TTNH :: Volume #18

#1709: Extinguishes the world to fight!

„, You think how following Sovereign of the Law will do?” Chu Yang asked. “那么,你认为接下来法尊又会怎么做?”楚阳问道。 Mo Tianji knits the brows, did not speak, saying that long time, hesitated: I had said a moment ago, I and he somewhat are very similar, I once attempted by the body the generation, makes guessed, but is unascertainable, cannot determine...... Because of......” 莫天机皱眉,不语,良久,才沉吟的说道:“刚才我说过,我和他很有几分相似,我曾尝试以身相代,作出一些猜测,但不能确定,也不敢确定……因为……” Mo Tianji wanted to say anything, finally has not actually said that finally was only took a deep breath, said: Hopes such that is not I guesses...... Otherwise, on this day under, I always am not Sovereign of the Law themselves, cannot make the number, and first watches changes quietly, if I estimate well, in 1-2 days, had the news......” 莫天机想要说什么,却终于没有说出口,最终只是叹了一口气,道:“但愿不是我猜测的那样子……否则,这天下就真的,我始终不是法尊本人,不能作数的,且先静观其变,若我估计不错,一两天内,就有消息了……” ............ ………… At that night, neighbor towering fell into a confusion, was everywhere noisy, midnight got up, Chu Yang grazed the roof, later, the brothers came up. 当天夜里,中都附近突兀地陷入一片混乱之中,到处都是乱哄哄的,半夜起来,楚阳飞掠上房顶,不大一会,兄弟们都上来了。 The people can the clear induction, be getting more and more fierce except for the noise, has the smell of blood of extremely rich place from come in all directions, moreover is truly getting more and more serious...... 众人都能清晰的感应到,除了嘈杂声愈来愈烈,更有极浓郁地的血腥味自四面八方而来,而且确实越来越严重…… Exactly what happened? How to have accident in this way!?” Wu Juecheng looks out into the distance. “到底发生了什么事?怎地会有如斯变故!?”舞绝城极目远眺。 Mo Tianji is somewhat moved obviously, the appearance that the look quite somewhat regrets, concentrates the item to look that the distant place did not speak, for a while was speechless. 莫天机显然有所触动,神色颇有几分惋惜的样子,凝目看着远方不语,一时无语。 According to my experience, such situation, should be very big range, very large-scale slaughter...... Can have such aura, moreover this slaughter is still continuing.” Chu Yang also sighed. “按照我的经验,这样的情况,应该是很大范围、很大规模的杀戮……才能有这样的气息,而且这场杀戮还在持续之中。”楚阳也叹了口气。 slaughter place distance place is very far, at least must beyond the thousand li (500 km), if were near, so will not be peaceful.” 杀戮地点距离此地很远,至少要在千里之外,若是近了,不会这么安静。” Next day. 第二天。 The news comes. 消息传来。 The people collective is shocking. 众人集体震惊。 Ye Family, almost collectively goes crazy to go crazy. 中都夜家,几乎集体发疯发狂。 Periphery. The Ye Family respective all attached families, were slaughtered completely in a night \; Overnight, unexpectedly over 100,000 people were killed! 中都周围。夜家所属的所有附属家族,在一夜间被全部屠戮一空\;一夜之间,竟有超过100000人丧命! In the secret room, everybody complexion is serious. 密室中,人人脸色沉重。 Central passes message jade, reported the further news from various aspects unceasingly. Also or is further bad news. 中央的传音玉,不断地从各方面报告来进一步的消息。又或者说是进一步的坏消息。 Law Enforcer in various Great Clans unexpected, suddenly launches the tyrannical offensive! In the Upper Three Heavens mainland of trim, has launched completely inhuman slaughters! 执法者在各大家族猝不及防之下,突然发动强横攻势!在整片的上三天大陆,展开了一场场完全灭绝人性的屠杀! But object of slaughter, is Nine Great Clans! 而屠杀的对象,正是九大家族 Overnight, blood stream thousand li (500 km)! 一夜之间,血流千里! Xiao Family: The attached family was almost slaughtered the clean, personnel outside is captured majority of kills. Moreover such matter is still continuing. Southeastern Xiao Family headquarters, was hit by the Law Enforcer master, the loss is serious. At present, is confronting. The prospect is not extremely optimistic, if no aid, the destruction nears. 萧家:附属家族几乎被屠杀干净,在外的人员大部分被擒杀。而且这样的事还在持续之中。东南萧家总部,也被执法者高手袭击,损失惨重。目前,尚在对峙之中。前景极不乐观,若无援助,覆灭在即。 Chen Family: The attached family completely extinguishes \; The headquarters industry by Law Enforcer with fire burning down, was burnt down the 3 thousand miles wooded mountain directly. The Chen Family main family casualty is countless. At present, the form was metastable, starts to confront with Law Enforcer \; But by in all directions continually Law Enforcer influence of support, starts to turn toward there accumulation unceasingly, the form is not optimistic. 陈家:附属家族尽灭\;总部业业被执法者用大火焚烧,直接烧毁了三千里山林。陈家本家死伤更是不计其数。目前,形式已经暂时稳定,开始与执法者对峙\;但由四面八方持续支援的执法者势力,也开始不断向着那里聚集,形式绝不乐观。 Ling Family: Law Enforcer uses the magnanimous blasting explosive to detonate under the icy peak, Ling Family icy peak Snow Mountain, overnight instant toppling half. Casualties innumerable...... During confronts. 凌家:执法者利用海量炸药在冰峰之下引爆,凌家冰峰雪山,旦夕之间瞬时倾颓一半。死伤无数……对峙之中。 Yè Family: Was attacked. The effective strength reduced greatly...... During confronts. 叶家:被攻击。有生力量大减……对峙之中。 Zhuge Family: Was blocked. Was attacked, presents the mass casualties...... During confronts. 诸葛家:被封锁。被攻击,出现大量伤亡……对峙之中。 Was attacked, was attacked...... Confront! Confront! 被攻击,被攻击……对峙!对峙! The news that spreads in all directions, was all attacked and presented the mass casualties, negative news so forth. 四面八方传来的消息,全都是被攻击、出现大量伤亡,诸如此类的负面消息。 Huge background that since Law Enforcer these 90,000 years have formed. To so be unexpectedly direct-viewing and so not have last night the way detonation of bottom line! Moreover is all-around, nearly undifferentiated limit detonation! 执法者这90000年以来所形成的庞大底蕴。在昨夜竟是以如此直观、如此全无底线的方式引爆!而且还是全方位,近乎无差别的极限引爆! In 90,000 years, Law Enforcer altogether how many people? This is actually a number also innumerable digit. 90000年里,执法者一共多少人?这却是一个数也数不清的数字。 If distributes the world, is nine big total hall mouths \; But in each total hall mouth. Most little contained 300 Branch Hall mouths \; Under each Branch Hall mouth, includes several branch hall mouths respectively. 若只是分派天下,就是九大总堂口\;而每一个总堂口之中。最少包含了300个分堂口\;每个分堂口之下,又各自包括有十几处分支堂口。 Each branch hall mouth, manpower at least must in 40-50 people high and low. Each Branch Hall mouth, must have about the 1000 th manpower approximately. Like this calculates that a manpower of total hall mouth, must have least 30 ten thousand Law Enforcer! 每个分支堂口,人手至少也要在四五十人上下。每个分堂口,大约就要有将近1000号的人手。这样算来,一个总堂口的人手,就要有最少30万执法者 Moreover this is most conservative and pure through the digit that the computation obtains. 而且这还是最保守、单纯通过计算而得到的数字。 But such total hall mouth, under the Law Enforcer influence altogether has nine! 而这样的总堂口,执法者势力之下共有九个之多! In addition also has Law Enforcer Headquarters each mouth, on strength, the most conservative estimate, the effective strength 4 million people in Law Enforcer aspect always have outwardly. 除此之外还有执法者总部的各个堂口,明面上的力量,最保守的估计,执法者方面的有生力量4000000人总是有的。 This has not included the hideaway strength in Law Enforcer aspect, for example Blood Reward Hall! 这还不包括执法者方面的隐藏力量,比如血酬堂 Some Blood Reward Hall respective strengths, perform are the Jiang Hu worthless person, the population fully have hundreds of thousands of high and low, moreover these people completely are the masters, collects to lead the emergency task the situation to start together, is the bravo in bravo. Is only overnight, the trim mainland actually had the momentous change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down! 血酬堂所属的这部分实力,尽都是江湖散人,人数足有数十万上下,而且这些人全部都是高手,汇集在一起以领紧急任务的形势发动,更加是亡命徒之中的亡命徒。就只是一夜之间,整片大陆却已经发生了天翻地覆的巨大变化! The population that the rough estimate, only this night, both sides died in battle, at least must over 1 million! 粗略估计,只此一夜,双方战死的人数,至少也要在1000000以上! In the secret room, Ye Chenchen and the others face whiten, is similar to the dying embers. 密室中,夜沉沉等人脸色苍白,如同死灰。 Sovereign of the Law this time was absolutely insane!” The Ling Muyang deep inspiration, in the item divine light flashes, look cold severe. 法尊这次绝对是疯了!”凌暮阳深深吸气,目中神光闪动,神色冷厉。 Was there has made a mistake, how to evolve to this way the situation suddenly, Sovereign of the Law usually rigorous schemes and deep foresight, he did this, radically was the gains do not make up for the losses, whether did there have what mistake?!” Chen Family Patriarch Chen Yingfeng knew perfectly well that the fact was bright, actually still held the prospect inquiry of if by any chance saying that after all the reality was too unexpected, was too brutal! “是不是那里弄错了,怎么会突然演变到如斯地步,法尊素来老谋深算,他这样做,根本就是得不偿失的,其中是否那里出了什么差错?!”陈家家主陈迎风明知事实已经明朗,却仍是抱着万一的指望询问道,毕竟现实太出人意料了,也太残酷了! This surpassed the psychology of all people to withstand the bottom line radically. 这根本就是超出了所有人的心理承受底线。 Will not be wrong. The fact was so . Moreover the latest news that just spread, Sovereign of the Law has used Law Enforcement to kill command certainly!” The Xiao Chenyu face whiten, the corners of the mouth somewhat tremble: Order has a few words is this: Does not hesitate at all costs, may use any method, the thorough shovel puts down Nine Great Clans!” “不会错的。事实就是如此了,而且还刚刚传来的最新消息,法尊已经动用了‘执法绝杀令’!”萧晨雨脸色苍白,嘴角都有些哆嗦:“命令其中有一句话是这样的:不惜一切代价,可采用任何手段,彻底铲平九大家族!” Hissing ~~ “嘶~~” All people completely have sucked in an cold air/Qi. 所有人尽都是倒抽了一口冷气。 Doesn't hesitate at all costs? Can use any method? 不惜一切代价?可采用任何手段? What meaning are these two words? The people were too clear! 这两句话是什么意思?众人是太明白了! That is by fair means or foul, anybody can sacrifice \; Any sacrifice can have, any price can pay! 那就是不择手段,任何人都可以牺牲\;任何牺牲都可以有,任何代价都能付出! Even if after has eradicated Nine Great Clans, Law Enforcer must disappear Yun to extinguish along with it smoke \; Also does not matter. 哪怕是铲除了九大家族之后,执法者也要随之烟消云灭了\;也是无所谓的。 So long as in any case the thorough shovel puts down Nine Great Clans on the line, other is unimportant! 反正只要彻底铲平九大家族就行,其他的不重要! Sovereign of the Law! Your this deserves death bastard!” Xiao Chenyu cannot bear roar finally: What bitter hatred our does Nine Great Clans have with you? Under you actually want such violent treachery!” 法尊!你这个该死的混蛋!”萧晨雨终于忍不住怒吼起来:“我们九大家族到底与你有什么深仇大恨?你竟然要下这样的毒手!” Zhuge Cangqiong is cloudy the face, turning the head slowly, looks somebody who throughout has not spoken, light say/way: Our these families, came under the attacks of varying degrees \; But the family, had not been attacked only throughout, in this during, I have no alternative but to raise.” 诸葛苍穹阴沉着脸,缓缓的转过头来,看着始终都没有说话的某人,淡淡的道:“我们这些个的家族,都受到了不同程度的攻击\;但惟独有一个家族,始终没有受到攻击,在这当口,我不能不提。” The people look following his vision, shortly, the vision of all people, centralized to a face of person on. 众人顺着他的目光望去,顷刻之间,所有人的目光,就都集中到了一个人的脸上。 Diwu Qingrou. 第五轻柔 In the past few days, Diwu Qingrou starts preparing Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting all sort of matters concerned fully, particularly devotes to adjusting the strength assignments of various Great Clans, his plan very carefully with every conceivable possibility taken into account, exceptionally formidable overall plan ability, has conquered Zhuge Cangqiong in first day. 这几天里,第五轻柔全力着手准备天鼎盛会的诸般事宜,尤其是致力于调节各大家族的力量分配,他算无遗策、异常强大的统筹能力,在第一天就征服了诸葛苍穹 In the past few days, everybody is also together is like a fish back in water \; Everybody's energy to the Diwu Qingrou and component has given the full trust and affirmation. 这几天里,大家相处得也是如鱼得水\;大家对第五轻柔的能量、分量都给与了充分的信任与肯定。 Let him to have display the leeway and space of as far as possible. 让他能有尽量发挥的余地、空间。 But currently facing this sudden accident, at present only has Diwu Clan to stay out, if this situation is only temporary, said fortunately, but if so, eventually will make the people uncomfortable throughout, and suspects. 但现在面对这个突如其来的变故,眼下唯有第五家族置身事外,若是这个情况只属暂时,还好说,但若始终如此,终究会让众人心里不舒服兼且怀疑起来。 Zhuge Cangqiong does not aim at Diwu Qingrou this issue surfacing at this time but actually specially, does not have the means that he is the brain truster that in Nine Great Clans recognizes, is the brain is, this ugly person can only work as by him. 诸葛苍穹此时将这个问题表面化倒也不是特意针对第五轻柔,没办法,他是九大家族之中公认的智囊,亦是大脑所在,这个丑人只能由他来当。 The Diwu Qingrou look is motionless, indifferently said: About this matter, younger generation is also the unclear its principle. However, these days all sort of plan plans of Qingrou (gentle), fall in the everyone senior eyes, the Qingrou (gentle) whether there is selfishness, has the public opinion.” 第五轻柔神色不动,淡淡道:“关于这件事,晚辈也是不明其理。不过,这段时间里轻柔的诸般计划筹谋,都落在诸位前辈眼中,轻柔有无私心,自有公论。” Ye Chenchen and the others is in the heart some embarrasedly. 夜沉沉等人都是心中有些讪讪。 Diwu Qingrou these words are very fierce: You have visited me, has been planning, has approved, has trusted,...... But, once at this moment has little slightest sign of trouble, including detailed or not does not have the conclusion, can get angry? Did this truth seemingly say Butong (blocked) there?! 第五轻柔这句话很厉害:你们一直看着我,一直在算计,一直都赞同,一直都信赖,……但,此刻一旦有一点点风吹草动,连详实与否都没定论,就要翻脸?这道理貌似在那里都说不通吧?! If changes a time, the truth is anything, you have the suspicion are the capital crime, even if not kill your club, wanted the initiative to live says other again, this was the Nine Great Aristocratic Families conduct pattern, any negative possible seed must eliminate it. 如果换个时间,道理算什么,你有嫌疑就已经是死罪,就算不把你一棒子打死,也要先制住再说其他,这本就是九大世家的行事模式,任何负面可能的萌芽都要将之消灭。 But at present, I have sometimes not given, Nine Great Clans meets the great change suddenly, various strengths in counting lost half during the day, if in this time nest instead, in view of Patriarch of Diwu Qingrou this emerging aristocratic family, were equal to from breaking the right-hand man, the gains do not make up for the losses. 可是眼下,时不我予了,九大家族骤逢巨变,各家实力在数日间已损失愈半,若在这个时候窝里反,针对第五轻柔这个新兴世家的家主,等于是自断膀臂,得不偿失 Perhaps is this sowing dissension of Sovereign of the Law also perhaps?” Shi Paoxiao is hesitating asking. “或许这是法尊的挑拨离间也说不定?”石咆哮沉吟着问道。 The Shi Family destruction, being a rear survival Shi Family first ancestor Shi Paoxiao does not have the family influence again, did not have the family burdens, in this during, he actually only suits the person who mediates! 石家覆灭,硕果仅存的石家始祖石咆哮再无家族势力,却也没有了家族负累,在这当口,他却是唯一适合打圆场的人! Perhaps.” Ye Chenchen and the others nods the head gently \; But does not have the least bit to dissipate to the suspicion of Diwu Qingrou, really does not dare to dissipate, through being together of these days and Diwu Qingrou, everybody profoundly understood the fearfulness of Diwu Qingrou, if were seriously many this kind of match, was not in hundred adds a jin (0.5 kg) attack, but sufficiently fatal, made various Great Clans comprehensive destruction terrifying crises sufficiently. “或许吧。”夜沉沉等人轻轻颔首\;但对第五轻柔的怀疑却还是没有半点消散,实在不敢消散,通过这段时间与第五轻柔的相处,大家都深刻的了解到了第五轻柔的可怕,若是当真多了这样一个对手,就不是百上加斤的打击,而是足以致命,足以令各大家族全面覆灭的恐怖危机。 However then in this time, Information Transmitter Jade once more glistens. 然而便在此时,传讯玉再次闪亮。 The recent news, making the people suddenly tarry. 新的消息,让众人一时间都呆住了。 Newly-built Diwu Clan encounters Law Enforcer powerful attack, is been somewhat low by the Yu Family clan master strength, is unable to form the effective balance, the casualties are serious, the master ten do not save 34......” “新建第五家族遭遇执法者强势袭击,由于家族高手实力偏低,无法形成有效制衡,伤亡惨重,高手十不存34……” Hence, Diwu Qingrou finally complexion big change! 至此,第五轻柔终于脸色大变! Ye Chenchen and the others changes color similarly, suddenly in the secret room falls into just likes dies in the same silence. 夜沉沉等人同样为之变色,一时间密室内陷入犹如死一样的寂静之中。 ...... …… Diwu Qingrou flies general left the Patriarch conference secret room, then after exiting, actually suddenly slowed down the footsteps. Slowly overtakes in the station toward Diwu Clan, in the heart the rough sea waves are dreadful, the suspicion has mind filled with. 第五轻柔飞一般的出了家主会议密室,然后出去之后,却猛地放慢了脚步。一路慢慢的向着第五家族所在驻地赶过去,心中可谓巨浪滔天,疑窦满腹。 What's all this about? 到底,这是怎么回事? Remembered initially, fought a decisive battle in the northwest, help of Sovereign of the Law and Law Enforcer to Diwu Clan, now, to the suppression of Diwu Clan \; Diwu Qingrou somewhat is even at a loss. 想起当初,在西北决战,法尊执法者第五家族的帮助,现在,对第五家族的打压\;第五轻柔甚至都有些迷惘。 How can so? 怎么会如此?
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