TTNH :: Volume #18

#1714: Renouncing

many thanks Sir Master of Nine Tribulations Sword the graciousness of life-saving.” The Ye Family team leader master is the whole body scar, looks that the Chu Yang vision is complex. 多谢九劫剑主大人的救命之恩。”夜家的领队高手已经是浑身伤痕,看着楚阳的目光复杂无比。 They are the Ye Family outside personnel, hurries back totals over 300 people, after this battle, unexpectedly only then less than 30 people that now remains, if not Chu Yang very rushing fortunately, they will also turn into waterfront corpse pile of one of the, nobody can escape death by a hair's breadth...... 他们这些人乃是夜家在外人员,一路赶回来的合共超过300人,经过这一场的厮杀,现在留下来的竟然就只有不到30人了,如果不是楚阳很凑巧的赶到,那他们也将变成江边尸堆的一员,无人可以幸免于难…… The words said that these time receives the order round trip to catch up several days ago, for actually copes with Master of Nine Tribulations Sword. But this time, in the crucial moment, had actually been rescued the life by Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, this may really be......! 话说这一次在十几天前接到命令往回赶,为的其实就是对付九劫剑主。但这一次,在生死关头,却是被九劫剑主救了命,这可真是……! Although knew the momentous change of this event in the halfway, but truly at the last moment, is in some hearts the five flavours mixed Chen. 虽然在半路就已经知道了这一次事件的巨大变化,但真正事到临头,还是有些心中五味杂陈。 You hurry, if all the way has to see corpse anything, can process processes, can bury buries, in any case do not throw in the river the corpse again, this must remember.” Chu Yang waves, the electricity that does not return to shoots to go. “你们赶紧回去吧,一路上若是有看到尸体什么,能处理的就处理掉,能埋得就埋掉,反正不要再将尸体抛掷江中,这点一定要记住。”楚阳挥挥手,头也不回的电射而去。 All the way, experienced several fields to slaughter successively \; But the manpower in all Law Enforcer aspects, so long as sees Chu Yang to arrive, instantly disperses instantly, does not fight with Chu Yang absolutely directly. 一路上,先后又经历了数场厮杀\;但所有执法者方面的人手,只要一见到楚阳到来,即刻就是一哄而散,绝对不与楚阳正面交手。 Changes a place actually to continue to start. 换个地方却继续下手。 Has not run away as for these, or was caught by Chu Yang, similarly very simple starting off, Yellow Springs road! 至于那些没跑掉,又或者是被楚阳逮到了,同样很干脆的上路,黄泉路! Chu Yang this rushes about, under naturally was seizes to kill many Law Enforcer, but faced the world situation, was still the futile attempt, did not have Jinan in the general situation, under the heart cannot find way out seriously. 楚阳这一路奔波下来,手下自然是擒杀了不少的执法者,但面对天下大势,仍是杯水车薪,无济于大局,心下当真是一筹莫展。 Does truly, worrying really! 真正做起来,着实的犯愁啊! behind the body comes whistling wind sound unexpectedly suddenly, is the Wu Juecheng white clothing is floating, flies high. 不意身后突来呼呼风响,却是舞绝城白衣飘飘,凌空而来。 Corpse has processed a major part, but in the line of sight, was actually not beyond control.” Wu Juecheng sighed: Such completely crazy and ridiculous...... Sovereign of the Law absolutely was insane, how he under went well. Does not know how really he actually thinks.” “尸体已经处理掉一大部分,但不在视线之内的,却是鞭长莫及了。”舞绝城叹息一声:“如此的丧心病狂……法尊绝对是疯了,他怎么下得了手。真不知道他到底是怎么想的。” Chu Le'er small face is pallid, bends the waist is vomiting at the same time. 楚乐儿小脸儿煞白,弯着腰在一边呕吐。 Throughout is small Miss, although talent and mental far supernormal person, but sees these many corpses suddenly, moreover must process by oneself personally, but must process that many...... Chu Le'er early has been supporting. 始终还是个小姑娘,虽然天赋、心智远超常人,但骤而看到这么多尸体,而且还要由自己亲自处理,还要处理那么多……楚乐儿早已经就是在强撑着了。 If could not see that Chu Yang is stronger, but sees own elder brother here, immediately a dependence feeling well ups, cannot suppress disliking of heart to feel again that immediately vomits. 若是看不到楚阳还强一些,但一看到自己的哥哥就在这里,顿时一股依靠感涌上心头,再也压不住心头的烦恶感觉,即时呕吐起来。 At the same time Chu Yang sympathizes is patting the back to Chu Le'er. At the same time said with Wu Juecheng: But the matter evolved this grade of situation, only then complies with it changes. Senior Wu capable work more, had the work much.” 楚阳一边体贴的给楚乐儿拍着背。一边跟舞绝城说道:“但事情已经演变到了这等地步,也只有顺应其变。舞前辈能者多劳,多多有劳了。” Nine Tribulations health/guard Shi. The book is the bounden matter, even if yesterday's Chrysanthemum, my heart as before.” Wu Juecheng said generously. 九劫卫世。本就是义不容辞的事情,纵然已是昨日黄花,我心依旧。”舞绝城慨然说道。 Immediately take pity on looks at Chu Le'er, Wu Juecheng was saying: This matter single-handedly is completed by old man. Downstream, had the Ye Family person to take the corpse powder to process the corpse unceasingly. Let Le'er rest a meeting. She is always small Miss, even if no her helper, will not delay the too much time......” 随即怜惜的望着楚乐儿,舞绝城道:“这件事就由老夫自己独力完成吧。下游,也已经有了夜家人在拿着化尸粉不断处理尸体。让乐儿休息一会。她始终还是个小姑娘,就算没她帮手,也不会耽搁太多的时间……” No! I must go!” Chu Le'er stubborn say/way, although small Miss spits the body to become tender at this moment, all leans in Chu Yang has not sat on the ground, but actually insisted that must join the motion. “不!我要去!”楚乐儿倔强的道,虽然小姑娘此刻吐得身子发软,全凭靠在楚阳身上才没有坐在地上,但却还是坚持要参加行动。 Senior. I looked that makes Le'er also go.” Chu Yang is somewhat grieved, is actually the firm say/way: Is the Jiang Hu children...... These matters, sooner or later must face. Now just when the demon tribulation important pass, any point boost is the needs, believes the boost of Le'er not allow to neglect absolutely......” “前辈。我看就让乐儿也去吧。”楚阳有些心痛,却还是坚决的道:“都是江湖儿女……这些事,迟早都是要面对的。现在正值魔劫关口,任何一点的助力都是需要的,相信乐儿的助力绝对不容忽视的……” Wu Juecheng sighed, as the Chu Le'er master, he knows the ability of own apprentice. But is really not actually cruel enough to make this small girl many facing so brutal fact. 舞绝城叹息一声,作为楚乐儿的师傅,他又何尝不知道自己徒弟的能力。但却实在不忍心让这个小丫头过多的面对如此残酷的事实。 Although Sovereign of the Law decides on to pay attention to want purge entire Nine Heavens, but his original intention wants to come to be also insufficient entire Nine Heavens to ruin. Reason that he now orders only to kill people, but does not process the corpse, perhaps the biggest goal must use such method, constrains our hands and feet, now looks like, his move of effect is remarkable.” “虽说法尊打定注意要清洗整个九重天,但他的初衷想来还不至于将整个九重天都毁掉。他如今之所以下令只杀人而不处理尸体,恐怕最大的目的就是要利用这样的手段,将我们的手脚拖住,现在看来,他的这招效果非常显著。” Chu Yang said: Because of this move, we actually must manage according to his meaning may not, otherwise, plague three days, will emerge at the latest. The plague happens, within several days may sweep across the entire mainland...... If so entire Nine Heavens falls into during the large-scale plague covers, that is the true human end...... At that time was true all ends.” 楚阳道:“因为这一招,我们却非要按照他的意思来办不可,若不然,瘟疫最迟三天,就会兴起。瘟疫一旦出现,数日内就有可能席卷整个大陆……若然整个九重天都陷入在大规模的瘟疫笼罩之中,那才是真正的人类末日……那时候才是真正的一切都完了。” Yes, because just has thought this, especially makes the person feel suffocated!” In the Wu Juecheng eye has the anger, regretted: Reason that he corpse majority of centralized in this ancestor soul Jiang Li, the terror is also for this reason: This helps us tidy up...... This bastard, but also was really has thought all, in this way mental, the old man self-examined cannot achieve, real his mother worthily was the past Nine Tribulations brain truster, the old man has to give him one clothing/taking character......” “是的,正因为想到了这点,才格外的让人憋气!”舞绝城的眼中有怒火,有惋惜:“他之所以将尸体大部分都集中在这祖魂江里,恐怖也正是因为这个原因吧:这样更便于我们收拾……这混蛋,还真是将一切都想到了,如斯心智,老夫自问就作不到,真他娘的不愧是当年的九劫智囊,老夫不得不给他一个‘服’字……” They also sighed. 两人同时叹息。 The latest news that before obtained, Nine Great Clans spread to order, Nine Great Clans respective influence, on the one hand stopped Law Enforcer to do evil, on the one hand summoned the world, properly processing corpse. But a Law Enforcer side, regarding the person of processing corpse not awkward......” “之前得到的最新消息,九大家族已经传出去命令,九大家族所属势力,一方面制止执法者作恶,一方面号召天下,妥善处理尸体。而执法者一方,对于处理尸体的人并不加以为难……” This news has exposed the Sovereign of the Law goal without doubt.” “这个消息无疑更加暴露了法尊的目的。” But Sovereign of the Law goal, although has overall exposed, but is actually the least bit does not care to him...... This already was not the plot, directly was the open intrigue, the open intrigue that we have to meet......” a Chu Yang fist pounded on the ground. “可是法尊的目的虽然全盘暴露了,但对他而言却是半点也不在乎的……这早已不是阴谋,直接就是阳谋了,我们不得不接的阳谋……”楚阳一拳砸在地上。 Has saying that Sovereign of the Law clarifies carriages and horses like this, instead is nastier, even is unable to cope, can only deal with passively. 不得不说,法尊这样子摆明车马,反而是更加难以对付,甚至是无法对付,只能被动应付。 Simply is, how Sovereign of the Law makes you do, how you must do! 简直就是,法尊让你怎么做,你就得怎么做! More is startled picks certainly the colorful person, once does evil, that is really virtually impossible to guard against, even must help its motion, does not help must help. Because prevents, helps! 越是惊采绝艳的人,一旦作恶,那真是防不胜防,甚至还得助其行动,不助也得助。因为就算是阻止,也是助! Then lets the head pain. 这才让人头痛之极。 The meeting that three people discussed that was also has actually rested the moment, immediately separated from each other \; This time, Chu Le'er also wanted list Duxing (solitary) to move. After all the area was too big, can many direction motions, be able many, on the one hand strength. 三人商议的这一会,却也算是休息了片刻,随即就是分道扬镳\;这一次,楚乐儿也要单独行动了。毕竟面积太大了,能多一方向行动,就能多一方面的力气。 On the other hand, the four sides manpower in Nine Great Clans aspect also starts to set out the processing corpse \; But most master actually during collecting gathers together...... 另一方面,九大家族方面的人手也开始四面出动处理尸体\;但绝大部分高手却在汇拢之中…… The world everywhere beacon gets up. 天下处处烽烟起。 Gu Duxing and the others has been divided into nine directions, attacks, on the one hand is processes the corpse to prevent the plague to appear, on the one hand seeks for the Law Enforcer high-level trail. The situation of but encountering is actually exactly the same as Chu Yang and the others. 顾独行等人分成了九个方向,一路冲击出去,一方面是处理尸体防止瘟疫出现,一方面则是寻找执法者高层的踪迹。但所遇到的情况却是与楚阳等人如出一辙。 So long as a Nine Tribulations people appearance, the manpower in Law Enforcer aspect walks immediately. 只要九劫中人一出现,执法者方面的人手立即就走。 Even if gives in vain to them several human lives, can walk disappear without trace immediately. 哪怕是白送给他们几条人命,也会即时走得无影无踪 As for these held Law Enforcer, sees to escape hopelessly, the unification commits suicide dead immediately. The opportunity of even questioning did not stay behind to you, was that simple. 至于那些被抓住的执法者,见到逃生无望,统一在第一时间自尽而死。甚至连问话的机会都不给你留下,就是那么干脆。 This matter lets Gu Duxing and the others is aggrieved, is oppressed, is sad, regretted. 这种事让顾独行等人又是憋屈,又是憋闷,又是难过,又是惋惜。 Jiang Hu at this moment is chaotic. 此刻的江湖已经是混乱之极了。 North Capital City, the side of major road. 中都城北,官道之侧。 That jungle that Chu Yang and Ye Zui initially battled side. 正是楚阳夜醉当初交战的那处密林之旁。 A white clothing wins the snow Yue Lingxue early to disappear at this moment ordinary natural and unrestrained of outstanding ability, face a suppression of violent anger dozens Law Enforcer: Said! Sovereign of the Law where!” 一袭白衣胜雪的月聆雪此刻早已经不见了平常的俊逸潇洒,一脸的暴怒的压制住几十位执法者:“说!法尊在什么地方!” Before him, is only the turbulent imposing manner, makes these Law Enforcer masters not dare to move. 在他面前,只是汹涌的气势,也让这些执法者高手不敢动一动。 Yue Lingxue ten thousand years truly so has not been wild with rage, this moment the power and influence of violent anger, is earthshaking! 月聆雪已经万年没有真正如此狂怒过,这一刻的暴怒的威势,直是惊天动地! Is Law Enforcer bitter smile one of the head: Venerable Yue, this, you really should not ask me. Our Law Enforcer is any organization, you do not know that who Lord Sovereign of the Law is, you do not know \; You asked me, was futile effort, why waste that physical strength, gave me happily is proper, did not waste your time, did not delay skill that I started off.” 为首的执法者惨笑一声:“月尊者,这个,您实在是不应该问我。咱们执法者是个什么组织,您不会不知道,法尊大人是什么人,您也不会不知道\;您问我,也是徒劳,何必浪费那个气力,给我个痛快是正经,不浪费您的时间,也不耽误我上路的功夫。” pā! 啪! A Yue Lingxue palm of the hand hits on his face, wild with rage say/way: Why can that bastard under so the decision of completely crazy and ridiculous? Why? inform I?!” 月聆雪一巴掌打在他脸上,狂怒的道:“那个混蛋为什么会下这般丧心病狂的决定?为什么?告诉我?!” That person smiles, said: Venerable Yue, order of Lord Sovereign of the Law, all over the world, as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced! don't can not, since \; Who does not dare, since, the brothers have chopped him! Lord Sovereign of the Law said anything, we make anything. don't said that kills several people, even if destroys this world...... So long as Lord Sovereign of the Law said that certainly is well-founded, we must do, that so many why! Simple does such truth also want us to show over and over?” 那人嘿嘿一笑,道:“月尊者,法尊大人的命令,普天之下,言出法随!莫能不从\;谁敢不从,弟兄们就剁了他!法尊大人说什么,咱们就做什么。莫说只是杀几个人,就算是毁灭这世界……只要法尊大人说了,就一定有理由,咱们就要去做,那有那么多的为什么!这么浅显的道理还要咱们再三说明吗?” The Yue Lingxue air/Qi results in the whole body to tremble, hissing shouted angrily: Fart, your this group of bastards kill the Nine Great Clans person , but why links these innocent Martial Artist also to kill? Killed has also killed, why must make everywhere the corpse, met the day continually, actually tidied up is not willing to tidy up? You know this way, what appearance will this mainland become?” 月聆雪气得浑身发抖,嘶声怒喝:“放屁,你们这群混蛋杀九大家族的人也还罢了,但为什么连那些无辜武者也要杀?杀也就杀了,为何要弄得遍地尸体,接天连地,却连收拾也不肯收拾?你知道这样下去,这片大陆将成什么样子吗?” He gets angry exclaims: „The Law Enforcer protection world underwent 100,000 years of passing of time, you planned that can complete destroy in the past few days like this? Are you what mind? What does Sovereign of the Law have to attempt?! So completely crazy and ridiculous, the inhuman deal, you do, doesn't think the qualms of conscience?” 他怒吼道:“执法者守护人间已历100000年岁月,难道,你们打算要这样在这几天里就将之完全毁坏么?你们到底是何居心?法尊又有什么企图?!如此丧心病狂,灭绝人性的勾当,你们做起来,就不觉得内愧吗?” In that Law Enforcer eye flashes through guilty for the first time, the sinking sound track: Lord Sovereign of the Law so arranges, we then so do, in the reason as, definitely does not need to know. Venerable Yue does best to convince, a chivalry, in brothers and other hearts admires, but Venerable Yue you and Venerable Feng are fierce, has their strength, attempts to change the world situation, is not certainly possible......” 那位执法者的眼中首度闪过一丝愧疚,沉声道:“法尊大人如此安排,我们便如此做,至于个中理由,完全没有必要知道。月尊者苦口婆心,一身侠义,兄弟等心中佩服,但月尊者您与风尊者再厉害,也不过只得两人之力,妄图扭转天下局势,绝无可能……” He laughs: This since Venerable Yue you appeared, the expectation that the subordinate did not run away again, here, died to thank the world simply.” 他大笑一声:“这会既然月尊者您出现了,属下也再没有逃出去的奢望了,索性就在这里,一死以谢天下。” Then, neat is Bang one, a palm of the hand claps own head completely broken, the face of distortion bleeds profusely from the head, shows a strange smiling face: Venerable Yue...... What in does this world have seriously wrong to with? Haha......” 说完,干净利落的就是“砰”地一声,一巴掌将自己的脑袋完全拍碎,扭曲的脸七窍流血,露出一个诡异的笑容:“月尊者……这世上当真有什么对与错吗?哈哈……” Last haha the voice has not fallen, the person passed away. 最后一声哈哈话音未落,人已经气绝身亡。 We also walked, so as to avoid the road comes up lonelily! Ha haha......” dozens Law Enforcer also laugh, backhands a palm to pat on oneself head, the blood instant splash, yelled: Bothersome work Venerable Yue tidied up our corpse...... Has the Two Venerables Feng and Yue help damage control, I and other brothers vertical die still the glory!” “咱们也走了,免得路上去得孤单!哈哈哈……”几十位执法者同时大笑,反手一掌拍在自己脑袋上,鲜血瞬时飞溅,同时大叫:“烦劳月尊者收拾我们尸体了……有风月二位尊者帮忙善后,我等兄弟纵死犹荣!”
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