TTNH :: Volume #18

#1704: Body already fascinated regret already late!

Sovereign of the Law had a meeting god, said: Is you thinks incessantly inconceivable, even I want to come, is the inconceivable matter. But this matter, or my whole person's change, was that really occurred...... tens of thousands year influencing subtly, I unexpectedly am then roadless, or was I have not been willing to turn head, no longer wants to turn head?” 法尊怔怔的出了一会神,道:“不止是你觉得不可思议,甚至就连我自己想来,也是不可思议的事情。但这事情,或者说我整个人的变化,就是那么真实地发生了……数万年的潜移默化,我竟是回头无路,又或者是我根本已经不愿意回头了,不再想回头了?” Was I changes? Did this world change?” “是我变了?还是这世界变了?” Works as all efforts, cannot see the happiness of hope \; When all struggling, turned into the empty talk \; When the life and death brothers, turned into nothingness, when I turn head, actually only saw the hatred......” “当一切的努力,都看不到渴望的美好\;当一切的挣扎,都变成了空谈\;当生死兄弟,都变成了虚无,当我回头时,却只看到了恨意……” I changed! I think that must retaliate the world person! Why? We have created the piping time of peace, can't the person who creates the piping time of peace obtain the good end? Why can some mediocre people actually settle enjoy our struggle achievements? Why can we that the sorrow? Why do we need to go to Butian (heaven repairing)? Why?!” “我就变了!我就想,要报复天下人!凭什么?我们创造了太平盛世,创造太平盛世的人却得不到好下场?凭什么一些庸庸碌碌的人却可以安享我们的奋斗成果?凭什么我们就得那么悲苦?凭什么我们就需要去补天?凭什么?!” „Do we owe them? Should we their? If the past brothers only thought free and unfettered Jiang Hu, which had unable to achieve? Which has to be worse than others?” “我们欠他们的?我们该他们的?当年的兄弟们若是只想逍遥江湖,有哪一个做不到?有哪一个比别人差?” All pains, all loyalty, turned into the joke! Does the bridal clothes for others...... I changed!” “所有的苦心,所有的忠诚,都变成了笑话!都只是为别人做嫁衣……我变了!” „Before becoming no longer is I!” “变得不再是以前的我!” From first time for power and influence murder, moreover is kills a good person to start, I such walked. A mistake, is step by step wrong, arrived again afterward, was deliberately bad, for harmonious Divine Soul, Cultivation devil art, once started , it can hardly stop...... Now, had made the contacts with Outlands Devil, including oneself, has become the body of half demon...... The thorough putty got sucked fully! A single slip-up may cause lasting sorrow, looks back again is hundred years of body, my far more than hundred years, the millenniums and ten thousand years also continued!” “从第一次为了权势杀人,而且是杀一个好人开始,我就这么走了下去。一步错,步步错,再到后来,自暴自弃,为了融洽神魂,修炼魔功,就更加的一发不可收拾……如今,更已与域外天魔搭上了线,连自身,也成了半魔之身……彻彻底底的泥足深陷了!一失足成千古恨,再回首已是百年身,我又何止百年,千年、万年也不止了!” On my present mentality. Also spoke any loyalty, had any qualifications to speak these two characters......” Sovereign of the Law bitter smile: These two characters, already insulated with me. My brothers died, even if I am loyal, can tell whom? In are other people with this world loyal? Do they match?” “就我如今的心态。还讲什么义气,有什么资格讲这两个字……”法尊惨笑一声:“这两个字,早已与我绝缘了。我的兄弟都死了,纵然我讲义气,要跟谁去讲?跟这世上其他人讲义气?他们配吗?” But......” Wu Juecheng is angry saying: But your brothers...... Has not died! At least has not died under your so-called plot!” “可是……”舞绝城大怒道:“可是你那些个兄弟……根本就没有死啊!至少没有死在你所谓的阴谋之下啊!” These words that Wu Juecheng blurts out, looks like wind and rain comes for the first time, earth-shattering. 舞绝城冲口而出的这一句话,就像是风雨乍来,石破天惊 Hasn't died? Hasn't my brother died?!” Sovereign of the Law stayed directly. “没死?我的兄弟没死?!”法尊直接就呆了。 Two stare suddenly in a big way, vision straightens, dumbstruck! 两眼突然瞪大,目光发直,呆若木鸡 Similar to the Ninth Firmament startling thunderclap. Accurate falling in his head. 如同九霄惊雷。准准的落在了他的头上。 If Wu Juecheng can get rid at this time, can attack to one absolutely does not have the defense, not to have Sovereign of the Law of resistance, strikes kills certainly, is far from the expectation! 如果舞绝城能够在这个时候出手,绝对可以攻击到一个全无防御、全无抵抗的法尊,一击绝杀,绝非奢望! Sovereign of the Law raise one's head, suddenly treads suddenly the previous step. The vision brilliant is staring at Wu Juecheng, the tranquil sound becomes rapid exceptionally: What did you say?! What were you saying a moment ago? You said again, you talk clearly the words!” 法尊霍地抬头,猛地踏前一步。目光灼灼地盯着舞绝城,原本平静的声音变得急促异常:“你说什么?!你刚才在说什么?你再说一遍,你把话说清楚!” Wu Juecheng pities visits him, every single word or phrase said: I said that your brothers, have not died actually.” 舞绝城怜悯地看着他,一字一句的说道道:“我说,你那些兄弟,其实并没有死。” „, Has not had and died is reading, lost soul, dropped spirit that......” Sovereign of the Law muttered. Staggered to retrocede one step. “没、有、死……”法尊喃喃的念着,失魂落魄。不由踉跄后退了一步。 He knows, no matter from which on the one hand said that Wu Juecheng impossible to deceive itself at this matter, suddenly cannot help but somewhat was out of sorts. 他知道,不管是从哪一方面讲,舞绝城都不可能在这件事上骗自己,一时间不由得有些失神。 This time is out of sorts. 这次是真的失神。 Including look empty. 连眼神都空洞了起来。 Out-of-control once again. If Wu Juecheng gets rid, can still in take Sovereign of the Law instantaneously. 再度的失控。舞绝城若是出手,仍可以在瞬间将法尊拿下。 wise man, unexpectedly during a short conversation, absent-minded several times. This grade of circumstance seriously rarely already extremely. 一个智者,竟会在一次短暂交谈之中,失神数次。这等情势当真罕见已极。 But Wu Juecheng still had not actually gotten rid. 舞绝城却仍旧没有出手。 Because of him with the Sovereign of the Law almost same bitter experience, now this and other times. How he can get rid. In his heart, only then sighed. 因为他和法尊几乎一样的遭遇,现在这等时候。他如何能够出手。他的心中,只有叹息。 That... They where?” The Sovereign of the Law deeply sorption air/Qi, look becomes is exceptionally sharp. “那…那他们在哪里?”法尊深深地吸着气,眼神变得异常锐利起来。 In the past, Master of Nine Tribulations Sword...... Also is your Boss, or my Boss...... Perhaps only then he was really smoke disappearing Yun to extinguish...... He is with oneself body and Divine Soul complete disintegration, comes to make a connection with a channel for the brothers...... Causes a brother to go to the Outlands Zhan Tian demon......” “当年,九劫剑主……也就是你的老大,或者说我的老大……或许只有他自己才真的是烟消云灭了……他乃是用自己身体、神魂的完全崩碎,来为兄弟们打通一条通道……令到一干兄弟可以去往域外战天魔……” Saying that Wu Juecheng sobbed: „The process of matter is this appearance......” 舞绝城唏嘘的说道:“事情的过程是这个样子的……” Chu Yang to the matter beginning to end that he said that said in detail, Wu Juecheng believes throughout that Sovereign of the Law entitle knew this secret. Therefore, even if hatred as deep as the ocean, but Wu Juecheng has actually been insisting, even if must kill Sovereign of the Law, must after informing opposite party matter! 楚阳跟他说的事情始末,详细的说了一遍,舞绝城始终认为,法尊有资格知道这个秘密。所以,纵然彼此之间仇深似海,但舞绝城却一直坚持着,就算要杀法尊,也一定要在告知对方这件事之后! Sovereign of the Law has not spoken in the process that Wu Juecheng related throughout, calmly has been listening attentively, the complexion was still tranquil, was only the muscle on face once for a while convulsion. 法尊舞绝城诉说的过程中始终没有说话,一直都在静静地倾听着,脸色仍旧平静,只是脸上的肌肉时不时痉挛一下。 Is that convulsion cannot help but, once for a while outbreak one time. 是那种不由自主的痉挛,时不时的发作一次。 When Wu Juecheng spoke of delivers my brother, Outlands Zhan Tian demon these words time, the facial expression on Sovereign of the Law face became complex that could not say. Also wants to cry, wants to smile, wants to use up in bottom, actually also wants to control strongly. 等到舞绝城说到‘送我兄弟,域外战天魔’这几句话的时候,法尊脸上的神情变得说不出的复杂。又想哭,又想笑,又想要竭斯底里,却还想要竭力控制。 The pitifulness of facial expression, making the person not be cruel enough to look. 神情之悲惨,让人根本不忍心看下去。 Sovereign of the Law the muscle of corners of the mouth is twitching unceasingly, wriggles unceasingly, he clenches teeth, actually cannot bite, bites the lip in the gap between teeth, actually also bites the dripping with blood the lip, drops the drop to fall following the corners of the mouth. 法尊的嘴角的肌肉不断在抽搐着,不断地蠕动,他咬着牙,却咬不住,将下嘴唇咬在齿缝,却将嘴唇也咬得鲜血淋漓起来,滴滴顺着嘴角落下。 He is staring at Wu Juecheng stubbornly, throughout has not actually started talking. 他死死地盯着舞绝城,却始终没有开口说话。 Did not say a word. 一言不发。 Wu Juecheng related completely the matter beginning to end. 舞绝城将事情始末全部诉说完了。 Sovereign of the Law had still not spoken, remains silent, was similar to stiff general was standing. 法尊仍旧没有说话,保持着沉默,如同僵硬了一般的站着。 Suddenly, in the field the atmosphere was similar to congealed generally. Sadness that indescribable constraining, is unable to relate, slowly volatility...... 一时间,场中气氛如同凝结了一般。一股难以言喻的压抑,无从诉说的悲戚,徐徐挥发…… Whiz whiz whiz...... 嗖嗖嗖…… Person's shadows such as fly the general landing here, future Gu Duxing some people and others. 一道道人影如飞一般的降落到这里,来者正是顾独行一干人等。 Gu Duxing and the others meets for first time so the scene, performs is surprised. 顾独行等人乍见到如此场面,尽都是大吃一惊。 Chu Yang Tan Tan and the others lies down in the distant place slightly sitting, the completeness has not been standing, two are only standing two people are actually Sovereign of the Law and Wu Juecheng. Moreover such strong enmity mortal enemy stands in one has not hit unexpectedly...... 楚阳谈昙等人在稍远处躺着坐着,完整就没有站着的,唯二站着的两个人却是法尊舞绝城。而且这样的强仇死敌站在一处居然没有打起来…… This strange scene rather makes person extremely in shocking, seemingly was also hard to understand a point...... 这个诡异场面未免让人太过于震撼,貌似也太难以理解了一点…… Mo Qingwu sees the Chu Yang whole body is the pitiful appearance of blood, suddenly is hard to accept, only thinks that in the mind shakes loudly, suddenly at present Venus braves randomly, has almost fainted, as if collapsed in the this moment sky \; All consciousness almost lose, screamed that overran. 莫轻舞一见到楚阳浑身是血的凄惨样子,一时间难以接受,只觉脑海中轰然一震,突然眼前金星乱冒,几乎晕了过去,似乎在这一刻天都塌了\;所有的意识都几乎失去,尖叫一声就冲了过去。 Chu Yang! You how?!” Mo Lei'er has not held on, Mo Qingwu flushed. this moment, in her eye except for severely wounded Chu Yang, other anything does not have, entire world, already not in her eyes. 楚阳!你怎么了?!”墨泪儿一把没拉住,莫轻舞已经冲了出去。这一刻,她的眼中除了重伤的楚阳,别的什么都没有,整个世界,都已不在她眼中了。 If he...... Unfortunately...... Then I...... Immediately goes with him! 若是他……不幸……那么我……立即就跟他去! This is only idea of Mo Qingwu in this flash heart. 这是莫轻舞在这一瞬间心中唯一的想法。 Nine Tribulation Brothers acts together, Saber and Sword is uneven, Exquisite Flower in hand. Vision brilliant, looks at Sovereign of the Law. 九劫兄弟一起动作,刀剑齐出,琼花在手。目光灼灼,看着法尊 Because Mo Qingwu overruns from the Sovereign of the Law side, the whole person absolutely does not have any protection, without any defense...... 因为莫轻舞就是从法尊的身边冲过去的,整个人完全没有任何的防备,没有任何的防御…… So long as Sovereign of the Law dares to have moves slightly, the brothers go all out immediately! 只要法尊敢有稍动,兄弟们立即就是拼命! But, Sovereign of the Law unexpectedly unexpected has not moved. 但,法尊竟出人意料的没有动。 Not only has not moved, looks at his response only, as if had not realized unexpectedly the arrival of Gu Duxing and the others is ordinary, that dull is standing, leisure like lost soul, dropped spirit, is mixed up. 不仅是没有动,单看他的反应,竟似乎根本就没有察觉到顾独行等人的到来一般,就那么呆呆的站着,遑如失魂落魄,神不守舍。 The Gu Duxing and the others finally Matsushita one breath, was still maintaining the protection condition, divided a raid place to walk, bypassed from one side, looks the Chu Yang condition. 顾独行等人终于松下一口气,仍旧保持着防备状态,分批次地走过去,从一侧绕过,去看楚阳的状况。 Sovereign of the Law and Wu Juecheng were still maintaining condition face-to-face, this moment, the Sovereign of the Law whole person as if directly turned into the clay sculpture puppet. 法尊舞绝城仍旧保持着面对面的状况,这一刻,法尊整个人仿佛已经直接变成了泥塑木偶。 Cool breeze Xu to come, has raised his black robe, soughs to have the sound. 清风徐来,掀起了他的黑袍,飒飒有声。 this moment Sovereign of the Law, only has a feeling, that is one type by the entire world has abandoned the feeling, such desolate, such lonely, vicissitudes. 这一刻法尊,只有一种感觉,那是一种被全世界遗弃了的感觉,那样的苍凉,那样的孤独,沧桑。 Feeling sad, regret, not knowing what to do. 还有一种心酸,后悔,不知所措 Long time after long time, on Sovereign of the Law braves suddenly as rich as the extreme black air/Qi, the Wu Juecheng look shrinks: The air/Qi of Devil! 良久良久之后,法尊身上突然冒出来一股股的浓郁到极点的黑气,舞绝城眼神一缩:天魔之气! The air/Qi of Devil reappears, this means that has Sovereign of the Law made the choice?! 天魔之气再现,这意味着,法尊作出了抉择?! Sovereign of the Law day demonic energy more braves to be thicker, rich, almost covers in which his whole person, the form does not see. 法尊身上的天魔气越冒越浓厚,浓郁,几乎将他整个人都笼罩其中,身影不见。 As bitter and astringent as the extreme laughter, Sovereign of the Law waves, covers the demon fog of head to scatter at present all, reveals the face once again, his long sighing, does not know that anything meant said: Delivers my brother, the Outlands Zhan Tian demon \; Yu my brother, remoulds the mortal body, becomes does not die the golden body \; Helps my brother, - scolds zha Outlands, becomes the immortal meritorious achievements \; Let my brother, enjoys world same longevity glory and splendour, by supreme glory! Hehe......” 一声苦涩到极点的笑声,法尊挥手,将眼前笼罩住脑袋的魔雾尽数驱散,再度露出脸庞,他长长的叹了口气,不知道什么意味地说道:“送我兄弟,域外战天魔\;育我兄弟,重塑肉身,成不死之金身\;成全我兄弟,-叱咤域外,成不朽功业\;让我兄弟,享天地同寿荣华,受至高无上荣耀!呵呵……” Originally is so, all misunderstood unexpectedly, originally was we have misunderstood Big Brother, originally...... Hehe...... Hehe......” “原来竟是如此,原来一切都是误会,原来是我们误会了大哥,原来……呵呵呵……呵呵呵……” „, Late......” the Sovereign of the Law repeatedly chuckle, the laughter was late coarser than the weeping sound, performs obviously the endless misery and desolate, suddenly, performing is lost soul, dropped spirit and scared witless. “迟了,迟了啊……”法尊连声轻笑,笑声却比哭声还要难听,尽显无尽的凄凉、落寞,一时间,尽是失魂落魄、魂不守舍。 If 30 thousand year ago I know, the destruction Big Brother plan of my membership dues with all one's heart idea? If 10,000 years ago knows that this matter, will I make this Sovereign of the Law? Even if could not find them, I at least can also commit suicide dead, many subtracts the heart low several points of regrets.” “若是三万年前我已知道,我怎么会费尽心计的破坏大哥计划?若是10000年前知道这件事,我怎么会做这个法尊?纵然找不到他们,我至少还可以自裁而死,多少减去心低的几分愧疚之意。” Even if before is only 3000, knows that this matter, I choose in any event, painstakingly will not actually prepare to cope with Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, if... If 100 years ago knows that this matter, I still would rather give up all honours, clears this cultivation base, returns to the wandering soul, is now, now......” “纵然只是3000年前知道这件事,我无论如何抉择,却也不会苦心筹划对付九劫剑主,倘若…倘若是100年前知道这件事,我仍情愿放弃一切尊荣,散尽这身修为,重归游魂,可是现在,现在……” Now how, if your first thought has not vanished, still had the road of turning head, the person the demon reads!” Wu Juecheng said. After all with is the person of Nine Tribulations, if present age most understood that Sovereign of the Law this moment mood, beside abatement Wu Juecheng, does not have other people again! “现在又如何,若你初心未泯,仍有回头之路,人魔不过一念而已!”舞绝城道。毕竟同为九劫之人,若是当世最了解法尊此刻心境者,除却舞绝城之外,再无他人! „Did person demon read?! Ha haha......” Sovereign of the Law sad and shrill smiling: Wu Juecheng! You have a look, what is this?” “人魔不过一念?!哈哈哈……”法尊凄厉的笑着:“舞绝城!你看看,这是什么?” He suddenly stimulates to movement demonic energy, making the demon fog flutter in front of oneself once again, directs with the finger, clenching jaws maliciously said: What is this? What does my brother make? But what am I?” 他“忽”的一声催动魔气,让魔雾再度在自己面前飘着,用手指指指点点,狠狠的咬牙切齿道:“这是什么?我的兄弟去做什么?而我自己又是什么?” He face upwards to bellow: My brother goes to the Zhan Tian demon, goes to the Zhan Tian demon for humanity! But I...... Now is Devil, for own selfish desire, does not hesitate the incarnation is the demon, the wreaking havoc world! Even if the first thought as before, I can also turn head?” 他仰天大吼:“我兄弟去战天魔,为人类去战天魔!而我自己……现在就是天魔,为了自己的私欲,不惜化身为魔,肆虐人间!纵然初心依旧,我还可以回头吗?” ............ …………
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