TTNH :: Volume #17

#1691: Strange sword

Zu Heliu resulted in the surface azure lip to be white by the Dong Wushang fighting method air/Qi, is at a loss facing such hoodlum fighting method seriously, has to draw back again \; Under draws back draws back again, Dong Wushang being powerful even more, the wind enters continually, Black Sabre raises the sea tide common blade wave, but before rolling. 祖河流董无伤的打法气得面青唇白,面对这样的流氓打法当真束手无策,只好再退\;一退再退之下,董无伤愈发的气势如虹,连番飙进,墨刀掀起来大海浪潮一般的刀浪,滚滚而前。 Below people everybody completely are dazzling and intoxicating: Nine Tribulation Brothers that draws a charge freshly confronts established grade nine Supreme, unexpectedly immediately got the winning side? Moreover probably the absolute winning side, chops the opposite party not to have the strength to hit back, can only retrocede one after another?! 下方众人人人尽都是目眩神迷:新鲜出炉的九劫兄弟对阵老牌九品至尊,居然立即就占据了上风?而且好象还是绝对的上风,砍得对方全无还手之力,只能接连后退?! This phenomenon makes the people shock! 这个现象让众人大跌眼镜! Zu Heliu suddenly wild with rage roaring: Spells hardly? That then comes!” Immediately is Dong Wushang grand and heroic laughing wildly, one of the bang, entire Capital City trembles suddenly. 祖河流突然间一声狂怒的怒吼:“硬拼?那便来吧!”随即就是董无伤一声豪壮的狂笑,轰的一声,整个中都城突然都震颤起来。 Actually is they again hardly spells! Hits hardly! 却是两人再一次硬拼!硬撞! Gu Duxing reveals smiling that feels relieved, immediately looks at the Duan Tian loosen, sneers, Black Dragon Sword long recited resounds through the midair, the Gu Duxing sound indifferent say/way: Estimated that your brothers many one should not start off, your is detained the world to be rather lonely, makes me deliver you a regulation, making your Yellow Springs also act as companion!” 顾独行露出一个放心的笑,随即看着段天松,一声冷笑,黑龙剑一声长吟响彻半空,顾独行的声音冷漠的道:“估计你兄弟没多一会也就该上路了,你自己一人滞留人间未免孤单,就让我送你一程,让你们黄泉也作伴吧!” After Gu Duxing feels relieved, leaves the sword attack. 正是顾独行放心之后,率先出剑进攻。 Gets rid, is body sword unites, leaves the move to kill certainly. 一出手,就是身剑合一,出招绝杀。 The perfectly round broadness forms sword energy suddenly to appear together, sword energy all around is glittering the radiant dazzling asterism, the meteor startled day general straight thrust Duan Tian loosen. 一道滚圆的恢弘成形剑气突然出现,剑气周遭闪烁着璀璨耀眼的星芒,流星惊天一般直刺段天松。 In the Duan Tian loose eye the black glow dodges, has not seen slightly startled, breaks loudly shouts to clear the way: Comes well!” 段天松眼中黑芒一闪,丝毫未见惊慌,大声断喝道:“来得好!” In the hand the long sword directs, brushing punctures, the sword to the midway, appears suddenly together the light beam of silvery bright, the expansion, the imposing manner is gradually great, uses the sword is at first ordinary the hand, does not have the extraordinary place. But transformed the sword to the midway into the move of body sword uniting. 手中长剑一引,“刷”的一声刺出,剑至中途,突然间也浮现出一道银亮的光柱,渐次扩大,气势宏大,出剑最初不过是平常起手,全无出奇之处。但剑到中途已经蜕变为身剑合一之招。 The so-called expert gets rid, has on knowledge, only looked that this gets rid, can look, rival who Sword Dao Cultivation Base of Duan Tian loosen, reached is the boundary of brought to the point of perfection, Gu Duxing this facing, big non- easy and! 所谓行家一出手,就知有没有,只看这一出手,就可以看得出来,段天松的剑道修为,已臻是炉火纯青之境,顾独行这次面对的敌手,大非易与! Two great light beams intersect outrageously, their personal appearance only dodged. Respective turning over, instantaneously vanishes during the sword light twinkle of everywhere escape. 两道宏大光柱悍然相交,两人的身形都是只闪了一下。各自一个翻身,就瞬间消失在漫天逸散的剑光闪烁之中。 Next moment, only hears to bite the dāng dāng sound is similar to a lot of people of together hammering general crowdedness, sword energy howls, in the sky appeared immediately them the space to burst. The instantaneous reorganization, caves in instantaneously...... 一刻,只听见叮叮当当的声音如同千百人一起打铁一般的密集,剑气呼啸,天空中顿时出现了一片又一片两人的空间破裂。瞬间重组,瞬间又塌陷…… The battle spells to fight can be inferred crowded. 交战拼斗之密集可见一斑。 The person's shadow dodges, Gu Duxing moves sideways to reappear, a black clothes is complete, Tengyun (to turn over the clouds) will harness the fog to fly to draw back generally in the future, the Duan Tian loose whole person will bind in the meteor sword rain, will pounce upon suddenly toward Gu Duxing. 人影一闪,顾独行闪身再现,一袭黑衣完整无损,腾云驾雾一般往后飞退,段天松整个人裹在流星剑雨之中,向着顾独行猛扑过来。 The following inevitable crowd only felt own breath shortness. Almost cannot gasp for breath to be like that anxious. Although is separated was remote, above they are completely the Strenuous Restraint systems, but everybody still felt that the strength caresses the face such as shears. 下面围观人群一个个只感觉自己呼吸急促。几乎喘不上气来那般紧张。虽然相隔已经非常遥远,上面两人又是尽力克制,但大家依然感到劲气扑面如割。 Gu Duxing body anxious spin, about dodges. Goes around, but the Duan Tian loosen is in hot pursuit, before the sword sword does not leave the Gu Duxing body, behind the body strategic point. Situation anxiously. 顾独行身子急旋,左右闪躲。东飘西荡,而段天松紧追不舍,剑剑不离顾独行身前身后要害。局势紧张之极。 Gu Duxing seemed like fell leeward, only then in hand sword Sword Point toward below. Actually does not move the least bit. 顾独行看似是落了下风,惟有手中剑剑尖朝下。却是纹风不动。 A Duan Tian loosen long and loud cry, shouted to clear the way: rising winds, scudding clouds sword energy is filling the heavens!” 段天松一声长啸,喝道:“风起云涌剑气弥天!” The long sword such as crazy general brandishes suddenly. The airborne sword energy eternal truth gale blows Yun Yiban to surge crazily, toward Gu Duxing all-around besieging in the past, as if must tear this day general crowded crazy! 突然间长剑如疯狂一般一阵挥舞。空中的剑气真如大风吹云一般疯狂涌动,向着顾独行全方位的围攻过去,似乎要撕裂了这天地一般的密集疯狂! The Gu Duxing eye is similar to the autumn deep pool deep water, calm peaceful \; Body suddenly in a flash, in an instant, airborne presented several Gu Duxing forms towering, each is such clear, strings of emergence. 顾独行眼睛如同秋潭深水,沉稳安静\;只是将身子猛地一晃,刹那间,空中突兀地出现了十几道顾独行的身影,每一道都是那样的清晰,一串串的出现。 sword energy follows closely to come, imposing sword light one after another Gu Duxing form will thoroughly actually tear into shreds, continuously appears, unceasing tearing into shreds, in airborne shuttle chase back and forth. 剑气紧随而来,一道道凛然剑光却将一道一道顾独行的身影彻底撕碎,不断地出现,不断的撕碎,在空中来回的穿梭追逐。 What's the matter?” Ao Xieyun stands a roof in inn: Attends to Old Second not counter-attacking? Avoidance constantly is not the good phenomenon.” “怎么回事?”傲邪云站在一家客栈的楼顶:“顾老二怎么不反击?一味的退避可不是好现象。” I think him and other opportunities.” Rui Butong said: When attended to Old Second uses the sword the time, perhaps is the time that fellow perishes.” “我看他是在等机会。”芮不通说道:“等到顾老二出剑的时候,恐怕就是那家伙殒命的时刻。” Your that was looked at this a dragon and a phoenix one that any eyesight......” Xie Danqiong despised: Second Brother Gu does this is using this fellow to practice the sword, disciplines own sword energy and cultivation base also has the conjunction degree of Spirit Sense thought \; The rarity has this kind of cultivation base not weakly, to have the enemy of considerable degree of hazard, cultivation base that just may consolidate promotes before this, your anything could not look that do not make the illustration carelessly, makes the tense atmosphere.” “你们那是什么眼力……”谢丹琼鄙视的看了这一龙一凤一眼:“顾二哥这样做乃是在利用这家伙练剑,磨练自身剑气修为还有神识思想的契合程度\;难得有这样一个修为不弱、具有相当危险程度的敌人,正可借此来巩固自己之前提升的修为,你们什么都看不出来就不要胡乱做解说,制造紧张空气。” They hold a word, instead is words many Ji Mo and Luo Kedi they performs does not say a word, the facial expression exceptionally is observing the airborne fight dedicated. 他们三人更执一词,反而是话最多的纪墨罗克敌两人尽都是一言不发,神情异常专注地观察着空中的战斗。 Does Nine Tribulation Brothers because of the external force, but promotes cultivation base rapidly, cultivation base and Spirit Sense thought Divine Sense will have unavoidably is not certainly in tune, has the slight defect slightly, the share is the necessity \; But the Gu Duxing current procedure, is using the oppression of grade nine Supreme, was achieved to get rid of the bad and retain the good by oneself. 一干九劫兄弟们都是因外力而急速提升修为,修为神识思想神念难免会有一定不搭调,稍有瑕疵,份属必然\;而顾独行当前的做法,正是在利用九品至尊的压迫,让自己做到去芜存菁。 The risk of this procedure is enormous. 这种做法的风险性极大的。 Even if uses a common master to make the oppression to have the danger, let alone is uses one to become famous for a long time grade nine Supreme? It is not careful, will frequently have the danger of falling body. 即便是利用一个寻常高手制造压迫就已经带有危险,更何况是利用一个成名已久的九品至尊?一个不小心,动辄就会有陨身之险。 But Gu Duxing was still without turning a hair has done this, because the high risk has represented the high repayment. The pressure is bigger, the advantage that oneself gain are also more, cultivation base is also more concise. 顾独行仍旧面不改色的这样做了,因为高风险代表了高回报。压力越大,自己获得的好处也就越多,修为也就越凝练。 Gu Duxing dodges tends to be the circle melts, unknowingly, the airborne innumerable empty shades reduce gradually, finally converged, only other Gu Duxing true body, has stood according to the sword. 顾独行的闪躲渐趋圆融,不知不觉中,空中的无数虚影渐次减少,最终汇合成了一个,就只余下了顾独行的真身,按剑而立。 The Duan Tian loosen pursues one after another, the offensive has not weakened throughout, at this moment meets for first time the Gu Duxing true body to appear, killing intent increases once again, entire body towering anxious spin, airborne ‚’ presented tornado, wind power tear no war zones unexpectedly, goes straight up gradually upwardly. 段天松接连追击,攻势始终不曾衰减,此刻乍见顾独行真身显现,杀意再度攀升,整个身子突兀急旋,空中‘呜’的一声出现了一道龙卷风,一圈圈风力居然撕裂开一道道的真空地带,渐次向上直升。 But the body of Duan Tian loosen is in the tornado most place above, seems like held upward to rise by this tornado general. 段天松的身子则处于在龙卷风的最上方,就像是被这道龙卷风托着往上升一般。 The tornado still in continuing the illness spin, the Duan Tian loosen actually received the potential to call a halt, in the hand Sword Edge points at Gu Duxing, shouted to clear the way: Gu Duxing, fights with me happily! Let Duan ask for advice the so-called Nine Tribulations Legend unsurpassed elegant demeanor really!” 龙卷风依然在继续疾旋,段天松却已经收势停手,手中剑锋遥指顾独行,喝道:“顾独行,痛快与我一战!让段某人真实领教领教一下所谓九劫传说的无上风采!” Gu Duxing coldly said: Was too skillful, this Gu is having this intent!” 顾独行冷冷道:“太巧了,顾某正有此意!” That then comes!” On the Duan Tian loosen the vicious tendencies do in a big way suddenly, in the eye pupil, fills the air to the extreme black air/Qi jet black turbulently, two eyes as if turned into two black holes. “那便来吧!”段天松身上戾气骤然大作,眼瞳中,漆黑到极点的黑气汹涌弥漫,两只眼睛仿佛变成了两只黑洞。 Ten thousand ghosts are uneven!” The Duan Tian loose body in a flash, black smoke fills four suddenly wildly, demon fog billowing, immediately, ten thousand cold light look like Gate of Death suddenly opens, myriad evil spirits swarm in that flash together, power and influence fearful by extremely! “万鬼齐出!”段天松身子一晃,突然黑烟弥漫四野,魔雾滚滚而出,随即,万点寒光就像是鬼门关突然打开,万千厉鬼在那一瞬间一起蜂拥而出,威势慑人以极! His move of original intention is ten thousand swords fired, the so-called ten thousand ghosts are uneven nothing more than to agree with his nickname ghost sword, but after now demon, the might of demon fog presents to this sword move had nearly double additions, strange inexplicable, is the not just in name only, but also in reality ten thousand ghosts attacks seriously, ghost heavily. 他原本这一招本意是万剑齐发,所谓万鬼齐出不外是为了契合他之外号“鬼剑”,但如今魔化之后,出现的魔雾对这一剑招的威力却有了近乎双倍的加成,更加的诡异莫名,当真是名副其实的万鬼来袭,鬼影重重 Ten thousand strange sword energy, come toward Gu Duxing to rush forth, hiding the sky and covering the earth, the big range non- difference attack, attacks broad of range unexpectedly, is makes the human desire evade unable unexpectedly, before this is actually the Duan Tian loosen has scruples Gu Duxing perfectly fends, but the pointed strategy, needs certainly to hit. 万道诡异剑气,向着顾独行奔涌而来,铺天盖地,竟还是大范围无差别攻击,攻击范围之广,竟是令人欲避无从,这却是段天松顾忌顾独行之前的完美闪避而出的针对性策略,务求一定命中。 Gu Duxing this moment complexion not startled fearless, actually reveals lonely to be sparse, the body will be similar to by the cool breeze is blown will be drawing back in the future slowly, in the hand the sword will lift slowly, said in a drawn-out voice: One Sword Filling The Sky To The Peak ~~~~ 顾独行此刻脸色无惊无惧,却是倍显孤独寥落,身子如同被清风吹着往后徐徐而退,手中剑缓缓抬起,曼声道:“一剑横空向巅峰~~~~” Long sword suddenly in own front one horizontal! Trembles! 长剑猛地在自己胸前一横!一颤! Airborne presented the shadows of myriad long sword in that flash, mountain of swords that has formed rising straight from the ground gradually! 空中在那一瞬之间出现了万千长剑的影子,渐次汇成了一座拔地而起的剑山 The ten thousand ghosts of Duan Tian loosen are uneven, over over 60% sword energy pu pu pu hit above mountain of swords. Immediately changes to the fireworks that from the sky explode to open, but other sword glow are actually are similar to can turn round general, fires into the Gu Duxing body from several other directions, in this way ghost sword, seriously strange inexplicable. 段天松的万鬼齐出,超过六成以上的剑气噗噗噗地撞到剑山之上。随即化作一道道在空中爆裂而开的烟花,而其他的剑芒却是如同会拐弯一般,从另外几个方向冲向顾独行身体,如斯鬼剑,当真诡异莫名。 Life And Death, Victory Or Defeat : Turn In Vain ~~~ Gu Duxing Black Dragon Sword revolving, the entire body turns around immediately slowly, buzz, the whole body suddenly presented fan-shaped sword glow, from top to bottom own entire blocking, does not have the gaps and omissions. 生死胜败转头空~~~”顾独行黑龙剑一个旋转,整个身子随即缓缓转身,‘嗡’的一声,周身突然出现了一道扇形剑芒,自上到下将自身整个遮挡,毫无缺漏。 After his body turns around, this newborn sword glow happen to completely covers his body, if looked at the past from the opposite, resembled Gu Duxing to stand behind a transparent mirror, the black clothes saw cold. 在他身子转过来之后,这片新生的剑芒正好将他的身体完全遮挡住,若是从对面看过去,就好像顾独行站在一面透明的镜子后面,黑衣愈见冷峭。 The Duan Tian loosen cries: King of Hell bewitches!” 段天松大叫一声:“阎王勾魂!” Sword suddenly trembles, changes to cold light, the strength unprecedented condensation at 1 : 00, the illness punctures the Gu Duxing throat strategic point. 猛地一颤,化作一点寒光,力道空前凝聚在一点,疾刺顾独行咽喉要害。 Faraway, Where Does Enjoy One's Soul Mate ~~~ Gu Duxing fierce raise one's head, in pupil none remaining twinkle, front just likes mirror common sword glow disrupts suddenly completely, disintegration. 天涯何处知音赏~~~”顾独行抬头,眸子中精光闪烁,面前的犹如镜子一般的一片剑芒突然全部碎裂,解体。 It looks like the glass lens is destroyed by the external force suddenly, crash-bang falls in torrents, however falls in torrents to 50% times, actually in all changed to to rush forth, but crazy class! 就像是玻璃镜突然被外力打碎,哗啦一声倾泻,然而倾泻到一半的时候,却在恍惚间尽数化作了奔涌而出的狂流! The endless point is mixing with infinite disconsolate killing intent, comprehensive counter-attack. 无尽的锋芒夹杂着无限惆怅的杀机,全面反击。 Ten thousand ghost sword energy of Duan Tian loosen, are restrained instantaneously, is not only restrained comprehensively is suppressed, to his left Chongyou suddenly, cannot run out of Gu Duxing this move of covering range throughout, under turn pale with fright, cries out strangely, the body changes black light, breaks through together outward, strives for victory, since hopeless, seeking livehood naturally is the current highest strategy. 段天松的万鬼剑气,瞬间受制,非但受制还是被全面压制,任凭其左冲右突,始终也冲不出顾独行此招笼罩的范围,大惊失色之下,怪叫一声,身子化作一道黑光,往外突围,求胜既然无望,求生自然是当前的最高策略。 When Wants To Recollect Already Indifferent ~~~ the Gu Duxing whole person jumps floatingly, in the eye the cold glow explodes shoots, a Black Dragon Sword vigorous spin, the entire world as if also has shone once again suddenly! 欲回首时已忘情~~~”顾独行整个人飘飘跃起,眼中寒芒爆射,黑龙剑再度一个疾旋,猛然间整个天地似乎也随之亮了一下! Two overlapping sword glow dodge to pass! 两道交叉的剑芒一闪而逝! Thousands of people who under observes, simultaneously felt that their eye stabbing pain, cannot open the eye at once again, opens reluctantly also only thinks that at present a vast whiteness, definitely is unable to regard the thing, under the glare stimulation, the tears of all people completely could not bear well up in this way. 下方观战的千万人,同时感觉到自己眼睛一阵刺痛,一时之间再也睁不开眼睛,勉强睁开也只觉眼前一片白茫茫,完全无法视物,如斯强光刺激之下,所有人的眼泪尽都忍不住涌了出来。 This scene actually enough shocks, thousands of people also burst into tears, actually does not know that they are sad for whom! 这场面倒是足够震撼,千万人同时流泪,却不知他们是为谁难过! Clang!” Gu Duxing Black Dragon Sword turns over to the sheath, stands erect impecuniously in the midair, indifferent is looking at the opposite Duan Tian loosen. “锵!”顾独行黑龙剑归鞘,两手空空地屹立在半空中,冷漠的望着对面的段天松。 The Duan Tian loose long sword in the hand, about ten 70 feet places is standing in the Gu Duxing opposite, left leg tip of the toe outward, maintains the stance of outward running \; Back to Gu Duxing stiff standing. 段天松长剑在手,在顾独行对面大约十七丈的地方站立着,左脚脚尖朝外,保持着往外跑的架势\;背对着顾独行僵硬的站立。 Long time long time. 良久良久。 The Duan Tian loosen received own left leg slowly. 段天松缓缓地将自己的左脚收了回来。 Then slowly turns around the entire body, on the face the facial expression completely is complex, the eye looks at Gu Duxing, indifferently said: Good quick sword! Good strange sword.” 然后缓缓的将整个身子转过来,脸上神情尽是一片复杂,眼睛看着顾独行,淡淡道:“好快的剑!好奇怪的剑。” ......, ……、
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