TTNH :: Volume #18

#1719: Super Nine Layered Pill

Chu Yang curls the lip: You, when I think that who made that deserves death Sovereign of the Law promote not to have the humane degree now, if us did not think the means promotion strength, the decisive battle does wait for death on the same day? Happy, has the shortcut of fast promotion!” 楚阳撇撇嘴:“你当我想啊,谁让那个该死法尊如今提升到了没人性的程度,咱们这边若是不想办法提升实力,难道决战当日等死么?痛快点,到底有没有快速提升的捷径!” Sword Spirit has hesitated the moment, said: Nine Layered Pill is under Nine Heavens most perfect divine medicine, wanted to find to compare it more effective and not have the promotion way of repercussions, absolutely did not have, even if there are, was surpasses under Nine Heavens to use the category method, is not suitable for the present!” 剑灵沉吟了片刻,道:“九重丹已经是九重天之下最完美的神药,想要找到比它更有效、全无后遗症的提升途径,绝对没有了,即便有,也是超出九重天之下所能使用范畴的方法,并不适于现在!” Chu Yang is a little scared: What meaning, didn't have means? This essential time, how did you also fall the chain?” 楚阳有点傻眼:“啥意思,难道没办法了?这关键的时候,你咋还掉链子了呢?” Sword Spirit continues saying: Do not worry, listening to me to say the words that was those words, surpassed the Nine Layered Pill medicine surely not to have, these Old Heaven raw materials for medicine that but can in Nine Layered Pill high and low under skill, initially, Sir Zi leave behind, other these plane Heaven and Earth Treasure, if coordinated to be appropriate, should obtain compared with a general Nine Layered Pill better effect......” 剑灵继续说道:“你别着急啊,听我把话说完,还是那句话,超过九重丹的药肯定是没有,不过可以在九重丹上下下功夫,当初,紫大人留下的那些天阙的药材,还有另外那些位面天材地宝,若是配合得宜起来,应该得到比一般九重丹更好的效果……” Chu Yang said: Also surmounts complete version this super edition? How many it is estimated that can promote?” 楚阳说道:“也就是超越完整版本的超级版本?估计能提升多少?” Sword Spirit has hesitated, said: To be honest, the Nine Layered Pill biggest effectiveness is comes back to life to continue the life and bringing back to life truly, restores the injury, for improving physique, enhances the talent also to have the enormous effect. But regarding cultivation base, the effect regulations of promotion is not very ideal...... If we can improve, fuses the huge efficacy, manufactures specifically to aim at the cultivation base promotion Nine Layered Pill, for example, previous time to Sir Zi refinement super Nine Layered Pill, if we make to improve again, uses highly effective...... Should at least be able to promote Supreme realm over hundred years cultivation base......” 剑灵沉吟了一下,道:“说老实话,九重丹真正最大的效用是还魂续命、起死回生,恢复伤势,用于改善体质,提高禀赋也有极大效果。但对于修为,提升的效果实则并不是很理想……若是我们能加以改进,融合庞大药力,制作出专门针对修为提升的九重丹的话,比方说,上一次给紫大人炼制的超级九重丹,若是我们再做一下改进,最高效用……应该至少能提升至尊境界百年以上修为……” cultivation base, minute height. For example one King Level Master Cultivation 100 years, with one Supreme Cultivation 100 years, the effectiveness and result, without doubt are the differents. If for example bright. This period of time, the former can only absorb a small stone at best, but the latter can actually absorb a mountain. 修为,也分高低的。比如说一个王座修炼100年,与一位至尊修炼100年,效用和结果,无疑是天差地远的。若是打个比方说明。这段时光,前者充其量只能吸收一块小石头,而后者却能吸收一座大山。 The disparity is exaggeration such, said that is the world should not be overrated certainly. 差距就是这么的夸张,说是天地之别绝不为过。 Supreme realm hundred years of cultivation base?......” Chu Yang wrinkles the brow: If so, can arrive at the grade nine Supreme peak?” 至尊境界的百年修为吗?……”楚阳皱紧眉头:“若如此,能到九品至尊巅峰吗?” Sword Spirit forced smile: Sir Sword Master, you now were also practitioner of profound level, how to add that this and other foreign language, is this was two concepts good. grade nine Supreme peak description is realm \; But promotion cultivation base is individual practice age limit and standard...... Naturally, in this also has the things in common. If after cultivation base promotes, touched the sensibility, then, is can upward rise realm absolutely, if cannot...... Also increases 100 years of cultivation base.” 剑灵苦笑:“剑主大人,你如今也是高深层次的修行者了,怎么还说这等的外行话,这是两个概念好不好。九品至尊巅峰描述乃是境界\;而提升修为是个人修行年限、水准……当然,这里面也是存在共通之处的。若是修为提升上去之后,触动了感悟,那么,是绝对可以往上升一个境界的,若是不能……也就是增加100年的修为而已。” Said again. Always these many grade nine Supreme which aren't over a thousand years of Cultivation can make great strides forward Xiaoxiao one step? Here after all is not Old Heaven that and other spiritual energy hundred times of centralized places...... The trivial 100 years you want the peak, indeed indulged in fantasy.” “再说。历来这么多的九品至尊哪一个不是上千年的修炼才能迈进小小一步?这里毕竟不是天阙那等灵气百倍集中的地方……区区100年你就想要到巅峰,也的确是异想天开了。” so that's how it is, reasonable.” The Chu Yang ponder said: Can these medicines that „, we currently have how many super editions refine Nine Layered Pill? I remember, initially Big Sister Zi walked, we medicinal fell half these, now wants to come. At that time really does not know the dish meter/rice was expensive, waste......” 原来如此,也有道理。”楚阳沉思道:“那么,我们目前所拥有的这些药可以炼制多少颗超级版本的九重丹?我记得,当初紫大姐走的时候,我们已经将那些药用掉了一半,现在想来。当时真是不当家不知菜米贵啊,浪费啊……” Sword Spirit slightly has calculated greatly: Does not need too pessimistically, actually to have part of medicines, these days. Grew in Nine Tribulations Space...... At present, if uses up completely, in addition few Nine Great Spirit Medicines, should be able to refine...... 17 super editions Nine Layered Pill! Cannot be many!” 剑灵大略的计算了一下:“不用太悲观,其实有一部分药,在这段时间里。在九劫空间中成长了许多……目前,若是全部用掉,再加上少量的九大灵药,应该可以炼制……17颗超级版本的九重丹!不能再多了!” Sufficed!” Chu Yang takes the bull by the horns: Immediately begins to refine. Completes as soon as possible, the higher the better!” “够了!”楚阳当机立断:“立即着手炼制。尽快完成,越高越好!” Understood. Immediately starts to carry on!” “明白了。马上开始进行!” Nine Layered Pill of 17 super editions, enough Chu Yang will do the Nine Tribulation Brothers strength stride to promote unified one time. However the brothers are the promotion words, Chu Yang estimated that only feared is also not enough. 17颗超级版本的九重丹,足够楚阳将一干九劫兄弟们的实力统一地大步提升一次。不过兄弟们就算是提升的话,楚阳估计,只怕也还是远远不够的。 But is trivial hundred years of cultivation base. 只不过是区区百年修为而已。 If converts the actual battle efficiency, how many strengths can also promote to have? How possibly with Sovereign of the Law tens of thousands year cultivation base to discuss two disparate things together? Simply has not compared the leeway! 若是换算成实际战斗力,又能提升有多少战力?怎么可能与法尊数万修为相提并论?根本没有比较余地! However, even if the super Nine Layered Pill plan that Sword Spirit gives, Chu Yang also not necessarily cares, because of Chu Yang this time goal at all not here \; His true goal, actually in initially that person of a few words. 不过话说回来,就算是剑灵给出的超级九重丹计划,楚阳也未必太在意,因为楚阳此次的目标根本不在这里\;他的真实目标,却在当初那人的一句话。 In Nine Tribulations Space, there are me to leave your gift.” 九劫空间里,有我留给你的礼物。” This is initially which had created Nine Tribulations Sword can greatly Spirit Sense leaves from Nine Tribulations Space, to that a few words that oneself spoke. 这是当初哪位创造了九劫剑的大能神识九劫空间里离开的时候,跟自己说的那一句话。 If there are other choices, Chu Yang really does not want to use, after all can between have unfathomable mystery human relations with that greatly, once had said that must challenge him, has used him gift, was equal to owing his favour. 若有其他选择,楚阳实在不想动用,毕竟自己与那位大能之间有一段莫名其妙的交际,更曾说过要挑战他,动用了他的“礼物”,就等于欠下了他的人情 Even if that can possibly not mind this point greatly, favour that not rare Chu Yang owes, but favour throughout is favour, owed is owes! Others do not care, does not care on behalf of Chu Yang. 即便那位大能可能根本就不介意此点,更不稀罕楚阳欠的人情,但人情始终是人情,欠下了就是欠下了!人家不在意,并不代表楚阳自己不放在心上。 However Chu Yang really has no other alternative now, can only place hopes here, owes favour to need, but if now does not try to promote itself with brothers' strengths, when decisive battle the risk increases, if at present is unable to be complete, idle talk in the future?!. 然而楚阳如今实在别无他法,只能寄希望于这里,欠下人情需要还,但现在若不设法提升自己与众兄弟的实力,决战之时风险大增,眼下若是无法周全,遑论未来?!。 If estimated that perhaps right, here thing present have more than enough. But now, to has not actually used the incorrect situation, cannot with also probably risk danger wrestles. 若是自己估计没错,这里的东西现在的自己恐怕还是用不了的。但现在,却已经是到了不用不行的地步了,不能用也得行险一搏。 The Sovereign of the Law present strength increases, Law Enforcer aspect these high the strength after demon also definitely has the considerable growth, so under is in inverse proportion, on the side of oneself must defeat without doubt. 法尊现在的实力大增,执法者方面的那些高在魔化之后实力也肯定有相当增长,如此此消彼长之下,自己一边可谓必败无疑。 This is closes the Nine Heavens life long-drawn-out in the future finally end the war. 这可是悠关九重天生灵未来终末之战。 The defeat, is equal to dying! 败,就等于死! Therefore Chu Yang must in the pre-war completely maximum effort, mention the limit the winning percentage. 所以楚阳要在战前尽自己最大努力,将胜率提到极限。 Performs the maximum effort, victory or defeat is not resentful, the life and death is regretless. 尽自己最大努力,胜败无怨,生死无悔。 If there is that 17 Nine Layered Pill, now to Chu Yang, even if cannot say is the futile attempt, was actually too few. Own brothers and Mo Qingwu, Mo Lei'er, must occupy 11. 若只得那17颗九重丹,现在对楚阳来说纵然不能说是杯水车薪,却还是太少了。自己兄弟和莫轻舞,墨泪儿,就要占据其中的11颗。 Wu Juecheng and Chu Le'er , must have, must remove two. 舞绝城楚乐儿,也是必然要有的,又要去掉两颗。 If the Tan Tan that side does not give...... Good, daily is only a few words also the collapse that oneself make: Apprentice Brother, am I graceful? Am I also more graceful than yesterday today? 谈昙那边若是不给……好吧,天天就只是一句话也把自己弄的崩溃:师兄,我帅不帅?我今天是不是比昨天又帅了? A day does not need to be many, near own ear said that 180 times, Tan Tan can also be content with one's lot, actually absolute will be compelled insanely...... 一天不需要多了,在自己耳朵边上说个180次的,谈昙还能自得其乐,倒是自己绝对的会被逼疯了哇…… Also, can Feng and Yue give? 还有,风月要不要给? ...... Own family member? Parents? Grandfather? Can this least consume three? 还有……自己的家人?父母?祖父?这最少又要消耗掉三颗吧? Always keeps previous to Wu Qianqian? Does Tie Butian also need to give one? Own that son, does that young bastard take one? 总给乌倩倩留上一颗吧?铁补天也需要给一颗吧?还有自己的那个儿子,那个小混蛋怎么也要一颗吧? 17 seem like many, but an assignment knew, really insufficient for allocating. 17颗看似不少,可是一分配就知道了,实在不够分配啊。 To whom does not give who!? 给谁不给谁呢!? Chu Yang is feeling, if 17 will invert, turns into 70 or reluctantly suffices the minute. 楚阳感觉着,若是将‘17颗’颠倒一下,变成‘70颗’或者才勉强够分的。 17...... Is really insufficient. 17颗……委实是不够哇。 Actually is really 70, sufficed to assign, how the real effect, collectively promoted hundred years of cultivation base, 17 will be in 1700, 70 also will be in 7000, compared with Sovereign of the Law, was still its practice odd change, was really not optimistic! If can have 700 to be good, that definitely sufficed! 其实就算真是70颗,够分配了,真实效果又如何呢,集体提升百年修为,17颗是1700年,70颗也不过是7000年而已,跟法尊相比,仍不过是其修行的零头而已,实在是不乐观啊!要是能有700颗就好了,那肯定就够了! Minister Chu said insufficiently in talking over, at the same time is tidying up the raw material for medicine preparation refine the pill of immortality the Sword Spirit direct supercilious look to turn inside out, entire somewhat was unreal the groundless form almost not to have did not have absent-minded, obviously its big of shock. 楚御座在念念叨叨的说不够,一边正在收拾药材准备炼丹的剑灵直接一个白眼就翻了过来,整个本就有些虚幻不实的身影差点没恍惚没了,可见其震撼之大。 I said Big Brother, the blood brother, own Big Brother, you also too can indulge in fantasy, this grade of divine medicine, even if in Old Nine Heavens, is difficult seeking to be difficult to seek the thing, even if presents one, can initiate under Old Nine Heavens the bloody battles of many influences...... You have 17 all of a sudden, unexpectedly also considers too little? Also thinks 70? 700? How do you deliberately consider?” “我说大哥,亲哥,亲大哥,你也太能异想天开了,这等神药,就算是在九重天阙,也是难寻难觅之物,即便只是出现一颗,都能引发九重天阙之下许多势力的血战……你一下子就拥有17颗,居然还嫌少?还想70颗?700颗?你咋寻思的?” „Can't became human be so greedy?! Knows when to stop, almost resulted in!” 做人也不能这么贪心吧?!适可而止,差不多得了!” Chu Yang smiles embarrasedly: You look at you, I am such one ponder over, good thing, always the more the better......” 楚阳讪讪地笑:“你看你,我就是那么一琢磨,好东西,总是多多益善……” „The incorrigbility of person always so, must think two, spreads theory world divine medicine, if only by resilience, even if Old Nine Heavens Saintly Monarch celestial pole pill, was inferior that Nine Layered Pill so gets quick results.” Sword Spirit complained: You had this grade of unparalleled in the world resources, unexpectedly was still complaining, this also too excessive?!” “人的劣根性总是如此,得一想二,遍论天下神药,若是单论恢复能力,就算是九重天阙圣君的天极丹,也不如九重丹这般立竿见影。”剑灵抱怨道:“你已经拥有这等天下无双的资源,居然还在抱怨,这也太个过分了吧?!” If in the case of promoting cultivation base spirit medicine?” Chu Yang asked. “若是论到提升修为灵药呢?”楚阳问道。 spirit medicine way heavy safe, if not safe spirit medicine, even if the efficacy is how great, you absorb incompetently, finally always the futile effort, Nine Layered Pill does not have this disease, discussed by the safe security only, world exceeded Nine Layered Pill certainly incompetently, but single Lun promoted cultivation base, must look at the spirit medicine essential quality \; This also really had no way to say.” 灵药一途首重稳妥,若不稳妥之灵药,即便药力如何宏大,你无能吸收,结果总是徒劳,九重丹却无此弊病,单以稳妥安全而论,世间绝无能超越九重丹者,只是单论提升修为,就要看灵药的基本品质了\;这个还真是没法说的。” Sword Spirit said: This you arrived at Old Nine Heavens, after opening Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor inheritance, inside will have promotes the cultivation base method, Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor, in the past was recognized by Old Nine Heavens as the first refine the pill of immortality grandmaster. His home remedy, is Nine Heavens first mysterious.” 剑灵道:“这个等你到了九重天阙,打开了紫霄天帝传承之后,里面会有许多提升修为的法门,紫霄天帝,当年可是被九重天阙公认为第一炼丹宗师的。他的丹方,也是九重天第一神奇的。” In fact, this is also Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor Zi Hao can in the biggest reason that Old Heaven rises rapidly, does not have one. Naturally, this actually is also the sources of Old Nine Heavens major influences to its envious hatred, causes most primary cause that Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor had afterward fought single-handedly, similarly does not have one.” “事实上,这也正是紫霄天帝紫豪能够在天阙飞速崛起的最大原因,没有之一。当然,这点却也是九重天阙各大势力对其嫉恨的源头,更加导致了紫霄天帝后来孤军奋战的最主要原因,同样没有之一。” Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor as Jiang Hu worthless person, in Old Nine Heavens rapid rising, the speed makes the person suck the tongue. tens of thousands year, achievement Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor prestige...... Who didn't dread?” 紫霄天帝以一介江湖散人的身份,在九重天阙迅速的崛起,速度让人咂舌。数万年时间,成就紫霄天帝威名……谁不忌惮?” „At that time situation theory, Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor, if can also continue to develop, believes that does not need too for a long time, perhaps entire Old Nine Heavens, must be under his threat...... In the past to his did not rescue, perhaps this is also one tacit understanding among major influences, if after all Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor has defeated Outlands Devil, has become a Nine Heavens Savior, eternal master, therefore......” “以当时情况论,紫霄天帝若是还能继续发展下去,相信不需要太久,整个九重天阙,恐怕就要都处在他的威胁之下……当年对他的不救援,恐怕这也算是各大势力之间的一种默契吧,毕竟紫霄天帝若是战胜了域外天魔,就成了九重天阕的救世主,永恒的主人,所以说……” The Sword Spirit sound is a little strange, seems referring in particular to anything. 剑灵的声音有点奇怪,似乎在特指着什么。 Chu Yang looking pensive: I understand that your meaning, your meaning is...... After I come up, must as far as possible maintain the low key, particularly like Nine Tribulations Sword, Nine Layered Pill this world divine object, the related Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor inheritance matter, best to keep secret rarely? _ more keep secret more good!” 楚阳若有所思:“我明白你的意思,你的意思是……等我上去之后,要尽量的保持低调,尤其是如九劫剑,九重丹这等罕世神物,还有有关紫霄天帝传承的事情,最好一切都是秘而不宣?越保密越好!”
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