TTNH :: Volume #17

#1699: „Well? Unexpectedly is Devil?”

The Chu Yang tornado flushed generally, the whole body strength also finally diverges, turns head to look that continually a strength did not have, entire body splash solid falling on the ground, motionless, is not Chu Yang does not want to move, was really a strength did not have, true unable to move a single step. 楚阳旋风一般冲了出去,浑身的力量也终于发散完毕,连回头看一眼的力量也没了,整个身体“扑通”地一声结结实实的摔在地上,一动也不动,不是楚阳不想动,实在是一点力气也没有了,真正的动弹不得 The Tan Tan diving posture has caught up finally, blocks before the Chu Yang body, in mouth still keeping is spitting the blood. If Devil must go forward at this time, then, Tan Tan did not mind that absolutely such went all out, draws Devil dead together. 谈昙终于飞身赶了过来,拦在楚阳身前,口中犹自在不停的吐着鲜血。若是天魔这时还要上前,那么,谈昙绝对不介意就这么拼了命,拉着天魔一起死。 The Devil wound is very heavy, quite heavy. 天魔的伤很重,相当的重。 Even if grade nine peak Supreme, receives such heavy wound, did not have the possible half body of going on living to be destroyed thoroughly, the remaining half bodies had almost also made into the screen by Chu Yang sword energy. 就算是一位九品巅峰至尊,受到这样重的伤,也已经没有了活下去的可能半边身子被彻底打碎,剩下的半边身子也几乎被楚阳剑气打成了筛子。 A hand did not have thoroughly, another hand is still also withstanding the heartless combustion of fire of Nirvana. 一只手彻底没了,另一只手也还在承受着涅槃之火的无情燃烧。 Devil such wound, has almost not been able to describe seriously, the injury, 10,000 individuals must die in this way 9999 people. 天魔这样的伤,几乎已经不能严重来形容了,如斯伤势,10000个人也得死9999人。 But Devil throughout is Devil, he is that if by any chance, or because also he is not a person, but is the demon. 天魔始终是天魔,他就是那个万一,或者也因为他本就不是人,而是魔。 First fights seven big Supreme, defeat in detail, fights a decisive battle with Three Stars Saint King, gets the winning side comprehensively \; Again with a Master of Nine Tribulations Sword move of connection, although investigates in unclearly suffered a loss, still makes Master of Nine Tribulations Sword be incapable of moving, a move almost scatters Sword Spirit! 先战七大至尊,各个击破,又与三星圣王决战,全面占据上风\;再与九劫剑主一招交接,虽然不明究里吃了大亏,却依然让九劫剑主无力行动,更一招几乎将剑灵打散! Such cultivation base, in Nine Heavens absolute being unparalleled in the world! 这样的修为,在九重天绝对的独步天下! Perhaps such injury, changed individual already dead did not know several, but Devil still jumped for joy. Un, just present jumping for joy, has the larger part but is actually hurts, was really too pain, moreover continued the uninterrupted pain. 这样伤势,或许换个人早已死了不知几回了,但天魔仍旧活蹦乱跳的。嗯,只不过现在的‘活蹦乱跳’,倒有一大半是疼的,实在是太疼了,而且还是持续不间断的痛楚。 The raging flames of fire of Nirvana in the hand, the Devil pain simply is the straight being enthralled marrow! 涅槃之火在手上熊熊燃烧,天魔的痛苦简直就是直入神髓! His rave. Using demonic energy, leaves completely cultivation base, does not hesitate at all costs, actually throughout cannot put off this Phoenix Clan the life flame. 他狂吼着。利用魔气,出尽修为,不惜一切代价,却始终不能扑灭这凤凰一族的本命火焰。 Devil thorough wanting to cry but have no tears. 天魔彻底的欲哭无泪。 However the demon throughout is the demon, he is enduring hurting reluctantly, transforms a blade using demonic energy, that brushes, has cut the right hand unexpectedly, from small arm place neat breaking on the ground. Also jumped two. 不过魔始终是魔,他勉强忍着疼,利用魔气幻化一把刀,刷的一声,竟是生生将自己右手切了下来,自小臂处齐刷刷的断在地上。还蹦跳了两下。 The poisonous snake bites the hand, the brave soldier breaks wrist. Same truth, but Devil these breaks the brave soldier of wrist to want compared with that but with tragedy some...... 毒蛇噬手,壮士断腕。正是同一个道理,只不过天魔这一遭比那断腕的壮士更加要无奈和悲剧一些…… Because he broke wrist not to have the hand to take the blade. 因为他连‘断腕’都没有手拿刀了。 The fire of Nirvana slowly was still burning, looked that meaning does not burn down that arm not to calculate absolutely. 涅槃之火仍在缓缓燃烧着,看那意思是不烧光那节手臂绝对不算完。 Devil rave, angry was yelling. Sound already several near hoarse. Even if the body of Devil, but such injury , was really too heavy. 天魔狂吼着,愤怒的大叫着。声音已经几近嘶哑。纵然是天魔之体,但这样的伤势,也委实是太重了。 Now two hands all did not have, at the same time the shoulder did not have \; Half body has broken to pieces, the remaining half bodies are also tattered and torn...... The Devil present wound, initially was captured wiped out 90% nine cultivation base the time is much more serious than! 现在两只手全没了,一边肩膀也没了\;还有半个身体都碎了,剩下半边身子也是千疮百孔……天魔现在的伤,比当初被擒住被生生打掉九成九修为的时候还要严重得多! But what is most miserable, the strength of oneself reassignment also completely has exhausted forcefully. Cannot continue. At present, basic approached the oil lamp to be completely dry. 而最惨的是,自己强行调动的力量也已经全部耗尽。无以为继。目前,基本已经接近油尽灯枯。 At this moment, Devil only reading wants only then withdraws to escape, after all. Goes on living having in the future. 此刻,天魔唯一的念想就只有脱身逃命而已,毕竟。活下去才有未来可言。 Stimulation of movement remaining tip demonic energy that strives, making it cover the half remnant body, performed maximum limit is restoring own injury, although affected minimal. Actually also better than nothing. 勉力的催动残余的点滴魔气,使之笼罩了半边残身,尽最大限度的恢复着自己的伤势,虽然作用微乎其微。却也聊胜于无。 Looked at Tan Tan one bitterly, under the severe pain. The Devil sound such as the wolf is howling: Boy, your devil body I sooner or later must receive, Ah~ ~~ the pain died I...... deserves death deserves death......” 恨恨的看了谈昙一眼,剧痛之下。天魔声如狼嚎:“小子,你的魔体我迟早是要接收的,啊啊啊~~~痛死我了……该死该死的……” The voice is reverberating especially, unexpectedly turns around to walk directly. The speed is extremely fast, flutters two to flutter, exited beside several hundreds of feet. 话音尤在回荡,居然直接转身就走。速度极快,一飘两飘,已经出去在数十丈之外。 This must go back as soon as possible, hurries to look for the Sovereign of the Law lane to select Divine Soul to eat food supplements, if has not supplemented the nutrient, oneself only feared that must hang really here...... Today is really trying to steal a chicken, but only lost a handful of rice. 这要尽快的回去啊,赶紧找法尊弄点神魂进补,若是还不补充养分,自己只怕真的要挂在这里了……今天真是偷鸡不成蚀把米 Tan Tan also arrived at spent force at this moment , is incapable of pursuing \; Only can look helplessly the heavy losses Devil goes far away, the powerful enemy goes finally, two legs one soft, a tumble falls down, happen to sits on Chu Yang by coincidence. 谈昙此刻也已经到了强弩之末,再也无力追击\;只能眼睁睁地看着重创的天魔远去,强敌终去,两腿一软,一跤倒在地上,无巧不巧正好一屁股坐在楚阳身上。 Minister Chu that the whole body a strength could not cause softly sat immediately ‚’ an ache yelled, just like killing pig. 浑身软绵绵已经一点力气也使不出来的楚御座顿时被坐得‘嗷’的一声疼痛大叫,宛若杀猪。 Happen to sat in the rib branch unexpectedly, hissing hissing sorption cold air/Qi: Your , if not stand, I represented the master to carry out the sect rule to process your this bastard! Hissing ~~~ 竟是正好被坐在肋骨岔里,嘶嘶的吸着冷气:“你丫的要是再不站起来,我代表师傅执行门规处理了你这混账!嘶~~~” Tan Tan moved the buttocks comfortably, lets Chu Yang under body is a pitiful yell, this languid say/way: This, must wait for me to go back, after your Junior Apprentice Brother comes out, you told him again that told uselessly me, I am not your Junior Apprentice Brother...... My this in exciting is also exciting you, making you earlier to stand, my these subordinates also need your Nine Layered Pill treatment, you have not stood, sat very comfortably by me? If comfortable many later might also as well!.” 谈昙舒服的挪动了一下屁股,让身下的楚阳又是一声惨叫,这才懒洋洋的道:“这个,得等我回去了,你师弟出来之后你再跟他说,跟我说没用的,我不是你师弟啊……我这也是在刺激刺激你,让你早一些站起来,我的那些属下还需要你的九重丹救治呢,你咋还不站起来呢,被我坐得很舒服吗?如果舒服就多待一会也无妨!。” Fuck! Chu Yang angry is pulling out the cold air/Qi: Hissing ~~~ early knows that is your this scoundrel, the elder brother I do not come...... Your this welldoing was killed also gets what one deserves!” 草!楚阳愤怒的抽着冷气:“嘶~~~早知道是你这混帐,哥哥我就不过来了……你这德行的被人打死也活该!” Tan Tan groans, is supine the face saying: That is you minds others'business, who cherished?!” 谈昙哼哼一声,仰起脸说道:“那是你多管闲事,谁稀罕了?!” On mouth unyielding full, performs is not willing Rao people two suddenly hey smiles. 嘴上硬气十足,尽都不肯饶人的两人突然嘿嘿的笑起来。 Actually they are well aware. 其实两人都心知肚明。 Chu Yang gets rid, absolutely is not because has misunderstood, he looks is clearer than anybody. But he had still chosen getting rid, moreover gets rid not to have the limit of leeway to strike. 楚阳出手,绝对不是因为误会了,他看得比任何人都清楚。但他仍旧选择了出手,而且一出手就是全无余地的极限一击。 Tan Tan, or is Three Stars Saint King is also so, he will not allow anybody to injure Chu Yang absolutely, even does not hesitate to take own life and Divine Soul as the price! 谈昙,又或者说是三星圣王也是如此,他绝对不会允许任何人伤害楚阳,甚至不惜以自己的生命、神魂为代价! But they will not state clearly, all know in the heart then. 但两人都不会明说,一切心知即可。 Stated clearly, the feeling grateful flavor/smell was too obvious, did not have the meaning...... 明说了,感恩的味道就太明显了,太没意思了…… Such appointed no one is comfortable. 那样任谁也都不自在。 Crossed a short time, Chu Yang ill-humored has raised from oneself Tan Tan, before Chu Yang, escaped the strength for a while, regulations not anything injures, moment restored, although cultivation base also not greatly duplicate, but the motion was actually not freely a problem, this chapter of talent turning over, a foot kicked out immediately, some Saint King immediately kicked tumbling 78 somersaults...... 过了不长时间,楚阳没好气的一手将谈昙从自己身上掀了下来,楚阳之前不过是一时脱力,实则并无什么伤损,片刻光景已经恢复了过来,虽然修为还未大复,但行动自如却是不成问题,这回才一翻身,随即一脚就踢了出去,某圣王顿时被踢的翻滚了78个跟头…… Glowering of this Gu Saint King, first does not start to try to find out on oneself. First fishes out incomplete version Nine Layered Pill to swallow down. 更不顾某圣王的怒目而视,第一时间就开始在自己身上摸索。先摸出一颗不完全版九重丹自己吞了下去。 I have not related, the Gu Yigu injury is most serious. You......” Tan Tan called out. “我没关系,古一鼓伤势最重。你……”谈昙叫道。 You shut up to me!” Chu Yang gets angry wickedly: I have the eye! I can see! Also has no need for you at the same time gossipy, believes me to pull out your, you think that you are any Saint King are great.” “你给我闭嘴!”楚阳恶狠狠地怒道:“我有眼睛!我能看得见!还用不着你在一边多嘴多舌,信不信我抽你丫的,你以为你是什么圣王就了不起啊。” Tan Tan grins, maliciously looks at Chu Yang, scolded: I active, making your this boy taste fierce of this king!” 谈昙咧咧嘴,狠狠的看着楚阳,骂道:“等我能动了,让你这小子尝尝本王的厉害!” Pupil bottom deep place actually quietly flashes through a happy expression. 眸子底深处却悄悄的闪过一丝笑意。 The Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Apprentice Brother of Tan Tan this boy, seemingly also really...... Good...... 谈昙这小子的这个九劫剑主师兄,貌似还真的……不错呢…… Chu Yang this time was the genuine massive hemorrhage. 楚阳这一次可是真正的大出血了。 Gu Yigu several people, each one are the life hang in one round \; If no Nine Layered Pill, only feared that could not have rescued really \; Other four good, cannot use up full version Nine Layered Pill to restore some, at least life no worries. 古一鼓几个人,个个都是性命悬于一发之间\;若没有九重丹,只怕还真的就救不过来了\;其他的四个还好,用不完全版九重丹就能恢复一些,起码性命无虞。 But Gu Yigu with putting together most ruthless that Elder, five viscera and six bowels was almost all destroyed \; Does not use complete version Nine Layered Pill, passed away. 古一鼓与拼得最狠的那位长老,五脏六腑几乎全被打碎了\;不用完整版九重丹,真的就是一命呜呼了。 Chu Yang sighing of meat pain, while puts out several Nine Layered Pill. Cursing Tan Tan that at the same time muttered. 楚阳一边肉痛的叹气,一边拿出数颗九重丹。一边喃喃的咒骂谈昙 bastard! Let the father such break this son, you and other Tan Tan that boys come back, the father does not organize him well, does not exhibit 100 patterns not to calculate......” 魂淡!让老子这么的破本儿,你等谈昙那小子回来,老子不好好摆布他,不摆出100来种花样不算完……” Tan Tan is sitting at the same time, the smile that from the beginning feels relieved, then, shook on suddenly, the plump but actually, the consciousness all disappears. 谈昙在一边坐着,一开始只是放心的微笑,然后,就猛地晃了一下,扑通一声倒了下去,知觉全消。 The soul of Saint King has not been in the situation of completely awakening throughout, awakens forcefully, suffers counter-attack finally. 圣王之魂始终还没有到完全觉醒的地步,强行觉醒,终遭反噬 These time came out to experience the so frigid fight, now counter-attack arrives, brings harm to is bigger, now the powerful enemy went, has solved awkwardly, the subordinate was saved, the wish completely, under a mind loosen, fell into the comatose condition immediately. 这一次出来又经历了如此惨烈的战斗,如今反噬到来,贻害更大,现在强敌已去,为难已解,属下又都得救,心愿尽了,心神一松之下,立即陷入昏迷状态。 Chu Yang snort/hum, collected to look, discovered that its did not have what danger, a foot kicking to one side. Should this waking up, be Tan Tan? This bastard, this time may scare to death the father...... 楚阳哼了哼,凑过去看了看,发现其没有什么危险,一脚就将之踢到了一边。这次醒来,应该又是谈昙了吧?这混账,这次可吓死老子了…… „Do you do!?” Although Gu Yigu and the others therapy, but saw that a Chu Yang foot kicks on Saint King, still could not bear to him glowers: This bastard, even if Saint King Apprentice Brother, too the politeness, how cannot kick Saint King...... “你干什么!?”古一鼓等人虽然正在疗伤,但看到楚阳一脚踢在圣王身上,仍旧忍不住对他怒目而视:这混蛋,就算是圣王师兄,也太不礼貌了一些,怎么能踢圣王…… A Chu Yang depression. 楚阳一阵郁闷。 The father had just rescued your life, is your collective saviors, you also dare to stare the father...... This group of supercilious look wolves! 老子可是刚刚救了你们的命啊,是你们集体的救命恩人啊,你们还敢瞪老子……这帮白眼狼! ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Devil severe roar, rolling is running away. 天魔一路厉啸着,滚滚逃走。 The speed that he escapes will be to draw near the extreme seriously, the place visited, had more than several hundred people to fall on the road, Divine Soul was all swallowed by it. 他逃逸的速度当真是快到了极点,一路所过之处,已经有不下数百人倒在了路上,神魂全被其吞噬了。 But this Divine Soul strength regarding Devil, is actually continually the futile attempt is not, directly is a drop in the bucket. Does not help matters. 但这点神魂力量对于天魔来说,却是连杯水车薪也算不上,直接就是九牛一毛。根本无济于事。 Devil is depressed and is afraid, was feeling own Divine Soul in unceasing dissipation, cultivation base as if also in gradually collapse, but from Sovereign of the Law in still the distance, oneself can support to obtain? 天魔又是郁闷又是害怕,感觉着自己的神魂在不断的消散,身上的修为似乎也在逐渐崩溃中,而距离法尊所在依然有一段距离,自己能撑得到么? If no Divine Soul of master to supplement that at this moment loses...... That consequence is really inconceivable. 若是此刻没有一个高手的神魂补充一下损耗……那后果真是不堪设想。 Suddenly cannot help but paces back and forth without the idea. 一时间不由得彷徨无计。 The middle-aged scholar and small Miss that the front natural and unrestrained leaves the dust come slowly, Devil in line with can a little calculate a point the principle, including investigating the opposite party also saved, immediately getting rid without hesitation! 前方又有一个潇洒出尘的中年文士和一个小姑娘慢慢前来,天魔本着‘能有一点算一点’的原则,连探查对方也省了,毫不犹豫的立即出手! Has nipped, at this time the grasshopper again slightly was also the meat. 一口就咬了下去,这个时候蚂蚱再小也是肉啊。 This thinks that must be possible to be easy, unexpectedly this middle-aged scholar suddenly raise one's head, strange smiles, said: Well? Unexpectedly is Devil?” 本以为必可手到擒来,不意这中年文士猛地抬头,诡异的一笑,说道:“咦?居然是天魔?” Devil is startled, sees the opposite party speech hand to wield, is one achromatic color tasteless dense towering dispersing. 天魔一怔,就见对方说着话手一挥,就是一片无色无味的氤氲突兀散开。 Immediately a sword, is quick and ruthless. 随即唰的一剑,又快又狠。 Invisible Poison!?” Devil cries, this must cry. 无形之毒!?”天魔大叫一声,这回是真的要哭了。 How to run into a person casually, can use Invisible Poison this grade of move? 怎么随便遇到一个人,就能使出无形之毒这等招数? If placed in the past, this poisonous Devil did not care, moistened not to moisten on him continually. However now, is actually nearly helpless. Unexpectedly was attacked one. 若是放在往常,这点毒天魔根本就不在乎,连沾也是沾不到他身上的。但是现在,却是近乎无能为力。居然被攻击了一个正着。 Especially this meeting is opening mouth to bite, this Invisible Poison happen to was drawn the mouth. 尤其是他这会正张着嘴咬人,这无形之毒正好被吸进了嘴里。 This, it may be said that sorrowfully! 这一下,可谓悲哀之极了! ............ ………… The Chu Yang tornado flushed generally, the whole body strength also finally diverges, turns head to look that continually a strength did not have, entire body splash solid falling on the ground, motionless, is not Chu Yang does not want to move, was really a strength did not have, true unable to move a single step. 楚阳旋风一般冲了出去,浑身的力量也终于发散完毕,连回头看一眼的力量也没了,整个身体“扑通”地一声结结实实的摔在地上,一动也不动,不是楚阳不想动,实在是一点力气也没有了,真正的动弹不得 The Tan Tan diving posture has caught up finally, blocks before the Chu Yang body, in mouth still keeping is spitting the blood. If Devil must go forward at this time, then, Tan Tan did not mind that absolutely such went all out, draws Devil dead together. 谈昙终于飞身赶了过来,拦在楚阳身前,口中犹自在不停的吐着鲜血。若是天魔这时还要上前,那么,谈昙绝对不介意就这么拼了命,拉着天魔一起死。 The Devil wound is very heavy, quite heavy. 天魔的伤很重,相当的重。 Even if grade nine peak Supreme, receives such heavy wound, did not have the possible half body of going on living to be destroyed thoroughly, the remaining half bodies had almost also made into the screen by Chu Yang sword energy. 就算是一位九品巅峰至尊,受到这样重的伤,也已经没有了活下去的可能半边身子被彻底打碎,剩下的半边身子也几乎被楚阳剑气打成了筛子。 A hand did not have thoroughly, another hand is still also withstanding the heartless combustion of fire of Nirvana. 一只手彻底没了,另一只手也还在承受着涅槃之火的无情燃烧。 Devil such wound, has almost not been able to describe seriously, the injury, 10,000 individuals must die in this way 9999 people. 天魔这样的伤,几乎已经不能严重来形容了,如斯伤势,10000个人也得死9999人。 But Devil throughout is Devil, he is that if by any chance, or because also he is not a person, but is the demon. 天魔始终是天魔,他就是那个万一,或者也因为他本就不是人,而是魔。 First fights seven big Supreme, defeat in detail, fights a decisive battle with Three Stars Saint King, gets the winning side comprehensively \; Again with a Master of Nine Tribulations Sword move of connection, although investigates in unclearly suffered a loss, still makes Master of Nine Tribulations Sword be incapable of moving, a move almost scatters Sword Spirit! 先战七大至尊,各个击破,又与三星圣王决战,全面占据上风\;再与九劫剑主一招交接,虽然不明究里吃了大亏,却依然让九劫剑主无力行动,更一招几乎将剑灵打散! Such cultivation base, in Nine Heavens absolute being unparalleled in the world! 这样的修为,在九重天绝对的独步天下! Perhaps such injury, changed individual already dead did not know several, but Devil still jumped for joy. Un, just present jumping for joy. But actually has the larger part is hurts, was really too pain, moreover continued the uninterrupted pain. 这样伤势,或许换个人早已死了不知几回了,但天魔仍旧活蹦乱跳的。嗯,只不过现在的‘活蹦乱跳’。倒有一大半是疼的,实在是太疼了,而且还是持续不间断的痛楚。 The raging flames of fire of Nirvana in the hand, the Devil pain simply is the straight being enthralled marrow! 涅槃之火在手上熊熊燃烧,天魔的痛苦简直就是直入神髓! His rave, is using demonic energy, leaves completely cultivation base, does not hesitate at all costs, actually throughout cannot put off this Phoenix Clan the life flame. 他狂吼着,利用魔气,出尽修为,不惜一切代价,却始终不能扑灭这凤凰一族的本命火焰。 Devil thorough wanting to cry but have no tears. 天魔彻底的欲哭无泪。 However the demon throughout is the demon, he is enduring hurting reluctantly, transforms a blade using demonic energy. That brushes, has cut the right hand unexpectedly, from small arm place neat breaking on the ground, but also jumped two. 不过魔始终是魔,他勉强忍着疼,利用魔气幻化一把刀。刷的一声,竟是生生将自己右手切了下来,自小臂处齐刷刷的断在地上,还蹦跳了两下。 The poisonous snake bites the hand. The brave soldiers break the wrist. Same truth, but Devil these breaks the brave soldier of wrist to want compared with that but with tragedy some...... 毒蛇噬手。壮士断腕。正是同一个道理,只不过天魔这一遭比那断腕的壮士更加要无奈和悲剧一些…… Because he broke wrist not to have the hand to take the blade. 因为他连‘断腕’都没有手拿刀了。 The fire of Nirvana slowly was still burning, looked that meaning does not burn down that arm not to calculate absolutely. 涅槃之火仍在缓缓燃烧着,看那意思是不烧光那节手臂绝对不算完。 Devil rave, angry was yelling, sound already several near hoarse. Even if the body of Devil, but such injury , was really too heavy. 天魔狂吼着,愤怒的大叫着,声音已经几近嘶哑。纵然是天魔之体,但这样的伤势,也委实是太重了。 Now two hands all did not have, at the same time the shoulder did not have \; Half body has broken to pieces, the remaining half bodies are also tattered and torn...... The Devil present wound, initially was captured wiped out 90% nine cultivation base the time is much more serious than! 现在两只手全没了,一边肩膀也没了\;还有半个身体都碎了,剩下半边身子也是千疮百孔……天魔现在的伤,比当初被擒住被生生打掉九成九修为的时候还要严重得多! But what is most miserable is. The strength of own reassignment also completely has exhausted forcefully. Cannot continue. At present, basic approached the oil lamp to be completely dry. 而最惨的是。自己强行调动的力量也已经全部耗尽。无以为继。目前,基本已经接近油尽灯枯。 At this moment, Devil only reading wants only then withdraws to escape, after all, will go on living having in the future. 此刻,天魔唯一的念想就只有脱身逃命而已,毕竟,活下去才有未来可言。 Stimulation of movement remaining tip demonic energy that strives. Made it cover half remnant body, performed maximum limit is restoring own injury, although affected minimal, actually also better than nothing. 勉力的催动残余的点滴魔气。使之笼罩了半边残身,尽最大限度的恢复着自己的伤势,虽然作用微乎其微,却也聊胜于无。 Looked at Tan Tan one bitterly. Under the severe pain, the Devil sound such as wolf is howling: Boy, your devil body I sooner or later must receive, Ah~ ~~ the pain died I...... deserves death deserves death......” 恨恨的看了谈昙一眼。剧痛之下,天魔声如狼嚎:“小子,你的魔体我迟早是要接收的,啊啊啊~~~痛死我了……该死该死的……” The voice is reverberating especially, unexpectedly turns around to walk directly. The speed is extremely fast, flutters two to flutter, exited beside several hundreds of feet. 话音尤在回荡,居然直接转身就走。速度极快,一飘两飘,已经出去在数十丈之外。 This must go back as soon as possible, hurries to look for the Sovereign of the Law lane to select Divine Soul to eat food supplements, if has not supplemented the nutrient, oneself only feared that must hang really here...... Today is really trying to steal a chicken, but only lost a handful of rice. 这要尽快的回去啊,赶紧找法尊弄点神魂进补,若是还不补充养分,自己只怕真的要挂在这里了……今天真是偷鸡不成蚀把米 Tan Tan also arrived at spent force at this moment , is incapable of pursuing \; Only can look helplessly the heavy losses Devil goes far away, the powerful enemy goes finally, two legs one soft, a tumble falls down, happen to sits on Chu Yang by coincidence. 谈昙此刻也已经到了强弩之末,再也无力追击\;只能眼睁睁地看着重创的天魔远去,强敌终去,两腿一软,一跤倒在地上,无巧不巧正好一屁股坐在楚阳身上。 Minister Chu that the whole body a strength could not cause softly sat immediately ‚’ an ache yelled, just like killing pig. 浑身软绵绵已经一点力气也使不出来的楚御座顿时被坐得‘嗷’的一声疼痛大叫,宛若杀猪。 Happen to sat in the rib branch unexpectedly, hissing hissing sorption cold air/Qi: Your , if not stand, I represented the master to carry out the sect rule to process your this bastard! Hissing ~~~ 竟是正好被坐在肋骨岔里,嘶嘶的吸着冷气:“你丫的要是再不站起来,我代表师傅执行门规处理了你这混账!嘶~~~” Tan Tan moved the buttocks comfortably, lets Chu Yang under body is a pitiful yell, this languid say/way: This, must wait for me to go back, after your Junior Apprentice Brother comes out, you told him again that told uselessly me, I am not your Junior Apprentice Brother...... My this in exciting is also exciting you, making you earlier to stand, my these subordinates also need your Nine Layered Pill treatment, you have not stood, sat very comfortably by me? If comfortable many later might also as well!.” 谈昙舒服的挪动了一下屁股,让身下的楚阳又是一声惨叫,这才懒洋洋的道:“这个,得等我回去了,你师弟出来之后你再跟他说,跟我说没用的,我不是你师弟啊……我这也是在刺激刺激你,让你早一些站起来,我的那些属下还需要你的九重丹救治呢,你咋还不站起来呢,被我坐得很舒服吗?如果舒服就多待一会也无妨!。” Fuck! Chu Yang angry is pulling out the cold air/Qi: Hissing ~~~ early knows that is your this scoundrel, the elder brother I do not come...... Your this welldoing was killed also gets what one deserves!” 草!楚阳愤怒的抽着冷气:“嘶~~~早知道是你这混帐,哥哥我就不过来了……你这德行的被人打死也活该!” Tan Tan groans, is supine the face saying: That is you minds others'business, who cherished?!” 谈昙哼哼一声,仰起脸说道:“那是你多管闲事,谁稀罕了?!” On mouth unyielding full, performs is not willing Rao people two suddenly hey smiles. 嘴上硬气十足,尽都不肯饶人的两人突然嘿嘿的笑起来。 Actually they are well aware. 其实两人都心知肚明。 Chu Yang gets rid, absolutely is not because has misunderstood, he looks is clearer than anybody. But he had still chosen getting rid, moreover gets rid not to have the limit of leeway to strike. 楚阳出手,绝对不是因为误会了,他看得比任何人都清楚。但他仍旧选择了出手,而且一出手就是全无余地的极限一击。 Tan Tan, or is Three Stars Saint King is also so, he will not allow anybody to injure Chu Yang absolutely, even does not hesitate to take own life and Divine Soul as the price! 谈昙,又或者说是三星圣王也是如此,他绝对不会允许任何人伤害楚阳,甚至不惜以自己的生命、神魂为代价! But they will not state clearly, all know in the heart then. 但两人都不会明说,一切心知即可。 Stated clearly, the feeling grateful flavor/smell was too obvious, did not have the meaning...... 明说了,感恩的味道就太明显了,太没意思了…… Such appointed no one is comfortable. 那样任谁也都不自在。 Crossed a short time, Chu Yang ill-humored has raised from oneself Tan Tan, before Chu Yang, escaped the strength for a while, regulations not anything injures, moment restored, although cultivation base also not greatly duplicate, but the motion was actually not freely a problem, this chapter of talent turning over, a foot kicked out immediately, some Saint King immediately kicked tumbling 78 somersaults...... 过了不长时间,楚阳没好气的一手将谈昙从自己身上掀了下来,楚阳之前不过是一时脱力,实则并无什么伤损,片刻光景已经恢复了过来,虽然修为还未大复,但行动自如却是不成问题,这回才一翻身,随即一脚就踢了出去,某圣王顿时被踢的翻滚了78个跟头…… Glowering of this Gu Saint King, first does not start to try to find out on oneself. First fishes out incomplete version Nine Layered Pill to swallow down. 更不顾某圣王的怒目而视,第一时间就开始在自己身上摸索。先摸出一颗不完全版九重丹自己吞了下去。 I have not related, the Gu Yigu injury is most serious. You......” Tan Tan called out. “我没关系,古一鼓伤势最重。你……”谈昙叫道。 You shut up to me!” Chu Yang gets angry wickedly: I have the eye! I can see! Also has no need for you at the same time gossipy, believes me to pull out your, you think that you are any Saint King are great.” “你给我闭嘴!”楚阳恶狠狠地怒道:“我有眼睛!我能看得见!还用不着你在一边多嘴多舌,信不信我抽你丫的,你以为你是什么圣王就了不起啊。” Tan Tan grins, maliciously looks at Chu Yang, scolded: I active, making your this boy taste fierce of this king!” 谈昙咧咧嘴,狠狠的看着楚阳,骂道:“等我能动了,让你这小子尝尝本王的厉害!” Pupil bottom deep place actually quietly flashes through a happy expression. 眸子底深处却悄悄的闪过一丝笑意。 The Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Apprentice Brother of Tan Tan this boy, seemingly also really...... Good...... 谈昙这小子的这个九劫剑主师兄,貌似还真的……不错呢…… Chu Yang this time was the genuine massive hemorrhage. 楚阳这一次可是真正的大出血了。 Gu Yigu several people, each one are the life hang in one round \; If no Nine Layered Pill, only feared that could not have rescued really \; Other four good, cannot use up full version Nine Layered Pill to restore some, at least life no worries. 古一鼓几个人,个个都是性命悬于一发之间\;若没有九重丹,只怕还真的就救不过来了\;其他的四个还好,用不完全版九重丹就能恢复一些,起码性命无虞。 But Gu Yigu with putting together most ruthless that Elder, five viscera and six bowels was almost all destroyed \; Does not use complete version Nine Layered Pill, passed away. 古一鼓与拼得最狠的那位长老,五脏六腑几乎全被打碎了\;不用完整版九重丹,真的就是一命呜呼了。 Chu Yang sighing of meat pain, while puts out several Nine Layered Pill. Cursing Tan Tan that at the same time muttered. 楚阳一边肉痛的叹气,一边拿出数颗九重丹。一边喃喃的咒骂谈昙 bastard! Let the father such break this son, you and other Tan Tan that boys come back, the father does not organize him well, does not exhibit 100 patterns not to calculate......” 魂淡!让老子这么的破本儿,你等谈昙那小子回来,老子不好好摆布他,不摆出100来种花样不算完……” Tan Tan is sitting at the same time, the smile that from the beginning feels relieved, then, shook on suddenly, the plump but actually, the consciousness all disappears. 谈昙在一边坐着,一开始只是放心的微笑,然后,就猛地晃了一下,扑通一声倒了下去,知觉全消。 The soul of Saint King has not been in the situation of completely awakening throughout, awakens forcefully, suffers counter-attack finally. 圣王之魂始终还没有到完全觉醒的地步,强行觉醒,终遭反噬 These time came out to experience the so frigid fight, now counter-attack arrives, brings harm to is bigger, now the powerful enemy went, has solved awkwardly, the subordinate was saved, the wish completely, under a mind loosen, fell into the comatose condition immediately. 这一次出来又经历了如此惨烈的战斗,如今反噬到来,贻害更大,现在强敌已去,为难已解,属下又都得救,心愿尽了,心神一松之下,立即陷入昏迷状态。 Chu Yang snort/hum, collected to look, discovered that its did not have what danger, a foot kicking to one side. Should this waking up, be Tan Tan? This bastard, this time may scare to death the father...... 楚阳哼了哼,凑过去看了看,发现其没有什么危险,一脚就将之踢到了一边。这次醒来,应该又是谈昙了吧?这混账,这次可吓死老子了…… „Do you do!?” Although Gu Yigu and the others therapy, but saw that a Chu Yang foot kicks on Saint King, still could not bear to him glowers: This bastard, even if Saint King Apprentice Brother, too the politeness, how cannot kick Saint King...... “你干什么!?”古一鼓等人虽然正在疗伤,但看到楚阳一脚踢在圣王身上,仍旧忍不住对他怒目而视:这混蛋,就算是圣王师兄,也太不礼貌了一些,怎么能踢圣王…… A Chu Yang depression. 楚阳一阵郁闷。 The father had just rescued your life, is your collective saviors, you also dare to stare the father...... This group of supercilious look wolves! 老子可是刚刚救了你们的命啊,是你们集体的救命恩人啊,你们还敢瞪老子……这帮白眼狼! ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Devil severe roar, rolling is running away. 天魔一路厉啸着,滚滚逃走。 The speed that he escapes will be to draw near the extreme seriously, the place visited, had more than several hundred people to fall on the road, Divine Soul was all swallowed by it. 他逃逸的速度当真是快到了极点,一路所过之处,已经有不下数百人倒在了路上,神魂全被其吞噬了。 But this Divine Soul strength regarding Devil, is actually continually the futile attempt is not, directly is a drop in the bucket. Does not help matters. 但这点神魂力量对于天魔来说,却是连杯水车薪也算不上,直接就是九牛一毛。根本无济于事。 Devil is depressed and is afraid, was feeling own Divine Soul in unceasing dissipation, cultivation base as if also in gradually collapse, but from Sovereign of the Law in still the distance, oneself can support to obtain? 天魔又是郁闷又是害怕,感觉着自己的神魂在不断的消散,身上的修为似乎也在逐渐崩溃中,而距离法尊所在依然有一段距离,自己能撑得到么? If no Divine Soul of master to supplement that at this moment loses...... That consequence is really inconceivable. 若是此刻没有一个高手的神魂补充一下损耗……那后果真是不堪设想。 Suddenly cannot help but paces back and forth without the idea. 一时间不由得彷徨无计。 The middle-aged scholar and small Miss that the front natural and unrestrained leaves the dust come slowly, Devil in line with can a little calculate a point the principle, including investigating the opposite party also saved, immediately getting rid without hesitation! 前方又有一个潇洒出尘的中年文士和一个小姑娘慢慢前来,天魔本着‘能有一点算一点’的原则,连探查对方也省了,毫不犹豫的立即出手! Has nipped, at this time the grasshopper again slightly was also the meat. 一口就咬了下去,这个时候蚂蚱再小也是肉啊。 This thinks that must be possible to be easy, unexpectedly this middle-aged scholar suddenly raise one's head, strange smiles, said: Well? Unexpectedly is Devil?” 本以为必可手到擒来,不意这中年文士猛地抬头,诡异的一笑,说道:“咦?居然是天魔?” Devil is startled, sees the opposite party speech hand to wield, is one achromatic color tasteless dense towering dispersing. 天魔一怔,就见对方说着话手一挥,就是一片无色无味的氤氲突兀散开。 Immediately a sword, is quick and ruthless. 随即唰的一剑,又快又狠。 Invisible Poison!?” Devil cries, this must cry. 无形之毒!?”天魔大叫一声,这回是真的要哭了。 How to run into a person casually, can use Invisible Poison this grade of move? 怎么随便遇到一个人,就能使出无形之毒这等招数? If placed in the past, this poisonous Devil did not care, moistened not to moisten on him continually. However now, is actually nearly helpless. Unexpectedly was attacked one. 若是放在往常,这点毒天魔根本就不在乎,连沾也是沾不到他身上的。但是现在,却是近乎无能为力。居然被攻击了一个正着。 Especially this meeting is opening mouth to bite, this Invisible Poison happen to was drawn the mouth. 尤其是他这会正张着嘴咬人,这无形之毒正好被吸进了嘴里。 This, it may be said that sorrowfully! 这一下,可谓悲哀之极了! ............ …………
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