TTNH :: Volume #18

#1710: Blood river

Remembers today's bitter experience, in the Diwu Qingrou heart somewhat sighs. 想起今天的遭遇,第五轻柔心中有些叹息。 Already knows that these people shortsighted, non- are the good operation targets \; But has not actually thought of these people shortsightedly to be able unexpectedly hence. Is only because the family met with a disaster late, unexpectedly calculated to oneself get angry? 早已知道这些人目光短浅、非是上佳的合作对象\;但却万万没有想到这些人目光短浅竟会至此。就只是因为自己家族遭殃得晚了,居然就盘算要对自己翻脸? They have had bad luck, in others family/home is not bad luck not good unexpectedly also...... 他们自己倒霉了,别人家里不倒霉居然还不行…… This is because their strength damages greatly, when still such as in the past, it is estimated that the charge takes on to suppose itself collaboration with the enemy directly! 这还是因为他们实力大损,若是仍如往昔之时,估计就直接以假定“通敌”的罪名把自己拿下了! Thinks the situation that time that again own family bitter experience attack and loss serious news pass, that several person simultaneously relaxed, as well as then to own consolation, feels cold on some hearts that Diwu Qingrou can not help, or is fearful. 再想想自己家族遭遇攻击、损失惨重的消息传到的那时候,那几个人齐齐松了一口气的情况,以及接下来对自己的劝慰,第五轻柔情不自禁的就有些心头发冷,或者说是心寒。 Passes through one piece remotely is , the Diwu Qingrou instinct felt that crisis being near body, a familiar pressure well ups, pauses to turn around, said in a soft voice: Is you?” 走过一片偏僻的所在,第五轻柔本能地感觉到危机临身,一阵熟悉的压力涌上心头,停步转身,轻声道:“是你?” Then at this time, the front person's shadow dodged, the black person's shadow appeared in front of Diwu Qingrou together: Brother Diwu, has been well since last meeting.” 便在这时,面前人影一闪,一道黑色人影出现在第五轻柔面前:“第五兄,别来无恙。” Diwu Qingrou raise one's head looked that smiles: Brother Chu. I then know that you must come.” 第五轻柔抬头一看,不由一笑:“楚兄。我便知道你要来。” Comes the person naturally is Chu Yang, King of Hell Chu. 来人自然是楚阳,楚阎王 Discussed with Monarch, how?” “与君一谈,如何?” I am also having this intent, good.” “我也正有此意,甚好。” Their complexion is genial, skices shoulder to shoulder \; Since these two in most time have been the life and death big enmity, is unable to co-exist, however these two life and death big enmity actually shoulder to shoulder walk today, unexpectedly is appears the indescribable harmony. 两人脸色和善,并肩疾行\;一直以来,这两人在绝大多数的时间里都是生死大仇,势不两立,然而这两个生死大仇却在今日并肩行走,竟是显得难以言喻的融洽。 Some concern heavily. 都有些心事重重 Somewhat is clearheaded to pity. 都有些惺惺相惜。 ...... …… slaughter of entire world is still continuing. 整个天下的杀戮还在持续之中。 Chu Yang and Diwu Qingrou skice, avoids other people as far as possible, such as the wind plunders to north generally crazily. Although the Diwu Qingrou military force does not enter present age incomparable items, dashes about wildly purely actually . Moreover, a Chu Yang hand builds on his shoulder. Brought his Wind Chasing to be as fast as lightning to dash about wildly generally. 楚阳第五轻柔一路疾行,尽可能的避开他人,如风一般向北狂掠。第五轻柔的武力虽然不入当世绝品之列,单纯狂奔却还是可以的,而且,楚阳一只手搭在他的肩膀上。带着他追风掣电一般的狂奔了出去。 The person of coming even only felt that gust, was unable to have seen any shadow, the forms of two people disappeared in a distant place mountain range earth piece by piece, is thrown by two who this speeds away by far in behind the body. 迎面而来的人甚至就只感觉到一阵风过,看不到任何影子,两个人的身影已经消失在远方一片片的山峦大地,被这疾驰的两人远远地抛在了身后 Front underwater sound like thunder. 前方水声如雷。 The front Nine Heavens Continent first great river, ancestor soul river! 面前的正是九重天大陆第一大江,祖魂江! The ancestor soul river, ancestor soul river, A Thousand Autumns Ten Thousand Generations is a king! Since nurture life \; Connection world and space. 祖魂江,祖魂江,千秋万载尔为王!哺育生灵古至今\;连接人间与天上。 The ancient people hand down, the ancestor soul river does not have the source. No person can find the source of ancestor soul river in it place \; Is this enormous and powerful river water, from ancient to present, is enriching the Nine Heavens earth. 故老相传,祖魂江没有源头,或者说。从来就没有人能够找到祖魂江的源头所在之地\;就是这浩浩荡荡的江水,从古到今,润泽着九重天大地。 The ancestor soul river has not had flood. 祖魂江从来没有发生过水患。 On surface of the river, narrowest place, surpasses the extravagance of hundred zhang (333 m). The turbulent current rushes down, the momentum is earthshaking! 江面上,最窄的地方,也有超过百丈之阔。激流奔泻,声势惊天动地! Ancestor soul river.” A Chu Yang sigh, they just liked with Diwu Qingrou the meteor delimits the horizon to fall on the river bank in generally a prominent big stone. “祖魂江到了。”楚阳一声叹息,与第五轻柔两人犹如流星划过天际一般落到了江岸上一块突出的大石头上。 Sees only below turbid wave to be dreadful, the river current came from west, billowing east flows. 只见下方浊浪滔天,江流自西而来,滚滚东流。 If average person, even if stands looks at one here, must have a dizzy spell. The guts are slightly small, can perhaps frighten a good and evil. 若是普通人,就算只是站在这里看一眼,也要头晕目眩。胆量稍小一点,没准就能吓出个好歹。 Ancestor soul river, now pollution.” Diwu Qingrou deeply focuses attention on below river water, sighed to sigh one. “祖魂江,如今浑浊了。”第五轻柔深深注目下方江水,不由喟叹一声。 This saying contains errors.” Chu Yang said gently: Was not the ancestor soul river pollution. But some people let the ancestor soul river pollution. A disaster, a man-made disaster, actually cannot to discuss two disparate things together......” “这话有误。”楚阳轻轻道:“不是祖魂江自己浑浊了。而是有人让祖魂江浑浊了。一则天灾,一则人祸,却是不能相提并论的……” Then at this time, the river water towering once more created together the spray. The current of water spurted to have high of several hundreds of feet turbulently, the water splash was similar to a large screen. Reflects the magnificent brilliance under the airborne sunlight, unexpectedly is flash item already extremely. 便在这时,江水突兀地再次激起一道浪花。水流汹涌地喷起了有数十丈之高,水花就如同一个大屏幕。在空中阳光下折射出瑰丽的光彩,竟是耀目已极。 „Is this?!......” In the Diwu Qingrou eye actually lightens with amazement the look that arrives at the extreme. “这是?!……”第五轻柔眼中却闪出骇然到极点的神色。 He clearly sees, in this torrential river water, really has with the extremely rich scarlet, before had not realized in the river, but this, once stirs up, in which light blood red reveals in light of this without doubt, wrong non- blood red magnificent, how flash item. 他分明看到,这滔滔的江水之中,竟然有伴随着极浓郁的血色,之前在江中还不怎么察觉,但这一旦激起来,其中的淡淡血红就此显露无疑,错非血红瑰丽,如何耀目。 Yes, is the blood, is the blood.” In the Chu Yang eye reveals extremely painfully: This name passes on the eternity the ancestor soul river, the life source under Nine Heavens, now turned into a blood river, by the blood painted red river.” “是的,是血,就是血。”楚阳眼中露出沉痛:“这条名传千古的祖魂江,九重天之下的生命源泉,如今已经变成了一条血河,被鲜血染红的河。” „The river of blood!” “鲜血之河!” Chu Yang aggravated the tone to say once again. 楚阳加重了口气再度说道。 Even if by the Diwu Qingrou calm disposition, could not bear suck in an cold air/Qi actually. 即便以第五轻柔的沉稳心性,竟而已忍不住倒抽了一口冷气。 I am more confirmable, surrounding area thousand li (500 km), not the death of large-scale personnel.” Chu Yang is smiling bitterly. “我更可确认,方圆千里,并没有大规模人员的死亡。”楚阳苦笑着。 In the Diwu Qingrou eye has with amazement, the meaning that in the Chu Yang words hides was too astonishing made most people absolutely terrified sufficiently, if so in the surrounding area thousand li (500 km) did not have the large-scale personnel dead that also in other words, now the scarlet in river, actually from thousand li (500 km)! 第五轻柔眼中有骇然,楚阳话语中隐藏的含义太惊人了足以令绝大多数人毛骨悚然,若然方圆千里之内没有大规模人员死亡那也就是说,现在江中的血色,其实是从千里之外而来! After over a thousand miles distance current of water changed, unexpectedly can also present such scarlet. 经过了上千里路程水流变化之后,居然还能呈现出如此的血色。 Then, actually did the upstream die how many people? 那么,上游究竟死了多少人? Can achieve present this condition!? 才能达到到现在这种状况呢!? They focus attention on to look at billowing river water with rapt attention, sees only not the long free time, the place above has many things to go downstream, some arrived at the waterfront in the midway, revolves is detained by the waterfront thick patch of grass water puddle, some fluttered is fluttering has been dropping the vortex, was involved in Jiang bottom. 两人凝神注目望着滚滚江水,只见不长工夫,上方有许多一块块的东西顺流而下,有的在中途就到了江边,旋转着被江边草丛水洼留住,有的飘着飘着就落进了漩涡,卷进了江底。 But also had to flutter. 但还有很多就那么一路飘了下来。 That is some incomplete corpses, or is the fragment of corpse. Some finish a job the foot, some did not have the head, some abdominal cavity big hole, started rottenly, or is only then finishes a job the foot, to cut off limb and behead, already resulted in the edema by the blister...... 那是一些残缺的尸体,又或者说是尸体的碎块。有的断手断脚,有的没了头颅,有的腹腔一个大洞,已经开始腐烂,又或者是只有断手断脚、断肢、断头,早已被水泡得浮肿了…… Looks as far as the eye can see, upstream river surface dense and numerous is similar to the bubble general downward flutters. 极目望去,上游河面密密麻麻的如同泡沫一般的往下飘。 Chu Yang and Diwu Qingrou eye somewhat straightens, can actually make present age two big hero absent-minded scenes should unexpectedly how shock?! 楚阳第五轻柔眼睛都有些发直,竟能让当世两大豪雄失神的场景究竟该如何的震撼呢?! Answer at present! 答案就在眼前! Brother Diwu, before looking for you, actually I have come one time, at that time, on the river water is so \; Then transfers to look for you, at this moment comes again, here is so. Moreover were more.” 第五兄,在找你之前,其实我来过一次了,那时,江水上已经是如此了\;然后转回去找你,此刻再来,这里还是如此。而且还更多了一些。” The Diwu Qingrou complexion is even more pale. 第五轻柔脸色愈发的苍白起来。 Chu Yang deeply sighed. 楚阳深深叹气。 After discovering this massacre, he first rush out from inn, looks Sovereign of the Law, must stop his motion. 在发现了这次大屠杀之后,他第一时间就从客栈里冲出去,去找法尊,要制止他的行动。 Because of such slaughter, is really too cruel! Too cruel! 因为这样的屠杀,实在是太残忍!太残忍了! But, he only had to find the trace that Sovereign of the Law and other Law Enforcer had been stationed in woods, as well as. Aura that slightly some Devil have \; Quite big harvest, is a grotesque head is hanging on a tree. 但,他只在一片树林之中有找到了法尊执法者驻扎的痕迹,以及。一些天魔存在的些微气息\;比较大的收获,则是一个奇形怪状的头颅在一棵树上挂着。 Chu Yang has recognized, that is the head of Devil. 楚阳一眼就认了出来,那是天魔的头颅。 Is again unquestioned! 再无疑问! Before severely wounded Devil died in the hand of Sovereign of the Law now. 之前重伤的天魔如今已经死在法尊的手中。 Was hung including the head on the tree! 连脑袋都被挂在了树上! Sovereign of the Law should kill Devil first, then got down this to slaughter the brutal order of world, then left here on lead the person, did not know the trace. 法尊应该是先杀了天魔,接着又下了这个屠戮人间的残酷命令,然后就率人离开了这里,再也不知所踪了。 Later, Chu Yang and the others along the way seeks, discharge of Spirit Sense limit surveys, actually throughout has achieved nothing. 之后,楚阳等人一路沿途寻找,神识极限的放出四下探测,却始终是一无所获。 The Law Enforcer high-level personnel of Sovereign of the Law and his subordinates. As if did not have sound general disappearance above this world. But, each region Law Enforcer actually command of certainly is during the crazy slaughter because of Sovereign of the Law the killing. 法尊和他麾下的执法者高层人员。仿佛全无声息一般的消失在了这个世界之上。但,各地执法者却因为法尊的绝杀之令而处于疯狂的屠杀之中。 The order has not relieved, still in firm implementation. 命令并没有解除,依然在坚决的贯彻执行之中。 Facing such situation, all people are no strategy left to try. Even if multi- wisdom like Mo Tianji , can only unable to find way out. Even if you thousand ingenious plans, I only receive the fixed regulation, Law Enforcer only will carry out the order of Sovereign of the Law, admonishes, consoles and asks to others' order, totally does not pay attention. 面对这样的情况,所有人都是无计可施。即便多智如莫天机,也只能一筹莫展。你纵然有千条妙计,我只秉承一定之规,执法者就只会执行法尊的命令,对别人的命令、劝戒、告慰、拜托,一概的不予理会。 If some people dissuade, some people console, all the same crime handles...... 而且若是有人劝阻,有人劝解,一律同罪处置…… So long as Sovereign of the Law does not make an appearance. This situation will continue! 只要法尊不露面。这种情况就会持续下去! Only if has killed them, but, how many can you kill? You can kill ten, 100. 1000, even is 10,000, but also has many Law Enforcer to stand, Law Enforcer of entire world was insane. Really is kills kills extremely...... 除非杀了他们,但,你又能杀几个?你能杀十个,100个。1000个,甚至是10000个,但还有更多的执法者站出来,整个天下的执法者都疯了。实在是杀不胜杀…… You can kill here, killed that side. But can the entire world in the turmoil, you kill? 你能杀得了这边,杀得了那边。但整个天下都在动乱,你杀得完么? Devil tribulation world, the end will be near!” The Diwu Qingrou lip is trembling unexpectedly. 天魔劫世,末日将临!”第五轻柔嘴唇竟在哆嗦。 Diwu Qingrou will never lose the confidence, but this, today's condition makes him since birth the first time, lost the confidence! 第五轻柔从来也不会失去信心,但是今次,今日的状况令他有生以来第一次,失去了信心! In this not long time, the incomplete corpse and stump residual limb that from the upstream floats breaks the body, tens of thousands of \; This has not been considered as that the midway submerges, does not calculate that stayed, but only calculates to close right up against the luck to drift with the current completely, had these many. 只是在这不长的时间里,从上游漂下来的残缺尸体、残肢断体,已经成千上万\;这还不算是中途沉没的,也不算已经停留的,但只计算完全靠着运气随波逐流下来的,就已经有这么多了。 Then, how many people died? How many people to the present died? 那么,到底死了多少人?到现在已经死了多少人? That is an astronomical figure that wants unable to think, perhaps is astronomical figures also perhaps. 那是连想也都不敢想的一个庞大数字,或许是一笔天文数字也说不定。 After this, how many people will also die, how many people will have finally to sacrifice because of this long catastrophe?! 在此之后,还会死多少人,最终到底会有多少人因这长浩劫而牺牲呢?! Is thinks absolutely wants the absolutely terrified astonishing digit! 绝对是想一下都要毛骨悚然的惊人数字! These corpses, I had studied part, on all corpses, has the trace of practicing martial arts. Moreover, although many corpses already died thoroughly, some that but the body remains must Saint Level Essence Element, completely not vanish......” “这些尸体,我曾经研究过其中一部分,所有的尸体上,都有练过武的痕迹。而且,很多尸体虽然早已死透了,但身上残留下来的些须圣级精元,还没有完全消失……” Chu Yang said: Therefore can conclude that these deceased people, completely are Jiang Hu people, is Martial Artist . Moreover the Saint Level above master, is not infrequent.” 楚阳说道:“所以可以断定,这些死人,全部都是江湖中人,都是武者,而且其中圣级以上的高手,不在少数。” Some is hanging the broken clothes, can still look that these people belonged. Majority, is Nine Great Clans people, as for other, then is Law Enforcer.” “其中有一些挂着残破的衣服的,依然能看出来这些人生前的归属。大部分,都是九大家族中人,至于其他的,则全都是执法者。” Chu Yang said: Now, Law Enforcer of entire world has launched the war in world Jiang Hu, seems established by usage, so long as there is a corpse, threw in the great river......” 楚阳道:“现在,整个天下的执法者已经于天下江湖展开了大战,似乎是约定俗成,只要有尸体,就抛进了大江之中……” This river, ’ was changed the name by person now ‚, was calledblood river! According to the Tianji (Heavenly Secret) guess appraisal, so far, the single throws the Jiang Hu person of corpse in this river, at least already over 100,000 counting!” “这条江,现在已经被‘人’改了名字,叫做‘血河’了!据天机猜测评估,到目前为止,单只是抛尸在这江中的江湖人,至少已经超过100000之数了!” Martial Artist of over 100,000 numbers are all buried in this river, but also only currently speaking?!” The Diwu Qingrou long inspiration, suddenly, only felt shock that is filled with, in the life as if no such as today so, a series of shocks follow on somebody's heels. “超过100000之数的武者全都葬身于此江之中,还单就目前而言?!”第五轻柔长长的吸气,一时间,只感觉到满心的震撼,一生之中似乎没有如今天这般,一连串的震撼接踵而来。 This Jiang Li, over 100,000 masters, then, had not approached the waterfront...... Also how many? 只是这条江里,就已经超过100000高手,那么,没有靠近江边的……又有多少? ...... ……
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