TTNH :: Volume #17

#1687: South Sacred Clan!

That person of eyeball a while jet black like black ink, a while actually frost white snow. The complexion is fierce, the muscle spasm, is maintaining the last Pure Brightness with hardship, but, can look, they support laboriously, momentarily possibly collapse, once last Pure Brightness no longer, they again are not straightforward and upright Law Enforcer, but is the demon, for the demon of calamity world. 那人的眼珠一会儿漆黑如墨,一会儿却又霜白似雪。脸色狰狞,肌肉痉挛,苦苦维持着最后一线清明,但,看得出来,他们支撑得辛苦之极,随时可能崩溃,一旦最后一线清明不复,他们不就再是光明磊落执法者,而是魔,为祸人间的魔。 Inside and outside several hundred people, performed are in the past colleagues, everybody was struggling together common people, was the affection deep? But this moment, all people probably have not actually heard general, all does not have any response. 里外数百人,尽都是往昔的同僚,大家在一起奋斗一世人,感情何等深厚?但这一刻,所有人却都好像是没有听到一般,全没有任何的反应。 Also some people, in the eye are glittering the brutal pleased ray. 还有人,眼中闪烁着残酷快意的光芒。 The evil aura, affected their innermost feelings thoroughly \; Let their hearts turn into the ice-cold iron stone, to colleague of past shoulder to shoulder fight present pitiful radically aloof, indifferent. 邪恶的气息,已经彻底影响了他们的内心\;让他们的心变成了冰冷的铁石,对昔日并肩战斗的同僚现在的凄惨根本无动于衷,冷漠至极。 Drinks from the treetop coldly transmits: Shut up!” 一声冷喝从树梢上传来:“闭嘴!” Sovereign of the Law sound. 正是法尊的声音。 In thatched hut, originally struggles to curse vanishes to disappear suddenly completely. 茅屋之中,原本的挣扎咒骂突然间全部消失不见了。 The demon soul early had been swallowed by Sovereign of the Law, these people of present, so long as is not the accident is killed, even if wants dead, wants to commit suicide, must obtain the agreement of Sovereign of the Law to achieve wishes! 魔魂早已经被法尊吞噬,现在的这些人,只要不是意外被杀,就算是想要死,想要自尽,也要得到法尊的同意才能如愿! So long as Sovereign of the Law did not agree that can control his Divine Soul, organizes their all activities. 只要法尊不同意,就可以一直控制他的神魂,摆布他们一切活动。 To die is not good. 想死都不行。 Shuts up, then, even if in heart how unwillingness, but must cannot help but obey the order of Sovereign of the Law. 一声闭嘴,那么,就算心中再如何的不甘,但要不由自主地听从法尊的命令。 Should not use to obey, should be complies with is, they who loses the Divine Soul leadership, regarding Sovereign of the Law, but is the human form puppet! 或者不该用听从,应该是遵从才是,失去神魂主导的他们,对于法尊而言,不过是人形傀儡而已! Ping Xiaoyun clenching teeth stubbornly, has tears streaming down the face, suddenly is hitting to the wall own head maliciously, the boundless regret, making him have the feeling that one type lives to might as well die. 平霄云死死的咬着牙,泪流满面,猛地将自个的头狠狠地向墙上撞着,无边的懊悔,让他有一种生不如死的感觉。 If early knows...... Will the old men participate in the test of that deserves death? 如果早知道……老夫怎么会就那么参与了那个该死的考验? After giving up all, actually finally discovered. Own giving up also together gives up including own soul unexpectedly, together gives up including own conscience. 等到放弃了一切之后,却最终发现。自己的放弃竟是连自己的灵魂也一起放弃,连自己的良知也一道放弃。 In light of this consigned to eternal damnation! 就此万劫不复 In the heart a point only remnant goodness, as well as experiences rigid of 20,000 years of passing of time, but also is making final insistence, my effort is struggling, but he also knows how long oneself could not struggle, momentarily the total collapse, will thoroughly fall into the Demonic Path...... 心中一点仅残的善良,以及经历20000年岁月的执着,还在做着最后的坚持,绵力挣扎着,但他自己也知道,自己已经挣扎不了多久了,随时会全面崩溃,彻底沦入魔道…… On treetop. Two black-clothed person shades calmly are standing in high place. 树梢上。有两个黑衣人影在高处静静地站立着。 A long hair dances in the air floatingly disorderly, is Sovereign of the Law, another black fabric covering lived in the head, is the evil aura is imposing, is Devil. 一个长发飘飘凌乱飞舞,乃是法尊,另一个黑布罩住了脑袋,却是邪气凛然,正是天魔 Two people have both launched own Spirit Sense. Is examining news of activity. 两个人都展开了自身神识。查看着中都的动静 These people were scolding you . Moreover, the organizing faculty was very strong, had the effect appearance very much.” Devil said by the tone that almost takes pleasure in others'misfortunes. “那些人都在骂你,而且,组织能力还挺强的,很有效果的样子。”天魔以几乎幸灾乐祸的口气说道。 Sovereign of the Law has not spoken, such as the statue generally is standing upright. 法尊并没有说话,就如雕像一般挺立着。 On the face the wood was wooden. 脸上木无表情。 If their public opinion really formation, then to you are greatly disadvantageous. Has not thought really that you have such high status in this trash plane unexpectedly. Can have influence in this way! Initially also really had belittled you!” Devil continues to say. “若是他们的舆论真个形成,那么对你可是大大不利的。还真没想到,你在这个垃圾位面居然有这么高的身份。能造成如斯的影响!当初还真是小觑了你呢!”天魔继续说道。 Sovereign of the Law has still not spoken. 法尊依然没有说话。 What didn't you have to say? Won't be at a loss? Does not know how to act?!” Devil somewhat funnily visits him. “你就没什么要说的?不会是束手无策了吧?不知如何动作了?!”天魔有些好笑的看着他。 How to act?!” Sovereign of the Law silent, indifferently said: Nothing but is huge slaughter...... Has killed also and that's the end, what argument also wastes with the deceased person? What can say?!” “如何动作?!”法尊沉默了一下,淡淡道:“无非就是一场巨大的杀戮……都杀了也就是了,跟死人还浪费什么口舌?要说什么?!” Good! This procedure I like!” Devil laughs. “好!这种作法我喜欢!”天魔哈哈大笑。 Sovereign of the Law is silent, the look is looking at the distant place profoundly. That already thorough seething with excitement \; The look in pupil, slowly becomes must ice-cold, as if has settled on any idea, low sigh. Crosses the hands behind the back hikes up from the tree, falls gently. 法尊沉默着,眼神深邃地望着远方。那已经彻底沸腾的中都\;眸子里的神色,慢慢的变得冰冷,似乎是拿定了什么主意,低低的叹息了一声。负手从树上飘起,飘落。 Body of Sovereign of the Law like a piece of black feather. Without any weight in airborne float, gradually downward walks. 法尊的身子就像一片黑色的羽毛。没有任何重量的在空中悬浮着,一步一步的往下走来。 fierce wind whistling, curls up his front piece, the black long gown, void is fluttering in one piece, the gloomy terror is also free and easy comfortably. 狂风呼呼,卷起他的衣襟,黑色的长袍,在一片虚空中呼啦啦的飘荡着,阴森恐怖却又洒脱自在。 In his mouth is pondering gently: „...... Many years, a liveliness \; Whose I...... Sincerity murder? Once recorded otherwise, in the past the sentiment extinguished \; Many hates, makes dust sand imaginary \; Urges to go faster...... And my heart, defeated/carrying under this day......” 他口中轻轻吟哦着:“……多少年,一场繁华\;谁把我……真心谋杀?曾记否,当年情灭\;多少恨,幻作尘沙\;去去去……且将我心,负了这天下也罢……” When read last, Sovereign of the Law looked at the ice-cold look of distant place to present a palpitation suddenly, somewhat vacant looks at the distant place, flashed through a recollection, was mixing with the boundless pain. 待念到最后一句,法尊望着远方的冰冷眼神突然间出现了一丝怔忡,有些茫然的看着远方,闪过一丝回忆,夹杂着无边痛苦。 But, gets down moment brutally already by one piece replaces resolute, as if finally is firmly decides, the rejection in the past, got rid of all, saying that muttered: „...... Urges to go faster...... And my heart, defeated/carrying under this day......!” 但,下一刻就已被一片残酷的果决所代替,似乎终于是痛下决心,舍弃往昔,抛弃一切,喃喃的说道:“……去去去……且将我心,负了这天下……也罢!” Ha...... Defeated/Carrying under this day!” A Sovereign of the Law long and loud cry, the long hair flies disorderly, his person fell to the ground at this time finally, the ghosts and demons dodged generally, enter in the room. “哈哈哈……负了这天下也罢!”法尊一声长啸,长发凌乱飞起,他的人这时终于落到地面上,鬼魅一般一闪,进入到了房间内中。 Immediately is hears „” a resounding, who seemed has slapped any person, only heard the Sovereign of the Law ice-cold sound saying: Ping Xiaoyun...... don't must be unappreciative!” 随即就是听到“啪”的一声脆响,似乎是什么人打了什么人一个耳光,只听法尊冰冷的声音道:“平霄云……莫要不识抬举!” In the room only has a silence. 房中只有一片寂静。 Outside is also a silence. 外面也是一片寂静。 The bodies of many person shiver. 很多人的身子颤抖起来。 Sovereign of the Law paces slowly, indifferently said: Goes to two people, goes to the city to sweep clear the cleaning trash! This time, should peaceful!” 法尊缓缓踱步而出,淡淡道:“去两个人,去城中清扫清扫垃圾!这个时候的中都,应该安静一点!” Subordinate hopes toward!” “属下愿往!” „! Remember, if Nine Tribulations and Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, kill without the amnesty! Acts fully, when necessary, might as well hugs the enemy dead together!” “准!记住,若是九劫九劫剑主,杀无赦!全力施为,若有必要,不妨抱着敌人一起死!” Yes!” “是!” That two people one high one short, forms a nice contrast, stands to hold the fist in the other hand a ritual, immediately changes to fierce wind, fierce disappearance, cultivation base carries uncommonly. 那两个人一高一矮,相映成趣,站出来抱拳一礼,随即就化作一阵狂风,猛的消失,修为端得不凡。 Devil does not know when stood Sovereign of the Law behind the body, said: Now there is an vortex, who goes who dies, did you send two people in the past, to send them to bring death? Hugs the enemy dead together, even if there is a that heart, must have that to be good!” 天魔不知道什么时候又站到了法尊身后,道:“现在那里已经是一个漩涡,谁去谁死,你就派两个人过去,难道派他们去送死吗?抱着敌人一起死,就算有那心,也得有那能为才行!” Sovereign of the Law silent, said: Goes to two grade nine Supreme, probes the strength heights of these people, believes that can have the success.” 法尊沉默了一下,道:“去两个九品至尊,试探一下那些人的实力高低,相信还是能有一定成效的。” grade nine Supreme brings death...... Jie Jie...... Big handiwork, this trash plane, truly is big handiwork.” Devil smiles strangely. 九品至尊送死……桀桀……好大手笔,就这个垃圾位面来说,确实是好大手笔。”天魔怪笑。 Smiling of Sovereign of the Law coldly, indifferently said: Person were many, they will definitely choose to retreat, temporarily evades the point, at that time must spend skill to look them. Only the person are not many, can try certain background. From the beginning I have scruples. It is not Nine Great Clans, but is became the climate, Nine Tribulations! These two grade nine Supreme, if can also come back finally, then, I can feel relieved thoroughly. If they do not come back, then, three days later (Celestial Empress) Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting, must assume personal command by you personally. Is calm and steady enough!” 法尊冷冷的笑了笑,淡淡道:“人多了,他们必然会选择退走,暂避锋芒,彼时还要花功夫把他们找出来。只有人不多,才能试出来一定底蕴。从一开始我所顾忌的。就不是九大家族,而是已经成为气候的,九劫!这两个九品至尊,若是最终还能回来,那么,我就可以彻底放心了。若是他们回不来,那么,三天后天鼎盛会,就必须由你亲自坐镇。才够安稳!” Devil smacked the lips, said: Such being the case, why don't you try personally? Is that safer?” 天魔咂了咂嘴,道:“既然如此,你为何不亲自去试?那岂不是更稳妥?” Sovereign of the Law crosses the hands behind the back cold snort/hum: If everything needs my own strength to kiss is, but also wants their what to use?” 法尊负手冷哼:“若凡事都需要我亲力亲为,还要他们何用?” Saying of his coldly: Said again... After these person of demon, effect how. Also needs to examine...... But this time, examines. Only has is adopted by us really completely...... I meet......” 冷冷的说道:“再说…这些人魔化之后,效果如何。还需要检验……而这一次,就是检验。唯有真的完全为我所用……我才会……” Devil smiles one strangely, said: Your present demon planted was very considerable.” 天魔怪笑一声,道:“你现在的魔种已经很可观了。” Sovereign of the Law has narrowed the eye, said: Also is short of many durations and degrees of cooking, for example......” 法尊眯了眯眼睛,说道:“还欠缺不少的火候,比如……” Devil cannot think that completely will have any different kind thoughts by the young demon that oneself control, hears the Sovereign of the Law issue. Say/Way that disdains: Has not thought that you don't understand this? Listening, so so......” 天魔根本想不到,已经完全被自己控制的雏魔会有什么别样心思,听到法尊问题。不屑的道:“没想到你连这个也不懂?听着,如此如此……” so that's how it is! That anything......” 原来如此!还有那什么……” This, look,......” “这样,看着,记着……” Oh. Good good.” “嗯嗯。不错不错。” „......” “……” „......” “……” Basically these...... You basically all have learned, remaining is only a skilled process.” Devil very satisfied saying with a smile: From now on, you decide however can the achievement be extraordinary, believes that is my degree. Also is not impossible matter, so long as suffices diligently. All have the possibility.” “基本就这些了……你基本上已经全学会了,剩下的就只是一个熟练过程罢了。”天魔很满意的笑道:“今后,你定然可以成就非凡,相信就算是达到我的程度。也不是不可能的事情,只要够努力。一切都有可能。” Sovereign of the Law serious say/way: Expects such, hopes that such as you said that all have the possibility \; Currently also has the last issue to be puzzled \; Is the road of Devil, or enters the way of road of step......” 法尊郑重的道:“期望那样子,希望如您所说,一切都有可能\;只是现在还有最后一个问题不解\;就是天魔之路,或者说进阶之路的方式……” Devil laughs: Enters the step not to be actually difficult, only needs so so...... Then can promote gradually, step by step Gao Sheng \; Our Cultivation cultivation method, are different from Human Race nonsense cultivation method completely......” 天魔大笑:“进阶其实并不难,只需要如此如此……便可以渐次提升,步步高升\;我们的修炼功法,跟人族的狗屁功法完全不同……” Un...... I have remembered, all remembered.” Sovereign of the Law smiled, said: „Did devil body of Sir, how many restore now has become? Wants me to restrain some Force of Soul again?......” “嗯……我记住了,真的全记住了。”法尊笑了笑,道:“大人的魔体,现在已经恢复了几成?要不要我再去收敛一些灵魂之力?……” Devil somewhat satisfied nod: Calculates that you have the filial piety, my wound restored similar half at present, disrupted cultivation base also restored the 10% standard of peak...... Hehe, although has 10%, is not Nine Heavens so-called grade nine peak Supreme can withstand, if there are many Force of Soul, from may a quicker restoration, but this trash plane, Force of Soul of rare high quality, can only make up the nature at the quantity.” 天魔有些满意的点点头:“算你有孝心,我的创伤目前已经恢复了差不多一半,被打乱的修为也已经恢复了巅峰时期的一成水准……呵呵,虽然就只得一成,也不是九重天所谓的九品巅峰至尊可以承受的,若有更多的灵魂之力,自可更快复原,不过这个垃圾位面,难得高品质的灵魂之力,只能以量补质了。” Sovereign of the Law nods: My this receives Force of Soul.” 法尊点点头:“我这就去收灵魂之力。” Devil said: Goes, two people who went to a moment ago, is our demons plants \; If their this time did not come back, might as well absorbs it their Force of Soul, if can plant to swallow the demon, I can also restore to be quicker. Your this going, do not neglect to let off.” 天魔道:“去吧,刚才去的两个人,已经是我们的魔种\;若是他们这次回不来了,不妨将他们的灵魂之力吸取之,若能将魔种吞噬,我还能恢复得更快一些。你这次去,不要忽略放过。” Good! Understood!” “好!明白了!” The Sovereign of the Law vision dodges, jumps to go. 法尊目光一闪,纵身而去。 ...... …… Sees Sovereign of the Law to go far away, Devil reveals one evilly to smiling of extreme, to the room, suddenly a brow wrinkle, two toward right will look, in mouth well, the body transforms wisp of black smoke, jumps to go. 看到法尊远去,天魔露出一个邪恶到极点的笑,正要到房中去,突然眉头一皱,两眼往右看去,口中‘咦’的一声,身子幻化成一缕黑烟,纵身而去。 During this hamlet on the roads about more than 100 miles places, the team, in sharply is marching forward. 就在这个小村庄右侧大约100余里地的路上,有一支队伍,正在急急地行进之中。 This line of teams, altogether have seven people. 这一行队伍,一共也就只有七个人而已。 The leaders, an eye big eye is small, the eyebrow faces upwards together, the eyebrow pokes together, an ear proceeds to attract attention, an ear will be pasting in the future...... 为首者,一个眼睛大一个眼睛小,一道眉毛朝天,一道眉毛戳地,一个耳朵往前招风,一个耳朵往后贴着…… Has the so strange appearance, naturally only has Three Stars Sacred Clan Devil King Sir Tan Tan! 有如此奇异容貌着,自然就只有三星圣族魔王谈昙大人! In Tan Tan short and stout person, is Gu Yigu. Five people in addition, all are Three Stars Sacred Clan Elder. 谈昙身边的矮胖子,则是古一鼓。此外的五个人,俱都是三星圣族长老 This time, Tan Tan has not made Xie Danfeng accompany. 这一次,谈昙却没有让谢丹凤随行。 Does Devil extinguish the world? 天魔灭世? Unexpectedly also has this grade of matter? This news, lets Tan Tan big Devil King is very indignant: In does this world, besides father I, who also match to call the demon? Now unexpectedly drills any Devil! 居然还有这等事?这个消息,让谈昙魔王很是气愤:这个世上,除了老子我,谁还配称魔?如今居然钻出来一个什么天魔 Is his paternal grandmother drops simply is unreasonable. 简直是他奶奶滴没道理。 Dares to struggle the name of Devil King with father, naturally must kill him to drop! 敢跟老子争魔王之名,自然要去干掉他滴! ............ …………
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