TTNH :: Volume #17

#1690: Ghost sword demon blade

A moment later, two person's shadows, as if baseless transform general towering surface-to-surface appear in the sky, stands remarkably. 片刻之后,两道人影,仿佛凭空幻化一般突兀地地出现在天空中,卓然而立。 Along with appearance of these two, the boundless pressure, the endless dignity appears. Since that actually has been ten thousand years the Law Enforcement world energy, an imposing healthy tendency! 随着这两人的现身,无边的威压,无尽的威严随之出现。那却是万年以来执法天下的底气,一股凛然正气! But in this moment, this energy actually exuviae turned into one type strange and overbearing special aura. Let beyond the personality is uncomfortable. 但在这一刻,这份底气却蜕变成了一种诡异而霸道的特别气息。让人格外的不舒服。 Two person four dense vision, so are cold and gloomy exceptionally are gazing under. 两个人四道森然的目光,就这么森冷异常地注视着下方。 Next moment, two black rays soar to the heavens \; One on the left and other on the right, long plunders. 一刻,两道黑色光芒冲霄而起\;一左一右,长掠而来。 Clang clang clang clang...... 锵锵锵锵…… Under, the innumerable long swords leave the sheath suddenly spontaneously \; Splendid. Countless people are shocked to look at oneself long sword inexplicably spontaneously to the sheath, in the heart flood a thought that thoroughly was shocked by this thought immediately, blurts to shout: Supreme of Swords!” 下方,无数的长剑突然间自发地离鞘而出\;熠熠生辉。无数人震惊莫名地看着自己的长剑自发离鞘而出,心中泛起一个念头,随即就被这个念头彻底震惊,脱口而呼:“剑中至尊!” Almost is at the same time, innumerable wearing a sword are also imposing long cry, escapes the sheath, several amount to half foot. 几乎是在同一时间,无数的佩刀也是凛然长鸣,脱鞘而出,几达半尺。 This means that besides Supreme of Swords, in blade Supreme! 这意味着,除了剑中至尊,还有刀中至尊 Facing the powerful attack of Law Enforcer powerhouse, blade sword two big Supreme meet the approaching enemy directly. 面对执法者强者的强势来袭,一刀一剑两大至尊正面迎击。 In the midair, four reached the grade nine Supreme tyrannical imposing manner each other to sprint to surge, then turns toward all around to scatter gradually \; Tyrannical imposing manner one after another, such unscrupulous persistent sending out. 半空中,四股已臻九品至尊的强横气势在彼此冲刺激荡,进而向着四周渐次散射\;一圈一圈的强横气势,就这么肆无忌惮的持续散发。 Under, almost all people because the sudden formidable aura shivered, was depressed by such imposing manner overhead, everyone felt that is similar to the judgment day will be near, perhaps this moment, perhaps under moment, oneself must pass away. 下方,几乎所有人都因为突如其来的强大气息而颤抖了起来,被这样的气势当头压下,每个人都感觉如同世界末日将临,也许这一刻,也许下一刻,自己就要一命呜呼。 Comes, but Nine Tribulations people? Since came, why not to report on to come! So as to avoid Yellow Springs participates in funeral ceremony, nameless follows!” And tall grade nine Supreme coldly shouted to clear the way, in the words has filled exceptionally strong killing intent. “来的可是九劫中人吗?既然来了,何不报上名来!免得黄泉送葬,无名相随!”其中一高个子九品至尊冷冷喝道,话语中充满了异常浓烈的杀机 Gu Duxing coldly smiles, said: „Since this tens of thousands year, Law Enforcer always has been helping of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword most force. Does not think today, Devil calamity world, your actually first jumps to rebel against Nine Tribulations, rebels against Nine Heavens? Is it possible that you such is willing becomes the Devil servant?!” 顾独行冷冷一笑,道:“这数万年以来,执法者从来都是九劫剑主最强力的臂助。不想今日,天魔祸世,你们却第一个跳出来反叛九劫,反叛九重天?尔等莫非就这么心甘情愿的成为天魔奴仆吗?!” On the tall grade nine Supreme face look is slightly motionless, the black air/Qi in pupil was actually suddenly outward agitates, coldly saying: „The this eminence ghost sword Duan Tian loosen, under the sword able to move unhindered Nine Heavens, always does not cut the obscure individual, urging you to be in the report your name! You did not mind that nameless walks the Nine Springs. this eminence actually also minded that had has cut to kill the Nine Tribulations record, actually does not know that cut to kill that Nine Tribulations!” 那高个子九品至尊脸上神色丝毫不动,眸子里的黑气却是猛地往外鼓动了一下,冷冷道:“本座鬼剑段天松,剑下纵横九重天,向来不斩无名之辈,劝你还是报上你的名字吧!你不介意无名走九泉本座却还介意有了斩杀九劫的记录,却不知道到底斩杀了那个九劫!” Another short person hey smiles strangely, said: this eminence is demon blade Zu Heliu! this eminence actually did not mind knows or not and others name, nothing more than person of dying!” 另一个矮个子嘿嘿一声怪笑,道:“本座便是魔刀祖河流本座却是不介意知道与否尔等的名字,不外就是将死之人罢了!” At this moment, under crowd. Flood a tumult. 此刻,下方人群。泛起一阵骚动。 Some Nine Great Aristocratic Families high levels, on the face show the shocking look all. 一些个九大世家的高层,无不脸上露出震惊的神色。 Comes the person unexpectedly is the ghost sword Duan Tian loosen and demon blade Zu Heliu! 来人竟是鬼剑段天松、魔刀祖河流 But these two in Law Enforcer two big extremely killers. These two opposed the enemy usually vicious and merciless, so long as were the Law Enforcer enemy, always never let off, this was also not the key point, actually unexpectedly never heard with emphasis these two once had the defeat. 这两人可是执法者之中两大绝顶杀手。这两人对敌素来心狠手辣,只要是执法者的敌人,一向是从不放过,这还不是重点,重点却是竟从未听说这两人曾有过败绩。 These two in Law Enforcer, already were the Grand Elder Hall member \; Status in Law Enforcer. Also is only under Feng and Yue. 这两人在执法者之中,早已属于元老堂成员\;在执法者之中的地位。原本也就是仅在风月之下。 These two people sending out of hand in hand, collaborate the might, is only not as good compared with Feng and Yue. 这两个人的联袂出动,联手之威力,也只比风月稍逊一筹而已。 World master, all being well-known look changes! 天下高手,无不闻名色变! Has not thought that Sovereign of the Law does not get rid already. Gets rid, directly set out the Law Enforcement world two trump card masters. 没想到法尊不出手则已。一出手,就是直接出动了执法天下的两名王牌高手。 Suddenly silence reigns. 一时间万籁俱寂。 Nine Tribulations Legend that the Law Enforcer master under Sovereign of the Law place, the Master of Nine Tribulations Sword subordinates, draw a charge freshly! 法尊座下的执法者高手,九劫剑主麾下,新鲜出炉的九劫传说 Soon the first front impact. Who wins whom to lose? 即将第一次正面碰撞。谁胜谁负? Nine Tribulations Legend, can be rewritten. Even ends! 九劫传说,能够被改写。甚至是终结! Sovereign of the Law demon calamity, whether will extinguish, and even is the annihilation! 法尊魔祸,是否将消弭,乃至是湮灭! Only the one by one point can determine, no matter the result how, who wins who loses, this fight, will go down in history. 一一点可以确定,不管结果如何,谁胜谁负,这一次战斗,都将载入史册。 For 90,000 years, first time appeared, Law Enforcer master directly and Nine Tribulations for the aspect of enemy! 90000年来,第一次出现了,执法者高手正面与九劫为敌的局面! The first time, Law Enforcer aspect master and Nine Tribulations launch do not die the continuous battle! 第一次,执法者方面高手与九劫展开不死不休的交战! This future fight, announced a end of big time, announced an arrival of new times. 这场将来的战斗,宣告了一个大时代的结束,同时也宣告了一个新时代的到来。 Whom no matter who wins to defeat, will vibrate the world, deters the common people! 不管谁胜谁败,都将震动天下,震慑世人! Gu Duxing sneers: Ghost sword demon blade? How the ghost sword, has not experienced, but the view of demon blade, now actually is also not just in name only, but also in reality! Devil lackey, matches to dominate the world, Law Enforcement Jiang Hu?! Listening, this eminence Gu Duxing, is being under the Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Big Brother place, One of the Nine Tribulations!” 顾独行冷笑:“鬼剑魔刀?鬼剑如何,还未见识,不过魔刀的说法,现在却也已经是名副其实了!天魔爪牙,也配称雄天下,执法江湖?!听着,本座顾独行,便是九劫剑主大哥座下,九劫之一!” Dong Wushang laughs: Demon blade? When at just the right moment, haha, what in father hand is Black Sabre, your is actually the demon blade! Today, then wants the world person to have a look, how the demon blade breaks, how Black Sabre strikes awe the world! this eminence Dong Wushang, under Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Big Brother Chu place, One of the Nine Tribulations!” 董无伤哈哈大笑:“魔刀?当真巧得很,哈哈,老子手中的乃是墨刀,你的却是魔刀!今日,便要天下人看看,魔刀如何断,墨刀如何扬威天下!本座董无伤,九劫剑主楚大哥座下,九劫之一!” Big tone, did not fear that the wind dodged tongue greatly, breaks my demon blade? A moment later breaks the blade can only be who the person perishes and others.” Saying of demon blade Zu Heliu coldly. “好大口气,也不怕风大闪了舌头,断我魔刀?片刻之后将刀断人亡的只会是尔等。”魔刀祖河流冷冷的说道。 Man kills people, never by opens mouth.” Dong Wushang flies high to stand, the wrist/skill turns, Black Sabre emerges out of thin air in the hand, horizontal blade in the chest, calm as water and high as a mountain, before the knife point refers, shouts to clear the way: Zu Heliu! Goes forward to lead!” “男人杀人,从来也不是靠一张嘴的。”董无伤凌空而立,手腕一翻,墨刀凭空出现在手中,横刀在胸,渊渟岳峙,刀尖前指,喝道:“祖河流!上前领死!” Zu Heliu face upwards the long and loud cry, hand being possessed by a demon blade dodges, jumps, in foundation that from the sky stands erect, without any borrows the strength direct impact Heaven \; Dong Wushang laughs wildly, body whiz also followed. 祖河流仰天长啸,手中魔刀一闪,纵身而起,就在空中矗立的基础上,没有任何借力的直冲上天\;董无伤一声狂笑,身子“嗖”的一声也跟了上去。 They have not gotten rid, all around is actually saber energy Mi empty/sky. 两人都还没有出手,周遭却已经是刀气弥空。 The black blade glow dodges, Dong Wushang leaves the blade! 黑色刀芒一闪,董无伤率先出刀! Arms with knife single-handed, at present reached 3000 jin (0.5 kg) Black Sabre furred ceilings under! 单手持刀,目前已达3000斤的墨刀罩顶而下! The Zu Heliu both eyes lightning flash, shouted to clear the way: Delusion blade near the world? First has asked my demon blade!” 祖河流双目电闪,喝道:“妄想刀临天下?先问过我的魔刀吧!” Demon blade one horizontal, by a stance of meeting the tough head-on with toughness, the suddenly cross piece resists unexpectedly. 魔刀一横,竟然以一种硬碰硬的架势,猛地横档招架。 this moment, Gu Duxing and Duan Tian loosen has not begun, but looks at the intense collision of Dong Wushang and Zu Heliu with rapt attention! 这一刻,顾独行段天松都没有动手,只是凝神看着董无伤祖河流的激烈碰撞! Because of the primary collision of these two, has been able to decide anything basically. 因为这两人的初次碰撞,已经可以基本决定一些什么了。 Therefore Gu Duxing they are concentrating on, are observing the result of this collision. 所以顾独行两人都在全神贯注,观察着这次碰撞的结果。 Gu Duxing has been full of confidence with Dong Wushang, what fortunately is the Duan Tian loosen is also fully-confident regarding Zu Heliu. 顾独行董无伤可谓是充满了信心,凑巧的是段天松对于祖河流也是信心百倍的。 However the Gu Duxing facial expression dedicated is having the concern, during as for the facial expression of Duan Tian loosen, is one piece is stimulated is mixing with for several points brutally, little indifferently. 然而顾独行的神情却是专注中带着关切,至于段天松的神情,却是一片亢奋之中夹杂着几分残酷、几许漠然。 Zu Heliu this strikes certainly to probe opposite party depth background, since opposite they entitle with arranging in order Nine Tribulations is, cultivation base is certainly similar. His probe was equal to verifying the path for oneself, was greatly advantageous to oneself. 祖河流这一击是一定可以试探出对方的深浅底蕴,对面两人既然有资格同列九劫之属,一身修为当然差不多。他之试探等于是为自己探明了道路,于己大大有利。 Refuses stubbornly not to live as for Zu Heliu, that is his own matter, the ability bad life mourning rival, is in no position with the person, does not relate with oneself. 至于祖河流死不死活不活,那是他自家的事,本领不济命丧敌手,与人无由,跟自己更是毫无关系。 This thought one rise, the Duan Tian loosen also feels the surprise, is startled faintly is not small: Oneself and Zu Heliu collaborate his entire life, even if friendship does not dare saying that is the life. Also is the personal friendship is really sincere, to its safety seemingly never such faint \; But this time why think. 这种念头才一升起来,段天松也是感觉诧异,隐隐吃惊不小:自己与祖河流一生联手,交情即便不敢说是过命。却也算是私交甚笃,对其安危貌似从来就没有这么淡漠过\;但这一次为何自己会这么想。 But in an instant another thought already the unfathomable mystery powerful raised: What matter, can compare favorably with the Devil great undertaking? 但转眼之间另一种思想已然莫名其妙的强势升起:什么事,又能比得上天魔大业? The whole body black air/Qi surged suddenly, the Duan Tian loosen is satisfied immediately, is not again amazed. 浑身黑气猛然的涌动了一下,段天松立即心安理得,再无惊诧。 The Gu Duxing sharp item dodges. Some surprise looked at his one eyes very much, the Duan Tian loosen have not actually taken to heart. 顾独行锐目一闪。很有些诧异地望了他一眼,段天松却毫不为意。 Two blades, hit finally solid in the same place. 两把刀,终于结结实实地撞在一起了。 Each other body of both sides simultaneously shakes. 彼此双方的身子同时一震。 Dong Wushang entire tall and strong body suddenly will draw in the future back, then draws back one step \; Body slightly in the future one supine, then already turned back. 董无伤整个魁梧身躯猛地往后一退,然后再退一步\;身子微微往后一仰,接着已然折返。 Actually generally flies like kite with broken string as for Zu Heliu ten zhang (3.33 m) space, in the hand the blade still at humming sound the trembling cry. Complexion suddenly one white, immediately black air/Qi surges. Falcon common eye is staring at Dong Wushang, said difficultly: Good heavy blade!” 至于祖河流却是有如断线风筝一般飞出去十丈空间,手中之刀犹自在嗡嗡颤鸣。脸色猛地一白,随即一阵黑气涌动。鹰隼一般的眼睛盯着董无伤,艰难道:“好重的刀!” A word exit|to speak, the corners of the mouth cannot bear transgress a blood thread finally. 一言出口,嘴角终于忍不住逸出来一线血丝。 Dong Wushang looks disdainfully to sneer, said: Is very heavy? I look nothing more than am your blade insufficient component!” 董无伤睥睨冷笑,道:“很重么?我看不外是你的刀不够分量吧!” Concerns cultivation base. Although everybody is the Supreme grade nine level, approximately about the same, but compared in detail is Zu Heliu had still occupied certain winning side, after all his background also be deeper than too much Dong Wushang are too many. Is accumulated by own Cultivation completely. 论及修为。虽然大家都是至尊九品层次,大致在伯仲之间,但详细比较仍旧是祖河流占了一定上风,毕竟他的底子也要比董无伤深厚得太多太多。完全由自己修炼积累而得。 But Dong Wushang at present cultivation base most likely because of external force, even if the total has taken back oneself to use. The pure degree and must differ using the degree plan, but disputes truly, besides looking at cultivation base, several other factor decision result keys, discussed by Dong Wushang, his superiority was the strength broadsword sinks. 董无伤目前修为十之八九都是因外力而得,即便已经全数收归己用。精纯程度和运用程度仍要相差一筹,不过真正较量起来,除了看修为之外,另有几项因素决定胜负关键,以董无伤而论,他的优势在于力大刀沉。 The Dong Wushang inborn supernatural power, coordinates his Black Sabre, might play, but the Zu Heliu blade is also the heavy blade, has 135 jin (0.5 kg) component, Dong Wushang Black Sabre, originally already 570 jin (0.5 kg), when Chu Yang after previous grade six Supreme strengthened one time, had 1500 jin (0.5 kg) weight. 董无伤天生神力,配合他的墨刀,威力更剧,而祖河流的刀虽然也属重刀,却只得135斤的分量,董无伤墨刀,原本已有570斤,在经过上一次六品至尊的时候楚阳为之强化了一次,已经有1500斤的重量。 Soon before, after breaking through grade nine Supreme, Dong Wushang is entangling Chu Yang, strengthens the promotion Black Sabre once more! At present, had an enough 3000 jin (0.5 kg) weight! 不久之前,突破了九品至尊之后,董无伤又缠着楚阳,将墨刀再次强化升级!目前,已经有足足3000斤的重量! Regarding this weight, Dong Wushang is very satisfied. 对于这个重量,董无伤很满意。 A broadsword of handle 3000 jin (0.5 kg) component, in addition the Dong Wushang inborn supernatural power, is the upper air battles, each other blossomless false hard hits, the blade of opposite party only has 135 jin (0.5 kg)...... 一柄3000斤分量的大刀,再加上董无伤天生神力,更是高空作战,彼此毫无花假的硬撞,对方的刀就只有135斤…… Disparity, is really...... Differs too many disparate, said that is the difference day is not overrated. 这其中的差距,实在是……相差的太多悬殊,说是差天共地也不为过。 Zu Heliu unexpected, does not have under the preparation to meet this blade to be able not to refuse stubbornly remnantly, even the knife is lossless, may say difficultly, this result has made Dong Wushang big to be unexpected. 祖河流猝不及防、毫无心理准备之下能接这一刀能不死不残,甚至刀身无损无缺,可说难能,这个结果已经让董无伤大出意料之外了。 Since thinks serious! Again meets a blade simply! Savors well fierce of Second Master Dong!” Dong Wushang loudly shouted, spins the body, the body turned into tornado, spins the body to divide Zu Heliu fiercely. “既然觉得重!索性就再接一刀!好好品味一番董二爷的厉害!”董无伤大喝一声,旋身而起,身子变成了一股龙卷风,旋身猛劈祖河流 Zu Heliu knew each other length at this moment, where also dares to touch hardly? The body fends, takes advantage of opportunity a blade fan qie phonetic notation. 祖河流此刻已知道彼此长短,哪里还敢硬碰?身子一闪避开,顺势一刀反切。 The Dong Wushang wrist/skill turns, the body in airborne turns, Black Sabre knocks the opposite party knife fiercely \; Zu Heliu does not dare to touch hardly, is forced changes incurs once again, a blade wipes horizontally, Dong Wushang still copes with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle, how you come, how I go. 董无伤手腕一翻,身子就在空中一翻,墨刀猛磕对方刀身\;祖河流仍是不敢硬碰,被迫再度变招,一刀横抹,董无伤依然以不变应万变,你怎么来,我就怎么去。 Everybody same level, you use any move I to use any countermeasure. Ran upon hardly has spelled, but how me saying that also profited. 大家同级,你用什么招数我就用什么对策。撞上了就是硬拼,而我这边怎么说也占便宜。 My strength is in any case big, the blade is heavy \; Your strength is small, the knife is light. Is you suffers a loss! 反正我力气大,刀重\;你力气小,刀身轻。怎么也是你吃亏! ............ …………
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