TTNH :: Volume #18

#1707: The slaughter demon washes the world!

This piece of deserves death boundary, any strange matter can leave, is my luck not good...... Got rid to bump into Devil King......” Devil to hate to clench jaws: Did not have anything, supports one to win total victories, can obtain world rare Supreme Devil Body, actually does not know that what's the matter, came a strange sword, has gone bad this demon good deed, then, met two transporting to cause the master of toxin of zenith again unexpectedly...... Well?! Your this during also asked that what these make, hasn't hurried to prepare? the faster the better, hurries!” “这片该死的地界,什么古怪事情都能出,也是我运气不好……一出手就碰到了魔王……”天魔恨得咬牙切齿:“本来也没什么,多支持一会就能大获全胜,更能得到天地罕有的无上魔体,却又不知道怎么回事,来了一把奇怪的剑,坏了本魔的好事,再然后,居然又遇到了两个运使天顶之毒的高手……咦?!你这当口还问这些做什么,还不赶紧去准备?越快越好,赶紧的!” „Are you injured such heavily, what Divine Soul can have the best effect? Wants grade two, is grade three Supreme the soul of young demon, whether needs to catalyze specially?” Sovereign of the Law somewhat worries, is systematic, exceptionally asks carefully. “您受伤这么重,到底什么样的神魂才能有最好的效果?到底是要二品,还是三品至尊的雏魔之魂,是否需要专门催化的呢?”法尊有些着急,却又条理分明,异常仔细地问道。 Does not use, so long as two grade three on the line, hurries to prepare, rubbish!” “不用,只要二三品的就行,赶紧去准备,废什么话!” Said, so long as general was OK?” “这么说,只要一般的就可以了?” Yes. Prepares Iya! the faster the better quickly!” “是的。快去准备呀!越快越好!” But the Sir, you also knows before us, vigorously demon is high rank Martial Artist, such as two grade three Supreme under anything big strengths, I had not discovered that cannot completely control to Divine Soul of their people unexpectedly...... This somewhat troublesome...... If when you supplemented has the accident......” “可是大人,您也知道我们之前大力魔化的都是高阶武者,如二三品至尊没下什么大力气,我发现对他们那些人的神魂竟不能完全控制……这有些麻烦……如果在您补充的时候出现意外……” Your how such benzole, this has anything at the worst, you only need so so......” “你怎么这么苯啊,这有什么大不了的,你只需要如此如此……” „, Is so, the Sir sublime words with deep meaning, profit significantly. Right, today exits, my Divine Soul is also injured, discovered that only feared cannot direct completely...... This with own Divine Soul intensity whether has the relations?” “哦,原来是如此啊,大人微言大义,受益非浅。对了,今天出去的时候,我的神魂也有受伤,发现只怕不能完全指挥……这跟自己的神魂强度是否有关系呢?” Naturally has the relations! ~~ your how these many words, hurry to prepare...... For example like me so, could not control anybody now...... This is the relations of demon soul brand mark, the demon soul is weaker, the controlling force is lower, if the demon soul is in the collapse edge. That brand mark is unable to maintain...... Has not gone quickly! Hurries to prepare!” “当然有关系!~~你怎么这么多话,赶紧去准备啊……比如像我现在这般,就已经控制不了任何人了……这都是魔魂烙印的关系,魔魂越弱,控制力就越低,若是魔魂处于崩溃边缘。那烙印也就无法维持了……还不快去!赶紧去准备啊!” „, Unexpectedly is so, the Sir you may really be honest, I all ravelled.” “哦,原来竟是如此,大人您可真是老实,我全弄明白了。” What? Your this saying what meaning?” Devil felt finally is not right! “什么?你这话什么意思?”天魔终于感到了一丝不对! Sovereign of the Law desolate has smiled: My in other words, you are very honest, honest looks like a pig! The pig that treats butchers!” 法尊冷森森的笑了起来:“我就是说,你他妈的真的很老实,老实的就像是一头猪!一头待宰的猪!” Devil this also unexpectedly will have been startled being startled, responded that sent out the incisive call: „Do you dare to say me?!” 天魔这会还居然怔了怔,才反应过来,发出尖锐的呼叫:“你敢这么说我?!” To a moment ago, although also felt that there was not probably right. Still had not actually suspected Sovereign of the Law! 一直到刚才为止,虽然也感觉到了那里好象不对。却仍旧没有怀疑过法尊 Sovereign of the Law crosses the hands behind the back to stand, on the face cultured and refined as before, in the mouth said: „Can't you understand words that I spoke? Can't you understand the logical expression? You are the demon, cannot understand logical expression but actually also reasonably, that. I said one again: I damn! Can you understand? Can?” 法尊负手而立,脸上温文尔雅如故,口中却道:“你听不懂我说的话么?难道你都听不懂人话?你本来是魔,听不懂人话倒也合理,那么。我再多说一句:我操你妈!您能听懂么?能不能?” Day demonic energy must whole body demonic energy almost to explode, whistling gasping for breath, looks at Sovereign of the Law: You ~ bastard thing! Demon bastard, you unexpectedly......” 魔气得浑身魔气几乎要爆炸起来,呼呼的喘气,看着法尊:“你~混账东西!魔崽子,你竟然……” I dare to scold you unexpectedly!” Sovereign of the Law smile: I not only need scold you, I must hit you! Hits your this demon bastard, relax, I damn. But you absolutely are not my demon bastard!” “我竟然敢骂你么!”法尊微笑:“我不仅要骂你,我还要打你!打你这个魔崽子,放心,我操你妈。但你绝对不是我的魔崽子!” Saying, „”, has hit on the Devil face really maliciously clearly, the sound especially resonant. 说着,“啪”的一声,实打实在天魔脸上狠狠地打了一记耳光,声音格外的清脆嘹亮。 You...... I want you dead!” Day demonic energy was insane. Ignores totally own injury, strives the stimulation of movement demon soul brand mark. “你……我要你死!”天魔气疯了。全然不顾自身伤势,勉力催动魔魂烙印。 A Sovereign of the Law brow wrinkle, felt immediately a pain blasts out in the mind comprehensively, but. Before this pain non- is looks like, like that is insufferable, moreover felt happily also has the trend of gradually weakening unexpectedly. 法尊眉头一皱,顿时感觉一股至极的痛苦在脑海中全面炸开,但。这此痛苦却非是像以前那般不可忍受,而且痛快感觉竟还有渐渐减弱的趋势。 It seems like is Devil also is really solid. A point that said right, final returning to consciousness just before dying, was again helpless. 看来是天魔还真是实在。说的一点都没错,最后的回光返照,再也无能为力了。 After his demon soul obviously greatly harms, after this time, does not have the method to control itself again, cannot help but cherishes a width, got rid of this final hobbling, how regardless of oneself later chooses can but as one desires was good. 他的魔魂显然受到了极大的损害之后,此次之后,再也没法子控制自己,不由得心怀一宽,摆脱了这最后的牵绊,自己以后无论怎么选择都可以随心而行了。 Sovereign of the Law had determined own judgment, ignores totally to neat is stimulating to movement the demon soul vigorously, is several pats one after another on the Devil face, exclaimed lowly: „Do you control me? Do you control me?” 法尊确定了自己的判断,全然不顾对方正在大力催动魔魂,又是啪啪啪的十几记耳光接连拍在天魔脸上,低吼道:“你控制我?你控制我?” Slaps, asked one. 打一巴掌,就问一句。 The painful feeling in mind was still continuing, but in the hand actually also slightly keeps. 脑海中的痛苦感觉仍在持续,但手上却也丝毫不停。 „Do you control me? What thing you are!? Do you want to control me unexpectedly? Your demon bastard of this being cut to pieces! crime deserving ten thousand death calamity world demon! You take advantage well, you harm me to be good! Your this deserves death 10,000 times thing!” “你控制我?你算什么东西!?你居然想控制我?你这个千刀万剐的魔崽子!罪该万死的祸世魔头!你打得好算盘,你害得我好!你这个该死10000次的混帐东西!” A palm of the hand palm of the hand, the pain in Sovereign of the Law mind was still then continuing, how Devil final counter-attack with slightly may, but on the Sovereign of the Law face slightly has not actually displayed. He at this moment, only then as far as possible is shaming Devil. 一巴掌接着一巴掌,法尊脑海中的痛苦仍在持续,天魔最后的反扑又岂同小可,但法尊脸上却丝毫也没有表现出来。此刻的他,就只有尽可能的羞辱着天魔 Drops the drop black demon blood, from the Devil mouth, in wound, nearly uninterrupted flows, changes to tip demonic energy, the dissipation overflows in airborne \; Devil grief and indignation, actually also aggrievedly, stubbornly looks at Sovereign of the Law, wished one could one to swallow him. 滴滴黑色魔血,从天魔口中,伤口中,近乎不间断的流淌出来,化作点滴魔气,消散流溢在空中\;天魔悲愤至极,却也憋屈之极,死死的看着法尊,恨不得一口吞了他。 To break the head unable to think that oneself returns to here, this thinks that is own young demon therapy for oneself, has not thought that this fellow rebelled unexpectedly. 想破了脑袋也想不到,自己回到这里,本以为是自己的雏魔为自己疗伤的,没想到这家伙居然反叛了。 This transformation, making Devil be similar to has a dream \; How possible, the young demon that oneself organizes betrayed itself unexpectedly, even can resist absolutely irresistibly the superior control lower position law restriction, since that has been ancient, can resist the law that from nobody! 这种转变,让天魔如同做梦\;怎么可能,自己一手摆布出来的雏魔居然背叛了自己,甚至可以抵抗绝对无法抵抗上位者控制下位者的定律制约,那条亘古以来,从无人可以抗拒的定律! Leisure such as in the nightmare has also met nightmare such fearsomeness, cannot believe. 遑如噩梦之中还遇到了梦魇那样的可怖,真真的不敢相信。 Sovereign of the Law clenches teeth, the left hand pulls the hair of Devil, entire has raised this fellow, a right hand palm of the hand palm of the hand continual hits, the vision is cold, such as ice day cold blade edge. 法尊一咬牙,左手一把揪住天魔的头发,将这家伙整个提了起来,右手一巴掌一巴掌的连续打,目光寒冷,如冰天寒刃。 My this life, destroys in your Devil hand!” Sovereign of the Law another palm of the hand. “我这一生,都毁在你们天魔手中!”法尊又一巴掌。 These words analyze actually in detail right, Master of Nine Tribulations Sword and Nine Tribulations established mission originally, to cope with Devil \; All misunderstanding , came from in this. 这句话详细分析倒是没错的,九劫剑主九劫原本的既定使命,就是为了对付天魔\;一切一切的误会,也源自于此。 You harm me to betray brothers!” “你们害得我背叛兄弟!” You harm me to be deserted by friends and allies!” “你们害得我众叛亲离!” You harm me to be inhuman!” “你们害得我毫无人性!” You harm my onset and retreat not to!” “你们害得我进退不得!” You harm my life and death to be in a dilemma!” “你们害得我生死两难!” You harm me......” “你们害得我……” Sovereign of the Law more said that is the grief and indignation, suddenly inserted the eye socket of Devil two fingers maliciously. 法尊越说越是悲愤,突然将两根手指狠狠地插进了天魔的眼眶。 Now he has been frantic. 现在他已经处于疯狂状态之中。 The trivial pain is anything, can wreak havoc the body of Devil heartily is the biggest pleasure at present. 区区痛苦又算什么,能够将天魔的身体尽情地肆虐才是眼前最大的乐趣。 Devil the pitiful yell that lives to might as well die \; The whole body shivers, demon fog disorder. Sovereign of the Law does not call a halt, acts unceasingly, the method more and more is brutal. The Devil body was dismantled gradually scattered about, approaches with one in yelling of collapse, the Sovereign of the Law palm of the hand, suddenly pats last in Devil Heavenly Spirit covers. 天魔一声生不如死的惨叫\;浑身颤抖,魔雾紊乱。法尊毫不停手,不断施为,手段越来越是残酷。天魔躯体被逐渐拆解得七零八落,随着一声接近于崩溃的大叫,法尊最后一巴掌,猛地拍在天魔天灵盖上。 Hence, Devil exudes one finally low and deep does not know that is any significance twittering, finally passed away. 至此,天魔最后发出一声低沉的不知道是什么意义呢喃,终于一命呜呼。 Pitiful Heaven Level Devil, in Old Nine Heavens can dominate the demon above Heaven Level Martial Artist, has a dream does not have to think oneself will die in Nine Heavens Continent such aggrievedly. 可怜一位天级天魔,在九重天阙都能够凌驾于天级武者之上的魔头,做梦也没有想到自己会在九重天大陆死得这么憋屈。 Dies such...... Makes itself incredible! 死得这么……让自己都不可置信! Next moment, as rich erupts from the Devil corpse top of the head as the extreme demon fog. 一刻,一股浓郁到极点的魔雾从天魔尸体头顶喷发而出。 That is the Devil Nascent Soul present world. Also is this Outlands Devil final brand mark trace is only at! 那是天魔元灵现世。也是这只域外天魔最后的烙印痕迹所在! Sovereign of the Law laughs, is similar to crazy \; He extends both hands, braves pitch dark to extreme demonic energy suddenly, opens the big mouth, the drawing mouth of pure demon Yuan an unending stream the Devil soul changes. 法尊哈哈大笑,如同疯狂\;他伸出双手,一团漆黑到极点魔气猛地冒出来,张开大嘴,将天魔灵魂化作的精纯魔元源源不断的吸进嘴里。 You swallow this. Swallows that today, I have swallowed you! Let you also taste, was swallowed, the consigned to eternal damnation taste! Game? Goes to your game lacking in vigilance! Plays your ancestor!” “你吞噬这个。吞噬那个,今天,我就吞噬了你!让你也尝尝,被人吞噬、万劫不复的滋味!游戏?去你麻痹的游戏!游戏你祖宗!” His fist smashes the chest of Devil remnant corpse maliciously, pulls out the demon spirit heart without consulting anybody, opened mouth has forced in the mouth, was suddenly crushed the dantian...... 他狠狠一拳将天魔残尸的胸口砸烂,径自掏出魔灵心脏,张开嘴就塞进了嘴里,接着就是猛地击碎了丹田…… I have eaten you! I have eaten you...... Your these bastard things...... Devil of your this chief criminal!” “我吃了你!我吃了你……你们这些混账东西……你这罪魁祸首的天魔!” Sovereign of the Law roared in a low voice. In the look was disclosing through hatred and crazy. 法尊低声咆哮。眼神中透露着彻头彻尾的仇恨和疯狂。 The body of this moment Devil, was unable to describe with incomplete that throughly turned fragmentarily, but Sovereign of the Law is not willing to relax. Still cursed unceasingly, did not let go, to...... The entire body of Devil, vanishes in the secret room completely. The intravenous drip not saves...... 此刻天魔的身子,已经不能用残缺来形容,彻头彻尾的变成了零碎,但法尊还是不肯放松。依然是骂不绝口,毫不松手,一直到……天魔的整个身子,全部消失在密室之中。点滴无存…… Sovereign of the Law sets out slowly, has a good laugh towering. With a smile, squatted the ground, wū wū wept bitterly, the weeping sound was low and deep, the god was overwhelmed with emotion...... 法尊缓缓起身,突兀仰天大笑。笑着笑着,又蹲到了地上,呜呜痛哭,哭声低沉,神销魂断…… ...... …… Long time long time, the gate of secret room opens once again. 良久良久,密室之门再度打开。 The Sovereign of the Law clothes are neat, unemotionally comes out from inside, the look restored in the past profoundness and quietness. 法尊衣履整洁,面无表情的从里面出来,眼神恢复了往昔的深邃与沉静。 Set!” “集合!” Passes on me to order! Law Enforcement kills the command certainly: Nine Great Clans betrays Law Enforcement, colludes with Devil, with the entire world is the enemy, wants to subvert Nine Heavens! Immediately summoned entire world Law Enforcer, does not hesitate at all costs, does not hesitate all means that destroys Nine Great Clans comprehensively!” May I ask Lord Sovereign of the Law, these time destroys comprehensively refers to...... Concrete, on the one hand?” “传我命令!执法绝杀令:九大家族背叛执法,勾结天魔,与整个天下为敌,欲要颠覆九重天!立即号召整个天下的执法者,不惜一切代价,不惜一切手段,全面摧毁九大家族!”“敢问法尊大人,这一次的全面摧毁是指……具体哪一方面?” „Doesn't comprehensive meaning understand? Completely! Must destroy completely!” “全面的意思不懂吗?全部!全部都要摧毁!” Sovereign of the Law coldly ordered: From base industry, to manpower, store, industry, supply line...... Wait/Etc., all, so long as subordinates in the Nine Great Clans matter, all-around undifferentiated destroying!” 法尊冷冷下令:“从基业,到人手,商铺,产业,粮道……等等,所有,只要是隶属于九大家族的物事,全方位无差别的摧毁!” Utterly destroys, destroys completely! male and female, old and young, to cut weeds and eliminate the roots!” “斩尽杀绝,寸草不留!男女老幼,斩草除根!” Sovereign of the Law clenches teeth, has issued such order. 法尊咬着牙,发出了这样的命令。 Yes!” “是!” If there is a stop, if there is a partner, the same crime handles! All attached families, all exterminate!” “若有阻拦,若有同伙,同罪处置!所有附属家族,一律诛除!” Yes.” “是。” Goes!” “去吧!” „, Lord Sovereign of the Law, original plan copes with Master of Nine Tribulations Sword and Nine Tribulations......” “那么,法尊大人,原定计划对付九劫剑主九劫……” That does not pay attention temporarily, first thoroughly destroys Nine Great Clans this calamity world malignant tumor! As for Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, is coped by this eminence personally! Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, does the Nine Tribulations strength to be extremely high, the huge-crowd strategy is invalid to it, only then by, may defeat it! This I early have to decide the idea, you not must be meddlesome, so as to avoid has disturbed the this eminence full important matter.” “那个暂时不予理会,先将九大家族这祸世毒瘤彻底摧毁!至于九劫剑主,由本座亲自对付!九劫剑主、一干九劫实力极高,人海战术对之无效,惟有以强对强,才可一战胜之!这一节我早有定计,你们莫要从中多事,免得打搅了本座全盘大计。” Yes! The subordinates understood!” “是!属下明白了!” Law Enforcement order, an unending stream has transmitted from here. 一道道执法命令,源源不断地从这里传送了出去。 To Law Enforcer Headquarters, then from the headquarters, has radiated first entire mainland each corner. 先是到了执法者总部,然后从总部,辐射到了整个大陆每一个角落。 All Law Enforcer, start in for this day, launched suddenly has attacked crazily. 所有执法者,就在这一天开始,突然间展开了疯狂地攻击。 The right, once ally, Nine Great Clans, got rid fully, without any retention! 对,曾经的盟友,九大家族,全力出手,没有任何的保留! for this day, during the record of later generation Nine Heavens Continent, is called at the beginning of blood river! 这一天,在后世九重天大陆的记载之中,被称作‘血河之初’! Sovereign of the Law stands in the woods, look is quiet, heartless indifferent. 法尊站在树林之中,眼神幽冷,无情冷漠。 „...... Then my heart, defeated/carrying under this day?” “……便将我心,负了这天下也罢?” And with my hand, purge on this day next!” “且用我手,清洗这天下一遭!”
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