TTNH :: Volume #17

#1686: Powerhouse gathering

Yang Ruolan has almost the matter to be all right to look for Meng Chaoran daily to chat, asks about the son Chu Yang these years situations. 杨若兰几乎是天天有事没事儿都会找上孟超然聊天,询问儿子楚阳这些年的情况。 The crowdedness of this heavy situation frequency, making Chu Feiling First Master Chu very much be jealous, to the wife absolute trust, must have other thoughts, seems like the Meng Chaoran person appearance is the quite outstanding drop...... 这重情况频率之密集,让楚飞凌楚大爷都很是吃醋,要不是对妻子绝对信任,没准都要生出别的心思,貌似孟超然的人样子可是相当出众滴…… The issue one pattern after another of Madame Yang, how for example picks from the swaddling clothes, how excrement holds up a baby so it can urinate to pull, how to 3 or 4-year-old, how...... 杨夫人的问题花样百出,例如如何从襁褓中捡到,如何一把屎一把尿拉扯,如何的到了三四岁,如何…… One -year-old time looks like? Two -year-old looks like? Across what clothes? What that usually eats? Food that most likes eating is anything. Food that most does not like eating is anything! Also does not have anything is especially does not like...... 一岁的时候长得什么样子?两岁的长得什么样子?穿过什么衣服?平常吃的什么?最喜欢吃的食物是什么。最不喜欢吃的食物又是什么!又没有什么是特别不喜欢的…… Starts to practice martial arts, when the first wrestling, threw down later to cry...... Does the new year's celebration have the new clothes to put on, in childhood had the toy? 怎么开始练武的,第一次摔跤又是在什么时候,摔倒之后哭了没有……过年有没有新衣服穿,小时候有没有玩具? What Chu Yang most likes playing is what? 楚阳最喜欢玩的是什么? And so on...... 等等等等…… A pitiful Meng Chaoran grown man, even if these matters are experience to kiss are, can actually one by one remember clearly? Then a free and easy natural and unrestrained person, was asked by Yang Ruolan stutters, is sweating profusely. 可怜的孟超然一介大男人,纵然这些事儿都是亲历亲为的,却又怎么能一一记得清楚?那么洒脱那么潇洒的一个人,被杨若兰问得结结巴巴,满头大汗。 „Couldn't time too for a long time think? Has not related, slowly thinks that thinks again? Thinks again well that do not worry......” “时间太久想不起来了?没关系,慢慢想,再想想?再好好想想,不要着急……” Thinks again......” “再想想……” Can't think really? Has not related...... That trades another issue......” “真想不起来?没关系的……那换另一个问题……” Thinks that careful thinking, thinks again, thinks well......” “想想,仔细的想一想,再想想,好好想想……” Yang Ruolan interest abundant, is worth hearing a hundred times, hundred asked tirelessly. 杨若兰兴致盎然,百听不厌,百问不倦。 Pitiful Meng Chaoran has grabbed the energy remembers the matter that toss about said at least several hundred, Yang Ruolan every time listens with keen interest pleasure, a respect does not start to wipe tears...... 可怜孟超然已经抓着其中能记住的事情翻来覆去的说了至少数百遍,杨若兰每一次听的时候还是津津有味,一不敬意就开始抹起眼泪来…… Even if such as in Meng Chaoran such person belly started to call mother, on the difference shouted that saved a life. 即便如孟超然这样的人肚子里都开始叫了娘,就差喊救命了。 You said that a matter said time you shed tears, that excusable. But said that 100 times you are the class tears...... 你说一件事儿说一次你流眼泪,那情有可原。可是说100次你还是流眼泪…… This is too inappropriate, this called any matter...... 这就太让人受不了啦,这叫什么事啊…… Especially I by the Adjunct status, live in your home, you chatted with me, was saying was saying, you have cried, my my I...... Do I want to explain? 尤其是我还是以客卿的身份,住在你的家里,你跟我聊天,说着说着,你就哭了,我我我……我要怎么解释? Really...... Awkward. 真是……尴尬之极。 Again to afterward, Meng Chaoran, so long as sees Yang Ruolan, that Lima has many runs far...... If not for Ye Chuchen was unable to move here. Meng Chaoran almost wanted leaving home wanderer Jiang Hu...... 再到后来,孟超然只要是一见到杨若兰,那利马就是有多远跑多远……若不是夜初晨还在这里不能动。孟超然几乎想要离家出走闯荡江湖了…… Seemingly was really too awkward...... 貌似实在是太尴尬了…… This time, news comes, Meng Chaoran naturally is the indispensable discussing object. 这一次,中都的消息传来,孟超然当然是不可或缺的商量对象。 Master Meng, this matter you looked that......” Chu Feiling asked Meng Chaoran very much politely. “孟师傅,这事儿您看……”楚飞凌很客气地问孟超然 Meng Chaoran saw that is not Yang Ruolan asked own words, had relaxed. Restores the consistent indifference saying: This, indifferent. Let them go noisily is, us, particularly Chu Family do not mix......” 孟超然见到不是杨若兰问自己话,已经是松了一口气。恢复一贯的淡然道:“这个,无所谓。让他们闹去便是了,咱们这边,尤其是楚家就不要掺合了……” Chu Feiling surprised \; This is Devil extinguishes the world, perhaps will be the end will have been near, unexpectedly also will be such cloud poor business conditions to be how light in the Meng Chaoran mouth? 楚飞凌愕了愕\;这可是天魔灭世啊,没准就是末日将临了,怎地在孟超然口中居然也是这样的云淡风轻? Was this also too seemingly calm?! 这貌似也太淡定了吧?! Suddenly, Chu father's the Master to own son cannot bear admire to respect: Looks at others bearing. This calm! Also on such person, can teach my son that and other evildoer/monstrous talent, look at his disciple, knows his master. Since old times such as was, the ancient did not bully me honestly...... 一时间,楚老爸对自己儿子的这位师父忍不住佩服敬仰起来:看人家的这气度。这份从容!也就这样的人,才能教的出我儿子那等妖孽啊,看其徒,知其师。自古如是,古人诚不欺我…… Is only the Feng and Yue two seniors, I had not found them, actually does not know these two senior present whereabouts. Does not know that Master Meng you......” Chu Feiling very somewhat is anxious, perhaps delayed son's matter. After all Feng and Yue they are present age summit powerhouses, if there are them to assist, without doubt is the Chu Yang big boost. “只是风月二位前辈,我并没有找到他们,却不知道这两位前辈如今的去向。不知孟师傅您……”楚飞凌对此很有些忧虑,恐怕耽误了儿子的事情。毕竟风月两人乃是当世颠峰强者,若有他们襄助,无疑是楚阳大大助力。 This you may feel relieved greatly that their two already walked, estimated according to me that now likely left the southeastern boundary, in most distances, was about one day the distance.” “这点你大可放心,他们两个早就走了,按我估计,现在很可能已经离开东南地界,最多距离中都,也就是一天左右的路程了。” Meng Chaoran indifferently said: Couple days ago the Devil news came, they cannot take a seat. These time exits quietly, absolutely because of this matter...... Has them to hurry , a strength of Chu Yang brothers, believes that Nine Great Clans will not look on, so, besides Law Enforcer, all strongest influences under Nine Heavens the power-and-power union, has believed that all certainly can deal with this demon calamity......” 孟超然淡淡道:“前几天天魔的消息传来,他们就坐不住了。这一次悄悄出去,绝对就是因为这件事……有他们赶去,还有楚阳一干兄弟们的力量,相信九大家族也不会坐视,如此,除了执法者之外,九重天之下的所有最强势力已经尽数强强联合,相信一定可以应付此次魔祸……” Relax, will definitely not have the matter!” The Meng Chaoran giving conclusion thus and such and such, tone is very assured. “放心吧,绝对不会有事!”孟超然如此这般的给出结论,口气无比笃定。 Chu Feiling and Yang Ruolan husband and wife then slightly felt relieved. 楚飞凌杨若兰两口子这才稍稍放心。 But under Meng Chaoran a few words make person want to choke to death him. 孟超然下一句话就让人想要掐死他。 On the other hand, if the strongest strength under Nine Heavens has also defeated, that was also the judgment day, everybody was doomed to be finished together, is worried still not to have the significance!” Meng Chaoran light saying: Just like this.” “话说回来,若是九重天之下的最强实力也败了,那也就是世界末日了,大家注定一起完蛋,担心却仍是没有意义!”孟超然轻飘飘的说道:“如此而已。” Yang Ruolan and Chu Feiling husband and wife hearing this stares, this saying said that previous still in the heaven, infinitely gives free reign to the imagination, seemingly has prepared to triumphal return to prepare the glee feast for the son, latter falls into the hell directly, if also 18 hell judgment days, were finished collectively! 杨若兰楚飞凌夫妻闻言为之瞠目,这话说的,前一句还在天堂,无限畅想,貌似已经准备为儿子凯旋准备庆功宴,后一句直接就堕入地狱,还要是18层地狱世界末日,集体完蛋! Has a mind to want holds this fellow to denounce a time, actually sees others Meng Chaoran to walk, deportment that and deep and clear natural and unrestrained however sprinkles light and leisurely calm limitless...... 有心想要抓住这家伙声讨一番的时候,却见人家孟超然已经轻飘飘、施施然、潇潇洒洒的走了出去,仪态淡定无极…… Makes Chu Family also many make some preparations.” Chu Feiling decided that immediately also walked: „Can the family of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword family background, how some stances not do? Even if the futile attempt, must make a manner to come out!” “还是让楚家也多少做一些准备吧。”楚飞凌打定了主意,立即也走了出去:“九劫剑主出身的家族,怎么能连一些姿态也不做呢?就算是杯水车薪,也要作一点态度出来!” ...... …… To some main road on, two white clothing such as the person of snow, is content with honorable poverty, vanguard fast as slow solid illness. 通往中都的某条大路上,有两个白衣如雪的人,安步当车,前行之速似缓实疾。 Male natural and unrestrained is handsome, the female beautiful appearance is attractive, is deterrent world Yue Lingxue, Feng Yurou! 男的潇洒英俊,女的美貌漂亮,正是威慑天下的月聆雪,风雨柔 „Southeast this time leaves, Zhan Tian demon, it can be said that in your my husband and wife life, the most bad risk war. Rou'er, can you have to be ready?” “此番出东南,战天魔,可说是你我夫妻一生之中,最为凶险的一战。柔儿,你可有做好了准备吗?” That is natural. Concubine body regrets only...... Does not have to be husband and lord leaves behind a child half female, if there is if by any chance...... Even if your my Yellow Springs has the partner, Feng Family is actually smoke from burning incense cuts off, really did not do right by the Feng Family generation.” “那是自然。只是,妾身唯一遗憾的……就是没有为夫君留下一子半女,若是有个万一……纵然你我黄泉有伴,风家却是香烟断绝,委实对不住风家的列祖列宗了。” Hehe...... The nonsense, your my husband and wife concentric altogether intent, vowed to exterminate the demon trouble, had no qualms by heaven and earth and my conscience, the demon contracts does not eliminate, people how can there be in the future? What posterity added?” Yue Lingxue light smile: Faces directly Devil, a war may! The non- demon extinguishes, then the person perishes, nothing more than such as is!”, “呵呵……傻话,你我夫妻同心共意,矢志灭绝魔患,无愧于天地良心,魔患不除,众人岂有未来?还说什么子孙后代?”月聆雪淡淡微笑:“直面天魔,一战可也!非魔灭,则人亡,不外如是!”、 Good! Concentric intent, faces directly Devil, a war may, nothing more than such as be!” “不错!同心共意,直面天魔,一战可也,不外如是!” husband and wife two people of relative smiles, as if by prior agreement quickens pace once again, white clothing Ling Feng, speedily disappears in the ancient road front...... 夫妻二人相对微笑,不约而同的再度加快了步伐,白衣凌风,疾速消失在古道前方…… ...... …… Capital City at this moment. 此刻的中都城 As Nine Tribulation Brothers explodes cause havoc, more and more obviously intense lively \; Slowly, the person in Nine Great Clans aspect also starts to participate recently, with Master of Nine Tribulations Sword is these Great Clans of cannot live under the same sky dead enmity, at this moment is actually the help Nine Tribulations manufacture momentum of going all out. 随着九劫兄弟爆起大闹,越来越显激烈热闹\;慢慢的,九大家族方面的人也开始参与近来,原本与九劫剑主乃是不共戴天死仇的这些个大家族,此刻却是拼了命的帮助九劫制造声势。 Only knows because of everybody, even if Nine Tribulations extinguished oneself family in the future, the director or escape by luck incompetently, but the underlings majority will be well, particularly the innocent women and children, Master of Nine Tribulations Sword will not slaughter. 只因人人都知道,即便九劫在将来灭了自己家族,主事者或者无能幸免,但底下人大多数都会无恙,尤其是无辜妇孺,九劫剑主绝不会滥杀。 Otherwise, but makes Devil tribulation world succeed, then, no matter the innocent women and children, are Jiang Hu Martial Artist, or is common all living things, nobody can escape death by a hair's breadth! 反之,但是让天魔劫世成功,那么,不管是无辜妇孺,还是江湖武者,又或者是寻常众生,都没有人能够幸免于难! Entire, almost must turn inside out generally. 整个中都,几乎已经要翻过来了一般。 The strength of public opinion also is really infinite, is fearful, surprising fearsome! 舆论的力量还真是无穷的,更是可怕,可惊可怖的! If a person said that Sovereign of the Law is Devil, will only be treated as the lunatic, perhaps said is killed \; If ten people said that similarly is incredible, similarly will be killed, even if more than hundred people of this, will be framed the charge to eliminate a potential informant by Law Enforcer, but if several thousand people, the tens of thousands person even hundreds of thousands of people said...... The person who then hears will not believe also to deliberately consider: Why had not said that others did say Sovereign of the Law? 若是一个人说法尊天魔,只会被当做疯子,也许才说出来就被人打死了\;若是十个人说,同样荒诞,同样会被人打死,即便是百多人这样,还是会被执法者罗织罪名灭口,但若是数千人,数万人甚至数十万人都这么说……那么听到的人就算不信也会寻思寻思:为啥没说别人就说法尊呢? Since these many people said that definitely has its reason, or...... 既然这么多人都这么说,肯定就有其理由,或者…… So long as some guess, turned slowly doubtfully, at least will not have the suspicion. 只要有了猜测,慢慢地就变成半信半疑了,至少不会全无怀疑。 Just entered Capital City, but also somewhat was filled with righteous indignation, but slowly also started to suspect. 刚刚进入中都城的,还都有些义愤填膺,但慢慢的也开始怀疑了。 The aspect is turning toward does not favor the Sovereign of the Law direction developing slowly . Moreover the trend expands gradually. 局面在向着不利于法尊的方向慢慢发展,而且趋势渐次扩大。 Law Enforcer in city, is incapable the situation that radically stops to multiply like this crazily, early was suppressed the situation that has not dared to appear. 城中的执法者,根本无力制止这样疯狂滋生的态势,早已经被打压到了不敢露头的地步。 Only can withdraw, angry, but not daring to speak out, if at this time also dares saying that Sovereign of the Law is not Devil, even if were not killed while still alive, was hit one definitely unable to avoid, the real man is not at a disadvantage from the outset, this truth is quite simple. 只能龟缩着,敢怒而不敢言,这个时候若是还敢说法尊不是天魔,即便不被活活打死,被打一顿肯定是免不了的,好汉不吃眼前亏,这个道理还是比较浅显的。 Outside city. 城外。 Here is a particularly tranquil hamlet. 这里是一个分外宁静的小村庄。 The high-level personnel in Law Enforcer aspect, now completely centralized to here. These elites, in brave the cold and gloomy black ray at this moment, intermittent dense demonic energy, often stirs from the body surface. 执法者方面的高层人员,现在全部都集中到了这里。这些精英们,此刻一个个眼中冒着森冷的黑色光芒,一阵阵氤氲的魔气,不时地从身体表面鼓荡。 In most the middle room, often several hoarse roaring, faintly spread. As if several people are withstanding the brutal torture and suffering, the sound became makes the person not be cruel enough to listen. 在最中间的房间里,不时有几声嘶哑的咆哮,隐隐传出。似乎有几个人正在承受着惨无人道的酷刑、折磨,声音都已经变得让人不忍心听下去。 Sovereign of the Law...... Your this deserves death bastard......” has old sound weakly and without strength was scolding: Old man life straightforward and upright, first hero \; You actually direct my fascinated say/way, plants......” the Ping Xiaoyun sound for the demon: Your this bastard dies like a dog inevitably!! Ah~ ~~ 法尊……你这个该死的畜生……”有一个苍老的声音有气无力的骂着:“老夫一生光明磊落,一世英雄\;你却引我入魔道,为魔种……”正是平霄云的声音:“你这畜生必然不得好死!!啊~~~” Sudden pitiful yell, angry exclaiming: Makes me die! Let me die! Why dies does not make me die, I would rather die than for the demon, why I am unable to commit suicide, why......” 突然一声惨叫,愤怒的吼道:“让我死!让我死了吧!为什么连死都不让我死,我宁死也不为魔,为什么我无法自尽,为什么……” Is wants to commit suicide obviously, by the thought in brain about, unexpectedly was actually suicided cannot. Feels demonic energy to invade own body soul, the Ping Xiaoyun whole face is the tears, in the heart is more painful, is in deep sorrow. 明明是想要自杀,却被脑中的意念左右,竟然连寻死也不能。感受着魔气侵染自己的身体灵魂,平霄云满脸是泪,心中更痛,痛不欲生。 Old man lifetime insistence Ah~ of ~~ illustrious name for a lifetime! Ah~ ~~ “老夫一生的坚持啊~~~一辈子的英名!啊啊~~~” I am Law Enforcer, how I will become the demon! Not, not, Ah~ ~~~ is a rending pitiful yell. This is another Law Enforcer grade nine Supreme, in withstanding endless suffering in heart, is going through many places to pace back and forth in the person demons. “我是执法者,我怎么会成为魔!不会的,不会的,啊~~~~”又是一声撕心裂肺的惨叫。这是另一位执法者九品至尊,在承受着心中的无尽折磨,在人魔之间辗转徘徊。 Demon intent in the past bright will, was making the life-and-death fight \; Vaguely saw that rushing demon intent got the suitable winning side. Divine Soul had been swallowed, insistences of remaining instinct, do not only have a water, how long can also insist? 魔意与往昔的光明心志,在做着殊死搏斗\;依稀见到,澎湃魔意已经占据了相当的上风。神魂已经被吞噬,只剩下本能的坚持,无根之水,又能坚持多久? ............ …………
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