TTNH :: Volume #17

#1696: Saint King awakens!

Gu Yigu not only cannot draw back, instead must go forward. 古一鼓非但不能退,反而要上前。 These is actually equal to all attacks all withstood by own body. 这一下却等于是将所有攻击尽数的以自己的身体承受了。 Devil strikes, Gu Yigu cannot withstand, before let alone, received heavy injuring, a contact, immediately was seriously injured, strength sharp decline! 天魔一击,古一鼓根本承受不来,更别说之前已经受了不轻的伤损,才一接触,即时受了重伤,战力锐减! However, his goal has been achieved, he bravely steps forward, the only goal is to preserve Tan Tan, just like this 不过,他的目的已经达到,他挺身而出,唯一目的就是保全谈昙,如此而已 Devil grins fiendishly, the giant palm closed up, has grasped firmly the hand of Gu Yigu, casually pinched! 天魔一声狞笑,巨大的手掌合拢,攥住了古一鼓的手,轻描淡写的一捏! However the sound resounds one after another, the Gu Yigu both arms completely crush. 然而咔嚓嚓的声音接连响起,古一鼓双臂彻底粉碎。 His hissing is roaring, calling out pitifully, almost must pull out the heart and liver to come general bellowing: Saint King! Walks quickly......” 他嘶声怒吼着,惨叫着,几乎要掏出心肝来一般的大吼:“圣王!快走啊……” His both hands broke , is incapable of attacking, moreover during the enemy grasps, but he also has the leg, but can also counter-attack, even if the futile effort effort, must counter-attack with every effort! 他双手已断,再也无力攻击,而且还在敌人掌握之中,但他还有腿,还可以反扑,就算是徒劳的努力,也要尽力反扑! Two leg lift-offs, tornado several hundred legs, bang to Devil. 两条腿离地而起,旋风般数百腿,轰向天魔身上。 Devil exudes one to roar, a left hand holds both hands of Gu Yigu, another right hand is actually the illness such as the wind and thunder generally fiercely chops in the chest of Gu Yigu. 天魔发出一声怒吼,一只左手抓住古一鼓的双手,另一只右手却是疾如风雷一般猛劈在古一鼓的前胸。 Almost in simultaneously, the Gu Yigu several hundred legs was similar to beat a drum general completely scolds the chest of Devil, under the so great strength went all out to counter-attack, the body of Devil is also out of control to raise in the future. 几乎是在同时,古一鼓数百腿如同擂鼓一般的尽数落到了天魔的前胸,在如此巨力拼命反扑之下,天魔的身子也禁不住往后一扬。 Because fleeing of these several hundred legs counter-attack, causes to divide in the right palm of Gu Yigu chest has not hit the reality truly. 正因为这数百腿的亡命反扑,令到劈在古一鼓前胸的右掌没有真正打实。 Even if no complete compaction, but this strength still had the ruinous might, Gu Yigu cried, his chest was shrivelled immediately, in the mouth was calling still out: Saint King...... Walks quickly......” 然而纵然没有全部击实,但这一股力量仍然是具有毁灭性的威力,喀嚓一声,古一鼓大叫一声,他的前胸即时瘪了下去,口中却仍在叫道:“圣王……快走……” Devil has thrown the Gu Yigu body conveniently, does not have the person of revolt ability to this again, no longer pays attention. This person does not die will instead divert that Supreme Devil Body owner, will not leave lightly, immediately the starting to walk stride, approaches toward Tan Tan. 天魔随手将古一鼓身体扔了出去,对这再无反抗能力的人,不再理会。这个人不死反而会牵制那个无上魔体的拥有者,不会轻离,随即迈开大步,向着谈昙逼近。 His corners of the mouth, the black blood overflow, that is Gu Yigu by the achievement that the life wrestles. 只是他的嘴角,有一丝黑色的鲜血溢出来,那是古一鼓以性命相搏的成果。 Devil gets angry very much. 天魔很怒。 Cannot think absolutely depending on own cultivation base, facing Nine Heavens several ants, will be unexpectedly also injured! 万万想不到凭自己的修为,面对九重天的几只蝼蚁,居然也会受伤! It seems like that must fight a battle to force a quick decision. 看来,要速战速决了。 Person's shadow suddenly chaotic dodges. Other Sacred Clan five Elder simultaneously diving posture, but on detains, five people simultaneously yelled: Saint King! You walk quickly!” 人影突的乱闪。其余的圣族五位长老同时飞身而上拦阻,五个人同时大叫道:“圣王!您快走啊!” Then these five people were ordinary on such as Gu Yigu a moment ago, being duty-bound not to turn back rushed toward Devil. 然后这五个人就如古一鼓刚才一般,义无返顾的向着天魔冲了上去。 Five people hand in hand, all people completely glare angrily shoulder to shoulder, going all out is bellowing. Condenses own lifetime cultivation base to all strike, goes all out to wrestle! 五个人并肩携手,所有人尽都是怒目圆睁,拼命的大吼着。将自身毕生修为尽数凝聚为一击,拼命一搏! In their hearts has a thought: Saint King walks quickly! So long as you are living, we were decapitated, have broken to pieces the corpse, Divine Soul altogether extinguished, consigned to eternal damnation, is worth! 他们的此刻心中就惟有一个念头:圣王快走!只要您活着,我们就算被杀了头,碎了尸,神魂俱灭,万劫不复,也是值得的! If not for the Tan Tan present range everybody's position is too near. These people early without hesitation launched the to self-detonate attack. But now is actually refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, can only die to spell with own life, life-and-death wrestles! 若不是谈昙现在距离大家的位置实在太近。这几人早已经毫不犹豫的发动了自爆攻击了。但现在却是投鼠忌器,只能用自己的性命死拼,殊死一搏! Devil Jie Jie smiles strangely, is bringing unprecedented swift and fierce killing intent. A foot kicked out outrageously, the empty shade of that foot in midair also, regulations already solid kicking in a chest of Sacred Clan Elder. 天魔桀桀怪笑,带着前所未有的凌厉杀机。一脚悍然踢了出去,那只脚在半空中的虚影还在,实则已经结结实实的踢在一位圣族长老的前胸。 , The chest of that Elder was kicked big hole unexpectedly. Elder grasped the foot of Devil stubbornly, the hissing entreated: Saint King...... How you have not walked. Walks quickly......” 咔嚓一声,那位长老的前胸竟被踢出来一个大洞。却长老是死死地抱住了天魔的脚,嘶声哀求道:“圣王……您怎地还不走。快走啊……” The Devil right hand runs out rapidly, touches with the palm of another Elder in the same place. 天魔右手急速冲出,与另一位长老的手掌碰在一起。 Of bang, that Elder palm was hit immediately pulpy, odd/surplus Jin completely , the arm has not broken, immediately, had been rumbled together including own palm by Devil own chest! 轰的一声,那位长老手掌顿时被打得稀烂,咔嚓嚓,余劲未尽之下,胳膊一路断裂上去,随即,已被天魔连自己的手掌一起轰进了自己的前胸! In the flesh and blood splash, this Three Stars Sacred Clan Elder shouts wildly one: Saint King! Walks quickly!” 血肉飞溅中,这位三星圣族长老狂叫一声:“圣王!快走!” Then on wicked lowering the head , a words dense tooth, maliciously bites on the Devil palm, not having the hand, the leg unable to make an effort, used the mouth, used the tooth. 接着就恶狠狠的低下头,一口白森森的牙齿,狠狠地咬在天魔手掌上,没有了手,腿使不上劲,就用嘴,就用牙。 Ah~ ~ Devil sends out a pain to call, suddenly takes back the palm, a meat bone of big piece of blood was brought from this Elder chest by him. 啊~~”天魔发出一声痛叫,猛地收回手掌,一大片血的肉骨头就那么被他从这位长老胸口中带了出来。 Spelled! Has died with him!” Yelling of another three people of grief and indignation, do not dodge do not evade, overran directly, at this moment cannot to self-detonate, only then near body fights hand-to-hand, can give the opposite party most effective diversion. “拼了!跟他死过!”另外三人悲愤的大叫,不闪不避,直接冲了过去,此刻不能自爆,惟有近身肉搏,才能给对方最有效的牵制。 However, this also the procedure that take risks and most fight tooth and nail, but did Elder such dutifully to do! 然而,这也是最冒险、最搏命的作法,可是一干长老就是这么义无返顾的作了! Saint King! You walk quickly!!” 圣王!你快走啊!!” Yelling of five people still from the sky reverberate, altogether has the scene of a blink, at the scene became so frigid! 五个人的大叫还在空中回荡,一共就只得一眨眼的光景,场面中就已经变得如此惨烈! In the Tan Tan ear listens to the subordinate to shout wildly: Saint King walks quickly!” 谈昙耳中听着属下在狂叫:“圣王快走!” In the eye saw that the flesh and blood of youngest brother is fluttering about. 眼中看到老兄弟的血肉在纷飞。 Tan Tan whole body fierce shivers, eye also slowly became must be red, immediately turned into jet black such as the look of black ink. He closely clenches teeth, the complexion is fierce, the head is sudden a dizziness, a dizziness, the whole person was similar to passed through the time, arrived in the nightmare. 谈昙全身上下剧烈的颤抖起来,眼睛也慢慢的变得红了,随即又变成了漆黑如墨的神色。他紧紧咬着牙,脸色狰狞,脑袋却突然一阵晕眩,一阵天旋地转,整个人如同是穿越了时光,来到了梦魇之中。 Or returned to the past, time that formerly that most is not willing to recall! 或者说,回归到了从前,从前那个最不愿意回忆起来的时刻! tens of thousands year ago that most is not willing to recall that is well uping suddenly at this moment. At that time was also so, countless clansmen, the subordinate, have formed a mighty current before oneself, walloped toward the scene of that calamity. 数万年前的那一幕,最不愿意回想起来的那一幕,突然在此刻涌上心头。那时也是如此,无数的族人,属下,在自己身前汇成了一道洪流,向着那天塌地陷的情景猛冲过去。 Saint King! You walk quickly!” 圣王!您快走啊!” That time was several million people are roaring together, pleaded itself to leave with one voice. 那时是数百万人一起在吼,齐声恳求自己离开。 They are small and weak in themselves at present, but is small and weak they, boldly thrust forward to welcome to extinguished the world mighty current, was protecting in the clansman most formidable, entreated itself to run away, only asked oneself to escape! 他们在自己眼前是弱小的,但正是弱小的他们,挺身迎向了灭世洪流,保护着在族人之中最强大的自己,更声声哀求自己逃走,只求自己可以逃生! Tan Tan silent whooshes. 谈昙无声的嘶吼起来。 Present one such as the past sacrifice, one such as that day flesh and blood flying in all directions, stimulated in his blood suddenly the wildest factor, he has opened the mouth, silent was whooshing, that eye turned into the complete black, that was also wants the dark luster compared with the dark night. 眼前的一如往日的牺牲,一如那日的血肉横飞,突然间激发起了他血液中最狂野的因子,他张开了嘴,无声地嘶吼着,那双眼睛已经变成了完全的黑色,那是比黑夜还要黑暗的色泽。 Similar to is two black holes. 就如同是两只黑洞。 Although the eye is that big, but these two invisible black holes actually as if were bigger and bigger...... 眼睛虽然还是那么大,但这两只无形的黑洞却似乎是越来越大了…… Sends out a suction faintly, that is a powerful strong suction. 隐隐散发出一股吸力,那是一股充满力量的强劲吸力。 I escaped one time, this time, I do not run away, does not run away absolutely, dies does not run away!” The body of Tan Tan severe wound has stood from the ground slowly. “我已经逃过一次,这次,我不逃了,绝对不逃了,死也不逃了!”谈昙重伤的身子缓缓地从地上站了起来。 Formerly, the Devil main goal had already locked him, a palm of that silently, has almost broken his whole body physique all, on the normalcy, Tan Tan should unable to move, cannot move. 先前,天魔最主要的目标早已锁定了他,那无声无息的一掌,几乎已经将他全身筋骨尽数打断了,就正常而言,谈昙本该不能动弹,一点都不能动弹的。 Do not say that stands to transport the merit fight. 更不要说站起来运功战斗。 But this moment, he actually likely restored in inexplicable, as if has not been injured. 这一刻,他却像是在莫名间恢复了,似乎根本没受过伤。 At this moment, I will not run away again!” Tan Tan two black hole common eyes look at Devil, coldly shout to clear the way: Stop!” “此时此刻,我不会再逃了!”谈昙两个黑洞一般的眼睛看着天魔,冷冷喝道:“住手!” In the sound, is bringing unquestionable order overbearing, was full of one type to grasp the world common people, follow me and prosper, the oppose me and perish Wei ice flavor/smell. 声音中,带着一种不容置疑的命令霸道,充满了一种掌握天下苍生,顺我者昌,逆我者亡的威凌味道。 Still was the body of Tan Tan, was still the Tan Tan appearance, but, Tan Tan at this moment, actually as if completely turned into another person to be ordinary to the feeling of person. 仍旧是谈昙的身体,仍旧是谈昙的面貌,但,此刻的谈昙,给人的感觉却似乎是完全变成了另一个人一般。 The beforehand weary rascal already disappeared at this moment disappear without trace, displaces, is rules the world the imposing manner, controls the breadth of spirit of common people, shows disdain for group sink into the bearing, having absolute power over somebody overbearing, arrogant and bossy elegant demeanor. 以前的惫懒无赖此刻早已消失得无影无踪,取而代之的,是君临天下的气势,主宰苍生的气魄,傲视群沦的气度,生杀予夺的霸道,还有颐指气使的风采。 Said, was having as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, not the power and influence that allowed to defy. 一言出,带着言出法随、不容违拗的威势。 Also, Devil unexpectedly calling a halt of cannot help but, immediately calls a halt to be unsatisfactory to oneself, the angry sound shouted to clear the way: „Does your this junior dare to order me?!” 也不知怎地,天魔竟不由自主的停了手,随即就对自己停手大为不满,怒声喝道:“你这小辈竟敢命令我?!” In the pupil of Tan Tan reveals exceptionally ice-cold woods cold killing intent, indifferently said: Waste!” 谈昙的眸子中流露出异常冰冷森寒的杀意,淡淡道:“废物!” Was Supreme Devil Body regains consciousness?” Devil suddenly had a scare, under looks fixedly on again, already felt relieved: Originally was once the strength return of seal...... However, even if must return in the past, but your cultivation base must receive the limit of Nine Heavens contact surface throughout, cannot achieve the real strength that Supreme Devil Body should have, can actually my what?? However is quite strong ants!” “是无上魔体苏醒了?”天魔猛地吓了一跳,再定睛细看之下,已然放下心来:“原来不过是曾经封印的力量回归……不过,就算是得回往昔,但你的修为始终要受九重天界面的限制,根本不能达到无上魔体所应该具备的真实力量,却又能奈我何??不过是一只比较强壮的蝼蚁罢了!” Tan Tan eye desert wooden visits him, indifferently said: Good that you said that this king strength, although has the growth, was still actually not enough to kill you, even if cannot kill you, has actually been able to fight with you! Lets loose my subordinate, this king accompanies you to fight! You do not want to obtain the body of this king, takes!” 谈昙眼睛漠无表情的看着他,淡淡道:“你说的不错,本王的力量虽有增长,却仍不足以杀你,然而即便不能杀你,却已经可以与你一战!放开我的属下,本王陪你一战!你不是想得到本王的身体么,过来拿啊!” Devil is feeling the opposite party clearly just like the rebirth general copious strength, that is almost not inferior in own present full strength, is discrete, the enticement is big, throughout must have the life to enjoy, all take being careful as suitably. 天魔清晰地感受着对方宛如重生一般的沛然战力,那几乎不逊色于自己现在的充盈战力,不由的谨慎起来,诱惑再大,始终要有命才能享有,一切还是以小心为宜。 Lets loose the hand gently, the whole person gradually flutters the midair, Jie Jie said with a smile: Hehe, although you are in demon the demon, but you now, after all were too small and weak a point. Might as well let loose Divine Soul simply, making me use your devil body, displays its latent prestige energy, together how reaches the peak? I may guarantee that does not extinguish your Nascent Soul, together Wei ice world!” 轻轻地放开手,整个人缓缓飘上半空,桀桀笑道:“呵呵,虽然你是魔中之魔,但你现在,毕竟还是太弱小了一点。不如索性放开神魂,让我利用你的魔体,发挥其潜在威能,一同达到巅峰如何?我可保证不灭你元魂,一同威凌天下!” Devil this pledged that actually proceeds from bottom of one's heart, Tan Tan at present the condition, although strengthens large scale, actually was still inferior to Devil, is difficult the odds of success, Devil makes the compromise, is willing by the double soul with the palm mortal body, so to develop the Supreme Devil Body latent prestige energy on the according to extremely fast way, some significance, is a win-win procedure! 天魔这个承诺倒是发自肺腑,谈昙目前状态虽然大幅度增强,却仍不及天魔,难有胜算,天魔作出妥协,愿意以双魂同掌肉身,如此就以极速方式开发无上魔体的潜在威能,就某种意义而言,也是一种双赢的做法! Tan Tan crosses the hands behind the back to scold saying: Puts your mother's fart! Your Xiaoxiao demon, presumptuously thinks to operate father devil body, has thought mistakenly your heart!” 谈昙负手叱道:“放你妈的屁!你个小小魔物,妄想操纵老子魔体,想错了你的心!” Suddenly a brow wrinkle, somewhat speechless has smiled: I because of the dead weight status, will never export before dirty, cannot think of this time...... Hehe, changed unexpectedly.” 突然眉头一皱,有些无语的笑了起来:“我以前因为自重身份,从来不会出口成脏,想不到这一次……呵呵呵,居然真的改变了许多。” War!” The Tan Tan whole body clothing is calm, the head long hair flies disorderly, stands in the pool of blood, the behind the body black fog winds around slowly, that is the complete darkness. “战吧!”谈昙浑身衣衫无风自动,头上长发凌乱飞起,在血泊之中站立,身后徐徐黑雾缭绕,那是完全的黑暗。 He proceeded to tread one step, the behind the body black fog obviously rich. 他往前踏了一步,身后的黑雾更显浓郁。 Devil beforehand sends out, covers many spaces demonic energy, this flash seemed assimilated by the Tan Tan black fog, in faint trace continuously gathers toward the Tan Tan side. 天魔之前散发出来,笼罩许多空间的魔气,这一瞬间似乎被谈昙的黑雾所同化,在丝丝缕缕的向着谈昙的身边聚拢而来。 That overbearing, that authority, has almost flooded the trim world! 那种霸道,那种权威,几乎是充斥了整片天地! Felt that this lawless imposing imposing manner, obviously is Gu Yigu and the others atheistic two of suffocation towering opened, an indescribable excitement has filled the heart, is moved to tears, chokes with sobs: Saint King! ~~ you have awakened finally......” 感觉到这股无法无天的凛然气势,明明已经是奄奄一息的古一鼓等人无神两眼突兀的睁大了,一种难以言喻的激动充满了心胸,一个个热泪盈眶,泣不成声:“圣王!~~您终于觉醒了……” Performs does not give a thought to own serious unusual injury, old men cry unexpectedly excitedly loudly. 尽都不顾自身沉重异常的伤势,一个个老头儿们居然激动地放声大哭。 ............ ………… Gu Yigu not only cannot draw back, instead must go forward. 古一鼓非但不能退,反而要上前。 These is actually equal to all attacks all withstood by own body. 这一下却等于是将所有攻击尽数的以自己的身体承受了。 Devil strikes, Gu Yigu cannot withstand, before let alone, received heavy injuring, a contact, immediately was seriously injured, strength sharp decline! 天魔一击,古一鼓根本承受不来,更别说之前已经受了不轻的伤损,才一接触,即时受了重伤,战力锐减! However, his goal has been achieved, he bravely steps forward, the only goal is to preserve Tan Tan, just like this 不过,他的目的已经达到,他挺身而出,唯一目的就是保全谈昙,如此而已 Devil grins fiendishly, the giant palm closed up, has grasped firmly the hand of Gu Yigu, casually pinched! 天魔一声狞笑,巨大的手掌合拢,攥住了古一鼓的手,轻描淡写的一捏! However the sound resounds one after another, the Gu Yigu both arms completely crush. 然而咔嚓嚓的声音接连响起,古一鼓双臂彻底粉碎。 His hissing is roaring, calling out pitifully, almost must pull out the heart and liver to come general bellowing: Saint King! Walks quickly......” 他嘶声怒吼着,惨叫着,几乎要掏出心肝来一般的大吼:“圣王!快走啊……” His both hands broke , is incapable of attacking, moreover during the enemy grasps, but he also has the leg, but can also counter-attack, even if the futile effort effort, must counter-attack with every effort! 他双手已断,再也无力攻击,而且还在敌人掌握之中,但他还有腿,还可以反扑,就算是徒劳的努力,也要尽力反扑! Two leg lift-offs, tornado several hundred legs, bang to Devil. 两条腿离地而起,旋风般数百腿,轰向天魔身上。 Devil exudes one to roar, a left hand holds both hands of Gu Yigu, another right hand is actually the illness such as the wind and thunder generally fiercely chops in the chest of Gu Yigu. 天魔发出一声怒吼,一只左手抓住古一鼓的双手,另一只右手却是疾如风雷一般猛劈在古一鼓的前胸。 Almost in simultaneously, the Gu Yigu several hundred legs was similar to beat a drum general completely scolds the chest of Devil, under the so great strength went all out to counter-attack, the body of Devil is also out of control to raise in the future. 几乎是在同时,古一鼓数百腿如同擂鼓一般的尽数落到了天魔的前胸,在如此巨力拼命反扑之下,天魔的身子也禁不住往后一扬。 Because fleeing of these several hundred legs counter-attack, causes to divide in the right palm of Gu Yigu chest has not hit the reality truly. 正因为这数百腿的亡命反扑,令到劈在古一鼓前胸的右掌没有真正打实。 Even if no complete compaction, but this strength still had the ruinous might, Gu Yigu cried. His chest was shrivelled immediately, in the mouth was calling still out: Saint King...... Walks quickly......” 然而纵然没有全部击实,但这一股力量仍然是具有毁灭性的威力,喀嚓一声,古一鼓大叫一声。他的前胸即时瘪了下去,口中却仍在叫道:“圣王……快走……” Devil has thrown the Gu Yigu body conveniently, does not have the person of revolt ability to this again, no longer pays attention, this person will not die will instead divert that Supreme Devil Body owner, will not leave lightly, immediately the starting to walk stride, will approach toward Tan Tan. 天魔随手将古一鼓身体扔了出去,对这再无反抗能力的人,不再理会,这个人不死反而会牵制那个无上魔体的拥有者,不会轻离,随即迈开大步,向着谈昙逼近。 His corners of the mouth, the black blood overflow, that is Gu Yigu by the achievement that the life wrestles. 只是他的嘴角,有一丝黑色的鲜血溢出来,那是古一鼓以性命相搏的成果。 Devil gets angry very much. 天魔很怒。 Cannot think depending on own cultivation base absolutely. Facing Nine Heavens several ants, will be unexpectedly also injured! 万万想不到凭自己的修为。面对九重天的几只蝼蚁,居然也会受伤! It seems like that must fight a battle to force a quick decision. 看来,要速战速决了。 Person's shadow suddenly chaotic dodges, other Sacred Clan five Elder simultaneously diving posture, but on detains. Five people simultaneously yelled: Saint King! You walk quickly!” 人影突的乱闪,其余的圣族五位长老同时飞身而上拦阻。五个人同时大叫道:“圣王!您快走啊!” Then these five people were ordinary on such as Gu Yigu a moment ago, being duty-bound not to turn back rushed toward Devil. 然后这五个人就如古一鼓刚才一般,义无返顾的向着天魔冲了上去。 Five people hand in hand, all people completely glare angrily shoulder to shoulder, going all out is bellowing, condenses own lifetime cultivation base to all strike, goes all out to wrestle! 五个人并肩携手,所有人尽都是怒目圆睁,拼命的大吼着,将自身毕生修为尽数凝聚为一击,拼命一搏! In their hearts has a thought: Saint King walks quickly! So long as you are living, we were decapitated, have broken to pieces the corpse, Divine Soul altogether extinguished, consigned to eternal damnation. Also is worth! 他们的此刻心中就惟有一个念头:圣王快走!只要您活着,我们就算被杀了头,碎了尸,神魂俱灭,万劫不复。也是值得的! If not for the Tan Tan present range everybody's position is too near. These people early without hesitation launched the to self-detonate attack. But now is actually refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, can only die to spell with own life, life-and-death wrestles! 若不是谈昙现在距离大家的位置实在太近。这几人早已经毫不犹豫的发动了自爆攻击了。但现在却是投鼠忌器,只能用自己的性命死拼,殊死一搏! Devil Jie Jie smiles strangely, is bringing unprecedented swift and fierce killing intent, a foot kicked out outrageously. The empty shade of that foot in midair also, regulations already solid kicking in a chest of Sacred Clan Elder. 天魔桀桀怪笑,带着前所未有的凌厉杀机,一脚悍然踢了出去。那只脚在半空中的虚影还在,实则已经结结实实的踢在一位圣族长老的前胸。 , The chest of that Elder was kicked big hole unexpectedly, Elder grasped the foot of Devil stubbornly. The hissing entreated: Saint King...... How you have not walked, walks quickly......” 咔嚓一声,那位长老的前胸竟被踢出来一个大洞,却长老是死死地抱住了天魔的脚。嘶声哀求道:“圣王……您怎地还不走,快走啊……” The Devil right hand runs out rapidly, touches with the palm of another Elder in the same place. 天魔右手急速冲出,与另一位长老的手掌碰在一起。 Of bang, that Elder palm was hit immediately pulpy, odd/surplus Jin completely , the arm has not broken, immediately, had been rumbled together including own palm by Devil own chest! 轰的一声,那位长老手掌顿时被打得稀烂,咔嚓嚓,余劲未尽之下,胳膊一路断裂上去,随即,已被天魔连自己的手掌一起轰进了自己的前胸! In the flesh and blood splash, this Three Stars Sacred Clan Elder shouts wildly one: Saint King! Walks quickly!” 血肉飞溅中,这位三星圣族长老狂叫一声:“圣王!快走!” Then on wicked lowering the head , a words dense tooth, maliciously bites on the Devil palm, not having the hand, the leg unable to make an effort, used the mouth, used the tooth. 接着就恶狠狠的低下头,一口白森森的牙齿,狠狠地咬在天魔手掌上,没有了手,腿使不上劲,就用嘴,就用牙。 Ah~ ~ Devil sends out a pain to call, suddenly takes back the palm, a meat bone of big piece of blood was brought from this Elder chest by him. 啊~~”天魔发出一声痛叫,猛地收回手掌,一大片血的肉骨头就那么被他从这位长老胸口中带了出来。 Spelled! Has died with him!” Yelling of another three people of grief and indignation, do not dodge do not evade, overran directly, at this moment cannot to self-detonate, only then near body fights hand-to-hand, can give the opposite party most effective diversion. “拼了!跟他死过!”另外三人悲愤的大叫,不闪不避,直接冲了过去,此刻不能自爆,惟有近身肉搏,才能给对方最有效的牵制。 However, this also the procedure that take risks and most fight tooth and nail, but did Elder such dutifully to do! 然而,这也是最冒险、最搏命的作法,可是一干长老就是这么义无返顾的作了! Saint King! You walk quickly!!” 圣王!你快走啊!!” Yelling of five people still from the sky reverberate, altogether has the scene of a blink, at the scene became so frigid! 五个人的大叫还在空中回荡,一共就只得一眨眼的光景,场面中就已经变得如此惨烈! In the Tan Tan ear listens to the subordinate to shout wildly: Saint King walks quickly!” 谈昙耳中听着属下在狂叫:“圣王快走!” In the eye saw that the flesh and blood of youngest brother is fluttering about. 眼中看到老兄弟的血肉在纷飞。 Tan Tan whole body fierce shivers, eye also slowly became must be red, immediately turned into jet black such as the look of black ink. He closely clenches teeth, the complexion is fierce, the head is sudden a dizziness, a dizziness, the whole person was similar to passed through the time, arrived in the nightmare. 谈昙全身上下剧烈的颤抖起来,眼睛也慢慢的变得红了,随即又变成了漆黑如墨的神色。他紧紧咬着牙,脸色狰狞,脑袋却突然一阵晕眩,一阵天旋地转,整个人如同是穿越了时光,来到了梦魇之中。 Or returned to the past, time that formerly that most is not willing to recall! 或者说,回归到了从前,从前那个最不愿意回忆起来的时刻! tens of thousands year ago that most is not willing to recall that is well uping suddenly at this moment. At that time was also so, countless clansmen, the subordinate, have formed a mighty current before oneself, walloped toward the scene of that calamity. 数万年前的那一幕,最不愿意回想起来的那一幕,突然在此刻涌上心头。那时也是如此,无数的族人,属下,在自己身前汇成了一道洪流,向着那天塌地陷的情景猛冲过去。 Saint King! You walk quickly!” 圣王!您快走啊!” That time was several million people are roaring together, pleaded itself to leave with one voice. 那时是数百万人一起在吼,齐声恳求自己离开。 They are small and weak in themselves at present, but is small and weak they, boldly thrust forward to welcome to extinguished the world mighty current, was protecting in the clansman most formidable, entreated itself to run away, only asked oneself to escape! 他们在自己眼前是弱小的,但正是弱小的他们,挺身迎向了灭世洪流,保护着在族人之中最强大的自己,更声声哀求自己逃走,只求自己可以逃生! Tan Tan silent whooshes. 谈昙无声的嘶吼起来。 Present one such as the past sacrifice, one such as that day flesh and blood flying in all directions, stimulated in his blood suddenly the wildest factor, he has opened the mouth, silent was whooshing, that eye turned into the complete black, that was also wants the dark luster compared with the dark night. 眼前的一如往日的牺牲,一如那日的血肉横飞,突然间激发起了他血液中最狂野的因子,他张开了嘴,无声地嘶吼着,那双眼睛已经变成了完全的黑色,那是比黑夜还要黑暗的色泽。 Similar to is two black holes. 就如同是两只黑洞。 Although the eye is that big, but these two invisible black holes actually as if were bigger and bigger...... 眼睛虽然还是那么大,但这两只无形的黑洞却似乎是越来越大了…… Sends out a suction faintly, that is a powerful strong suction. 隐隐散发出一股吸力,那是一股充满力量的强劲吸力。 I escaped one time, this time, I do not run away, does not run away absolutely, dies does not run away!” The body of Tan Tan severe wound has stood from the ground slowly. “我已经逃过一次,这次,我不逃了,绝对不逃了,死也不逃了!”谈昙重伤的身子缓缓地从地上站了起来。 Formerly, the Devil main goal had already locked him, a palm of that silently, has almost broken his whole body physique all, on the normalcy, Tan Tan should unable to move, cannot move. 先前,天魔最主要的目标早已锁定了他,那无声无息的一掌,几乎已经将他全身筋骨尽数打断了,就正常而言,谈昙本该不能动弹,一点都不能动弹的。 Do not say that stands to transport the merit fight. 更不要说站起来运功战斗。 But this moment, he actually likely restored in inexplicable, as if has not been injured. 这一刻,他却像是在莫名间恢复了,似乎根本没受过伤。 At this moment, I will not run away again!” Tan Tan two black hole common eyes look at Devil, coldly shout to clear the way: Stop!” “此时此刻,我不会再逃了!”谈昙两个黑洞一般的眼睛看着天魔,冷冷喝道:“住手!” In the sound, is bringing unquestionable order overbearing, was full of one type to grasp the world common people, follow me and prosper, the oppose me and perish Wei ice flavor/smell. 声音中,带着一种不容置疑的命令霸道,充满了一种掌握天下苍生,顺我者昌,逆我者亡的威凌味道。 Still was the body of Tan Tan, was still the Tan Tan appearance, but, Tan Tan at this moment, actually as if completely turned into another person to be ordinary to the feeling of person. 仍旧是谈昙的身体,仍旧是谈昙的面貌,但,此刻的谈昙,给人的感觉却似乎是完全变成了另一个人一般。 The beforehand weary rascal already disappeared at this moment disappear without trace, displaces, is rules the world the imposing manner, controls the breadth of spirit of common people, shows disdain for group sink into the bearing, having absolute power over somebody overbearing, arrogant and bossy elegant demeanor. 以前的惫懒无赖此刻早已消失得无影无踪,取而代之的,是君临天下的气势,主宰苍生的气魄,傲视群沦的气度,生杀予夺的霸道,还有颐指气使的风采。 Said, was having as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, not the power and influence that allowed to defy. 一言出,带着言出法随、不容违拗的威势。 Also, Devil unexpectedly calling a halt of cannot help but, immediately calls a halt to be unsatisfactory to oneself, the angry sound shouted to clear the way: „Does your this junior dare to order me?!” 也不知怎地,天魔竟不由自主的停了手,随即就对自己停手大为不满,怒声喝道:“你这小辈竟敢命令我?!” In the pupil of Tan Tan reveals exceptionally ice-cold woods cold killing intent, indifferently said: Waste!” 谈昙的眸子中流露出异常冰冷森寒的杀意,淡淡道:“废物!” Was Supreme Devil Body regains consciousness?” Devil suddenly had a scare, under looks fixedly on again, already felt relieved: Originally was once the strength return of seal...... However, even if must return in the past, but your cultivation base must receive the limit of Nine Heavens contact surface throughout, cannot achieve the real strength that Supreme Devil Body should have, can actually my what?? However is quite strong ants!” “是无上魔体苏醒了?”天魔猛地吓了一跳,再定睛细看之下,已然放下心来:“原来不过是曾经封印的力量回归……不过,就算是得回往昔,但你的修为始终要受九重天界面的限制,根本不能达到无上魔体所应该具备的真实力量,却又能奈我何??不过是一只比较强壮的蝼蚁罢了!” Tan Tan eye desert wooden visits him, indifferently said: Good that you said that this king strength, although has the growth, was still actually not enough to kill you, even if cannot kill you, has actually been able to fight with you! Lets loose my subordinate, this king accompanies you to fight! You do not want to obtain the body of this king, takes!” 谈昙眼睛漠无表情的看着他,淡淡道:“你说的不错,本王的力量虽有增长,却仍不足以杀你,然而即便不能杀你,却已经可以与你一战!放开我的属下,本王陪你一战!你不是想得到本王的身体么,过来拿啊!” Devil is feeling the opposite party clearly just like the rebirth general copious strength, that is almost not inferior in own present full strength, is discrete, the enticement is big, throughout must have the life to enjoy, all take being careful as suitably. 天魔清晰地感受着对方宛如重生一般的沛然战力,那几乎不逊色于自己现在的充盈战力,不由的谨慎起来,诱惑再大,始终要有命才能享有,一切还是以小心为宜。 Lets loose the hand gently, the whole person gradually flutters the midair, Jie Jie said with a smile: Hehe, although you are in demon the demon, but you now, after all were too small and weak a point. Might as well let loose Divine Soul simply, making me use your devil body, displays its latent prestige energy, together how reaches the peak? I may guarantee that does not extinguish your Nascent Soul, together Wei ice world!” 轻轻地放开手,整个人缓缓飘上半空,桀桀笑道:“呵呵,虽然你是魔中之魔,但你现在,毕竟还是太弱小了一点。不如索性放开神魂,让我利用你的魔体,发挥其潜在威能,一同达到巅峰如何?我可保证不灭你元魂,一同威凌天下!” Devil this pledged that actually proceeds from bottom of one's heart, Tan Tan at present the condition, although strengthens large scale, actually was still inferior to Devil, is difficult the odds of success, Devil makes the compromise, is willing by the double soul with the palm mortal body, so to develop the Supreme Devil Body latent prestige energy on the according to extremely fast way, some significance, is a win-win procedure! 天魔这个承诺倒是发自肺腑,谈昙目前状态虽然大幅度增强,却仍不及天魔,难有胜算,天魔作出妥协,愿意以双魂同掌肉身,如此就以极速方式开发无上魔体的潜在威能,就某种意义而言,也是一种双赢的做法! Tan Tan crosses the hands behind the back to scold saying: Puts your mother's fart! Your Xiaoxiao demon, presumptuously thinks to operate father devil body, has thought mistakenly your heart!” 谈昙负手叱道:“放你妈的屁!你个小小魔物,妄想操纵老子魔体,想错了你的心!” Suddenly a brow wrinkle, somewhat speechless has smiled: I because of the dead weight status, will never export before dirty, cannot think of this time...... Hehe, changed unexpectedly.” 突然眉头一皱,有些无语的笑了起来:“我以前因为自重身份,从来不会出口成脏,想不到这一次……呵呵呵,居然真的改变了许多。” War!” The Tan Tan whole body clothing is calm, the head long hair flies disorderly, stands in the pool of blood, the behind the body black fog winds around slowly, that is the complete darkness. “战吧!”谈昙浑身衣衫无风自动,头上长发凌乱飞起,在血泊之中站立,身后徐徐黑雾缭绕,那是完全的黑暗。 He proceeded to tread one step, the behind the body black fog obviously rich. 他往前踏了一步,身后的黑雾更显浓郁。 Devil beforehand sends out, covers many spaces demonic energy, this flash seemed assimilated by the Tan Tan black fog, in faint trace continuously gathers toward the Tan Tan side. 天魔之前散发出来,笼罩许多空间的魔气,这一瞬间似乎被谈昙的黑雾所同化,在丝丝缕缕的向着谈昙的身边聚拢而来。 That overbearing, that authority, has almost flooded the trim world! 那种霸道,那种权威,几乎是充斥了整片天地! Felt that this lawless imposing imposing manner, obviously is Gu Yigu and the others atheistic two of suffocation towering opened, an indescribable excitement has filled the heart, is moved to tears, chokes with sobs: Saint King! ~~ you have awakened finally......” 感觉到这股无法无天的凛然气势,明明已经是奄奄一息的古一鼓等人无神两眼突兀的睁大了,一种难以言喻的激动充满了心胸,一个个热泪盈眶,泣不成声:“圣王!~~您终于觉醒了……” Performs does not give a thought to own serious unusual injury, old men cry unexpectedly excitedly loudly. 尽都不顾自身沉重异常的伤势,一个个老头儿们居然激动地放声大哭。 ............ …………
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