TTNH :: Volume #18

#1712: Minister beautiful woman, how is a thief

Furthermore, the Nine Tribulations brothers strengths no doubt increased to the Nine Heavens peak, but on the prestige and influence, still insufficiently looked, even if movement, insufficiently looks! 再者,九劫众兄弟实力固然已经攀升到九重天的顶峰了,但就威望、势力而言,仍不够看,就算动作,也不够看! Then, helping Sovereign of the Law cope with Nine Great Clans, accelerated the conclusion of catastrophe!? 那么,帮法尊对付九大家族,加速浩劫的结束!? Not! 更不可以! Why Sovereign of the Law regardless of the present starting point, the standpoint how, a status of his Devil successor has defined him, let alone, after Nine Great Clans destruction, but also fights a decisive battle with Sovereign of the Law finally, helping the enemy cope with own ally, then fights a decisive battle with the enemy, is silly! 法尊无论现在的出发点为何,立场如何,他一个天魔传人的身份已经将他定义了,更别说,九大家族覆灭之后,还的与法尊最终决战,帮助敌人对付自己的盟友,然后再和敌人决战,傻不傻啊! In brief, in a dilemma. 总而言之,左右为难。 On present this situation, what to do?” If not for Chu Yang in side, he does not believe that this what to do such three characters, will stem from the Diwu Qingrou mouth unexpectedly. “就现在这种情况,怎么办?”若不是楚阳就在旁边,连他自己都不会相信,这‘怎么办’这样的三个字,竟然会出自第五轻柔的口中。 Almost is the present age most brilliant person, unexpectedly will ask what to do these three characters to others! 几乎就是当世最睿智的人,居然会对别人问出“怎么办”这三个字! Mo Tianji smiles bitterly: Stops the movement the best method nothing more than in view of the weakness, if Sovereign of the Law also has any scruples, but also there is any weakness, then we can use the pointed strategy to prevent in any event \; But present he anything has not cared...... This is truly the issue of difficult solution! So-called not wanted just, was hard to deal!” 莫天机苦笑一声:“制止动作的最佳手段不外就是针对弱点,若是法尊还有什么顾忌,还有什么弱点,那么我们无论如何都可以采用针对性策略加以阻止\;但现在的他已经什么都不在乎了……这才是真正难解决的问题!所谓无欲则刚,难以应对啊!” Chu Yang congealed the item to look on the surface of the river corpse still in floating of in an endless stream, said in a soft voice: Duxing (solitary) they are trying to contact with Law Enforcer now, want the clear fact, brings order out of chaos \; However, Sovereign of the Law is all previous Law Enforcer Sovereign of the Law, appointed longest, ability strongest, prestige is highest, is cohesive force most astonishing one. Suddenly, will not have anybody to listen to us saying that this made head hurt similarly.” 楚阳凝目看着江面上尸体仍在络绎不绝的飘来,轻声道:“独行他们现在在正在设法跟执法者接触,想要澄清事实,拨乱反正\;但是,法尊乃是历代执法者法尊在任最久、能力最强、威望最高,也是凝聚力最惊人的一位。一时间,根本就不会有任何人听咱们说的,这点同样令人头疼。” Also moreover, in fact, not only Duxing (solitary) they, so long as some people said that the Sovereign of the Law malicious remarks, Law Enforcer will battle with your life and death immediately. Breaknecks.” Mo Tianji smiles bitterly: You take the evidence, will be overthrown forcefully, Law Enforcer did not allow some people to say half a word Sovereign of the Law was not! The order of Sovereign of the Law, is the supreme instruction, as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, stricts enforcement of orders and bans, nothing more than such as is......” “还不仅如此,事实上,也不光独行他们,只要一有人说法尊的坏话,执法者即时就会与你生死交战。玩命。”莫天机苦笑一声:“就算你拿出来证据,也会被强行推翻,执法者根本不允许有人说半句法尊的不是!法尊的命令,就是至高无上的指令,言出法随,令行禁止,不外如是……” Diwu Qingrou frowns, then smiles bitterly once more, sighs: Has to acknowledge, a person. Can have such prestige, may be really to the life peak, does not know that I can like Sovereign of the Law one day. Believes that this achievement absolutely is any superior desire of one's dreams...... Sovereign of the Law can have today's achievement in this way , since has been ten thousand years painstakingly plans, is really hard-won, I am not really clear, why he will have the so astonishing transformation. So sudden completely crazy and ridiculous? Even if by demon , needs a process? So does not have the indication crazy...... Really is unthinkable......” 第五轻柔皱眉头,然后再次苦笑,叹气:“不得不承认,一个人。能够拥有这样的威望,也真可算是到了人生巅峰,不知道我会否有如法尊的一日。相信这份成就绝对是任何一个上位者梦寐以求的……法尊能有今日的如斯成就,也是万年以来苦心经营,委实来之不易,我实在不明白,他为什么会有如此惊人的转变。如此突如其来的丧心病狂?纵然是被魔化,也需要有个过程吧?如此全无征兆的疯狂……实在是令人匪夷所思……” In the Diwu Qingrou sound has to admire, has the sigh: Minister beautiful woman, how is a thief!” 第五轻柔的声音里有着佩服,却也有着感叹:“卿本佳人,奈何做贼!” If indeed, the life to Sovereign of the Law this degree, now has made actually this grade of matter. Simply before is equal to overthrowing itself, personally all merits, from the hero leader of humanity, the criminal who turns into humanity all of a sudden! 的确,人生若是到了法尊这种程度,现在却做出这等事情来。简直是等于亲手推翻自己以前所有的功绩,从人类的英雄领袖,一下子变成人类的罪人! Such change. Radically is extremely unthinkable matter, any slightly wise person will not do! 这样的变化。根本就是极度匪夷所思的事情,任何稍有头脑的人都不会做! But Sovereign of the Law has actually done, this is almost this piece of world most brilliant person, makes this non- wisdom the matter! In way that one type with using up bottom most is unable to recall! 法尊却偏偏就做了,这个几乎是这片天下最睿智的人,做这件最为不智的事情!用一种最最无法挽回的竭斯底里的方式! In the Diwu Qingrou sound, is mixing with thick regretting and disconsolateness. 第五轻柔的声音里,夹杂着浓浓的惋惜和惆怅。 Is no one can achieve such achievement. The ancient and modern tens of thousands hundred million population, altogether also only left such Sovereign of the Law. Diwu Qingrou is never willing to improperly belittle oneself, but he self-examined, even if gives him ten thousand years of time, is not necessarily able to achieve Sovereign of the Law this time achievement, however, is this person, makes so passing by self-destruction, how could it not be to make one regret...... 不是什么人都能达到这样的成就的。古今数万亿人口,一共也只出了一位这样的法尊而已。第五轻柔从来不肯妄自菲薄,但他自问,即便给他万年时光,也未必能够达到法尊今时今日的成就,然而,偏偏就是这个人,做出如此自毁的行经,岂不令人惋惜…… Chu Yang has hesitated slightly, opens the mouth saying: Brother Diwu, since everybody sits together today discussed the matter, if something also hide the truth from you are appearing my some are atypical...... Franks, actually Sovereign of the Law true status, with your Diwu Clan quite somewhat origin......” 楚阳略略沉吟了一下,开口道:“第五兄,既然今天大家坐在一起商量事情,有些事情若还瞒着你就显得我有些不地道了……实不相瞒,其实法尊的真正身份,与你第五家族颇有几分渊源……” Do not say.” The Diwu Qingrou uphold hand decidedly stopped Chu Yang saying that among the looks had faint trace the meaning of heartfelt pain, said low-spirited: I know that you must say anything, some of my early guesses, are only not willing it clarification.” “不要说下去。”第五轻柔断然的抬起手制止楚阳说下去,神色之间有一丝丝的由衷痛苦之意,黯然道:“我知道你要说什么,我早有猜测,只是不愿意将之明朗化而已。” He long sighed: In the northwest, Sovereign of the Law sends Law Enforcer to assist me, I felt. Since I have been guessing \; Then finally determined that Sovereign of the Law has certainly the relations with my Diwu Clan, moreover relates significantly!”, 他长长叹气:“早在西北的时候,法尊执法者协助我,我就已经有所感觉。一直以来,我就在猜测\;然后终于确定,法尊一定与我第五家族有关系,而且关系非浅!”、 Believes him, even if not the Diwu Clan ancestor elder, certainly is the friend brothers of Diwu Clan ancestor, is worthy of holds that brothers of life.” The Diwu Qingrou forced smile, looks at Chu Yang and Mo Tianji: For example, your Nine Tribulation Brothers.” “相信他即使不是第五家族的先祖长辈,也一定是第五家族先祖的朋友兄弟,堪可托命的那种兄弟。”第五轻柔苦笑,看着楚阳莫天机:“比如,你们的九劫兄弟。” Chu Yang and Mo Tianji look one, in the heart completely is heartfelt acclaiming. 楚阳莫天机对望一眼,心中尽都是由衷的赞叹。 Seriously worthily is Diwu Qingrou, this brain is really surprising fearsome. Anybody had not mentioned with him any matter, he can actually refer to this point keenly...... 当真不愧是第五轻柔,这份脑子真是可惊可怖。没有任何人跟他提到过任何事,他却能够敏锐地指出来这一点…… „The only question, the Sovereign of the Law name is Dongfang Badao...... Should not be the Diwu Clan senior, according to my investigation, he and Diwu Clan ancestor anybody as if no what human relations. As for deeper one , he if is really the Diwu Clan ancestor...... Then, in which plot plans any matter that or does...... I do not want to know that does not want to know......” “唯一的疑问,法尊的名字乃是东方霸道……应该不是第五家族的前辈,根据我的调查,他与第五家族先祖任何人似乎也没有什么交际。至于更深一层,他若真的是第五家族先祖……那么,其中的阴谋算计或者做的什么事……我不想知道,一点都不想知道……” If he is not the Diwu Clan ancestor, is ancestor brothers friend anything, I do not want to know similarly......” “若他并不是第五家族先祖,乃是先祖兄弟朋友什么的,我同样不想知道……” Diwu Qingrou silent, said in a soft voice: Sovereign of the Law, he has stood in the opposite of entire humanity now, moreover all real men, drew in Jiang Hu this big furnace...... I...... As a humanity, has been doomed unable with him to coexist in Shi. Also so, that do not harm the image in my heart again . Moreover, I can also playing dumb, reject that guilty conscience......” 第五轻柔沉默了一下,轻声道:“法尊,他现在已经是站在了整个人类的对立面,而且将所有的好汉子,都拖进了江湖这座大熔炉之中……我……身为一个人类,已经注定不能与他并存于世。既如此,那就不要再破坏我心中的形象了,而且,我也可以装糊涂,拒绝那份负罪感……” Mo Tianji and Chu Yang simultaneously clap hands smile: Brother Diwu, you are really honest enough!” 莫天机楚阳同时拊掌一笑:“第五兄,你果然够坦诚!” The view of Diwu Qingrou is evading without doubt, but his present escape, is actually because in the heart is insistence of human standpoint. Diwu Qingrou can, for own goal handles all matters, but actually absolutely not completely crazy and ridiculous to Sovereign of the Law such situation. 第五轻柔的这个说法无疑是在逃避,但他现在的逃避,却是因为心中属于人类立场的坚持。第五轻柔可以为了自己的目的做一切事情,但却绝对不会丧心病狂法尊这样的地步。 Diwu Qingrou smiles has the firing in bursts painstakingly: Was not honest, I did this to a great extent also to preserve oneself, preserved reliction Diwu Clan...... If Sovereign of the Law has any relations with Diwu Clan, Diwu Clan within, will be razed immediately......” 第五轻柔笑的有点发苦:“也不是坦诚了,我这样做很大程度上也为了保全自己,保全新生地第五家族……若是法尊真的与第五家族有什么关系,那么,第五家族在第一时间之内,就会被夷为平地……” Formerly various Great Clans attacked, only to the attack of Diwu Clan slow a racket, I thought that this inside has the issue...... Luckily afterward encountered has attacked, if no early morning attack, I not necessarily have the opportunity to live am coming out from Ye Family......” “先前各大家族都攻击,唯独对第五家族的袭击慢了一拍,我就觉得这里面有问题……幸亏后来还是遭到攻击了,若是没有凌晨的攻击,我未必有机会活着从夜家出来……” „The Nine Great Clans person now is every tree or bush an enemy soldier, any suspicion sufficiently made them act...... This is also very no wonder their.” Chu Yang hesitates was saying: I had thought a moment ago for a long time, wants to prevent the Sovereign of the Law so crazy motion, only then a method, on themselves starts from Sovereign of the Law......” 九大家族的人现在已经是草木皆兵,任何一点疑窦都足以令他们动作……这也是很难怪他们的。”楚阳沉吟着说道:“刚才我想了好久,想要阻止法尊如此疯狂的行动,或者只有一个方法,就是从法尊本人身上下手……” Mo Tianji and Diwu Qingrou also smile bitterly. 莫天机第五轻柔同时苦笑。 Means that Chu Yang thinks, they cannot think, but issue the key of actually lies, you are unable to find any clues of Sovereign of the Law, but also discussed that what starts from themselves? 楚阳想到的办法,他们又怎么会想不到,可是问题的关键之处却在于,你根本无法找到法尊的任何一点蛛丝马迹,还谈什么从本人身上下手? So long as has killed Sovereign of the Law, Law Enforcer a group of people without a leader, the catastrophe or can avoid.” Chu Yang was saying was saying, smiles bitterly, oneself denied this view: Yeah, is not good, I thought simply. Even if has killed Sovereign of the Law, is incorrect, but also possibly can......” “只要杀了法尊,执法者群龙无首,浩劫或者就能避免。”楚阳说着说着,也苦笑起来,自己就否定了这个说法:“哎,不行,我想得简单了。就算杀了法尊,也是不行的,还可能会……” Mo Tianji smiles really painstakingly: „It is not possible, but is certain meeting, if in present this during, has killed Sovereign of the Law, then this order has become the Sovereign of the Law final last wish, Law Enforcer collectively goes all out, will complete with every effort, moreover did not have the highest restriction of Sovereign of the Law, Law Enforcer truly has become the source of disaster, will leave a legacy of trouble inevitably infinitely, even if leaves a legacy of trouble for hundred years the millenniums, that is not the impossible matter......” 莫天机笑的甚苦:“不是可能,而是一定会,若是在眼下这个当口,杀了法尊,那么这个命令就成了法尊的最后遗愿,执法者就算集体拼命,也会尽力完成,而且没有了法尊的这个最高制约,执法者就真正的成了祸乱之源,势必将遗祸无穷,就算是遗祸百年千年,那也不是不可能的事情……” Crazy plan that this super wise man makes, radically is the non-solution.” “这种超级智者所制定的疯狂计划,跟本就是无解。” Left inadequate, right inadequate......” “左不成,右不成……” Suddenly, three people simultaneously vision one bright, exits: Perhaps, means can try......” 突然,三人同时目光一亮,同时出口:“或许,还有一个办法可以尝试一下……” Then three people also sighed: Is only, perhaps Nine Great Clans will not agree......” 然后三个人又同时叹气:“只是,恐怕九大家族不会同意吧……” Obviously, three people have thought of the same means! 显然,三个人想到了同一个办法! If can let the Nine Great Clans set complete strength, abandons the inherent base industry, all manpower completely centralized in some place, to other matters no matter thoroughly did not ask, lets matters drift, is only waiting for Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting finally a war...... When so can avoid suitable loss. But such one, the Nine Great Clans base industry is equal to overall giving up, many family members must sacrifice......” “若是能让九大家族集合全部实力,抛弃固有基业,将所有人力全部集中在某一个地方,对其他的事彻底不管不问,放任自流,就只等着天鼎盛会最终一战……如此当能避免相当的损失。但那样一来,九大家族的基业等于全盘放弃,还有许多家人也要牺牲……” „The place of set can the no worries, but other base industry are doomed completely to destroy! They are not willing such to do absolutely.” “集合的这个地方可以无虞,但其他的基业注定尽毁!他们是绝对不肯这么做的。” Three people also smile bitterly, cannot find way out. 三人同时苦笑,一筹莫展。 Had the means not to have the leeway of displaying unexpectedly! 竟是有了办法也无施展的余地! Chu Yang has hesitated the long time, said: At present, Sovereign of the Law depend on the prestige of ten thousand years of accumulation, the unequalled wisdom idea, raises this extinguishes the war of world \; If wants to prevent directly, perhaps could not prevent. But in any event, how cannot look to pay no attention helplessly, even if the futile effort effort, we must try hard to attempt, can reduce one point the harm is a point, reduces tiny bit is tiny bit!” 楚阳沉吟了半晌,说道:“眼下,法尊挟万年积累的威望,无与伦比的智计,掀起这场灭世之战\;若是想要正面阻止,恐怕是根本阻止不了的。但无论如何,怎地也不能眼睁睁的看着不理,纵然是徒劳的努力,我们也要努力尝试,能将危害减少一分就是一分,减少一丝一毫就是一丝一毫!” We can do at present only, only then so.” “我们目前唯一能做的,也只有如此。” Mo Tianji and Diwu Qingrou body inexplicably vibrated. 莫天机第五轻柔身子都莫名地震动了一下。 This they are the custom focus on top wise man of general situation view, sacrifice in the general sense in their eyes, nothing more than such as was, sacrificed thousand people with sacrificing ten thousand people sacrificed, was a head digit, this to them, nearly has not distinguished. 这俩人都是习惯着眼于大局观的顶尖智者,一般意义上的牺牲在他们眼中,不外如是,牺牲千人与牺牲万人都是牺牲,就是一个人头数字而已,这对他们而言,近乎没有区别。 However Chu Yang these words, making in two people of hearts raise a strange feeling. 然而楚阳的这番话,让两人心中都升起一种奇怪的感觉。 Perhaps reason that this is Chu Yang is Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, reason that out of the ordinary place. 或许这就是楚阳之所以是九劫剑主,之所以与众不同的地方了。 Is the hero principle? No, is not! 英雄主义么?不,绝不是! This is only Chu Yang one imposing manner! 这只是楚阳本身的一种气势! Insists on doing what is impossible! 明知不可为而为之! ............ …………
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