TTNH :: Volume #18

#1720: Promotion!

Yes! Including the present, you must strictly observe the secret...... Even including your brothers, do not make them know. After all something, know are too many, is not a good deed, instead will possibly harm them.” The Sword Spirit serious warning said. “是的!包括现在,你也要严守秘密……甚至包括你的兄弟们,不要让他们知道。毕竟有些事情,知道的太多,并非好事,反而可能会害了他们。”剑灵郑重的告诫说道。 Understood, does not have a few words that ignorant is the good fortune.” “明白了,不是有那么一句话,无知是幸。” „The Old Nine Heavens complex degree, as well as the greedy change of will of the people, as well as all sorts of Evil Spirit methods, are you have not gone to the person can never think. Is the magnificent back, obviously boundless haze. Sometimes, is only medicinal herbs, can initiate the casualty to be innumerable, a miracle cure, can initiate too many fights, even together the nonchalant vision, possibly annoys the fatal disaster \; Unconsciousness a few words, or can make you are the target of public criticism......” 九重天阙的复杂程度,以及人心的贪婪变化,以及种种鬼蜮手段,是你们没有去过的人永远都想不到的。越是光辉灿烂的背后,越显无边阴霾。有时候,就只为一棵药草,就能引发死伤无数,一颗灵丹,就能引发太多太多的战斗,甚至只是一道不经意的目光,就可能惹来杀身之祸\;无意识的一句话,或者就能让你成为众矢之的……” This is Old Nine Heavens, unexpectedly such complex?” Chu Yang strange say/way: „Doesn't there have the exceptionally tight rein or is the regulation control? Major won't Celestial Emperor, restrain to below?” “这九重天阙,竟是就这么的复杂吗?”楚阳奇怪的道:“那里不是有异常严格的纪律或者是律法管制么?各大天帝,难道不会对下面加以约束吗?” Naturally has the restraint...... However...... Concrete you arrived have been able to know, how regardless of now I said that did not talk clearly hungrily.” Sword Spirit sighed: Any higher plane, is one more complex is, this truth, regardless in there, is so......” “当然有约束的……不过……具体的你到了才能知道了,现在无论我怎么说也是说不清楚饿。”剑灵叹息一声:“任何一个高等的位面,都是一个更加复杂的所在,这个道理,无论在那里,都是如此……” If makes a simple example, is just like Lower Three Heavens, what superior competition is the authority and wealth. Middle Three Heavens, what competes is the domain \; But Upper Three Heavens, the objective point transformed the resources. In Lower Three Heavens, so long as you are authorized richly, can handle matters \; In Middle Three Heavens, has the strength to have influence, is the Boss \; In Upper Three Heavens? Turned into the authority, the strength, the influence, the financial resource, the resources. Also must have the relations.” “若是做一简单的举例,好比下三天,上位者竞争的是权力、财富。中三天,争夺的是地盘\;而上三天,着眼点就转换成了资源。在下三天,只要你有钱有权,就能办事\;在中三天,有实力有势力,就是老大\;在上三天呢?就变成了权力,实力,势力,财力,资源。还要有关系。” Otherwise, gives you you unable to preserve.” “否则,给你你都保不住。” To Old Nine Heavens, if own strength could not be the quite high time, can only choose to be low-key the development, the authority, the strength, the influence, the wealth, the resources...... Waits for all.” “到了九重天阙,若是自身实力还不能达到相当高度的时候,就只能选择低调着发展,权力,实力,势力,财富,资源……等等一切。” That inside matter. Troubles very much......” “那里面的事。麻烦得很啊……” Sword Spirit sighed saying that last, the refine the pill of immortality material that needs also collected. 剑灵叹息着说完最后一句,所需要的炼丹材料也已经收集完毕了。 Hit one to call with Chu Yang, began to refine Nine Layered Pill. 楚阳打了一声招呼了,就去着手炼制九重丹了。 Chu Yang sits in Nine Tribulations Space, the vision twinkle, muttered: Authority...... Strength...... Influence...... Wealth...... Resources......” 楚阳九劫空间里坐着,目光闪烁,喃喃道:“权力……实力……势力……财富……资源……” ...... …… In the afternoon. 下午。 Chu Yang looks to get together in Mo Tianji of oneself room. Gu Duxing, Ao Xieyun, Xie Danqiong, Ji Mo, Luo Kedi, Dong Wushang, Mo Lei'er. Rui Butong, Mo Qingwu , etc. totaled ten people. 楚阳看着齐聚自己房间的莫天机顾独行,傲邪云,谢丹琼,纪墨,罗克敌,董无伤,墨泪儿芮不通,莫轻舞等合共十个人。 „Does Boss, what matter our to convene have?” Ji Mo cracks into a chuckle: Delicious what has?” “老大,把我们召集过来有啥事儿啊?”纪墨嘻嘻一笑:“是不是有啥好吃的?” Amusingly what has?” This is Luo Kedi. “是不是有啥好玩的?”这是罗克敌 What has to discuss?” This is Mo Tianji. “是不是有啥要商量的?”这是莫天机 Whom can kill?” This is Gu Duxing. “要去杀谁吗?”这是顾独行 Will not want me to feign death, pressed me......” Rui Butong. “不会又要我去装死吧,太难为我了……”芮不通 A Chu Yang parade is big. Simple decisive action in a complex situation: Stops to me, this time called you, had the important matter.” Was saying takes ten update Nine Layered Pill, the booth in the palm. Rumble rotation. 楚阳一阵头大。干脆快刀斩乱麻:“给我打住,这次叫你们,是有要紧事儿。”说着拿出来十颗新版九重丹,摊在手心里。咕噜噜的转动。 Exotic fragrance greets the nostrils, only slightly smells. Has thought carefree and relaxed. 一阵异香扑鼻,只略一闻到。已觉一阵心旷神怡 Luo Kedi and Ji Mo Rui Butong these three people of noses shrug immediately rapidly, the sound almost attracted the vacuum this narrow space. 罗克敌纪墨芮不通这三人的鼻子顿时急速耸动,嗤嗤的声音几乎将这一狭窄的空间吸成了真空。 Really nice-smelling, actually others are not do not want so to do, but really fell in price, cannot lag behind that face! 实在是好闻啊,其实别人也不是不想如此做,只是实在太掉价了,拉不下那脸啊! It is not concerned about face is the unmatched in the world, seizes the advantage cheaply is also so! 不要脸就是天下无敌,抢占好处便宜也是如此! As for Ji Mo and other people, early have not remembered that the facial skin was anything...... Where will also care about this...... 至于纪墨等三人,早已经不记得脸皮是什么了……哪里还会在乎这个…… What is this?” Gu Duxing asked: Isn't Nine Layered Pill? How to be different to former feeling some?” “这是什么?”顾独行问道:“不是九重丹吗?怎么与之前的感觉有些不一样呢?” This is Nine Layered Pill, but is Nine Layered Pill of super version, takes one, can increase Supreme to dive to cultivate 100 years of cultivation base.” Chu Yang aggravated the tone desirably. “这是九重丹,不过是超级版的九重丹,服用一颗,可以增加至尊潜修100年的修为。”楚阳刻意的加重了口气。 Hissing ~~~ people heard that pulls out the cold air/Qi: 100 years? Supreme cultivation base?!” “嘶~~~”众人闻之一阵抽冷气:“100年?至尊修为?!” Increases hundred years of cultivation base and increases Supreme to dive to cultivate 100 years of cultivation base that is complete two matters. ‘增加百年修为’与‘增加至尊潜修100年的修为’那是完完全全的两回事。 Ordinary Martial Artist hundred years of cultivation base, Martial Artist of Supreme level looked continually also disdains to look at one. 普通武者的百年修为,至尊层次的武者连看也不屑看一眼的。 But this pill medicine, can make the brothers increase Cultivation hundred years of Supreme level cultivation base baseless...... 但这一颗丹药,就能让兄弟们凭空多增加修炼百年的至尊层次修为…… What concept is this? Too astonishing a point! 这是什么概念?太惊人了一点吧! Now everyone, instantly takes. Hurries drug efficacy absorption as far as possible , to promote own cultivation base with every effort, senses realm, is faced with an archenemy, can promote for one point is a point , to promote for one point to be able many one point of odds of success. At least, can many maintaining life assurances.” Saying that Chu Yang urged. “现在每人一颗,即刻服用下去。赶紧的将药效尽可能的吸收,尽力的提升自身修为,感悟境界,大敌当前,能提升一分是一分,多提升一分就能多一分胜算。起码,也能多一份保命的把握。”楚阳催促的说道。 Nine Layered Pill in Chu Yang hand hikes up slowly, fell one in the palm of everyone. 楚阳手中的九重丹缓缓飘起,在每个人的手心里都落了一颗。 Mo Qingwu is taking Nine Layered Pill, asking of doubt: Why only has ten? Your?” 莫轻舞拿着九重丹,狐疑的问道:“为什么只有十颗?你自己的呢?” My that took...... The silly thing, you had not looked that my present aura has differed from?” Chu Yang warm smiling. “我自己的那颗已经服用了……傻丫头,你都没看我现在的气息已经有所不同了么?”楚阳温暖的笑笑。 Also only has Mo Qingwu, in this grade of time still wholeheartedly is thinking Chu Yang. 也唯有莫轻舞,在这等时刻仍旧全心全意的想着楚阳 If Chu Yang does not have, Mo Qingwu will give Chu Yang own that absolutely, does she eat to have any so-called, so long as Chu Yang has promoted well. 若是楚阳没有,莫轻舞绝对会将自己的那一颗给楚阳,她自己吃不吃有什么所谓,只要楚阳提升了就好。 Mo Qingwu these words, let on other brothers faces are one red, because everybody a moment ago in excited, unexpectedly has not thought of this. 莫轻舞这句话,让其他兄弟脸上都是一红,因为大家刚才都在兴奋,居然没想到这一节。 Everybody did not use embarrassed, the man, the heart is always thick.” Mo Tianji mediates saying: Let alone, my younger sister, but the Chu Yang wife, can you compare? It looks like the Mo Lei'er sister-in-law, that did not look at Dong Wushang to eat relieved eating first, you said that you were not the women, did there know in this profound affection?” “大家不用不好意思了,男人么,心总是粗一点的。”莫天机打圆场道:“更别说,我妹妹可是楚阳的老婆,你们能比吗?就像是墨泪儿弟妹,那不也是先看了董无伤吃了才自己安心的吃,你说你们又不是女人,那里知道这里面的深厚情意啊?” Everybody laughs immediately. 大家顿时一阵哄笑。 Mo Qingwu and Mo Lei'er are blush to come to one's ear. 莫轻舞墨泪儿都是面红过耳。 However in Mo Qingwu heart shy at the same time, actually is also somewhat joyful. Because originally the Second Brother own matter is at heart uncomfortable, saw Chu Yang to quarrel, now actually accepted...... 不过莫轻舞心中害羞的同时,却也是有些喜悦的。原本二哥因为自己的事心里不舒服,见了楚阳就要吵架,现在却已经接受了…… Also personally said unexpectedly a moment ago oneself are the Chu Yang wife, this means...... 刚才居然还亲口说自己是楚阳的老婆,这意味着…… Ahem, any wife, the speech is really coarse, why did not say is the companion, the female friend, of pleasant to hear...... The small girl are charmingly angry, showed the whites of the eyes. 哼哼,什么老婆,说话真难听,为什么不说是伴侣,红颜知己呢,那多好听……小丫头心里娇嗔着,翻了个白眼。 She actually does not know that Mo Tianji has been doing to plan for own younger sister now. 她却不知道,莫天机现在已经在为自己妹妹做打算了。 Side the men, what woman can ask the wife to read? 男人身边,什么样的女人才能叫老婆唸? That is the position of room, only then the room, can call the wife. 那就是正室之位,惟有正室,才能叫老婆。 As for other, did not keep a promise, at least cannot use wife exclusive name. 至于其他的,不算数,至少不能用老婆这一专属名称。 The companion and female friend wait/etc. other names, were inferior wife this seems like the vulgar name status stable...... 伴侣、红颜知己等等其他称呼,怎么也都不如‘老婆’这个看似粗俗的称呼来的地位稳固…… Mo Tianji seems like cracks a joke, mediates in distress to the brothers, regulations already Mo Qingwu this big woman the status made a final decision...... Naturally, Mo Tianji will not feel relieved that later he resourcefully will also help oneself younger sister...... 莫天机看似开玩笑,给兄弟们排解窘困,实则已经是将莫轻舞这个“大婆”的地位敲定了……当然,莫天机是不会放心的,以后他还会想方设法的帮助自己妹妹…… Un, oneself younger sister is too honest, Luo in Chu Yang this unfaithful big radish, not many plans the plan for her, must suffer a loss absolutely... 嗯,自己妹妹太老实,罗在楚阳这个花心大萝卜手里,不多替她打算打算,绝对要吃亏… Big Brother-In-Law is tired! 咳,大舅哥就是累! Loves oneself younger sister's Big Brother-In-Law tired. 一个疼爱自己妹妹的大舅哥就更加的累。 Especially already loves oneself younger sister, but must make Big Brother-In-Law of Chu Yang this person...... That is on tired adds tired. 尤其是既疼爱自己妹妹,还要做楚阳这种人的大舅哥……那就是累上加累啊。 Since this, we must call big sister-in-law ahead of time...... Ha haha......” Ji Mo winks. “既然这样,我们要不要提前叫大嫂啊……哇哈哈哈……”纪墨挤眉弄眼。 Luo Kedi creates a disturbance immediately. 罗克敌随即跟着起哄。 The Mo Qingwu elegant eye turns, resembles the dignified say/way: Ji did Second Brother, you call big sister-in-law me not to dare to comply? You called, how you did not call, you called one, look at me not to comply?” 莫轻舞俏眼一翻,状似威严的道:“纪二哥,难道你叫大嫂我就不敢答应么?你叫啊,你怎么不叫啊,你叫一声,看我答应不?” „...... This girl facial skin true thickness......” Ji Mo said dumbfounded for a long time. Was nearly choked, but also has not called this big sister-in-law. “哇……这妮子脸皮真厚……”纪墨瞠然好久才说了出来。险些被呛到了,还真就没叫出来这声大嫂 Other people are also dumbfounded, cannot think that this always shy small girl, everybody's youngest sister, today so is unexpectedly bold bravely. 其他人也是大眼瞪小眼,想不到这个一向羞涩的小丫头、大伙的小妹妹,今天居然如此豪勇。 Ha haha......” everybody laughs together. “哈哈哈……”大家一起大笑。 Chu Yang has also smiled. 楚阳也笑了起来。 This...... Can have Senior Wu and Le'er their share?” Mo Tianji is laughing, seemed asked these words very much at will. “这个……可有舞前辈乐儿他们的份么?”莫天机大笑着,似乎是很随意地将这句话问了出来。 The man majority are careless, but Mo Tianji absolutely, these words absolutely is not the best evidence! 男人大多数都是粗心的,但莫天机绝对不在其中,这句话绝对是最好的佐证! Un, how to draw them. My this goes to send to them.” Chu Yang actually does not doubt him, the freely spoken reply, said, looking pensive has thought that eye unintentional with one type against wolf the look is looking at Mo Tianji, one such as the same day Mo Tianji looks at the Chu Yang look. “嗯,怎么会拉了他们。我这就去给他们送去。”楚阳却是不疑有他,顺口回答,说完之后才若有所思的想了起来,眼睛有意无意的用一种‘防狼’的眼神望着莫天机,一如当日莫天机楚阳的眼神。 Mo Tianji this skill early will actually transfer, seemed spoke thoughtlessly a moment ago really asked. The look chatted with the brothers as usual several, took Nine Layered Pill in hand, actually last taking medicine in people, was later than Mo Qingwu a meeting. 莫天机功夫却早已经将头转了回去,似乎刚才真的就是随口一问。神色如常地与众兄弟说笑几句,就将手中的九重丹服了下去,却是在众人之中最后一个服药的,比莫轻舞还晚一会。 Under looks at the people to take Nine Layered Pill, sits cross-legged to sit exercises martial arts, the heart not gets off one's main subject the huge efficacy that digests must come newly. 看着众人服下九重丹,一个个盘膝坐地练功,心无旁骛地消化新得来的庞大药力。 Chu Yang own room, covers thoroughly with the Supreme level Divine Sense cage, is quietly walked. 楚阳将自己的房间,用至尊层次神念笼彻底罩住,然后悄无声息的走了出来。 Before arriving at the Chu Le'er gate, has not knocked on a door, Chu Le'er opened the door: Big Brother?” 走到楚乐儿门前,还未敲门,楚乐儿已经打开了门:“大哥?” Chu Le'er after the past few days the matter of processing corpse, seemed like quiet, as if passed through many matters. 楚乐儿经过这几天的处理尸体之事,看起来已经是沉静了许多,似乎是经过了很多的事情。 One after another facing life and death reincarnation, making this small Miss mature especially quickly. 接连的面对生死轮回,让这个小姑娘成熟得格外的快。 This mature degree, making Chu Yang sometimes look like, somewhat loves dearly. 这种成熟的程度,让楚阳有时候看起来,也有些心疼。 Senior Wu in? Also please come, has the matter to consider it.” Chu Yang passes message said. 舞前辈在么?还请过来一下,有事情告之。”楚阳传音说道。 Wu Juecheng walked quickly: What important matter has? I am preparing to exit.” 舞绝城很快就走了过来:“有什么重要事情?我正准备要出去。” „Can you exit?” Chu Yang has gawked, this idle talk does not calm the mind to control one's breathing, waits for the war to arrive, exits to do? “您要出去?”楚阳愣了一下,这空口不静心调息,等待大战到来,出去干什么? I must look for Sovereign of the Law, finally attempts.” The Wu Juecheng calm face, said: Asked him definitely unable to find on a grand scale, but if my single person went, perhaps he possibly made an appearance, if he can give up in this during, still had the leeway of recalling, at least was insufficient to continue living thing become charcoals to get down......” “我要去找一下法尊,最后尝试一下。”舞绝城沉着脸,说道:“大张旗鼓的找他肯定是找不到,但若是我独身一人前去,他或许可能露面,若是他能在这当口罢手,仍有挽回的余地,至少不至于继续生灵涂炭下去……” Does this only feared that a little take risks.” Chu Yang wrinkles the brow: „The Sovereign of the Law present situation, has completely been at variance with the average man, even if makes a more extreme matter, is expected...... By Sovereign of the Law at present strength, the Senior Wu single person goes, is really...... Too has take risked.” “这样做只怕有点冒险。”楚阳皱紧眉头:“法尊现在的情况,已经全然异于常人了,就算是做出更偏激的事,也在预料之中……以法尊目前之实力,舞前辈独身一人前去,实在是……太冒险了一些。”
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