TTNH :: Volume #17

#1688: The war of demon

This matter is also in addition related with Apprentice Brother Chu Yang, therefore makes the promotion these days once more, at present arrived at the grade nine Supreme peak discussed that big Devil King started to come. 再加上这件事又与师兄楚阳有关,所以在这段时间里再次做出提升,目前已经到达九品至尊巅峰的谈大魔王启程而来了。 Is being hurried along, the Tan Tan sudden vision concentrates, said: Stops! Appearance that some do not suit greatly......” 正在赶路中,谈昙突然目光一凝,道:“停!有些不大对劲儿的样子……” Gu Yigu halts all of a sudden, said: Anything not......” 古一鼓一下子站住,道:“什么不……” The words have not said that on face also reveals extremely color with amazement suddenly, looks at front sudden black air/Qi, muttered: Good pure demonic energy...... Who is this?......” 话还没说完,脸上突然也露出极度骇然之色,看着前方突然出现的一道黑气,喃喃道:“好精纯的魔气……这是什么人?难道……” In the Gu Yigu heart somewhat beats a drum: Just rushed, has run into the person? 古一鼓心中有些打鼓:难道刚刚赶到中都,就遇到了正主儿? It seems like this luck...... Also carried? 貌似这运气……也太背了吧? Jie Jie...... Good delicious delicacy! Unexpectedly delivered automatically!” Smiles from black air/Qi strangely sends out, the mouth dripping with greed sounds said: Good good, the luck of this demon seriously is good, unexpectedly in this grade of trash has also been meeting Supreme Devil Body in Legend! If can eat this fellow, my cultivation base can in the instance, restore to the peak absolutely, even has the advancement greatly, the space falls the meat pie, mediocre......” “桀桀……好可口的美味!居然自动送上门来了!”一声怪笑从黑气之中发出,有一个馋涎欲滴的声音说道:“不错不错,本魔的运气当真是不错,居然在这等垃圾所在还遇到了一个传说中的无上魔体!若是能将这家伙吃掉,我的修为绝对可以在瞬间之内,恢复至巅峰,甚至大有进境,天上掉馅饼,不过如此……” Once this sound comes out, an unprecedented gloomy terrifying pressure, along with the emergence of sound but sends out spontaneously. In an instant is hiding the sky and covering the earth coverage range. 这声音一旦出来,一股前所未有的阴森恐怖压力,也随着声音的出现而油然散发出来。刹那间就是铺天盖地的覆盖范围 Tan Tan and Gu Yigu and the others completely mutually has looked at each other one, felt that the great strength of this fellow, exceeds the imagination seriously. 谈昙古一鼓等人尽都是相互对视了一眼,都感觉到这家伙的强大,当真是超出想象。 Cannot think truly that above Nine Heavens this stretch of earth, still has in this way the formidable powerhouse unexpectedly! So strength, even if Outlands Devil also fully endures to acclaim. This acclaimed with the race has nothing to do, was only to an approval of its cultivation base! 真正想不到,九重天这片大地之上,竟还存在着如斯强大的强者!如此实力,即便是域外天魔也足堪赞叹。这份赞叹与种族无关,只是对其修为的一份认可! Tan Tan goes forward one step, a pair of irritable eyebrow had already twisted, both hands fork waist said: „The demon outlet where comes, dares to play tricks in front of this great Devil King unexpectedly, the storehouse dew ass, is not about to have gone, see this great Devil King.” 谈昙上前一步,一双别扭眉毛早已拧了起来,双手叉腰说道:“哪里来的邪魔外道,居然敢在本巨魔王面前装神弄鬼,藏头露腚的,还不快快滚了出来,参见本巨魔王。” Tan Tan was usually familiar with pose as by big Devil King, today saw the true demon, actually again raises own share. By big, but great! 谈昙平素习惯以大魔王自居,今日见了真正的魔,却又将自己的份再拔高一层。由“大”而“巨”! Devil hearing this smiles strangely, such as black ink common black air/Qi whirls around, black-clothed person comes suddenly, presented in front of Tan Tan. Is narrowing the eye, licked has licked lips close to, said: Boy, what background are you? What great Devil King unexpectedly dares to say?!” 天魔闻言一声怪笑,如墨一般的黑气一阵翻卷,一名黑衣人突然现身出来,出现到了谈昙面前。眯着眼睛,舔了舔嘴巴,道:“小子,你是什么来头?居然敢自称什么巨魔王?!” Tan Tan cracks into a smile, said: Son, I am your father!” 谈昙咧嘴一笑,说道:“儿子,我是你爹啊!” Devil flies into a rage immediately, the anger shouted to clear the way: Puts your fart! Although your devil body becomes my father is very appropriate, but I after all am not your son! This middle has the confusion of being bewitched series......” 天魔顿时勃然大怒,愤怒喝道:“放你的屁!虽然你的魔体当我爹也挺合适的,但我毕竟不是你儿子!这中间有着魔统的混淆……” Tan Tan gets angry: You think appropriate appropriate!? He, are you are insulting me? You think that father cherishes, when your father!” 谈昙怒道:“你觉得合适就合适么!?他么的,你是在侮辱我?你以为老子稀罕当你老子!” Devil is stunned, immediately flies into a rage: You said anything. Is you are clearly insulting me! You......” 天魔愕然,随即暴跳如雷:“你说什么。分明是你在侮辱我!你……” bastard thing!” Discussed big Devil King flying into a rage: Bah. You send any Dreams of Spring, the welldoing of your this worthless people, unexpectedly the wishful thinking wants to become the handsome natural and unrestrained handsome like a jade tree father's son! Your his code is also is not insulting your father I!” 混账东西!”谈大魔王更加的暴跳如雷:“呸。你发什么春梦,就你丫这歪瓜裂枣的德行,居然痴心妄想想要当英俊潇洒玉树临风的老子的儿子!你他码的还不是在侮辱你老子我!” Three Stars Sacred Clan six Elder neat staring in a big way the eye, has opened the mouth. 三星圣族六位长老整齐的瞪大了眼睛,张开了嘴。 What did this call? 这叫什么? These two fellows seemingly are formidable make the blood boil \; But the issue of this moment argument is also much more speechless. 这两个家伙貌似都是强大的令人发指\;但此刻争论的问题却也是无语得让人发指。 Tan Tan fully erupted: Gu Yigu! Now gives me to rouse a drum! Blows away this fellow! Avoid obstructs my eye!” 谈昙这边已经全面爆发了:“古一鼓!现在给我鼓一鼓!将这家伙干掉!省得碍我的眼!” In the Gu Yigu heart sighed, the paternal grandmother dropped. The father illustrious name in the Saint King big manpower, is really has ruined for a lifetime cleanly, did not miss today these! 古一鼓心中叹了口气,奶奶滴。老子一辈子英名在圣王大人手里,实在是已经败坏得一干二净,也就不差今天这一遭了! Sluggish coming out, opposite Devil has actually been startled. Has smiled, is overjoyed: „Did your this hideous incomparable short and stout person call a drum drum unexpectedly? How you rouse a drum, a drum drum shows me!” 慢吞吞的出来,对面的天魔却是怔了一下。笑了起来,乐不可支:“你这个奇丑无比的矮胖子居然叫鼓一鼓?你到底是怎么鼓一鼓的,鼓一鼓给我看看啊!” Some Gu Yigu bothersomest people teased with oneself name, Tan Tan teased that does not have the matter of means that now unexpectedly links this person non- person ghost not ghost fellow also to tease, added that any hideous incomparable short and stout person, immediately flew into a rage, jumps, washed one's hands is more than 700 palm crazy Feng Bao (storm) rain generally falls in torrents: What did father call to close your trifling thing? Is the father short, is fat closes your trifling thing, you is a spherical object!” 古一鼓最烦的就是有人拿自己的名字取笑,谈昙取笑那是没办法的事情,现在居然连这个人不人鬼不鬼的家伙也来取笑,还说什么奇丑无比的矮胖子,顿时勃然大怒,纵身而起,抖手就是700多掌狂风暴雨一般倾泻过去:“老子叫什么关你屁事?老子矮不矮、胖不胖关你屁事,你算个蛋子!” In Devil the black air/Qi dodges, in the black air/Qi the innumerable arms have extended suddenly, being calm and composed even in press of work receives the attack of Gu Yigu again and again, somewhat is surprised the different way slightly: Originally is grade nine peak Supreme...... Un, good, but also is the ants of a little strength, hehe &\;...... Fine food, this demon accompanies you to play several.” 天魔目中黑气一闪,突然间黑气之中无数的手臂伸了出来,好整以暇的连连接下古一鼓的进攻,微微有些诧异道:“原来还是一个九品巅峰至尊……嗯,不错,还算是个有点实力的蝼蚁,呵呵呵&\;……一顿美餐啊,本魔就陪你玩几手。” The Gu Yigu anger moves extremely, the crazy Feng Bao (storm) rain general tyrannical offensive, was not leaked unexpectedly to block by him slightly all. 古一鼓怒极而动,狂风暴雨一般的强横攻势,居然被他丝毫无漏地尽数拦了下来。 In Gu Yigu cannot help but heart in great surprise. 古一鼓不由得心中大惊。 Oneself a moment ago this wave of attack ‚the rainstorm Pear Blossom palm has been makes a debut the becoming famous certainly type since oneself, although attacked because of the great anger a moment ago has to lose the methodicalness, but the power and influence is actually greater, does not want the demon to be able at present unexpectedly in this manner, in this way relaxed following. This has actually never had. 自己刚才这波攻击的‘暴雨梨花掌’乃是从自己出道以来的成名绝式,虽然刚才因为盛怒而攻得有失章法,但威势却是更巨,不想眼前魔头竟能够用这样的方式,如斯轻松的接下来过。这却是从来没有过的。 In addition, this person not only has met with ease, but also has a very strange suction, as if outward fell in torrents in invisible by own cultivation base general. 此外,这个人不仅轻松地接了下来,而且还产生一股很古怪的吸力,让自己的修为似乎在无形之中往外倾泻一般。 Bang, the black air/Qi disseminates suddenly. “砰”地一声,黑气突然弥散。 You are Devil!” A Gu Yigu flying somersault turned, on face black air/Qi one presently, calls out in alarm one. His moment regulations have not revealed defeat shape, but is well aware: Hits seriously, oneself do not certainly beat, moreover there is a life risk! “你就是天魔!”古一鼓一个空心筋斗翻了出去,脸上黑气一现,惊呼一声。他此刻实则并未显露败象,但心知肚明:当真打下去,自己一定不敌,而且有性命之虞! The behind the body people, the complexions of all people become exceptionally are ugly. 身后众人,所有人的脸色都变得异常难看起来。 The future is Devil this is not strange, before already guessed correctly \; But Devil unexpectedly as formidable as this grade of situation, is the people are not actually able to imagine. 来者是天魔这点不稀奇,之前早已猜到\;但天魔居然强大到这等地步,却是众人所无法想象的。 Jie Jie...... This demon!” Devil happily smiled. “桀桀……正是本魔!”天魔得意地笑了笑。 Withdraws!” The Tan Tan complexion transfers seriously, said: This Saint King extending quantity extending measures him.” “退后!”谈昙脸色转为郑重,道:“本圣王来伸量伸量他。” Although such one time fights, Tan Tan had the judgment, oneself these people, perhaps including oneself, nobody are the match of this demon at present. 虽然只是这么一次交手,谈昙就已经有了判断,自己这些人,恐怕连自己在内,没有一个人是眼前这魔头的对手。 However, must spell has known the victory and loss, rather was killed, cannot be scared to death! 不过,总要拼过才知输赢,宁可被人打死,不能被人吓死吧! Truly speaking, in Tan Tan this moment heart has a sense of crisis, since Tan Tan has awakened own, has never had sense of crisis, that is one type is unable to control the feeling of own life and death completely, very not good feeling! 说实在的,谈昙此刻心中有一股危机感,自谈昙醒悟自身以来,从来都没有过的危机感,那是一种无法完全操控自身生死的感觉,很不好的感觉! But, King proud with dignity, actually does not allow him to have slight flinching. Moreover in his hand also has too many cards in a hand...... Tan Tan also has self-confident, even if defeated finally is also insufficient to be too pitiful. 但,王者的骄傲与尊严,却不容他有丝毫的退缩。而且他手里还有太多太多的底牌……谈昙也有自信自己即使最终落败也不至于太凄惨。 Moreover, facing so the powerhouse, how can not fight? 而且,面对如此强者,怎能不战? Thinks of here, Tan Tan somewhat is speechless, although the current strength arrived at the grade nine summit, actually has not restored to former life truly most in peak condition, otherwise, does how to go so far as to so feel suffocated? In the morning went to pain flat that nonsense Devil! 想到这里,谈昙就有些无语,自己目前的实力虽然已经到达九品颠峰,其实还没有真正恢复到前世的最巅峰状态,否则,何至于如此憋气?早上去痛扁那狗屁天魔了! Saint King is careful, not may general idea!” Audiences Elder said together. 圣王小心,万万不可大意!”众长老一起说道。 Gu Yigu is not the opposite party match, Saint King personally goes to battle, this...... The victory is really less optimistic. 古一鼓都不是对方对手,圣王亲自出战,这个……战果委实是不容乐观的。 Devil saw that Tan Tan goes to battle personally, obviously excited, entire body unexpectedly some meanings of shivering, in pupil black air/Qi twinkle, the funds that school of being overjoyed, laughed said: Good! I asked for advice your this Supreme Devil Body!” 天魔见到谈昙亲自出战,明显兴奋了起来,整个身体竟都有些颤抖的意思,眸子中黑气闪烁,一派乐不可支的款,呵呵笑道:“好!我就领教领教你这无上魔体!” Tan Tan cried out strangely, the body already changed to fierce wind, suddenly before, swung the fist then hits: Looked that this king punches to be rotten your this brat!” 谈昙怪叫一声,身子已然化作狂风,猛地冲前,抡拳便打:“看本王揍烂你这兔崽子!” Devil does not dodge does not evade, proceeds one step, the same fist rumbles! 天魔不闪不避,往前一步,同样一拳轰出! Bang! 轰! Two fists have not spent the false frontage to dash in the same place. 两只拳头没有丝毫花假的正面冲撞在一起。 ...... 嗤嗤…… On two fists simultaneously braves the dense black air/Qi! 两只拳头上同时冒出来森然黑气! On the fist of Devil, overflows is being jet black such as rich demonic energy of black ink \; But the strength on Tan Tan fist, was one type is black the shining aura, Devil day demonic energy has been full of the evil flavor/smell \; But the Tan Tan black bracing cold is actually the complete darkness, that is one type also wants the dark feeling compared with the dark night! 天魔的拳头上,流溢着乃是漆黑如墨的浓郁魔气\;而谈昙拳头上的劲力,却是一种黑得发亮的气息,天魔的天魔气充满了邪恶至极的味道\;但谈昙的黑色气劲却是完全的黑暗,那是一种比黑夜还要黑暗的感觉! As if must swallow shield all completely the darkness! 似乎要将一切全部吞噬屏蔽的黑暗! When this fist internecine strife, the Devil body slightly shook in a flash, instantly has anchored, on the face always doing nothing but revealed pleasantly surprised amazed to that expression of extreme, clearly was the unthinkable common joyful facial expression. 这一拳火拼之余,天魔身子只是微微晃了一晃,就即刻停住了,脸上竟自露出惊喜惊诧到了极点的那种表情,分明是匪夷所思一般的喜悦神情。 Reviews Tan Tan crookedly, the whole person exited enough 30 feet, this reluctantly receives the footsteps, on the face the expression becomes exceptionally heavy, prudent, serious. 反观谈昙,整个人歪歪斜斜的出去了足足三丈,这才勉强收住脚步,脸上表情变得异常的沉重,慎重,郑重。 Devil relies on cultivation base tall Jue, it can be said that is sure of success at this war, the goal that struck a moment ago actually must trace the Tan Tan bottom, back facilitates acts, after all he does not hope to obtain one broken, incomplete Supreme Devil Body. But Tan Tan actually is also self-contained status, unwilling leeward, cares to search the true limit of match are . After a fist, in two people of hearts have several respectively. 天魔是自恃修为高绝,于此战可说是稳操胜券,刚才那一击的目的却要摸一摸谈昙的底,方便后边动作,毕竟他可不希望得到一副残破、不完整的无上魔体。而谈昙却也是自持身份,不甘下风,意欲探一探对手的真正极限所在。一拳之后,两人心中各自有数。 Although this fellow has Supreme Devil Body, but itself as if has not actually excavated the Supreme Devil Body true mystery, the idle talk displays its true prestige to be so confirmed in later Devil heart Dading, looks at the Tan Tan vision, strange, reveals to hold the impulsion of Tan Tan mortal body faintly urgently. 这家伙虽然拥有无上魔体,但其本身却似乎并没有发掘出无上魔体的真正奥秘,更遑论发挥其真正威能得到如此证实之后的天魔心中大定,看着谈昙的目光,更加的诡异,隐隐流露出想要迫切占有谈昙肉身的冲动。 cultivation base of this fellow is truly higher than me, moreover must be higher than more than plans, is only...... His demonic energy unexpectedly heterogeneous impure, is full of a feeling of demon outlet, this is one can aim at the use the flaw. My demonic energy wants to be purer than too many him are too more , the significance that has almost not compared, however actually must calculate in the total quantity in turn, the contrast of all-round strength, is I am in comprehensive leeward, this defeats uncertainly, therefore can only slowly after the chart plan...... 这家伙的修为确实比我要高,而且要高出不止一筹,只是……他的魔气出乎意外的驳杂不纯,充满一种邪魔外道的感觉,这是一项可以针对利用的缺失。我的魔气比他要精纯得太多太多,几乎没有比较的意义,然而在总量上却要反过来计算,综合实力的对比,是我处于全面的下风,此战胜算渺茫,所以只能徐徐以图后策了…… In the Tan Tan heart had has drawn back intent, the reason does not have him, this match is really too fearful, now begins not to have the odds of success reluctantly, oneself absolutely are not his enemy. 谈昙心中已经有了退意,原因无他,这个对手实在是太可怕,现在勉强动手毫无胜算,自己绝对不是其敌。 Matter that Tan Tan can confirm, cultivation base higher Devil is also certainly earlier a confirmation, has understood clearly the Tan Tan regard, how can allow he run away? 谈昙能够确认的事情,修为更高的天魔当然也更早一步确认,更已洞悉谈昙的心意,如何能够容许他逃走? Therefore the Tan Tan personal appearance draws back, he instantly closely associated generally has caught up, Jie Jie smiles strangely: Cannot think that Nine Heavens also has your this and the others thing, do not presumptuously think to retreat, divides with me high under is proper.” Tan Tan Hehehe smiles repeatedly strangely, knows for sure, so long as one tied down by the opposite party, oneself here some people absolutely do not have half to escape. 所以谈昙身形一退,他即刻就如影随形一般的赶了上来,桀桀怪笑:“想不到九重天还有你这等人物,不要妄想退走,跟我分个高下才是正经。”谈昙嘿嘿嘿连声怪笑,情知只要一被对方缠住,自己这边的一干人就绝对没有半个能够逃生出去。 ............ …………
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