TTNH :: Volume #18

#1705: Before cannot regress cannot!

Sovereign of the Law goes forward suddenly several steps, lost all sane him, unexpectedly disregarding held the Wu Juecheng front piece, the empty gate opens greatly, absolutely does not have the least bit to defend, is only asking of clenching jaws: You said that I...... What's wrong! Returns the energy! Turns head!?!” 法尊突然上前几步,失去了所有理智的他,竟然不管不顾的一把抓住了舞绝城的衣襟,空门大开,完全没有半点防御,只是咬牙切齿的问道:“你说,我……怎么!还能!回头!?!” How I can also turn head!” “我如何还能回头!” I have any honor to turn head!” “我还有什么脸面回头!” Who am I?!” “我是谁?!” What am I?! What was I before? What am I now?!” “我是什么?!我以前是什么?我现在是什么?!” The Wu Juecheng cultivation base whole body concentrates on the full, momentarily can counter-attack, he even has confidence to be able when causing heavy losses to Sovereign of the Law, oneself whole body draws back, but throughout has not actually acted, whatever Sovereign of the Law clutches the collar to roar there. 舞绝城修为全身贯注充盈,随时都能反击,他甚至有把握可以在重创法尊之余,自己全身而退,但却始终没有动作,只是任由法尊揪着自己衣领在那里吼叫。 I was not a person, I was the demon, actually I already was not a person, how many people have I killed for the selfish desire? How many good people have I killed?” Sovereign of the Law is roaring to Wu Juecheng: „Do you know? You are better than me, after you come out, had been framed by me, has not sinned with enough time, you are relaxed! But I! I what to do?” “我不是人了,我是魔了,其实我早就不是人,我为了私欲杀了多少人?我杀了多少好人?”法尊对着舞绝城怒吼:“你知道么?你比我好啊,你他妈的出来之后就被我陷害了,还没来得及造孽呢,你他妈的多么轻松!可是我呢!我怎么办?” My these many years preparations for what? What significance has?!” “我这么多年的筹划是为了什么?有什么意义?!” How many were I visibly dark in Law Enforcer Headquarters am killing to oppose my person? Did these people, which have are not once hero real men? Which has is not the whole body just hero person of integrity? Which also there is not openhearted and upright Law Enforcement Jiang Hu? But I must retaliate Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, they detain me, I killed!” “我在执法者总部明着暗着杀了多少反对我的人?那些人,有哪一个不是曾经的英雄好汉?有哪一个不是满身正义的豪杰志士?又有哪一个不是胸怀磊落的执法江湖?可是我要报复九劫剑主,他们拦阻我,我就杀了!” This time, my not only heart already to become demon. Has become including the body Devil, turns into the through demon \; Law Enforcer all high levels by my to catch everything in one net! These people, in the past which wasn't hero that the world admired?” “这一次,我不但心已成魔。连身都成了天魔,变成彻头彻尾的魔\;执法者的所有高层被我一网打尽!这些人,往昔哪一个不是天下景仰的英雄?” Is these hero, was melted by my demon completely! Was given the demon to melt by me! Have I made the big evil? Can I also turn head?!” “就是这些英雄,全部被我魔化了!被我给魔化了!我造了多大孽?我还可以回头?!” After I perpetrate every kind of villainy, you actually in this time inform I, I made a mistake! My brothers are also living, my Big Brother is good for us. All are my misunderstanding!...... Ha...... Hehe, wū wū......” “在我坏事做绝之后,你们却在这个时候告诉我,我错了!我的兄弟们都还活着,我的大哥是为了我们好。一切都是我自己的误会!……哈哈哈……呵呵呵,呜呜呜……” Sovereign of the Law face upwards the long and loud cry, the tears billowingly under: Dark green Heavens!! Why are you? Why is this? Why is this???” 法尊仰天长啸,泪水滚滚而下:“苍天啊!你这是为什么啊?这是为什么啊?这是为什么啊???” Why is this? 这是为什么? this moment, even if the enemy, but Gu Duxing and the others can not help is sorry for him \; Thinks of the Sovereign of the Law life, such in an accident arising from many causes, gradually falls into error, does not have the road back again. 这一刻,纵然为敌,但顾独行等人还是情不自禁的为他感到难过\;想到法尊一生,就这么在阴差阳错之中,一步一步误入歧途,再也没有回头路。 Actually knew all truth that types in finally the irretraceable time miserably...... Suddenly in the heart sighed that hears Sovereign of the Law this grade of world fierce and ambitious. Extremely powerhouse that feels sad at this moment sorrowfully weeping bitterly, almost wants to cry simultaneously. 却在最后不能回头的时刻知道了所有真相那种凄凉……一时间心中感叹,听到法尊这等天下枭雄。绝顶强者此刻那悲痛心酸至极的痛哭,几乎欲要同声一哭。 This grade of powerhouse, the first power and influence, peak Supreme, was once Nine Tribulations hero in Legend \; Even if torn body and crushed bones. Also is not necessarily able to let his knitting the brows head. Even if the path exhausted, the end of the road, is not necessarily able to make on his face change countenance, even if frightened out of one's wits, is not necessarily able rude in the presence of everyone! 这等强者,第一权势,巅峰至尊,更是曾经传说中的九劫英雄\;哪怕是粉身碎骨。也未必能让他皱皱眉头。哪怕是穷途末路,也未必能让他脸上动容,哪怕是魂飞魄散,也未必能当众失态! But at this moment, in the presence of everyone is actually crying! 但此刻,却在当众大哭! Not vivid crying. 毫无形象的大哭。 Taste, how many people also there are able to comprehend? 这其中的滋味,又有几人能够领会? Sovereign of the Law desperate letting loose is clutching the hand of Wu Juecheng front piece, stiff withdrawing. Two are still extending, actually in fierce shivering, suddenly face upwards to yell: „Since originally, my tens of thousands year insistence. Is only a misunderstanding, a joke!” 法尊绝望的放开揪着舞绝城衣襟的手,怔怔的僵硬退后。两手依然伸着,却是在剧烈的颤抖,突然仰天大叫:“原来,我数万年以来的坚持。就只是一个误会,一个笑话!” Person who I gnash one's teeth in hatred, is actually to I best person, spares no sacrifice all. Wants achievement my person! My selfish, has harmed brothers' strength. Destroyed the sacrifice of Big Brother indirectly! My all plans, become meaningless, even is injures, is destroys, is the destruction! This is I does, my first thought? My turning head? Ok? Possibly?” “我切齿痛恨的人,其实是对我最好的人,不惜牺牲所有。想要成就我的人!我的自私,损害了兄弟们的力量。间接破坏了大哥的牺牲!我的所有筹谋,变得毫无意义,甚至是伤害、是破坏、是毁灭!这就是我做的,我的初心?我的回头?可以么?可能吗?” Sovereign of the Law bitter smile again and again. 法尊惨笑连连。 Demon fog evil atmosphere more and more obviously rich. 身上的魔雾邪氛越来越显浓郁。 Wu Juecheng calmly visits him, said: „It is not late, opportunity that you have turning head, so long as you have a mind, a will of the people, can turn head!” 舞绝城静静地看着他,道:“还不晚,你还有回头的机会,只要你还有心,还有一颗人心,就可以回头!” No!” Sovereign of the Law shakes the head mournfully: I did not have the opportunity...... I did not have the opportunity...... I already cannot head back.” “不!”法尊凄然摇头:“我没机会了……我没机会了……我已经回不了头。” I have handled all matters certainly, my does there have the will of the people? My cannot head back, has been doomed cannot head back......” “我已经将所有的事情都做绝了,我那里还有人心?我回不了头了,注定回不了头了……” Sovereign of the Law hehe smiling, suddenly fierce turning around, crazy exclaiming: Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Chu Yang! You come out, revealed that your Nine Tribulations Sword comes!” 法尊呵呵呵的笑着,突然猛的转身,疯狂的吼道:“九劫剑主楚阳!你出来,亮出你的九劫剑来!” Chu masculine just the awaking revolutions from the stupor, saw Chu Le'er and Mo Qingwu, two females are filled with the eyeful attention oneself, simultaneously feels entire to have in the body clearly pain and peak Ma Yang, in dantian massive recovery Yuan Qi, above all sorts of signs, explained oneself have eaten up Nine Layered Pill, moreover is complete version Nine Layered Pill. 阳刚刚从昏迷之中醒转,就看到了楚乐儿莫轻舞,两女满心满眼的关注着自己,同时清晰地感受到整具身体中至极的痛苦、极致的麻痒,还有丹田中大量复苏的元气,以上种种迹象,说明自己又吃下了九重丹,而且是完整版九重丹 Does not know that is Chu Le'er gives, Mo Qingwu gives. 只是不知道是楚乐儿给的,还是莫轻舞给的。 Will start talking, comforts in front of two little loli, hears one to bellow is similar to the thunderclap thunder clap: Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Chu Yang! You come out, revealed that your Nine Tribulations Sword comes!” 正要开口说话,安抚一下面前的两个小萝莉,就听见一声大吼如同霹雳雷震:“九劫剑主楚阳!你出来,亮出你的九劫剑来!” raise one's head looks reluctantly that actually sees Sovereign of the Law not far away in front of oneself, black robe flap flap dances in the air, the full long hair flies high to flutter chaotically, only then the look in pupil somewhat demented is staring at itself. 勉强抬头看去,却见法尊就在自己面前不远处,一袭黑袍猎猎飞舞,满头长发凌空飘乱,惟有眸子中的神色有些癫狂地盯着自己。 Under the Chu Yang heart is startled, Sovereign of the Law is the present age have several wise man, is calm calm, so the condition should not appear on him, now has this change, then the result has one, only, turns the head to look, Wu Juecheng to oneself nod of gently. 楚阳心下不由一怔,法尊乃是当世有数智者,最是冷静沉稳,如此状况本绝不该出现在他身上,如今却有此变化,那么结果就有一个,唯一的一个,转头看去,舞绝城对自己轻轻的点了点头。 The confirmed Chu Yang intention moves, a Nine Tribulations Sword sword cry, suddenly appears in the midair. 得到确认的楚阳心念一动,九劫剑一声剑鸣,突然出现在半空中。 Still was sending out the bright brilliance. 仍旧散发着熠熠的光辉。 Such in airborne, a sword is solitary and vertical. 就这么在空中,一把剑孑然而立。 mood of Sovereign of the Law alienation becomes just likes the snow and ice is tranquil immediately, once wise man came back in this flash. 法尊狂乱的情绪顿时变得犹如冰雪般平静,曾经的智者在这一瞬间回来了。 But he still did not have any movement, such is standing, raised the head, looks at airborne Nine Tribulations Sword crazily, in the eye the look changes. 但他仍旧没有任何的动作,就这么站着,抬着头,痴痴地看着空中的九劫剑,眼中神色变幻万千。 Can see clearly, once many recollections, again underwent the idea in this flash, many in the past, flowed in the moral nature \; Running water time passage that the brothers who that lives and dies together, that loyalty grave Boss, that towering Iron Blood passing of time, that elapses...... 可以清楚的看出来,曾经多少回忆,就在这一瞬间再历心路,多少往昔,在心底流淌而过\;那同生共死的兄弟,那义气深重的老大,那峥嵘的铁血岁月,那逝去的流水年华…… sword light glistens, seemed once Boss Qin Fang both eyes bright is looking at itself. 剑光闪亮,似乎是曾经的老大秦方双目熠熠的在看着自己。 Nine Tribulations Sword one like the past! 九劫剑一如以往! Boss, you where? You may know me...... Hated your many years? 老大,你在哪里?你可知道我……已经恨了你这么多年? I made a mistake...... I want to confess to you, is you...... Where? 我错了……我想要向你忏悔,可是你……在哪里? In the Sovereign of the Law eye, has the tears to condense gradually, sparkling. Then on the static following corner of the eye, flows. The drop drops on the ground, splashes the light dust. 法尊的眼中,渐渐地有泪凝聚,闪闪发光。然后就静静的顺着眼角,流淌下来。滴滴落在地上,溅起淡淡的粉尘。 He is standing upright, looks at Nine Tribulations Sword in midair, slowly, could stand the straight body on the little rickets. In a flash, as if old several thousand years old, does not have the means to be straight including the waist. 他挺立着,看着半空中的九劫剑,慢慢的,原本站得直直的身子就一点点的佝偻了下来。一瞬间,似乎老了几千岁,连腰都没办法再直起来。 Vicissitudes changed something to be talked about later in the past, “沧桑变后话当年, The brothers sentiment deep sea is boundless \; 兄弟情深海无边\; In the dream vaguely long happy drinks \; 梦里依稀长欢饮\; Is startled sitting facing each other moon/month to be cold and dreary \; 惊起对坐月凄寒\; The Nine Provinces poly iron completely makes a great mistake, 九州聚铁尽铸错, Disconsolate first can say? 惆怅一世怎能言? In hand repeatedly hero blood. 手上累累英雄血。 Under foot step by step gallant and chivalrous frame of mind pass/test \; 脚下步步侠骨关\; The gnashing one's teeth in hatred heaven harms, 切齿痛恨苍天误, The nightmare one casts the brother injustice \; 恶梦一场铸兄冤\; A sin day is difficult to redeem, 一身罪孽天难赎, Two bloody dream-soul are ashamed \; 两手血腥梦魂惭\; Disappoints the brothers to disappoint the tears, 辜负兄弟辜负泪, Difficultly to elder brother difficultly to day \; 难对兄长难对天\; Is filled with ashamed is filled with painstakingly, 满心愧悔满心苦, Before cannot regress cannot \; 不能退步不能前\; Hahahaha...... ” 哈哈哈哈……” The Sovereign of the Law long sound ponders. The long poem to express grief and indignation, the sound is sad, several might as well die since birth the feeling. 法尊长声吟哦。长歌当哭,声音悲戚,几有生不如死之感。 He ponders here, suddenly hoarse hearty laughter, the laughter actually ratio weeps bitterly also wants to be pitiful too much are too many. 他一路吟哦到这里,突然沙哑的放声大笑,笑声却比痛哭还要凄惨得太多太多。 Then his wails, suddenly kneels down, to Nine Tribulations Sword. Under knocking of heavily: Sorry! Big Brother, I am unfair to you! My Diwu Chouchang, is unfair to you!” 然后他一声嚎啕,突然跪下,对着九劫剑重重的磕下头去:“对不起!大哥,我对不起你!我第五惆怅,对不起你!” Brothers, sorry!” “兄弟们,对不起!” Sorry!” Sovereign of the Law rises with a spring. Face upwards the long and loud cry: Was I makes a mistake! But I have been doomed unable to turn head! the Will of Heaven makes the person, I...... What to do should I?!” “对不起!”法尊一跃而起。仰天长啸:“是我错了!可我已注定无法回头!天意弄人,我……我该怎么办?!” Heaven! If you are seriously perforated, how must playing with so in me!” “苍天!你若当真有眼,如何要这般的作弄于我!” Why so plays with me!!!” “为何这般作弄我!!!” The Sovereign of the Law face upwarding pain shouted, was almost crazy. 法尊仰天痛呼,几乎疯狂。 Before also harbored intentions. Kept on proclaiming any the Will of Heaven turned over to my Sovereign of the Law, now actually in completely all mental efforts. Denounced severely unfair of heaven! 之前还心心念念。口口声声说什么天意归吾的法尊,现在却在尽一切心力。痛斥苍天的不公! Real does the Will of Heaven make the person? 真的天意弄人吗? Wu Juecheng in one side, almost must burst into tears. He most understood absolutely Sovereign of the Law, because of him, has almost also taken the Sovereign of the Law road. 舞绝城在一边,也几乎要流下泪来。他绝对是最最理解法尊的一个,因为他,几乎也走上了法尊的路。 Fortunately, he in anchors the road of wrong vanguard from the beginning, but prevents him to walk, unexpectedly is just Sovereign of the Law, but, he was not hating Sovereign of the Law the same day sneak attack, if non same day sneak attack, this time, or will be also many to denounce severely the Will of Heaven to make the poor man of person! 所幸的是,他在一开始就停住错误的前行之路,而阻止他走下去的,居然刚好就是法尊,只是,他真的已经不在恨法尊当日的偷袭了,若无当日的偷袭,今时今日,或者又将多一个痛斥天意弄人的可怜人! From this point, Sovereign of the Law, unexpectedly is the Wu Juecheng biggest benefactor!! 从这一点上来说,法尊,竟然是舞绝城最大的恩人!! But Sovereign of the Law that prevents him to be wrong, has actually been doomed unable to turn head again. 但阻止他错下去的法尊,却已经注定再也无法回头了。 From unparalleled hero, to a peerless fierce and ambitious, steals the world greatvillain to one again, finally again the transformation is a calamity world demon! Sovereign of the Law walks step by step, being difficult to change step by step, arrived at this time, again also powerless finally time, has actually known the truth. 从一个盖世英雄,到一个绝世枭雄,再到一个窃世奸雄,最后再蜕变为一个祸世魔头!法尊一步步走来,一步步的积重难返,终于到了今时今日,再也无力回天的时候,却得知了真相。 This is the what kind cruelty, is the what kind helplessness. 这是何等的残忍,又是何等的无奈。 Walks step by step, making one sigh with emotion: If no dark the Will of Heaven direction, such step by step arrives now...... Also was really unthinkable. 一步步走来,令人感慨:若是没有冥冥中的天意指引,就这么一步步走到现在……也实在是匪夷所思了。 After Sovereign of the Law face upwards roars, the whole person so was peaceful, calmly, just likes the deceased person is standing generally. 法尊仰天怒吼之后,整个人就那么安静了下来,静静地,犹如死人一般的站立着。 Suddenly, the people do not know unexpectedly said any good. 一时间,众人竟也不知道说什么好。 Then Sovereign of the Law quiet turning around, facing Wu Juecheng: Brother Wu, many thanks considers it, ha, the same day sneak attack, Brother Wu should hate me, should thank me!” 然后法尊沉静的转过身,面对舞绝城:“舞兄,多谢告之,哈哈哈,当日的偷袭,舞兄该恨我,还是该感谢我!” He at this time, can smile unexpectedly. He spoke to Wu Juecheng, mentions the matter of past sneak attack, in the tone has actually filled envying. 他在这时候,竟然还能笑了出来。只是,他对舞绝城说话,说起当年的偷袭之事,口气中却是充满了浓浓的羡慕。 Each other is the same, Wu Juecheng can turn head, can go back, so long as there is an opportunity, but can also enter the original collective again, but? Even if the brothers also accept, even if Big Brother does not care, even if...... 彼此一样,舞绝城可以回头,可以回去,只要有机会,还能再进入原来的集体,但是自己呢?纵然兄弟们还接受,纵然大哥不在意,纵然…… But do also go back? 但自己还怎么回去? What honor also has to go back? Let alone brings the body of own half demon to go back? 还有什么脸面回去?更何况是带着自己的半魔之身回去? You......” Wu Juecheng opened mouth, actually discovered oneself said that anything is also inappropriate. “你……”舞绝城张了张嘴,却发现自己说什么也是不合适的。 This road, I must walk! I am unable to turn head!” The Sovereign of the Law deep inspiration, unemotionally, said: „When Sword Master Chu, Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting, is your I finally fights a decisive battle! If you skill is inferior to the person, not must blame my vicious and merciless! I win, is the Will of Heaven turns over to me, you win, Nine Tribulations scores new again!” “这条路,我还要走下去!我无法回头了!”法尊深深吸气,面无表情,道:“楚剑主,天鼎盛会,便是你我最终决战之时!你若艺不如人,莫要怪我心狠手辣!我胜,即是天意归吾,你胜,九劫再谱新篇!” everyone, Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting, a war renounces!” 诸位,天鼎盛会,一战决绝吧!” Fresh! Death! Makes me wrong!” “生也罢!死也罢!就让我错到底吧!” A Sovereign of the Law long and loud cry, the diving posture, from the sky delimits to make the billowing demon fog, such disregarded unexpectedly. 法尊一声长啸,飞身而起,在空中划作滚滚魔雾,竟然就这么不管不顾而去了。 ............ ………… Writes very disconsolate...... Made contribution...... 写的很惆怅……尽力了……
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