TTNH :: Volume #17

#1692: Birth and death

The sound of Duan Tian loosen unexpectedly became Zhengping, did not have the beforehand that vicious tendencies again, disappeared the fascinated insane condition. 段天松的声音竟然变得中正平和,再也没有了之前的那股戾气,更也不见了入魔的疯态。 Your sword intent is very strange, making me feel lonelily, lonely, lonely......” the Duan Tian loosen smiles is looking at Gu Duxing: Especially after sword, felt that the life is dismal, lonely like snow.” “你的剑意真的很奇怪,让我感觉到寂寥,孤独,寂寞……”段天松微笑着看着顾独行:“尤其在中剑之后,更加感觉到人生悲凉,寂寞如雪。” He sighed heartfeltly: Good sword art! Nine Tribulations Legend, no doubt name is not in vain \; The Nine Tribulation Brothers unmatched in the world, asks for advice today finally by oneself.” 他由衷地感叹道:“好剑法九劫传说,固然名不虚传\;九劫兄弟天下无敌,今日终于亲身领教了。” His full mouth praise, not only has not been angry with angrily, instead has filled some gratified. 他满口的夸赞着,非但没有生气和愤怒,反而充满了某种欣慰。 Gu Duxing silent, said: You have not used truly fully, spells particularly finally.” 顾独行沉默了一下,道:“你没有用出来真正的全力,尤其是最后一拼。” The Duan Tian loosen shakes the head: „It is not does not think, but truly uses not to leave. The air/Qi of Devil, no doubt can promote the feat of arms might \; But I contact after all too few \; Has not achieved mastery through a comprehensive study completely in own ten thousand years of customs...... Therefore, was not I showed mercy a moment ago, in fact, I wanted to show mercy a moment ago, I could not achieve.” 段天松摇头:“不是不想,而是真正用不出了。天魔之气,固然可以提升武技威力\;但我毕竟接触得太少\;还没有完全融会贯通到自身万年的习惯里……所以,刚才绝不是我手下留情,实际上,刚才就算我想要手下留情,我也是做不到。” He smiles bitterly: Because of me at that time...... The body Lord!” 他苦笑一声:“因为我那时候……还是身不由主!” Why that now is?” Gu Duxing some asking of being astonished, are astonished in enemy's change, how as if completely to relieve the demon to melt generally. “那现在又是为何?”顾独行有些讶异的问道,讶异于敌人的变化,怎地仿佛完全解除魔化了一般。 Because I died.” The Duan Tian loosen smiles calmly: Life eliminates dies without the important matter! My Duan Tian loosen finally understood the true meaning of these words today...... Compared to break the life and death, what Devil but also feared? Therefore now he could not control me, I finally was I, no longer was the Devil puppet.” “因为我已经死了。”段天松从容微笑:“人生除死无大事!我段天松今日才终于明白了这一句话的真谛……勘破了生死,还怕什么天魔?所以现在他已经控制不了我,我终于又是我了,不再是天魔傀儡。” His lost looks at the battle of distant place Dong Wushang and Zu Heliu, saying with a smile that self-ridicules: Before always keeps on proclaiming said that refuses stubbornly fearfully, but true living the person, actually radically nobody can look through this dead characters, since old times was difficult dies only. Originally, dies eventually is such difficult.” 他出神的看着远方董无伤祖河流的交战,自嘲的笑道:“以前总是口口声声的说,死不可怕,但真正活着的人,却根本没有人能够看破这个死字,自古艰难唯一死。原来,死终究是这么难的。” He decides looks at Gu Duxing, said: Gu Duxing, your Way of Sword has reached highest knowledge, will enter the boundary of reach great heights...... Walked was farther than me, just before parting, I do not have any inform you, because you have surpassed me...... However, I still wanted inform your a few words. About Martial Study a few words. Also after is my body dies the only sensibility.” Gu Duxing prudent saying: Please advise.” 他定定的看着顾独行,道:“顾独行,你的剑道已经登堂入室,将入登峰造极之境……已经走得比我更远了,临去之时,我也没什么告诉你的,因为你已经超出了我……不过,我仍要告诉你一句话。关于武学的一句话。也是我身死之后的唯一感悟。”顾独行慎重的说道:“请指教。” Silent, Duan Tian loosen finally character character slowly said: Lives, dies!” 沉默了一下,段天松终于一字字慢慢的道:“生、与、死!” Life and death battlefield...... Is your best destination. Looked through dying, your Way of Sword should be able little to become \; Then you look through living again, can the accomplishment...... Truth everybody will say, is actually difficultly achieves. I always also incompetently look through, continuously to the present, has not looked through dying, until dying cannot look through...... Because of dying, after all is the external force entrusts with, is not the mood.” “生死战场……是你的最佳去处。看破了‘死’,你的剑道应该能小成\;然后你再看破‘生’,就能大成了吧……道理人人会讲,却是难能作到。我始终也无能看破,一直到现在,也没有看破‘死’,直到死也未能看破……因为死,毕竟是外力赋予,并非自己心境。” Remember, birth and death. Is realm. Does not refer to purely was living or died!” The Duan Tian loosen said in a low voice. “记住,生与死。是一种境界。并非是指单纯的活着或者死去!”段天松低声说道。 Gu Duxing muttered in a low voice: Birth and death, is realm, pure was living or died.” Hesitates long time, said: I remembered. I have not been able really to understand now, but I will attempt, exploration. many thanks advises!” 顾独行低声喃喃道:“生与死,是一种境界,并非是单纯的活着或者死去。”沉吟良久,道:“我记住了。我现在还不能真正明白,但我会去尝试,探索。多谢指教!” Is impolite.” Duan Tian heaved a deep sigh: Later sees our such people, I replace them to ask your matter.” “不客气。”段天松长叹一声:“以后见到我们这样的人,我代替他们求你一件事。” Say/Way of Gu Duxing respect: Please say.” 顾独行尊敬的道:“请说。” At the maximum speed. Kills them!” Duan Tian loosen genial smile: Only then died the quicker, in the past first illustrious name or can preserve were more...... You understand.” “以最快的速度。杀死他们!”段天松和煦微笑:“惟有死得越快,往昔的一世英名或者才能保全的多一些……你明白的。” Gu Duxing nods slowly: I remembered. If possible, I will make contribution.” 顾独行慢慢点头:“我记住了。若有可能,我会尽力。” The Duan Tian loosen nods with a smile, from the sky crosses the hands behind the back to stand, is looking out war of that side Dong Wushang and Zu Heliu, indifferently said: I wait/etc. my brothers, Yellow Springs has the partner, the carry with one on a journey is not orphaned.” 段天松颔首微笑,就在空中负手而立,遥望着那边董无伤祖河流之战,淡淡道:“我等等我兄弟,黄泉有伴,携行不孤。” Our brothers ten thousand years of colleague, life and death not abandoned \; Nearly in the final moment, has actually gone bad that loyalty. This actually most should thank your, your sword, making me have this final Pure Brightness.” “我们兄弟万年同行,生死不弃\;却险些在最后关头,坏了那份义气。这却是最应该感谢你的,你的那一剑,让我有这最后的清明。” That side, Dong Wushang had the overwhelming superiority obviously, a blade blade compels Zu Heliu to spell hardly, each blade chops, two people both must simultaneously spurt the blood. 那边,董无伤显然已经占据了压倒性优势,一刀刀逼着祖河流硬拼,每一刀劈出去,两个人都要同时喷血。 Completely was barbaric to the extreme internecine strife, spelled completely hardly hits hardly, entire blossomless false, did not have the skill to shaking. 完全是野蛮到了极点的火拼,完全的硬拼硬撞,全无花假,全无技巧的对撼。 The two of this meeting have made obviously the anger, is red the eye, all fending do not need completely, only then hits hardly! The airborne space, shatter piece by piece, gets down moment again to reorganize, again under moment, was shattered, unceasing repeat in cycles. 这会的两人显然都打出了火气,红着眼睛,一切的闪避完全不需要了,就只有硬撞!空中的空间,一片片的破碎,下一刻又再重组,再下一刻,又再破碎,不断循环往复。 Their battle places, are in the several thousand feet upper air, under of battle place, entire is trembling. 两人的交战地点,已经是位在数百丈高空,交战地点的下方,整个中都都在震颤着。 The fierce mutual shake, making two bodies of people sway. 剧烈的相互震荡,让两个人的身体都是摇晃着。 Experienced has fought in this way, that side Zu Heliu had restored the intelligence little.” The Duan Tian loosen feels relieved: Otherwise, he will not adopt the forms of combat of this bringing about own destruction, if by the sober condition showdown, your companion strength is too seriously big, inborn hero, therefore has instead neglected the skill. Even if can win finally, must pay the suitable price, his fighting method is extremely unitary, sole regrettable......” “经历了如斯战斗,祖河流那边已经有一点点恢复了神智。”段天松如释重负:“要不然,他也不会采取这种自寻死路的战斗方式,若是当真以清醒状态对决,你的同伴力气太大,天生豪雄,所以反而忽略了技巧。所以即便最终可以获胜,仍要付出相当的代价,他的打法太过单一,单一的让人遗憾……” Gu Duxing prudent nod: Your these words, I will pass on to Dong Wushang earnestly.” 顾独行慎重点头:“你这番话,我会认真转告董无伤。” The Duan Tian loosen nods with a smile. 段天松含笑点头。 Finally, Dong Wushang severe howl, has cracked both hands of tiger's den to arm with knife, dripping with blood chops to fall toward a Zu Heliu blade! 终于,董无伤一声厉吼,已经崩裂了虎口的双手持刀,鲜血淋漓的向着祖河流一刀劈落! A strive to excel, good Tyrant Sha blade! 好强,好霸杀的一刀! That is cuts to stand decides, is a blade that cuts to set up! 那是斩立决,也是斩立断的一刀! ! 噗! The Zu Heliu demon blade is unable to shoulder again, instant smashing. 祖河流的魔刀再也无法负荷,瞬时粉碎。 Originally became in the unceasing collision the tattered and torn and torn to pieces demon blade, finally cannot withstand this strongly and fiercest crazy hit, finally hits has not even hit the reality, first thorough has disrupted. 本就就已经在不断碰撞中变得千疮百孔、支离破碎的魔刀,终于承受不住这最强、最猛的疯狂撞击,最后一撞甚至都还没有撞实,就已经先一步彻底碎裂了。 Dong Wushang Black Sabre is similar to the thunder, chops toward Zu Heliu crazily under. 董无伤墨刀如同电闪雷鸣,向着祖河流狂劈而下。 On face of Zu Heliu distortion reveals a gentle smile suddenly, is transfers unexpectedly crosses the hands behind the back to stand, is welcoming the Dong Wushang blade, does not dodge does not evade, the complexion is deep. 祖河流扭曲的脸上突然流露一丝平和的微笑,竟是转为负手而立,迎着董无伤的刀,不闪不避,脸色湛然。 Stop!” The Duan Tian loosen calls out the exit|to speak. “住手!”段天松暴喝出口。 Stop!” Gu Duxing drinks to make noise to prevent greatly. “住手!”顾独行大喝出声阻止。 Dong Wushang hearing this shakes, receives the blade fully, saber energy that however goes to the blade is actually not able to contain, bone-chilling cold saber energy passed the body on Zu Heliu. 董无伤闻言一震,全力收刀,然而离刀而去的刀气却是无法遏制,凛冽的刀气已经在祖河流身上透体而过。 The facial color tends to be gentle Zu Heliu maintains is standing erect the motionless personal appearance, feels sharp saber energy to shut off the heart lineage/vein clearly, the look on face finally once again changed changed. 面色渐趋平和的祖河流维持着卓立不动的身形,清晰地感受到犀利刀气将自己心脉切断,脸上的神色终于再度变了一变。 Originally already gentle facial expression even more affable. Even also one type nightmare wakes up, finally has extricated that carefree. Escapes the demon to run metal into cracks finally, dies Zu Heliu that will close will actually be near no longer to look at Dong Wushang, but will turn around, will flutter toward the airborne Duan Tian loosen. 原本已经平和的神情愈发的舒缓。甚至还有一种‘噩梦醒来,终于解脱了’的那种畅快。终脱魔锢,死关却将临的祖河流不再看董无伤,而是转身,向着空中的段天松这边飘过来。 The following people look at the surprise to be puzzled. 下面众人都看得诧异不解。 This war, how finally is!? 这一战,结果到底是如何的呢!? It seems, probably was Nine Tribulations wins total victories at the same time \; But why victor Dong Wushang and Gu Duxing expression actually appears the somewhat sad appearance, but Duan Tian loosen and Zu Heliu these two loser instead some joyfully very happy appearances? When not restoration cruel and fierceness! 看上去,好象是九劫一边大获全胜了\;但为何胜利者董无伤顾独行的表情却显得有些难过的样子,而段天松和祖河流这两个失败者反而有些欣欣然很高兴的样子?再不复初时的暴戾与狰狞! The winners extremely, defeated did undefeated, what the ghost sword demon blade and between Nine Tribulations Saber and Sword Supreme exactly have? 胜者不胜,败者不败,鬼剑魔刀与九劫刀剑至尊之间到底发生了什么? Among the moment, before Zu Heliu arrived at the Duan Tian loose body, they deeply have looked one, smiles. 须臾间,祖河流已经来到了段天松身前,两人深深对望了一眼,同时微笑。 Rejoiced, lucky, although we plotting, eventually has not actually cast the blunder, this is Heaven to our caring.” “庆幸,万幸,咱们虽然中了暗算,却终究没有铸成大错,这是上天对咱们的眷顾。” Yes.” “是。” You are you, I am I.” “你还是你,我还是我。” Yes, this is really our luck.” “是的,这委实是我们的幸运。” The sound that they spoke was very small, stems from your mouth, entered my ear, other, were all blown off by the upper air hurricane. 两人说话的声音都很小,出自你口,入得我耳,其他的,俱都被高空飓风吹散了。 In rising winds, scudding clouds, their clothes sleeve hair with the wind is dancing in the air, the smiling face on face is genial and sincere, is ordinary just like the newborn baby. 风起云涌之中,两人的衣袂头发都在随风飞舞,脸上的笑容和煦且真诚,宛如赤子一般。 The Duan Tian loosen gentle affable complexion gradually becomes the surface like the spirit money, wipes the painful look to reappear finally from his face, opposite Zu Heliu is also same. 段天松平和舒缓的脸色逐渐变得面如金纸,一抹痛苦的神色终于从他脸上浮现出来,对面的祖河流也是一样。 This is separated from the demon to run metal into cracks the price, be only the life price, can get rid of the demon to run metal into cracks, even if these two cultivation base is extremely deep, can protect last Yuan Qi temporarily, supports does not die, actually throughout could not support to be too long, dead Guan Zhonglin! 这是脱离魔锢代价,惟有生命的代价,才能摆脱魔锢,即便这两人修为极深,能暂时护住最后一口元气,支撑不死,却始终支撑不了太久,死关终临了! In the heart that Dong Wushang and Gu Duxing look at trembles. 董无伤顾独行看的心中一颤。 Can let so look through the life and death grade nine Supreme to feel so painfully...... What is that? 能让如此看破生死的九品至尊感受到如此痛苦的……那是什么? Looks on two face more and more are the pain, but in the look actually more and more likes. 两个人脸上的神色越来越是痛苦,但眼神中却是越来越是欢喜。 Having a good laugh that ha haha......” the Zu Heliu sudden whole body shivers, loudly said: My Zu Heliu, in this life the murder are countless, was called demon blade! The good people I have killed, the unprincipled person I have also killed \; Killed mistakenly time also had many \; But my this common people Law Enforcement world, confessed that has no qualms in Law Enforcer this given name!” “哈哈哈……”祖河流突然浑身颤抖的仰天大笑,大声道:“我祖河流,这一生之中杀人无数,被人称为‘魔刀’!好人我杀过,坏人我也杀过\;杀错了的时候也有不少\;但我这一世人执法天下,却自认无愧于‘执法者’这个名号!” Person who my Zu Heliu is called in Law Enforcer holds the blade \; The executioner of recognition, the full hand is bloody! But I still, life long, the infamy are innumerable, but, clear name really \; Is indomitable spirit, has no qualms in the name of real man!” “我祖河流被称作执法者之中‘执刀的人’\;公认的刽子手,满手血腥!但我依然,一生悠悠,骂名无数,但,清名更甚\;顶天立地,无愧于大丈夫之称!” Now is near to return, is actually nearly the integrity in later life does not guarantee, the demon atmosphere still wreaked havoc in the heart, but I will have belonged to deceased person, even if the demon atmosphere does not extinguish, can actually my what?” “今临归去,却是险些晚节不保,魔氛仍在心中肆虐,但我已将归于死人之列,纵然魔氛不灭,却又能奈我何?” Zu Heliu laughs. 祖河流哈哈大笑。 The Duan Tian loose corners of the mouth twitch, resemble also want to speak, could not say again, but smiles slightly, nods again and again. The corners of the mouth, had the bright blood thread broken lip. 段天松嘴角抽搐,似是也想要说话,却已经再也说不出来了,只是微微笑着,连连点头。嘴角,却已经有鲜艳血丝破唇而出。 They stand shoulder to shoulder, suddenly has straightened up the body strongly. 两人并肩而立,突然竭力地挺直了身躯。 Seemingly this boldly thrusts forward continually, must make an effort not to be small, reappeared faintly on the Duan Tian loose throat a careful bloodstain, on waist, was the light bloodstain appears. 貌似连这一挺身,也要用力不小,在段天松咽喉上隐隐浮现出了一道细细的血痕,在腰身上,也是淡淡的血痕浮现。 But the Zu Heliu heart position, blood starts to rush forth. 祖河流的心脏位置,鲜血开始奔涌 But they as if do not have to perceive that has straightened up the body deeply salutes toward Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang: many thanks! The first illustrious name, does not drop finally, all depends on helping of two Saber and Sword!” 但两人对此似乎全无觉察,挺直了身躯向着顾独行董无伤深深行礼:“多谢!一世英名,终于不堕,全赖两位刀剑之助!” Dong Wushang and Gu Duxing only think in the heart heartfelt sad. 董无伤顾独行只觉得心中一阵由衷的难过。 The Duan Tian loosen had turned around, withstands the pain to say to Zu Heliu: Brother, even if your I body die, Divine Soul is also actually not necessarily able peacefully, our are Divine Soul seemingly useful to their group of devils?” 段天松已经转过身,忍着痛苦对祖河流说道:“兄弟,你我纵然身死,神魂却也未必能得安宁,我们的神魂貌似还对他们那帮魔鬼有用吧?” Zu Heliu awakens terrified, they said to Dong Wushang and Gu Duxing: Good, has nearly forgotten this, you not must forget that must let us, Divine Soul altogether extinguished!” 祖河流悚然醒悟,向董无伤顾独行两人说道:“不错,险些忘了这点,你们莫要忘记,一定要让我们,神魂俱灭!”
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