TTNH :: Volume #17

#1695: Frigid!

Tan Tan almost spits blood, own subordinate, how is this type 250, in the brain doesn't the light long muscle, have the long brain?! 谈昙几乎吐血,自己的手下,怎么都是这种250啊,难道脑子里光长肌肉,都没长脑子吗?! Own running away original intention must direct the enemy, making Gu Yigu and the others be all right first said again that only remaining oneself, that can be flexible too many, moreover looked that Devil attention exceptionally paid attention to itself, thinks on oneself had any him to hope the thing that obtained, oneself leading away, is the current highest strategy. 自己逃走本意就是要引走敌人,让古一鼓等人先没事再说,只剩下自己一个人,那就可以灵活得太多了,而且看那天魔的注意力异常关注自己,想必自己身上有什么他期盼得到的东西,自己将之引开,正是当前的最高战略。 Draws back 10,000 steps saying that even if die in the enemy hand finally unfortunately, but does not have the subordinate brothers dead in front of oneself after all again, not having the brothers dead because, regarding Tan Tan, or Sacred Clan Saint King, this is most important! 退10000步讲,就算自己最终不幸是死在敌人手中,但毕竟再也没有属下兄弟死在自己面前,没有兄弟是因为自己而死,对于谈昙,又或者圣族圣王而言,这点才是最重要的! former life, tens of thousands year ago that world Great Tribulation, Three Stars Saint King has a vivid memory \; Other, most could not have accepted, is the loyal subordinate dies. 前世,数万年前的那场天地大劫,三星圣王可谓记忆犹新\;其他也还罢了,最最接受不了的,就是忠心的属下为了自己而死。 But today, has actually run into such powerful enemy, but the subordinate brothers actually again, strive for life force for oneself, but at risk of life anti- enemy!. 但今天,却又遇到了这样强悍的敌人,而属下兄弟却再一次,为自己争取生机而拼死抗敌!。 Tan Tan roars, turns around to clash to return crazily! 谈昙一声怒吼,转身狂冲而回! Flushed toward Devil and Gu Yigu and the others battlefield. 向着天魔古一鼓等人的战场冲了回去。 In his heart, warm-blooded already thorough seething with excitement combustion. 他的心中,热血已经彻底沸腾燃烧。 Dies dies! This time, father kills in any case does not run away! 死就死吧!反正这一次,老子打死也是不逃了! Chu Yang, you may do not come. 只是,楚阳,你可千万不要来啊。 Tan Tan crazily to/clashes, in the heart lamented infinitely. 谈昙一路狂冲,心中无限悔恨。 Nothing more than other, that only for prayed for rescue a moment ago yelled that lamented. Before has not thought that the enemy so will be formidable, formidable to not having the odds of success, thinks Brother Chu Yang came, in addition and the others, no matter the how formidable enemies can deal with. 不外别的,就只为了自己刚才求救的那一声大叫而悔恨。之前可没有想到敌人会如此强大,强大到全无胜算,本来还想楚阳兄弟们都来,再加上自己等人,不管多么强大的敌人都能够应付了。 But now looks like...... The situation is grossly mistaken, this only Devil was really too formidable! 但现在看来……情况大谬不然,这只天魔实在是太强大了! Even if Chu Yang and the others can rush promptly, presents all person absolute sincerity to collaborate. Most likely as before is not this only Devil match. The strength of this fellow, has surpassed this space limit obviously completely! 纵然楚阳等人能够及时赶到,在场所有人精诚联手。十有八九依旧不是这只天魔的对手。这家伙的实力,显然已经完全超越了这个空间的极限! Chu Yang comes, but brings death! Therefore 楚阳来,只是送死而已!所以 Do not come! 千万不要来啊! In the Tan Tan heart the rave, the whole person was actually changing black light, speedily crashes in together has fought the circle! In the sleeve cold light dodges, Chu Yang was the long sword that it was carefully tailor already appeared in the hand, the Sword Point point just glittered, Tan Tan has poured into entire body all vigors and all strength cultivation base, instantaneous. The sword thunder shakes! 谈昙心中狂吼着,整个人却化作一道黑光,疾速冲进了战圈!袖中寒光一闪,楚阳为其精心量身打造的长剑已然出现在手中,剑尖锋芒刚刚闪烁,谈昙已经将整个身子所有的精气神、所有的力量修为都倾注了进去,瞬间。剑化雷霆震! Together imposing flowing light, one toward firing into Devil that not returns to! 一道凛然流光,一往无回的冲向天魔 Saint King!” Gu Yigu loudly shouted loudly, the sound was filled with grief. As loudly shouted, in mouth suddenly blowout together blood from the pores of the feet. 圣王啊!”古一鼓放声大呼,声音悲怆。随着大呼,口中猛地喷出一道血箭。 Is only in the contact of short time, Devil almost changed to surely the monster of arm. Does not give a thought to the crazy attack of price toward six people of blocking the way, the thought that Gu Yigu and the others has not given way to traffic completely, once because will give way to traffic Devil immediately to pursue Tan Tan, people reckless hard of will spell, however will fight the heart praise worthy, cultivation base throughout will actually be well below, in a minute. All people completely have carried severe wound, if not Tan Tan turns back in order to help friendly forces promptly, these six person extremely possible start on a journey below moment collective Yellow Springs. 就只是短短时间的接触中,天魔几乎化作了千万手臂的怪物。向着拦路的六个人不顾代价的疯狂攻击,古一鼓等人完全没有避让的念头,因为一旦避让天魔就会立即去追击谈昙,众人不顾一切的硬拼,然而斗心可嘉,修为却始终是远远不及的,片刻间。所有人尽都已经身负重伤,如果不是谈昙及时回援,这六个人极有可能在下一刻集体黄泉起程。 Tan Tan is not willing to discard the people, does not count turning around of price to shake the powerful enemy hardly. Will the people discard him? Three Stars Sacred Clan tens of thousands year wind and frost, several near exterminations of the clan! Only has Saint King one, bringing the tribal group to go out of the world of ice and snow, finally unexpectedly finds a way out. 谈昙不肯舍弃众人,不计代价的掉头硬撼强敌。众人又怎么会舍弃他?三星圣族数万年风霜,几近灭族!唯有圣王一出,带着族群走出冰天雪地,才最终绝处逢生。 Own and the others can the life not want. But must maintain the Saint King security, has Saint King to be well. Three Stars Sacred Clan is hopeful! 自己等人可以性命不要。但一定要保住了圣王的安全,惟有圣王无恙。三星圣族才有希望! Therefore the Gu Yigu and the others infinite firmness, was determined that guards the hope and external of Three Stars Sacred Clan by the life. 所以古一鼓等人无限的坚决,决心以生命捍卫三星圣族的希望与外来。 When Devil pursues, complete personnel boldly thrusts forward to block! Obviously: To pursue our Saint King, must step the past from our corpses! 天魔追击的时候,全员的挺身相拦!很明显:想要追击我们的圣王,就必须从我们的尸体上跨过去! Devil pursues Tan Tan anxiously, captures Supreme Devil Body, but was actually collaborated to resist by several people, the strengths of several people no doubt cannot compare Devil, but is actually the counter-attack of going all out! Even if Devil suddenly tries, actually was still did not withdraw, suddenly roared again and again. 天魔急切追击谈昙,夺取无上魔体,但却被几个人联手相抗,几个人的实力固然比不上天魔,但却已是拼了命的反击!天魔一时间纵然出尽全力,却仍是脱身不得,一时间怒吼连连。 At this moment saw that Tan Tan comes back unexpectedly, Devil not startled counter- happy! 此刻见到谈昙竟然重新回来,天魔不惊反喜! Does not think that these six people of anti- roads, instead attract the highest strategy that Supreme Devil Body comes! 不想,这六人阻路,反而是吸引无上魔体过来的最高战略! Impatient Tan Tan extremely makes flowing light with sword, the lightning directly to/clashes generally, just likes the meteor arrives. 心急万分的谈昙连人带剑化做流光,闪电一般直接冲来,犹如陨星降临。 In the Devil eye flashes through together darker black ray, in an instant, entire world dim. 天魔的眼中闪过一道更黑暗的黑色光芒,刹那间,整个天地更加的黯淡。 Suddenly, his entire body towering powder!, 蓦然,他的整个身体突兀一散!、 Yes, is powder, the entire body towering disintegration, the powder to all around, leaves behind a big cavity in the middle position, probably was his body has been split up in that flash generally. 是的,就是一散,整个身体突兀解体,散向四周,在中间位置留下一个大大的空洞,就好像是他的身体已经在那一瞬间四分五裂了一般。 The Tan Tan body sword unites, one toward must kill the impact that not returns, that overran from this cavity, was just like has overrun to the vacancy. 谈昙身剑合一,一往无回的必杀冲击,那那么从这个空洞之中冲了过去,俨如攻到了空处。 Tan Tan roars, imposing sword energy explodes in this cavity suddenly. 谈昙一声怒吼,凛然剑气突然在这空洞之中爆炸。 The tyrannical strength erupts suddenly, all around demonic energy immediate turns wells up. 强横的力量突然爆发,四周的魔气即时一阵翻涌。 Devil severe howl, grasped to Gu Yigu head hand of suddenly of seizing life shivered, instant took back. 天魔一声厉吼,抓向古一鼓头颅的夺命之手猛地颤抖了一下,瞬时收回。 Tan Tan a sword trend was unprecedented a moment ago, irresistible, this not possible midway to stop certainly. 谈昙刚才一剑走势一往无前,势不可挡,本绝无可能中途停下。 Even if Devil facing one move that this goes all out, is many are somewhat strenuous \; Therefore Devil chose to use a move of disintegration big law, so long as Tan Tan overran from own body, so long as there is a neutral of flash, he can tidy up at present completely these fellows of being an eyesore. 纵然是天魔面对他这拼命的一招,也是多少有些吃力的\;所以天魔才选择施展了一招解体大法,只要谈昙从自己身体中冲过去,只要有一瞬间的空挡,他就能将眼前这几个碍眼的家伙全部收拾掉。 In addition, if Tan Tan this strikes completely to strike the vacancy, with the counter-attack also no small matter of wrong strength, greatly may weaken the Tan Tan strength, more convenient later conduct, therefore this hires here, it may be said that is the excellent move. 此外,若谈昙此击全然击到空处,用错力道的反噬也非同小可,大有可能削弱谈昙实力,更方便之后行事,所以这招用在此处,可谓是绝妙之招。 However Devil all kinds plan, actually leaks considers as finished, moreover a very important point, others Tan Tan is 100,000 years ago Devil King is reincarnated, does an institute cherish the secret skill far more than a lot of? Possibly how to violate the attack vacancy, to use the huge fault of wrong strength! 然而天魔万般算计,却漏算了一点,而且非常重要的一点,人家谈昙乃是100000年前魔王转世,一身所怀秘技何止千百?怎么可能犯下攻击空处、用错力道的巨大失误! Sees with own eyes the opposite party to use the disintegration big law, Tan Tan reversed own elementary force during the flight, sword energy that already unexpectedly sent out recycles rapidly, and is in the core region limit eruption of empty position! 眼见对方施展解体大法,谈昙在飞行途中已经逆转自身元力,早已竟发出的剑气急速回收,并且在身在空洞位置的核心地带极限爆发! Attacks the Devil body from internal big range undifferentiated limit. 自内部大范围无差别的极限冲击天魔身体。 Devil is to have a dream has not thought to this move, unexpected, unexpectedly suffered a loss, by the fierce vibration, the style that attacked is been worn out immediately. 天魔对这一招可谓是做梦也不曾想到,猝不及防之下,居然吃了大亏,被猛的震动,已经攻击出去的招式顿时疲软了。 In fact, this is Tan Tan skill relative Devil is too weak, if the Tan Tan itself elementary force can reach Devil half, this strikes, by Tan Tan as pure as an extreme demon Yuan theory, ruins the body of Devil sufficiently thoroughly! 事实上,这还是谈昙功力相对天魔太弱,若谈昙本身元力能达天魔一半,这一击,以谈昙精纯到极点的魔元论,足以彻底毁掉天魔之身! Gu Yigu and the others bellows with one voice, leaves attack range that Devil innumerable demon cover while this good opportunity. 古一鼓等人齐声大吼,趁此良机脱出天魔无数魔手笼罩的攻击范围 All people completely had. 所有人尽都是出了一身冷汗。 No matter what the people no one can think that Devil so is unexpectedly tyrannical, until fights truly, can realize Devil to be able evilly fearfulness \; Several skill of putting in an appearance, could be carried the severe wound by oneself and the others unexpectedly, even falls into the dead boundary, barely escapes. 众人任谁也想不到天魔竟然如此强横,直到真正交手,才能体会到天魔邪能的可怕\;只是几个照面的功夫,居然已经可以让自己等人身负重伤,甚至陷身死境,险死还生。 Junior is bold!” Devil suddenly turns around, flushes away toward Tan Tan, body rapidly from the sky passed over gently and swiftly, exudes the incisive sound from out of the blue: Your succeeded has angered Sir Devil! Comes to understand!” “小辈大胆!”天魔猛地转身,向着谈昙冲去,身子急速的在空中掠过,发出尖锐之极的破空声:“你已经成功的惹怒了天魔大人!觉悟吧!” Tan Tan coldly snorted, the anger shouted to clear the way: Your how many haven't walked quickly? Waits for death?!” 谈昙冷哼一声,怒喝道:“你们几个还不快走?等死吗?!” This, toward Gu Yigu and the others said that Tan Tan earnestly hopes that this brother several hurry to dodge the person. 这一声,却是向着古一鼓等人说的,谈昙可是迫切希望这老哥几个赶紧闪人。 Gu Yigu laughs, threw good-fittingly: Saint King does not walk, I also do not walk. If must walk, Saint King walks first!” Tan Tan was mad at present by the Gu Yigu words becomes dark, goes all out to resist the attack that Devil wild with rage under is seizing every opportunity, hissing sound track: bastard thing! Gu Yigu, you lived these many year such bastard temperament! You are the plan play yourselves, plays me?!” 古一鼓大笑一声,合身扑了上来:“圣王不走,吾亦不走。若是要走,圣王先走!”谈昙古一鼓的话气得眼前发黑,拼命地抵挡着天魔狂怒之下无孔不入的进攻,嘶声道:“混账东西!古一鼓,你活了这么多年就这么一副混账脾气!你们是打算玩死自己,还是玩死我啊?!” Gu Yigu laughs, was crazy the sword in Devil behind the body, said with a smile: many thanks Saint King praised, the subordinate will make persistent efforts, unceasingly diligently continued!” 古一鼓大笑,已经在天魔身后疯狂出剑,笑道:“多谢圣王夸奖,属下自会再接再厉,不断努力的继续下去!” Hears this similar table loyal general frank talk, Tan Tan only thought in the mouth intermittent sending painstakingly, looks at six Elder crazily just like general toward the Devil attack, in heart weak deep sigh. 听到这类似表忠心一般的大实话,谈昙只觉得嘴中一阵阵的发苦,看着六位长老宛如疯狂一般的向着天魔攻击,心中无力的长叹。 Goes all out to be also useful, does not help matters completely. 拼命又有什么用,完全无济于事啊。 The opposite party strength was too strong, to has gone all out not to have the use formidable! 对方的实力委实太强了,强大到了拼命也全无用处! Bang! 砰! Tan Tan only felt oneself like by mountain is pounded general, Devil does not have a shade invisible palm to pat in his carrying on the back, this palm, does not have the mark to seek. 谈昙只感觉自己有如被山岳砸中一般,天魔无影无形的一掌拍在他的背上,这一掌,根本就是无迹可寻。 Devil clearly also in opposite, but this palm actually came from behind. 天魔分明还在对面,但这一掌却是自后面而来。 Does not have the least bit strength from out of the blue, but is actually heavy! 没有半点劲气破空,但却是沉重之极! With was pounded by the mountain comes to analogy is not very appropriate, because was pounded by the mountain, so will not be absolutely serious, Tan Tan was hit the whole body black air/Qi suddenly to explode has dispersed, staggers, falls down, tumbled. 或者用被山岳砸中来比喻都不够恰当,因为被山岳砸中,绝对不会这般严重,谈昙被打得浑身黑气猛地爆散了一下,一个踉跄,跌倒在地,翻滚了出去。 Devil grins fiendishly, puts out a hand, if the lightning, has grasped toward Tan Tan, Supreme Devil Body must succeed in obtaining finally. 天魔一声狞笑,伸手若闪电,向着谈昙抓了过去,无上魔体终于要到手了。 In the Tan Tan mouth the blood spurts crazily, in ground tumbling with every effort, strives to avoid grasps, but Devil is opens the hand to grasp immediately. The black evil clutches, in airborne inflated to cover several feet surrounding area appearance sufficiently, is in Tan Tan of central place, regardless of fends to any direction, is impossible to avoid this claw. 谈昙口中鲜血狂喷,在地上尽力的翻滚,勉力避开一抓,但天魔随即又是张开手抓来。黑色的魔掌,在空中已经膨胀到了足以笼罩数丈方圆的样子,身在中心位置的谈昙无论向任何方向闪避,都不可能避开这一爪。 Tan Tan falls into the evil clutches as if to be a foregone conclusion. 谈昙落入魔掌似乎已成定局。 Saint King!” The Gu Yigu diving posture comes, to keep off before the Tan Tan body, a sword thorn to evil clutches. 圣王!”古一鼓飞身而来,挡在谈昙身前,一剑刺向魔掌。 Devil does not dodge does not evade, one, if has not seen, the original potential is invariable , to continue to grasp. 天魔不闪不避,一如未见,原势不变,持续抓下。 ! 噗! Gu Yigu irrigation lifetime cultivation base evil clutches of long sword while thorn, becomes crushes, such as a mantis trying to stop a chariot is only ordinary, Gu Yigu such as was struck by lightning, complexion suddenly becomes the blood red, entire body in the future one supine, must be struck to fly by the pressure shortly. 古一鼓灌注毕生修为的长剑在刺上魔掌的同时,变得粉碎,只如螳臂当车一般,古一鼓如遭雷击,脸色猛地变为血红色,整个身子往后一仰,眼看就要被压力击飞。 Yes, is strikes to fly, the Devil attention strength in the human excluding Tan Tan, cannot pat dead Gu Yigu by this during throughout obviously easily, actually gave up, instead will care to discuss flies, will not disturb itself to catch Supreme Devil Body to be good. 是的,就是击飞,天魔的关注力始终也不在除谈昙以外的人身上,是以这当口明明可以轻易拍死古一鼓,却已放弃,反而意欲将之谈飞,不干扰自己逮到无上魔体就好。 However the Gu Yigu entire body almost must depart on the vigor, after just started the supine that flash, tenaciously has endured unexpectedly, bent the body. Two suddenly eject. 然而古一鼓整个身子几乎已经要应劲飞出了,就在刚刚开始后仰的那一瞬间,竟又顽强的挺住了,生生地将身子又弯了回来。两手猛地击出。 Meanwhile, in his mouth starts the waterfall common blowout blood, is mixing with the fragment of internal organs. 同时,他的口中开始瀑布一般的喷出鲜血,夹杂着内脏的碎块。 If a moment ago he took advantage of opportunity to tumble, is injured to be insufficient too to be heavy, but forcefully the counter potential counter-attacks the impact that now actually unexpectedly bore to double, that was the impact that he is unable to bear \; He is but clearer, if he in this moment one draws back, Devil can grasp Saint King in the hand! 刚才他若是顺势翻滚出去,受伤不至于会太重,但现在强行逆势反扑却竟承受加倍的冲击,那是他无法承受的冲击\;可是他更明白,若是他在此刻一退,天魔就能将圣王抓在手里! Therefore Gu Yigu cannot draw back. 所以古一鼓绝不能退。
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