TTNH :: Volume #18

#1706: What course to follow?

As Sovereign of the Law departs, the airborne pu pu pu slight sound resounds. 随着法尊离去,空中噗噗噗轻微的声音响起。 Following the direction that Sovereign of the Law departs, a little bit water drop from airborne falls, under sunlight clear dodges, enters within the earth on the drop, the people know that this is the Sovereign of the Law tears. 顺着法尊离去的方向,一滴滴的水珠从空中落下,在阳光下晶莹的一闪,就滴进土中,众人知道,这是法尊的泪。 Obviously this one generation of brain trusters, have not been able to control oneself mood again. In so fast grazing, still so many tears fall unexpectedly...... 可见这位一代智囊,已经再也无法掌控自己的情绪。如此快速的飞掠之中,竟然依然有这么多的泪水落下…… The people look at each other in blank dismay, performs is a depressing dumbness. 众人面面相觑,尽都是一阵压抑的无言。 Everybody has not detained. Also has not thought to detain. 大家都没有拦阻。也没有想到拦阻。 Why he knew truth, isn't actually willing to turn head?” Ji Mo somewhat angry saying: Since clearly knows oneself have made a mistake, understood that the past matter was a misunderstanding, why hasn't turned head? Is the selfish desire so really important?” “为什么他已经知道了真相,却还是不肯回头?”纪墨有些愤怒的说道:“既然明知道自己错了,也了解到当年的事情乃是一件误会,为什么还不回头?难道私欲真的就那么重要吗?” „Didn't the past brothers think of him? He does not turn head, making his brothers feel sad!” “当年的兄弟难道就不想念他么?他不回头,让他的兄弟们情何以堪!” Turns head? Does he turn head? How can also turn head?” Gu Duxing coldly said: Law Enforcer, once the Law Enforcement world and moved Nine Heavens various group of hero, one is several, has destroyed basically in his hand \; He already complete has ruined the Law Enforcer foundation, entire Nine Heavens Continent, because his these time as falling into permanent tumultuous times.” “回头?他怎么回头?还能怎么回头?”顾独行冷冷道:“执法者,曾经执法天下、名动九重天的各路英雄,有一个算几个,基本都已经毁在了他的手里\;他已经完完全全的毁掉了执法者的根基,整个九重天大陆,将因为他的这一次作为陷入恒久的乱世之中。” Law Enforcer these years because of the relations of Sovereign of the Law, although somewhat rotted, but lost the restriction of Law Enforcer, this mainland will compare original chaotic 10,000 times, even are more.” 执法者这些年来因为法尊的关系,虽然已经有些腐坏了,但失去了执法者的制约,这片大陆将比原来混乱10000倍,甚至更多。” Even if he is repentant to turn head now, has not helped matters. The influence that he has, has formed the foregone conclusion. Even he reverses, did not have the big significance, instead possibly leaves a legacy of trouble greatly is profounder.” “纵然他现在悔悟回头,也已经无济于事。他所造成的影响,已经形成定局。甚至就算他临阵反转,也已经没有多大意义,反而可能遗祸更大更深远。” Gu Duxing deeply sighed: In fact, such as Sovereign of the Law such first hero, generation of wise man, have his idea certainly. He persists errors the regret not to get down now, or is true penitence. If he in comprehends at a glance at this moment, makes to die to apologize anything...... Then this trim world, really ended......” 顾独行深深叹气:“事实上,如法尊这样的一世豪雄、绝代智者,自有他的想法。他如今执迷不悔下去,或者才是真正的悔悟。若是他于此时此刻幡然悔悟,弄个以死谢罪什么的……那么这整片天下,才是真的完了呢……” What were you saying? Haven't I understood what is heard? Does not manage, what to do did you say us then should?” Luo Kedi was completely puzzled: Later also needs the life-and-death fight?” “你到底在说什么呢?我怎么就没听明白呢?不管了,你说我们接下来该怎么办吧?”罗克敌完全的不解了:“以后还需要殊死搏斗么?” Chu Yang chokes to cough was saying: Naturally, Sovereign of the Law said a moment ago very clearly. He knows that mistakenly is a matter. But he was unable to turn head, therefore fights to continue. If he can kill us, will not show mercy, in turn is also same! Therefore the road ahead is still rugged. The full road as before, everybody must try hard bloody!” 楚阳呛咳着说道:“当然,法尊刚才说得很明白。他知道错了是一回事。但他已经无法回头,所以战斗还是要继续下去。若是他能杀我们,绝不会手下留情,反过来也是一样!所以前路依然崎岖。满路血腥依旧,大家仍需努力!” Ji Mo and Luo Kedi and the others some appearances of appearing to understand but not really understand. 纪墨罗克敌等人还是有些似懂非懂的样子。 But what is the same, regarding Sovereign of the Law such first hero, one of the once Nine Tribulations Legend, fell to this time aspect so, was in a people of heart was sighing that sobbed. 但相同的是,对于法尊这样的一世英雄,曾经的九劫传说之一,落到今时今日的这般局面,却是人人心中都在感叹,唏嘘不已。 Luckily is the Sovereign of the Law bitter experience to such matter. Body and Soul altogether extinguished that if I, at this moment the only choice, was perhaps hurried by myself, death will settle everything saying that......” Xie Danqiong has rejoiced. “幸亏是法尊遭遇到这样的事。若是我,恐怕此刻唯一的选择,就是让自己赶紧的形神俱灭,一死了之了……”谢丹琼庆幸的说道。 All brothers after hearing Xie Danqiong these words. Associates to Sovereign of the Law all bitter experiences. Thinks this matter again, if occurred on oneself...... Could not bear hit to tremble unexpectedly. 所有兄弟在听到谢丹琼这句话之后。联想到法尊的所有遭遇。再想一想这事情若是发生在自己身上……竟然都是忍不住打了个寒颤。 Nod of agreement. 同意的点了点头。 This goes on living again, solid was lives to might as well die...... 这样子再活下去,也实实在在的就是生不如死了…… We go back, since the war is unavoidable, on spare no effort!” Chu Yang said. “我们回去中都吧,大战既然在所难免,就全力以赴吧!”楚阳说道。 Mo Qingwu has held Chu Yang, body of Xiaoxiao. Is hugging the Chu Yang big majestic body, appears such is uncoordinated, she actually dies is not willing to drop, but is holding carefully. 莫轻舞楚阳抱了起来,小小的身子。拥抱着楚阳高大雄壮的身体,显得那样的不协调,她却死也不肯放手,只是小心地托着。 The brothers leave step by step. Goes out far, still could not bear turn head. 众兄弟一步步离开。走出好远,仍旧忍不住回头。 When Sovereign of the Law just before parting, that fills, but dismal roaring, as if is still reverberating. 法尊临去时,那充满无奈悲凉的咆哮,似乎依然在回荡。 Wu Juecheng walks in finally, stands disappointed long time, in a soft voice said: Diwu Chouchang, thank you!” 舞绝城走在最后,怅然站立良久,才轻声说道:“第五惆怅,谢谢你!” He was thanks Sovereign of the Law at that time to his sneak attack. Oneself once hated his sneak attack...... But now actually discovered that if no that sneak attack, oneself severe wound, perhaps own present, compared with Sovereign of the Law...... Where also strong to will not go...... 他是谢法尊当时对自己的偷袭。自己曾经多么痛恨他的偷袭……但现在却发现,若是没有那一次的偷袭,自己重伤,恐怕自己的现在,比起法尊……也不会强到哪里去…… The marvelousness of humans affair, simply is unthinkable...... 世事之奇妙,简直是匪夷所思…… ...... …… Another side, Sovereign of the Law speeds away, hurries back toward the place of Law Enforcer secret assembly. 另一边,法尊一路疾驰,向着执法者秘密集会的地方赶回去。 This all the way, is very tranquil, is very tranquil, if before, the Sovereign of the Law absolute meeting wants many matters, for example the plot to plan someone, how for example calculates to promote own cultivation base, for example...... 只是这一路上,很是平静,就是很平静,如果是之前,法尊绝对会想很多很多的事情,比如阴谋算计谁谁,比如盘算如何提升自身修为,又比如…… Reason that will be tranquil, because only in Sovereign of the Law this moment mind only has a blank. 之所以会平静,只因为法尊此刻脑海中就只有一片空白。 Or a blank is not quite appropriate, because in the Sovereign of the Law moral nature, the startling thunderclap intermittent sound was summoning throughout. 或者说一片空白不太合适,因为在法尊心底,始终有一个惊雷阵阵的声音在呼唤。 Disconsolate! Disconsolate!” “惆怅!惆怅!” Disconsolate! Do here you look like this what kind of?” “惆怅!这里你看这样怎么样?” Disconsolate, do you think?” “惆怅,你觉得呢?” Disconsolate, you where?” “惆怅,你在哪里?” ...... …… Fifth Brother, now where are you at?” “五哥,你现在在哪呢?” Fifth Brother, how you have not come.” “五哥,你怎么还不来啊。” Fifth Brother, everybody in you!” “五哥,大伙都在等你!” Fifth Brother, are you now what kind of?” “五弟,你现在怎么样?” Fifth Brother, hurries.” “五弟,赶紧回来吧。” ...... …… Brothers' voice as if in unceasing resounding, Sovereign of the Law wails, covers the face to rush. Own face, closely covers! 兄弟们的声音似乎在不断的响起,法尊一声嚎啕,掩面而奔。将自己的脸,紧紧地捂住! Sovereign of the Law covers the face, sobbed to spin. 法尊捂住脸,哽咽疾奔。 Brothers' facial features at present are glimmering, some appearances, the tens of thousands year the book thought in the past blurred, but now, is actually incomparable clear. Even the expressions on their face, were one like the past. 兄弟们的面容就在眼前飘闪,一些面貌,数万年过去本以为已经模糊,但现在,却是无比的清晰。甚至他们脸上的表情,都是一如以往。 They were summoning me, they were calling me. 他们在呼唤我,他们在叫我。 But I only then cover the face to walk. 但我只有掩面而走。 I also think you \; But I could not, not match. 我也想你们\;可我已经不能,已经不配。 Sovereign of the Law against the wind runs quickly, bears in the heart forcefully endless bitter, feels an intermittent sobbing difficult word \; Coming howling fierce wind, just will already overflow the mist instant air seasoning of eye socket. 法尊一路迎风奔驰,强行忍住心中的无尽酸涩,却还是感到一阵阵的哽咽难言\;迎面而来的呼啸狂风,早已将刚刚溢出眼眶的水雾瞬时风干。 Does not know that at heart in thinking anything, only feels in the heart suddenly such as one group of fires in the fever, suddenly such as sheet ice ice-cold. 不知道心里在想什么,只感觉心中忽如一团火在烧,忽如一片冰冰冷。 If life unavoidable tragedy, then, what my this life is? Is the tragedy? Also or is a farce! 若是人生难免悲剧,那么,我这一生又算什么?算是悲剧吗?又或者是一出闹剧! Has me self-directed to develop, thinks oneself infallible, voluntarily the farce of its matter! The lane has twisted all. Only thinks that everyone owes me, finally, is I am the biggest obligor. 有我自导自演,自以为是,自行其事的闹剧!弄拧了一切。只以为谁都欠我的,结果,是我才是最大的负债者。 Whose, I owe! 谁的,我都欠! In the Sovereign of the Law heart suddenly raised one type absurdly to the feeling of extreme, suddenly, actually wanted to have a good laugh, wants to face upward to yell, or was curses angrily to the day. Complains the Will of Heaven to make the person, is Way of Heaven unfair?! 法尊心中蓦然升起一种荒谬到了极点的感觉,一时间,竟然想要仰天大笑,又想仰天大叫,又或者是对天怒骂。控诉天意弄人,天道不公?! Suddenly as to kill off the world person, destroys completely. Life completely certainly \; Suddenly wants to destroy itself, is frightened out of one's wits, consigned to eternal damnation. 一时间仿佛想要杀尽天下人,寸草不留。生灵尽绝\;一时间又想要毁灭自己,魂飞魄散,万劫不复 Originally all unexpectedly are wrong!” “原来一切竟都是错误!” Originally is wrong fiercest that is actually I, selfishness from the beginning. Then is blinded by greed, is deeper and deeper, is intolerable to the present world, turns head roadless......” “原来错得最厉害的那个其实是我自己,从一开始的自私自利。然后利欲熏心,愈陷愈深,到现在的天地难容,回头无路……” Is filled with ashamed is filled with painstakingly, before cannot regress cannot,...... Hehe, Diwu Chouchang, your this what course to follow?......” “满心愧悔满心苦,不能退步不能前……呵呵,第五惆怅,你到底该何去何从?……” Diwu Chouchang, you also once were the world admired in the past, was being a focus of public attention hero! Nine Heavens Continent hero Legend, there is your small space. The Nine Tribulations prestige of Xuan eternity. Also there is your glory \; tens of thousands year ago subverts Nine Heavens. As you of Nine Tribulations brain truster, leads the overall situation, all undergoes your plan, had that time brothers to unify Nine Heavens shoulder to shoulder.” 第五惆怅,你当年也曾是天下景仰,也是万众瞩目的英雄九重天大陆英雄传说,也有你一席之地。煊赫千古的九劫威名。也有你的荣耀\;数万年前颠覆九重天。身为九劫智囊的你,主导全局,全部经过你的筹谋,才有了那一次的兄弟并肩统一九重天。” Now, what appearance did you already turn into?” “如今,你已然变成了什么样子?” Present Sovereign of the Law. In the past Diwu Chouchang? The same day Nine Tribulations brain truster?” “如今的法尊。还是往昔的第五惆怅吗?还是当日的九劫智囊吗?” Diwu Chouchang? Sovereign of the Law? Nine Tribulations brain truster? Devil seed? 第五惆怅法尊九劫智囊?天魔种子? hero?! Devils?! Calamity embryo?! 英雄?!魔鬼?!祸胎?! Should I what course to follow? What course to follow? What course to follow...... 我该何去何从?何去何从?何去何从啊…… Sovereign of the Law felt that own heart must blast open...... 法尊感觉自己的心都要炸裂了…… Sovereign of the Law halts outside the woods towering, face upwards speechless, on the face completely is a frustration. True before cannot regress cannot,...... 法尊在树林外突兀止步,仰天无言,脸上尽是一片惘然。真正的不能退步不能前啊…… Suddenly is unable to choose, flash around is roadless. The onset and retreat of flash can not! 一时间的无法抉择,一瞬间的前后无路。一刹那的进退不得! Lord Sovereign of the Law!” Two Law Enforcer masters who stands guard outside the woods walks to salute from the stealth place. 法尊大人!”在树林外警戒的两位执法者高手从隐身处走出来行礼。 Sovereign of the Law deeply inspired, long putting out, has restrained own mood gently rapidly, light say/way: „Did that person, come back?” 法尊深深吸了一口气,轻轻地、长长的吐出,迅速的收敛了自己的情绪,淡淡的道:“那个人,回来了么?” Two defend to defend traditional moral principles: Came back, but...... Resembling is injured very heavily. Now was making the person look for Lord Sovereign of the Law everywhere in the past.” 两位守卫道:“已经回来了,不过……似是受伤很重。现在正在让人到处找法尊大人过去呢。” On the Sovereign of the Law face the expression not happily does not have the anger, but nods lightly: I knew.” 法尊脸上表情无喜无怒,只是淡淡点点头:“我知道了。” The body fluttered, entered in jungle. 身子一飘,进入了密林内中。 Enters, clearly felt that scattered demonic energy, overflows in the weak ascension, feeling that momentarily can be defeated and dispersed faintly unexpectedly. 才一进入,就已清晰感觉到一阵零散的魔气,在微弱的升腾四溢,隐隐竟有一股随时都会溃散的感觉。 This feeling is very strange, even if beginning the same day when with carrying heavy losses Devil, seemingly does not have to this share in pitifully, it seems like that this Devil defeated/carrying wound really serious to the extreme, endures the fatal situation fully, especially above the same day! 这种感觉很是古怪,就算是当日初遇身负重创之时的天魔,貌似也没凄惨到这个份上,看来此次天魔所负之伤果然严重到了极点,足堪致命的地步,尤在当日之上! Sovereign of the Law was cloudy the face to walk. 法尊阴沉着脸走了过去。 One after another strong from depressing weak groan, several pass on near uninterruptedly from inside. Only hears this sound to be conceivable, the person who this sends out the groan, the pain was in what situation. 一声又一声强自压抑的微弱呻吟,几近不间断地从里面传出来。只听到这声音就可以想象,这个发出呻吟的人,痛苦已经到了何种地步。 „Did you come back? You came back finally!” Devil sound weakly: Is quicker comes, comes quickly.” “你回来了?你总算回来了!”天魔的声音虚弱之极:“快些过来,快过来啊。” The Sovereign of the Law vision dodges, the form disappeared in the area. 法尊眼光一闪,身影已消失在当地。 Enters the middle room instantaneously, with the revolution of hand somewhere on the wall, immediately presents a secret room gateway. Sovereign of the Law moves sideways to enter. 瞬间进入中间的屋子,用手在墙上某处一转,随即出现一间密室门户。法尊闪身而入。 Wall in behind the body, closing up slowly. 墙壁在身后,慢慢的合拢。 Quick......” Devil listless in secret, the entire body almost withered. Has demonic energy to overflow unceasingly from him, vanishes in airborne. “快……”天魔萎顿在秘室里面,整个身体几乎已经萎缩了。不断地有魔气从他身上流溢出来,消失在空中。 As demonic energy overflows gradually, his aura was also weaker. Now has been similar to the wind remaining years of life is unexpectedly ordinary, suffocates, momentarily possibly plays. 随着魔气渐次流溢,他的气息也就更加的弱了。现在居然已经如同风中残烛一般,奄奄一息,随时可能玩完。 Before was the severe wound, was world only strange poison, present Devil, truly including moving the strength did not have, can return to here, was very lucky, if did not have Sovereign of the Law this to count on finally, really only then waited for death a road. 之前又是重伤,又是天下仅有的奇毒,现在的天魔,真正连移动一下的力气都已经没有了,能够回到这里,已经很侥幸了,如果没有法尊这个最后指望,真的就只有等死一条路了。 Hurry up, immediately prepares above the several Supreme souls of young demons to me, the more better, should not be too strong, takes two grade three Supreme the soul of young demon to be solid first this cultivates the Yuan......” “快点,马上给我准备几个至尊以上的雏魔之魂,越多越好,不要太强的,就要二三品至尊的雏魔之魂先固本培元……” Devil weak say/way: Cannot obtain to supplement again that I wanted vanish like smoke in thin air, a bit faster prepared, quick......” 天魔虚弱的道:“再得不到补充,我就要烟消云散了,快点去准备,快啊……” By the strength of Sir, how injured such heavy injury?” Sovereign of the Law knits the brows asks slowly. “以大人之实力,怎地会受伤如此之重的伤势?”法尊皱着眉缓缓问道。 ............ …………
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