TTNH :: Volume #18

#1708: If Monarch is I

Chu Yang and the others returns to the accommodation place time, Mo Tianji that remains behind only waited to await eagerly. 楚阳等人回到住宿的地方的时候,唯一留守的莫天机已经等得望眼欲穿了。 The Mo Tianji beforehand use taboo mystique passes on heart the technique, although has the Nine Layered Pill assist, does not send to leave behind the internal injury, even can in counting recovers during the day, but still wanted Yuan Qi to damage severely in the past few days recently, own ability is weaken large scale, but Mo Tianji throughout is the brain truster status, if links him to begin to go all out, the situation only feared that really arrived in the extremely dangerous crisis. 莫天机之前使用禁忌秘法“传心”之术虽然有九重丹襄助,不致留下暗伤,甚至可以在数日间复原,但在最近这几天里仍要元气大伤,自身动手能力大幅度减弱,不过莫天机始终是智囊身份,若是连他都要动手拼命的话,形势只怕就真到极度危险的危局之中了. This is also the biggest principal factor that Mo Tianji remains behind, however does not know is the coincidence, Chu Yang this time rushes to rescue Tan Tan one line, but also falls to a time extremely dangerous crisis in, this is actually the matter that Mo Tianji is unexpected! 这也是莫天机留守的最大主因,然而不知道是不是巧合,楚阳这次驰援谈昙一行人,还真的落到一次极度危险的危局之中,这却是莫天机始料不及的事情! This all the way, did not have the disturbance of foreign enemy, the Nine Layered Pill unceasing display formidable effectiveness \; The Chu Yang injury naturally is in the condition of unceasingly changing for the better \; Including Gu Yigu and the others, although can also say excellently, actually also many restored an ability to act. 这一路上,没有了外敌的干扰,九重丹不断的发挥强大效用\;楚阳的伤势自然处于不断好转的状态之中\;连古一鼓等人,虽然还能说大好,却也都多少恢复了一点行动能力。 Naturally, these stretcher patients must carry by Gu Duxing and the others, seemingly Gu Duxing and the others catches up, Wu Juecheng and Chu Le'er seemingly did not have the means altogether to go back such a big ticket person belt of , the master is high also on two hands, this is 78 big live people, but also is a grown man, makes!? 当然,这些个重伤员还是得由顾独行等人背着,貌似要不是顾独行等人赶来,舞绝城楚乐儿貌似还真没办法把这么一大票人一股脑的带回去,高手再高也就两只手,这可是有78个大活人,还都是大男人,怎么弄!? Still was at Tan Tan in depth comatose condition just likes by Gu Duxing the back gunnysack common back on the body, if this met Tan Tan to awake, perhaps will choke to death Gu Duxing: This fellow head down builds him unexpectedly on the shoulder, two legs build in front, only grasps the calf part, dashes to speed away. 仍处于深度昏迷状态之中的谈昙顾独行犹如背麻袋一般背在身上,若是这会谈昙醒着,没准就会掐死顾独行:这家伙居然将他头朝下搭在肩膀上,两条腿搭在前面,就只抱住小腿部分,一路飞奔疾驰。 In the motion, the body of Tan Tan shakes back and forth, that head collides unceasingly on the Gu Duxing buttocks, touches touches again, over and over again four intimate contacts...... 行动中,谈昙的身子就摇来晃去,那颗脑袋不断地碰撞在顾独行屁股上,一碰再碰,再三再四的亲密接触…… Was so maltreated by somebody regarding this clan Saint King, Gu Yigu and the others naturally to being angry, the accusation that talked endlessly. Complaint, after restoring some Yuan Qi, launches to rail directly. 对于本族圣王被某人如此虐待,古一鼓等人自然都是冲冲大怒,一路喋喋不休的指责。抱怨,等到恢复了一些元气之后,更直接展开谩骂。 Ji Mo and Luo Kedi and the others completely is in the heart is not feeling well, when sees these old men to be able air/Qi full cursing at people, very simply also one builds toward the body, carries the posture and Gu Duxing of gunnysack is completely same, copies is not simple?! 纪墨罗克敌等人尽都是心中不爽,等到看这几个老头已经能中气十足的骂人,十分干脆地也是往身上一搭,背麻袋的姿势与顾独行完全相同,照搬还不简单吗?! Aren't you are not glad? Lets you simply with your Saint King treatment. A bellwether catches up, one sheep also put. 你们不是不乐意吗?索性让你们跟你们圣王一个待遇吧。一头羊是赶,一群羊也是放。 Instant, scolded the sound to be shocking all the way, was walks seriously. Scolded. 瞬时之间,一路上骂声震天,当真是走一路。骂一路。 Tan Tan was carried like this is lucky, because present he is in the depth stupor, had not felt all. But Gu Yigu and the others is actually miserable extremely intelligence sober completely they can feel clearly own face, own nose and own lip are unceasing. And Collision one by one time and time again on carrying the buttocks of own fellow...... 谈昙被这样背着还算幸运的,因为现在的他正处于深度昏迷之中,根本全没感觉。但古一鼓等人却是悲催万分神智完全清醒的他们能够清晰地感觉到自己的脸、自己的鼻子、自己的嘴唇不断的。一次又一次、一下又一下的撞在背着自己的家伙的屁股上…… pu pu pu...... 噗噗噗…… , Gu Yigu is really unable to endure inappropriate, Ji Mo at the back of oneself, to achieve the same effect, only holds the ankle unexpectedly. Own nose touches continuously on the buttocks of this goods. 更加让人受不了的,古一鼓实在无法忍受,纪墨背着自己,为了达到相同效果,居然只抓住脚腕。自己的鼻子接连不断地碰在这货的屁股上。 Sometimes can also very feel fortunately fall in a ditch...... 有时候还能很凑巧的感到陷进一个沟里…… The Gu Yigu injury is just now good, almost not to be been disgusting to faint again...... 古一鼓伤势才刚好一点,差点没被恶心得再次晕过去…… This goods were too bad! Can be bad?! 这货实在太恶劣了!能不能再恶劣一点?! Can the wooden energy?! 能木能?! Facts showed that can! 事实证明,能! When returns to that the inn entrance stops finally, Three Stars Sacred Clan Elder carries on the back from Luo Kedi, does not give a thought to oneself injury to be heavy, disregards to throw to go all out with Luo Kedi that and is in deep sorrow. 等到终于回客栈门口停下的当口,其中一位三星圣族长老罗克敌背上下来,不顾自己伤势沉重,不管不顾、痛不欲生的扑上去与罗克敌拼命。 Condition full Luo Kedi does not dare to put completely right. Flees like a scared rat without consulting anybody, suddenly disappear without trace. 状态十足的罗克敌完全不敢放对。径自抱头鼠窜,眨眼间无影无踪 This result made everybody stare dumbfounded! 这个结果令大家瞠目结舌! ? 到底咋了? That Elder obloquying sound has resounded through the entire inn \; Also feels unfathomable mystery including Mo Tianji that assumes in inside. But asked that he actually how, actually throughout is flushed with excitement agree did not say. Tosses about in any case only has a few words: I am unable to co-exist at the back of my boy with this today, cannot live under the same sky, has me not to have him!” 那位长老的大骂声响彻了整间客栈\;连在里面坐镇的莫天机也都感到莫名其妙。但问他究竟咋了,却始终是面红耳赤的不肯说。反正翻来覆去就只有一句话:“我跟这个今天背着我的小子势不两立,不共戴天,有我没他!” Until afterward, Luo Kedi came back finally stealthily, under people severe punishment extorting evidence. Knows why they have such enmity: Originally is Luo Kedi, when by that posture at the back of this Elder, exactly in a buttocks of mouth and Luo Kedi of that Elder intimate collision time. Second Master Luo has broken wind unexpectedly very much fortunately...... 及至后来,罗克敌终于鬼鬼祟祟回来了,众人严刑逼供之下。才知道两人为啥有那么的仇:原来是罗克敌在以那种姿势背着这位长老的时候,恰恰在一个那长老的嘴巴与罗克敌的屁股‘亲密碰撞’的时刻。罗二爷居然很凑巧地放了一个屁…… Although Luo Kedi over and over statement: Does not intend! 尽管罗克敌再三的声明:绝不是有意的! But actually nobody believes. 但却没有一个人相信。 Mentioned this matter time, the people were encircling on a big table eat meal \; Chu Yang and the others has spurted the food soup of mouth immediately entirely, the cough, smiles repeatedly directly had chest pains while breathing...... 说起这件事的时候,众人正围在一个大桌上吃饭\;楚阳等人顿时将嘴里的饭汤统统喷了出来,连声咳嗽,笑得直接岔了气…… This is by a new record of Luo Kedi creation, can make many present age know how things stand the master, the grade nine Supreme powerhouse, in is almost injured at the same time, although has chest pains while breathing, but has chest pains while breathing is also injured is not, is internal injury one! 这是由罗克敌创造的一项新记录,可以令多位当世有数高手,九品至尊强者,在几乎同一时间受伤虽然只是岔气,但岔气也是受伤不是,还是内伤的一种呢! As for being injured seriously actually is also not these people, on the scene may have Mo Qingwu, Chu Le'er and Mo Lei'er and other women, these three women completely frown, bitterly is staring at Luo Kedi, does not have the appetite to say again, feels an intermittent gastric disorder faintly...... 至于受伤最严重却还不是这些人,在场可还有莫轻舞楚乐儿墨泪儿等三位女士,这三位女士尽都是皱着眉头,恨恨的盯着罗克敌,再无食欲可言,隐隐感到一阵阵的反胃…… Luo Kedi...... This Elder is unable to co-exist, cannot live under the same sky also really to have the reason with you...... After oh......” Ji Mo a few words, laughs, but another a few words made Gu Yigu upset the table at the scene: Why I had not thought to break wind at that time, taking a rash step taking a rash step......” 罗克敌……这位长老与你势不两立、不共戴天还真是有原因的……啊哈哈哈……”纪墨一句话之后,哈哈大笑,但紧接着另一句话就让古一鼓当场掀了桌子:“为啥我当时就没想到放个屁呢,失策啊失策……” The people deliberately create trouble below no longer tired state. 众人在下面胡闹不再累述。 Chu Yang and Mo Tianji these two discussed the matter above room. 楚阳莫天机这两人在上面房间中商量事情。 Listens to Chu Yang to bring sigh to sigh, said the process of this event very much in detail, the Mo Tianji deep ponder. 听着楚阳带着嗟叹,将这次事件的过程很详细的说了一遍,莫天机深深的沉思了起来。 Then Mo Tianji sighed suddenly, said: Sovereign of the Law could be said as the Nine Heavens first poor man, the hateful person really had to be worth feeling sorry for the place.” 然后莫天机突然叹了口气,道:“法尊可说是九重天第一可怜人了,可恨之人果然有值得可怜之处。” Chu Yang agrees. Actually I pondered a moment ago, regulations are pondering an issue, if I have experienced the Sovereign of the Law same matter, what to do I, will choose? If the role change you, how you to make? If Duxing (solitary) they, finally how can?” Mo Tianji smiles: Chu Yang, did you say?” 楚阳表示同意。“其实我刚才沉思,实则是在思考一个问题,若是我遇到了法尊同样的事,我会怎么办,怎么选择?若是将角色转换成你,你又会如何做?若是独行他们,结果又会如何?”莫天机轻轻一笑:“楚阳,你说呢?” Chu Yang forced smile: You...... Almost, almost makes the same choice with him.” 楚阳苦笑:“你……差不多吧,差不多和他做一样的选择。” Mo Tianji clearly has not been regarded as this topic chats, instead very earnest consideration, said: Others can not be clear, or does not understand and does not approve, but we actually should understand as a Nine Tribulations people that as can be appreciated, indicated the approval. If our brothers had been injured, how we will also respond?” 莫天机分明没有将这个话题当做是说笑,反而很认真的思量起来,道:“别人或者会不明白,又或者是不理解、不认可,但我们作为九劫中人却是应该明白,可以理解,表示认可的。若是我们的兄弟被人伤害了,我们又会如何反应?” If makes you elect to be the same the world and brothers, and can only elect to be the same, how will you choose?” “若是将天下与兄弟让你选一样,且只能选一样,你又会怎么选择?” Mo Tianji hehe smiles: The situation that let alone Sovereign of the Law at that time faced is eight brothers dies together...... Was equal to that I they am same as Duxing (solitary), their eight people were killed...... What to do can I? If changes into Duxing (solitary) Sovereign of the Law, how finally can?” 莫天机呵呵一笑:“更何况法尊当时面对的情况是八个兄弟一起死……就等于我和独行他们一样,他们八个人都被人害死了……我会怎么办?若是将法尊换成独行,结果又会如何?” The Chu Yang gentle facial expression enforces unexpectedly. 楚阳平和的神情蓦地严肃起来。 If you are Sovereign of the Law, our brothers were killed...... Then, you will not certainly hesitate at all costs to revenge, this price, even if stands on the opposite of world common people, you will not turn head. If you know finally is a misunderstanding, you will do everything possible to make up...... Even if sorrow, but you will be supporting, you will carry, insists. You is a such person.” Mo Tianji looks at Chu Yang. “若是你是法尊,我们兄弟都被人害死……那么,你一定会不惜一切代价去报仇的,这个代价,哪怕是站到天下苍生的对立面上,你也不会回头。若你最终知道是个误会,那你又会想尽办法去弥补……纵然悲苦,可你会撑着,你会背着,一路坚持下去。你就是一个这样的人。”莫天机看着楚阳 In the Chu Yang heart touches, the nod, looks over second silently, Mo Tianji most understood that the Chu Yang person, Mo Tianji understands the Chu Yang degree, but must exceed Mo Qingwu, Meng Chaoran and Tan Tan, even Chu Yang. 楚阳心中一阵触动,默默点头,纵观两世,莫天机才是最了解楚阳的人,莫天机了解楚阳的程度,还要胜过莫轻舞孟超然谈昙,甚至楚阳自己。 If Duxing (solitary), to Sovereign of the Law the step, he very simple going into seclusion, will not know the trace finally. First lonely.” “若是独行,到了最后法尊的这一步,他会很干脆的隐退,不知所踪。一世孤独。” Going on living that if Xie Danqiong and Ao Xieyun, they can try hard, with your choice should almost, be makes every effort to compensate \; But, they will also attempt to seek for us.” “若是谢丹琼傲邪云,他们会努力的活下去,跟你的选择应该差不多,是尽一切努力去补偿\;但,他们还会尝试寻找我们。” If Dong Wushang and Rui Butong, his they estimated that anything will not do, very simple suicide, will not only face all these, is simplest, actually is also painful least procedures.” “若是董无伤芮不通,他俩人估计什么都不会做,只会很干脆的自杀,不面对这一切,最简单,却也是痛苦最少的做法。” As for Ji Mo and Luo Kedi, they will not be from kill, but if falls to Sovereign of the Law this situation finally, falls insanely is their only results......” “至于纪墨罗克敌,他们不会选自杀,但若是最终落到法尊这种地步,疯掉是他们唯一的结局……” Finally, is I......” the Mo Tianji deep ponder: I choose from the beginning, it is estimated that can be the same with Sovereign of the Law \; Walks step by step, change also almost. Even final result...... Perhaps I will also choose, Sovereign of the Law present procedure. Everybody with the person who the head lives hand to mouth, the idea really almost.” “最后,是我……”莫天机深深沉思:“我一开始的选择,估计会与法尊相同\;一步步走来,变化也会差不多。甚至最后的结局……恐怕我也会选择,法尊现在的做法。大家都是用脑袋混饭的人,想法真的差不多。” Mo Tianji shakes the head the forced smile: In the final analysis, I and Sovereign of the Law, are always the same type people. Just, I was luckier than him, am lucky too many were too many, at least, does not need to make the choice of that deserves death.” 莫天机摇头苦笑:“说到底,我与法尊,始终是同一个类型的人。只不过,我比他要幸运,幸运得太多太多了,至少,不需要做那种该死的选择。” Chu Yang long breathed a sigh of relief, has not started talking, the moral nature is actually the infinite approval. 楚阳长长舒了一口气,并未开口说话,心底却是无限认同。 Remembers former life, Mo Tianji approaches itself to retaliate for Mo Qingwu, that is really the method of life and death...... If from root, with the present Sovereign of the Law procedure, there is what difference? 想起前世,莫天机为了莫轻舞向自己报复,那真是决死的手段……若是从根源上来说,与现在法尊的做法,又有何不同? Therefore, in the Sovereign of the Law bone still worthily was a man, but the lust for power confused the human eye, corroded hero.” Mo Tianji gives the conclusion. “所以,法尊骨子里仍不愧是个汉子,只是权欲迷人眼,腐蚀了一位英雄。”莫天机给出结论。 Chu Yang nods: Good, truly was a pity...... But he must die finally.” 楚阳点点头:“不错,确实可惜……但他最终还是要死的。” Yes, we must kill him!” Mo Tianji somewhat is also disappointed: Only has in our hands, is the Sovereign of the Law true extrication. This is not the Will of Heaven makes person, but is the current situation changes, he only then uses to solve at present all conflict accidents, only then dies in me and other in the hands, can obtain the true extrication!” “是的,我们非杀他不可!”莫天机也有些怅然:“唯有死在我们手里,才是法尊真正的解脱。这已非是天意弄人,而是时势之变,他惟有用死才能解决眼前一切争端变故,也惟有死在我等手上,才能得到真正的解脱!” They each other look one, saw in complex sighing with regret to grid. 两人彼此对望一眼,均是看到了对方眼中的复杂慨叹。 Makes friends entire life, if can find Sovereign of the Law such friend, actually is also a luck! Certainly big luck!” The Chu Yang long body, paces before slowly the window, saying slowly. “一生交友,若是能找到法尊这样的朋友,其实也是一种幸运!绝大的幸运!”楚阳长身而起,缓缓踱步到窗前,慢慢的说道。 Yes, revenges for the brothers, how about uses the world? slaughter common people how?” In the Mo Tianji sound has the appreciation: vicious and merciless, to reach goal by fair means or foul, such as the mountain evil consequence, such as the sea sin, is actually a personality people......” “是的,为兄弟报仇,倾尽天下又何如?杀戮苍生又如何?”莫天机声音中有赞赏:“心狠手辣,为达目的不择手段,如山恶果,如海罪孽,却是个性情中人啊……” This, we said often \; Also thinks frequently like this \; Therefore is the loyalty.” The Mo Tianji tone is somewhat sad: But Sovereign of the Law actually real did this...... Has become the sin! The current situation alternates, nothing more than such as is!” “这样的话,我们经常说\;也经常这样想\;所以是义气。”莫天机口气有些感伤:“但法尊却真实的这样做了……就成了罪孽!时势更迭,不外如是!” Chu Yang nods slowly. 楚阳缓缓点头。 ...... ……
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