TTNH :: Volume #18

#1718: many thanks you help vigorously!

Single layer key, Sovereign of the Law incurs Nine Tribulations Sword Art regarding own killer god unexpectedly is such understanding, it may be said that knows oneself and other side. 还有一重关键,法尊对于自己的杀手神招九劫剑法竟是那么的了解,可谓知己知彼。 But are actually a friend, does not know completely other, can only close right up against resists hardly, an only superiority, is Nine Tribulations Sword. 但自己却是只知己,完全不知彼,只能靠着硬抗,唯一的一点优势,就是九劫剑而已。 But this superiority regarding the Sovereign of the Law obvious function is not very big, because similarly familiar Nine Tribulations Sword sharp Sovereign of the Law, absolutely not will shake brain-dead to and own noble bearing hardly, this trump card, the result will be able be imagined. 但这个优势对于法尊明显的作用不是很大,因为同样熟悉九劫剑之锋锐的法尊,绝对不会脑残到和自己的神锋硬撼,此张王牌,收效可想而知。 Chu Yang frowns, went out of the door, before arriving at a room, knocked on a door. 楚阳皱着眉头,走出了房门,来到一间房前,敲了敲门。 The gate opens. 门打开。 Yue Lingxue appears before the gate: Sword Master Chu? You came.” 月聆雪出现在门前:“楚剑主?你来了。” Chu Yang has smiled, moved sideways the room. 楚阳微笑了一下,闪身进了房。 Feng Yurou in the room, is looking depending on window, wear a look of little anxious look. Sees Chu Yang to come, sets out to greet hastily. 风雨柔正在房中,凭窗而望,面带几许愁容。见到楚阳进来,连忙起身迎接。 Chu Yang less idle talk, very simple takes two big jade bottles, places on the table. 楚阳没有更多的废话,很干脆的拿出来两个大玉瓶,放在桌上。 Senior Yue, this is Spring of Life. Moreover is completely mature Spring of Life.” Chu Yang said with a smile: Said that this matter, hung in my heart really already long time long time, finally when obtained eighth section of Nine Tribulations Sword, under the chance coincidence succeeded to catalyze Spring of Life, finished a concern.” 月前辈,这是生命之泉。而且还是完全成熟的生命之泉。”楚阳微笑道:“说起来这件事情,悬在我的心头真的已经良久良久了,终于在得到第八截九劫剑的时候,机缘巧合之下成功催化生命之泉,也算是了却一桩心事。” Spring of Life?! Really is Spring of Life?!” 生命之泉?!真的是生命之泉?!” Feng Yurou turns around suddenly, looks on the table these two jade bottles, unexpectedly not real feelings. 风雨柔霍然转身,看着桌上这两个玉瓶,恍惚间竟有一种不真实的感觉。 Since their Cultivation Feng and Yue double has cultivated divine art for a long time, cannot break through the bottleneck throughout, the whole body essence and blood completely changes to cultivation base to revolve, loses has to breed descendant's opportunity. 他们两人修炼风月双修神功已久,一直以来始终不能突破瓶颈,以至于全身精血尽都化作修为运转,也就失去有孕育后代的机会。 husband and wife two for this matter, may say that has taken to heart ten thousand years of! 夫妻俩为了此事,可说已经耿耿于怀万年之久! But eradicates the only hope of barrier, only has Spring of Life in Legend. 而破除障碍的唯一希望,就只有传说中的生命之泉而已。 But in Legend Spring of Life was sacred relic of Elf clan, a Elf clan already eliminated in the river of history, they already despaired. Until under the beforehand chance coincidence discovered that Chu Yang has Spring of Life unexpectedly, had some hopes. 传说生命之泉乃是精灵一族的圣物,精灵一族又早已消泯于历史长河之中,两人对此早已绝望。直到之前机缘巧合之下发现楚阳竟有生灵之泉,才又有了些希望。 But is also only the hope. 但也只是希望而已。 Spring of Life, with Spring of Life, although is only the absence of one word, actually the effect is actually the different \; Even if passes the tens of thousands year to be also not necessarily able to evolve again Spring of Life. 生灵之泉,与生命之泉,虽只是一字之差,却功效却是天差地远\;即便再过数万年也未必能进化成生命之泉 But really has not actually thought. Just has separated one year of scene. Chu Yang brought Spring of Life. 但却真没有想到。前后只不过隔了一年的光景。楚阳就将生命之泉拿了过来。 Really is Spring of Life?” Yue Lingxue also excited, an arrow step overruns, almost bumped with the wife in one. “真的是生命之泉?”月聆雪也激动了起来,一个箭步冲过去,几乎与妻子碰在了一起。 Opens the bottle mouth, immediately just liked the moonlight fluorescence common brilliant luster has emerged, a graceful fragrance of gladdening the heart such slowly disseminated. For the first time smells this fragrance, they in felt in an instant whole body as if relaxed, as if each cell is cheering. Is adding the life vigor...... 打开瓶口,顿时一股犹如月色荧光一般的绚烂色泽涌现了出来,一股沁人心脾的优雅香味就这么缓缓弥散。乍一闻到这股香味,两人在刹那间已经感觉到全身上下似乎都轻松了起来,似乎每一个细胞都在欢呼。都在增添着生命活力…… Really is Spring of Life!” The Feng Yurou excited sound shivered, a elegant face rises red, raised the head is looking at Chu Yang grateful: Chu Yang, many thanks you! After Yue Family must have finally,......” “果然是生命之泉!”风雨柔激动的声音都颤抖了,一张俏脸涨得通红,抬起头感激地望着楚阳:“楚阳,多谢你!月家终于要有后了……” Chu Yang coughs several, felt that on face is somewhat red, actually blushes. Although some King of Hell facial skin is thick, but in this during, blushes. 楚阳咳嗽几声,感觉脸上有些红,却是羞红的。某阎王脸皮虽厚,但在这个当口,还是脸红的。 After seeming like this Yue Family has, anything...... Is the matters of your couple...... You discussed that was good, such directly said to me, I somewhat could not have resisted, this gadget could not have many relations with me, if pulled anything to relate, my to become Sharen. 貌似这个月家有后什么……是你们俩口子的事儿……你们俩自己商量就行了,就这么直接地对我说出来,我还真有些招架不住,这玩意跟我也扯不上更多的关系吧,要是真扯上啥关系,我成啥人了。 I have provided spring water. Has not provided other...... 我就只是提供了一点泉水而已。可没提供别的啊…… Yes. Is......” Yue Lingxue is also a face excited grips the hand of Chu Yang, makes an effort to sway again and again. Somewhat speaks incoherently unexpectedly, pretty face rises similarly red: „After Yue Family has finally, Chu Yang, this many thanks your help, your vigorous help...... This...... Our Yue Family generation will also thank your......” “是。是……”月聆雪也是一脸激动的握住楚阳的手,用力连连摇晃。竟有些语无伦次,俊秀的面孔同样涨得通红:“月家终于有后了,楚阳,这次多谢你的帮忙,你的大力帮忙……这个……我们月家列祖列宗也会感谢你的……” A Chu Yang heavy line, this what words, do this they what's the matter, usually very proper two, now speak how such accent?! 楚阳一头黑线,这啥话啊,这俩人咋回事,平时挺正经的俩人,现在说话咋这么不着调呢?! What did you say in that?” Feng Yurou realized finally oneself husband and wife improper word usage, has twisted on the Yue Lingxue waist maliciously, reddens all over the face, cannot withstand poverty-stricken: Your this simpleton, more than 10,000 years is such dull!” “你在那说什么呢?”风雨柔终于察觉到了自己夫妻的语病,狠狠地在月聆雪腰上拧了一把,满脸通红,窘迫不堪:“你这个呆子,10000多年了还是这么呆!” Yue Lingxue laughs foolishly, immediately hurt on the face to twist, hurried recovery: Right, is not the Chu Yang help, Chu Yang busily has not helped, is I...... Is I......” 月聆雪傻笑一声,随即疼得脸上扭曲了一下,急忙补救:“对对,不是楚阳帮忙的,楚阳一点忙都没帮,是我……是我自己……” Obviously this person was to like silly, spoke incoherently a moment ago, now talks nonsense directly! 显然这人是欢喜得傻了,刚才也就是语无伦次,现在直接就是胡言乱语了! Chu Yang is also dumbfounded, another side Feng Yurou actually really cannot bear finally ashamed and unable to show one's face, then suddenly erupts, Bang, the husband knocks down, is whiz entered the inside room. 楚阳也就目瞪口呆而已,另一边的风雨柔却实在忍不住终于无地自容,接着就突然爆发出来,砰地一声,就将自己丈夫打倒在地,然后就是“嗖”的一声进入了里屋。 During Chu Yang continues to be dumbfounded, actually sees Feng Yurou to blush infinite poverty-stricken coming out, two bottles of Spring of Life infinite treasure has hugged, Bang closes, does not come out. 楚阳持续目瞪口呆之中,却见风雨柔又红着脸无限窘迫的出来,将两瓶生命之泉无限宝贝的抱了进去,“砰”地一声关上门,再也不出来了。 It is obvious, this woman by Yue Lingxue this stupid thing being wild with rage...... More said is odder, more said that more accent, more said loses face, more said...... 还是很显然,这女人是被月聆雪这个二货给气疯了……越说越离谱,越说越不着调,越说越丢人,越说越…… Oh......” Yue Lingxue is covering the thigh root, on the face some expression very convulsion meanings, but also some excitements of not being able to repress, said to Chu Yang: This time, may really be lucky you, you, our old Yue Family that comes the light kept burning constantly thereafter......” “哎唷……”月聆雪捂着大腿根,脸上表情很有些痉挛的意思,还有些按耐不住的兴奋,向楚阳说道:“这一次,可真是多亏了你,要不是你,我们老月家那来得香灯继后……” When Chu Yang is dumbfounded, in addition holds opened mouth to be dumbfounded the condition. 楚阳目瞪口呆之余,加持张口结舌状态。 Felt suddenly oneself said that anything is inappropriate, this anything person, this anything words, words well so are how ambiguous. Before was very ambiguous, seems like now that anything...... That anything...... 突然间感觉自己说啥也不合适了,这啥人啊,这啥话啊,好好的话怎么就那么暧昧呢。之前就已经很暧昧了,貌似现在更那个啥……那个啥了…… Finally has no alternative has distressed saying: That is I should do, as easy as lifting one's hand, such being the case, that anything...... Are you busy? I exited first...... Does not disturb you......” 最后没奈何的只好很狼狈的说道:“那都是我该做的,举手之劳而已,既然如此,那啥……你们忙?我先出去了……不打搅你们……” Said that and felt these words have improper word usage, full sweat must draw back in the future. 说完又感觉这句话有语病,满头汗水的就要往后退。 Yue Lingxue has still not thought in outcome, what is the excited say/way: Good good, our busy meeting...... I go to the busy meeting, not right...... Or, you sit the meeting again......” 月聆雪兀自未觉个中究竟,的是兴奋的道:“好的好的,我们忙一会……我去忙一会,不对……要不,你再坐会呗……” The Chu Yang whole face is the perspiration has drawn back, sits again, but also awfully not? Does not want own life, must want somebody's life, hurries to dodge the person is proper! 楚阳满脸是汗的退了出来,再坐下去,还要命不?不要自己的命,也得要某人的命,赶紧闪人是正经! Just came out, on hearing inside one tender, entrance Bang closes, nearly clamped Chu Yang that straight nose in inside, some King of Hell retroceded rapidly, the rumor that still feeling closing had blew to throw to look unfamiliar coolly, the hair in the future will flutter, secret passage narrow squeak. 才刚刚出来,就听见里面一声娇哼,紧接着门口“砰”的一声关上,险些将楚阳那笔挺的鼻子夹在了里面,某阎王急速后退,依然感觉关门带起的风声刮得自己扑面生凉,头发都往后飘了起来,暗道好险。 Immediately on sound that in hearing beats, as well as shames embarrassed cursing angrily: Your this stupid thing...... How you later make me go to see the person...... Your you......” 随即就听到里面拳打脚踢的声音,以及羞窘的怒骂:“你这个二货……你以后让我怎么出去见人……你你你……” My I...... I how...... I am not happy I......” “我我哦……我咋了……我不是高兴么我……” „Your you...... You may really irritate me, you cannot......” “你你你……你可真是气死我了,那你也不能……” Shield sound that hurries......” “赶紧的屏蔽声音啊……” Right...... Irritates me, anything gave to forget......” “对对……气死我咯,什么都给忘了……” ...... …… Then Chu Yang anything could not hear. 接着楚阳就什么都听不到了。 Two exceptionally formidable super Supreme Divine Sense room thorough seal...... 两股异常强大的超级至尊神念将房间彻彻底底的密封了…… Space that this couple collaborates to seal, even if present Sovereign of the Law is also not necessarily able to watch, some King of Hell naturally is more helpless, bah, some King of Hell at most is also the face thick-skinnedly, actually has not listened to the fondness of others husband and wife private sexual intercourse...... 这俩口子联手密封的空间,就算是如今的法尊也是未必可以窥伺的,某阎王自然是更加无能为力的,呸,某阎王顶多也就是脸皮厚点,倒是没有听人家夫妻私房事的癖好…… Chu Yang feels walking that outward the scalp has a lingering fear, the front surface had several heads from several rooms to extend. 楚阳摸着头皮心有余悸的往外走去,迎面已经有好几个脑袋从好几个房间里伸出来。 What's all this about? How suddenly to present such formidable Supreme Divine Sense? Is that two powerhouses is comparing notes?” “这是怎么回事?怎么突然出现了这么强大的至尊神念?难道是那两位强者在切磋?” What's the matter?” “到底咋回事?” Boss, you here? Had an accident?” “老大,你怎么在这里?出了什么事?” Is, how?” “就是,咋了?” Chu Yang perspiration explained one hastily: This, the Feng and Yue two seniors are very busy, do not disturb......” saying that falls the desolate to walk, 楚阳一头汗的匆匆解释了一句:“这个,风月两位前辈很忙,你们不要去打搅……”说完就落荒而走, The halfway could not have borne pat oneself: You said that do not disturb was good, added anything very busily...... 半路还忍不住拍了自己一下:你就说不要去打搅就行了,还说什么很忙…… Busy? What is busy at?” Ji Mo scratches the head, a face doubt: Now also busy time......” “忙?忙什么?”纪墨挠着头,一脸狐疑:“现在还不到忙的时候啊……” „......” Luo Kedi is usually puzzled: Fight has not started, can be busy at anything......” “素啊……”罗克敌一脸疑惑:“战斗还没开始,能忙啥啊……” Correct......” Xie Danqiong ponder: I cannot find out them to be busy at anything...... Is any new forms of combat, looked at the Divine Sense entanglement, or was comparing notes to dispute......” “正确啊……”谢丹琼沉思:“我也想不出他们能忙啥啊……难道是什么新的战斗方式,看刚才的神念纠缠,或者在切磋较量吧……” Perhaps, how from profoundly is studying to fight......” “或许吧,正自啊深入研究如何战斗……” Is listening to the following various guesses, unexpectedly also has is close to the right key very much, seemingly is comparing notes to fight, Minister Chu brushing went upstairs. 听着后面的各种猜测,居然还有很切近正确答案的,貌似真的在切磋战斗来着,楚御座“刷”的一声就上了楼。 Everybody said is very normal, but Chu Yang actually felt oneself were how evil, how listened to feel that had other meaning...... 大家说的都是很正常,但楚阳却感觉自己怎么就邪恶了呢,怎么听怎么感觉有别的意味…… After returning to the room, Chu Yang entered Nine Tribulations Space immediately. 回到房间之后,楚阳立即就进入了九劫空间 The Yue Lingxue husband and wife matter, is a Chu Yang worry. Chu Yang temperament, only if not promise others, so long as complied, that must achieve may not! Cannot achieve, then throughout places the heart, takes to heart. 月聆雪夫妇的事,一直是楚阳的一个心病。楚阳的脾气,除非不答应别人,只要是答应了,那就是非要做到不可!做不到,便始终放在心头,耿耿于怀。 Now solves a heart matter finally, Chu Yang had also relaxed, saw that Yue Lingxue husband and wife is excited the appearance that speaks incoherently, Chu Yang also from feels at heart joyful. 如今总算是解决了心头一件事,楚阳也松了口气,看到月聆雪夫妇激动得语无伦次的样子,楚阳也自心里感到欣喜。 Then, naturally is busy promoting cultivation base. 接下来,自然是忙着提升修为 Promotes cultivation base, looks for the person help is the top priority, finds the person also to look for the sensible person, the clearest person who Chu Yang knows, naturally nothing more than Sword Spirit this big god! 提升修为,找人帮忙才是硬道理,找人还得找明白人,楚阳所认识的最明白的人,自然不外剑灵这尊大神了! Sword Spirit, I need to promote the strength at present rapidly, you have anything to suggest.” After Chu Yang goes, is very simple, very neat inquiry said. 剑灵,我眼下需要急速的提升实力,你有什么建议。”楚阳进去之后,很干脆,很干净利落的询问道。 Also after Sovereign of the Law fights is at Sword Spirit of weak time flipped the supercilious look, said: Fast promotion strength? Takes Nine Layered Pill not to be good? Can this matter also ask me?” 法尊战斗之后还处在虚弱期的剑灵翻了翻白眼,道:“快速提升实力?服用九重丹还不行?这点事还要问我?” Chu Yang has given a tongue-lashing the tooth, said: Asked that you have certainly reason, although Nine Layered Pill the god is wonderful, but the cure function is truly biggest, regarding promoting cultivation base...... To grade nine Supreme this degree, the function is not very big...... Therefore, seemingly takes the progress that Nine Layered Pill still could not catch up with me to need, has a more powerful medicine, or method......” 楚阳呲了呲牙,道:“问你当然是有原因的,九重丹虽然神神妙,但治愈功能确实最大,对于提升修为……到了九品至尊这种程度,作用并不是很大……所以,貌似服用九重丹也仍旧赶不上我需要的进度,有没有更给力的药,或者方法……” Sword Spirit showed the whites of the eyes once again: Big Brother, you too can make, you do not know that what thing Nine Layered Pill is? If it is unqualified, what you can also count on? We can take, high-level was also this.”( To be continued.) 剑灵再度翻了白眼:“大哥,你太能闹了,你是不知道九重丹是什么东西吧?若是它都不够资格,你还能指望什么?咱们能拿出来的,最高级也就是这个了。”(未完待续。)
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