TTNH :: Volume #18

#1703: A mistake, is step by step wrong!

Sovereign of the Law is not does not certainly want to begin, but imposing manner locking of Wu Juecheng has not relaxed throughout, instead has more and more strong trend. Present Wu Juecheng, is one borders on the eruption absolutely the volcano. 法尊当然不是不想动手,但舞绝城的气势锁定始终没有放松过,反而有越来越强的趋势。现在的舞绝城,绝对是一座濒临爆发的火山。 Sovereign of the Law silent for a long time, said finally: Brother Wu, you said why in this world will have the appearance of rebel?” 法尊沉默了许久,终于说道:“舞兄,你说,这世上为什么会有叛徒的出现?” Wu Juecheng sneers saying: This has any strangeness, inborn bastard, generally will become a rebel!” 舞绝城冷笑道:“这有什么希奇,天生的杂碎,一般都会成为叛徒!” Wrong!” Sovereign of the Law light smiles, said: Some people willingly will not always want to revolt...... You do not understand.” His miserable has smiled one: Resembles your this grade of family background Great Aristocratic Families juniors, will not understand.” “错!”法尊淡淡的一笑,道:“从来都不会有人心甘情愿的想要叛变……你不懂的。”他凄凉的笑了一声:“似你这等出身大世家的子弟,根本就不会懂。” Wu Juecheng sneers unceasingly: Yes? To betray own brothers, truth? Unexpectedly also feels all right to speak plausibly? I must listen to your view but actually.” 舞绝城冷笑不绝:“是么?难道说背叛了自己的兄弟,还有道理了?居然还好意思振振有词?我倒要听听你的说法。” Chu Le'er seizes the chance to display the elementary force to wrap Chu Yang and the others, hid one side to go by far, at least had guaranteed side Wu Juecheng no longer needs to divert attention gives a thought to other foreign affairs. 楚乐儿趁机施展元力包裹起楚阳等人,远远地躲到了一边去了,至少确保了舞绝城不再需要分心旁顾别的外务。 Sovereign of the Law smiles, to Chu Le'er the action and thinking little, said: Brother Wu, if I said that past I have not betrayed, how you can?” 法尊嘿嘿一笑,对楚乐儿的举动并不以为意,道:“舞兄,若是我说,当年的我并没有背叛,你又会如何?” Wu Juecheng sneers saying: „Haven't you betrayed?! Was past I betrays? Also or betrayal in betrayal and your cognition in world population, is the meaning just right?” 舞绝城冷笑道:“你没有背叛?!难道是当年的我背叛了?又或者世人口中的背叛与你认知中的背叛,含义正好相反?” Sovereign of the Law repeatedly thinks little to Wu Juecheng making impertinent remarks, turning round that but somewhat is a pity looks at position one that Chu Yang was at this moment, the forced smile said: Opportunity one does not return, today cannot extinguish kills Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, perhaps this living difficult.” 法尊舞绝城一再的出言不逊不以为意,只是有些可惜的回身望了楚阳此刻所在的位置一眼,苦笑道:“机会一去不回,今日不能灭杀九劫剑主,恐怕此生难矣。” Wu Juecheng coldly snorted. 舞绝城哼了一声 Brother Wu, we have the same experience, has experienced the same betrayal, why can you also such maintain in him today?” Sovereign of the Law somewhat strangely asked: „, You on the body of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, the retribution have anything...... Fantasy?” 舞兄,我们都有相同的经历,经历过相同的背叛,为何你今日还要这么的维护于他?”法尊有些奇怪地问道:“难道,你在九劫剑主的身上,还报有什么……幻想?” Wu Juecheng said: This does not need you to worry. You talked at random were so long. Now plays not the popular trick of sowing dissension, may say incorrigibly wicked, is actually not willing directly to reply that my issue, is what intention? You clearly know that I most care to anything!” 舞绝城道:“这个不需要你来操心。你东拉西扯了这么久。现在又来玩挑拨离间的不入流伎俩,可说贼心不死,却就是不肯正面回答我的问题,到底是何用意?你明知道,我对什么最为在乎!” You sneak attack me, plots against me, after I can detain, does accounts with you again, but this time, how your brothers offended you! bastard thing. You to me explained that understands!” “你偷袭我,暗算我,我可以押后再与你算账,但这一次,你的兄弟又怎么得罪你了!混账东西。你给我解释明白!” Sovereign of the Law smiled: Brother Wu, this matter, I also knew that is very difficult to explain clearly understands, rarer common people approve. Moreover I do not understand very much Brother Wu you why to this matter such cares...... But this matter presses in my at heart, already tens of thousands year. Really suppresses suffices the long time. Has to speak out, since Brother Wu is so interested, then I said that but actually might also as well, as soon as I spit in the heart oppressed, Brother Wu may also release to doubt.” 法尊笑了笑:“舞兄,这种事,我也自知很难解释得清楚明白,更难得世人认可。而且我也很不明白舞兄你为何会对这件事如此的在意……但这件事压在我的心里,也已经数万年了。憋得真的够久。不吐不快,既然舞兄这么的有兴趣,那么我说说倒也无妨,我一吐心中憋闷,舞兄也可一释置疑。” You said that I am listening.” Wu Juecheng still the surface sank like the water, imposing killing intent has not reduced slightly. Throughout is locking Sovereign of the Law. “你说吧,我在听着呢。”舞绝城仍旧面沉如水,凛然杀机丝毫未减。始终锁定着法尊 Sovereign of the Law deeply inspired, said: To me how not to mention and others of past Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Jun Lie, only said that my other eight brothers, that absolutely is in my life. Most important brothers, if there is a choice, so long as can again with it the gathering morning and evening, what this life is?!” 法尊深深吸了一口气,道:“且不说当年的九劫剑主君烈对我等如何,只说我另外的八个兄弟,那绝对是我一生之中。最最重要的兄弟,若有选择,只要能再与之相聚旦夕,这条性命又算什么?!” Past brotherly love. Even if thinks the tens of thousands year later that was still filled with emotion. Leisure like yesterday.” “当年的兄弟之情。就算在数万年后想起来,仍旧感慨万千。遑如昨日。” „The person of my Diwu Chouchang not fickle widowed righteousness, Nine Tribulation Brothers monopolized in the past, almost all plans, performing is the self- hand. If I am not loyal, believes that Nine Tribulation Brothers had decided cannot arrive finally, this, does not know that Brother Wu you whether approves?” “我第五惆怅绝非薄情寡义之人,当年九劫兄弟一统天下,几乎所有谋划,尽是出自我手。我若是真有二心,相信九劫兄弟决计也走不到最后,这一节,不知舞兄你是否认同?” Wu Juecheng said: Good, during Nine Tribulations becomes sworn brothers, three people are most extremely important, first naturally is Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, next is to the brain truster, third is in Nine Tribulation Brothers the first person besides Sword Master.” 舞绝城道:“不错,九劫结义之中,有三个人是最为至关紧要的,第一自然是九劫剑主,其次便要数到智囊,第三则是九劫兄弟中除了剑主之外的第一人。” „After world Thangbinh, the Jun Lie plot plans, planned that must me and other brother Butian (heaven repairing), achievement his cause, initially I think, in brothers, no matter who exits finally, so long as, is the victory \; But, if I can exit, the effect or will be bigger \; Because I pass resourceful, has preparation, closes the general situation, the most important point, I am calm enough.” “天下升平之后,君烈阴谋算计,打算要将我等一干兄弟补天,成就他之伟业,当初我就想着,兄弟们之中,不管最终谁出去,只要出去了,就是胜利\;但,若是我能出去,效果或者会更大一些\;因为我通智谋,有筹划,关大局,最重要的一点,我足够冷静。” Sovereign of the Law said: If the brothers can only survive, then, is being lived by me coming out, is most advantageous! Said whether Brother Wu does approve?” 法尊道:“若是兄弟们就只能存活一个,那么,由我活着出来,最为有利!这么说,舞兄是否认可?” Wu Juecheng simply nods once more: Good! All previous Nine Tribulations brain truster is always present age have several wise man, only destructive power, not necessarily under Master of Nine Tribulations Sword!” 舞绝城再次干脆点头:“不错!历代九劫智囊从来都是当代有数智者,单以破坏力而言,未必就在九劫剑主之下!” Therefore initially, I decided to use the brothers' strength of Divine Soul to wrestle finally with every effort, finally was, I came out, barely managed to maintain a feeble existence until now.” “所以当初,我最终决定利用了弟兄们的神魂之力尽力一搏,结果就是,我出来了,苟延残喘直至今日。” Sovereign of the Law smiles mournfully: If the list from the truth, truly is I comes out well \; From any, on the one hand, should I live, can create the maximum value. Only then from friendship, I why?” 法尊凄然一笑:“若是单从道理上来说,确实是我出来最好\;从任何一方面来说,都是应该我活着,才能创造最大的价值。惟有从交情上来说,我凭什么?” Why is my whole body to draw back? Other brothers completely Divine Soul altogether extinguished, shouldn't others live?” “凭什么是我全身而退?其他兄弟尽都神魂俱灭,难道别人不该活着吗?” What truth is this?” “这是什么道理?” „The entire more than 10,000 years of time, my Nascent Soul flutters in the mountains and plains, any matter cannot make, every day is thinking my brother. From the beginning unceasingly was still convincing itself, convinced itself with various reasons, but, deceived people easily, deceived oneself to be difficult, the person was most difficult to deceive own, ashamed in the heart was ashamed in the heart, this, any reason also inadequate was the reason.” “整整10000多年的时光,我的元灵就在山野间飘荡,什么事都做不成,每一天都在想我的兄弟。一开始还在不断说服自己,用各种理由说服自己,可是,骗人易,骗己难,人是最难骗过自己的,心中有愧就是心中有愧,这点,任何理由也不成之为理由。” Finally, I understood a matter. I already should understand, matter that actually throughout does not become aware.” “最终,我明白了一件事。一件我早就该明白,却始终不悟的事情。” Among brothers, live and die together, is the loyalty \; Because even if any plot planned died together, the life may also not have regrettably. But...... All people died, only then yourself are also living, moreover is living before the brothers at the point of death spiritual energy...... This guilty, this suffering, do you understand? Originally, finally living person, unexpectedly is most painful!” “兄弟们之间,同生共死,乃是义气\;即便因为什么阴谋算计一起死去,人生也可了无遗憾。但……所有人都死了,就只有你自己还活着,而且还是利用兄弟们临死之前的精神能量活着……这种愧疚,这种煎熬,你懂么?原来,最后活着的人,竟是最痛苦的!” Sovereign of the Law crosses the hands behind the back to discuss, sound unexpectedly especially tranquil. 法尊负手而谈,声音竟是格外的平静。 Wu Juecheng deeply inspired, only thinks in mouth a bitterness and astringency. Don't I understand? How don't I understand? Hadn't I undergone this process in the past? 舞绝城深深吸了一口气,只觉口中一片苦涩。我不懂?我如何不懂?我当年难道没经历这个过程吗? At best has been short compared with you a link. 充其量只是比你少了其中一个环节而已。 Had guilty, had the suffering, I start to analyze itself: I am living coming out, then situation, I whether has selfishly!?” “有了愧疚,有了煎熬,我就开始重新剖析自己:我活着出来,当时的情况,我到底是否有过自私呢!?” Sovereign of the Law is smiling bitterly, said: After overthrows me innumerable, I discovered gradually, the confirmation, I, am selfish! In the past when at the point of death, that type I want to live the thought that I had, indeed had.” 法尊苦笑着,道:“经过无数次的推翻我自己,我渐渐的发现,确认,我,是自私的!当年临死之时,那种‘我想活下来’的念头,我真的有,的确有。” Then, I am guiltier! More uncomfortable!” “然后,我就更愧疚!更难受!” By me of remorse puzzle, was hard from the place, even once repeatedly planned to self-detonate Nascent Soul, death will settle everything, but, was the brothers trades my survival by Divine Soul of their complete people, how I can casual die, therefore I also had a new idea, so long as I can obtain the body once again, in any event, I can also do something for brothers' family! Handles a lot! Regardless of any matter I must do, compensates!” “被愧疚之心困扰的我,难以自处,甚至曾多次打算自爆元魂,一死了之,可是,是众兄弟以他们全部人的神魂换到了我的存活,我怎么可以随便就死,于是我又有了一个新的想法,只要我能够再度得到身体,无论如何,我也可以为兄弟们的家眷做一些事情!做很多事情!无论什么事我都要做,来补偿!” „But when I obtain the body, and has been able to control the training to oneself, after coming out, actually discovered that my brother's family, did not have completely! Even linked descendant unable to find! Because, the time will not stay, the time has passed through much are too too much!” “但等到我得到身体,并且修养到了自己可以掌控的时候,出来之后却发现,我兄弟的家族,已经全部都没有了!甚至连一个后人都找不到了!因为,时间不会停留,时间已经走过太多太多了!” However what most satirized, that Diwu Clan that I established, was a rear survival unexpectedly at that time! One of then Nine Great Clans. However was also actually being attacked by Nine Tribulations, in imminent danger, momentarily possible destruction.” “而最最讽刺的是,我建立的第五家族,竟是当时硕果仅存的一家!还是当时的九大家族之一。不过却也正在遭受九劫攻击,岌岌可危,随时可能覆灭。” One, that time I was only the preliminary control body, Divine Soul have not been able truly with the body perfect conjunction, cannot display very strong strength \; Two come...... Also is my psychology causes trouble: Brothers' descendant did not have, my descendant actually also, why?!” “一来,那时候的我还只是初步掌控身体,神魂并不能真正与身体完美契合,也就不能发挥出很强的实力\;二来……也是我心理作祟:兄弟们的后人都已经没了,我的后人却还在,凭什么?!” I already extremely ashamed to them, only then I used their Divine Soul strength to live, why was only then my can descendant also continue to exist?” “我已经万分愧对他们了,只有我利用了他们的神魂力量活下来,凭什么又是只有我的后人还能继续存在?” Therefore initially fought I not to participate, I saw that Diwu Clan declines gradually \; Only spoke a few words, then One of the Nine Tribulations Zhuge told that because of these words, making Diwu Clan avoid the complete destruction crisis, has become Zhuge Clan vassal.” “所以当初的战斗我并没有参与,我眼看着第五家族渐次没落\;就只说了一句话,跟当时的九劫之一的诸葛说的,就是因为这一句话,让第五家族避免了完全覆灭的危机,成了诸葛家族附庸。” Then I started the Sovereign of the Law professions of more than ten thousand years of position high weights......” the Sovereign of the Law forced smile: I in these years that the soul wanders, constantly no longer is thinking handles matters for the brothers \; But true...... Actually the discovery unexpectedly is the safe may manage. Such being the case, did I come out at that time for what?” “然后我开始了长达万多年位高权重的法尊生涯……”法尊苦笑:“我在灵魂游荡的那些年,无时无刻不再想着为兄弟们办事\;但真正……却发现竟是无事可办的。既然如此,我当时出来是为了什么?” I enjoy the moment position high weight every time, the feeling is unfair to a brothers point...... The brothers went all out, makes me enjoy high weight high status and great wealth here?” Sovereign of the Law sobbed. “我每享受一刻的位高权重,就感觉更加对不起兄弟们一分……兄弟们拼了命,就让我在这里享受位高权重荣华富贵么?”法尊唏嘘之极。 Wu Juecheng gets angry: Since you felt to sorry, you lived in seclusion also good, didn't make Sovereign of the Law not to be good? Your this choice has not done, had not acknowledged that is you are blinded by greed, carries the sentiment to be ungrateful?!” 舞绝城怒道:“既然你都感觉对不起了,那你隐居也行啊,不做法尊还不行么?你连这点选择都没做,还不承认是你利欲熏心,背情负义?!” Sovereign of the Law smiles bitterly: Is blinded by greed? Carries the sentiment to be ungrateful? After the time grew, I am getting more and more guilty, finally started to want not to make this Sovereign of the Law, so as to avoid was also suffered by that many innermost feelings......” 法尊苦笑一声:“利欲熏心?背情负义?时间长了以后,我越来越愧疚,终于开始想要不做这个法尊了,也免得受那么多的内心折磨……” Wu Juecheng said: Right! Does not deserve any Sovereign of the Law!” 舞绝城道:“对啊!就是不该当什么法尊!” But...... Has sorry in any case that many years \; If gives up at this time, not only these many years guilty endured in vain, but also wanted even/including Weigao the weight not to have?” Sovereign of the Law sigh. “可是……反正已经对不起那么多年了\;若是此时放弃,不仅这么多年的愧疚白白的忍受了,还要连位高权重也没了?”法尊叹息。 You...... Bastards!” Wu Juecheng is speechless immediately. “你……混蛋!”舞绝城顿时无语。 Has a dream cannot think that will have this grade of rarely seen general evolution, was said by oneself , the lust for power can corrode the will of the people, links the same day Nine Tribulations brain truster also incompetent exception unexpectedly. 做梦也想不到,会有这等奇葩一般的演变,真被自己说中了,权欲真的可以侵蚀人心,竟连当日的九劫智囊也无能例外。 Sovereign of the Law forced smile: Procedure very bastard who I also know, even thinks should not \; But, investigates its reason, actually only has three points: One, the unhealthy person broken falls, two, the corrosion of power and influence \; The gradual change of mentality \; Three come...... They died. Moreover died the tens of thousands year, this is the established fact...... I insisted again, is useful? What significance also there is!?” 法尊苦笑:“我自己也知道的做法很混蛋,甚至想一想都不应该\;但,究其理由,其实就只有三点:一来,破罐子破摔,二来,权势的侵蚀\;心态的逐渐变化\;三来……他们已经死了。而且已经死了数万年,这已是既定的事实……我再坚持,又有什么用?又有什么意义!?” „, I such step by step walks, finally...... Is difficult to change.” “以至于,我就这么一步步的走下去,最终……积重难返。” ............ ………… The painstaking care that this character, I pour into are quite many, although most people do not like, I do not like \; But his lifetime twists and turns, actually are almost a good and evil evolution history. 这个人物,我倾注的心血比较多,虽然大多数人不喜欢,我自己也不喜欢\;但他一生的曲折,却几乎就是一部善恶演变史。 Un............ >\; 嗯……了……>\;
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