TTNH :: Volume #18

#1717: Crisis situation

Ten thousand did over years of passing of time brothers, collude with Sovereign of the Law to frame brothers family such impudent remark you to say? Hasn't my family ruined? Doesn't my family have the deceased person? 超过万年岁月的兄弟,勾结法尊陷害兄弟家族这样的混帐话你们都能说得出来?难道我家没毁掉?难道我家没死人? If not for in the heart be also missing general situation to heavily, Ling Muyang almost must draw a sword to break off with the people at the scene! 若不是心中还挂念着大局为重,凌暮阳几乎就要当场拔剑与众人决裂了! Sword Master Chu, you said that this is any scoundrel truth!” Ling Muyang over three patrolled to the liquor, the air/Qi results in chest fluctuating to be unceasing, the item stares like the bell. 楚剑主,你说说,这是个什么混帐道理!”凌暮阳一直到了酒过三巡,还是气得胸膛起伏不断,目瞪如铃。 Chu Yang and the others only then smile bitterly to right. 楚阳等人就只有苦笑以对。 People, when was attacked significantly, the mentality with absolutely is usually different . Moreover, at this time, one side humane despicable, will expose incisively. 人,在受到重大打击的时候,心态与平常绝对是不一样的,而且,越是在这种时候,人性的卑劣一面,越是会暴露得淋漓尽致。 But Xiao Chenyu Zhuge Cangqiong Chen Yingfeng and the others, is this mentality is causing at this moment trouble without doubt. 萧晨雨诸葛苍穹陈迎风等人此刻,无疑便是这种心态在作祟。 My family died, why didn't your family die? 我家都死光了,你家为啥不死? This is an extremely mindless special mentality, but, at the present this time, this mentality was most common. Especially after family bankrupt and the people dead, when sees others' family happiness, is wishes one could to destroy others...... 这是一种极端不讲理的特殊心态,但,在现在这种时候,这种心态却最为普遍的。尤其是家破人亡之后,在看到别人的天伦之乐的时候,更是恨不得毁灭人家…… Some people narrowly and mindless mentality are put into action this type, has caused many human tragedies. 更有人将这种狭隘而不讲理的心态付诸行动,酿成了许多的人间悲剧。 If trades the sentence scientific excuse, is the anti- society, the counter- ethics and counter- human behavior! 若是换句科学说辞,就是反社会、反伦理、反人类行为! Chen Yingfeng and the others is also ten thousand old monsters, the will naturally is by far average man, but faces the family to be destroyed at this moment suddenly, since attack of family bankrupt and the people dead, ten thousand years countless painstaking care have been destroyed in a moment, have this violent psychology, is also different compared with the average person, even is more serious. More extreme! 陈迎风等人也是万年老怪物,心志自然是远胜常人,但此刻突然面临家族被毁,家破人亡的打击,万年以来的无数心血毁于一旦,出现这种极端的心理,比起普通人也没有什么两样,甚至更为严重。更加偏激! Why will Law Enforcer let off my Ling Family only? This old man is also puzzling!” After Ling Muyang obloquies one, moral nature thinks actually somewhat lucky, rejoiced that naturally, what are more is wonders. “不过执法者为何会独独放过我凌家?这点老夫也是百思不得其解!”凌暮阳大骂一场之后,心底其实还是觉得有些侥幸,庆幸的,当然,更多的是纳闷。 I and Sovereign of the Law do not have what friendship probably......” “我与法尊好象并没有什么交情呀……” Ling Muyang muttered. 凌暮阳喃喃自语。 Chu Yang and Mo Tianji and the others relative forced smile. 楚阳莫天机等人相对苦笑。 Sovereign of the Law has let off Ling Family, at first sight is a very strange matter, but. They understand: Sovereign of the Law now seems like completely crazy and ridiculous, but still has very rigorous methodicalness and principle. 法尊放过了凌家,乍看起来是一件很古怪的事情,但是。他们都是明白:法尊现在看似丧心病狂,但却仍旧有着非常严谨的章法与原则。 Reason that Ling Family has not suffered destruction , because Ling Family in these 10,000 years, not many wicked achievement. In addition, because Ling Muyang holds a sword entire life Jiang Hu, truly has achieved having a clear conscience these four characters. This also played very vital role without doubt. 凌家之所以并没有遭受到大规模杀伤,就是因为凌家在这10000年里,并没有多少恶绩。此外,更因为凌暮阳一生仗剑江湖,真正作到了“问心无愧”这四个字。这点无疑也起到了很重要的作用。 Is, the Ling Family geographical position place north, the Ling Muyang family education is extremely stern, in clan juniors, even if occasionally has the playboy. Also is evil conduct is not clear, ten thousand years to fall, the evil consequence of accumulation are really few \; Let Ling Family, in this had almost covered in the entire Nine Heavens catastrophe. Finally escaped reluctantly. 还有就是,凌家地理位置正处极北,凌暮阳家教森严,族内子弟,就算偶有纨绔。也是恶迹不彰,万年以降,积累之恶果甚少\;让凌家在这等几乎笼罩了整个九重天的大灾难之中。最终勉强逃过了一劫。 Although has also paid the tens of thousands strip Martial Artist life, but compares to other Great Clans, was lucky too many were too many. 虽然也付出了数万武者的性命,但比起其他的各大家族来说,却是幸运了太多太多。 But this point, actually does not need to state clearly. 但这一点,却是不必明说的。 No matter how Sovereign of the Law does, regardless of standpoint how. Regardless of the original intention is what kind, but, matter was in this grade of situation, anybody, will not let off him! 不管法尊怎么做,无论立场如何。无论初衷怎样,但,事情已经到了这等地步,任何人,也是不会放过他! Sovereign of the Law, even if there is huge difficulties again. Such tens of millions lives lose . Moreover the Nine Heavens elite troops life loses, this price. Must have Sovereign of the Law to undertake! 法尊,就算再有天大的苦衷。这样的数千万条性命损耗,而且还是九重天精锐性命损耗,这个代价。必须要有法尊来承担! massacre world! 血洗天下! These four characters, always in making a determined effort said that has said actually , some rare people attempt, but now. Sovereign of the Law conscientiously has actually done. 这四个字,向来都是在发狠的时候才说的,其实说过,也难得有人尝试,但是现在。法尊却已经切切实实的做了出来。 Moreover is continue do and continues do! 而且还在继续做、持续做! So-called Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting, has survived in name only now. 所谓的天鼎盛会,现在已经是名存实亡。 All people are ready to fight. Whets the sword mill knife, only waits for Law Enforcer to come on a large scale, with a it life and death war! The so peerless villain, does not allow him to live again in the world, leaves a legacy of trouble infinitely! 所有人都在摩拳擦掌。砺剑磨刀,只等执法者大举而来,就在中都,与之决死一战!如此绝世凶徒,决不允许他再活在世上,遗祸无穷! Now, so-called four sides rushes to rescue early is a through joke, not having the significance may say. 现在,所谓的四面驰援早已经是个彻头彻尾的笑话,全无意义可言。 Would rather waits here, fights to the death with the enemy. 倒不如等在这里,与敌人决一死战。 Actually, this means of being the same day Chu Yang and Mo Tianji once proposed, actually by a Ye Chenchen and the others veto, but the current situation is now threatening, actually people compelling stiffly to this step. 其实,这本是当日楚阳莫天机曾经提出来的办法,却被夜沉沉等人一口否决,但现在时势逼人,却是将众人硬生生的逼到了这一步。 Remembers several days ago Chu Yang had said words, with Diwu Qingrou proposition more than once, Ye Chenchen and the others rude awakenings...... 想起十几天以前楚阳说过的话,与第五轻柔不止一次的提议,夜沉沉等人都是后悔莫及…… One had only known, regret past doings? 早知如此,何必当初? If acts earlier, at least, at least can preserve in the family some elite troops not to extinguish! 如果早点动作,至少,至少可以保住家族中部分精锐不灭! Those words, in this world any medicine can unable to find, but regrets after the fact has not located xue to touch truly! 还是那句话,这世上什么药都能找得到,但后悔药真正没处踅摸! Enemy dares dead , but I do not dare to fight tooth and nail, harbinger oneself loses, the multi-channel obstructions, are inferior to collection soldier one \; The reduction may target, the centralized complete strength, the point-to-point resistance, so have life force. If the separation of force, various Great Clans do things their own way, then destroys the time.” “敌敢死而我不敢搏命,先声己失,多路阻截,不如集兵一处\;缩小可攻击目标,集中全部实力,点对点对抗,如此还有一线生机。若是兵力分散,各大家族各自为政,则覆亡可期。” „To preserve completely, that result completely cannot preserve \; On this occasion the tumultuous times, need discard. Keeps the mountain, did not fear that does not have the firewood fever.” “想要全部都保全,那结果就是全部都保不全\;值此乱世,必须要有所舍弃。留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。” This is Chu Yang lets the words that Diwu Qingrou has on the same day. 这是楚阳当日让第五轻柔带回来的话。 At that time although the Law Enforcer aspect started the pointed motion \; But numerous first ancestors actually throughout stubborn considering: Sovereign of the Law this grade of wise man so non- wisdom, completely will not care about the loss of influence, or what is venting? Also or handles some important matter? Even possibly to cater to Devil collects massive soul Force of Soul? 当时虽然执法者方面已经开始了针对性行动\;但众位始祖却始终顽固的认为:法尊这等智者不会如此不智、完全不顾及己方势力的损耗,或者是在发泄什么?又或者是做某一件重要事情?甚至可能只是为了迎合天魔搜集大量亡灵灵魂之力 Is absolutely impossible to kill Nine Great Clans really completely! After all such made the price of paying to be too big, the gains do not make up for the losses. 绝对不可能真的将九大家族全部干掉!毕竟那样做付出的代价太大了,得不偿失 the gains do not make up for the losses four characters, are the military commander strategy do not only take! 只“得不偿失”四字,就已是兵家战略之不取! Perhaps Sovereign of the Law crazy several days later, serves his purpose, will receive the hand...... 或许法尊疯狂几天之后,达到他的目的,就会收手了…… Therefore although everybody is anxious, loses to one's own side is distressed, how despair but in the bone is actually not. After all, in more than 10,000 years, Sovereign of the Law, if wants destruction Nine Great Clans, his some are better opportunities, speaking of the according to present condition, not necessarily does not have a better choice, thinks now this, the enemy damages 800, damages possibly is 1000 procedures, how can there be the benefit may say...... 所以大家虽然焦急,也对己方损失感到痛心,但骨子里却也不是如何的绝望。毕竟,这10000多年里,法尊若是真的想要覆灭九大家族的话,他有的是更好的机会,就以眼前的状况而论,未必没有更好的选择,想现在这样,敌损800,自损可能是1000的做法,岂有利益可言…… Since beforehand benefit bigger time has not started, let alone now? Let alone the Sovereign of the Law biggest enemy is always Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, Nine Great Clans is also the eye-sore, throughout is the secondary enemy...... Before let alone, cooperated for several thousand years...... 既然之前利益更大的时候都没有下手,何况现在?更别说法尊最大的敌人始终是九劫剑主,九大家族就算也是眼中钉,始终是次要敌人……更何况之前还合作了数千年…… The joint secondary enemy, attack archenemy, the book is the timeless tactical strategy, this is the same day Nine Great Clans is also willing to put down the long hatred, with the biggest reason that Chu Yang collaborates, because Sovereign of the Law is the current archenemy! 联合次要敌人,打击主要敌人,本就是亘古不变的战术策略,这也是当日九大家族肯放下宿怨,与楚阳联手的最大原因,因为法尊是当前的主要敌人! Therefore, the major first ancestors have not been serious the warning of Chu Yang! 所以,各大始祖并没将楚阳的告诫太当一回事! Even Chen Yingfeng also once sneered saying: Master of Nine Tribulations Sword these words, only feared that is the no 300 taels of silver buried \; If we concentrate the elite troops master to come here seriously, the what strength of resistance then aspect there also does have? Is equal to presenting the basic place in vain, has what profit?......” 甚至陈迎风还曾经冷笑说道:“九劫剑主这番话,只怕是此地无银三百两吧\;若是咱们当真集中精锐高手到这边,那么自家方面那里还有什么抵抗之力?等于是将自家根本之地白白奉送,有何益处?……” Also or has the profit, this act is to actually facilitate Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, can as easy as blowing off dust borrow the blade to extinguish Nine Great Clans...... Takes advantage seriously well, is faced with an archenemy, but can also leave this ingenious plan, buckle ally strength, admire, admires......” “或者也有益处,此举却是方便九劫剑主,可以不费吹灰之力就借刀灭了九大家族……当真是打得好算盘,大敌当前,还能出此妙算,折损盟友实力,佩服,佩服……” Such remarks, immediately several first ancestors sneer again and again, on the mouth had not said that under the heart the regulations are the big table approval. 此言一出,即时有几名始祖跟着冷笑连连,嘴上没说,心下实则是大表赞同。 Even if calm such as Diwu Qingrou facing this situation, only then speechless by to share. If some people of hearts narrow to so situation, moreover many people similarly so, then, no matter this group of people can encounter any misfortune finally, really had only self to blame...... 即使沉稳如第五轻柔面对这种情况,也只有无语以对的份了。若是有人心胸狭隘到了这般地步,而且还是许多人同样如此,那么,不管这群人最终会遭遇什么厄运,就实实在在都是咎由自取了…… Diwu Qingrou these words, said naturally absolutely is not Chu Yang. 第五轻柔这番话,说的自然绝对不是楚阳 ...... …… Now, after family destruction, everybody hates bitterly to regret past mistakes...... Why do you early come? 现在,家族覆灭之后,大家才一个个痛心疾首悔不当初……你们早干啥来? Chu Yang also has Nine Layered Pill at most, has not regretted after the fact. Even if regrets after the fact, thinks that will not eat to this group of people...... 楚阳顶多也就有九重丹而已,也是没有后悔药的。就算有后悔药,想必也决不会给这帮人吃吧…… Hence, when Diwu Qingrou is dejected, actually also can only choose to tidy up the mood, has considered a crime, rotates Diwu Clan without consulting anybody, drew in the remnants. 至此,第五轻柔心灰意冷之余,却也只能选择收拾心情,告了个罪,径自回转第五家族,收拢残兵败将去了。 Later only then calmly waited, that moment that decisive battle approaches, with Sovereign of the Law and a Law Enforcer war, at this time, really could not use any resourceful...... Also now is each was insane, but also who can analyze what calmly? What plans? 以后就只有静静等待,决战来临的那一刻,与法尊执法者一战,这种时候,也实在是用不到什么智谋了……再说现在已经是各个的都疯了,还有谁能平心静气的分析什么?策划什么? Even if they still make Military Advisor with themselves, under oneself the command also can only receive the effect of complying in public but opposing in private, what significance also there is?! 就算他们依然用自己做军师,自己下的令也只能收到阳奉阴违的效果,又有什么意义?! Was absolutely impossible to pull together to do something again! 绝对不可能再拧成一股绳了! Because the will of the people collapsed the even/including ten thousand years of youngest brother families not to have the person who the destruction must envy now...... What added? What can also say? What also had is can say? 因为人心现在已经崩溃了连万年的老兄弟家族没有覆灭都要嫉妒的人……还说什么?还能说什么?还有什么是可以说的? ...... …… Strength! Now remaining only had the strength!” When Diwu Qingrou walks from Ye Family, Chu Yang in the inn, is thinking the issue of both sides relative strength. “实力!现在剩下的唯有实力了!”就在第五轻柔夜家走出来的时候,楚阳正在客栈之中,想着双方实力对比的问题。 News that brings from Gu Duxing, Chu Yang can feel the heartfelt oppression feeling. 顾独行带回来的消息之中,楚阳可以感觉到由衷的压迫感觉。 Gu Duxing as in the sword grade nine Supreme, high of strength, has touched the peak of Nine Heavens strongest strength absolutely \; However according to him, Sovereign of the Law current strength also wants distantly above him. Before and Sovereign of the Law fought, was by far is not the match, has been supporting the view of Gu Duxing...... 顾独行身为剑中九品至尊,实力之高,绝对已经触摸到九重天最强实力者的顶峰了\;然而据他说,法尊目前的实力还要远远的在他之上。还有自己之前与法尊交手的时候,也是远远不是对手,正正印证了顾独行的说法…… If based on this deduces, before Sovereign of the Law, Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting ultimate war that said that oneself and the others only feared that must be somewhat dangerous. 若以此为基础推论下去,法尊之前所说的天鼎盛会终极一战,自己等人只怕就要有些危险了。 Sovereign of the Law has a deficit, Sovereign of the Law is guilty, the goal understanding is to his Big Brother, to his brothers \; Seemingly does not have what relations with. 法尊亏欠,法尊内疚,目标认识乃是对他的大哥,对他的兄弟\;与自己貌似并没有什么关系。 Perhaps will somewhat have the little fragrant state, just like but Sovereign of the Law said: At the appointed time becomes King Baikou, he will not show mercy! 或许多多少少会有一点点的香火情,但正如法尊所说:届时成王败寇,他是绝不会手下留情的! Moreover, the victory that the enemy bestows, Chu Yang disdains, does Nine Tribulation Brothers, similarly disdains! 而且,敌人施舍的胜利,楚阳不屑,一干九劫兄弟,同样不屑! Since the matter hence, has faced oneself brothers, is an unprecedented fierce battle. 既然事情已经至此,面临自己兄弟的,将是一场前所未有的恶战。 Therefore the present urgent matter, only had the promotion strength as far as possible! 所以眼下的当务之急,唯有尽量的提升实力了! The present strength, is far from enough. But time, only remaining several days. 现在的实力,远远不够。而时间,就只剩下了几天。 The time is too short! 时间太短暂! But, is relying on the words of Nine Layered Pill promotion strength constantly, even if can promote again, cannot be in that degree of Sovereign of the Law present. According to the description of Gu Duxing, Chu Yang can think, Sovereign of the Law after striking to have killed Devil, decided however absorbs Devil Divine Soul, the strength had large scale striving once again. 但,一味凭借着九重丹提升实力的话,就算是能够再有所提升,也是到不了法尊如今的那种程度的。根据顾独行的描述,楚阳能想到,法尊在击杀了天魔之后,定然是吸取了天魔神魂,实力再度有大幅度的精进。 Even if he before absorbing Devil Divine Soul, oneself by far are not a match, then, now? 即便他在吸取天魔神魂之前,自己就已经远远不是对手,那么,现在呢?
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