TTNH :: Volume #18

#1715: Does not hesitate at all costs

Yue Lingxue and Feng Yurou under detain in great surprise fully, even if by Feng and Yue their strengths, actually also only with enough time blocks four people, even if these four people, when lifts the palm suicide is inadequate, unexpectedly immediately chooses from breaking the heart lineage/vein, finally steps the road of Yellow Springs. 月聆雪风雨柔大惊之下全力拦阻,然而即便以风月两人之实力,却也只来得及拦下来四个人而已,即便是这四个人,举掌自杀不成之余,居然立即选择自断心脉,终于踏上黄泉之路。 So renounces! 如此决绝! Shortly front the corpse of lying this way and that place, Yue Lingxue and Feng Yurou whole body is icy cold. 眼看着面前横七竖八一地的尸体,月聆雪风雨柔浑身冰凉。 They just arrived at the surrounding, this catastrophe fully erupted, from the beginning has not thought that the matter so will be serious, until arriving at news of activity was afterward getting bigger and bigger, their diving posture comes out to nose, knows that the entire world clouded over in night of time unexpectedly. 他们两人刚刚到中都外围,这一场浩劫就已经全面的爆发出来了,一开始并未想到事情会如此严重,及至到后来动静越来越大,两人飞身出来查探,才知道整个天下居然在一夜时间变了天。 Four sides they without enough time enter radically, directly start detaining, but, the bonus is they have the connecting to the heavens method, peerless cultivation base, actually also incompetently prevents this and other ultra scales of all-around eruption to be chaotic! 两人根本就来不及进入中都,直接就开始四面的拦阻,但,饶是两人有通天手段,绝世修为,却也无能阻止这等全方位爆发的超规模混乱! Looks helplessly the blood gurgles in foot obscene drips, the colorful life ends instantaneously, Yue Lingxue face upwards bellows crazily: Sovereign of the Law, what can your this thing make? Come out! Comes out to fight with me!” 眼睁睁地看着鲜血汨汨在脚下流淌,许多鲜活的生命瞬间终结,月聆雪仰天疯狂大吼:“法尊,你这混帐东西到底要做什么?出来!出来与我一战!” Sovereign of the Law, even if you have difficulties! Even if you have suffering from injustice! Even if you have the hatred! But...... This piece of world what Gu? Common people what Gu? Why you must completely crazy and ridiculous so! Your this thing, you come out to me!” 法尊,纵然你有苦衷!纵然你有委屈!纵然你有仇恨!可是……这片天下何辜?苍生何辜?你为何要这般的丧心病狂!你这个混帐东西,你给我出来啊!” The Yue Lingxue grief and indignation inexplicable sound passed on by far. 月聆雪悲愤莫名的声音远远传了出去。 Roars, only shakes surrounding area thousand li (500 km) one to thunder \; The airborne cloud as if also by this sorrowful roar vibration, raining that brushes unexpectedly. 一声怒吼,只震得方圆千里一阵轰鸣\;空中云彩似乎也被这悲痛的吼声震动,竟然刷刷的下起雨来。 Long time long time, Feng Yurou comforts to say in a soft voice: We are advanced...... The catastrophe has been a foregone conclusion, only depends on both of us, does not help matters completely, must everybody crowd together to discuss that is the means......” 良久良久,风雨柔轻声安抚道:“我们还是先进中都吧……浩劫已成定局,只凭我们两人,完全无济于事,必须大家凑在一起商量才是办法……” The Yue Lingxue weak face upwarding sigh, the icy cold rain water falls in his mouth, actually from the bottom of the heart felt that was bitter and astringent and weak. 月聆雪无力的仰天叹息,冰凉的雨水落在他的口中,却是从心底都感觉到了苦涩和无力。 They buried in the rain have done the Law Enforcer corpse. A long and loud cry, rushes. 两人就在雨中掩埋了一干执法者的尸体。一声长啸,奔向中都。 After they leave, jungle at the same time some people of long sigh. 两人离开之后,一边的密林之中有人长长的叹息一声。 Under inside big tree. 在里面一棵大树之下。 Sovereign of the Law black clothes black robe, calmly is standing. 法尊黑衣黑袍,静静地站立着。 The rain water heavy rain, falls on his body, he such is standing, motionless, even has not transported the merit to hasten out of the way the rain water, made that the whole body drenches. Very somewhat distressed appearance. 雨水瓢泼而下,落在他的身上,他就这么站着,一动不动,甚至没有运功趋避雨水,弄得浑身透湿。很有几分狼狈的样子。 During this piece is gloomy, he lifts to start slowly, walked step by step. 就在这一片天昏地暗之中,他缓缓抬起脚来,一步步走了出去。 Does not have the tablet new grave facing ground one piece, the Sovereign of the Law complexion unexpectedly exceptionally complex. 面对地上一片无碑新坟,法尊脸色竟是异常的复杂。 He calmly is standing, did not say a word. Rain water crazy falling on him, his dull motionless. 他静静地站着,一言不发。雨水疯狂的落在他身上,他呆呆的不动。 In this time, the distant place has broad sword light to be together towering exactly, but. 恰在此时,远方有一道恢弘剑光突兀而至。 Gu Duxing coldly sound: Who is front?” 顾独行冷冷的声音:“前面是谁?” The voice has not fallen, arrived nearby. 话音未落,已经到了跟前。 Originally is you! Finally found you!” Gu Duxing Black Dragon Sword one bright, said fierce: Sovereign of the Law! Annuls your say/way absurd order!”, “原来是你!终于找到你了!”顾独行黑龙剑一亮,厉声道:“法尊!撤销你那道荒谬的命令!”、 The Sovereign of the Law black clothes hikes up, the exceptionally complex look looked at Gu Duxing one, the body has drawn back floatingly. 法尊黑衣飘起,异常复杂的眼神望了顾独行一眼,身子飘飘而退。 In that. Has reluctantly, has to envy, is the ice-cold tranquility. 那一眼之中。有着无奈,也有着羡慕,还有就是冰冷的平静。 Gu Duxing roars, Black Dragon Sword fiercely dodges. This flickers, the sword light brilliant brightness has depressed lightning in the sky unexpectedly thoroughly, sharply to/clashes toward Sovereign of the Law. 顾独行怒吼一声,黑龙剑猛的一闪。这一瞬,剑光的绚烂亮度竟然彻底压下了当空的闪电,向着法尊急冲而来。 The raindrop was stirred up by his imposing manner, turned into unexpectedly has been worthy of the sharpness of separate human body. Has attacked the past together. 雨滴被他气势所激,竟然也化成了堪可割裂人体的锋锐。一同攻击了过去。 In sword light, face of Sovereign of the Law indifferent dodges. Gu Duxing saw clearly the Sovereign of the Law vision holds smiles and has the applause completely looked at oneself one, is similar to shrinks becomes inch general, whiz extremely fast of own sword is far away. 剑光之中,法尊的脸淡然的一闪。顾独行清楚地看到法尊目光含着笑、满含着赞许的看了自己一眼,然后就如同缩地成寸一般,嗖的一声从自己剑下极速远离。 sword light is glittering obviously still, however Sovereign of the Law such crosses the hands behind the back the backlash, instantaneous arrived at outside the hundred zhang (333 m). 剑光明明还在闪烁,然而法尊就这么负手后退,瞬间已经到了百丈之外。 The Gu Duxing imperial sword comes, if potential thunder: Sovereign of the Law! Do not walk! Do not walk!” 顾独行御剑而来,势若雷霆:“法尊!你不要走!你不要走!” But the body of Sovereign of the Law vanished in the curtain of rain strangely, thorough vanished the trace. 法尊的身子已经诡异地消失在雨幕之中,彻底的消失了踪影。 A Gu Duxing sword able to move unhindered, is similar to delimits the spatial lightning, pursues, in grade nine Supreme with the sword, the speed that the person the sword unites, has achieved under Nine Heavens absolutely most peak degree, but like this astonishing speed, when most at first can also see the Sovereign of the Law black clothes form from afar, but later, completely had vanished. 顾独行一剑纵横,就如同是划空的闪电,一路追击,以剑中九品至尊,人剑合一的速度,绝对已经达到了九重天下最极致的程度,可就这样的惊人速度,在最起初时还能远远看到法尊的黑衣身影,但过了不大一会,就完全消失了。 Gu Duxing has pursued to have remote of thousand li (500 km) fully, absolutely does not have any trace to seek. 顾独行一直追出足有千里之遥,却完全没有任何痕迹可寻。 The surroundings are static, if Evil Spirit. 周围静若鬼蜮 Gu Duxing stands in the rain, is somewhat desolate. 顾独行站在雨中,有些落寞。 Sovereign of the Law present cultivation base, was higher than to be too many unexpectedly too many...... This time, Sovereign of the Law has not actually begun to oneself, the intention that begins continually does not have. Sovereign of the Law mentality that then, Mo Tianji said that basically was the matter of being settled. 法尊如今的修为,竟是比自己高出来太多太多了……这一次,法尊却没有对自己动手,连动手的意图都没有。那么,莫天机所说的法尊心态,基本就是板上钉钉的事情了。 Thinks again before Sovereign of the Law, looks facing own sword light to own that envying of that difficult word meant that commended and also has the complex that painful look...... 再想想法尊之前面对自己剑光之中看向自己的那一眼,那种难言的羡慕意味,还有赞许、还有复杂的那种痛苦神色…… In Gu Duxing this flash heart does not know any taste unexpectedly, somewhat is unexpectedly dry astringently, several points of sad. 顾独行这一瞬间心中竟不知道什么滋味,竟有几分枯涩,几分难过。 Face upwards to exclaim: I know your anything meaning! I understand your feeling! But you now like this handle affairs, can ruin you and your brothers initially the eternal prestige under establishment? I know that you want to compensate, we know you to be uncomfortable, but you kill off the world person, can go back?” 不禁仰天吼道:“我知道你什么意思!我明白你的感受!可是你现在这样子行事,是要来毁掉你和你兄弟当初创立下的万古威名吗?我知道你想要补偿,我们都知道你难受,可是你就算杀尽天下人,就能回得去吗?” Gu Duxing yelled: Sovereign of the Law, I know that you can hear! I asked you, you killed off the world person, can you be able to go back? You replied me, why didn't reply me? You can not reply me, but can you not reply your heart? Your heart also certainly urgent thinks that knows this answer!” 顾独行大叫:“法尊,我知道你听得见!我问你,你杀尽天下人,你就能回得去吗?你回答我啊,为什么不回答我?你可以不回答我,但你能不回答你自己的心吗?你的心也一定迫切的想到知道这个答案吧!” In great distance Gu Duxing in it place in about dozens miles piece of jungle. 在相隔顾独行所在之地大约数十里的一片密林中。 A Sovereign of the Law black clothes, calmly sits under a big tree, just like melting in this boundless curtain of rain. 法尊一身黑衣,静静地坐在一棵大树下,宛如融进了这无边的雨幕之中。 On his face is bringing the infinite listlessness, a silent forced smile of difficult word. 他脸上带着无限的怅惘,一阵难言的无声苦笑。 Cannot go back, cannot go back...... Cannot go back...... Hehe......” in silent forced smile, the corner of the eye is somewhat gleaming \; He raised the head, the heavy rain of heavy rain on crash-bang hits on his face. “回不去,回不去……回不去啊……呵呵……”无声的苦笑中,眼角有些亮闪闪的\;他抬起头,瓢泼的大雨就那么哗啦啦打在他的脸上。 World is boundless, only has to leave behind me...... Sovereign of the Law to feel here the rain water hits that slight pain on face, is suddenly sad from the heart: You not here...... Only then I here......” “天地苍茫,唯有留下我一个人在这里……”法尊感觉着雨水打在脸上的那种轻微痛楚,一时间悲从心来:“你们都不在这里了……只有我在这里……” I can never compare Wu Juecheng, he also has the opportunity to see his brothers, I actually again could not go back, could not overtake again, did not have the face to see you again, my heart? Do I have a mind?......” “我永远也是比不上舞绝城的,他还有机会去见他的兄弟,我却再也回不去了,也再也追不上了,更再也没脸见你们了,我的心?我还有心么?……” Hehe......” “呵呵呵……” Sovereign of the Law body suddenly pulls up. A towering transition in curtain of rain, whiz vanishes disappear without trace. 法尊的身子猛地拔起。在雨幕之中一个突兀转折,“嗖”的一声消失得无影无踪 Gu Duxing yelled two, calmly was waiting. 顾独行大叫两声,就那么静静地等着。 But after long time long time, Sovereign of the Law has not appeared. 但良久良久之后,法尊也没有出现。 The sound conveys from out of the blue unceasingly. 破空声音不断传来。 Duxing (solitary), did you discover Sovereign of the Law?” Was Xie Danqiong catches up. 独行,你发现法尊了?”是谢丹琼赶来了。 Sovereign of the Law where? Not here?” Dong Wushang also caught up. 法尊在哪里?不在这里吗?”董无伤也赶来了。 ...... …… The free time, caught up after a while again including Mo Tianji, Nine Tribulation Brothers arrived at six unexpectedly. 再过一会儿工夫,连莫天机也赶来了,九劫兄弟居然到了六个。 No, pursued loses.” Gu Duxing sighed: Sovereign of the Law current cultivation base was too terrifying, has gone beyond my cognition category...... Pursues it to be inferior to radically.” “没有,追丢了。”顾独行叹息一声:“法尊目前的修为实在太恐怖了,已经超出了我的认知范畴……根本就追之不及。” How did Sovereign of the Law say?” 法尊怎么说?” Sovereign of the Law only looked at my one eyes from beginning to end. Walked......” in the Gu Duxing sound to be disconsolate: I very clear feeling, in that there are to envy......” “从头到尾法尊只看了我一眼。就走了……”顾独行的声音里不无惆怅:“我很清晰的感觉出来,那一眼之中,有羡慕……” Oh......” “唉……” A brothers heartfelt sigh. 兄弟们一声由衷叹息。 If Sovereign of the Law has done evil, pours, but. The procedure of his present, has the greatest reason...... Moreover, has the bitter experience of equally good results from different methods with the people...... 若是法尊一直作恶,倒也罢了,但。他现在的这种做法,却是有莫大缘由的……而且,与众人还有异曲同工的遭遇…… This does not make people feel that sigh sighed. 这就不由不让人感觉嗟叹了。 Remembers Sovereign of the Law, for revenges to the brothers, tens of thousands year laborious plan, has used the world, has exhausted the life time, actually at the final moment knows oneself have made the huge mistake unexpectedly. Then uses up the crazy retaliation in bottom, retaliates the stretch of world that he once protected...... 想起法尊为了给兄弟们报仇,数万年的辛苦谋划,倾尽了天下,耗尽了一生光阴,却在最后时刻知道自己竟是犯了天大的错误。然后竭斯底里的疯狂报复,报复他本来曾经守护的这一片天地…… The people thought that in the heart is the angry hatred, but actually faint somewhat loves dearly for him...... 众人都觉得心中又是愤怒憎恨,但却又隐隐的有些为他心疼…… If Sovereign of the Law hateful, hateful. Has multiple-valued must pity, is worth sympathizing. 法尊有多可恶,有多可恨。就有多值得怜悯,值得同情。 The person of feeling sorry, must have the hateful place, but hateful person. Not necessarily has not actually been worth sympathizing with, the place of pitying! 可怜之人,必有可恨之处,但可恨之人。却也未必没有值得同情、怜悯之处! Contradictory marriage that a such person, it can be said that through ancient times has not seen. Believes from ancient to present, as well as gets down again for several million years, was not necessarily able to present such one again...... 这样的一个人,可说是一个亘古未见的矛盾结合体。相信自古至今,以及再下去数百万年,也未必能再出现这样的一个了…… ...... …… The confusion is still continuing, not only does not have any sign of restraining, instead gets stronger and stronger. 混乱依然在持续,非但没有任何收敛的迹象,反而越演越烈。 Because Sovereign of the Law has issued an order, together crazier order: Even if with human life pile, must within three days, capture various Great Clans base industry comprehensively! Otherwise, the combatants collective commits suicide! 因为法尊又下了一道命令,一道更加疯狂的命令:就算用人命堆,也要在三天之内,全面攻陷各大家族的基业!否则,参战人员集体自裁! In three days capture, Blood Reward master who participates, reward doubling! 三天内攻陷,所参与的血酬高手,报酬翻番! This orders, the manpower in Law Enforcer aspect direct was crazy. 这道命令出来,执法者方面的人手直接的疯狂了。 In night of time, completely broke each other deadlock! 在一夜的时间里,就彻底打破了彼此的僵持! That night, compared with the previous night crazy. Innumerable Law Enforcer take place of the fallen, directly was insane, confrontation originally, simply did not have the function. Even if only has 35 Law Enforcer, unexpectedly dares toward 110 people of master charges. 这一夜,比前一夜更加的疯狂。无数的执法者前仆后继,直接就是疯了,原本的对峙,根本没有了作用。就算是只有35个执法者,居然敢朝着110人的高手冲锋。 Knows perfectly well to die, must charge. 明知必死,也要冲锋。 Some attacks Law Enforcer of various Great Clans headquarters, takes the weapon by own body directly, upward to/clashes, after rushing, is the disintegration big law! 有一些进攻各大家族总部的执法者,直接就是以自己的身体作为武器,往上冲,冲上去之后就是解体大法! Even if the life can only crack various Great Clans headquarters courtyard walls stones, a brick, that also refuses to balk. 哪怕自己生命只能崩裂各大家族总部院墙的一块石头,一块砖,那也是在所不惜。 Under the frigid attack, various Great Clans are thrown into confusion like this. 在这样的惨烈攻击之下,各大家族阵脚大乱。 Various Great Clans for ten thousand years have a high and respected position to lord it over, but Law Enforcer the authority must hit compared with various Great Clans, but these years have actually rushed about to go on an expedition in Jiang Hu. 大家族万年来养尊处优称王称霸,而执法者虽然权力比各大家族还要打,但这些年来却是一直奔波征战在江湖 In comparison, did not say the military force, even if the mentality and that Iron Blood ruthless vigor, must far exceed. Has the Sovereign of the Law high pressure , the Law Enforcer master insane general eight Fang Laiyuan, the Blood Reward master swarmed to rush. 两相比较,不说武力,就算是心态和那种铁血的狠劲儿,也要远远超出。更有法尊高压在后,执法者高手疯了一般八方来援,血酬高手蜂拥赶到。 To late at night, the circumstance is one-sided. 到得后半夜,情势已经是一边倒。 Before dawn, Chen Family spreads the news: The Chen Family headquarters fall to the enemy comprehensively! Only high rank Supreme of grade nine Supreme on with several grade six ran away, other people, were slaughtered all! 凌晨时分,陈家传来消息:陈家总部全面失陷!仅有一位九品至尊与数位六品上高阶至尊逃了出来,其他人,尽数被屠戮! The Chen Family headquarters are over 300,000 people, was committed to flames all! 陈家总部超过300000人,尽数被付之一炬! It is said burnt odor flavor/smell, has filled several thousand miles boundary...... 据说焦臭的味道,足足弥漫了数千里地界…… This news passes to time, Chen Family first ancestor Chen Yingfeng at present one black, spouted a blood but actually. 这个消息才一传到中都的时候,陈家始祖陈迎风眼前一黑,喷出一口鲜血就倒了下去。 ............ …………
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