TTNH :: Volume #17

#1694: The demon flame is dreadful!

Hears the sound Huang Xialiu and Huang Family that master comes out to watch, actually anything had not discovered that only with enough time sees in the top of the head that by big hole of wearing out. 听到声音出来观看的黄霞柳黄家的高手,其实什么都没有发现,就只来得及看到头顶上那个被穿破的大洞而已。 Now the Mo Tianji slender form lightens the place that Chu Yang stood, frowns saying: Had an accident? At this moment, what condition can have?” 莫天机的修长身影一闪出现在楚阳原本站的地方,皱着眉头说道:“出了什么事?此时此刻,能出什么状况?” Where Huang Xialiu does and the others know to have an accident? One hear of this questions, at a loss shake the head. 黄霞柳等人哪里知道出了什么事?一听这句问话,不由都是茫然摇头。 Mo Tianji closely frowned: What matter is, can let Chu Yang instantaneously on extremely anxious going? Moreover, does the even/including confess one unexpectedly also without enough time? 莫天机紧紧地皱起了眉头:到底是什么事,能够让楚阳瞬间就急不可待的前去?而且,竟连交代一声也来不及? To transport to grasp world investigates Ce Tianji (Heavenly Secret), but had just utilized the painstaking care, although has filled a vacancy with Nine Layered Pill, if now inspires Tianji (Heavenly Secret) counter-attack again, will frequently have dead hardship near the body...... 想要运起掌握天下查测一下天机,但刚刚运用了心血,虽已用九重丹补缺,现在若是再引动天机反噬的话,那自己动辄将有死厄临身…… Mo Tianji frowns, made itself calm forcefully, the heart said: No matter any matter...... Chu Yang goes to will certainly feed in the news, temporarily is patient, meets the change in situation......” after a while, actually felt that the brothers pursue Chu Yang to go, cannot help but has put the larger part heart. 莫天机皱着眉头,强行令自己镇定下来,心道:“不管什么事……楚阳一去必将传回消息,暂时少安毋躁,以应变局……”又过了一会,却感觉众兄弟追着楚阳而去,不由得放了一大半心。 These people gather together, even if has run upon collaboration of Devil and Sovereign of the Law directly, should also be able to protect oneself...... 这些人聚在一起,就算是正面撞上了天魔法尊的联手,应该也能自保的…… Tan Tan that side this time went to the extremely important time! Even if said that frequently has the sorrow of life, the destruction risk is not overrated. 谈昙那边此时已经去到了至关紧要时刻!纵然说是动辄有性命之忧,覆灭之虞也不为过。 Added on the Three Stars Sacred Clan strongest lineup strength still to fall into the hopeless situation as for according to Tan Tan again in this way, the reason was very simple, the strength restored many Devil is really too powerful, intrepidly to already the limit that surpassing by far Nine Heavens cultivating has been able to reach. 至于以谈昙再加上三星圣族最强阵容如斯实力仍会陷入绝境,原因很简单,实力恢复许多的天魔实在是太强悍了,强悍到已经远远超过九重天修者所能达到的极限。 Did not say politely that by the Devil current strength, in Nine Heavens absolutely is the unmatched in the world of being settled! 不客气的说,以天魔目前的实力,在九重天已经绝对是板上钉钉的天下无敌! Only if Zi Xieqing reappears the world, has the overcome the enemy assurance, moreover calculates by current Devil, if were restored by him to the most flourishing condition seriously, only feared that links Zi Xieqing to reappear. Also must not deal with! 除非是紫邪情再现尘寰,才有克敌制胜的把握,而且还是以当前的天魔来计算,若是当真被他恢复到全盛状态,只怕连紫邪情再现。也要应付不了! Before Tan Tan showed the strongest unique skill, saved a life exit|to speak, do not say that the Elder mouth of Three Stars Sacred Clan looked askance crookedly, almost must collapse including Devil! 之前谈昙施展最强绝招,一句“救命啊”出口,不要说三星圣族长老们嘴歪眼斜,连天魔都几乎要崩溃了! As grade nine peak Supreme, as Lord of the clan, as the Supreme Devil Body owner, says the Devil King powerhouse as one, as...... 作为一位九品巅峰至尊,作为一族之主,作为无上魔体的拥有者,作为一个自称魔王的强者,作为…… In brief, stemming from that single layer status, has the multiple high-level status discussed that First Master seemingly had not shouted the reason of saving a life. 总而言之,无论是出于那一重身份,拥有多重高级身份的谈大爷貌似都没有大喊救命的理由。 But he shouted. 但他偏偏就喊了。 Moreover shouted, sound righteously, if mighty bell and aftertaste reverberates around the rafters for three days. Acoustic shock thousand li (500 km)! 而且还喊得理直气壮、声若洪钟、余韵绕梁三日。声震千里! Devil regarding this special did not understand that is angry saying: As a clan leader, contemporary powerhouse. Are you also concerned about face! What big Devil King do you also feel all right to say? Supreme Devil Body gives you to spoil simply, I!” 天魔对此特别的不理解,大怒道:“作为一族领袖,当代强者。你还要不要脸!你还好意思自称什么大魔王吗?无上魔体给你简直就是糟蹋,我呸!” Tan Tan gets angry: You bah I? I bah you, your brain has also pulled out, is the honor important or the poor life is important? Looked that your welldoing also lived one in a big way the age, lived on the dog? So to be how simple simple truth not to understand. Dares to come out to mix?! Does not know really you do live the present? Is you are too lucky, was your enemy is too unfortunate?!” 谈昙怒道:“你呸我?我还呸你呢,你丫的脑子抽了,到底是脸面重要还是小命重要?看你德行也是活了一大把岁数了,都活到狗身上去了?怎么连这么简单浅显的道理都不懂。就敢出来混?!真不知道你是怎么活到现在的?是你太幸运,还是你的敌人太不幸了?!” Devil crazy speechless, spoke to this boy normally, invited trouble absolutely. This is one never arranges the weary fellow who the principle plays a card absolutely! 天魔一阵狂无语,跟这小子正常说话,绝对就是自找苦吃。这绝对就是一个从来不安排理出牌的惫懒家伙! Regarding this person, processing that hurries is proper, can early moment be moment. The earlier the better said! 对于这种人,赶紧的处理掉才是正经,能早一刻就是一刻。越早越好的说! Most important, this is Supreme Devil Body, is almost ultimate devil body in Legend. This is including the incomparable items good thing that the Devil senior 12,000 hope of top obtains! An entire Devil clan, altogether only then above Devil King have several several people have Supreme Devil Body! 最重要的,这可是无上魔体啊,几乎就是传说中的终极魔体啊。这可是连顶级的天魔前辈都12000分渴望得到的绝品好东西啊!整个天魔一族,一共就只有天魔王之上的有数几个人才能拥有无上魔体 Today, the space falls the meat pie the good deed to fall to this way unexpectedly own on, before that a series of bad luck bitter experience, completely was not the matter. So long as can obtain this Supreme Devil Body, again bad luck how. It is not the matter! 今天,如斯天上掉馅饼的好事竟落到自己头上,之前那一连串的倒霉遭遇,完全不算事了。只要能得到这具无上魔体,再倒霉又如何。不算事! So long as thinks oneself can hold Supreme Devil Body of this boy...... 只要一想到自己等会就能占有这小子的无上魔体…… Uh-huh? That really the too wonderful matter. 嗯哼?那真是不要太美妙的事情啊。 Thinks it over, Devil looked that looked like to the Tan Tan look pervert sees the beautiful woman, the mouse saw the rice, infinite drooling with envy. Without demur, goes forward to get rid fully, makes best effort, the biggest mental effort, takes Tan Tan as fast as possible, holds his body is proper. 想来想去,天魔看向谈昙的眼神就像是色狼看到了美女,老鼠看见大米,无限的垂涎欲滴。二话不说,上前全力出手,尽最大努力,最大心力,尽速拿下谈昙,占有他的身体才是正经。 Rich demon fog suddenly scatters in all directions to start out, in the wink of an eye the trim world also almost must by this demon atmosphere shield. Devil Jie Jie smiles strangely: This demon actually showed mercy a moment ago, making and others strive to socialize with me, now I actually must get rid fully! The ants of world of mortals, come to understand!” 一阵浓郁的魔雾猛地四散开出,瞬息之间整片天地也几乎要被这魔氛屏蔽。天魔桀桀怪笑:“刚才本魔却是手下留情,让尔等与我勉力周旋,现在我却是要全力出手了!下界的蝼蚁,觉悟吧!” Devil self-supporting shows mercy, has not tried, pours does not boast from to praise, a moment ago to Gu Yigu , he because has not seen clearly Tan Tan physique, the result of once fully getting rid of no doubt meets the speed to win, will actually aggravate own injury, the injury that might make just to change for the better worsens very much once again, even was beyond redemption. 天魔自承手下留情,未尽全力,倒也不是自夸自赞,刚才对古一鼓,他因为还没有看清楚谈昙体质,一旦全力出手的结果固然会速度获胜,却也会加重自己的伤势,很有可能会令刚刚好转的伤势再度恶化,甚至是不可收拾。 But at present, will have Supreme Devil Body this and other unsurpassed enticement in the front, where Devil will have cared about what severe wound? 但眼下,有了无上魔体这等无上诱惑在面前,天魔哪里还会在乎什么重伤? So long as can hold this body, the injury is more serious also has why not?! 只要能占有这具身体,伤势再重些又有何妨?! Smiles strangely, the day demonic energy flame rises sharply, diving posture under. 一声怪笑,天魔气焰大涨,飞身而下。 Tan Tan looked in heart to be scared by him, sees him not to attend to several other people, only begins to oneself, in the heart has determined anything. 谈昙本就被他看得心中发毛,见他丝毫不顾其他几个人,就只冲着自己动手,心中更加的确定了什么。 Although demonic energy of this fellow huge exceptionally, but in bone actually might as well own comes authentic pure...... Is to me?? 这家伙的魔气虽然庞大异常,但骨子里却还不如自己的来得正宗精纯……难道是对我?? In the heart thinks that Devil of opposite party actually imaginary changed to dozens arms, stretches out from demon fog fiercely, toward Tan Tan, captures , has almost forced out the roads of Tan Tan all onset and retreat instantaneously! 心中才这么一想,对方的天魔手却已经幻化作数十只手臂,从一片魔雾之中狰狞伸出,向着谈昙,擒拿而下,瞬间几乎已经封杀了谈昙所有的进退之路! Tan Tan sees that does not dare to neglect, bellows, actually transported whole body cultivation base, shouted to clear the way: Mountains and rivers!” Right hand suddenly stretches out, the entire only palm jet black glistens, has seriously picks up the world landscape general imposing manner all of a sudden, upward meets the approaching enemy! 谈昙见状,不敢怠慢,一声大吼,却运起了全身修为,喝道:“一手山河!”一只右手猛地伸出,整只手掌漆黑闪亮,当真有一下子托起天下河山一般的气势,往上迎击! In Devil mouth ‚’, said: Has real skill, this also a little quality of being worth looking at!” 天魔口中‘啧’的一声,说道:“有两下子,这一手还有点看头!” The innumerable palms in a flash, vanish suddenly instantaneously, the condensation is falling of hand heavily, with Tan Tan hand blossomless false to the same place! 无数手掌突然一晃,瞬间消失,凝聚为一只手重重的落下,与谈昙的手毫无花假的对在一起! The both sides offensive contacts loudly, trim earth suddenly has swayed suddenly, immediately static, gets down moment, surrounding area hundred zhang (333 m) land suddenly is shaken to fly suddenly, toward whirled around in all directions! 双方攻势轰然接触,整片大地突然间猛地摇晃了一下,随即又静止了一下,下一刻,方圆百丈的土地突然猛地被震飞而起,向着四面八方翻卷了出去! This spells, has the prestige of landslide cracks in the earth unexpectedly seriously! 这一拼,竟当真有山崩地裂之威! When internecine strife, Tan Tan grunt, the entire body was pressed toward the underground downcast. 火拼之余,谈昙一声闷哼,整个身体被压得往地下陷落。 His whole person falls to deeply, the surrounding land is deep on collapse Feiduo. 他整个人陷到多深,周围的土地就崩飞多深。 One after another flies. Flies the midair, the first wave of soil has not fallen, the ninth wave of soil flew. 一圈一圈的飞出去。飞上半空,第一波的泥土还未落下,第九波的泥土已经飞了上去。 In an instant, in world dim! 刹那间,天地之间一片昏暗! Gu Yigu and the others all around bases unexpectedly completely erratically, the vacillation west shakes! 周遭的古一鼓等人竟然全部立足不定,动摇西晃! Now knew fiercely? This move, is the Devil secret skill, Devil is then born!” Devil Jie Jie smiles strangely: Devil is born, naturally earth-shattering and cracks in the earth day turns! The boys, know that fierce earlier surrenders, Devil King this reputation is no one uses for parts.” “现在知道厉害了吧?这一招,便是天魔秘技,天魔降世!”天魔桀桀怪笑:“天魔降世,当然石破天惊、地裂天翻!小子,知道厉害就早点投降吧,魔王这个名头可不是谁都配用地。” At this moment. His right hand still pressed on the right hand of Tan Tan, the posture of whole person hangs in the airborne, black fog layer upon layer ascends in his side gradually. Such presses Tan Tan downward to fall. 此刻。他的右手仍旧压在谈昙的右手上,整个人的姿势悬在空中,层层的黑雾在他身边渐次升腾。就这么压着谈昙一直往下落。 If not for covets Tan Tan Supreme Devil Body, does not want to make the Tan Tan body encounter any destruction, this strikes sufficiently lets Tan Tan thorough torn body and crushed bones! 若不是觊觎谈昙无上魔体,不想让谈昙的身躯遭到任何的破坏,这一击就足以让谈昙彻底粉身碎骨 Even if Devil when severe wound, but strikes at this moment fully, is still not Nine Heavens Martial Artist can the resistance. 天魔即使是在重伤之余,但此刻全力一击,依然不是九重天武者所能够抵抗的。 demonic energy that Tan Tan has is purer than much many him. But own cultivation base actually is really the phase difference too, wants completely the means that unable to work loose his right hand throughout, can only be such pressed. 谈昙所拥有的魔气比他要精纯得多的多。但自身修为却又实在是相差太多,想尽了办法,始终挣脱不开他的右手,只能被这么一直压下去。 Suddenly penetrated the underground hundred zhang (333 m)! 眨眼间已经深入地下百丈! Slow!” Tan Tan spells to try, can yell this. When, asthma like cow. flushed with excitement. “慢着!”谈昙拼尽全力,才能大叫出这一声。一声之余,气喘如牛。面红耳赤 In Devil reveals black light, said: How? What does your boy want to say?” 天魔目中露出黑光,道:“如何?你小子要说什么?” The strength on hand relaxed, making Tan Tan have the respite opportunity to speak. 手上的力气放松了一些,让谈昙有个喘息的机会来说话。 I surrender!” Tan Tan yelled: father acknowledged that could not hit you. Looked that your appearance does not want to kill me, has surrendered simply, don't you hope this?” “我投降!”谈昙大叫道:“老子承认打不过你了。看你样子也不想杀我,索性就投降了,你不是就希望这样吗?” Surrender? You said that you do want to surrender?” On Devil the strength urges, said: Takes seriously?!” “投降?你说你要投降?”天魔手上劲力一催,道:“当真?!” Tan Tan felt immediately own whole body must be crushed, called out reluctantly: Your doing dies. Hurries to drop, so long as you drop. I surrender! This Devil King is Venerable of clan, will never break a promise!” 谈昙顿时感觉自己全身都要被压碎,勉强叫道:“你丫的作死啊。赶紧放手,你只要放手。我就投降!本魔王乃一族之尊,决不食言!” Devil coldly snorted, receives the hand to fly to draw back, said: Calculates that your boy understands what has to done, since has surrendered, that do not think......” 天魔哼了一声,收手飞退,道:“算你小子识时务,既然投降了,那就不要想着……” The voice has not fallen, saw that Tan Tan rises with a spring from the gulf, the whole person is similar to together black light, runs away rapidly, in the mouth scolded: Your wishful thinking, does father look like the person who that type can surrender?!” 话音未落,就见到谈昙从深坑中一跃而起,整个人如同一道黑光,飞速逃遁,口中骂道:“你丫的痴心妄想,老子象那种会投降的人吗?!” Suddenly personal appearance already outside several thousand feet. 眨眼间身形已经在数百丈外。 Just said that will never break a promise, but the words still in the ear, have reneged in an instant on a promise! 刚说了决不食言,但转眼间话犹在耳,就已经反悔! Devil is good to hang has not irritated, jumps pursues: „Aren't you Venerable of clan? So the status, unexpectedly breaks a promise repeatedly, too also mean and shameless!” 天魔好悬没气死,腾身追赶:“你不是一族之尊吗?如此身份,居然食言而肥,太也卑鄙无耻!” Tan Tan stepped up the speed, mutual bickering and ridicule: How breaks a promise repeatedly, in any case father to eat anything not to be fat, this time goes back on word one time to try to be fat! Played you to be able? You bite me!” 谈昙加紧了速度,反唇相讥:“就算食言而肥又如何,反正老子吃啥都不胖,这次食言一次试试能不能肥!就耍你了又能咋地?你咬我啊!” Devil almost by somebody's shameless spoken language being wild with rage...... 天魔几乎被某人的无耻言语给气疯了…… Gu Yigu and the others shouts and wrangles, after catches up. 古一鼓等人大呼小叫,从后赶来。 Although the enemy of this bitter experience was really too formidable, but Saint King had the life danger anytime, oneself can and the others stay out? 虽然这次遭遇的敌人实在是太强大了,但圣王随时有性命危险,自己等人又怎么能置身事外? Tan Tan shouted to clear the way by far: Your several fools with me, do not hurry themselves to go are proper, I lead this fellow to circle to talk circuitously to play.” 谈昙远远喝道:“你们几个笨蛋不要跟着我了,赶紧自己去中都是正经,我带着这家伙绕绕圈子玩玩去。” If Tan Tan were in the upper hand at this moment, Gu Yigu and the others naturally was not worried that according to Tan Tan instruction voluntarily its matter \; But now Saint King actually at the absolute leeward condition that momentarily can be killed, can oneself abandon goes? 若是谈昙此刻是占了上风,古一鼓等人自然是不担心的,会按照谈昙的吩咐自行其事\;但现在圣王却是处在随时都会丧命的绝对下风状况,自己怎么能弃之而去? Even if knew perfectly well that does not beat must protect at risk of life, can consume an enemy strength, can be Saint King strives for life force! 就算明知不敌也要拼死保护的,能多消耗敌人一点力量,就能为圣王多争取一点生机 Gu Yigu bellows, a first diving posture on, several other Elder also respectively soar, besieges toward Devil. Death, must delay some time, making Saint Wang An all withdraw! 古一鼓一声大吼,头一个飞身而上,其他几位长老也是各自飞腾而起,向着天魔围攻而来。死,也要多拖一些时间,让圣王安全脱身! Devil saw that unexpectedly some people dare to block itself, saw that Tan Tan is getting more and more far, angry to the extreme, bellows, the boundless black heavy fog emits, the limitless spread, the demon flame is suddenly dreadful! 天魔见到居然有人敢拦住自己,又见到谈昙越来越远,不由愤怒到了极点,一声大吼,无边黑雾腾腾冒出,无边无际的蔓延出去,突然间魔焰滔天! Devil gets rid fully! 天魔全力出手! Tan Tan speedily flies to escape, turns the head to look actually sees this situation, almost spits blood. 谈昙一路疾速飞遁,转头一看却看到这种情况,几乎吐血。
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