TTNH :: Volume #18

#1711: , The advance backlash only has a road

The Sovereign of the Law subordinates Law Enforcer crazy act, Diwu Qingrou heard in the secret room. 法尊麾下执法者的疯狂行径,第五轻柔在密室就已经听说了。 But hears is a matter, is far from seeing with one's own eyes like this intuitively, intense. 但听说是一回事,却远远没有亲眼看到这样的直观,强烈。 These people, may not be the average people, casual are least is also the Emperor Level level above master \; Emperor Level master...... In oneself with Lower Three Heavens that Chu Yang once battled, presents one to determine the Imperial Court prosperity and decline the role. 这些人,可都不是一般人啊,随便一个都最少也是皇级层次以上高手\;皇级高手……在自己与楚阳曾经交战的下三天,出现一个都是可以确定朝堂兴衰的角色。 But here, actually looks like has fallen apart one after another cabbage, by optional killing, optional throwing, optional discards...... 但在这里,却就像是一棵又一棵朽坏了的大白菜,被随意的杀,随意的扔,随意的丢弃…… The lives of these so-called masters, in this flames of war Upper Three Heavens mainland, became humble like are worthless! 这些所谓高手的性命,在这个烽火连天的上三天大陆,已经变得低贱有如草芥了! Just like perhaps said a moment ago that the Devil catastrophe, the end extinguished the war of world to approach.” Chu Yang deep took a deep breath. “或许正如刚才所说,天魔浩劫,末日灭世之战来临了。”楚阳深深的叹了一口气 this moment, in Chu Yang heart some regrets. 这一刻,楚阳心中不禁有些后悔。 On the same day, Wu Juecheng had asked itself, must say the past matter to the Sovereign of the Law hear. 当日,舞绝城曾经问过自己,要不要将当年的事说给法尊听。 Although Chu Yang has explicit impediment \; Very strict stopping, has not said truly. 楚阳虽然有明确的阻止\;却也并没有真正很严格的制止,说过就算。 Moreover was also at that time worried the Wu Juecheng safety, can be deceived, has not considered the Sovereign of the Law manner truly, already possible accident. 而且当时也只是担心舞绝城的安危,会不会被骗,并没有真正考虑过法尊的态度,已经可能发生的变故。 If the one had only known, Chu Yang rather forever is then rotten this secret in the belly. 若是早知如此,那么,楚阳宁可将这个秘密永远烂在肚子里。 Now, Wu Juecheng blurts out, after Sovereign of the Law has known the truth, was stimulated this to touch the type unexpectedly. Because of this matter extreme exciting, Sovereign of the Law does not have the indication unexpectedly started extinguished the war of world! 如今,舞绝城一个冲口而出,法尊得知了真相之后,竟然被刺激成了这副摸样。就因为这件事情的极度刺激,法尊居然毫无征兆的就发动了灭世之战! End catastrophe! 末日浩劫啊! In Chu Yang heart a deep sigh. 楚阳心中一声长叹。 This is Diwu Chouchang is venting, is he is making the final big movement. 这是第五惆怅在发泄,也是他在做最后的大动作。 Like this uses up in bottom, such completely crazy and ridiculous, this...... But what undeniable is \; Very subtle meaning: He is helping himself actually , helping Nine Tribulations. Helps Nine Tribulations complete the change of new and old time as fast as possible! 这样的竭斯底里,这样的丧心病狂,这样的……但无可否认的是\;这其中,有一种很微妙的意味:他其实在帮自己,帮九劫。帮九劫尽速完成新旧时代的更替! This point, is Chu Yang is unable to deny. 这一点,是楚阳无法否认的。 But such help/gang, making the heart of Chu Yang tremble! 但这样的帮,让楚阳的心都在颤栗! Perhaps, he in this manner, announces the complete destruction of Diwu Chouchang \; Also in this manner, recalls his brothers? Also or, in compensating oneself more than 10,000 years, to Nine Tribulations has a deficit? 或许,他在用这样的方式,来宣告第五惆怅的完全毁灭\;也是在用这种方式,来追忆他的兄弟们?又或者,是在补偿自己这10000多年里,对九劫的亏欠? After all, now Master of Nine Tribulations Sword raising eyes world all enemy. Takes a step for the difficult aspect, Sovereign of the Law deliberately plans to create. 毕竟,现在九劫剑主举目天下皆敌。举步为艰的局面,正是法尊处心积虑造成的。 Including Master of Nine Tribulations Sword helps Law Enforcer most greatly, was done the biggest enemy by Sovereign of the Law. 九劫剑主的最大臂助执法者,也被法尊搞成了最大的敌人。 If now change once more, is called to help Master of Nine Tribulations Sword...... Such the matter of slapping one's own face, Sovereign of the Law will not do! Therefore he can only a road arrive black. 若是现在再次的改变,又称为帮助九劫剑主……这样的自打嘴巴的事情,法尊绝不会做!所以他只能一条路走到黑。 But Sovereign of the Law now. Using Law Enforcer, did not count the price, disregarding all consequences all effective strengths of elimination Nine Great Clans, attacked the shield of child with the child lance \; To finally, finally most greatly possibly is both sides suffer, even if a Law Enforcer side can win finally by luck, is the loss is serious. 法尊如今。利用执法者,不计代价,不计后果的消灭九大家族的所有有生力量,正是以子之矛攻子之盾\;到最后,结果最大可能就是两败俱伤,纵然执法者一方最终能够侥幸胜利,也是损失惨重。 To finally. Law Enforcer in Sovereign of the Law aspect, definitely under acting willfully of Sovereign of the Law, launches frontage decisive battle final total collapse with Chu Yang and Nine Tribulations, in Chu Yang this Master of Nine Tribulations Sword hand! 到了最后。法尊方面的执法者,必然会在法尊的一意孤行之下,与楚阳九劫展开正面决战最终全数崩毁,在楚阳这个九劫剑主手中! Even including Sovereign of the Law. 甚至包括法尊自己。 This is Sovereign of the Law final crazy: Extinguishes the war of world! 这就是法尊最后的疯狂:灭世之战! My establishes the order of this world. Sets up in this way the huge influence, the intention and Master of Nine Tribulations Sword puts right. 我一手将这世界的秩序建立起来。一手树立起如斯庞大的势力,意图与九劫剑主放对。 But I discovered that was actually I have made a mistake, my oneself destroyed all that I constructed! No matter I must kill many people. No matter also these person of innocent or guilty and deserves to be punished...... 但我发现其实是我错了,那么,我就自己毁灭我构建的一切!不管我要杀多少人。也不管这些人无辜还是罪有应得…… These have not related with me. I must do my matter, I want the final outcome such as my regard! 那些跟我没关系。我只是要做我自己的事,我只要最终结果如我心意! This proud to extreme one generation of brain trusters. All plans! 这个骄傲到了极点的一代智囊。所有的计划! From ancient to present, be continuous ten tens of thousands years, a strength of Law Enforcer side never like the present formidable. 自古至今,绵延十数万年,执法者一方的力量从来没有像现在这样的强大。 Law Enforcer, the book is stabilizes the Nine Heavens power and influence the hegemony machine, under wisdom leadership of Sovereign of the Law this one generation of brain trusters, in these 10,000 years is the development is more rapid. 执法者,本就是稳定九重天权势的霸权机器,在法尊这位一代智囊的睿智领导下,这10000年里更是发展迅速。 Not only the Hall of Law Enforcement mouth increased dozens times \; Moreover took advantage of opportunity to develop the killer organization of Law Enforcer Blood Reward this force: These people year after year closed right up against the Chinese pear-leaf crabapple to live have formed the custom, for the custom to survive forming. 不仅执法堂口增加了数十倍之多\;而且还顺势发展出来了执法者血酬这个强力的杀手组织:这些人长年累月靠着花红过日子已经形成了习惯,为了生存而形成的习惯。 Once the Law Enforcer aspect gives the order, bounty, then they subconscious carries out. 执法者方面一旦给出命令,悬赏,那么他们就会下意识的去执行。 Because does not carry out, does not have food to eat, does not have the dwelling, does not have the Cultivation resources, no...... All demands that in brief has not survived! 因为不执行,就没有饭吃,没有住处,没有修炼资源,没有……总之没有生存的一切需求! Do not despise this strength, the secret and great strength of this strength, are anybody are unable to neglect absolutely. 千万不要小看了这股力量,这股力量的隐秘和强大,绝对是任何人都无法忽略的。 Some many Nine Great Clans respective people, were still eating the day before meal with some friend \; But latter day, after Law Enforcer Blood Reward bounty issues, own head was hung by this friend in the waistband has gone forward to receive an award, all came to be too accidental suddenly and too. 有很多九大家族所属的人,前一天还在与某个朋友吃饭\;但后一天,执法者血酬悬赏发布之后,自己的脑袋就被这位朋友挂在了腰带上前去领赏,一切都来得太突然、太意外了。 Was too sudden, was too accidental.” The Diwu Qingrou look is complex and shocking: Sovereign of the Law such motion, is equal to already completely inhumanly, utterly heartless, through completely crazy and ridiculous! This is must be destroyed in a moment Nine Heavens Continent more than 100,000 years of Martial Study foundations!” “太突然了,太意外了。”第五轻柔神色复杂而震惊:“法尊这样的行动,等于已经完全的灭绝人性,丧尽天良,彻头彻尾的丧心病狂了!这是要将九重天大陆这100000多年武学基础毁于一旦啊!” Chu Yang forced smile, if not this so in reality, oneself some people why make so the effort to search for the Sovereign of the Law whereabouts!? 楚阳苦笑,若非事实正是如此,自己一干人何必花费如此气力搜寻法尊下落!? Good, Sovereign of the Law this time procedure is really completely crazy and ridiculous, lets us is really very passive.” The white shade dodges, Mo Tianji appears in their behind the body, face on outstanding ability, a forced smile. “不错,法尊这一次的做法委实是丧心病狂,让我们实在是很被动。”白影一闪,莫天机出现在两人身后,俊逸的脸上,一片苦笑。 These time looks for Brother Diwu, is plans to discuss \; Although we before had imagining of collaboration to be bright, actually time that was far from collaborating, but this time, actually must be both sides collaborated, collaborated to resist Sovereign of the Law. Otherwise, Nine Heavens will be ruined by him really completely!” “这一次找第五兄,就是打算商量一下\;我们之前虽然有联手的意想明,却远远没有到联手的时刻,但这一次,却必须是双方联手了,联手抵制法尊。要不然,九重天真的会被他完全毁掉了!” Mo Tianji shakes the head the forced smile: Worthily was the past Nine Tribulations brain truster, this moved, seriously sinisterly! We no matter how deal, only feared that in the tentative plan of Sovereign of the Law, in any event responded that for him is the coordination also perhaps. Therefore, truly very difficult office.” 莫天机摇头苦笑:“不愧是当年的九劫智囊,这一手行动,当真毒辣之极!我们不管如何应对,只怕都是在法尊的设想之中,无论如何反应,对他来说都是配合也说不定。所以,真正很难办。” Diwu Qingrou natural recognizes Mo Tianji this present age Nine Tribulations Military Advisor. 第五轻柔当然一眼就认出来莫天机这位当代的九劫军师 However they exchanged greetings continually without enough time, frowned. 然而两人却连寒暄都来不及,就同时皱起了眉头。 Chu Yang, Mo Tianji, Diwu Qingrou. 楚阳,莫天机,第五轻柔 If makes others see that thinks will be went crazy does not believe that these three people some day will gather unexpectedly together will discuss the matter, and must unable to find way out...... This simply yes damn...... 若是让别人看到,想必是发了疯也不会相信,这三个人居然会有朝一日聚在一起商量事情,而且还要一筹莫展……这简直就是见鬼了…… These three people jointly in all, the research deal with a person, actually must nearly be at a loss, compares simply damn also cherishes! 这三个人联合在一切,研究对付一个人,却还要近乎束手无策,简直比见鬼还稀罕! But this cherished the matter such to occur, occurred nearly does not have the omen! 可是这稀罕事就这么发生了,发生得近乎全无先兆! Formerly, Mo Tianji once saw things in others'shoes, will place the Sovereign of the Law position to come up the speech, conclusion that but drew, was so. With the Sovereign of the Law present behavior, touches directly completely is the same: Extinguishes the world! 先前,莫天机曾经换位思考,将自己放在法尊的位置上来说话,但得出的结论,就是如此。与法尊现在的行为,直接完全一摸一样:灭世! Since I were in this situation, I have no alternative! Since I have made a mistake, that makes my wrong is thorougher! Let all sins, imputes on me entirely! 既然我已经到了这种地步,那我别无选择!既然我错了,那就让我错的更加的彻底一些!让所有的罪孽,通通都归罪在我自己身上吧! Let my consigned to eternal damnation!! 让我万劫不复吧!! The speculation of Mo Tianji, when first said with Chu Yang, the Chu Yang cold sweat streaminged, the pray of the heart should not be this situation. 莫天机的这种推测,在跟楚阳初次说出来的时候,楚阳冷汗涔涔,发自内心的祈祷千万不要是这种情况。 But was only the midnight, this situation completely occurred! 但只是过了半夜,这种情况就完全的发生了! Sovereign of the Law, Mo Tianji, is the Nine Tribulations brain truster, high of intelligence, present age is unequalled, facing such situation, decision that makes, unexpectedly also so same...... 法尊,莫天机,都是九劫智囊,智力之高,当世无与伦比,面对这样的情况,所做出的决定,居然也是如此的相同…… Frightened to the extreme! 让人惊悚到了极点! Mo Tianji brief and to the point with Diwu Qingrou introduced a series of accidents that one's own side will have in the near future roughly, then with the Chu Yang three people together, looks at the under foot billowing river water, the countless floating corpse, the long sound sighed. 莫天机言简意赅的将己方近期发生的一系列变故跟第五轻柔大体介绍了一遍,然后与楚阳三个人一起,看着脚下滚滚江水,累累浮尸,长声叹气。 Now this situation, was bad to has let the situation that the person is unable to imagine seriously. 现在这种情况,当真是恶劣到了让人无法想象的地步。 According to my estimation, after this matter, Nine Heavens high rank Martial Artist survival percentage...... Perhaps does not arrive at 1% of original prosperous time absolutely! Even are less.” The Chu Yang long sound sighed: This is in view of the Nine Heavens Martial Artist catastrophe!” “据我估计,经过这次事情之后,九重天高阶武者的存活率……恐怕绝对不到原来鼎盛时期的1!甚至更少。”楚阳长声一叹:“这是一场针对九重天武者的浩劫!” Moreover is catastrophe that we are unable not to participate in!” The Mo Tianji facial expression is serious, smiling bitterly. “而且还是一场我们无法不参与的浩劫!”莫天机神情沉重,苦笑着。 We , if not go to prevent with every effort, after Sovereign of the Law kills the person who his must kill, can ask us to fight to the death.” “我们若是不去尽力阻止,法尊杀完了他所有要杀的人之后,还是会来找我们决一死战。” We, if prevents, or center below bosom of Sovereign of the Law also perhaps: He does not want to make the Law Enforcer military force continue to exist \; We got rid to participate in slaughter...... But no matter we kill many, Sovereign of the Law will not care...... He, will only plan along his given objective, goes forward, until nobody available, the person on one's own side death ray dies certainly. Person who he must kill dies dead certainly......” “我们若是阻止,或者正中法尊的下怀也说不定:他本来就不想让执法者的武力继续存在\;我们一出手就参与了杀戮……而我们不管杀多少,法尊都不会在意……他只会沿着自己的既定目标、原本计划,一路前进,直到身边无人可用,自己人死光死绝。或者,他要杀的人死光死绝……” This is a blind alley, no matter from, on the one hand walks, is the blind alleys!” “这就是一条死路,不管从哪一方面走,都是死路!” No matter how does, final result is, by Sovereign of the Law this time behavior, the entire world, combed the hair completely same purge!” “不管怎么做,最终的结果都是,被法尊这一次的行为,将整个天下,完全的,梳头一样的清洗一遍!” However we have to participate, has to prevent. Freely, this is futile effort effort, we actually still needed the futile effort diligently!” “而我们还偏偏不得不参与,不得不阻止。尽管,这是徒劳的努力,我们却仍需徒劳努力!” These three have stood in Upper Three Heavens and even the entire Nine Heavens peak man sits together, has a headache together. 这三个已经站在上三天乃至整个九重天巅峰的男人坐在一起,一起头疼。 Has saying that under this sky, can let such three person together headaches to this situation matter, according to the common sense, should not exist absolutely, should not appear absolutely is right, seemingly absolutely does not have. 不得不说,这片天空之下,能够让这样的三个人一起头痛到这种地步的事情,按照常理来说,绝对不应该存在,也绝对不应该出现才对,貌似就根本就是没有。 However now, Sovereign of the Law radically with any profound wisdom idea, has not been only with a barbarically most primitive crush method, normal superior is should not use this completely crazy and ridiculous tactic to surpass the wound enemy absolutely 1000, to damage 800 degrees, if not the Law Enforcer aspect strength outstanding, the casualty rate will fall absolutely each one, because Law Enforcer was almost equal to that now with entire Upper Three Heavens and all aristocratic families is the enemy, that type does not die the continuous mortal enemy, this arrives at the extreme simply, is crude to the tactic of extreme, was at a loss by three people thoroughly. 但是现在,法尊根本并没有用什么高深的智计,只是用一种最野蛮最原始的碾压手段,正常上位者是绝对不该采用这种丧心病狂的战术都已经超出伤敌1000、自损800的程度,如果不是执法者方面实力超卓,伤亡率绝对会掉个个,因为现在执法者几乎是等于和整个上三天、所有世家为敌,还是那种不死不休的死敌,这个简单到极点,却又粗暴到极点的战术,让三个人彻底束手无策。 Joins the war? 加入战局? Is the issue that must first consider whom to help unexpectedly? 首先要考虑的问题居然是帮谁? On morally said that should help Nine Great Clans, but, Sovereign of the Law started at this moment extinguishes a large number of reasons of war of world, to facilitate the Nine Tribulations rallying influence order, in this during, Nine Tribulations helped Nine Great Clans in turn, first psychologically could not pass! 就道义上讲,应该帮助九大家族,但是,法尊此刻发动灭世之战的相当一部分原因,就是为了便利九劫重整势力秩序,在这个当口,九劫反过来帮助九大家族,首先心理上就过不去! ............ …………
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