TTNH :: Volume #17

#1693: Rush to rescue!

On the Zu Heliu face shows solemn and stirring look, low and deep say/way: Once fascinated, including the Divine Soul also rare freedom, even if the body dies, Divine Soul will also return for me and other in the fascinated person hands, turns into the nutritious nutrient. We were fascinated before, own Divine Soul already incompetent complete control, even if we destroy the Body and Soul altogether extinguished method, at best can only destroy that part that we can take responsibility, as for by Divine Soul of demon, is actually incapable of eliminating \; Two good people achieve the bottom, simply gives us to come to be frightened out of one's wits, consigned to eternal damnation!” 祖河流脸上露出悲壮的神色,低沉的道:“一旦入魔,连神魂也难得自由,即便身死,神魂也将回归为我等入魔之人手中,变成滋补的养分。我们之前入魔,自身神魂已无能全部掌控,即便我们摧动形神俱灭的法门,充其量只可以毁灭我们可以做主的那部分,至于已经被魔化的神魂,却已是无力消泯\;二位好人做到底,就干脆给我们来个魂飞魄散,万劫不复吧!” On the Gu Duxing face shows look that struggles. 顾独行脸上露出挣扎的神色。 This matter is not closes your my private affair, if I and other Divine Soul were cheap finally Devil, will only bring harm to many world common people.” Duan Tian loosen weak say/way: Sir Gu, enduring in prefix a blade! Endures, is various, you do not endure now, is actually and other cruelty to me, to the cruelty of world common people \; If you now to us cruel...... Actually is to the world to own does not endure. Whatever if our Divine Soul expands Devil...... My brother two people, seriously to die with a remaining grievance! Asked Monarch to help, asks!” “此事已非关你我私事,若是我等神魂最终便宜了天魔,只会贻害更多的天下苍生。”段天松微弱道:“顾大人,‘忍’字头上一把刀!忍,是多方面的,你现在不忍,却是对我等的残忍,对天下苍生的残忍\;若您现在对我们残忍……却是对天下对自己的不忍。若是任由我们神魂壮大天魔……我兄弟二人,当真死不瞑目!请君成全,拜托了!” Good! I thanked two senior thick virtue for the world common people.” Gu Duxing said decidedly: „The matter, I personally was two seniors will set up a stone monument to write preface, wrote, ghost sword demon blade, Law Enforcement world!” “好!我代天下苍生感谢两位前辈厚德。”顾独行断然道:“此间事了,我会亲自为两位前辈立碑作序,就写,鬼剑魔刀,执法天下!” So my heart is much relieved!” They also smile. “如此我心甚慰!”两人同时微笑。 Each other looked at one relatively, said: Brother, we walk.” 彼此相对看了一眼,同时说道:“兄弟,咱们走吧。” Body, various places wound simultaneously spout the blood. 身上,各处创口同时喷出鲜血。 Gu Duxing last sword, seems like casually, but in fact has interrupted the throat and waist of Duan Tian loosen \; Cut off life force, not so, is absolutely impossible to make it untie the demon mistakenly to run metal into cracks voluntarily. 顾独行的最后一剑,看似轻描淡写,但实际上已经截断了段天松的咽喉和腰身\;断绝了生机,错非如此,是绝无可能令其自行解开魔锢的。 Can insist as for the Duan Tian loosen now, is actually closes right up against his ten thousand years of self-torture peerless cultivation base to maintain the final one breath. 至于段天松能够一直坚持到现在,却是靠着他万年苦修的绝世修为维持着自己最后的一口气。 But Dong Wushang finally that blade, even if removed the blade promptly, but sharp saber energy actually without enough time withdraws, especially Zu Heliu wholeheartedly strove. Does not have the resistance, passes the body saber energy regulations to crush his heart pulse \; These two injury went to the possibility of again not having gone on living actually. 董无伤最后那一刀,即使已是及时撤刀,但犀利刀气却是来不及撤回的,尤其祖河流还是一心求死。全无抵抗,透体刀气实则已经将他的心脉震得粉碎\;这两人伤势其实已经去到再也没有活下去的可能了。 However they support reluctantly do not die, will be worries own Divine Soul by Sovereign of the Law and Devil use, the body, although will die, will remain to bring harm to the world. 然而两人勉强支撑不死,就是顾虑到自己的神魂会被法尊天魔利用,身虽死,却留贻害于人间。 But at this moment obtained the commitment of Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang, their mind relaxes, does not want to support again reluctantly, altogether walks the Nine Springs. 而此刻得到了顾独行董无伤的承诺,两人心神放松,也就不想再勉强支撑下去,共走九泉 Then at this moment, suddenly the Capital City center that their injury simultaneously manifests suddenly resounds a limpid resonant long and loud cry, the blast. Immediately saw the imposing sword light potential such as rushes to the thunder common direct impact midair together, during flies high a transition, sword energy howls. Sends out to shock world the sound of wind and thunder, the imperial sword, the extremely fast has gone! 便在两人伤势同时发作的此刻,突然间中都城中心响起一声清澈嘹亮的长啸,鼓风而起。随即就见到一道凛然剑光势如奔雷一般直冲半空,凌空一个转折,剑气呼啸之中。发出震撼天地的风雷之声,御剑而过,极速而去! This person's shadow, one dodges to pass in sky over, the speed will draw near the extreme. In entire sky over, has actually left behind able to move unhindered several hundred miles radiant sword glow! 这道人影,在上空一闪而逝,速度快到了极点。却在整个中都上空,留下了一道纵横数百里的璀璨剑芒! Sign that by that person for a long time, had still not vanished in the past! 直到在那人过去好久,依然没有消失的迹象! Good sharp sword!” Look that Duan Tian Matsumoto has gotten down dimly suddenly becomes bright, asked with the weak sound: Passed a moment ago, is Sir Master of Nine Tribulations Sword?” “好犀利的剑!”段天松本已经黯淡下去的眼神突然变得明亮起来,用微弱的声音问道:“刚才过去的,可是九劫剑主大人?” Gu Duxing said: Big Brother Chu!” 顾独行道:“正是楚大哥!” „Before has not thought at the point of death, our generation can also see Master of Nine Tribulations Sword illustrious powerful!” Duan Tian loosen and Zu Heliu simultaneously gratified smile: This lives not regrets truly.” “没想到临死之前,我辈还能够一睹九劫剑主的赫赫雄威!”段天松与祖河流同时欣慰的微笑:“此生真正无憾矣。” Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang have not replied. These two bodies have from the sky been split up, the broken corpse perishes. 顾独行董无伤还没答话。这两人的身体已经在空中四分五裂,碎尸而亡。 This fresh last few words, stem from the Zu Heliu mouth: Demon blade, although famous demon. But my heart actually non- demon! Two Sirs, not forget to destroy me surely and other Divine Soul! Death, does not use for the demon!” 此生的最后一句话,出自祖河流口中:“魔刀虽然名魔。但我心却非魔!两位大人,千万莫忘记摧毁我等神魂!死,也不为魔所用!” Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang complexion is solemn and respectful, said: Senior felt relieved \; The illustrious name eternity, always does not drop!” 顾独行董无伤脸色肃穆沉重,道:“前辈放心\;英名千古,永世不堕!” A blade sword was mixing with Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang they reached the grade nine Divine Soul prestige to be able the suddenly crush in the past. After the Duan Tian loosen and Zu Heliu they died the Divine Soul strength to dissipate in an instant in the world, permanent annihilation. 一刀一剑夹杂着顾独行董无伤两人的已臻九品神魂威能猛地碾压过去。段天松与祖河流两人身故之后的神魂力量刹那间消散在天地之间,永久湮灭。 Fog faintly recognizable. As if vaguely can also see the gratified smile of that two person \; But, hereafter, these two life mark thorough dissipation in world. 云雾飘渺中。似乎依稀还能看到那两个人的欣慰微笑\;但,此后,这两人的生命印记彻底消散于天地之间。 Gu Duxing holds the sword to salute, Dong Wushang arms with knife respectful to stand \; To these two Law Enforcer seniors, extends the highest respect. 顾独行抱剑行礼,董无伤持刀恭立\;向这两位执法者前辈,致以最高的敬意。 In two people of hearts a heaviness. 两人心中一片沉重。 Named demon blade, my heart non- demon! 名为魔刀,我心非魔! So hero, actually mean was plotted against by the Sovereign of the Law plot! 如此英雄,却被法尊阴谋卑鄙暗算! this moment, Gu Duxing and hatred in Dong Wushang heart is dreadful, never has any time, such urgently wants to kill person Sovereign of the Law! You are really death cannot wipe out the crimes! 这一刻,顾独行董无伤心中的恨意滔天,从来没有任何一个时候,这么迫切地想要杀死一个人法尊!你实在是死有余辜 Leans slightly, Gu Duxing has tidied up the corpse wreckage of two seniors earnestly, this has tidied up the mood, said: Passed a moment ago, clearly is the Boss, walked such sharply, that side had what condition?” 稍倾,顾独行认真的收拾了两位前辈的尸身残骸,这才收拾了一下心情,道:“刚才过去的,分明是老大,走得这么急,难道那边出现了什么状况?” We also in the past had a look, to help the hand to strive.” Dong Wushang proposed. “我们也过去看看,帮把手出出力。”董无伤提议。 Gu Duxing nods, they greeted brothers, the direct imperial sword, changes to flowing light, vanishes in the north. 顾独行点头,两人招呼了一声众兄弟,直接御剑而起,化作流光,消失在北方。 Long time after long time, audiences observing who below Capital City, petrified restored the ability to act, all people completely whoop. 良久良久之后,下方的中都城里,已经石化的一众观战者才恢复了行动能力,所有人尽都议论纷纷。 Master of Nine Tribulations Sword and Nine Tribulations under this sky, the first high-sounding talk presented that leave shock of common people, was seriously unequalled. Law Enforcer aspect Law Enforcement ten thousand years of Law Enforcement grade nine Supreme, unexpectedly in independent combat such die in the Nine Tribulation Brothers hand! 九劫剑主九劫在这片天空下,第一次高调亮相,留给世人的震撼,当真是无与伦比的。执法者方面执法万年的执法九品至尊,居然在单打独斗之中就这么死在九劫兄弟手中! This fact, although in expected, Nine Tribulations Legend, unmatched in the world, but also same, more unexpected beside! 这个事实,虽然早在意料之中,九劫传说,天下无敌,但也同样的,更加出乎预料之外! After all, they are that young! 毕竟,他们还是那么的年轻! Nine Tribulations Legend, is really name is not in vain! Too was really fierce.” 九劫传说,果然是名不虚传!实在太厉害了。” Yes...... I initially really have not thought that they can cut to kill grade nine Supreme.” “是啊……我当初真没想到,他们真的能斩杀九品至尊。” Although before , hears Nine Tribulations to unite, unmatched in the world view, but...... A little is similar to has a dream general......” “虽然以前也听说九劫合一,天下无敌的说法,但……还是有点如同做梦一般……” Has been a pity the ghost sword demon blade two seniors...... Yeah, these two, although with Nine Tribulations for enemy, but actually had not always heard that any big misdeeds, such died today, always thought...... Yeah......” “只是可惜了鬼剑魔刀两位前辈啊……哎,这两人虽然是与九劫为敌,但平生却也没有听说什么大的劣迹,今日就这么死了,总觉得……哎……” Yes...... Is a pity really......” “是啊……着实可惜啊……” Duan Tian loosen and the others in the talk in upper air, the sound is not high. The following person, has achieved suitable situation high rank Martial Artist except for cultivation base, is most minimum five grade six above Supreme to be able reluctantly to hear, other people cannot hear. 段天等人在高空的谈话,声音并不高。下面的人,除了修为达到了相当地步的高阶武者,最起码得五六品以上至尊才能勉强听到,其他的人都是听不到的。 On the faces of these few hearing appears intermittently a sadness, absolutely does not have anybody to say the truth. 那些极少数听到的人脸上隐现一片悲戚,却,绝对没有任何人说出真相。 Everybody as if by prior agreement makes a decision: Keep one's mouth shut! 大家都是不约而同的做出来一个决定:守口如瓶! This matter actually concerns the ten thousand years of clear reputation of ghost sword demon blade two seniors, anybody, is not cruel enough after they died, but also said by the Devil control words. 此事却是关乎到鬼剑魔刀两位前辈的万年清誉,任何人,也不忍心在他们死后,还说出被天魔控制的话来。 That is abandoning to conscience! 那是一种对良心的背弃! This fact, can only after striking to kill Devil, is the ghost sword demon blade glorifies, writes fights dead with Devil! 这个事实,只能在击杀天魔之后,为鬼剑魔刀重新树碑立传,就写‘与天魔战斗而死’! But now, if said that result was certain 但现在谁若是说出来,结果是一定的 Guarantee exactly today! 保证活不过今天! Beyond several hundred miles. 数百里之外。 Sovereign of the Law suddenly anchored the footsteps, the look changed to two black holes, stubbornly looks at the front to be void, the full long hair was calm. 法尊猛地停住脚步,眼神化作了两个黑洞,死死的看着前方虚空,满头长发无风自动。 Long time, clenches teeth saying: Can unexpectedly so? The body turns over to the dead tribulation, can temporarily maintain spiritual platform Pure Brightness? Unexpectedly can refuse my demon to plant the summon, abandons my Devil order! True bastard! Died, died must also suspend me together! Hateful!” 良久,才咬牙说道:“竟会如此?身归死劫,就能暂时保持灵台清明么?居然能够拒绝我的魔种召唤,摒弃我的天魔命令!真正混账!死了死了,死了还要摆我一道!可恶!” Turns around to go. 转身而去。 The Duan Tian loosen and Zu Heliu awaken finally frequently, the god is overwhelmed with emotion the loose, permanent annihilation in the world world, the mark does not save \; Also made Sovereign of the Law not have again possibly obtains demon Divine Soul to return nurturing to parents the strength, Sovereign of the Law naturally did not have the going necessity. 段天松与祖河流最后时刻醒悟,神销魂散,永久湮灭于天地人间,印记不存\;却也让法尊再无可能得到魔化的神魂反哺力量,法尊自然没有了前去的必要。 Moreover, he now very anxious wanted to find Devil \; Inquired to understand clearly that actually this was what situation? If the case said fortunately, if all people so, that should be what to do good? 而且,他现在可是很急切的想要找到天魔\;问询个清楚明白,这究竟是什么情况?若是个例还好说,若是所有人都如此,那又该怎么办才好? This is not the good phenomenon, finally may other futile effort diligently, throw caution to the winds. 这可不是好现象啊,最终可别徒劳努力,枉费心机。 Cannot think of present Nine Tribulations...... Unexpectedly grew this grade of situation, is hard to imagine, how to progress so amazingly quick, is so astonishing, hateful......” the Sovereign of the Law face contains the worried look, the facial expression is serious, grazes, while are calculating to consider at heart. “想不到现在的九劫……居然就已经成长到了这等地步,真难以想象,怎地会进步如此神速,如此惊人,可恶……”法尊脸含忧色,神情沉重,一边飞掠,一边自己在心里计算斟酌。 Whether must change on Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting issues to employ a stratagem...... Takes extinguishing kills Master of Nine Tribulations Sword for the first premise?” “是否要在天鼎盛会上变动一下发动手段……以灭杀九劫剑主为第一前提?” ............ ………… Another side, Chu Yang holds up Nine Tribulations Sword directly, imperial sword line, speed quick such as lightning flash thunder explosion, simply was somewhat burning with impatience! 另一边,楚阳直接擎出九劫剑,御剑而行,速度快如电闪雷轰,简直是有些心急如焚了! Chu Yang hurries away, naturally induces anything. 楚阳匆匆而去,自然是感应到了什么。 Meantime he is waiting the brothers to return in triumph in medium level of inn. Moreover, Mo Tianji arranges brothers to exit, reaches to from outside, layer upon layer the advancement, all parties synchronize. 其时他正在客栈之中等待兄弟们凯旋归来。而且,莫天机安排着众兄弟出去,从外面向里传进,层层推进,各方同步。 99 turn over to Yuan Great Array. 正是99归元大阵 Chu Yang stays in the inn gorgeously motionless, although seems like idle, but in fact is actually 99 turn over among Yuan Great Array that Yuan \; Endures the connecting the heavens and penetrating the earth formidable destiny by Master of Nine Tribulations Sword fully, is suppressing eight side foul odor and ensure the brothers are safe. 楚阳呆在客栈之中巍然不动,虽然看似无所事事,但实际上却正是99归元大阵中间的那一‘元’\;以九劫剑主足堪通天彻地的强大气运,镇压着八方恶气,确保兄弟们平安顺利。 This time Chu Yang, the state of mind was keen \; The strength of Spirit Sense, it may be said that formidable incomparable. 这个时候的楚阳,神思灵敏\;神识之力,可谓强大无匹。 Saw with own eyes that the brothers already met, but Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang single-handedly frustrated became famous for a long time two big grade nine Supreme, in the Chu Yang heart happy. 眼见众兄弟已然会合,而顾独行董无伤更是独力挫败了成名已久的两大九品至尊,楚阳心中高兴之极。 But at this time, actually suddenly felt that Spirit Sense shake, that is an extremely unusual vibration. 但就在这时候,却突然感觉到了神识震荡,那是一种极其不寻常的震动。 Has the matter to occur! Moreover has the important matter to occur! Is the person who care about had the major accident! 有事发生!而且还是有大事发生!是自己所关心的人发生了重大变故! Now is anxious, this accident means the person who oneself care about had the accident, how Chu Yang not startled! 如今心神不定,这变故意味着自己在意的人出了意外,楚阳如何不惊! Chu Yang at this moment feels twice as to restless, cannot help but closes the eye, but, immediately, dark as if has broadcast a sound, in shouting oneself hoarse prays for rescue toward oneself: Yang Yangang ~~~ help!” 此刻的楚阳倍觉心神不宁,不由得闭上眼睛,但,随即,冥冥中似乎就传来了一个声音,在声嘶力竭的向着自己求救:“痒痒昂~~~救命啊!” Chu Yang suddenly startles, jumped. 楚阳猛地激灵一下,跳了起来。 Tan Tan! Unexpectedly is he? 谈昙!竟是他? But, can he have an accident? 可是,他能出了什么事儿? Tan Tan at present high of cultivation base, absolutely strong in oneself, one does Three Stars Sacred Clan Elder in side, this strength, looks all around now world, may say that is difficult the rival, how to be in danger? No...... Also really person entitle is capable of threatening Tan Tan one line, 谈昙目前修为之高,绝对强于自己,更有一干三星圣族长老在旁,这份实力,环顾当今之世,可说难有敌手,怎么会遇险呢?不……或者还真有一个人有资格有能力威胁到谈昙一行, Since Devil, after these days, has rested and built up strength, restores strength later Devil! 天魔,经过这段时间以来,休养生息,恢复实力之后的天魔 Was Devil to Tan Tan? 难道是天魔对上了谈昙 Tianji (Heavenly Secret), you assume this place, I have the urgent matter to treat the office!” Chu Yang only with enough time said such a few words, the suddenly imperial sword has broken through the inn roof, the lightning thunderclap generally from out of the blue went. 天机,你来坐镇此地,我有急事待办!”楚阳就只来得及说出这么一句话,就已猛地御剑冲破了客栈屋顶,一路闪电霹雳一般破空而去。 Goes is quick and anxious. 去的又快又急。
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