TTNH :: Volume #18

#1701: A life and death war!

Chu Yang suddenly simply does not know anything to feel, in heart secret took a deep breath: Bad luck of real his mother, comes, unexpectedly is Sovereign of the Law! Own present most has scruples that person who and most is afraid runs into! 楚阳一时间简直不知道什么感受,心中暗暗叹了一口气:真他娘的倒霉,来的,竟然是法尊!自己现在最顾忌、最害怕遇到的那个人! Can this not know what to do? 这可如何是好? Oneself closed right up against a moment ago under the clothing/taking complete version helping of Nine Layered Pill, the completely dry dantian did not restore certain Yuan Qi, actually when was also most flourishing half is less. 自己靠着刚才服下的不完整版九重丹之助,原本已经完全干涸的丹田恢复一定元气,却也不过是全盛时的一半不到。 This is actually cultivation base large scale strives to bring the small malpractice, so long as before did not swallow complete version Nine Layered Pill, the treatment of cultivation base elementary force instantaneous restoration did not have! 这却是修为大幅度精进带来小弊端,之前只要吞下不完整版九重丹,修为元力瞬间复原的待遇没有了! But the injury light that four Elder condition seemingly is also well below itself. 而伤势较轻的那四位长老的状态貌似还远远不如自己。 Also has another Elder as for Gu Yigu, although takes is complete version Nine Layered Pill, but before them, receives injures is really serious, has saved at present also the life, could not talk about the restoration by far, let alone also had demonic energy to stir up trouble, the battle efficiency can ignore basically. 至于古一鼓还有另一位长老虽然服用得是完整版九重丹,可他们之前受得伤实在太严重,目前也只是保住了性命而已,远远谈不到恢复,更别说还有魔气滋扰,战斗力基本可以忽略不计。 These strengths that own present restores, cope with the common powerhouse no doubt to have more than enough to spare, even if copes with grade eight Supreme, has confidence to win, even ordinary point grade nine Supreme may also socialize, not necessarily cannot deal with. But if must say copes with Sovereign of the Law such must be higher than a super master compared with grade nine peak Supreme 自己现在恢复的这些实力,对付一般的强者固然是绰绰有余,就算是对付八品至尊,也有把握能战而胜之,甚至普通一点的九品至尊也可周旋一番,未必就不能应付。但若是要说对付法尊这样的比九品巅峰至尊还要高出一线的超级高手 Actually is complete and solid collapsing at the first blow! 却是完完全全、实实在在的不堪一击! Or collapses at the first blow a little exaggerates, but said that is far from his enemy, the odds of success is uncertainly appropriate. 或者说不堪一击有点夸张,但说绝非其敌,胜算渺茫却是恰如其分的。 If had been discovered by Sovereign of the Law really oneself some people and others, does not have the principle of escaping by luck certainly, even if Chu Yang can strive to escape, other people also definitely were die, particularly Tan Tan, is at the living corpse condition now! 若是真被法尊发现了自己一干人等,那么,绝无幸免之理,就算楚阳可以勉力逃生,其他人也肯定是死定了,尤其是谈昙,现在正处于活死人状态! But, Sovereign of the Law is comes in this direction at present, how possibly to discover? 但,法尊目前就是直直地向着这个方向过来,怎么可能发现不了? Chu Yang worries too much, was the first time has given birth to the lucky heart unexpectedly. We hope that has the miracle to occur, in the heart prayed secretly: If a ghost built a wall at this time...... 楚阳忧心如焚,竟是头一次生出了侥幸之心。希望有奇迹发生,心中暗暗祈祷:若是这个时候来一个鬼打墙…… Is feeling the sky blazing sunlight, Minister Chu, but sighed. 感觉着天空炽热的阳光,楚御座无奈叹气。 Even if have ghost...... It seems like this grade of weather, is not willing to come out to build a wall...... 就算有鬼……貌似这等天气,也是不肯出来打墙的…… Sovereign of the Law approaching speed quickly, although seems like only such as strolls general, the regulations are to actually shrink to become Cun, a thousand li (500 km). 法尊的行进速度何等快捷,虽然看似只如闲庭信步一般,实则却是缩地成寸,一步千里。 Just moment, arrived at the vicinity. As if felt that anything, then Sovereign of the Law again picked up the vanguard speed on suddenly. 前后只不过片刻光景,就已经来到了近处。似乎感觉到了什么,然后法尊猛地再一次加快了前行速度。 Next moment. Sovereign of the Law flew to this big hole sky, takes a broad view looks, cannot help but stunned, immediately was one type space falls a pork pie to pound in my head of being big and hungry that happy feeling. 一刻法尊已经飞临到了这个大坑的上空,放眼一看,不由得一阵错愕,随即就是一种‘天上掉下来一个大馅饼砸在了饥肠辘辘的我头上’那种痛快感觉。 Really was too pleasantly surprised! 实在是太惊喜了! In an instant, could not bear some unable to believe own eye including Sovereign of the Law. Fixed the eyes on to look again, finally determined, in this, unexpectedly was the acquaintances! 刹那间,连法尊也忍不住有些不敢相信自己的眼睛了。再定睛看了看,才终于确定,这里面,居然都是熟人! Moreover is think of every means to except the archenemies! 而且都是自己费尽心思要除去的大敌! What is most wonderful, these strength quite hard to deal with archenemy completely strengths greatly damage, believes that so long as get rid, can take absolutely easily. Except that at one fell swoop, can a time the elimination such many internal danger, how could it not be the huge happy event! 最妙的是,这些实力相当难缠的大敌尽都战力大损,相信只要自己出手,绝对可以轻易拿下。一举除去,能一次过消灭如此之多的心腹之患,岂非天大快事! Is the day helps me really!” Sovereign of the Law self-satisfied, cannot help but has a good laugh: Ha...... The marvelousness of humans affair. Really is every possible strange thing! If not the Will of Heaven turns over to me, how to deliver to the so big ritual my at present!?” “真乃是天助我也!”法尊志得意满之下,不由自主地仰天大笑:“哈哈哈……世事之奇妙。果然是无奇不有!天意若非归吾,岂会将如此大礼送到吾之眼前!?” Gu Yigu and the others Spirit Sense far inferior Chu Yang, furthermore the severe wound has not recovered, until realized at this moment some people arrive. Saw suddenly is Sovereign of the Law arrives unexpectedly, all people completely are surprised. The aura is nearly confused. 古一鼓等人神识远不及楚阳,更兼重伤未愈,直到此刻才察觉有人来到。猛然见到竟是法尊到来,所有人尽都是大吃一惊。险些气息错乱。 Chu Yang sighed, although was also far from reply, boldly thrusting forward has stood, said with a smile: Lord Sovereign of the Law, is really long time no see. Does not only know that now also asks you Lord Sovereign of the Law somewhat to embarrass you? Also or, calling your Sir Devil to be quite appropriate?” 楚阳叹了口气,虽然还远远没有回复,还是挺身站了起来,微笑道:“法尊大人,真是好久不见了。只不知,现在还叫您法尊大人是否会有些让您难堪呢?亦或是,叫您天魔大人比较合适?” Sovereign of the Law crosses the hands behind the back the smile, the body flutters, entered in this big hole, said with a smile lightly: Regarding the person of dying, this eminence is always tolerant, even if makes you occupy the advantage of several points of argument to reverse the aspect?!” 法尊负手微笑,身子一飘,已经进入了这个大坑之中,淡淡笑道:“对于将死之人,本座向来宽容,就算让你占几分口舌之利难道就能扭转局面吗?!” Chu Yang said: Oh? does Lord Sovereign of the Law such have confidence really? The Nine Tribulations legend, stands erect for ten thousand years, Lord Sovereign of the Law thinks can oneself be the exception?” 楚阳道:“哦?法尊大人真的就这么有把握?九劫传奇,屹立万年,法尊大人认为自己会是例外吗?” Smile of Sovereign of the Law cultured and refined: Before me, Sir Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, you do not think stall for time again absurdly, Nine Tribulations legend?! The legend writes completely, should today finally the chapter! Comes to understand!” 法尊温文尔雅的微笑:“在我面前,九劫剑主大人,你就不要再妄想想着拖延时间了,九劫传奇?!传奇写尽,今日合该终章!觉悟吧!” The voice has not fallen, almost does not have throwing of indication to fly, attacks Chu Yang crazily! 话音未落,几乎全无征兆的扑飞而出,狂攻楚阳 Gets rid, is heaven falls and earth rends general full acting! 一出手,就已是天崩地裂一般的全力施为! A long delay usually means many problems! 夜长梦多! Chu Yang understands this truth, therefore as far as possible stall for time \; Sovereign of the Law lived compared with him the tens of thousands year, naturally understanding. No matter also has the person to aid, only then has killed this Master of Nine Tribulations Sword first, is the most correct choice! 楚阳明白这个道理,所以尽量拖延时间\;法尊比他多活了数万年,自然是更加的明白。不管还有没有人来援手,惟有先杀了这个九劫剑主,才是最正确的选择! Always only has the deceased person to enemy who oneself have not threatened completely! 对自己完全没有威胁的敌人从来就只有死人而已! So long as has handled Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, so-called Legend was disillusioned, once the legend falls from the sky, anything said! 只要搞定了九劫剑主,所谓传说就算破灭了,传奇一旦陨落,什么都好说了! A Chu Yang long and loud cry, turns head to shout to clear the way: Kills him! Nine Heavens may decide!” 楚阳一声长啸,一扭头喝道:“干掉他!九重天就可定了!” Also has the ambusher, assurance full appearance that has victory in the hand. 一副还有伏兵,胜券在握的把握满满的样子。 Sovereign of the Law actually continually turns head not to turn head, the whole person flew to Chu Yang sky over, the waterfall falls in torrents the common several hundred fists and feet already the fierce wind sudden downpour fell: Before me, dares to play one set of being mysterious? Hehe, Sir Sword Master, you were too weak! Inferior method that you resort, is I plays to remain!” 法尊却是连回头也没回头,整个人已经飞临到楚阳上空,瀑布倾泄一般的数百拳脚已经狂风骤雨的落了下来:“在我面前,也敢玩故弄玄虚的一套?呵呵,剑主大人,你实在太幼稚了一些!你耍的低劣手段,都是我玩剩的!” Chu Yang speech time, Nine Tribulations Sword in the hand, took out also remaining last complete version Nine Layered Pill that the left hand was quietly, has forced in oneself mouth. 楚阳说话的时候,九劫剑已经在手,左手悄无声息的取出了还剩下的最后一颗完全版九重丹,塞进了自己嘴里。 Final complete version Nine Layered Pill, he does not want to use, at least does not want to use here. 最后的完整版九重丹,他本不想用的,至少不想用在这里。 But at this moment, arrived at the time that must use. 但此刻,已经到了非用不可的时候。 With present, absolutely cannot only block the attack of Sovereign of the Law. 只凭着现在的自己,是绝对挡不住法尊的进攻的。 Only are at the strongest summit condition, has with the leeway that it socializes! 惟有自己处于最强的颠峰状态,才有与之周旋的余地! Nine Tribulations Sword gives birth to incisive howling suddenly, the Sword Point four moves simultaneously erupts together. 九劫剑骤然生出一道尖锐的呼啸,剑尖四招同时爆发而出。 One Ray of Cold Light Piercing Ten Thousands Fathoms \; Killing All Under The Heaven, Why Not \; A Sharp Will Buried Deep Will Not Change, Gather Wind And Cloud To Rule Over All! 一点寒光万丈芒\;屠尽天下又何妨\;深埋不改凌锐志,一聚风云便是皇 These four moves just liked the volcanic eruption send out generally. 这四招犹如火山爆发一般的发出了。 The body of Sovereign of the Law from the sky moves fast round trip, fists and feet like wind, completely by forcing person \; Crazy long-distance range attack! Does not give Chu Yang the opportunity of Nine Tribulations Sword near body absolutely, constantly to be heavy such as the fists and feet of mountain to strike hits unceasingly above sword light! 法尊的身子在空中飘忽来去,拳脚如风,完全是以力压人\;疯狂的远距离进攻!绝对不给楚阳九劫剑近身的机会,一味的以重如山岳的拳脚击不断打在剑光之上! Continual hitting hard has completed in a blink. 连续的重击在一眨眼间已经完成了。 Chu Yang grunt, the mouth spurts backing up of blood to exit, turns out several somersaults again and again, the complexion is wicked. 楚阳一声闷哼,口喷鲜血的倒退出去,连连翻出几个跟头,脸色惨厉。 Nine Layered Pill in mouth rumble has swallowed. 口中的九重丹咕噜一声咽了下去。 A pure efficacy diverges instantaneously. 一股精纯药力瞬间发散。 But Sovereign of the Law did not relax closely pursues: Sir Sword Master, good pure Nine Tribulations Sword Art, compared with past Jun Lie, only feared that also surpasses more than plans \; However...... You had as if forgotten who I am! Others or did not know about Nine Tribulations Sword Art, but actually absolutely does not include this eminence!” 法尊已经毫不放松的紧紧追来:“剑主大人,好精纯的九劫剑法,比起当年的君烈,只怕还超出不止一筹\;不过……你似乎忘记了我是谁!别人或者对九劫剑法不了解,但却绝对不包括本座在内!” this eminence in the past, far more than has one time compared notes Nine Tribulations Sword Art? Speaking of to the Nine Tribulations Sword Art familiarity, this eminence only feared that must be familiar with several points compared with you!” In the Sovereign of the Law sound, has lightly, actually distant and desolate fondly remembering, in mouth actually sad and shrill is laughing: Suffers to death!” 本座当年,又何止一次切磋过九劫剑法?说到对九劫剑法的熟悉程度,本座只怕比你还要熟悉几分!”法尊的声音里,有着淡淡的,却悠远而苍凉的怀念,口中却是凄厉的大笑着:“受死吧!” Sovereign of the Law gets rid once more, before the power and influence resembles the victory unexpectedly . Moreover, beforehand attack, although is swift and fierce, is the category of Nine Heavens feat of arms finally, this time flies high a palm, actually brings exceptionally rich black mist, like a day of great axe, chops to Chu Yang, when bold and powerful, presently is more terrifying. 法尊再次出手,威势竟似更胜之前,而且,之前的攻击,虽然凌厉,却总算还属于九重天武技的范畴,这次的凌空一掌,竟然带出来异常浓郁的黑色雾气,有如开天巨斧,劈向楚阳,威猛之余,更现恐怖。 In the mouth You Zi sighed lightly: Has not thought really...... Master of Nine Tribulations Sword that Heaven's Will in Legend turns over, will die unexpectedly in my hands!” 口中尤自淡淡叹息:“真没想到……传说中的天命所归的九劫剑主,居然会死在我的手里!” The meaning of these words some are meaningful. 这句话的含义有些意味深长。 Whose hand Master of Nine Tribulations Sword dies is the important matter, but is not the too strange matter. Only had Master of Nine Tribulations Sword dead in once Nine Tribulations...... Really makes people speechless. 九劫剑主死在谁的手里都是大事,但不是什么太古怪的事。唯有九劫剑主死在曾经的九劫手里……才真是让人无语。 The voice has not fallen, actually sees also crazily spurted the blood, this absolutely did not have Chu Yang suddenly of ability to act to jump, the sword light sound of sword launches. 话音未落,却见原本还狂喷鲜血,本已该完全没有行动能力的楚阳猛地纵身而起,剑光霍霍展开。 sword light is tenacious, thorough, is having the strength of intense counter- shaking, before the power and influence unexpectedly is the victory. 剑光顽强,绵密,带着强烈的反震之力,威势竟是更胜之前。 Sovereign of the Law is startled, has felt immediately actually relaxed, said: My actually has almost forgotten another signature treasure Nine Layered Pill of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword besides Nine Tribulations Sword...... Restores such quickly, thinks that took most complete version that? Does not know that some of your also how many Nine Layered Pill can consume? Also can resist my several waves of attacks?!” 法尊一怔,随即却已释然,道:“我倒是差点忘了九劫剑主除了九劫剑之外的另一项独门宝物九重丹……恢复得这么快,想必是服用了最完整版的那种吧?就不知道你还有多少九重丹可以消耗?又能抵挡我几波攻击?!” Chu Yang remains silent the non- throat, goes all out to display Nine Tribulations Sword Art, only asked the multi- braces for a while is for a while. Since has known for sure now can be said as rebirth the most dangerous time, even if said a character, lest has consumed own strength, where will also answer? 楚阳闷声不吭,拼命施展九劫剑法,只求多撑一时是一时。情知现在可说是自己重生以来最危险的时刻,哪怕是多说一个字,都唯恐耗费了自己的力量,哪里还会回话? Nearby before , the Nine Tribulations brain truster hits wisely, courts death absolutely! 跟前度的前度九劫智囊打机锋,绝对是找死! Chu Yang has attempted one time, will not attempt the second time. 楚阳已经尝试过一次,绝不会尝试第二次。 End good sword art!” Sovereign of the Law laughs, gets rid, while inundates the sound to recite: Iron Rampart And Copper Wall Don't Rest From Battle, To This One Life What Also Seek? Nine Heavens Weathers Simultaneously Gather \; It's Not My Time To Die, A Lord Doesn't Worry! Good sword! At this time, with these moves, most gathered suitable!” “端的好剑法!”法尊哈哈一笑,一边出手,一边漫声吟道:“铁壁铜墙战未休,得此一生又何求九霄风云齐聚会\;我未亡时君无忧!好剑!这时候,用这几招,正是最合适宜的!” These four, are the Nine Tribulations Sword Art name, Chu Yang now the move of causing. 这四句,正是九劫剑法的名称,楚阳现在正使出来的招数。 These moves of sword art are the complete defenses. 这几招剑法乃是完全的防御。 The defense results in the wind and rain to be airtight, the water drop does not enter! 防御得风雨不透,滴水不入! A Sovereign of the Law body spin, changed to a lot of shadows instantaneously, encircles, in the Chu Yang body leans beside 50 feet, a lot of shadow movements such as one, the same fortune palm chops crazily! It looks like in the sea stirs up the innumerable dreadful rough sea waves suddenly, by gathers to the middle in all directions, besieges that originally on middle position already the tottering boat! 法尊身子一旋,瞬间化作了千百个影子,围在楚阳身侧五丈之外,千百个影子动作如一,同时运掌狂劈!就像是大海中突然间掀起来无数滔天巨浪,由四面八方向中间聚拢,围攻中间位置上的那一条原本就已经摇摇欲坠的小船! Sovereign of the Law knows, four moves that Nine Tribulations Sword Art this most defends come out, if only a storm, if has not surpassed opposite party over dozens times strengths, the possibility of simply not having broken through. 法尊知道,九劫剑法这最强防御的四招一出来,若是单凭着一点强攻,若是没有超出对方数十倍以上的力量,根本没有攻破的可能。 All previous Master of Nine Tribulations Sword uses this move not to know that cut to kill many powerful enemies. 历代九劫剑主利用这一招不知道斩杀了多少强敌。 Because, the enemy for a long time cannot capture, unavoidably will unable to calm down, overwhelming majorities will choose near body to fight. So long as a near body...... What defense capability among the world also has to resist the sharpness of Nine Tribulations Sword? 因为,敌人久攻不下,难免会沉不住气,绝大多数都会选择近身而战。但只要一近身……天下间还有什么防御能力能够抵挡九劫剑的锋锐? Therefore this move seems like the passive defense, the regulations contained extremely secret tempting enemy strategy, for the defensive counter-attack, turns defeat into victory, it can be said that not two electing. Often some formidable enemies, are plant here. Sovereign of the Law as once One of the Nine Tribulations, moreover is in Nine Tribulations the most important brain truster, how can not know this point? 所以这招看似被动防守,实则却是包含了极隐秘的诱敌策略,用于防守反击,反败为胜,可说是不二之选。往往一些强大的敌人,就是栽在在这里。法尊作为曾经的九劫之一,而且是九劫之中最重要的智囊,岂会不知道这一点? ...... ……
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