to help.” 楚阳苦笑:“乐儿服用一颗,已经是极限……只怕还需要舞前辈为她梳理一番经脉……乐儿虽然天赋过人,毕竟现在就只有至尊六品巅峰成就……还不到七品……这丹药的药效对大而言,还是太大一些。需要前辈为之辅助。” Said this medicine again, takes less profits, if needed , later Le'er, I refine for her again also and that's the end...... I to own younger sister...... Cannot miserly.” “再说这药,多服用也没有更多益处,以后乐儿若有需要,我再为她炼制也就是了……我对自己的妹妹……还是不会吝啬的。” Chu Yang has hesitated, said: Also a little, if I estimated that good, after this war, we only feared that must leave Nine Heavens...... At the appointed time, Senior Wu must come up Old Nine Heavens, the wanderer promotes the strength. The preparation met with own brothers, by the senior current cultivation base theory, only fears......” 楚阳沉吟了一下,道:“还有一点,若是我估计不错的话,此次大战之后,我们只怕就要离开九重天了……届时,舞前辈就要上去九重天阙,一路闯荡提升实力。准备与自己的兄弟们见面,以前辈目前的修为论,只怕……” Chu Yang has not said that Wu Juecheng intent moved completely: „It is not no need to say again. I take am, the war nears, truly can promote for one point is a point.” 楚阳还没有说完,舞绝城已经完全意动:“不必再说了。我服用就是,大战在即,确实是能多提升一分就是一分。” Has solved Wu Juecheng, Chu Yang has not stopped, then looks for Feng and Yue they. 解决了舞绝城这边,楚阳并没有多做停留,接着去找风月两人。 Naturally, to avoid Feng and Yue husband and wife now possibly still in being busy comparing notes, or is...... cough cough, that anything, therefore Chu Yang separates far away, started to cough. 当然,为了避免风月夫妇现在可能还在忙着‘切磋’,或者是……咳咳,那啥,所以楚阳隔得老远,已经开始咳嗽。 cough cough cough...... cough cough......!” 咳咳咳……咳咳……咳哼!” cough cough cough...... cough cough......!” 咳咳咳……咳咳……咳哼!” A cough. Before arriving at the gate time. Yue Lingxue the handsome face opened the door red, the complaint of being too busy: Came to come, what vigor did you cough? Did you fall ill? Blames cavity strange accent including the cough, is passing a lascivious taste......” 一步一咳嗽。走到门前的时候。月聆雪已经俊脸通红地打开了门,忙不迭的抱怨道:“来了就来了吧,你咳嗽什么劲?你难道是生了病?连咳嗽都怪腔怪调,透着一股淫荡味儿……” Inside Feng Yurou is also red of whole face. 里面的风雨柔也是满脸的通红。 Obviously, the husband and wife two people know that Chu Yang is having scruples anything. 显然,夫妻二人都知道楚阳在顾忌什么。 Facing like this awkward situation. Chu Yang also only then feels the nose forced smile. Good, I am a good intention, now in your mouths, was not only sick. Unexpectedly also put the blame on victim, the mouthful lascivious taste, was lascivious including the cough...... 面对这样的尴尬情况。楚阳也只有摸着鼻子苦笑不已。好吧,我本是一番好心,如今在你们嘴里,不仅有了病。居然还被倒打一耙,满嘴的淫荡味儿,连咳嗽都淫荡了…… Does not know where really you listen lascivious...... This ear also is really out of the ordinary. 真不知道您从哪里听出来的淫荡……这耳朵还真是与众不同啊。 Has a mind to refute two, but Feng Yurou in side, how Chu Yang can taking the liberty drop, has to care about the honor to eat up this to be unable to speak out about one's grievances...... 有心反驳两句,但风雨柔就在旁边,楚阳怎么能那么冒昧滴,只好顾及脸面吃下这个哑巴亏…… Exchanged greetings reluctantly, without consulting anybody beyond the shadow explained the purpose in coming. 勉强寒暄了一句,就径自开门见山的道明了来意。 However what stems from the Chu Yang expectation is, Feng and Yue husband and wife is spoke frankly that refuses to take. 然而出乎楚阳预料的是,风月夫妻却是坦言拒绝服用。 Stares on Chu Yang that to let entire world Martial Artist crazy two Nine Layered Pill sufficiently, Yue Lingxue and Feng Yurou look is complex: Both of us cannot take this......” 盯着楚阳手上那足以让整个天下武者疯狂的两颗九重丹,月聆雪风雨柔眼神复杂:“我们两人不能服用这个了……” Why?” Chu Yang surprise. “为什么?”楚阳诧异不已。 The good thing how many person of desire of one's dreams could not obtain, I to deliver to front of you, did you reject to me unexpectedly? 多少人梦寐以求还得不到的好东西,我都送到你们面前了,你们居然给我拒绝? This what situation? 这啥情况? Sword Master Chu has not to know, in fact, our cultivation base early have achieved the limit bottleneck of Nine Heavens boundary, if I and others had a mind, has confidence greatly the breakthrough \; If takes this Nine Layered Pill at this moment seriously, Sony, might break through the bottleneck suddenly very much automatically, that went to Ning Tianya that and other situations, at the appointed time, even if did not want Shatter The Void, left this, was impossible.” 楚剑主有所不知,事实上,我们两人的修为早已经达到了九重天地界的极限瓶颈,若是我等有心,大有把握突破\;若是此刻当真服用这九重丹,骤得新力,很有可能会自动冲破了瓶颈,那就去到了宁天涯的那等地步,届时,就算不想要破碎虚空,离开此界,也不可能了。” Yue Lingxue smiles, said: But we do not want to depart \; Does not want to leave this piece of Nine Heavens Continent, this is we have not attacked that last step biggest reason throughout.” 月聆雪轻轻一笑,道:“但我们不想离去\;不想离开这片九重天大陆,这也是我们始终不曾冲击那最后一步的最大原因。” Here, the husband and wife two people each other looked one, in the pupil, there are saying that cannot say attachment that endlessly, the sentiment of as well as not being able to give. 说到这里,夫妻二人彼此对望一眼,眸子中,有说不尽道不完的眷恋,以及割舍不下的感情。 Their hands, grasping quietly in one. 两人的手,悄悄的握在了一起。 Obviously, this is they jointly decided. 显然,这是两人共同的决定。 From individual privacy perspective...... Our husband and wife results in helping of Sword Master Chu, generous donation Spring of Life, long-cherished wish to become true, is preparing to want a child at present, the inheritance Feng and Yue two incense and candles, perhaps......” the Yue Lingxue complexion somewhat is if possible red, is actually natural saying. “从个人的隐私方面来说……我们夫妇楚剑主之助,慷慨赠予生命之泉,夙愿成真,眼下正准备要个孩子,传承风月两家香火,若有可能,也许还……”月聆雪脸色有些红,却还是大大方方的说道。 Feng Yurou at the same time also blushes, exceptionally mild-mannered is listening to the Yue Lingxue speech. 一边的风雨柔也是红着脸,异常柔顺的听着月聆雪说话。 Child we must foster, looks that he bit by bit grows up. The parents, this time enter Old Nine Heavens that chaotic Jiang Hu now, being unable to defend oneself realm...... Rather some too irresponsible......” Yue Lingxue said with a smile: For the child, we also surely must give him a calm and steady growth environment...... Let him grow up smoothly, gets married and begins a career, finds a wife to give birth.” “孩子我们要抚养,看着他一点一点长大。为人父母,现在这种时候进入九重天阙那种纷乱江湖,自身难保的境界……就未免有些太不负责任了……”月聆雪笑道:“为了孩子,我们也必定要给他一个安稳的成长环境……让他顺利长大成人,成家立业,娶妻生子。” Therefore we decided that cannot go to Old Nine Heavens, at least in a short time does not consider to walk that last step.” “所以我们决定不能去九重天阙,至少短期之内不考虑走那最后一步。” As for its two, the war nears, accomplishes in the person, the victory or defeat actually in the day, after this fight, if we have defeated, then everybody died together, did not matter Old Nine Heavens, but if we won...... Then, entire world after this time catastrophe, the prime culprit vertical goes, is actually the sores all over the eye.” “至于其二,大战在即,成事在人,胜败却是在天,经过这一次战斗之后,若是我们败了,那么大家一起都死了,也无所谓去不去九重天阙了,但若是我们胜了……那么,整个天下经过这一次的浩劫之后,元凶纵去,却已是满目疮痍。” Yue Lingxue affectionate tunnel: We for this mainland, had once protected more than ten thousand years of times...... The mainland of such sores all over the eye, we really cannot put down. After this war, you have a more important matter to do, obviously is impossible to remain to clean up this mess...... Such being the case, our husband and wife is bounden, under load this responsibility.” 月聆雪深情地道:“我们为了这个大陆,曾经守护了万多年的光阴……这样满目疮痍的大陆,我们实在是放不下。此战之后,你们有更重要事情要做,显然不可能留下来收拾这个烂摊子……既然如此,我们夫妇就义不容辞,担下此责。” Moreover we have also believed that this is our responsibility.” “而且我们也一直认为,这本是我们的责任。” Yue Lingxue said firmly. 月聆雪坚决地说道。 We must let this mainland, restored in the past ringing blue sky! Let this mainland return peacefully auspicious, even was safer than the past pleasantly.” “我们要让这片大陆,恢复以往的朗朗青天!让这片大陆重归安静祥和,甚至比以往更平安喜乐。” Chu Yang is in the mood of heartfelt respect, in their room leaves from Feng and Yue. 楚阳怀着由衷崇敬的心情,从风月两人房间里离开。 Only has left behind a commitment, very serious commitment. 就只留下了一个承诺,很郑重的承诺。 That is the request of Yue Lingxue. 那是月聆雪的要求。 Our husband and wife this whole life was impossible to come up, but...... If the child will have prospects in the future, can have the chance to break through the limit, goes to Nine Heavens, but also asked Sword Master Chu to look in therefore in favour minute, looked after 12.” “我们夫妇这辈子是不可能上去了,不过……若是将来孩子有出息,能够有机缘突破极限,去到九重天阕的话,还请楚剑主看在故人情分上,照拂12。” Regarding this, the reply of Chu Yang is: „If there is such one day, is absolutely bounden! Will not make dead person's son by the least bit suffering from injustice!”, 对此,楚阳的回答是:“若是真有那么一天,绝对义不容辞!绝不会让故人之子受到半点委屈!”、 ...... …… Chu Yang considered long time, to decide to give Nine Layered Pill of Ling Muyang super version finally. 楚阳考虑了良久,最终还是决定送给了凌暮阳一颗超级版的九重丹 Ling Muyang this person, Chu Yang looks very pleasing to the eyes, only for his ten thousand years of Jiang Hu passing of time having a clear conscience this point, is worth Nine Layered Pill. 凌暮阳这个人,楚阳还是看得很顺眼的,只为了他万年江湖岁月问心无愧这一点,就值得一颗九重丹 Moreover now it can be said that did not have so-called Nine Great Clans, did not have Sword Master for the saying of enemy, everybody for common enemy, this idle talk, is beyond control Chu Yang miserly. 而且现在已经可说是没有了所谓九大家族,也就没有了剑主为敌的一说,大家都是为了共同的敌人,这个空口,也由不得楚阳吝啬啊。 Regarding this pill medicine, Ling Muyang excitedly, nearly tears. 对于这颗丹药,凌暮阳激动之极,险些老泪纵横。 Had this pill medicine, Ling Muyang is absolutely possible to break through the bottleneck, steps forward oversteps the Nine Heavens boundary the last step, enters to Martial Artist desire of one's dreams Old Nine Heavens, may seek for his father's trail...... But this point, matter that also in the Ling Muyang life most takes to heart. 有了这颗丹药,凌暮阳就完全有可能突破瓶颈,跨出超越九重天界限的最后一步,进入到武者梦寐以求九重天阙,更可一路寻找他父亲的踪迹……而这一点,也正是凌暮阳一生之中最为耿耿于怀的事情。 Comes out from the Ling Muyang room, was intercepted by Tan Tan! 凌暮阳房间里出来,就被谈昙截住! The Apprentice Brother younger brother they almost attacks brutally at the scene, gets angry to break ties. Tan Tan brazen-faced and shameless lion big opened mouth: I take ten! Do our brothers, this you always give?” 师兄弟两人几乎当场大打出手,翻脸绝交。谈昙死皮赖脸的狮子大张口:“我要十颗!咱们兄弟,这你总的给吧?” Chu Yang nearly faints. 楚阳险些就背过气去。 No! Get lost to me immediately! Ten, you think the cabbage!” “没有!立马给我滚!十颗,你丫以为大白菜呢!” Most lowers eight, was impossible to give me to be short again. Was short of me to be angry again.” “最低八颗,不可能给我再少了。再少我生气了。” Most! You are angry.” “最多一颗!你生气吧。” My inform you, my temperament is not good, is lower than seven, I get angry with you!” “我告诉你,我脾气不好,低于七颗,我就跟你翻脸!” Most! Gets angry!” “最多一颗!翻脸吧!” I do not have any patience, if less than six, you have killed me.” “我没什么耐性,若是少于六颗,你就杀了我吧。” „. If you want dead I to draw a sword!” “一颗。你若想死我就拔剑!” ...... …… groove! Three general headquarters? We are the light the buttocks are growing up together, small time also together stands in the riverside urinates compared with whom is coming...... Such deep friendship, blood brother 卧槽!三颗总行了吧?咱俩可是光着屁股一起长大,小的时候还一起站在河边比谁尿得远来着……这么深厚的交情,亲哥 ...... ” 啊……” Only has one! Go away! Do not cotton up to father!” “只有一颗!滚!别跟老子套近乎!” You suppress! You are really ruthless! Yang Yangang, you called the father with me unexpectedly...... Your cow was big...... My inform you, your, two! Two good? I have drawn back continually several steps, you ought to give me a face. If links two both not to have, my day asked that you 10,000 are graceful, few I am not a person!” “你狠!你真狠!痒痒昂,你居然跟我称老子……你牛大了……我告诉你,你丫的,两颗!两颗好了吧?我已经连退十几步,你总该给我个面子。若是连两颗都没有,我一天问你10000遍帅不帅,少一遍我就不是人!” You are not a person!” “你本来就不是人!” Few idle talk! Becoming inadequate?! To the happy words!” “少废话!成不成?!给个痛快话!” Yo? Threatens me?” “哟呵?威胁我?” My handsomest natural and unrestrained handsome like a jade tree Apprentice Brother, my this whole life most admired you, my where dares to threaten you...... wū wū, I cried really...... Or I pound the back to pinch the shoulder to you......” “我最最英俊潇洒玉树临风师兄啊,我这辈子最佩服你了,我哪里敢威胁您老人家……呜呜,我真哭了……要不我给您捶捶背捏捏肩……” Two, finalized!” “就两颗,成交!” Damn, wastes my these many saliva, two! You are waiting to me, when you get married, nuptial chamber night I your roof uncovering! His, this enmity did not report the oath is not a person!” “他妈的,浪费我这么多唾沫,才两颗!你给我等着的,等你成亲的时候,洞房夜我把你屋顶给揭了!丫的,此仇不报誓不为人!” Tan Tan received Nine Layered Pill to get angry immediately, takes departure that two Nine Layered Pill were foul-mouthed, a desire of face is discontented. 谈昙接过九重丹立即翻脸,拿着两颗九重丹骂骂咧咧的离去,一脸的欲求不满。 Planning that Chu Yang looks distressed. 楚阳愁眉苦脸的算计。 17 Nine Layered Pill, have not divided, only remained one. 17颗九重丹,还没怎么分呢,就只剩了一颗。 ............ …………
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