TTNH :: Volume #17

#1698: The sword of this legend!

When Devil and Tan Tan had discovered Chu Yang, Minister Chu the potential such as rushed to the thunder flushed! 天魔谈昙发现了楚阳的时候,楚御座已经势如奔雷的冲了进来! Killing All Under The Heaven, Why Not! 屠尽天下又何妨 A sword, mixes with the anger of infinitely thriving, stimulates to movement to the strength of limit, does not count any consequence completely, such straight has crashed in the decisive battle locations of two big masters! 一剑,夹杂着无限勃发的怒气,催动至极限的力量,完全不计任何后果,就这么直挺挺的冲进了两大高手的决战场地! Except for sword move, he has not even spoken any unnecessary words! 除了剑招,他甚至没有说任何一句多余的话! Makes a long and wearisome journey to come, has not fallen to the ground starts has struck certainly, only strikes! 长途跋涉而来,还未落地就发动了绝强一击,唯一的一击! This strikes, even is extremely sudden. 这一击,甚至是极度突然的。 Because no matter Devil or Tan Tan, think that Chu Yang at least should also fall to the ground to trade the one breath. Has not actually thought that this was situated however the words does not say one, even/including snort/hum did not utter a sound, started directly. 因为不管是天魔还是谈昙,都认为楚阳起码也应该落地换一口气。却没有想到这位居然连话也不说一句,连哼也不哼一声,直接就开始了。 Moreover, so goes to strike to breaknecking of end, does not succeed then dies for a righteous cause strikes! 而且,还是如此去到尽头的玩命一击,不成功便成仁的一击! Then at this time, Tan Tan, because suddenly sees Chu Yang, diverts attention, the Devil three fist two feet simultaneously fall on his body, Tan Tan cry, the body will fly upside down in the future. Still goes all out to turn the head to look at Chu Yang, the look is anxious. 便在这时,谈昙由于猛地见到楚阳,一个分心,天魔三拳两脚同时落在他的身上,谈昙大叫一声,身子往后倒飞出去。兀自拼命地转头看着楚阳,神色焦急。 Should not come...... 不应该来啊…… Sword flash, Chu Yang has not winked including eyelid, has not managed Tan Tan that falls to draw back, such outrageously passed over gently and swiftly from the Tan Tan body side, potential such as thunder general overrunning! 一剑闪光,楚阳连眼皮都没眨,也没有管跌退的谈昙,就这么悍然自谈昙身侧掠过,势如雷霆一般的冲过去! The Apprentice Brother younger brother their two forms interlock to open! 师兄弟两人两道身影交错而开! In the Devil eye flashes through sneers densely. 天魔眼中闪过森森冷笑。 Suddenly the past animosity old hates completely to well up \; Previous time tests Divine Soul, had been swallowed own a large number of energies by this boy accidentally, otherwise, oneself already restored 20% cultivation base now, even are more. 一时间前仇旧恨尽皆涌上心头\;上次实验神魂,被这小子意外地吞噬了自己的相当一部分能量,要不然,自己现在早已恢复了两成修为,甚至更多。 If restored 20% cultivation base, at this moment how could it not be then copes with this Supreme Devil Body radically is the easy as pie and easy matter? Why such as the present so is in a dilemma, in a dilemma? 若是自己恢复了两成修为,那么此刻对付这个无上魔体岂不根本就是易如反掌、手到擒来的事?何必如现在这般进退维谷,左右为难? At this moment, this boy delivers unexpectedly. 此刻,这小子居然自己送上门来。 This is the heaven has group of you not to walk, the hell rushes without the gate! 这才是天堂有路你不走,地狱无门闯进来! Although this fellow Divine Soul is exceptionally formidable, cultivation base that but he displays. At best also only then such as that Gu Yigu is ordinary, even also slightly has. 这家伙虽然神魂异常强大,但他表现出来的修为。充其量也就只有如那个古一鼓一般而已,甚至还略有不及。 Although this sword looks like with great fanfare, sword move is swift and fierce, but, Gu Yigu that dead fatty can send conveniently, this 这一剑虽然看起来声势浩大,剑招凌厉,但,古一鼓那个死胖子自己都能随手打发,他这一 How could exceptional? 一下又岂能例外? Courts death!” The Devil corners of the mouth are bringing grinning fiendishly, two hands one after the other, did not have to fend welcome the past toward Chu Yang Sword Point. “找死!”天魔嘴角带着狞笑,两只手一前一后,全无闪避地向着楚阳剑尖迎过去。 Must , in strikes, crushes his sword. Extinguishes kills this boy, does his Divine Soul altogether extinguished, consigned to eternal damnation. Maliciously one breath! 务必要在一击之间,击碎他的剑。灭杀这小子,搞他一个神魂俱灭,万劫不复。狠狠地出一口气! Own hand, even if Nine Heavens famous Divine Sword cannot injure tiny bit, let alone this boy is only Nine Heavens ants general Martial Artist? 自己的手,就算九重天有名的神剑都不能伤害一丝一毫,更何况这小子只是九重天的一个蝼蚁一般的武者 In a twinkling. Was only the fast scene, Chu Yang has hit on the palm of Devil with the sword! 说时迟那时快。前后只是电光石火的光景,楚阳连人带剑已经撞到了天魔的手掌上! Be careful!” Tan Tan cries. “小心!”谈昙大叫一声。 Grinning fiendishly on Devil face freezes suddenly on the face. 天魔脸上的狞笑突然间冻结在脸上。 Next moment 一刻 „! ~~~ pitiful yell that” Devil is in deep sorrow. “啊!~~~”天魔痛不欲生的惨叫一声。 Palm that own that is repeatedly tempered, to the long sword on opposite party time, although has also blocked a hindrance, but unexpectedly was similar to is the bean curd has then met the sharp knife, scoffing overran. 自己那千锤百炼的手掌,对上对方的长剑的时候,虽然也阻了一阻,但接下来就竟然如同是豆腐遇到了快刀,“嗤”的一声就被冲了过去。 At this time Devil even also in brutal is thinking how to devastate the opposite party, has not responded...... 这时候天魔甚至还在残酷的想着怎么蹂躏对方,还没反应过来…… Chu Yang drinks greatly. In Killing All Under The Heaven, Why Not this move all condensation sword energy crash in that moment limit of opposite party palm to erupt suddenly in Sword Point! 楚阳一声大喝。屠尽天下又何妨这一招之中所有的凝聚剑气剑尖冲进对方手掌的那一刻猛然极限爆发出来! Said sword energy surely, almost in the same time has crashed in the body of Devil! 千万道剑气,几乎同一时间里冲进了天魔的身体之中! Invades the whole body meridians of Devil comprehensively! 全面入侵天魔的全身经脉! Ah~ ~~ damn! This is how possible, this is any sword! This is any sword 啊~~~他妈的!这怎么可能,这是什么剑!这到底是什么剑 ...... ” Devil is shouting wildly loudly, really cannot think. The sword of this boy can unexpectedly sharply to this situation. 啊……”天魔放声狂叫着,实在是想不到。这小子的剑居然能够犀利到了这种地步。 Day demonic energy suddenly in within the body urges to send, the intention blocks wreaking havoc of opposite party sword energy. 体内的天魔气猛地催发,意图挡住对方剑气的肆虐。 But the potential of Chu Yang flushing one toward not returns, Sword Point continues, but proceeds to advance in the Devil palm rigid. 楚阳一冲之势一往无回,剑尖持续而执着地在天魔手掌中往前突进。 Pricked the palm! 刺入了手掌! Pricked the small arm! 刺入了小臂! Pricked the arm! 刺入了胳膊! Jabbed into the shoulder! 刺进了肩膀! Skeleton of Devil under Nine Tribulations Sword, with irresistible force general disruption. 天魔的骨骼在九劫剑下,势如破竹一般啪啪的碎裂。 Chu Yang severe howl. Nine Heavens sword energy erupts loudly! 楚阳一声厉吼。九重天剑气轰然爆发! demonic energy comes the enemy, the intention to prevent in all directions. 魔气四面八方来敌,意图阻挡。 But Chu Yang has crashed in the body of Devil with the sword. Bang! 楚阳已经连人带剑冲进了天魔的身体。“轰”的一声! The entire left shoulder of Devil was hit by Chu Yang stiffly scatters, the flesh and blood fluttered about, changed to everywhere black rain. Un, his flesh and blood is black...... 天魔的整条左肩膀硬生生被楚阳撞得散落,血肉纷飞,化作了漫天黑雨。嗯,他的血肉都是黑的…… A Devil pitiful yell, half body changed to nothingness thoroughly! 天魔一声惨叫,半边身子已经彻底化作了虚无 Chu Yang...... flushed from his body unexpectedly!’! 楚阳居然就从他的身体之中……‘冲了出去!’! Has carried off big dense demon fog! 带走了一大片的氤氲魔雾! pu pu pu, sword energy one after another flushed from the Devil body, has shot! Devil body this moment looks like a everywhere water leakage screen, is going all out to drill these almost congealing mature archery target green sword energy outward! 噗噗噗,一道一道的剑气天魔身体之中冲了出来,射了出来!天魔的身体这一刻就像是一个到处漏水的筛子,在拼命地往外钻出来那些几乎凝成实质的青色剑气 These time is not the body that the day before yesterday demonic energy transformed is destroyed, but the Devil body of was really washed away! Serious of Devil injury, was in the alarmed situation! 这一次可不是之前天魔气所幻化的身体被破坏,而是实打实的天魔之体被冲毁!天魔伤势之严重,已经到了触目惊心的地步! Such neat victory, is not only Devil, is also big including Tan Tan beyond the expectation! 这样干净利落的战果,不但是天魔,连谈昙也都是大出预料之外的! This...... Was this result really extremely unthinkable?! 这……这结果实在是太过匪夷所思了吧?! Our two big powerhouses hit to live to kill here such for a long time, always how the opposite party, this boy one, such greeted does not hit getting rid, actually instantaneously broke the deadlock, caused heavy losses to Devil thoroughly! 我们两大强者在这里打生打死这么久,始终奈何不了对方,这小子一来,就这么招呼也不打一个的出手,却瞬间就打破了僵局,更彻底重创了天魔 This what situation?! 这到底什么情况?! Discussed by cultivation base only, seemingly ten Chu Yang add is not the present Devil matches. 单以修为而论,貌似十个楚阳加起来也不是现在天魔的对手。 But Devil actually was really too negligent. Unexpectedly grasps the Chu Yang sword by the meat palm hardly. Wants the looks like to cope with Gu Yigu like that annihilates to kill Chu Yang! 天魔却实在是太大意了。居然以肉掌硬抓楚阳的剑。想要像对付古一鼓那般,将楚阳一击灭杀! But Devil actually does not know that the Chu Yang sword, is not the ordinary sword. But is Nine Tribulations Sword in Legend! 天魔却不知道,楚阳的剑,并不是普通的剑。而是传说中的九劫剑 Even if in Old Nine Heavens, that also absolutely ranks the first peerless noble bearing! 就算是在九重天阙,那也绝对是排名第一的绝世神锋! Even incessantly Nine Heavens, comprehensive survey world world, universe great antiquity, found compared with this Nine Tribulations Sword stronger noble bearing very much difficultly again! 甚至不止九重天阕,综观天地人间,宇宙洪荒,也很难再找到比这把九劫剑更强的神锋! Because of this inventor of sword, the book nearly dominates in the world all above super big energies! 因为这把剑的创造者,本就是近乎凌驾于世间一切之上的超级大能! However, if solely only has Nine Tribulations Sword, even if Devil general idea, will not be seriously battered. sword energy enters the body, can then drive out by demonic energy. At best by some flesh wounds, was also not necessarily able to affect the general situation. 不过话说回来,若单单只有九劫剑的话,即便天魔大意,也绝不会遭受到重创。剑气入体,就能接着被魔气驱除。充其量也就是受一些皮肉之伤而已,未必能影响到大局。 But, besides Nine Tribulations Sword, Chu Yang also has Nine Heavens divine art! 但,除了九劫剑之外,楚阳还有九重天神功 Erupts the Nine Heavens divine art cultivation base one breath limit, changes to sword energy completely, even if the Devil heyday, was exploded in within the body meridians like this must unable to withstand, let alone now his cultivation base don't ten save one? 九重天神功修为一口气极限爆发,全部化作剑气,纵然是天魔全盛时期,被这样在体内经脉中爆炸也是要承受不了,更何况现在他的修为十不存一? Devil do not say that does not know Chu Yang is Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, even if knows. His owes must eat. Because he does not know that actually Master of Nine Tribulations Sword these four characters have represented anything! 天魔不要说根本不知道楚阳乃是九劫剑主,就算是知道。他这个亏还是要吃的。因为他根本不知道‘九劫剑主’这四个字究竟代表了什么! Tan Tan cannot bear rub the eyes, mutters: My this is not having a dream, certainly is having a dream, or so to be how formidable, how also to have such terrifying sword......” 谈昙忍不住揉了揉眼睛,喃喃道:“我这不是在做梦,一定是在做梦,要不怎么会有这么强大的,又怎么会有这么恐怖一剑……” Ah~ ~~ Devil sad and shrill extreme was calling. Incredible to feel own overwhelming extreme pain, the eye amazed death is extremely staring, finally, the right hand grasps wickedly to Chu Yang, called out pitifully: Boy, you dares...... You cannot obtain the peaceful death ............ 啊~~~”天魔凄厉万状的叫着。不可置信的感受着自身翻江倒海的极度痛苦,眼睛惊诧万分的死瞪着,终于,右手恶狠狠地抓向楚阳,惨叫道:“小子,你敢……你也得不到好死…………” Has grasped toward Chu Yang maliciously. 一手向着楚阳狠狠抓了下去。 Present Chu Yang already whole body strength all eruption, from top to bottom. Also is truly difficult on a gearing finger, can only along with the inertia that to/clashes toward the forward flight, sees the Devil palm anxiously such as the lightning to grasp helplessly generally, is actually helpless. 现在的楚阳已经将全身力量尽数的爆发出来,浑身上下。真正就连动一根手指头也困难,只能随着一冲的惯性往前飞,眼睁睁地见天魔手掌急如闪电一般抓过来,却是无能为力。 Tan Tan cries: Be careful!” Body suddenly proceeds to clash. Actually already obvious without enough time. 谈昙大叫一声:“小心!”身子猛地往前冲。却已经明显的来不及。 Chu Yang!” Tan Tan eye socket wants the crack shouts wildly one, only thought that in the heart such as was sheared by the blade! 楚阳!”谈昙睚眦欲裂的狂叫一声,只觉得心中如被刀割! If not for, Chu Yang how to go so far as to so? Is own one prays for rescue, Chu Yang from thousand li (500 km). Even the tone does not breathe heavily directly puts into the fight, gets rid to go all out! 若不是为了自己,楚阳又何至于如此?就是自己的一声求救,楚阳从千里之外而来。甚至连口气也不喘就直接投入战斗,一出手就是拼命! Now. Actually falls into aspect on the point of death. 现在。却是陷入命在旦夕的局面。 But are actually wants to rescue unable, rescues own brothers successful rescuing to have gotten down itself, actually made contact with him! 可是自己却是欲救无从,来救自己的兄弟成功的救下了自己,却把他自己搭上了! this moment, Tan Tan almost wanted itself to settle itself, in heart ashamed guilty nearly submerged the intelligence. 这一刻,谈昙几乎想要自己了结了自己,心中的愧悔内疚险些就淹没了神智。 When is at this is at a crucial moment! 就在这千钧一发之际! In the body of Chu Yang, cold snort/hum, the person's shadow, towering extremely flushed from Chu Yang within the body suddenly suddenly together! 楚阳的身体之中,突然间一声冷哼,一道人影,突兀万分从楚阳体内猛地冲了出来! Two skinny hands, have caught the right hand of Devil stubbornly! 两只枯瘦的手,死死地卡住了天魔的右手! The person's shadow gradual congealing reality, is actually an appearance fuzzy skinny form, two are similar to the vicissitudes later old farmer, has been full of the meaning of pollution \; However that eye stubbornly is actually staring at Devil, shouted to clear the way: Devil?! Does not do wildly! I!” 人影逐渐的凝实,却是一个面貌模糊的枯瘦身影,两眼如同沧桑之后的老农,充满了浑浊之意\;然而那双眼睛却死死地盯着天魔,喝道:“天魔?!休要猖狂!还有我!” Sword Spirit! 正是剑灵 The voice is reverberating especially, Sword Spirit mouth, unexpectedly throwing spurts exceptionally blazing flame. 话音尤在回荡,剑灵口一张,竟然“扑”的一声喷出来一股异常炽烈的火焰。 Devil as if damn general calls out in alarm: Ah~ ~~ the fire of Nirvana! deserves death deserves death deserves death......!” 天魔仿佛见了鬼一般的惊叫起来:“啊~~~涅槃之火!该死该死的啊啊啊啊该死的……!” That flame to/clashes, the Devil diverted right hand catches fire immediately, steaming combustion. 那股火焰冲过来,天魔被牵制的右手顿时着火,腾腾燃烧。 But that hand actually also with Sword Spirit hand suddenly to one. Boundless demonic energy, with endless destructive strength, also erupts. 但那只手却也与剑灵的手猛地对在了一起。无边魔气,与无尽的破坏性力量,也同时爆发。 Sword Spirit cultivation base follows the cultivation base growth of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, although at present was not weak, because of the limit of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword cultivation base, Sword Spirit currently also only has above the grade nine peak a strength of level. 剑灵修为跟随九劫剑主修为成长,目前虽然已经不弱,但因为九劫剑主修为的限制,剑灵目前也只有九品巅峰之上一个层次的力量而已。 Facing strikes, present Sword Spirit that Devil goes all out, but also cannot withstand! 面对天魔拼命的一击,现在的剑灵,还承受不了! Body crazy fierce shivering of Sword Spirit, chokes to cough immediately, the congealing solid body desalinated gradually in light of this, immediately vanishes thoroughly. 剑灵的身子一阵狂猛的颤抖,随即呛咳一声,原本渐渐凝实身子就此淡化了下去,随即彻底消失。 But Devil called out pitifully sorrowfully. 天魔却已经痛不欲生的惨叫起来了。 He urged cultivation base that sends before forcefully, could not continue to here finally thoroughly, was actually seriously injured fatal, the left hand is destroyed by Chu Yang sufficiently, right hand also in unfathomable mystery by the Chu Yang body the fellow who flushed burning. 他之前强行催发出来的修为,到了这里终于彻底无以为继了,却又身受足以致命的重伤,左手被楚阳毁了,右手也被楚阳身体之内莫名其妙的冲出来的这个家伙给烧了。 Moreover that fellow strange phoenix is air/Qi add hail to snow again really based on own severe wound, aggravated one! 而且那家伙诡异的凤凰真气在自己重伤的基础上再一次的雪上加霜,又加重了一层! That deserves death the fire of Nirvana now also in own, unexpectedly in that graceful persistent raging flames. The flame dodges another to dodge, dodges another to dodge...... 该死的涅槃之火现在还在自己手上,居然就那么优雅的持续熊熊燃烧之中。火焰一闪又一闪,一闪又一闪…… The new wound old wound manifests suddenly together comprehensively, the heart that Devil this moment dies really continually had. 新伤旧伤一起全面发作,天魔这一刻真的是连死的心都有了。 Because, he also really soon died! 更因为,他也真的快要死了! ............ ………… When Devil and Tan Tan had discovered Chu Yang, Minister Chu the potential such as rushed to the thunder flushed! 天魔谈昙发现了楚阳的时候,楚御座已经势如奔雷的冲了进来! Killing All Under The Heaven, Why Not! 屠尽天下又何妨 A sword, mixes with the anger of infinitely thriving, stimulates to movement to the strength of limit, does not count any consequence completely, such straight has crashed in the decisive battle locations of two big masters! 一剑,夹杂着无限勃发的怒气,催动至极限的力量,完全不计任何后果,就这么直挺挺的冲进了两大高手的决战场地! Except for sword move, he has not even spoken any unnecessary words! 除了剑招,他甚至没有说任何一句多余的话! Makes a long and wearisome journey to come, has not fallen to the ground starts has struck certainly, only strikes! 长途跋涉而来,还未落地就发动了绝强一击,唯一的一击! This strikes, even is extremely sudden. 这一击,甚至是极度突然的。 Because no matter Devil or Tan Tan, think that Chu Yang at least should also fall to the ground to trade the one breath. Has not actually thought that this was situated however the words does not say one, even/including snort/hum did not utter a sound, started directly. 因为不管是天魔还是谈昙,都认为楚阳起码也应该落地换一口气。却没有想到这位居然连话也不说一句,连哼也不哼一声,直接就开始了。 Moreover, so goes to strike to breaknecking of end, does not succeed then dies for a righteous cause strikes! 而且,还是如此去到尽头的玩命一击,不成功便成仁的一击! Then at this time, Tan Tan, because suddenly sees Chu Yang, diverts attention, the Devil three fist two feet simultaneously fall on his body, Tan Tan cry, the body will fly upside down in the future. Still goes all out to turn the head to look at Chu Yang, the look is anxious. 便在这时,谈昙由于猛地见到楚阳,一个分心,天魔三拳两脚同时落在他的身上,谈昙大叫一声,身子往后倒飞出去。兀自拼命地转头看着楚阳,神色焦急。 Should not come...... 不应该来啊…… Sword flash, Chu Yang has not winked including eyelid, has not managed Tan Tan that falls to draw back, such outrageously passed over gently and swiftly from the Tan Tan body side, potential such as thunder general overrunning! 一剑闪光,楚阳连眼皮都没眨,也没有管跌退的谈昙,就这么悍然自谈昙身侧掠过,势如雷霆一般的冲过去! The Apprentice Brother younger brother their two forms interlock to open! 师兄弟两人两道身影交错而开! In the Devil eye flashes through sneers densely. 天魔眼中闪过森森冷笑。 Suddenly the past animosity old hates completely to well up \; Previous time tests Divine Soul, had been swallowed own a large number of energies by this boy accidentally, otherwise, oneself already restored 20% cultivation base now, even are more. 一时间前仇旧恨尽皆涌上心头\;上次实验神魂,被这小子意外地吞噬了自己的相当一部分能量,要不然,自己现在早已恢复了两成修为,甚至更多。 If restored 20% cultivation base, at this moment how could it not be then copes with this Supreme Devil Body radically is the easy as pie and easy matter? Why such as the present so is in a dilemma. In a dilemma? 若是自己恢复了两成修为,那么此刻对付这个无上魔体岂不根本就是易如反掌、手到擒来的事?何必如现在这般进退维谷。左右为难? At this moment, this boy delivers unexpectedly. 此刻,这小子居然自己送上门来。 This is the heaven has group of you not to walk, the hell rushes without the gate! 这才是天堂有路你不走,地狱无门闯进来! Although this fellow Divine Soul is exceptionally formidable, cultivation base that but he displays, at best also only then such as that Gu Yigu is ordinary, even also slightly has. 这家伙虽然神魂异常强大,但他表现出来的修为,充其量也就只有如那个古一鼓一般而已,甚至还略有不及。 Although this sword looks like with great fanfare, sword move is swift and fierce, but, Gu Yigu that dead fatty can send conveniently, this 这一剑虽然看起来声势浩大,剑招凌厉,但,古一鼓那个死胖子自己都能随手打发,他这一 How could exceptional? 一下又岂能例外? Courts death!” The Devil corners of the mouth are bringing grinning fiendishly. Two hands one after the other, did not have to fend welcome the past toward Chu Yang Sword Point. “找死!”天魔嘴角带着狞笑。两只手一前一后,全无闪避地向着楚阳剑尖迎过去。 Must , in strikes, crushes his sword, extinguishes kills this boy. Does his Divine Soul altogether extinguished, consigned to eternal damnation. Maliciously one breath! 务必要在一击之间,击碎他的剑,灭杀这小子。搞他一个神魂俱灭,万劫不复。狠狠地出一口气! Own hand, even if Nine Heavens famous Divine Sword cannot injure tiny bit, let alone this boy is only Nine Heavens ants general Martial Artist? 自己的手,就算九重天有名的神剑都不能伤害一丝一毫,更何况这小子只是九重天的一个蝼蚁一般的武者 In a twinkling, was only the fast scene, Chu Yang has hit on the palm of Devil with the sword! 说时迟那时快,前后只是电光石火的光景,楚阳连人带剑已经撞到了天魔的手掌上! Be careful!” Tan Tan cries. “小心!”谈昙大叫一声。 Grinning fiendishly on Devil face freezes suddenly on the face. 天魔脸上的狞笑突然间冻结在脸上。 Next moment 一刻 „! ~~~ pitiful yell that” Devil is in deep sorrow. “啊!~~~”天魔痛不欲生的惨叫一声。 Palm that own that is repeatedly tempered, to the long sword on opposite party time, although has also blocked a hindrance, but unexpectedly was similar to is the bean curd has then met the sharp knife, scoffing overran. 自己那千锤百炼的手掌,对上对方的长剑的时候,虽然也阻了一阻,但接下来就竟然如同是豆腐遇到了快刀,“嗤”的一声就被冲了过去。 At this time Devil even also in brutal is thinking how to devastate the opposite party. Has not responded...... 这时候天魔甚至还在残酷的想着怎么蹂躏对方。还没反应过来…… Chu Yang drinks greatly. In Killing All Under The Heaven, Why Not this move all condensation sword energy crash in that moment limit of opposite party palm to erupt suddenly in Sword Point! 楚阳一声大喝。屠尽天下又何妨这一招之中所有的凝聚剑气剑尖冲进对方手掌的那一刻猛然极限爆发出来! Said sword energy surely, almost in the same time has crashed in the body of Devil! 千万道剑气,几乎同一时间里冲进了天魔的身体之中! Invades the whole body meridians of Devil comprehensively! 全面入侵天魔的全身经脉! Ah~ ~~ damn! This is how possible, this is any sword! This is any sword 啊~~~他妈的!这怎么可能,这是什么剑!这到底是什么剑 ...... ” Devil is shouting wildly loudly, really cannot think, the sword of this boy can unexpectedly sharply to this situation. 啊……”天魔放声狂叫着,实在是想不到,这小子的剑居然能够犀利到了这种地步。 Day demonic energy suddenly in within the body urges to send. The intention blocks wreaking havoc of opposite party sword energy. 体内的天魔气猛地催发。意图挡住对方剑气的肆虐。 But the potential of Chu Yang flushing one toward not returns, Sword Point continues, but proceeds to advance in the Devil palm rigid. 楚阳一冲之势一往无回,剑尖持续而执着地在天魔手掌中往前突进。 Pricked the palm! 刺入了手掌! Pricked the small arm! 刺入了小臂! Pricked the arm! 刺入了胳膊! Jabbed into the shoulder! 刺进了肩膀! Skeleton of Devil under Nine Tribulations Sword, with irresistible force general disruption. 天魔的骨骼在九劫剑下,势如破竹一般啪啪的碎裂。 Chu Yang severe howl, Nine Heavens sword energy erupts loudly! 楚阳一声厉吼,九重天剑气轰然爆发! demonic energy comes the enemy in all directions. The intention prevents. 魔气四面八方来敌。意图阻挡。 But Chu Yang has crashed in the body of Devil with the sword, bang! 楚阳已经连人带剑冲进了天魔的身体,“轰”的一声! The entire left shoulder of Devil was hit by Chu Yang stiffly scatters, the flesh and blood fluttered about, changed to everywhere black rain. Un, his flesh and blood is black...... 天魔的整条左肩膀硬生生被楚阳撞得散落,血肉纷飞,化作了漫天黑雨。嗯,他的血肉都是黑的…… A Devil pitiful yell, half body changed to nothingness thoroughly! 天魔一声惨叫,半边身子已经彻底化作了虚无 Chu Yang...... flushed from his body unexpectedly!’! 楚阳居然就从他的身体之中……‘冲了出去!’! Has carried off big dense demon fog! 带走了一大片的氤氲魔雾! pu pu pu, sword energy one after another flushed from the Devil body, has shot! Devil body this moment looks like a everywhere water leakage screen, is going all out to drill these almost congealing mature archery target green sword energy outward! 噗噗噗,一道一道的剑气天魔身体之中冲了出来,射了出来!天魔的身体这一刻就像是一个到处漏水的筛子,在拼命地往外钻出来那些几乎凝成实质的青色剑气 These time is not the body that the day before yesterday demonic energy transformed is destroyed, but the Devil body of was really washed away! Serious of Devil injury, was in the alarmed situation! 这一次可不是之前天魔气所幻化的身体被破坏,而是实打实的天魔之体被冲毁!天魔伤势之严重,已经到了触目惊心的地步! Such neat victory, is not only Devil, is also big including Tan Tan beyond the expectation! 这样干净利落的战果,不但是天魔,连谈昙也都是大出预料之外的! This...... Was this result really extremely unthinkable?! 这……这结果实在是太过匪夷所思了吧?! Our two big powerhouses hit to live to kill here such for a long time, always how the opposite party, this boy one, such greeted does not hit getting rid, actually instantaneously broke the deadlock, caused heavy losses to Devil thoroughly! 我们两大强者在这里打生打死这么久,始终奈何不了对方,这小子一来,就这么招呼也不打一个的出手,却瞬间就打破了僵局,更彻底重创了天魔 This what situation?! 这到底什么情况?! Discussed by cultivation base only, seemingly ten Chu Yang add is not the present Devil matches. 单以修为而论,貌似十个楚阳加起来也不是现在天魔的对手。 But Devil actually was really too negligent. Unexpectedly grasps the Chu Yang sword by the meat palm hardly. Wants the looks like to cope with Gu Yigu like that annihilates to kill Chu Yang! 天魔却实在是太大意了。居然以肉掌硬抓楚阳的剑。想要像对付古一鼓那般,将楚阳一击灭杀! But Devil actually does not know that the Chu Yang sword, is not the ordinary sword. But is Nine Tribulations Sword in Legend! 天魔却不知道,楚阳的剑,并不是普通的剑。而是传说中的九劫剑 Even if in Old Nine Heavens, that also absolutely ranks the first peerless noble bearing! 就算是在九重天阙,那也绝对是排名第一的绝世神锋! Even incessantly Nine Heavens, comprehensive survey world world, universe great antiquity, found compared with this Nine Tribulations Sword stronger noble bearing very much difficultly again! 甚至不止九重天阕,综观天地人间,宇宙洪荒,也很难再找到比这把九劫剑更强的神锋! Because of this inventor of sword, the book nearly dominates in the world all above super big energies! 因为这把剑的创造者,本就是近乎凌驾于世间一切之上的超级大能! However. If solely only has Nine Tribulations Sword, even if Devil general idea, will not be seriously battered. sword energy enters the body, can then drive out by demonic energy, at best by some flesh wounds, was also not necessarily able to affect the general situation. 不过话说回来。若单单只有九劫剑的话,即便天魔大意,也绝不会遭受到重创。剑气入体,就能接着被魔气驱除,充其量也就是受一些皮肉之伤而已,未必能影响到大局。 But, besides Nine Tribulations Sword, Chu Yang also has Nine Heavens divine art! 但,除了九劫剑之外,楚阳还有九重天神功 Erupts the Nine Heavens divine art cultivation base one breath limit, changes to sword energy completely, even if the Devil heyday. Was exploded in within the body meridians like this must unable to withstand, let alone now his cultivation base don't ten save one? 九重天神功修为一口气极限爆发,全部化作剑气,纵然是天魔全盛时期。被这样在体内经脉中爆炸也是要承受不了,更何况现在他的修为十不存一? Devil do not say that does not know Chu Yang is Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, even if knows that this owes must eat. Because he does not know that actually Master of Nine Tribulations Sword these four characters have represented anything! 天魔不要说根本不知道楚阳乃是九劫剑主,就算是知道,他这个亏还是要吃的。因为他根本不知道‘九劫剑主’这四个字究竟代表了什么! Tan Tan cannot bear rub the eyes. Muttered: My this is not having a dream, certainly is having a dream, or so to be how formidable, how also to have such terrifying sword......” 谈昙忍不住揉了揉眼睛。喃喃道:“我这不是在做梦,一定是在做梦,要不怎么会有这么强大的,又怎么会有这么恐怖一剑……” Ah~ ~~ Devil sad and shrill extreme was calling, incredible to feel own overwhelming extreme pain, the eye amazed death is extremely staring, finally, the right hand grasped wickedly to Chu Yang, called out pitifully: Boy, you dares...... You cannot obtain the peaceful death ............ 啊~~~”天魔凄厉万状的叫着,不可置信的感受着自身翻江倒海的极度痛苦,眼睛惊诧万分的死瞪着,终于,右手恶狠狠地抓向楚阳,惨叫道:“小子,你敢……你也得不到好死…………” Has grasped toward Chu Yang maliciously. 一手向着楚阳狠狠抓了下去。 Present Chu Yang already whole body strength all eruption. From top to bottom. Also is truly difficult on a gearing finger, can only along with the inertia that to/clashes toward the forward flight, sees the Devil palm anxiously such as the lightning to grasp helplessly generally, is actually helpless. 现在的楚阳已经将全身力量尽数的爆发出来。浑身上下。真正就连动一根手指头也困难,只能随着一冲的惯性往前飞,眼睁睁地见天魔手掌急如闪电一般抓过来,却是无能为力。 Tan Tan cries: Be careful!” Body suddenly proceeds to clash, actually already obvious without enough time. 谈昙大叫一声:“小心!”身子猛地往前冲,却已经明显的来不及。 Chu Yang!” Tan Tan eye socket wants the crack shouts wildly one. Only thought that in the heart such as was sheared by blade! 楚阳!”谈昙睚眦欲裂的狂叫一声。只觉得心中如被刀割! If not for, Chu Yang how to go so far as to so? Is own one prays for rescue, Chu Yang came from the thousand li (500 km), even the tone does not breathe heavily directly puts into the fight. Gets rid to go all out! 若不是为了自己,楚阳又何至于如此?就是自己的一声求救,楚阳从千里之外而来,甚至连口气也不喘就直接投入战斗。一出手就是拼命! Now, actually falls into aspect on the point of death. 现在,却是陷入命在旦夕的局面。 But are actually wants to rescue unable, rescues own brothers successful rescuing to have gotten down itself, actually made contact with him! 可是自己却是欲救无从,来救自己的兄弟成功的救下了自己,却把他自己搭上了! this moment, Tan Tan almost wanted itself to settle itself, in heart ashamed guilty nearly submerged the intelligence. 这一刻,谈昙几乎想要自己了结了自己,心中的愧悔内疚险些就淹没了神智。 When is at this is at a crucial moment! 就在这千钧一发之际! In the body of Chu Yang, cold snort/hum, the person's shadow, towering extremely flushed from Chu Yang within the body suddenly suddenly together! 楚阳的身体之中,突然间一声冷哼,一道人影,突兀万分从楚阳体内猛地冲了出来! Two skinny hands, have caught the right hand of Devil stubbornly! 两只枯瘦的手,死死地卡住了天魔的右手! The person's shadow gradual congealing reality, is actually an appearance fuzzy skinny form, two are similar to the vicissitudes later old farmer, has been full of the meaning of pollution \; However that eye stubbornly is actually staring at Devil, shouted to clear the way: Devil?! Does not do wildly! I!” 人影逐渐的凝实,却是一个面貌模糊的枯瘦身影,两眼如同沧桑之后的老农,充满了浑浊之意\;然而那双眼睛却死死地盯着天魔,喝道:“天魔?!休要猖狂!还有我!” Sword Spirit! 正是剑灵 The voice is reverberating especially, Sword Spirit mouth, unexpectedly throwing spurts exceptionally blazing flame. 话音尤在回荡,剑灵口一张,竟然“扑”的一声喷出来一股异常炽烈的火焰。 Devil as if damn general calls out in alarm: Ah~ ~~ the fire of Nirvana! deserves death deserves death deserves death......!” 天魔仿佛见了鬼一般的惊叫起来:“啊~~~涅槃之火!该死该死的啊啊啊啊该死的……!” That flame to/clashes, the Devil diverted right hand catches fire immediately, steaming combustion. 那股火焰冲过来,天魔被牵制的右手顿时着火,腾腾燃烧。 But that hand actually also with Sword Spirit hand suddenly to one. Boundless demonic energy, with endless destructive strength, also erupts. 但那只手却也与剑灵的手猛地对在了一起。无边魔气,与无尽的破坏性力量,也同时爆发。 Sword Spirit cultivation base follows the cultivation base growth of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, although at present was not weak, because of the limit of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword cultivation base, Sword Spirit currently also only has above the grade nine peak a strength of level. 剑灵修为跟随九劫剑主修为成长,目前虽然已经不弱,但因为九劫剑主修为的限制,剑灵目前也只有九品巅峰之上一个层次的力量而已。 Facing strikes, present Sword Spirit that Devil goes all out, but also cannot withstand! 面对天魔拼命的一击,现在的剑灵,还承受不了! Body crazy fierce shivering of Sword Spirit, chokes to cough immediately, the congealing solid body desalinated gradually in light of this, immediately vanishes thoroughly. 剑灵的身子一阵狂猛的颤抖,随即呛咳一声,原本渐渐凝实身子就此淡化了下去,随即彻底消失。 But Devil called out pitifully sorrowfully. 天魔却已经痛不欲生的惨叫起来了。 He urged cultivation base that sends before forcefully, could not continue to here finally thoroughly, was actually seriously injured fatal, the left hand is destroyed by Chu Yang sufficiently, right hand also in unfathomable mystery by the Chu Yang body the fellow who flushed burning. 他之前强行催发出来的修为,到了这里终于彻底无以为继了,却又身受足以致命的重伤,左手被楚阳毁了,右手也被楚阳身体之内莫名其妙的冲出来的这个家伙给烧了。 Moreover that fellow strange phoenix is air/Qi add hail to snow again really based on own severe wound, aggravated one! 而且那家伙诡异的凤凰真气在自己重伤的基础上再一次的雪上加霜,又加重了一层! That deserves death the fire of Nirvana now also in own, unexpectedly in that graceful persistent raging flames. The flame dodges another to dodge, dodges another to dodge...... 该死的涅槃之火现在还在自己手上,居然就那么优雅的持续熊熊燃烧之中。火焰一闪又一闪,一闪又一闪…… The new wound old wound manifests suddenly together comprehensively, the heart that Devil this moment dies really continually had. 新伤旧伤一起全面发作,天魔这一刻真的是连死的心都有了。 Because, he also really soon died! 更因为,他也真的快要死了! ............ …………
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