TTNH :: Volume #17

#1689: Help!

Tan Tan read hence, saw that Devil has grazed, immediately the sinking sound drank greatly: Slow! I had the words to say!” 谈昙一念至此,见到天魔已经飞掠到了跟前,立即沉声大喝:“慢着!我有话说!” Devil really depends on the word to receive the hand, the doubts said: „, What words did you have to say?” 天魔果然依言收手,疑惑道:“哦,你有什么话说?” Tan Tan breathed heavily two tones, mixed well the breath, said: Fair in order, you withdraw first three!” 谈昙喘了两口气,调匀了呼吸,说道:“公平起见,你先退后三步!” The Devil doubts are puzzled: Why is this?” 天魔疑惑不解:“这是为何?” Tan Tan gets angry: Likes drawing back, did he, how speak to you such uses energy?” 谈昙怒道:“爱退不退,他么的,跟你说话咋就这么费劲呢?” Devil coldly snorted: I withdraw three steps, how can you?” 天魔冷哼一声:“我就退后三步,你又能如何?” Tan Tan raises the air/Qi, suddenly a suddenly very chest, calls out one toward Devil: tai!!!” 谈昙提气,突然猛地一挺胸膛,向着天魔暴喝一声:“呔!!!” The sound like the spring thunder, frightens four wildly. 声如春雷,震慑四野。 Devil hearing this, draws back one inexplicably again, said: You, if......” 天魔闻言,莫名地再退一步,说道:“你若是……” His words have not said that heard Tan Tan to arouse has been mad, seemingly has exhausted whole body all strengths, used up bellowing in bottom to make noise: Help!” 他话还没有说完,就听到谈昙鼓足了中气,貌似用尽了浑身所有力量,竭斯底里的大吼出声:“救命啊!” Devil stunned, cannot believe in a twinkling simply own ear, surprise extremely asked one: What did you say?” 天魔霎时间一阵愕然,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵,诧异万分的问了一句:“你说什么?” Tan Tan where also manages him to speak? One pack of calling out repeatedly: Yang Yangang ~~~ saves a life Ah~ ~~ Yang Yangang ~~~ help...... You did not come me to hang...... Your this deserves death......” 谈昙哪里还管他说什么话?只是一叠连声的叫道:“痒痒昂~~~救命啊~~~痒痒昂~~~救命啊……你再不来我可就挂了……你这该死的……” Devil flies into a rage: Originally you are praying for rescue, you shouted unexpectedly the person saves a life!” 天魔勃然大怒:“原来你是在求救,你居然喊人救命!” Tan Tan gets angry: Your this lacks silly! Unexpectedly now could not have looked that I am praying for rescue! Bumps into hits unprincipled person, but also cannot I shout that saves a life? Your this anything nonsense logic!” 谈昙怒道:“你这傻缺!居然现在还看不出来我是在求救!碰到打不过的坏人,还不许我喊救命吗?你这什么狗屁逻辑!” Immediately opens the big throat, is a rending craziness howls: Help, Yang Yangang ~~~!!!” 随即张开大喉咙,又是一声撕心裂肺的狂嗥:“救命啊,痒痒昂~~~!!!” Devil is angry, the diving posture on, demonic energy fills the air, sweeps across the audience. 天魔大怒,飞身而上,魔气弥漫,席卷全场。 Tan Tan does not withdraw. Jumps to welcome, the Gu Yigu and the others body walks as one desires, joins the war, fights one group with Devil in an instant. 谈昙并不退避。纵身相迎,古一鼓等人身随心走,加入战局,与天魔刹那间战成一团。 Tan Tan here unity of will is an impregnable stronghold, collaborates anti- enemy, this bureau is doomed not to have the odds of success, but works as one to strive to socialize some time actually, now also can only expect before the potential of people collaboration was broken, has life-saving really comes to save a life! 谈昙这边众志成城,联手抗敌,此局注定全无胜算,不过齐心合力勉力周旋一段时间却还是可以的,现在也只能期望在众人联手之势被破之前,真的有“救命”的前来救命吧! In sky. 天空中。 Help......” this Nine Heavens Continent unique voice. Also was shouting that the unique pitiful feeling, toward in all directions a lot of miles high speed diffusion, unexpectedly is the acoustic shock thousand li (500 km) ............ “救命啊……”这一九重天大陆独一无二的嗓音。也正喊出来独一无二的凄惨感觉,向着四面八方千百里高速扩散出去,竟是声震千里………… In Capital City. 中都城里。 On each other position, Gu Duxing and Mo Qingwu are separated by are recent. 就彼此位置而言,顾独行莫轻舞相隔是最近的。 Is carrying on the propaganda, to slaughter...... During constantly counter- sneak attack, Gu Duxing puts to pay attention to Mo Qingwu that side news some mind throughout. 在进行宣传、厮杀……还有无时无刻的反偷袭之中,顾独行始终将部分心神放到关注着莫轻舞那边的消息。 After all. That is future big sister-in-law is coming. 毕竟。那可是未来的大嫂来着。 Especially the Mo Qingwu age so is also small, her primary war attempt. 尤其是莫轻舞的年纪又这么小,今次还是她的初次大战尝试。 Although Mo Qingwu cultivation base reached peak, Gu Duxing still cannot feel relieved completely. 尽管莫轻舞修为已臻顶峰,顾独行仍旧是不能完全放心的。 Actually Mo Qingwu at the northeast position, Gu Duxing is due north position. This is the arrangement of Chu Yang, Gu Duxing is not a fool, he is naturally clear the meaning that Chu Yang such makes. 其实莫轻舞处在东北位置,顾独行则是正北位置。这本就是楚阳的安排,顾独行也不是傻子,他自然清楚楚阳这么做的含义。 As Nine Tribulation Brothers, Gu Duxing is the Chu Yang first understanding. Is together for a long time, the dear friend is also deepest, although the Gu Duxing book is in a brother strength strongest one, but Gu Duxing is not strongest. In a some psychological cognition, Chu Yang also places here most to feel relieved Gu Duxing. 作为九劫兄弟来说,顾独行楚阳第一个认识的。相处最久,相知也最深,虽然顾独行本就是一干兄弟之中实力最强的一个,但就算顾独行不是最强。在某一种心理认知上,楚阳也是将顾独行放在这里才最为放心。 This did not say but actually other brothers cannot feel relieved in this completely, but said in the Chu Yang heart, there is a concept of first impressions are most lasting. This has nothing to do with the sentiment, is only related with first come first served. 这倒也不是说其他兄弟在这就不能完全放心,而是说楚阳心中,有一种先入为主的这种概念。这与感情无关,只与先来后到有关。 This is Blind spot of human thinking. Not having the truth may say, basically can be said as a behavior of subconscious. 这是人类思维的盲点。没有道理可讲,基本可说是一种潜意识的行为。 Just like some present enterprise leaders, clearly has the good splendid steed actually not to use, will actually begin using the undertaking initial youngest brother in certain most crucial times, although clearly knows that does this is not necessarily correct, but, subconscious did this...... Do you have the temperament? 正如现在企业有些领导者,分明有上佳的千里马却不用,在某些最关键的时刻却还是会启用创业当初的老兄弟虽然明知道这样做未必是正确的,但是,下意识就这样做了……你有脾气吗? Even if this has harmed the important matter finally...... How can also? 纵然这样最终误了大事……又能如何? ( This is not number of words, mother, emerged.) (这段不算字数,妈的,兴起了。) Hears that side Mo Qingwu to go smoothly, Gu Duxing naturally also felt relieved on the heart, but northwest side, Dong Wushang by one type such as the rainbow imposing manner, is also advancing toward the middle spot. 听到莫轻舞那边一路顺遂,顾独行自然也就心内放心,而西北面,董无伤也在以一种如虹气势,向着中间部位推进。 So, due north, northeast and northwest three situations tend to be stable, in the Gu Duxing heart somewhat relaxed finally slightly. 如此,正北、东北、西北三面局势渐趋稳定,顾独行心中总算是稍稍有些放松了。 Slaughters now, the pressure may say that is not big. 一路厮杀到现在,压力可说并不大。 Not is only in the ordinary participants not the specially outstanding master, even if Law Enforcer aspect, does not have any very outstanding master to appear, even if Supreme masters in several general senses brave, handles conveniently, is not enough to affect the general situation. 不光是普通与会人员中并无特别出众的高手,即便执法者方面,也没有什么很出众的高手出现,纵然有几个一般意义上的至尊高手冒出来,也随手搞定,根本不足以影响大局。 Therefore, Gu Duxing relaxed finally: It seems like Sovereign of the Law did not plan that poured in the present this time complete tearing to pieces cheek this with the estimate of Chu Yang basically agrees: Sovereign of the Law has placed Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting goal of this motion, if no giant accident, to act blindly without thinking, will not be penny-wise and pound foolish. 所以,顾独行终于是松了一口气:看来法尊并不打算在现在这个时候完全的撕破面皮这倒与楚阳的估算基本一致:法尊将此次行动的目标放在了天鼎盛会,若无巨大变故,不会轻举妄动,因小失大。 At this time if launched the comprehensive combat, the Law Enforcer aspect odds of success was no doubt large, but, Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting actually inevitably broken bureau of pains plan. 这时候若是发动全面作战,执法者方面固然胜算颇大,但,苦心筹谋的天鼎盛会却必然破局。 Once the war breaks out, after Sovereign of the Law and Devil, thinks again such as the present so gathers all people, did not have certainly any possibly. 一旦大战爆发,法尊天魔以后再想如现在这般把所有人聚集起来,绝无任何可能了。 Such, 那样, They most urgently need Force of Soul, absorbed on nowhere...... At least must have several hundred times of even several thousand times of troubles! 他们最迫切需要的灵魂之力,也就无处吸收了……起码要多费数百倍甚至数千倍的周折! Sovereign of the Law will unable to see this, on the one hand malpractice? 法尊又怎么会看不到这一方面的弊端? Saw that here public opinion was thorough, Gu Duxing planned that met with Mo Qingwu: Only then meets truly, can thorough reassurance, say again other are not late. 眼看着这边的舆论已经彻底起来了,顾独行就打算跟莫轻舞会合了:惟有真正会合,才能彻底的放心,再说其他不迟。 After all, now Nine Great Clans also fully is coordinating us to move, goal that the Boss requests, completed similarly. 毕竟,现在九大家族也都在全力配合咱们行动,老大要求的目标,也完成得差不多了。 A Gu Duxing long and loud cry, this prepares to close up toward Mo Qingwu that side. Although here has encountered the innumerable besieging sneak attacks, finally is the trifling thing does not have, to attend to Second Master linking blood-stained mouth unable to stay behind, seems like the clothes is very neat drops. 顾独行一声长啸,这就准备向着莫轻舞那边靠拢过去。这边虽然遭遇了无数次的围攻偷袭,最终却是屁事都没有,顾二爷身上连一道血口子都没能留下,貌似衣服都还是很整洁滴。 Really was too relaxed a point, this was the cultivation base high advantage! 实在是太轻松了一点,这就是修为高的好处了! In heart, eight people completely with Chu Yang relaxed happy chat. 心中,八个人尽都在与楚阳轻松愉快的聊着天。 Here seemingly did not have the pressure to say really that who we were, hey......” such to be cocky, did not make the second person to think besides Ao Xieyun. This dragon approached now forgets oneself: This I snatched many things....... Has gotten rich......” “这里貌似真没压力的说,咱是谁啊,嘿嘿……”这样得瑟的,除傲邪云之外不做第二人想。这条龙现在已经接近忘乎所以了:“这回我可是抢了好多的东西。哇哈哈……发财了……” These words make brothers collective one despise: Besides Ao Xieyun this miser, seemingly did not have other people still to snatch the thing at this time really...... 这句话不禁让众兄弟集体一阵鄙视:除了傲邪云这个守财奴,貌似真没有其他人还在这时候抢东西的…… You said that what good treasure on one crowd of low status Martial Artist can have, can enter the discernment of Supreme grade nine master? Generally. If some grade nine Supreme said to low status Martial Artist that you had any thing main body to have a liking, low status Martial Artist delivers absolutely immediately immediately, but must, with having the glory. 你说一群低等武者身上能有什么好宝贝,能入得至尊九品高手的法眼?就一般情况下。若是有九品至尊向低等武者说,你有什么什么东西本尊看上了,低等武者绝对会立刻马上送上,还得屁颠屁颠,与有荣焉。 After all low status Martial Artist can have the relations the opportunity to be too few with grade nine Supreme, however the Ao Xieyun situation, is actually grade nine Supreme robs low status Martial Artist, said that really did not say of pleasant to hear! 毕竟低等武者能和九品至尊扯上关系的机会太少了,然而傲邪云的情况,却是九品至尊抢劫低等武者,说出去实在是好说不好听啊! It is not general not. 不是一般的没品。 I despise...... the Rui Butong sound really: How I can with this goods in the same place, I want to say that really I do not know him. Really was too disgraced......” “我真鄙视……”芮不通的声音:“我怎么会与这货在一起,我真想说我不认识他。实在是太丢人了……” His paternal grandmother drops dog aunt!” Ji Mo is jubilant: Satisfies a craving, what a pity does not have the master to try the hand, some must regret......” “他奶奶滴狗大姨!”纪墨兴高采烈:“真过瘾啊,可惜没有高手试手,些须遗憾……” Me many are somewhat strenuous......” in the Luo Kedi sound to tease obviously: Awoo...... Me also has the Emperor Level master unexpectedly, moreover there are several, delicious strength!” “我这边多少有些吃力呢……”罗克敌的声音里明显有调侃:“嗷呜……我这边居然还有皇级高手,而且还有好几个,好吃力啊!” The people obloquied with one voice. This goods may be able to say. 众人齐声大骂。这货可真说得出口。 Me all normal. Stress-free.” Xie Danqiong was still indifferent. “我这边一切正常。无压力。”谢丹琼仍旧淡然。 Does not need to say. Everybody hurry to converge is the proper business. In order to avoid a long delay usually means many problems.” Dong Wushang. The Dong Wushang side, has Mo Lei'er to raise obviously ignites, otherwise, with Dong Wushang, seemingly really could not only have said the words that so takes the entire situation into account. “无须多说了。大伙赶紧汇合才是正事。以免夜长梦多。”董无伤董无伤的身边,明显有墨泪儿在提点着,要不然,只凭着董无伤,貌似还真说不出这般顾全大局的话来。 This point, everybody naturally is well aware, laughs. Smiles Dong Wushang zhang (3.33 m) two monks unable to feel the brains, did wife this saying say has the issue? Doesn't have the issue? Does not have the issue really! Intertwines...... 这一点,大家自然是心知肚明,不由一阵哄笑。笑得董无伤丈二和尚摸不着头脑,难道媳妇这话说得有问题吗?没问题吧?真没问题啊!纠结中…… The Chu Yang sound conveys: That side Qingwu hasn't spoken? Was bumps into the hard to deal with role?” 楚阳的声音传来:“轻舞那边怎么没说话?是碰到难缠的角色了吗?” The sound in Mo Qingwu heart is clearly bringing happily: I am all right, all smooth.” 莫轻舞心中的声音分明带着甜蜜:“我没事儿,一切顺利。” Chu Yang relaxed: „After everybody meet, blossoms from the middle. Spread toward all around again, after finishing up, then came back. This motion, the Sovereign of the Law that side receives the news also definitely to require time. Our time hit one to be caught off guard, later was not necessarily have such opportunity...... The following development will be what kind. Now is very difficult to say.” 楚阳松了口气:“大伙会合后,自中间开花。再往四周蔓延,完事后,接着就回来。这一次行动,法尊那边接到消息也是肯定需要一点时间。我们这次是打了一个措手不及,以后未必能有这样的机会了……接下来的发展会怎么样。现在还很难说。” Understood.” The people comply together. “明白了。”众人一起答应。 Then at this time, Gu Duxing clearly felt that northern has two tyrannical aura speedily from out of the blue to come, the person has not arrived, that strong imposing manner has been similar to the hurricane transits certainly, heavy raids the heart depressing. 便在这时,顾独行分明感到北方有两股强横的气息疾速破空而来,人未到,那股绝强的气势已经如同飓风过境,沉沉压抑袭上心头。 These two future inevitable no small matters, under the Gu Duxing heart are startled, immediately said: „The north came two masters, murderous aura is imposing, perhaps was the master in Law Enforcer aspect came, everybody alerted carefully.” 这两个来者必然非同小可,顾独行心下不由一怔,立即道:“北方来了两个高手,杀气凛然,恐怕是执法者方面的高手来了,大家小心戒备。” Mo Qingwu bears the brunt, said: I also induced, some such dangers felt, the person who the north came believes cultivation base was extremely high, perhaps not weakly in us.” 莫轻舞首当其冲,道:“我也感应到了,有这样的危险感觉,北方来的人相信修为极高,恐怕不会弱于我们。” Other people echo. 其他人纷纷附和。 These two are threatening, killing intent very conceals, everybody had the feeling. 这两人来势汹汹,杀机更是好不掩饰,大家都已经有了感觉。 Chu Yang in that side, takes the bull by the horns: Everybody closes up toward the middle immediately! The careful alert, all take the security as the first premise! Pays attention to observe whether is the Law Enforcer master comes on a large scale, if, avoids its point as soon as possible, if not, namely collaborates to kill it!” 楚阳在那边,当机立断:“大家立即往中间靠拢!小心戒备,一切以安全为第一前提!注意观察是否是执法者高手大举而来,若是,尽快避开其锋芒,若不是,即联手杀之!” Brothers complies, rapid surrounds toward the middle position, is similar to the meteor lightning flash. 众兄弟一声答应,迅速的向着中间位置围拢过去,如同流星电闪。 Eight directions, nine forms, such as meteor after day. grade nine Supreme power and influence, in this moment true reveals that in an instant in Capital City silence reigns! 八个方向,九道身影,如流星经天。九品至尊的威势,在这一刻才真正的显露出来,刹那间中都城内万籁俱寂! Eight grade nine Supreme simultaneously fully take the action, all people are the imposing manner full, such power and influence, even if , is also absolute split heaven and earth apart first! 八位九品至尊同时全力展开行动,所有人都是气势全开,这样的威势,就算是在中都,也是绝对的开天辟地第一回! Below person cannot help but raises head to look the form that in the top of the head passed over gently and swiftly rapidly, tarries! 在下方的人都是不由自主的仰头看着头顶上飞速掠过的身影,一个个不由呆住! Nine Tribulations! 九劫 Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Nine Tribulations! Unexpectedly grew this grade of too high to reach realm! 九劫剑主九劫!居然已经成长到了这等高不可攀境界 In the city several directions, several Great Clans masters are feeling the Nine Tribulation Brothers cold power and influence, facial expressions are complex, vision twinkle. In many person hearts also sighs deeply. 城内数个方向,几大家族的高手感受着九劫兄弟的凛凛威势,一个个神情复杂,目光闪烁。不少人心中同时长叹。 Nine Tribulations, by grade nine! 九劫,均以九品 Has been possible to calculate the accomplishment, sweeps away the world, soon time! Here Devil, is without a peer \; That side Nine Tribulations, is wing is plentiful. 已经可算大成,横扫天下,指日可期!这边天魔,已经是不可匹敌\;那边九劫,也已经是羽翼丰满。 What to do? 怎么办? In a twinkling! 说时迟,那时快! Two swift and fierce long and loud cries, come from out of the blue! 两声凌厉长啸,破空而来! The Gu Duxing vision dodges, a Black Dragon Sword resonant length recited, the ascension, changed to together haze billowing Black Dragon, twisting, welcomed from out of the blue! 顾独行目光一闪,黑龙剑一声嘹亮的长吟,升腾而起,化作一道烟气滚滚的黑龙,夭矫而出,破空迎上! Dong Wushang both feet, flies the midair with blade, transferred a direction, wallops toward the north. 董无伤双足一顿,连人带刀飞上半空,转了一个方向,向着北方猛冲过去。 Meet the enemy! 迎敌! Two the sound cold and gloomy say/way that just likes the firm friendship strikes: World Nine Tribulations? Today suffers to death!” 两个恍若金石交击的声音森冷道:“天下九劫?今日受死!” ............ ………… When I thinking well, write today well specially...... May die of exhaustion me, has not thought really Zhang Gaozi has written for seven hours...... >\; 等我今天好好的想一想,好好地专门写……可累死我了,真没想到一章稿子写了七小时……>\; This is the 7 th second chapter. Sorry, so was late long. 这是七号的第二章。抱歉,晚了这么久。
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