TTNH :: Volume #17

#1700: Dangerous situation mortal enemy!

In the Devil this moment heart really has overturned the the five flavours bottle, sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy hot is salty, following! 天魔这一刻心中真是打翻了五味瓶,酸甜苦辣咸,接踵而至! I very owed...... 我忒亏了…… If not for were chopped both hands, if not for...... 若不是被砍了双手,若不是…… The Devil sincerity must cry, wants to cry but have no tears. 天魔真心要哭,也是欲哭无泪。 A that middle-aged scholar move goes well, does not neglect, gets rid once again, the sword light sound of sword, is critical situation. 那中年文士一招得手,毫不怠慢,再度出手,剑光霍霍,如临大敌。 Unexpectedly is grade nine peak Supreme!” Devil called out pitifully, the body was continually two swords, suddenly the ghost all braved, to call out one, rushed on ahead to walk. “居然又是一个九品巅峰至尊!”天魔惨叫一声,身上又是连中两剑,一时间亡魂皆冒,嚎叫一声,夺路而走。 This old man is not only uses the poisonous master! Moreover grade nine peak Supreme! 这老头不但是个用毒的高手!而且还是九品巅峰至尊 I held, how the master of this Nine Heavens Continent Legend rank such is in flood...... 我真是操了,这九重天大陆传说级别的高手怎么这么泛滥呢…… the path exhausted, the end of the road Devil where has also dared to prolong contact, immediately transfers a direction, the persimmon selects soft pinching first, chooses breaks through from the small Miss direction, first runs. Went back to say again...... 已经穷途末路天魔哪里还敢恋战,立即转个方向,柿子先挑软的捏,选择从小姑娘的方向突围,先跑吧。回去了再说…… This Devil, even including attacking this small Miss thoughts did not have, does not dare. 这回的天魔,甚至连攻击这个小姑娘的心思都没有了,也不敢了。 , This small was Miss also impossible is also grade nine peak Supreme? 再说了,这小姑娘不可能也是九品巅峰至尊了吧? So long as can be separated from here as soon as possible, was all previous Devil Race demon sect blesses here is really too dangerous. 只要能够尽快的脱离这里,就是历代魔族魔宗保佑了这里实在是太危险了。 This Nine Heavens Continent was really too strange, met one unable to stir up, ordinary time could not see these people, were injured one after another appears...... This he any way of the world...... 九重天大陆实在是太奇怪了,遇到一个就是惹不起,平常的时候也见不到这些人,偏偏自己一受了伤就接二连三的出现了……这他么的什么世道…… When the Devil body just moved, that is similar to pearl beautiful jade attractive small Miss suddenly is generally supine the face to reveal sincere smiling to him. 就在天魔身体刚刚移动的时候,那如同明珠美玉一般漂漂亮亮的小姑娘突然仰起脸向他露出一个纯真之极的笑。 This smiles really beautifully! 这一笑真美! Although the Devil manner is ferocious, this moment almost this was also smiled charming. 天魔为人虽然穷凶极恶,这一刻也几乎被这一笑给迷住了。 Too chaste! Did not have the flaw! Too adorable! 太纯洁了!太无瑕了!太可爱了! But immediately that small Miss pure white small hand beckons toward oneself. Has been in full bloom like oneself in front of two pure white orchids. 但随即那小姑娘洁白的小手就是向着自己招了招手。就像自己面前盛开了两朵洁白的兰花。 Devil is startled, immediately felt a difficult word the pain raises from own body, immediately is similar to kills the pig general yelled: Oh...... Damn...... Innate's Poison...... I...... ~~ 天魔一怔,随即就感觉一阵难言的痛苦从自己身体上升起,顿时如同杀猪一般的大叫起来:“天哪……见鬼了……先天之毒……我……得得得得得得~~” Finally unexpectedly the even/including spoke also says inadequately, ‚’...... The live image is the healthy horse in the hoofbeat rhythm that on the flat land slightly runs. If there is a person who is skilled in the music in one side, almost must think this guy in the performance riding a horse dance...... 最后居然连说话也说不成了,一个劲的‘得得得’……活像是健马在平地上小跑的马蹄声节奏。若是有精通音乐的人在一边,几乎要以为这厮是在演奏骑马舞…… Invisible Poison but actually, but Innate's Poison. This gadget actually including the terrifying thing that Devil cannot withstand! 无形之毒倒也罢了,但先天之毒。这玩意却是连天魔都承受不住的恐怖东西! That middle-aged scholar got rid is Invisible Poison has sufficed abnormally, has not thought of such a naive chaste small Miss fearful, terror, sinister. 那中年文士一出手就是无形之毒已经够变态了,没想到这么一个天真纯洁的小姑娘更加的可怕,更加的恐怖,更加的毒辣。 Unexpectedly greeted does not hit one, got rid is Innate's Poison! 居然招呼也不打一个,出手就是先天之毒 Urges truly bad luck...... 真正是倒霉催的啊…… Devil these time cried. In there the fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out, both were mixed first not to have two hands, here was brought upon oneself Invisible Poison, then was Innate's Poison...... 天魔这一次是真的哭了。在那里先是被人车轮战,把两只手都混没了,在这里又是自找的中了一次无形之毒,然后接着就又是一次先天之毒…… I...... Whom I incur to annoy who I?...... 我……我招谁惹谁了我?…… Devil changes into the black smoke once again, rolling goes. 天魔再度化为黑烟,滚滚而去。 Under the threat of own life direct close from the bottom time, Devil now only reading wants only then escapes. Wu Juecheng and Chu Le'er have not pursued, is not they do not want to pursue, but was the speed of Devil escape is too quick. Dies of exhaustion them unable to overtake. 在自家生命直接接近倒数计时的威胁之下,天魔现在唯一的念想就只有逃命而已。舞绝城楚乐儿并没有追赶,不是他们不想追,而是天魔逃命的速度实在太快了。累死他们也是追不上的。 Escape speed that now Devil erupts simply is shocking and unthinkable, the scene of also blinking, thoroughly vanished the shadow, is in this way amazingly quick, really worthily is the calamity world demon. 这会子天魔爆发出来的逃命速度简直就是骇人听闻、匪夷所思的,前后也就眨眼的光景,就已经彻底消失了影子,如斯神速,真不愧是祸世魔头。 Saw that Devil flees runs away to go. Chu Le'er somewhat puzzled wrinkle attractive eyebrow: Master, this is in Legend Devil? That calamity world Devil King?” 眼看着天魔亡命逃窜而去。楚乐儿有些不解的皱起了好看的眉毛:“师父,这就是传说中的的天魔?那个祸世魔王?” Wu Juecheng is thinking the issue, along with tastes: Yes, this is Outlands Devil in Legend.” 舞绝城在想问题,随口道:“是啊,这个就是传说中的域外天魔。” Chu Le'er tilts the head: But...... So-called calamity world demon on this strength? This also too out of it...... How did not have, unexpectedly weeps and wails ran, if he does not run away. I thought over I to tidy up him, I thought that he also exaggerated a point on that speed, did not have any extraordinary place again...... Really clearly blind such big reputation......” 楚乐儿歪着头:“可是……所谓祸世魔物就这实力?这也太逊了吧……还没怎么着呢,居然就哭着喊着跑了,他要是不逃。我掂量着我就收拾得了他,我看他也就那速度夸张一点,再没什么了不得的地方了……真是白瞎了这么大的名头了……” Wu Juecheng is startled. What words is this? 舞绝城一怔。这是什么话? Outlands Devil, such terrifying existence, was talked into by own apprentice unexpectedly too out of it!’, Really was clearly blind that big reputation...... 域外天魔啊,这么恐怖的存在,居然被自己徒弟说成了‘太逊了!’,‘真是白瞎了那么大的名头了’…… This was really somewhat satirizes. 这真是有些讽刺了。 Small girl is innocent, do not speak at a venture.” Wu Juecheng has thought a meeting immediately. Recalls combat process that had been fleeting a moment ago, said slowly: Girl. You were the story were too shallow, how Devil like that cannot withstand, naturally, you who was possible such as you to say said that you can tidy up present him, this saying I believed \; Because this only Devil definitely was seriously injured sufficiently fatal, even frequently had the heavy losses of sorrow of life, therefore so is bad......” also has, does not know that you do have to notice, two hands of that Devil did not have \; Therefore he attacks me from the beginning, can only bite with the mouth...... Although a moment ago was only the short confrontation, but judged according to me, this Devil real strength must dominate in the Supreme grade nine summit above absolutely, even must exceed the limit of Nine Heavens boundary, if his injury is not serious, your my master and disciple two people want today more unfortunate than fortunate also perhaps......” “小丫头不懂事,不要乱说话。”舞绝城随即想了一会。回忆了一下刚才稍纵即逝的战斗过程,缓缓道:“丫头。你还是阅历太浅了,天魔怎么可能如你所说的那般不堪呢,当然了,你说你能收拾得了现在的他,这话我信\;因为这只天魔肯定是受了足以致命的重伤,甚至已经是动辄有性命之忧的重创,所以才如此不济……”“还有,不知道你有没有留意到,那天魔的两只手也已经没有了\;所以他一开始攻击我,只能用嘴咬人了……刚才虽然只是短暂交锋,但据我判断,这天魔的真实实力绝对要凌驾在至尊九品颠峰以上,甚至还要超出九重天地界的极限,若是他伤势没那么重,那你我师徒二人今日要凶多吉少也说不定……” The judgment of Chu Le'er to own master naturally did not suspect that the pretty nose wrinkled the wrinkle, said: This fellow also is really rarely seen, both mixed not to have two hands obviously, unexpectedly also dares to provoke us...... What is most interesting, he opens mouth to cope with Master Invisible Poison unexpectedly, this may really be too amusing......” 楚乐儿对自己师傅的判断自然并不怀疑,娇俏的鼻子皱了皱,道:“不过这家伙还真是奇葩,明明已经把两只手都混没了,居然还敢招惹我们……最有趣的是,他居然张着嘴来对付师父无形之毒,这可真是太好玩了……” Listened to disciple to say interesting, Wu Juecheng could not bear laugh, when smiled, moral nature still somewhat fear. 听徒儿说得有趣,舞绝城也忍不住哈哈一笑,一笑之余,心底仍不禁有几分后怕。 Do not look that Wu Juecheng said is to Chu Le'er serious, the regulations still as far as possible pulled down the tyrannical strength that Devil had, the Wu Juecheng tens of thousands year story, how unable to see that the Devil limit is, in this way the demon, seriously is surprising fearsome! 别看舞绝城楚乐儿说得已经是很郑重,实则仍是尽可能的压低了天魔所拥有的强横实力,舞绝城数万年阅历,怎么会看不出天魔的极限所在,如斯魔头,当真是可惊可怖! These words, said to apprentice now that will actually attack her self-confidence...... Therefore has retained. 只是这些话,现在对徒弟说,却会打击她的自信心……所以还是有所保留。 Has thought quite a while throughout thinks clearly, how the so terrifying fellow not to fall to so the paddies, that welldoing also was too seemingly miserable a point...... 只是想了半天始终是想不明白,如此恐怖的家伙怎么会落到这般田地,那德行貌似也太惨了一点吧…… Actually is whose fucking awesome such, does Devil that unexpectedly can being insufferably arrogant project on this situation? Almost was hits hits remnantly hits waste fragmentarily! 究竟是谁这么的牛叉,居然能够将不可一世的天魔打到这种地步?几乎就是打残打废打零碎了! Really was makes one admire really...... Will this Nine Heavens world have such Deity unexpectedly?...... 真真是太令人佩服了……这九重天世界居然会有如此神人?…… We proceed tightly to catch up two steps \; Perhaps Devil in front injured, if possible, can these do but actually the Devil big energy is proper.” In the Wu Juecheng look has thick interest. “咱们往前多紧赶两步\;也许天魔就是在前面受伤的呢,若有可能,会会那些干倒天魔的大能才是正经。”舞绝城眼神中有浓浓的兴趣。 Reason that with these is because Devil is really extremely tyrannical, breaks a non- person of strength to be possible with it socializing, idle talk disability hence! 之所以用“那些”是因为天魔实在是太过强横,断非一人之力可与之周旋,更遑论将之伤残至此! Good!” Nod that Chu Le'er is too busy, the small girl naturally in extinguishing demon hero is interested very much. “好!”楚乐儿忙不迭的点头,小丫头自然对灭魔英雄很感兴趣。 The master and disciple two people sped up the footsteps, is similar to two cool breezes, vanishes above the main road rapidly. 师徒二人加快了脚步,就如同两股清风,迅速消失在大路之上。 ...... …… In the battlefield, performing is eyeful in confusion. 战场上,尽是满眼的狼藉。 From the beginning confusion of Tan Tan and the others manufacture, enough 10 thousand feet surrounding area, just like a big hole. 一开始谈昙等人制造的混乱,足足千丈方圆,宛若一个大坑。 Chu Yang and other people, although took spirit medicine, actually also reluctantly active, the wound that after all this time received was too serious a point, all people completely same place sat cross-legged to sit in meditation, restore the strength, transported the merit therapy. The Three Stars Sacred Clan seven people, six people are the whole body wounds, Tan Tan in stupor. 楚阳等一干人虽然都服下了灵药,却也只是勉强能动而已,毕竟这次所受的伤太严重了一点,所有人尽都原地盘膝打坐,恢复实力,运功疗伤。三星圣族七个人,有六个人都是浑身的伤,还有一个谈昙在昏迷之中。 With a Devil war, the price that all people of entering the war pay is not very small. 天魔一战,参战的所有人付出的代价都很不小。 Especially Gu Yigu with another Elder, this they, although can take complete version helping of Nine Layered Pill, saves the life, the mortal body wound also gradually restored, convalesces the time, Devil demonic energy that but, the body contaminates, is actually not able to drive out. 尤其是古一鼓与另一位长老,这俩人虽然得以服用完整版九重丹之助,保全性命,肉身的创伤也已渐渐恢复,痊愈可期,但,身上沾染的天魔魔气,却是无法驱除的。 Once this Devil demonic energy moistens the body, the trouble is it may be said that incomparable, cultivation base not high, strength in meditation insufficient person, the fascinated date was not far, even if such as Gu Yigu cultivation base profoundness, takes to be stirred up trouble by demonic energy unceasingly, once the disposition were uncertain, still had by the demon danger, regarding this, even if were Chu Yang, was helpless. 天魔魔气一旦沾身,可谓麻烦无比,修为不高、定力不够之人,入魔之日不远,就算如古一鼓修为高深者,也要被魔气不断滋扰,一旦心性不定,仍有被魔化的危险,对此,就算是楚阳,也是无能为力。 The Heaven never seals off all exits, Chu Yang does not have the means to demonic energy finally, was not equal to that nobody has the means that for example Tan Tan, Three Stars Saint King! 总算天无绝人之路,楚阳魔气没办法,并不等于没有人有办法,比如谈昙,三星圣王 Tan Tan is in itself Supreme Devil Body, is to the body of demon, Devil demonic energy regarding the average person is the huge trouble, to Tan Tan, is one type has the food supplement of nutrition very much. 谈昙本身乃是无上魔体,乃属至魔之身,天魔魔气对于一般人是天大的麻烦,对谈昙而言,却是一种很有营养的滋补品。 Therefore, so long as and other Tan Tan woke up, may guarantee is well with everything with the mystique absorption. 所以,只要等谈昙醒来,用秘法吸取就可确保万事大吉了。 Everybody completely sit cross-legged to transport the merit, restoration own strength of racing against time. Now in the wilderness open country, is four not to depend on the region. The people are in the unprecedented absolute weak time...... If before restoring the strength, there is a master in Law Enforcer aspect to pass through here...... 大伙尽都盘坐运功,争分夺秒的恢复自身实力。现在可是在荒郊野外,属于四不靠地带。众人又都处于空前的绝对虚弱时期……若是恢复实力之前,有执法者方面的高手经过这里…… That may really be as easy as blowing off dust can link Master of Nine Tribulations Sword to bring Three Stars Sacred Clan to catch everything in one net...... 那可真是不费吹灰之力就能连九劫剑主三星圣族一网打尽了…… If by such dog deng transporting, the people absolutely is to die with a remaining grievance...... 若是被人走了那样的狗屎运,众人绝对是死不瞑目啊…… Everybody heart has like this sense of urgency. 大家心头都有这样的紧迫感。 In the people, condition is best by Chu Yang at present, when transports with concentration the merit restores Yuan Qi, desirably own Spirit Sense emits, pays attention all around news of activity, is people Guardian, avoids the accident occurring! 众人之中,以楚阳目前状态最好,潜心运功恢复元气之余,刻意将自身神识放出,留意周遭动静,为众人护法,避免意外发生! However this gadget is very weird, good not spirit bad spirit that such as that proverb said. 不过这玩意儿真的很邪门,就如那句老话说的好的不灵坏的灵。 When people with trepidation, and goes all out to restore \; A broken rumor resounds suddenly, a distant place shadow rapid catches up, the speed quick such as the wind urges. 就在众人提心吊胆兼且拼命恢复的时候\;突然间一阵破风声响起,远方一道黑影迅速的赶来,速度快如风催。 A person shoulders both hands, a long hair hangs loose in the two sides, long. 一个人背负双手,一头长发披散在两边,悠悠而来。 neither too fast nor too slow, leisurely and carefree natural and unrestrained. 不疾不徐,悠闲潇洒 Sovereign of the Law that comes the person to return to! 来人正是从中都返回的法尊 Sovereign of the Law beforehand realized that ghost sword demon blade they before broken go to the demon to run metal into cracks at the point of death, rather is frightened out of one's wits , not cheap, the fact has become, again has not overtaken, but is the choice turns back directly. Walks while considers the matter, here distant the dust until the discovery is filling the heavens, on the way comes to have a look at the situation. 法尊之前察觉鬼剑魔刀两人在临死之前破去魔锢,宁可魂飞魄散,也不便宜自己,事实已成,也就没有再赶过去,而是选择直接折回。一边走一边斟酌事情,直到发现这边远远的尘土弥天,才顺路过来看看情况。 Naturally, attracts truly his is here has the Devil aura to overflow unexpectedly faintly, this makes Sovereign of the Law greatly be the surprise: What person can make into this with this demon? Unexpectedly hadn't been killed?! 当然,真正吸引他的却是这边居然隐隐有天魔的气息流溢,这让法尊大为诧异:什么人能够与这个魔头打成这样子?居然没被干掉?! Sovereign of the Law is getting more and more near. 法尊越来越近。 Chu Yang at present the Spirit Sense unparalleled in the world, at least is under Nine Heavens unparalleled not right, naturally also realized that somewhat familiar formidable aura. The mouth reveals a somewhat desperate forced smile. 楚阳目前神识可谓天下无双,至少是九重天之下无双无对,自然也察觉到了那有些熟悉的强大气息。嘴边不由露出一丝有些绝望的苦笑。 Right now really ends! 这下子真完了! ............ …………
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