TTNH :: Volume #18

#1716: Various war casualties, poor of human nature

The Ye Chenchen and the others surface sinks like the water, the violent anger that cannot contain to/clashes steaming. Does Law Enforcer, do unexpectedly really such certainly, such completely? Through leaving no ground! 夜沉沉等人面沉如水,遏制不住的暴怒腾腾冲起。执法者,竟然真的做得这么绝,这么尽?彻头彻尾的不留余地! Too masculine just raised, Yè Family spreads the news: Yè Family also falls to the enemy! 阳刚刚升起的时候,叶家传来消息:叶家也告失陷! Afterward, is the news that Zhuge Clan falls to the enemy...... 随后,便是诸葛家族失陷的消息…… Ling Family is also during exceptionally fierce fight, was in imminent danger, momentarily possibly collapses...... 凌家也处于异常剧烈的战斗之中,已经岌岌可危,随时可能崩溃…… ...... …… Sky over the entire mainland, the overcast sky, killing intent overflows! 整个大陆上空,阴云密布,杀机四溢! The humans affair is variable, entire mainland, only then, in couple days ago also the most dangerous place, now unexpectedly turned into the safest place. 世事无常,整个大陆,就只有中都,就在前几天还最危险的地方,现在居然变成了最安全的地方。 Actually this is not strange, after all this time has concentrated most outstanding Martial Artist of Upper Three Heavens besides Nine Great Clans is, particularly after one day night of battle, along with Nine Tribulations and Wu Juecheng Feng and Yue and other being involved wars of super master, strongly prepares to participate in Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting Martial Artist also in in getting rid, gradually has formed tidal current of tyrannical revolt. 其实这也不奇怪,毕竟这个时间点的中都是集中了上三天九大家族之外最优秀武者的所在,尤其是在经过一天一夜的厮杀之后,随着九劫舞绝城风月等超级高手的涉入战局,集中在中都准备参与天鼎盛会武者也纷纷出手,逐渐形成了一股强横反抗的潮流。 The influence in Law Enforcer aspect retreats in defeat again and again. 执法者方面的势力节节败退。 When close to the evening, after sudden heavy rain, the Law Enforcer manpower in aspect suddenly in a short time sells sound hiding in the afternoon. 而在下午临近傍晚的时候,就在一场突如其来的大雨之后,中都方面的执法者人手突然间在极短的时间里销声匿迹 Was not extinguished thoroughly kills \; But was the collective removed. 不是被彻底灭杀了\;而是集体撤了出去。 Although the personnel in Law Enforcer aspect withdrew, but wants situated in person, actually was still impossible. The after personnel in Law Enforcer aspect leave, instantly ambushes, ambush in the exceptionally secret place, still firmly was actually supervising news of activity, only allows the person to enter, actually does not allow to enter person to exit again. 执法者方面的人员虽然撤出了中都,但位于中都的人想要出去,却仍是不可能的。执法者方面的人员离开中都之后,即刻潜伏起来、埋伏在异常隐秘的地方,却仍牢牢监督着中都的动静,只允许人进中都,却绝不允许已经进入中都的人再出去。 At once, turned into the restricted area in inexplicable, regardless of east, south, west, and north that direction does not allow the person to exit. 一时之间,中都在莫名间变成了禁地,无论东南西北那个方向都不允许人出去。 These days, originally because of the relations of Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting. Massively will only enter the person, little some people will exit \; After such blockade, appears is stricter. 这段时间里,本来中都就因为天鼎盛会的关系。只会大量进人,很少会有人出去\;经过这样的封锁之后,显得更加严密起来。 Also crowded: Because of every time, massive does not know, therefore the person enters. 也更加的拥挤:因为每时每刻,还有大量的不知所以的人进入。 Also can describe like this that at this moment, turned into an ultra giant prison, can have, has not obtained! 又或者可以这样形容,此刻的中都,已经变成了一个超巨型的监狱,有得进,没得出! Chen Family first ancestor Chen Yingfeng breaks through at the same night, wanting the family to look at one. But in border, has actually encountered the interception of Law Enforcer high-level powerhouse! 陈家始祖陈迎风连夜突围,想要回去家族看一眼。但却在中都边境,遭遇了执法者高层强者的截杀! Reached the grade nine realm Chen Family first ancestor after preying on dozens Law Enforcer masters, finally fell into many Law Enforcer high rank Supreme collaborates to besiege, finally the severe wound returns \; Hence, blockade line that is constituted by Law Enforcer is known by the people. 已臻九品境界陈家始祖在搏杀数十名执法者高手之后,终于陷入了多位执法者高阶至尊的联手围攻,最终重伤而回\;至此,由执法者构成的封锁线才被众人知晓。 In view of this blockade line. The Mo Tianji setting scheme, arranges Board of War, making Zhuge Cangqiong and the others make to turn back in order to help friendly forces the Zhuge Clan stance, is followed by Wu Juecheng and Feng and Yue and the others secret along the way, Diwu Qingrou follows along the way prepares change according to the situation, the intention lures the snake from its hole, has these three big masters to accompany. Even if Sovereign of the Law arrives, thinks that cannot flatter absolutely. 针对这道封锁线。莫天机设定计谋,排兵部阵,让诸葛苍穹等人做出回援诸葛家族的姿态,由舞绝城风月等人沿途秘密跟随,第五轻柔沿途跟随准备随机应变,意图引蛇出洞,有这三大高手随行。就算是法尊亲临,想必也是绝对讨不了好去的。 But the most ideal plan of people, can certainly trig Sovereign of the Law in light of this, can get it over and done. 而众人的最理想打算,当然就是能就此制住法尊,可以一劳永逸。 However. This Law Enforcer aspect simply does not have any movement, has not exerted any stop completely. 然而。这一次执法者方面却是根本没有任何的动作,完全没有施加任何的阻拦。 Whatever its free turnover. 任由其自由进出。 But the people finally withdraw. 众人最终无奈撤回。 The people are impossible to go with Zhuge Cangqiong really Zhuge Clan. But Zhuge Cangqiong want Zhuge Clan to have a look, so long as has been separated from the brigade, immediately encountered the ambush. 众人毕竟不可能真的与诸葛苍穹前去诸葛家族。而诸葛苍穹自己想要回去诸葛家族看看,但只要脱离了大队,就立即遭遇了伏击。 Luckily he returns fully. The people aid, escapes death by a hair's breadth. 幸亏他全力逃回。众人接应,才幸免于难。 Several probes. Finally is mostly the same except for minor differences. Law Enforcer aspect probably in suddenly astute to the extreme, during several motions, not must say that is when Sovereign of the Law comes, even if Supreme grade one above Law Enforcer master, has not met any! 几番试探。结果均是大同小异。执法者方面好像是在突然间精明到了极点,几次行动之中,莫要说是等到法尊现身,就算至尊一品以上的执法者高手,也没有遇到任何一个! But, so long as does not have the journey team that super master accompanies, finally is the loss is surely serious, even is annihilated. 但,只要是没有超级高手随行的出行队伍,结果必定是损失惨重,甚至全军覆没。 Facing this situation, the people are at a loss thoroughly. 面对这种情况,众人彻底束手无策。 Xiao Chenyu, Chen Yingfeng, Zhuge Cangqiong, Ling Muyang and Ye Qiuye these Great Aristocratic Families first ancestors to this result clenching jaws, only felt that the chest also almost must explode, is no strategy left to try, the disciple sighs how. 萧晨雨,陈迎风,诸葛苍穹,凌暮阳叶秋叶这几大世家始祖对这个结果更加的咬牙切齿,只感觉胸膛也几乎要炸了,却是无计可施,徒叹奈何。 Beside fight, individual strength exceptionally tyrannical Law Enforcer completely got the winning side. 中都之外的战斗,个体实力异常强横的执法者已经完全地占据了上风。 Law Enforcer adds under Heaven the Blood Reward great power, this strength simply is easily accomplished general, furthermore attack not awfully, in the several days, has established won the potential. Then, has secured the victory. 执法者上天血酬的强大力量,这股力量简直是摧枯拉朽一般,更兼是不要命的攻击,在短短几天时间里,就已经奠定了胜势。然后,锁定了胜局。 Now, Chen Family completely destroys \; Yè Family completely destroys, Xiao Family completely destroys, Zhuge Family completely destroys, Ling Family, although remains by luck, was scattered about, has the danger of destruction anytime. 现在,陈家尽毁\;叶家尽毁,萧家尽毁,诸葛家尽毁,凌家,虽然侥幸尚存,却也已经七零八落,随时有覆灭之危。 Now in various Great Aristocratic Families is only complete, that only then Ye Family this is a rear survival. 现在各大世家中唯一还算完整的,就只有夜家这硕果仅存的一家。 But all people understand, Ye Family this is also only temporary calm and steady. After waiting for Law Enforcer to sweep other thoroughly, that crazy spear point, will aim, once the complete strength focused, Ye Family destruction in morning and evening! 但所有人都明白,夜家这也就只是暂时的安稳而已。等执法者彻底扫荡了其他各家之后,那疯狂的矛头,就会指向中都,全部实力一旦聚焦,夜家覆灭之在旦夕! Even if the people know this point obviously, but does not have the means. 即便众人明明知道这一点,但却是毫无办法。 The fifth space, the geographical position closest Zhuge Clan remnant forces go all out to break through the tight encirclement to enter, after Zhuge Cangqiong sees, immediately is a whole body trembles, tears. 第五天上,地理位置最为接近的诸葛家族残余势力拼命突破重围进入中都,诸葛苍穹见到之后,立即就是一声浑身颤栗,老泪纵横。 Has no alternative but to cry, the situation of this remnants of defeated troops was really too miserable, Zhuge Clan ten thousand years of background, family master tens of thousands, but finally can break through the tight encirclement to arrive, unexpectedly only then few 73 people! Moreover, almost every is riddled with scars and looking wan. 不能不落泪啊,这支残部的景况实在是太惨了,诸葛家族愈万年底蕴,家族高手数万,而最终能够突破重围来到中都的,居然就只有寥寥73人!而且,几乎每一个都是伤痕累累、形容憔悴。 Some many people, the whole person is similar to the skeleton is common. 有不少人,整个人都已经是如同骷髅一般。 Also two, after arrives finally, the injury is critical, is suddenly relaxed, unexpectedly this one cannot awake, dream the Nine Springs...... 还有两人,在终于到达中都之后,伤势过重,心情骤然放松,居然就此一睡不醒,一梦九泉…… Other people?” Zhuge Cangqiong is trembling, is holding if by any chance asking of prospect. “其他人呢?”诸葛苍穹颤巍巍,抱着万一的指望的问道。 More than 70 people simultaneously kneel down to cry: Ancestor...... Zhuge Clan...... Ended......” 70多人同时跪倒大哭:“老祖宗……诸葛家族……完了……” The Zhuge Cangqiong complexion is suddenly pale. Trembles the lip to ask: „......” 诸葛苍穹脸色骤然苍白。哆嗦着嘴唇问道:“难道……” Entire family, high and low male and female, old and young...... chicken and dog doesn't remain......” Zhuge Clan that grade nine Supreme after saying these words comes, in the Zhuge Cangqiong throat makes the strange sound, seems wants to obloquy, must roar probably crazily, but anything has not finally said that throat giggle several, on the face suddenly rise red, will then be the whole person straightly in the future but actually...... “整个家族,上下男女老幼……鸡犬不留……”诸葛家族那位九品至尊在说出这句话来之后,诸葛苍穹喉中发出奇怪的声音,似乎是想要大骂,又好象是要狂啸,但最终却什么也没说出来,喉头咯咯几声,脸上猛地涨得通红,然后就是整个人直挺挺地往后倒了下去…… In that afternoon. 就在当天下午。 The remaining manpower in Chen Family aspect rushes finally. 陈家方面的残余人手终于赶到中都。 Chen Yingfeng after seeing person, had been injured the heavy body unable to support again, asked continually had not asked that fainted: Or is Chen Family remaining manpower some are inappropriate, because the entire Chen Family supreme headquarters altogether only run away three people! 陈迎风在见到来人之后,本就已经受伤不轻的身体再也支撑不住,连问都没问,就昏了过去:或者说是陈家残余人手有些不恰当,因为整个陈家大本营一共就只逃出来三个人而已! grade nine Supreme, two grade eight peak Supreme. 一位九品至尊,两位八品巅峰至尊 Other people, hundreds of thousands of people, one like Zhuge Aristocratic Family, does not have a survival, chicken and dog doesn't remain. 其他的人,数十万人,一如诸葛世家,无一存活,鸡犬不留 Chen Family...... A surrounding area several thousand miles mountain, falls into a sea of fire completely...... Too miserable! Really was too miserable...... All around the surrounding area in several thousand miles can smell to bake the flesh the flavor/smell...... This is the intense and deep-seated hatred, the intense and deep-seated hatred!......” 陈家……方圆数千里高山,完全陷入一片火海之中……太惨了!实在是太惨了啊……周遭方圆几千里之内都能闻到烧烤人肉的味道……这是血海深仇,血海深仇啊!……” Chen Family that grade nine master whole face is the tears, the spirit several nearly collapsed, the support said the above words reluctantly, as for another two grade eight Supreme, was damaged heavily, furthermore made a long and wearisome journey, arrived, fainted, but had not been finished finally directly, because the energy exhausted to fall into the depth stupor. 陈家的那位九品高手满脸是泪,精神几近崩溃了,勉强支撑说出以上的话,至于另外两位八品至尊,受创不轻,更兼长途跋涉,才一抵达,就昏死过去了,不过总算没直接完蛋,只是因为精力耗尽而陷入深度昏迷之中。 All person completely surface sink like the water, suddenly only feels gloomily. 所有人尽都面沉如水,一时间只感觉天昏地暗。 Complexion same gloomy of Chu Yang. 楚阳的脸色同样的阴沉。 Chen Family, is the same day pledged that must exterminate, for the Wei Wuyan deep hatred, Chen Family result already was doomed. But, oneself have not gone, already thorough destroying in the Sovereign of the Law hand, or destroys during an order of Sovereign of the Law. 陈家,是自己当日发誓要灭绝的一家,为了魏无颜的血仇,陈家的结局似是早已注定。但,自己还没有前去,就已经彻底的毁在了法尊手中,又或者说是毁在法尊的一道命令之中。 Moreover, is in various Great Aristocratic Families most pitiful one. 而且,还是各大世家中最凄惨的一家。 Hundreds of thousands of population only run away finally three people, has three people. 数十万人口最终就只逃出来三人,只得三个人。 Chu Yang suddenly does not know that said any was good. 楚阳一时间都不知道说什么好了。 Sympathy? What a pity?...... Hasn't been able revenging to regret personally? 同情吗?可惜吗?或者……还有未能够亲手报仇遗憾么? All thoughts, changed to a deep sigh. 所有的心思,都化作了一声长叹。 If Chu Yang goes to retaliate personally, believes that the Chen Family fate so will not be pitiful, or will massacre in a blaze of passion regarding Martial Artist Chu Yang completely, but regarding the elderly and infirm, the weaponless person, Chu Yang will actually not move. 若是楚阳亲自前去报复,相信陈家的下场是绝不会如此凄惨的,对于武者楚阳或者会在盛怒之下全部杀掉,但对于老弱妇孺,手无寸铁之人,楚阳却不会动的。 This irrelevant womanly compassion, is only a bottom line of person! 这无关妇人之仁,只是一个人的底线而已! But Sovereign of the Law actually so thorough. 法尊却是做的如此彻底。 Unexpectedly links person wool not to stay behind, to cut weeds and eliminate the roots and chicken and dog doesn't remain...... 居然连一根人毛也没有留下,斩草除根鸡犬不留…… The after person in Chen Family aspect arrives at third day, the southeast Xiao Family remaining manpower also finally arrives: Is better on some than Zhuge, Chen Family, has almost 100 people of scales. 陈家方面的人到来后的第三天,东南萧家的残余人手也终于来到:比诸葛、陈家要好上一些,差不多有100人的规模。 In an instant has become the enmity day ocean of hatred. 中都刹那间成了仇天恨海。 Intense curses, virulent cursing, has filled entire Capital City piece by piece. 一声声强烈的诅咒,一片片恶毒的咒骂,弥漫了整个中都城 Then, the Yè Family remaining manpower also came, the Yè Family situation must be better, finally more than 500 people breaks through, such population, making Chen Yingfeng Zhuge Cangqiong and the others red the eye. 然后,叶家的残余人手也来了,叶家的情况还要更好一些,最终有500多人突围进来,这样的人数,让陈迎风诸葛苍穹等人都红了眼睛。 Why our family/home nearly died certainly, can your family actually leave behind these many people? 凭什么我们家都近乎死绝了,你们家却能留下这么多的人? This utterly unjustified envy, making Ye Qiuye fly into a rage, if not for the people console, a super internal strife almost must raise. 这种毫无道理的嫉妒,让叶秋叶勃然大怒,若不是众人劝解,一场超级内讧几乎就要掀起了。 However when the Ling Family news comes, Ling Muyang replaces Ye Qiuye became is the target of public criticism. 不过等到凌家的消息传来的时候,凌暮阳代替叶秋叶成为了众矢之的。 War finally, Ling Family, although was destroyed the headquarters inevitably, the personnel casualty is also extremely serious, but the elderly and infirm in family/home, almost do not have to be hurt. But Ling Family person after undergoing plea, has moved to the Li Family originally site to be calm completely. 战局终了,凌家虽然不可避免地被摧毁了总部,人员伤亡也是极为惨重,但是家中的老弱妇孺,却是几乎没有受伤害。而凌家的人在经过了恳求之后,已经全部搬到了厉家的原本所在地安顿。 At present, in Ling Family remaining elite troops after having many person starry nights catches up to come...... 目前,凌家的残余精锐之中经有不少人星夜赶来中都…… This news, let Xiao Chenyu some people thorough being jealous. Looks at the Ling Muyang look, looks like looks at the rebel. 这个消息,让萧晨雨一干人彻底的眼红了。看着凌暮阳的眼神,就像是看着叛徒。 Why to kill off our family members actually not to kill off your family member? Your family's women and children are women and children, are my family's women and children all Supreme are inadequate? 凭什么杀光了我们的家人却不杀光你的家人?你家的妇孺是妇孺,难道我家的妇孺就全是至尊不成? What your Ling Muyang and are Sovereign of the Law relate?...... Un?! 凌暮阳法尊到底是什么关系?或者……嗯?! Ling Muyang has been wild with rage regarding this unreasonable opinion simply, moreover a hundred mouths cannot explain it away, after one loudly quarrelled, simply led the clansman to arrive at the inn housing that Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Chu Yang and the others stayed, was only mad bristles with anger! 凌暮阳对于这种无理言论简直是气疯了,而且百口莫辩,在一番大吵之后,干脆率领族人来到九劫剑主楚阳等人下榻的客栈居住,只气得怒发冲冠! Your family died the person, hasn't others family/home died is not good? 你们家死光了人,别人家没死光难道还不行了吗?
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