TTNH :: Volume #18

#1713: Catastrophe!

A moment ago Diwu Qingrou and in the Mo Tianji heart lingered and is calculating the crazy motion of Sovereign of the Law unceasingly, is thinking how the broken bureau, how broke the computation, more was this wants actually to be no strategy left to try, is unable to think that more wants more unable to deal. No matter how because you do, its result radically is Sovereign of the Law desired, all responses can only add press to extinguish the advancement of world catastrophe. 刚才第五轻柔莫天机心中不断盘桓、计算着法尊的这次疯狂行动,想着如何破局、如何打破计算,越是这样想却越是无计可施,无法可想,越想越是无法应对。因为不管你怎么做,其结果根本就是法尊希望看到的,一切反应都只能加促灭世浩劫的进程。 Therefore these two already somewhat depressed, even was confused: This or excels in the common failing of person of resourceful planning, once discovered others' resourceful is unable to break the bureau time, oneself will think to give up. 所以这两人已经有些沮丧,甚至是迷茫了:这或者就是擅于智谋算计之人的通病,一旦发现别人的智谋根本无法破局的时候,自己就会想到放弃。 This game is doomed to be in unfavorable situation, the next game asked for again is also is, as for the current game, no longer consumed the resources toward inside. Because has been doomed to make a futile effort, but also spends that skill and resources to make anything! 这一局注定失利,下一局再讨回来也就是是了,至于当前的这局,不再往里边耗费资源。因为已经注定徒劳无功了,还费那功夫、资源作什么! They have drawn the giving up conclusion in the moral nature regulations, but Chu Yang across the sky appeared at this time, rude and unreasonable spoke a few words: Even if the futile effort effort, we must try hard to attempt, can reduce one point the harm is a point, reduces tiny bit is tiny bit! 两人在心底实则已经作出了放弃的结论,但楚阳却在这个时候横空出现,就这么蛮横地说了一句话:纵然是徒劳的努力,我们也要努力尝试,能将危害减少一分就是一分,减少一丝一毫就是一丝一毫! These words do not have what imposing manner point, was actually displays as person most primitive and most basic insistence. 这句话并没有什么气势锋芒,却是表现出了身为“人”最原始、最根本的坚持。 Facing the enemy, the enemy extremely in great strength, is unable to be a worthy opponent, is that also what kind of? 面对敌人,敌人太过于强大,根本无法匹敌,那又怎么样? A war! 一战而已! Even if knows perfectly well to die, knows perfectly well to defeat, is that also what kind of? 纵然明知必死,明知必败,那又怎么样? Only fights! 唯战而已! The demon calamity world, the world dies, knows perfectly well the hope to be uncertain, must try hard to attempt, even if Huitian is weak, the result has decided that must socialize with every effort, with utmost effort, makes all abilities and efforts, to lower the loss degree diligently! 魔祸人间,人间凋亡,明知希望渺茫,仍要努力尝试,即使回天乏术,结局已定,仍要尽力周旋,尽一切可能,尽一切能力、心力、努力降低损失程度! Just like this! 如此而已! Does not have Mo Tianji and Diwu Qingrou, Chu Yang can also map out strategic plans in an army tent. Without them, Chu Yang in the same old way determining the final outcome thousand li (500 km)! 没有莫天机第五轻柔,楚阳也能运筹帷幄。没有他们两人,楚阳照样决胜千里! Without Military Advisor, Chu Yang was still Chu Yang, otherwise the same day Minister Chu what to come? 没有了军师,楚阳仍旧是楚阳,否则当日的楚御座何来? The localization of Mo Tianji and Diwu Qingrou is Military Advisor. wise man. 莫天机第五轻柔的定位是军师智者 But Chu Yang is actually both gives dual attention. 楚阳却是两者兼顾。 I am wise man, is soldier. I can be Military Advisor, can be the cutting edge. I am a marshal, is the soldier! 我是智者,也是战士。我可以是军师,也可以是先锋。我是元帅,同时也是士兵! Facing enemy, soldier, only then has in the way of soldier deals. 面对敌人,战士惟有有以战士的方式应对。 Fights. 就是战斗。 No matter final outcome how! 不管最终结果如何! Fights with every effort is most important! 尽力一战才是首要! Good!” Mo Tianji and Diwu Qingrou also exit|to speak, with one voice. “好!”莫天机第五轻柔同时出口,异口同声。 Since the idea has decided that then also has nothing again hesitant. 主意既然定了,那么也就没什么可再犹豫的。 Chu Yang takes the bull by the horns, immediately has decided the next step leading policy. 楚阳当机立断,立即决定了下一步的主导方针。 Is planned makes two brain trusters offer some advice, draws up some pointed strategies. Has not actually thought that two big wise man moral nature directly giving up, that now, only then his brother stripped went against. 原本是打算让两位智囊出些主意,制订一些针对性策略。却没想到,两大智者心底直接给放弃了,那现在,就只有他老哥光膀子顶上了。 Brother Diwu, after your this time goes back. Immediately with various Great Clans person explanation present real situations, then proposes as far as possible the means of concentration of effort.” Chu Yang hesitates: Deferred to said before carries on, how to plan as for them that was casual they, various Great Clans results have been doomed in any case, wrestle also life force, if this life force gave up continually. That is Nine Great Clans should the destruction......” 第五兄,你这次回去之后。立即与各大家族的人说明现在的真实情况,然后提出尽可能集中兵力的办法。”楚阳沉吟一下:“就按照之前说得来进行,至于他们怎么打算,那就随便他们了,反正各大家族的结局已经注定,搏一搏还有一线生机,若是连这一线生机都放弃。那就是九大家族合该覆灭……” Diwu Qingrou nods the head, indicated to understand. 第五轻柔颔首,表示明白。 Tianji (Heavenly Secret), after you go back, immediately begins to arrange the people to move separately, with every effort attempt. Can look find Sovereign of the Law.” The Chu Yang complexion is somewhat cloudy. 天机,你回去之后立即着手安排众人分头行动,尽力尝试。看看能不能找到法尊。”楚阳脸色有些阴沉。 This was does not have the matter of means that clear(ly) knows that can find the Sovereign of the Law opportunity to arrive at the extreme uncertainly, must seek with every effort, attempted a luck. Reposes if by any chance! 这是没办法的事情,明知道能找到法尊的机会渺茫到极点,仍要尽力找寻,希图一个侥幸。寄托一个万一 Because, eliminates this catastrophe. Only has means. But this means that as we all know, no one has said. Because is impossible. 因为,消除这一场浩劫。只有一个办法。但这一个办法,大家都知道,却谁也没有说出来。因为根本不可能。 The only means are: Sovereign of the Law personally ordered, to give up this motion! 唯一的办法就是:法尊亲自下令,放弃这次行动! But, even if found Sovereign of the Law, held Sovereign of the Law, such order, can he under? 但,纵然找到法尊,抓住了法尊,这样的命令,他会下么? Is absolutely impossible! 绝对不可能的! Now, the corpse in ancestor soul river even more were unexpectedly many, on the surface of the river, by the dense and numerous green housefly groups that more and more richly the smell of blood attraction comes \; In addition also have several endless mosquito, these things do not know where comes, once the smell of blood of corpse passes on, is closed instantaneously. 现在,祖魂江里的尸体竟是越发的多了,江面上,被愈来愈浓郁地血腥味吸引而来的密密麻麻绿头苍蝇群\;此外还有数之不尽的蚊虫等,这些东西也不知道是哪里来的,一旦尸体的血腥味传出去,瞬间密合,。 Faint stinks, have filled the entire great river. 一股股隐隐的臭味,弥漫了整条大江。 I process corpse in a lower reaches of the Changjiang River here, perhaps otherwise, one extinguished the world plague to start from this river, the Nine Heavens life river cannot, appointed it turned into the river of poisonous source \; If so, at the appointed time, perhaps high and low Nine Heavens wanted the thousand li (500 km) not to have the habitation.” “我在这里处理一下江中的尸体,要不然,恐怕一场灭世瘟疫就从这条江开始了,九重天的性命河怎么也不能任其变成毒源之河\;若如此,届时,恐怕上下九重天就要千里无人烟了。” Mo Tianji and Diwu Qingrou calm face nods. 莫天机第五轻柔沉着脸点头。 In fact the view of Chu Yang is quite conservative, the so large-scale corpse appears, if nobody tidying up, really will be the consequence will be inconceivable, once the plague will spread, that will be the potential of setting the prairie afire, especially now the source of pollution appears in the ancestor soul river, will leave a legacy of trouble is surely profounder. 事实上楚阳的说法还是比较保守的,如此大规模的尸体出现,若是没有人将之收拾,真的是后果不堪设想,瘟疫一旦蔓延起来,那就是燎原之势,尤其现在污染源还是出现在祖魂江上,遗祸必定更加深远。 Tianji (Heavenly Secret), remembers that while convenient inform Senior Wu and Le'er, making them help. After all on the one hand this, they are the experts. I am responsible for concentrating the corpse, they are responsible for the following handle work...... Also, person who the Nine Great Clans person also has Capital City, can use also completely participates.” 天机,记得顺便告诉舞前辈乐儿,让他们两个人过来帮帮忙。毕竟这一方面,他们才是行家。我负责将尸体集中起来,他们负责后续的处理工作……还有,九大家族的人还有中都城的人,能够动用的也全部参与进来吧。” Chu Yang spoke, is cries loud and long one, jumps, on direct impact toward surface of the river. 楚阳说完话,就是长啸一声,腾身而起,向着江面上直冲了下去。 Mo Tianji and Diwu Qingrou cup one hand in the other across the chest to leave, one on the left and other on the right, speedily vanishes in the distant place. 莫天机第五轻柔拱手而别,一左一右,疾速消失在远方。 Chu Yang drinks greatly, in surrounding area hundred miles range the river water almost also seethes, the innumerable floating corpses in river, are similar to have the invisible big hand hauling to be common, is separated from the river water, changes falling to the river bank, moment has piled up, completely mountain that is built by the corpse! 楚阳一声大喝,方圆百里范围内江水差不多同时翻腾,江中的无数浮尸,就如同是有无形的大手牵引一般,纷纷脱离江水,噼里啪啦的掉落到江岸变上,片刻光景就已经是堆积如山,完完全全由尸体垒成的高山! Chu Yang has not delayed, both arms, rapid upward swims the rapid flight along the rivers without consulting anybody. 楚阳并没有耽搁,双臂一张,径自迅速沿着河流往上游疾飞。 He emptied a moment ago had hundred miles river course fully, but only departs less than 70 miles scene , the dense and numerous floating corpse group came, river water galloping , the speed was extremely fast, the downstream massive corpses go, the speed of flow is more vigorous, the corpse of upstream accelerates to naturally. 他刚才清空了足有百里河道,但就只才飞出不到70里的光景,又有一片密密麻麻的浮尸群过来了,江水奔腾而下,速度本就极快,下游大量尸体一去,流速更疾,上游的尸体自然而然地加速冲下来。 Chu Yang acts once more, is big pile of corpse mountain standing erect shores. 楚阳再次动作,又是一大堆尸体高山矗立岸边。 Then if he flies to continue to proceed generally, could not separate far, was big group of corpse mountain Duilei of \; Altogether does not have long time, 20-30 piles of corpses have towered high. 然后他如飞一般继续往前走,隔不了多远,就是一大堆的尸山堆垒\;一共也没多长的时间,已经有二三十堆尸体高高耸立。 A Chu Yang deep sigh. 楚阳一声长叹。 In this short time, after the corpse of own hand processing, actually at least has surpassed 10,000 figures. But takes a broad view to look that the river water is torrential, the innumerable corpses float one after another. 就只是在这短短的时间里,经过自己的手处理的尸体,却已经至少超过了10000具的数字了。而放眼看去,江水滔滔,还有无数的尸体陆续飘来。 Downstream. Wu Juecheng and Chu Le'er they also rushed, from rushing the downstream starts to process the corpse, Rotten Corpse Toxic clamps in Invisible Poison volatilizes, piles of corpses, start, to vanish by the naked eye obvious speed melting...... 下游。舞绝城楚乐儿两人也已经赶到了,从赶到的下游开始着手处理尸体,一蓬蓬的腐尸之毒夹在无形之毒中挥发出去,一堆堆的尸体,开始以肉眼可见的速度融化、消失…… The bunch decayed smell, to/clashes steaming toward the clouds, immediately was blown off by the gale. 一团团腐臭的气味,腾腾地向着云霄冲起,随即就被大风吹散。 The Rotten Corpse Toxic book is the source of plague, plague essence virus that also withdraws from the massive rotten corpses \; But in the Wu Juecheng superb world with the technique of operation toxin, actually turned into the best good medicine of elimination plague Rotten Corpse Toxic. 腐尸之毒本就是瘟疫的源头,也正是从大量腐烂尸体里提取的瘟疫精华病毒\;而在舞绝城妙绝天下的用毒之术运作之下,却又将腐尸之毒变成了消灭瘟疫的最佳良药。 Using poison to combat poison in Legend. Real scene edition. 传说中的以毒攻毒。真实现场版本。 Most ideal also lies in never will worry that the deficient provenance relation, started once again the cyclic utilization...... 最理想的还在于永远不愁匮乏原料来源了,周而复始循环利用…… Again downstream, some people started to salvage the corpse, the centralized cremation, that was the manpower in Nine Great Clans aspect starts to act...... 再下游,也已经有人开始打捞尸体,集中焚化,那是九大家族方面的人手开始动作了…… The discerning people also saw the matter latent gravity now. Participation is also more and more, to afterward also no longer limited and manpower in Nine Great Clans aspect, has to have amiable mind Martial Artist also one after another to join, but joins Martial Artist that these join, unexpectedly under magnanimous act of having no interest, has evaded dead hardship! 明眼人现在也都看到了事情潜在的严重性。参与的也是越来越多,到后来也不再局限与九大家族方面的人手,有许多有仁义胸怀的武者也陆续加入进来,而加入这些加入的武者,竟在无心的义举之下,避过了死厄! Because Law Enforcer may start to anybody, but regarding the people of these processing corpses. Even if the Nine Great Clans person they will not move...... 因为执法者对任何人都有可能下手,但对于这些处理尸体的人。就算是九大家族的人他们也不会动…… Like this strange action, making in the Mo Tianji and the others heart heavier: Because, this inevitably is the order of Sovereign of the Law! 这样的奇怪举动,让莫天机等人心中更加沉重:因为,这必然是法尊的命令! Chu Yang goes forward, while accelerates to process the corpse. At the same time detects the battlefield source to be at with Spirit Sense unceasingly. 楚阳一边前进,一边加速处理尸体。一边不断地用神识侦测着战场源头所在。 Marches forward, he had discovered more than 78 have fought location, one by one will have tidied up. But these locations basically did not have live person to exist, want to look for the Law Enforcer high-level trace. Directly is disappear without trace. 一路行进,他已经发现了不下78处战斗过的场地,也将之一一收拾了起来。但这些场地基本上已经没有活人存在,想要找执法者高层的痕迹。直接就是无影无踪 Moves fast, had several thousand miles distance to pass. 一路飘忽,已有数千里的路程过去了。 Speedily leads the way. Finally hears front has sound of fight to transmit faintly, since is still fighting, means to have the live person, or has the Law Enforcer high-level whereabouts, the Chu Yang spirit shakes, increases speed instantaneously, the gust of wind general leap goes. 疾速前行。终于听到前方有战斗的声音隐隐传来,既然还在战斗,就意味着有活人,或者就有执法者高层的行踪,楚阳精神一震,瞬间提速,疾风一般的飞跃而去。 On the seeing only front waterfront, the two teams of troops seize to slaughter, internecine strife intense exceptionally. 就只见前面的江边,正有两队人马捉对儿厮杀,火拼的激烈异常。 And a side, is the master in Law Enforcer aspect. As for another side, all person completely one such as the black ink black clothes, is the Ye Family person. 其中一方,正是执法者方面的高手。至于另一边,所有人尽都一袭如墨黑衣,正是夜家人。 Stop!” Chu Yang flies high to fall. “住手!”楚阳凌空而落。 Is Master of Nine Tribulations Sword!” “是九劫剑主!” Withdraw!” “撤!” The leader in Law Enforcer aspect issues an order, all people discarded the match unexpectedly collectively, did not return drew back to go anxiously. 执法者方面的领头者一声令下,所有人竟然集体舍弃了对手,头也不回的急退而去。 Chu Yang is angry, flies high empty crosses, a foot already kicked to turn one, under two hands wield crazily, several people rear hits staggers to tumble, but front these people entered the jungle. 楚阳大怒,凌空虚渡,一脚已然踢翻一个,两只手狂挥之下,又将最后面的几个人打得踉跄跌倒,但更前面的那些人已经进入了密林。 Branches and leaves sways, did not see any news of activity. 枝叶一阵摇晃,再也不见任何动静了。 Sovereign of the Law now where?” Chu Yang exchanges greetings by the Ye Family person who oneself rescue with these without enough time, raises the Law Enforcer master of under foot, asked rapidly. 法尊现在在哪里?”楚阳来不及跟那些被自己救的夜家人寒暄,一把将脚下的执法者高手提起来,急促问道。 „Can you look for Lord Sovereign of the Law?” On that Law Enforcer face reveals strange smiling, said: Comes with me!” “你要找法尊大人吗?”那位执法者脸上露出诡异的笑,道:“跟我来吧!” Speaks, the corners of the mouth overflow a black blood suddenly, immediately body soft getting down slowly. 说着话,嘴角突然溢出一丝黑血,随即身子慢慢的软下去。 Was in chooses from breaking the heart lineage/vein unexpectedly immediately, the whole person died thoroughly. 竟然是在第一时间里就选择自断心脉,整个人已经死透了。 Face Shangyou is bringing to smiling of extreme strangely. 脸上犹自带着诡异到极点的笑。 Several hoarse bitter smile resound, several other also at the same time from breaking the heart lineage/vein perishes by Law Enforcer that Chu Yang trigs. 几声嘶哑的惨笑响起,另外几个被楚阳制住的执法者也都在同一时间自断心脉而亡。 ! 噗! Chu Yang loosens the hand, the corpse falls on the ground, rolled, to the day, on the face the smiling face is face up strange, dead fish eye arrogant, sends out the spooky color especially. 楚阳松开手,尸体落在地上,滚了一下,仰面向天,脸上笑容诡异,死鱼般的眼睛尤自大张,散发出幽幽的色彩。 These Law Enforcer, saw that Chu Yang runs, one was held commits suicide, unexpectedly is simple so. 这些执法者,一见到楚阳就跑,一被抓住就自杀,竟是这般的干脆。 But is such simple, made Chu Yang feel the indescribable fear. 但就是这样的干脆,却让楚阳感到了难以言喻的恐惧。 Yes, is frightened, linked Chu Yang also to be afraid unexpectedly! 是的,就是恐惧,竟连楚阳也感到了恐惧! If Law Enforcer everyone is so, then, how this catastrophe should avoid?! 若是执法者每一个人都是如此,那么,这一场浩劫又该如何避免呢?! Because, even if you had found many Law Enforcer high levels, is unable to follow the vine to get to the melon to find Sovereign of the Law, the source does not extinguish, the calamity world disaster tribulation is unable to relieve! 因为,就算你找到了再多的执法者高层,也无法顺藤摸瓜找到法尊,源头不灭,祸世灾劫就无法解除! ...... ……
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