TTNH :: Volume #17

#1697: Critical time! 【Part 3!】

Saint King awakens! 圣王觉醒! Three Stars Sacred Clan, waited for that the arrival of for this day, waited for the entire 100,000 years! 三星圣族,等待这一天的到来,已经等待了整整100000年! 100,000 years of long passing of time, was really too long, was too long! 100000年漫长的岁月,实在是太久了,太久了! Supreme Devil Body, really! Actually can swallow the air/Qi of Devil I overflow!” In the Devil eye reveals the color of infinite colorful Mu, looks Tan Tan that the whole body black fog winds around, said maliciously: Was a pity that your present cultivation base throughout was too weak a point, cannot swallow large scale, otherwise, I also really took you to have no way, perhaps also will plant in your hands, now the victory and defeat said that actually already conclusion, your Supreme Devil Body, this demon must decide!” 无上魔体,果然了得!竟然能够吞噬我流溢的天魔之气!”天魔眼中露出无限的艳慕之色,看着浑身黑雾缭绕的谈昙,狠狠道:“可惜你现在修为始终是太弱了一点,并不能大幅度吞噬,否则的话,我还真拿你没法,说不定还会栽在你手里,不过呢,现在胜负之说却已可定论,你的无上魔体,本魔要定了!” Tan Tan does not utter a word, the body is motionless, suddenly is actually flying high, defeated/carrying in behind the body, another in airborne wields, suddenly melts to have the several hundreds of feet long paint black broadsword together fully, chops anxiously under! 谈昙一声不吭,身子一动不动,却在突然间凌空而起,一手负在身后,另一手在空中一挥,突然化出一道足有数十丈长的漆黑色大刀,急劈而下! Comes well! This move of also image point appearance!” Devil long smiles one, does not dodge not to evade, jumps to welcome, in the hand a create something from nothing appearance handle grotesque black great sword, welcomed the Tan Tan machete transverse frame to come up. “来得好!这招还象点样子!”天魔长笑一声,不闪不避,腾身迎上,手中无中生有的出现一柄奇形怪状的黑色巨剑,迎着谈昙的大砍刀横架上去。 However the momentum of this blade, Devil has been able to feel that Tan Tan this time getting rid, compared with before has the difference of heaven and earth absolutely! 然而这一刀的声势,天魔已经可以感觉出来,谈昙这一次的出手,与之前相比绝对有着天壤之别! Strength that this blade lies concealed does not reveal, even if falls the ground, so long as Tan Tan does not want to destroy this earth, was links grain of sandy soil unable to fly. 这一刀所隐伏的劲气含而不露,纵然是落到了地上,只要谈昙不想毁灭这大地,便是连一粒沙土也飞不起来。 But if Tan Tan wants to catch up intentionally, then this blade entire will be divided into two halves in sufficiently! 但若是谈昙存心想要发力的话,那么这一刀将足以把整个中都分成两半! A blade sword in airborne outrageously one pair \; demonic energy and black fog also ascend! Toward all around four sides spreads. 一刀一剑在空中悍然一对\;魔气与黑雾同时升腾!向着周遭四面扩散出去。 The Tan Tan blade pulls out, a spin, the crazy Feng Bao (storm) rain is 700 blades falls generally. 谈昙刀一抽,一旋,狂风暴雨一般就是700刀落下。 The Devil long sword flutters, the tiny step does not draw back, slightly leakproof receives each blade, regardless of the technique and precise degree have achieved scary realm. 天魔长剑翻飞,寸步不退,丝毫不漏的接下每一刀,无论手法、精确程度都达到了一个骇人的境界 Beforehand battle. Everywhere all hits the space crack is \; The power and influence is earthshaking. 之前的交战。直打得空间裂缝处处皆是\;威势可谓惊天动地。 But at this moment their battles, are actually are similar to the Lower Three Heavens most common Jiang Hu person fight with all might general, a blade sword, at first sight ordinary. The turn over organizes, does not have any extraordinary place. 但此刻两人的交战,却是如同下三天最最普通的江湖人拼杀一般,一刀一剑,乍看之下平凡之极。翻转腾挪,也都没有任何得出奇之处。 Even including the flowers and plants of ground, does not think to their fights. 甚至连地面的花草,也都对他们的战斗毫无所觉。 But ground listless Gu Yigu and the others, in the eye actually reveals to shock already look extremely. 但地上萎顿的古一鼓等人,眼中却纷纷露出震骇已极的神色。 That is Returning to the Natural State realm! 那是返璞归真境界 This is realm in Legend \; Although these two look like on the weapon have not supplemented any prestige energy, but everybody actually knows, they in according to most precise technique flexible utilization own elementary force. That is nearly perfect control! 这已经是传说之中的境界\;这两人虽然看起来兵器上没有附带任何的威能,但大家却都知道,两人都在以最精确的手法灵活的运用自身元力。那是一种近乎完美的控制! Does not waste absolutely tiny bit any! 绝对不浪费任何一丝一毫! All strengths, only when hits the opposite party thoroughly to erupt \; So long as cannot contact the body of opposite party, cannot cause the damage to the opposite party, comprehensively suppresses the leak of strength. Intravenous drip with nothing left. 所有的力量,都只会在击中对方的时候才会彻底爆发出来\;只要不能接触对方的身体,不能对对方造成伤害,那么,就是全面抑制住劲气的外泄。点滴无遗。 The fight that they so tumble, at the scene that the ordinary people blink, each other is several thousand moves passes. 两人如此翻翻滚滚的战斗着,在平常人眨眨眼的光景中,彼此已经是数千招过去了。 Returning to the Natural State realm, incurs a move of god, mysteriously appears and disappears, type is wonderful, wonderfully to the summit! 返璞归真境界,招招神,神出鬼没,式式妙,妙到毫颠! Devil demonic energy still in unceasing persistent sending out. Tan Tan black fog also in unceasing sweeping across expansion \; All around demonic energy had is assimilated by the black fog, becomes the Tan Tan strength. 天魔魔气仍在不断的持续散发。谈昙的黑雾也在不断的席卷扩张\;周遭魔气已经有许多被黑雾同化,变成谈昙的力量。 But, their battles are also different to the war of this gas spray . The result is just right. 但,两人的交战却又与这气雾之战绝不一样,或者说。结果正好相反。 In Devil, does not count under stimulation of movement cultivation base that loses not at any cost, although Tan Tan the move is exceptionally exquisite, but abdicated the number to be many on cultivation base throughout. Started falling slowly to leeward! 天魔不惜代价,不计损耗的催动修为之下,谈昙虽然招数异常精妙,但始终在修为上逊了数不少。已经开始慢慢的落到下风了! Gu Yigu and the others looks at eye socket to want crack to look, but. They have actually been injured were too heavy, the life is critically-ill, the basic gearing cannot move, can only worry spatially, even if actually all people settle healthily as usual, at present the war is not they can involve, the level differed much. 古一鼓等人看得睚眦欲裂看,但。他们却已经受伤太重了,性命垂危,根本连动都不能动,只能空着急,其实即使所有人安健如常,眼前战局也不是他们能够介入的,层次相差得太多了。 Devil also secretly was complaining of hardship actually now. 天魔其实现在也已经在暗暗的叫苦了。 He does not give a thought to the injury to stimulate to movement forcefully fully, the intention ended the war as fast as possible, now seems like awe-inspiring, actually he knows that oneself is not necessarily able to support is too long, perhaps a meeting, perhaps the moment, oneself must support continuously. 他不顾伤势强行催动全力,意图尽速结束战局,现在看似威风八面,其实他自己心里知道,自己未必可以支撑太久,也许一会,也许片刻,自己就要支持不住了。 Even if the most ideal condition , can only have the half stick of incense time again, if cannot take Tan Tan, then can only choose to retreat \; Moreover, after these time retreats, the injury will recur inevitably once again, compared with before serious, meets the endangering life source absolutely, the Divine Soul elementary force! 即便是最理想的状况,也就只能再有半柱香的时间而已,若是仍不能将谈昙拿下,那么自己就只能选择退走\;而且,这一次退走之后,伤势势必再度复发,将比以前更加的严重,绝对会危及生命本原,神魂元力! Therefore he also steeled one's heart, gets rid more and more heavily \; Must, probably before own limit arrives, seizes Tan Tan, extracts the soul, enters devil body by oneself again, controls this unsurpassed body, so can preserve own Divine Soul elementary force, even profits infinitely! 所以他也是横下了心,出手越来越重\;务必,要在自己极限到来之前,擒住谈昙,抽取生魂,再由自己进入魔体,主宰这具无上之身,如此才能保全自己的神魂元力,甚至受益无穷! Tan Tan is actually more burning with impatience. The Gu Yigu and the others injury is serious, frequently has the sorrow of life, said that is on the verge of death is not overrated, if oneself cannot rout Devil as fast as possible, these people really ended. 谈昙这边却是更加心急如焚。古一鼓等人伤势沉重,动辄有性命之忧,说是危在旦夕也不为过,自己若不能尽速击溃天魔,这几个人就算真的完了。 But spoke of routs as fast as possible, was easier said than done? 但说到尽速击溃,却又谈何容易? Oneself are gradual falling in leeward, soon does not have the strength to hit back, do not say anything to defeat, as for speaking of defeats as fast as possible, is simply ordinary on such as dream of a fool. 自己已经是逐渐的落在下风,快要没有还手之力,更不要说什么击败,至于说到尽速击败,简直就如痴人说梦一般。 After oneself stimulated the old soul a moment ago suddenly, the strength increases without doubt, if only itself runs away, Tan Tan it can be said that has 10,000% assurances. However walked, Gu Yigu and the others what to do? 自己刚才突然激发旧魂之后,实力无疑大增,若只是本身逃走,谈昙可说是有10000的把握。但是自己走了,古一鼓等人怎么办? Tan Tan that only then died in battle, does not have escape Saint King certainly! 只有战死的谈昙,绝无逃命的圣王 Therefore Tan Tan can only go all out, must with the time unexpectedly fast, expected miracle that the creation is impossible to complete! 所以谈昙只能拼命,更要与时间竟速,期望创造不可能完成的奇迹! Tan Tan is fights with the life at this moment, that side Devil is actually! 谈昙此刻乃是用性命来战斗,天魔那边却又何尝不是! But Devil difficulties, Tan Tan does not know. Felt that the offensive of opposite party more and more is crowded, the prestige energy more and more is serious, heart of Tan Tan, finally little sinks. 只不过天魔的苦衷这一节,谈昙并不知道。感觉到对方的攻势越来越是密集,威能越来越是沉重,谈昙的心,也终于一点点的沉下去。 Can I, fall from the sky eventually here? 难道我,终究要陨落在这里吗? Falls from the sky is not fearful, but, these use the life to protect my subordinates and brothers, how should also! 陨落并不可怕,但,那些用生命守护我的属下、兄弟,又该如何! ...... …… Then at this time, the distant place suddenly transmitted a shocking long and loud cry! 便在这时,远方突然传来一声震天长啸! Sees only from the Capital City direction, together just likes meteor general great sword light, the imperial wind is as fast as lightning general, is bringing the billowing wind and thunder, the extremely fast from out of the blue! 只见自中都城的方向,一道犹如流星一般的宏大剑光,正御风掣电一般,带着滚滚风雷,极速破空而来! The people, that have not flooded great sword energy of world, had demonstrated comes the status of person! 人还未至,那充斥天地的宏大剑气,已经显示了来人的身份! Master of Nine Tribulations Sword! 九劫剑主 In this Nine Heavens world, absolutely again does not have any to achieve such power and influence with the master of sword! 在这九重天世界里,绝对再没有任何一位用剑的高手能够达到这样的威势! Can frighten world with a sword, under this sky, only has Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, only has Nine Tribulations Sword! 能够以一把剑震慑天地的,这片天空之下,就只有九劫剑主,只有九劫剑 Under the Tan Tan heart is more anxious! 谈昙心下更急! Even if nowadays Chu Yang how cultivation base enters greatly, no doubt the Nine Tribulations Sword unparalleled in the world, the prestige can at best also be the Gu Yigu and the others level, although is the summit under Nine Heavens \; But actually also unqualified involves to enter itself and in Devil battlefield. 即便现今的楚阳如何的修为大进,固然九劫剑天下无双,威能充其量也就是古一鼓等人的层次,虽然已经是九重天之下的颠峰\;但却还不够资格介入到进自己与天魔的战场之中的。 If involves forcefully, perhaps after Chu Yang this fights, really must dissipate thoroughly on this day between. 若是强行介入,恐怕楚阳这一战之后,就真的要彻底消散在这天地之间了。 But looked momentum that Chu Yang this comes, is actually one toward not returns. 但看楚阳此来的声势,却已经是一往无回。 Not possible midway to give up certainly! 绝无可能中途罢手的! In Tan Tan heart a heat \; Loudly shouted: Chu Yang! Do not come! Walks quickly!” 谈昙心中一热\;大呼道:“楚阳!你不要过来!快走!” In the heart regretted infinitely that like fried in oil the fire to boil general! 心中无限后悔,有如被油煎火烹一般! This fool, brought death unexpectedly really! bastard bastard bastard...... 这傻子,竟然真的来送死了!魂淡魂淡魂淡啊…… Chu Yang is more spatial the imperial sword to come, sees the front demonic energy black fog dense tumbling, two person's shadows are similar to Tengyun (to turn over the clouds) in half cloud half fog harness the fog general fierce battle. 楚阳越空御剑而来,一眼就看到前方魔气黑雾氤氲翻滚,两道人影如同在半云半雾之间腾云驾雾一般的激烈战斗着。 The Tan Tan personal appearance, Chu Yang naturally is familiar, recognized, among the people of these two fights, that fell into the leeward, person in imminent danger, was own Junior Apprentice Brother! 谈昙的身形,楚阳自然是熟悉之极,一眼就认出来了,这两个战斗的人之间,那个已经落入下风,岌岌可危的人,正是自己的师弟 this moment, in the Chu Yang heart the anger ascends infinitely, wants not to think a strength, had not fallen to the ground the imperial sword to go! 这一刻,楚阳心中怒气无限升腾,想也不想的就更加了一把力气,都未落地就已御剑而去! The Tan Tan sound falls in his ear, Chu Yang turns a deaf ear, is only in the stimulation of movement hand of doing utmost the sword. 谈昙的声音落在他的耳朵里,楚阳充耳不闻,只是竭尽全力的催动手中之剑。 Do not come? Does he, what I make? Visits you dead? 不要过来?他么的,那我来做什么?看着你死吗? Looks at own Junior Apprentice Brother life and death in shortly, miserably cannot only withstand the word the appearance, Chu Yang only thought that in the brains shakes loudly, in an instant lost the complete reason! 看着自己的师弟生死只在顷刻,惨不堪言的模样,楚阳只觉得头脑中轰然一震,刹那间就失去了全部的理智! Dares to injure my brother!? 敢伤我兄弟!? Kill! 杀! Nine Heavens divine art under this way fierce violent anger, under urging of disregarding all consequences sends, the first time lively rapid operation in the Chu Yang meridians! 九重天神功在如斯狂烈的暴怒之下,在不计后果的催发之下,第一次活泼泼的在楚阳经脉之中迅速的运行起来! Chu Yang roar crazily, shouted to clear the way: Killing All Under The Heaven! Why Not!” 楚阳狂啸一声,喝道:“屠尽天下又何妨!” On Nine Tribulations Sword erupts one blazingly to the extreme white light, its luminous degree, must surpass in the sky absolutely the Sun brightness, the complete condensation a Sword Point size, is mixing with the unscrupulous imposing manner, insane same to/clashes to go toward Devil crazily! 九劫剑上爆发出一阵炽烈到极点的白光,其光亮程度,绝对要超过了天空中太阳的亮度,完全的凝聚成一点剑尖的大小,夹杂着肆无忌惮的气势,疯了一样的向着天魔狂冲而去! Killing All Under The Heaven, Why Not, a move of this tyrant world, first time was used all strength condensation to be a point by Chu Yang certainly! 屠尽天下又何妨,这霸绝天下的一招,第一次被楚阳用得所有劲力凝聚为一点! Chu Yang has confidence, even if in front is Sovereign of the Law and Wu Juecheng collaborates at this moment, own sword, can cause heavy losses to any person absolutely! This not pure is an estimate, is Chu Yang absolute self-confident! 楚阳有把握,即使此刻自己面前乃是法尊舞绝城联手,自己的这一剑,也绝对能够重创任何一人!这已不单纯是一种估算,更是楚阳的绝对自信! Degree that the opposite party formidable to has been hard to estimate obviously, and other grade nine Supreme has lain down including Gu Yigu the ground, only then Tan Tan strives with it socializing, Tan Tan has awakened inevitably again former life Divine Soul, otherwise, cannot achieve absolutely, after all the Tan Tan beforehand strength were too more than it Gu Yigu and the others. 对方显然强大到了难以估算的程度,连古一鼓等多位九品至尊都已经躺到了地上,就只有谈昙勉力与之周旋,那么,谈昙必然是再一次的觉醒了前世神魂,要不然,是绝对做不到的,毕竟谈昙之前的实力比之古一鼓等人强不了太多。 However the former life Divine Soul what kind great strength of Tan Tan, is well aware regarding this Chu Yang. 然而谈昙前世神魂何等的强大,对于这点楚阳自是心知肚明的。 Can also be able in these circumstances Tan Tan comprehensive suppression Devil, even if were promotes later is still not the match, even if Tan Tan collaborated, was not necessarily feasible. 能够在这样的情况下还能将谈昙全面压制的天魔,即便是提升之后的自己仍旧不是对手,即便自己与谈昙联手,也未必可行。 Therefore, oneself must solve the danger of Tan Tan, possibly only then this move of opportunity! 所以,自己要解谈昙之危,可能就只有这一招的机会! These, Chu Yang dodges in the mind completely has thought that thinks through completely thoroughly, therefore Chu Yang own lifetime cultivation base, all transports, in the dantian all energies, find time completely! 这些,楚阳在脑海中一闪就已全部想到,全部想通透,所以楚阳将自己的毕生修为,尽数的运起,丹田之中所有能量,全部抽空! All prestige energies, condenses to this sword above completely! 将一切一切的威能,全部都凝聚到这一剑之上! The sword of pure slaughter! 单纯的杀戮之剑! Chu Yang does not even dare to coordinate with other Nine Tribulations Sword Art, lest reduced the pure lethality of this sword! 楚阳甚至不敢用其他的九劫剑法加以配合,唯恐降低了这一剑的纯粹杀伤力! This sword, has almost been equal to Chu Yang to self-detonate such might! Does not calculate to have of Nine Tribulations Sword addition! 这一剑,几乎已经等同于楚阳自爆那样的威力!还是不计算有九劫剑加成的那种! However after this sword attacks, after the might limit erupts, Chu Yang must sink into the embarrassing situation of moving cannot move, absolute cannot move the finger, whatever truly the person butchers. 不过这一剑攻击出去之后,威力极限爆发之后,楚阳自己就要陷于一动也不能动的尴尬局面之中了,绝对的连手指头都不能动,真正任由人宰割。 Therefore this sword must succeed! 所以这一剑一定要成功! If not successful, ended! >\; Saint King awakens! 若不成,就完了!>\;圣王觉醒! Three Stars Sacred Clan, waited for that the arrival of for this day, waited for the entire 100,000 years! 三星圣族,等待这一天的到来,已经等待了整整100000年! 100,000 years of long passing of time, was really too long, was too long! 100000年漫长的岁月,实在是太久了,太久了! Supreme Devil Body, really! Actually can swallow the air/Qi of Devil I overflow!” In the Devil eye reveals the color of infinite colorful Mu, looks Tan Tan that the whole body black fog winds around, said maliciously: Was a pity that your present cultivation base throughout was too weak a point, cannot swallow large scale, otherwise, I also really took you to have no way, perhaps also will plant in your hands, now the victory and defeat said that actually already conclusion, your Supreme Devil Body, this demon must decide!” 无上魔体,果然了得!竟然能够吞噬我流溢的天魔之气!”天魔眼中露出无限的艳慕之色,看着浑身黑雾缭绕的谈昙,狠狠道:“可惜你现在修为始终是太弱了一点,并不能大幅度吞噬,否则的话,我还真拿你没法,说不定还会栽在你手里,不过呢,现在胜负之说却已可定论,你的无上魔体,本魔要定了!” Tan Tan does not utter a word, the body is motionless, suddenly is actually flying high, defeated/carrying in behind the body, another in airborne wields, suddenly melts to have the several hundreds of feet long paint black broadsword together fully, chops anxiously under! 谈昙一声不吭,身子一动不动,却在突然间凌空而起,一手负在身后,另一手在空中一挥,突然化出一道足有数十丈长的漆黑色大刀,急劈而下! Comes well! This move of also image point appearance!” Devil long smiles one, does not dodge not to evade, jumps to welcome, in the hand a create something from nothing appearance handle grotesque black great sword, welcomed the Tan Tan machete transverse frame to come up. “来得好!这招还象点样子!”天魔长笑一声,不闪不避,腾身迎上,手中无中生有的出现一柄奇形怪状的黑色巨剑,迎着谈昙的大砍刀横架上去。 However the momentum of this blade, Devil has been able to feel that Tan Tan this time getting rid, compared with before has the difference of heaven and earth absolutely! 然而这一刀的声势,天魔已经可以感觉出来,谈昙这一次的出手,与之前相比绝对有着天壤之别! Strength that this blade lies concealed does not reveal, even if falls the ground, so long as Tan Tan does not want to destroy this earth, was links grain of sandy soil unable to fly. 这一刀所隐伏的劲气含而不露,纵然是落到了地上,只要谈昙不想毁灭这大地,便是连一粒沙土也飞不起来。 But if Tan Tan wants to catch up intentionally, then this blade entire will be divided into two halves in sufficiently! 但若是谈昙存心想要发力的话,那么这一刀将足以把整个中都分成两半! A blade sword in airborne outrageously one pair \; demonic energy and black fog also ascend! Toward all around four sides spreads. 一刀一剑在空中悍然一对\;魔气与黑雾同时升腾!向着周遭四面扩散出去。 The Tan Tan blade pulls out, a spin. The crazy Feng Bao (storm) rain is 700 blades falls generally. 谈昙刀一抽,一旋。狂风暴雨一般就是700刀落下。 The Devil long sword flutters, the tiny step does not draw back, slightly leakproof receives each blade, regardless of the technique and precise degree have achieved scary realm. 天魔长剑翻飞,寸步不退,丝毫不漏的接下每一刀,无论手法、精确程度都达到了一个骇人的境界 The beforehand battle, everywhere all hits the space crack is \; The power and influence is earthshaking. 之前的交战,直打得空间裂缝处处皆是\;威势可谓惊天动地。 But at this moment their battles, are actually are similar to the Lower Three Heavens most common Jiang Hu person fight with all might general, a blade sword, at first sight ordinary. The turn over organizes, does not have any extraordinary place. 但此刻两人的交战,却是如同下三天最最普通的江湖人拼杀一般,一刀一剑,乍看之下平凡之极。翻转腾挪,也都没有任何得出奇之处。 Even including the flowers and plants of ground, does not think to their fights. 甚至连地面的花草,也都对他们的战斗毫无所觉。 But ground listless Gu Yigu and the others. In the eye actually reveals to shock already look extremely. 但地上萎顿的古一鼓等人。眼中却纷纷露出震骇已极的神色。 That is Returning to the Natural State realm! 那是返璞归真境界 This is realm in Legend \; Although these two look like on the weapon have not supplemented any prestige energy, but everybody actually knows that they in according to most precise technique flexible utilization own elementary force, that is a nearly perfect control! 这已经是传说之中的境界\;这两人虽然看起来兵器上没有附带任何的威能,但大家却都知道,两人都在以最精确的手法灵活的运用自身元力,那是一种近乎完美的控制! Does not waste absolutely tiny bit any! 绝对不浪费任何一丝一毫! All strengths. Only when hits the opposite party thoroughly to erupt \; So long as cannot contact the body of opposite party, cannot cause the damage to the opposite party, comprehensively suppresses the leak of strength, the intravenous drip with nothing left. 所有的力量。都只会在击中对方的时候才会彻底爆发出来\;只要不能接触对方的身体,不能对对方造成伤害,那么,就是全面抑制住劲气的外泄,点滴无遗。 The fight that they so tumble, at the scene that the ordinary people blink, each other is several thousand moves passes. 两人如此翻翻滚滚的战斗着,在平常人眨眨眼的光景中,彼此已经是数千招过去了。 Returning to the Natural State realm, incurs a move of god, mysteriously appears and disappears, type is wonderful. Wonderfully to the summit! 返璞归真境界,招招神,神出鬼没,式式妙。妙到毫颠! Devil demonic energy still in unceasing persistent sending out. Tan Tan black fog also in unceasing sweeping across expansion \; All around demonic energy had is assimilated by the black fog, becomes the Tan Tan strength. 天魔魔气仍在不断的持续散发。谈昙的黑雾也在不断的席卷扩张\;周遭魔气已经有许多被黑雾同化,变成谈昙的力量。 But, their battles are also different to the war of this gas spray, or the result is just right. 但,两人的交战却又与这气雾之战绝不一样,或者说,结果正好相反。 Does not hesitate the price in Devil. Does not count under stimulation of movement cultivation base that loses, although Tan Tan the move is exceptionally exquisite, but abdicated the number to be many on cultivation base throughout, started falling slowly to leeward! 天魔不惜代价。不计损耗的催动修为之下,谈昙虽然招数异常精妙,但始终在修为上逊了数不少,已经开始慢慢的落到下风了! Gu Yigu and the others looks at eye socket to want crack to look. But, they have actually been injured were too heavy, the life is critically-ill, the basic gearing cannot move, can only worry spatially, even if actually all people settle healthily as usual, at present the war is not they can involve, the level differed much. 古一鼓等人看得睚眦欲裂看。但,他们却已经受伤太重了,性命垂危,根本连动都不能动,只能空着急,其实即使所有人安健如常,眼前战局也不是他们能够介入的,层次相差得太多了。 Devil also secretly was complaining of hardship actually now. 天魔其实现在也已经在暗暗的叫苦了。 He does not give a thought to the injury to stimulate to movement forcefully fully, the intention ended the war as fast as possible, now seems like awe-inspiring, actually he knows that oneself is not necessarily able to support is too long, perhaps a meeting, perhaps the moment, oneself must support continuously. 他不顾伤势强行催动全力,意图尽速结束战局,现在看似威风八面,其实他自己心里知道,自己未必可以支撑太久,也许一会,也许片刻,自己就要支持不住了。 Even if the most ideal condition , can only have the half stick of incense time again, if cannot take Tan Tan, then can only choose to retreat \; Moreover, after these time retreats, the injury will recur inevitably once again, compared with before serious, meets the endangering life source absolutely, the Divine Soul elementary force! 即便是最理想的状况,也就只能再有半柱香的时间而已,若是仍不能将谈昙拿下,那么自己就只能选择退走\;而且,这一次退走之后,伤势势必再度复发,将比以前更加的严重,绝对会危及生命本原,神魂元力! Therefore he also steeled one's heart, gets rid more and more heavily \; Must, probably before own limit arrives, seizes Tan Tan, extracts the soul, enters devil body by oneself again, controls this unsurpassed body, so can preserve own Divine Soul elementary force, even profits infinitely! 所以他也是横下了心,出手越来越重\;务必,要在自己极限到来之前,擒住谈昙,抽取生魂,再由自己进入魔体,主宰这具无上之身,如此才能保全自己的神魂元力,甚至受益无穷! Tan Tan is actually more burning with impatience. The Gu Yigu and the others injury is serious, frequently has the sorrow of life, said that is on the verge of death is not overrated, if oneself cannot rout Devil as fast as possible, these people really ended. 谈昙这边却是更加心急如焚。古一鼓等人伤势沉重,动辄有性命之忧,说是危在旦夕也不为过,自己若不能尽速击溃天魔,这几个人就算真的完了。 But spoke of routs as fast as possible, was easier said than done? 但说到尽速击溃,却又谈何容易? Oneself are gradual falling in leeward, soon does not have the strength to hit back, do not say anything to defeat, as for speaking of defeats as fast as possible, is simply ordinary on such as dream of a fool. 自己已经是逐渐的落在下风,快要没有还手之力,更不要说什么击败,至于说到尽速击败,简直就如痴人说梦一般。 After oneself stimulated the old soul a moment ago suddenly, the strength increases without doubt, if only itself runs away, Tan Tan it can be said that has 10,000% assurances. However walked, Gu Yigu and the others what to do? 自己刚才突然激发旧魂之后,实力无疑大增,若只是本身逃走,谈昙可说是有10000的把握。但是自己走了,古一鼓等人怎么办? Tan Tan that only then died in battle, does not have escape Saint King certainly! 只有战死的谈昙,绝无逃命的圣王 Therefore Tan Tan can only go all out, must with the time unexpectedly fast, expected miracle that the creation is impossible to complete! 所以谈昙只能拼命,更要与时间竟速,期望创造不可能完成的奇迹! Tan Tan is fights with the life at this moment, that side Devil is actually! 谈昙此刻乃是用性命来战斗,天魔那边却又何尝不是! But Devil difficulties, Tan Tan does not know. Felt that the offensive of opposite party more and more is crowded, the prestige energy more and more is serious, heart of Tan Tan, finally little sinks. 只不过天魔的苦衷这一节,谈昙并不知道。感觉到对方的攻势越来越是密集,威能越来越是沉重,谈昙的心,也终于一点点的沉下去。 Can I, fall from the sky eventually here? 难道我,终究要陨落在这里吗? Falls from the sky is not fearful, but, these use the life to protect my subordinates and brothers, how should also! 陨落并不可怕,但,那些用生命守护我的属下、兄弟,又该如何! ...... …… Then at this time, the distant place suddenly transmitted a shocking long and loud cry! 便在这时,远方突然传来一声震天长啸! Sees only from the Capital City direction, together just likes meteor general great sword light, the imperial wind is as fast as lightning general, is bringing the billowing wind and thunder, the extremely fast from out of the blue! 只见自中都城的方向,一道犹如流星一般的宏大剑光,正御风掣电一般,带着滚滚风雷,极速破空而来! The people, that have not flooded great sword energy of world, had demonstrated comes the status of person! 人还未至,那充斥天地的宏大剑气,已经显示了来人的身份! Master of Nine Tribulations Sword! 九劫剑主 In this Nine Heavens world, absolutely again does not have any to achieve such power and influence with the master of sword! 在这九重天世界里,绝对再没有任何一位用剑的高手能够达到这样的威势! Can frighten world with a sword, under this sky, only has Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, only has Nine Tribulations Sword! 能够以一把剑震慑天地的,这片天空之下,就只有九劫剑主,只有九劫剑 Under the Tan Tan heart is more anxious! 谈昙心下更急! Even if nowadays Chu Yang how cultivation base enters greatly, no doubt the Nine Tribulations Sword unparalleled in the world, the prestige can at best also be the Gu Yigu and the others level, although is the summit under Nine Heavens \; But actually also unqualified involves to enter itself and in Devil battlefield. 即便现今的楚阳如何的修为大进,固然九劫剑天下无双,威能充其量也就是古一鼓等人的层次,虽然已经是九重天之下的颠峰\;但却还不够资格介入到进自己与天魔的战场之中的。 If involves forcefully, perhaps after Chu Yang this fights, really must dissipate thoroughly on this day between. 若是强行介入,恐怕楚阳这一战之后,就真的要彻底消散在这天地之间了。 But looked momentum that Chu Yang this comes, is actually one toward not returns. 但看楚阳此来的声势,却已经是一往无回。 Not possible midway to give up certainly! 绝无可能中途罢手的! In Tan Tan heart a heat \; Loudly shouted: Chu Yang! Do not come! Walks quickly!” 谈昙心中一热\;大呼道:“楚阳!你不要过来!快走!” In the heart regretted infinitely that like fried in oil the fire to boil general! 心中无限后悔,有如被油煎火烹一般! This fool, brought death unexpectedly really! bastard bastard bastard...... 这傻子,竟然真的来送死了!魂淡魂淡魂淡啊…… Chu Yang is more spatial the imperial sword to come, sees the front demonic energy black fog dense tumbling, two person's shadows are similar to Tengyun (to turn over the clouds) in half cloud half fog harness the fog general fierce battle. 楚阳越空御剑而来,一眼就看到前方魔气黑雾氤氲翻滚,两道人影如同在半云半雾之间腾云驾雾一般的激烈战斗着。 The Tan Tan personal appearance, Chu Yang naturally is familiar, recognized, among the people of these two fights, that fell into the leeward, person in imminent danger, was own Junior Apprentice Brother! 谈昙的身形,楚阳自然是熟悉之极,一眼就认出来了,这两个战斗的人之间,那个已经落入下风,岌岌可危的人,正是自己的师弟 this moment, in the Chu Yang heart the anger ascends infinitely, wants not to think a strength, had not fallen to the ground the imperial sword to go! 这一刻,楚阳心中怒气无限升腾,想也不想的就更加了一把力气,都未落地就已御剑而去! The Tan Tan sound falls in his ear, Chu Yang turns a deaf ear, is only in the stimulation of movement hand of doing utmost the sword. 谈昙的声音落在他的耳朵里,楚阳充耳不闻,只是竭尽全力的催动手中之剑。 Do not come? Does he, what I make? Visits you dead? 不要过来?他么的,那我来做什么?看着你死吗? Looks at own Junior Apprentice Brother life and death in shortly, miserably cannot only withstand the word the appearance, Chu Yang only thought that in the brains shakes loudly, in an instant lost the complete reason! 看着自己的师弟生死只在顷刻,惨不堪言的模样,楚阳只觉得头脑中轰然一震,刹那间就失去了全部的理智! Dares to injure my brother!? 敢伤我兄弟!? Kill! 杀! Nine Heavens divine art under this way fierce violent anger, under urging of disregarding all consequences sends, the first time lively rapid operation in the Chu Yang meridians! 九重天神功在如斯狂烈的暴怒之下,在不计后果的催发之下,第一次活泼泼的在楚阳经脉之中迅速的运行起来! Chu Yang roar crazily, shouted to clear the way: Killing All Under The Heaven! Why Not!” 楚阳狂啸一声,喝道:“屠尽天下又何妨!” On Nine Tribulations Sword erupts one blazingly to the extreme white light, its luminous degree, must surpass in the sky absolutely the Sun brightness, the complete condensation a Sword Point size, is mixing with the unscrupulous imposing manner, insane same to/clashes to go toward Devil crazily! 九劫剑上爆发出一阵炽烈到极点的白光,其光亮程度,绝对要超过了天空中太阳的亮度,完全的凝聚成一点剑尖的大小,夹杂着肆无忌惮的气势,疯了一样的向着天魔狂冲而去! Killing All Under The Heaven, Why Not, a move of this tyrant world, first time was used all strength condensation to be a point by Chu Yang certainly! 屠尽天下又何妨,这霸绝天下的一招,第一次被楚阳用得所有劲力凝聚为一点! Chu Yang has confidence, even if in front is Sovereign of the Law and Wu Juecheng collaborates at this moment, own sword, can cause heavy losses to any person absolutely! This not pure is an estimate, is Chu Yang absolute self-confident! 楚阳有把握,即使此刻自己面前乃是法尊舞绝城联手,自己的这一剑,也绝对能够重创任何一人!这已不单纯是一种估算,更是楚阳的绝对自信! Degree that the opposite party formidable to has been hard to estimate obviously, and other grade nine Supreme has lain down including Gu Yigu the ground, only then Tan Tan strives with it socializing, Tan Tan has awakened inevitably again former life Divine Soul, otherwise, cannot achieve absolutely, after all the Tan Tan beforehand strength were too more than it Gu Yigu and the others. 对方显然强大到了难以估算的程度,连古一鼓等多位九品至尊都已经躺到了地上,就只有谈昙勉力与之周旋,那么,谈昙必然是再一次的觉醒了前世神魂,要不然,是绝对做不到的,毕竟谈昙之前的实力比之古一鼓等人强不了太多。 However the former life Divine Soul what kind great strength of Tan Tan, is well aware regarding this Chu Yang. 然而谈昙前世神魂何等的强大,对于这点楚阳自是心知肚明的。 Can also be able in these circumstances Tan Tan comprehensive suppression Devil, even if were promotes later is still not the match, even if Tan Tan collaborated, was not necessarily feasible. 能够在这样的情况下还能将谈昙全面压制的天魔,即便是提升之后的自己仍旧不是对手,即便自己与谈昙联手,也未必可行。 Therefore, oneself must solve the danger of Tan Tan, possibly only then this move of opportunity! 所以,自己要解谈昙之危,可能就只有这一招的机会! These, Chu Yang dodges in the mind completely has thought that thinks through completely thoroughly, therefore Chu Yang own lifetime cultivation base, all transports, in the dantian all energies, find time completely! 这些,楚阳在脑海中一闪就已全部想到,全部想通透,所以楚阳将自己的毕生修为,尽数的运起,丹田之中所有能量,全部抽空! All prestige energies, condenses to this sword above completely! 将一切一切的威能,全部都凝聚到这一剑之上! The sword of pure slaughter! 单纯的杀戮之剑! Chu Yang does not even dare to coordinate with other Nine Tribulations Sword Art, lest reduced the pure lethality of this sword! 楚阳甚至不敢用其他的九劫剑法加以配合,唯恐降低了这一剑的纯粹杀伤力! This sword, has almost been equal to Chu Yang to self-detonate such might! Does not calculate to have of Nine Tribulations Sword addition! 这一剑,几乎已经等同于楚阳自爆那样的威力!还是不计算有九劫剑加成的那种! However after this sword attacks, after the might limit erupts, Chu Yang must sink into the embarrassing situation of moving cannot move, absolute cannot move the finger, whatever truly the person butchers. 不过这一剑攻击出去之后,威力极限爆发之后,楚阳自己就要陷于一动也不能动的尴尬局面之中了,绝对的连手指头都不能动,真正任由人宰割。 Therefore this sword must succeed! 所以这一剑一定要成功! If not successful, ended! 若不成,就完了!
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