TTNH :: Volume #18

#1702: Unexpectedly finding a way out

Since knew mystery, must explain also is not the difficult matter, so long as can stand firm, did not ask the quick victory, delays by the way that the tour fought, the long time defended bursts. 既然知道了其中的奥秘,要破解也就不在是难事,只要自己稳得住,不求速胜,以游斗的方式拖延下去,久守自溃。 In this period so long as uninterrupted use gravity bombardment consumed the Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Yuan Qi way, when the opposite party consumed similarly, naturally can be easy! 期间只要不间断的采用重力轰击消耗九劫剑主元气的方式,等到对方消耗得差不多了,自然就可以手到擒来! Although Sovereign of the Law does not want stall for time, but, now to on Chu Yang optimum strategy is You Dou, burns out Chu Yang, by the Sovereign of the Law discrete individuality, naturally is how regardless of not to advance recklessly. 法尊虽然不愿意拖延时间,但,现在对上楚阳的最佳策略就是游斗,拖垮楚阳,以法尊的谨慎个性,自然是无论如何也不会冒进的。 Chu Yang four moves of series, do not have attacks interrupted, the week moves back and forth, constitutes a strict defense circle, protected behind the body Tan Tan and the others completely. However Sovereign of the Law does not have the interest regarding Tan Tan and the others now! 楚阳四招连环,全无间断地出击,周而往复,构成一道严密至极的防御圈,将谈昙等人全部护到了身后。然而法尊现在对于谈昙等人根本全无兴趣! Aims at Chu Yang one person, by extremely tyrannical strength exceptionally centralized attack. 只是对准楚阳一人,以极度强横的力道异常集中的进攻。 Master of Nine Tribulations Sword died, not having this core to be, so-called unmatched in the world Nine Tribulations also on vanish like smoke in thin air. At that time defeat in detail, easy as pie! 九劫剑主一死,没有了这个核心所在,所谓天下无敌的九劫也就烟消云散了。彼时各个击破,易如反掌! As for these people, each one injuries are heavy at present, in a short time is absolutely impossible to restore, is hard to form the battle efficiency, so long as tidies up Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, other people can pinch conveniently! 至于眼前那些人,个个伤势不轻,短时间内绝无可能恢复,更难以形成战斗力,只要一收拾掉九劫剑主,其他人随手就能捏死! Now is most essential, is Chu Yang, has Chu Yang. 现在最关键的,就是楚阳,惟有楚阳而已。 In turn, even if ground these person of killed all, but Chu Yang ran, that is the infinite future trouble! 反过来,就算将地上这些人全杀了,可楚阳跑了,那才是无穷后患! Does not aim at the person outside Chu Yang, can best diversion Chu Yang, only then so can make Chu Yang continue to tow to fight, burns out him, drags him! 不针对楚阳之外的人,才能最好的牵制楚阳,只有如此才能让楚阳持续拖战下去,拖垮他,拖死他! Sovereign of the Law deeply knows that the fearfulness of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, this moment, holds nothing back the full attack, needs maximum limit, most in a short time to consume light Chu Yang all strengths. 法尊可是深深知道九劫剑主的可怕,这一刻,毫不保留的全力进攻,务求最大限度,最短时间里消耗光楚阳的所有力量。 Chu Yang one after another withstood the intense vibration, the Nine Layered Pill efficacy was just diverging, immediately was squeezed the extreme. The war from the beginning, under the crazy fierce attack of Sovereign of the Law, Chu Yang once again goes to the critical point now! 楚阳接连的承受着强烈的震动,九重丹的药力才刚刚发散出来,就立即被压榨到了极点。战局一开始,在法尊的狂猛攻击下,楚阳现在再度去到了临界点! Only has supported short time of breath, had been squeezed the spent force! 前后就只支撑了短短一个呼吸的时间,就已经被压榨到了强弩之末! The good fearful striking power, the good sharp pointed strategy, worthily was the past Nine Tribulations brain truster! 好可怕的攻击力,好犀利的针对性策略,不愧是当年的九劫智囊! Chu Yang whistling puffing, only felt that in own lung as if caught fire, every time inspires, from lung to throat burning hurting. Is having the salt taste, but also is somewhat sweet, is somewhat rank, that is the flavor/smell of blood. 楚阳呼呼的喘着粗气,只感觉自己的肺里仿佛着了火,每吸一口气,从肺里一直到咽喉都是火辣辣的疼。带着咸味,还有些甜,有些腥,那是鲜血的味道。 even/including Yanjing looks, almost somewhat blurred...... Skeleton in ka ka making noise. As if will momentarily be cut off. 连眼睛看出去,也几乎有些模糊了……身上的骨骼在咔咔的作响。似乎随时都会断掉。 But the Sovereign of the Law offensive is also just liking coming in waves that the crazy Feng Bao (storm) rain general, as if completely is not aware of fatigue! 法尊的攻势还在犹如狂风暴雨一般、仿佛完全不知疲倦的滚滚而来! Chu Yang could not insist that momentarily possibly collapsed. 楚阳已经坚持不住了,随时可能崩溃。 The strength is not equal to the will after all, manpower is sometimes poor, Master of Nine Tribulations Sword is also a person, similarly has its strength limit. 实力毕竟不等于毅力,人力有时穷,九劫剑主也是人,同样有其力量极限。 His rather torn body and crushed bones must preserve now side these people, is now, even if his torn body and crushed bones 10,000 times. Also could not preserve them! 他宁可粉身碎骨也要保全现在身边的那些人,可是现在,纵然他粉身碎骨10000次。也已经保不住他们! Even linked him unable to preserve! 甚至连他自己都保不住了! Several near were helpless! 几近无能为力了! „!” “咔嚓!” Sovereign of the Law again attacks, the right leg of Chu Yang breaks off, immediately, looks like parched beans is ordinary. Whole body the sound of skeleton break conveys continuously. 法尊的再一次进攻中,楚阳的右腿咔嚓折断,随即,就像是炒豆子一般。浑身的骨骼断裂的声音接连不断传来。 Bang! 砰! The Sovereign of the Law palm ejects last! 法尊最后一掌击出! The Chu Yang front a chaotic sound, the breastbone rib completely breaks, in the mouth the blood spurts crazily. Two hands from finger to shoulder, complete smashing. Two legs did not have the least bit to be complete. 楚阳的胸前啪啪一阵乱响,胸骨肋骨尽断,口中鲜血狂喷。两只手从手指到肩膀,全部粉碎。两条腿也已经没有了半点完整。 The whole person looked like the ruined gunnysack flew generally. In this way injury , before compares Devil, is not as good two to plan. Basically is the limit wound that person can withstand, frequently has the danger of life! 整个人就像是破败的麻袋一般飞了出去。如斯伤势,也就比天魔之前稍逊一筹两筹而已。基本上已经是“人”所能承受的极限创伤了,动辄有性命之危! In Chu Yang heart, a piece of grey defeat. 楚阳心中,一片灰败。 Now, did not have the hope truly. 现在,是真正没有希望了。 Chu Yang severe wound dying, momentarily possibly plays, Tan Tan received counter-attack to remain unconscious, Gu Yigu and the others was incapable of moving, the battle efficiency was equal to zero basically. 楚阳自己重伤垂死,随时可能玩完,谈昙则受了反噬昏迷不醒,古一鼓等人无力行动,战斗力基本等于零。 Chu Yang final card in a hand Sword Spirit, was shaken the wound in the fight of former and Devil, absolutely does not have the strength of getting rid. 还有楚阳最后的底牌剑灵,也在之前与天魔的战斗中被震伤,完全没有出手之力。 When all means and cards in a hand leave completely, actually how the enemy, only then despaired! 当一切手段、底牌出尽,却仍奈何不了敌人,就只有绝望了! The Chu Yang fuzzy eye looks that Sovereign of the Law floating comes step by step, helpless forced smile, has exhausted the last strength, muttered: Diwu Chouchang...... You betrayed your brothers tens of thousands year...... In the heart can be somewhat disconsolate?” 楚阳模糊的眼睛看着法尊一步步飘然前来,无奈的苦笑一声,用尽了最后一点力量,喃喃道:“第五惆怅……你背叛了自己的兄弟数万年……心中可有些惆怅么?” The Sovereign of the Law body shakes, in the eye projects complex the strange look that is difficult to be bright, long sigh, said in a soft voice: Humans affair is always miserable, the life is unavoidable \;...... If made me return to the past years, the life and death matter came again, I will choose with them die together...... But, at this moment, even if occurred before present me again...... I actually cannot.” 法尊身子一震,眼中射出复杂难明的古怪神色,长长叹息一声,轻声道:“世事总是凄凉,人生难免惆怅\;……若是让我回到当年,生死事重来,我会选择与他们一起去死……但,事到如今,哪怕再次在如今的我面前发生……我却不能。” A sound calmly asked: Why can't?” 一个声音静静地问道:“为何不能?” This sound does not belong to Tan Tan, does not belong to Gu Yigu and the others, is not the sound that Chu Yang and Sovereign of the Law make. 这个声音不属于谈昙,也不属于古一鼓等人,更加不是楚阳法尊发出的声音。 Did this place still have other people unexpectedly? Oneself completely unconsciously, can hide the truth from person of the sensation unexpectedly, looks all around now matter, may say few, who is this person? 此地竟尚有他人?自己竟全然不觉,能瞒过自己感知之人,环顾当今之事,可说寥寥无几,此人是谁? Sovereign of the Law turns around in great surprise. 法尊大惊转身。 Chu Yang actually already, when hears this sound, complete has put down the concern, fainted. 楚阳却已经在听到这声音的时候,完完全全的放下了心事,昏了过去。 Because, that is the Wu Juecheng sound. 因为,那是舞绝城的声音。 Since Wu Juecheng came, that was equal to being all right. 既然舞绝城来了,那就等于没事了。 He with his ability and wisdom, at the final moment, delayed and win the final critical time after all. With a few words, with Diwu Chouchang the disconsolate disconsolateness of name, has caused the feeling of Sovereign of the Law, delayed that little time. 他毕竟用自己的才智,在最后时刻,拖延、争取到了最后的关键时间。用一句话,用第五惆怅的名字的惆怅的惆怅,引起了法尊的感慨,拖延了那么一点点的时间。 If no these words, Sovereign of the Law comes up to begin, then, even if were Wu Juecheng came, cannot bring back to life! 若是没有这一句话,法尊上来就动手,那么,就算是舞绝城来了,也不能起死回生! But...... Throughout caught up! 但……始终是赶上了! Sovereign of the Law turned around slowly, is facing afterward that person. 法尊缓缓转身,面对着后来的那个人。 Expression somewhat complex meaning of these two people. 这两个人的表情都有些复杂的意味。 Two One of the Nine Tribulations of different time, bye! 不同时代的两名九劫之一,再会! The Wu Juecheng white clothing is floating, the abundant god is handsome, present he, fully restored 40,000 years ago dressing up and appearances. He stands in Sovereign of the Law behind the body is not far. 舞绝城白衣飘飘,丰神俊朗,现在的他,完全恢复了40000年前的装扮和面貌。他就站在法尊身后不远。 But 70-80 feet before the Sovereign of the Law body, is severely wounded Chu Yang. 而在法尊身前七八丈,就是重伤的楚阳 Chu Yang behind the body is not far, is Tan Tan Gu Yigu and the others. 楚阳身后不远,就是谈昙古一鼓等人 From is very near, Sovereign of the Law only needs to lift the hand, has confidence to be able Chu Yang and the others to extinguish completely kills! 距离真的很近,法尊只需要一抬手,就有把握能将楚阳等人全部灭杀! However he does not dare, does not dare, he at this moment, does not dare to have any tiny bit rash action. 但是他不敢,真的不敢,此时此刻的他,不敢有任何一丝一毫的妄动。 Because in his behind the body, Wu Juecheng solidly has locked him. 因为在他的身后,舞绝城已经牢牢地锁定了他。 In addition, Sovereign of the Law can also the clear feeling, Wu Juecheng at this moment, raise his all cultivation base, almost completely condenses lifetime cultivation base to strikes, this is the stance that one type nearly goes all out! 此外,法尊还能清晰的感觉到,此刻的舞绝城,已经将他的所有修为都已经提了起来,几乎是将毕生修为尽都凝聚至一击之间,这是一种近乎拼命的架势! If Sovereign of the Law gets rid, Wu Juecheng will also get rid \; Sovereign of the Law self-confident have the full assurance to extinguish kills Chu Yang and other people, but at the same time, Wu Juecheng that strikes, even if cannot send its doom, can cause heavy losses to him! 若是法尊出手,舞绝城也会出手\;法尊自信自己有十足把握可以能够灭杀楚阳等所有人,但与此同时,舞绝城的那一击,即便不能致其死命,也能将他重创! Moreover that is only a start. 而且那只是一个开始。 From is so near, if carry the heavy losses, Wu Juecheng will not leave oneself any opportunity of escaping absolutely! 距离这么近,若是自己身负重创,舞绝城绝对不会留给自己任何逃生的机会! The only result can only be the dead end! 唯一的结果就只能是死路一条! Will not have the second road again! 不会再有第二条路了! Therefore, Sovereign of the Law does not dare to move, does not dare to have any movement, any movement possibly detonates getting rid of Wu Juecheng. 所以,法尊不敢动,不敢有任何一点动作,任何一点动作都可能引爆舞绝城的出手。 Extinguishes kills Master of Nine Tribulations Sword to be certainly important, no doubt is pleased, but price, if loses a life...... That does not have, appointed what meaning righteousness. 灭杀九劫剑主当然重要,固然快意,但代价若是搭上自己一条命……那就没有任何意义了。 Relative, Wu Juecheng does not dare to move similarly slightly! 相对的,舞绝城同样不敢稍动! He without doubt occupied absolutely the advantageous topography now, favorable position, so long as gets rid, can cause heavy losses to Sovereign of the Law absolutely! But he does not dare to act \; Because he does not have to extinguish self-confidently at one fell swoop kills Sovereign of the Law, once under the Sovereign of the Law heavy losses, act out of desperation, definitely will use the ample force, acts fully, then front Chu Yang and the others died, Wu Juecheng already without enough time stopped, even also not necessarily stopped. 他现在无疑占据了绝对有利地势,有利位置,只要一出手,绝对可以重创法尊!但他也不敢动作\;因为他没有自信可以一举灭杀法尊,一旦法尊重创,狗急跳墙之下,必然会倾尽余力,全力施为,那么前方的楚阳等人就死定了,舞绝城既来不及阻拦,甚至也未必阻拦得了。 Both sides have the scruples respectively, fell into one type subtle and during the balance of danger. 双方各有顾忌,陷入了一种微妙且危险的平衡之中。 Therefore beforehand Sovereign of the Law turns around, Wu Juecheng clearly can make use the attack, usurps the winning side, actually not only has not taken advantage of a favorable situation the attack, instead has drawn back one step, making him turn around calmly. 所以之前法尊转身,舞绝城分明可以趁势进攻,强占上风,却非但没有乘势进攻,反而退了一步,让他从容的转过身来。 Sovereign of the Law shows a faint smile: In the Brother Wu heart has such big scruples unexpectedly unexpectedly? this eminence also thinks that this this eminence did lose? It seems like the heaven cares for this eminence today!” 法尊微微一笑:“不意舞兄心中竟有这么大的顾忌?本座还以为这一阵本座输定了呢?看来老天今天可是非常之眷顾本座啊!” Wu Juecheng indifferently said: In your heart, if unscrupulous, why not to get rid to try? How could it not be under tries to confirm the heaven whether cares for in you?!” 舞绝城淡淡道:“你心中若无顾忌,何不出手一试?一试之下岂非更可验证老天是否眷顾于你?!” Sovereign of the Law smile: behind the body has Brother Wu, such as feels uneasy, what does that dare to try?” 法尊微笑:“身后舞兄,如芒刺在背,那敢尝试什么?” The Wu Juecheng calm face, said: Since does not dare to attempt, that answered my issue, since the age came again, you can live and die together with the brothers, why can't now?” 舞绝城沉着脸,说道:“既然不敢尝试,那就回答我的问题,既然当年事重来一遍,你能与兄弟们同生共死,为何现在就不能?” „, To circumstances change with the time, were the brothers no longer the brothers?” The brow tip corner of the eye of Wu Juecheng, performing is the anger. “难道说,时过境迁,兄弟就不再是兄弟了么?”舞绝城的眉梢眼角,尽是怒火。 It seems like that somewhat blasphemed the brothers friendship words to Sovereign of the Law this, Wu Juecheng was absolute listens not to be pleasing to the ear. In this and other subtle during, unexpectedly sends a punitive expedition, must ascertain to understand. 看来,对法尊这一句有些亵渎兄弟情义的话,舞绝城是绝对的听不顺耳了。在这等微妙的当口,居然兴师问罪,非要问个清楚明白。 Because, these words touched in the Wu Juecheng heart the most sacred place! 因为,这句话触动了舞绝城心中最神圣的地方! This was Chu Yang has also fainted, if Chu Yang has not fainted, heard Wu Juecheng also to have that problem of aristocratic family juniors at this time unexpectedly...... Perhaps Minister Chu can air/Qi faint at the scene once more, why must use again...... 这也就是楚阳已经晕了,若是楚阳还没晕,听到舞绝城在这种时候居然还犯了世家子弟的那种毛病……没准楚御座就能当场再次气晕过去,为什么要用“再”呢…… Sovereign of the Law said with a smile lightly: Brother Wu this comes, can the injury of before receiving convalesce? The little brother to strive for withdrawing on the same day, be forced, uses Brother Wu, often at midnight Meng Hui, regrets, has not thought that until today, has the opportunity to express best wishes to Brother Wu.” 法尊淡淡笑道:“舞兄此来,之前所受的伤势可痊愈了么?小弟当日为求脱身,迫于无奈,利用舞兄,每每午夜梦回,都后悔不已,没想到,直到今日,才有机会向舞兄致意。” Wu Juecheng is angry saying: Do not shift the topic, said uselessly these! Today, so long as I listen to your explanation! You have the misunderstanding, you are very suffering from injustice, you hate your Big Brother, this I can understand. However, did other brothers of past years offend you? How you under went well!” 舞绝城大怒道:“不要转移话题,说那些没用的!今日,我只要听你一个解释!你有误会,你很委屈,你怨恨你的大哥,这我都可以理解。但是,当年的其他兄弟又怎么得罪你了?你怎么下得了手!” Sovereign of the Law complexion gradual cold, said: Past brothers...... That was my past brothers, was not your! You do not have the qualifications to raise them!” 法尊脸色逐渐的冷了起来,道:“当年的兄弟……那是我当年的兄弟,不是你的!你没资格提他们!” Bah!” Wu Juecheng has spat a saliva: Your brothers? You also really feel all right to raise! Truly the one who does not have the qualifications is you!” “呸!”舞绝城吐了口唾沫:“你的兄弟?你还真好意思提!真正没资格的是你!” Another side, small girl Chu Le'er rushed burning with impatience, first pulls out beforehand Chu Yang to give own Nine Layered Pill from own pocket, has fed to Chu Yang, then immediately sits cross-legged to sit down, transports the merit to help Chu Yang disperse the efficacy, hoping to restore as soon as possible. 另一边,小丫头楚乐儿已经心急如焚的奔了过去,先从自己口袋里掏出以前楚阳送给自己的九重丹,给楚阳喂了进去,然后就立即盘膝坐下,运功帮楚阳发散药力,以期尽快恢复。 Regarding all these that Chu Le'er makes, Sovereign of the Law and Wu Juecheng watch \; Wu Juecheng naturally does not pay attention, but Sovereign of the Law also ignores. 对于楚乐儿做的这一切,法尊舞绝城都看在眼里\;舞绝城自然是并不理会的,而法尊也是置之不理。 Just likes has not seen. 恍如未见。
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