TTNH :: Volume #17

#1685: The cloud moves!

All people completely is a face ashamed listen to Xiao Chenyu to be similar to cry loudly the general speech, on the faces of all people filled was not comfortable. 所有人尽都是一脸羞愧地听着萧晨雨如同嚎哭一般的说话,所有人的脸上都充满了不自在。 This so in reality. 事实正是如此。 Finally, something to the beyond any help situation, at this time, said that our people of father's generation also in...... Therefore, everybody felt, as if became estranged the relations were intimate with suddenly got up......” “终于,有些事情到了无可挽回的地步,却在这时候,说,咱们的父辈还都在……于是,大家都感觉,似乎已经疏远了的关系突然间又亲近了起来……” Xiao Chenyu suddenly raise one's head, the whole face is tears, the hissing crack lung roars: But, how can the person of dying live? Li Chunbo was persecuted to death by me personally! Was persecuted to death by me personally! I...... Am I a person?!!” 萧晨雨猛地抬头,满脸是泪,嘶声裂肺地咆哮道:“可是,死去的人又如何能活回来?厉春波被我亲手逼死!被我亲手逼死!我……我还是人么?!!” Xiao Chenyu shape at this moment with crazy. 此刻的萧晨雨形同疯狂。 His whole person almost collapsed. 他整个人几乎崩溃了。 The brothers are standing dull, does not know how unexpectedly completely should console. 众兄弟呆呆的站着,竟完全不知道该如何劝慰。 Indeed so, fact so. 的确如此,事实如此。 The secular world kinship as if has relied since elder's relations to maintain, along with dying of old age of elder, passed away, at first several years also help supply each other, exchange the message, changing slowly one time, dozens years sees for several years, one side arrived again afterward are several hundred years did not see, several thousand years later are contradictory heavily, 10,000 years later...... Finally becomes the foe. 一直以来,人世间的亲情似乎都只是依凭长辈的关系来维持,随着长辈的老去,故去,起初几年还互通有无,交换消息,慢慢的改成数年一次,数十年一见,再到后来已是数百年也不见一面,数千年后更已是矛盾重重,至于10000年后……终成仇敌。 cannot live under the same sky, cannot coexist first. 不共戴天,不能共存一世。 However, is strangeest, and other times had actually known in this, each other person of father's generation is also unexpectedly in good health, as if in this flash, once friendship link came back, each one felt respective lovable...... 然而,最最奇怪的,却还是在这等时候得知了,彼此的父辈居然还都健在,似乎在这一瞬间,曾经的交情纽带又回来了,各自都感到了各自的可亲…… But meanwhile irretrievable matter, this faces? Did the sacrifice that created, how make up?! 但这其间已经发生的不可挽回的事情,又该怎么面对?已经造成的牺牲,如何弥补?! In this immediately, any consolation, any elucidates does not help matters, can only increase the Xiao Chenyu extra burden. 在这个当下,任何劝慰、任何开解都无济于事,只能增加萧晨雨额外的负担。 When these each other will unite the older generation kinship passed away, in grows along with the age, under the pure feelings gradually go, are blinded by greed develop unceasingly. Each other makes not to do right by each other matter, was really a too normal matter. 当那些将彼此团结在一起的老一辈亲情故去,在随着年岁增长,赤子之心渐去,利欲熏心不断滋长之下。彼此做出对不住彼此的事情,实在是一件太正常不过的事情了。 Everybody has, who can urge who? 大家都有过,谁能劝谁? Once distressed matter, puts round trip has not tasted! The idea of present, only then thorough destruction Sovereign of the Law and Devil, this grade of demon calamity has not disappeared, but also there is what Zige to say other matters.” Ling Muyang coldly said. “曾经痛心之事,还是放到未来去回味吧!眼下之计,就只有彻底覆灭法尊天魔,这等魔祸未消,还有何资格说其他的事情。”凌暮阳冷冷说道。 A people head. 众人一头。 But. After knowing father possibly still being in good health news wild with joy past, everybody also completely thinks concern heavily. Looked like has done the wrong thing, soon will face the child who the Sir called to account. Completely is on nettles. 但。在得知父亲可能尚健在消息的狂喜过去之后,大家也尽都觉得心事重重。就像是做了错事,即将面对大人责问的小孩子。一个个尽都是忐忑不安起来。 Xiao Chenyu has no doubt done wrong thing, don't you have the fault? His still Zhi hated bitterly, you how?” Ling Muyang coldly said: Ye Chenchen, destruction Li Family, kills Chunbo certainly. The entire plan is almost you operates in the back , to promote, is it possible that don't you have the responsibility? In the past a Uncle Jun matter, Ye Chenchen, Zhuge Cangqiong, Chen Yingfeng...... Don't you think ashamed? Another day if really saw the people of father's generation, I must have a look but actually. How you must explain! Can be complete your actions illustrations!” 萧晨雨固然是做了错事,难道你们就没有错处吗?他尚知痛心疾首,你们又如何呢?”凌暮阳冷冷道:“夜沉沉,覆灭厉家,绝杀春波。整盘计划几乎都是你在背后操纵,推动,莫非你就全无责任?还有当年君叔叔一家的事情,夜沉沉,诸葛苍穹,陈迎风……你们难道就不觉得惭愧吗?他日真若见到了父辈们,我倒要看看。你们要怎么解释!能把你们的所作所为解说圆满!” Ling Muyang these words said no trace of politeness, uncover the scabs of people, ruthless spicily already extremely. 凌暮阳这番话可谓说得毫不客气,句句揭众人的伤疤,狠辣已极。 But Ye Chenchen and the others is on the face one intermittently twitches, actually nobody makes noise the rebuttal. Looking at each other in blank dismay. An only deep sigh. 夜沉沉等人都是脸上一阵阵抽搐,却无人出声反驳。面面相觑。只余一声长叹。 These matters, are the facts, refuted? 这些事,都是事实,怎么反驳? Also the long time, some people have opened the mouth finally. Sneers, the Chen Yingfeng gloomy sound said: This matter. And others indeed is one big regretted in me, but, does this type uncomfortable also continue we to have? Aren't Master of Nine Tribulations Sword their some people, uncomfortable?” 又过了半晌,终于有人开口了。一声冷笑起,陈迎风阴声说道:“这件事情。于我等而言的确是一大遗憾,不过,这种难受也不止我们有吧?九劫剑主他们一干人,难道就不难受吗?” What are they uncomfortable? You talk clearly the words!” The eyebrow of Ling Muyang must stand, he has not thought really clearly, the Nine Tribulations that side will have anything to be uncomfortable. “他们难受什么?你把话说清楚!”凌暮阳的眉毛已经要立起来,他还真想不明白,九劫那边会有什么难受的。 Hey...... All previous Nine Tribulations, before needs to eliminate, Nine Great Clans that generation of Nine Tribulations descendant establish completes the meritorious achievements, if our people of father's generation have not died, still fought bravely with Outlands Devil, beforehand all previous Nine Tribulations naturally also greatly has the possibility not dead...... If so they are also in good health, among them doesn't have the enmity of cannot live under the same sky? The biggest murderer who latter generation of Nine Tribulations destroy the previous generation of Nine Tribulations descendants, 100,000 years to fall, there is nothing like are!” “嘿嘿……历代九劫,都是需要消灭前代九劫后人所建立的九大家族才算完成功业,若是我们的父辈没有死,至今仍与域外天魔奋战,那么,以前的历代九劫当然也大有可能都没有死……他们若然都还健在,那他们之间难道就没有不共戴天之仇?后一代的九劫正是毁灭前一代九劫后裔的最大凶手,100000年以降,莫不如是!” Dies without a heir, the outstanding person descendants, this is unable to co-exist, cannot live under the same sky big enmity. Present Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, beforehand all previous Nine Tribulation Brothers, they come up time, thinks that won't feel better very much?” Chen Yingfeng hey sneers. “断子绝孙,绝人后嗣,这可是势不两立,不共戴天的大仇啊。无论是现在九劫剑主,还有以前的历代九劫兄弟,他们上去的时候,想必也不会很好受吧?”陈迎风嘿嘿冷笑。 Fart! bastard!” Ling Muyang flies into a rage: Now what we say is our matter, what do you pull others matter to make? Is it possible that others were uncomfortable, can your discomfort reduce inadequately? bastard thing! What nonsense mentality are you? Can you also be shameless, gadget of harming others but not benefit oneself! Any gadget!” “放屁!混账!”凌暮阳勃然大怒:“我们现在说的是我们的事,你扯上人家的事做什么?莫非人家难受了,你的难受就能减轻不成?混账东西!你这是什么狗屁心态?你还能不能更无耻了,损人不利己的玩意!什么玩意!” Chen Yingfeng flushed with excitement said: My this is not the analysis, considers the matter and of itself......” 陈迎风面红耳赤道:“我这不是分析,就事论事嘛……” Analyzes your bird head!” Ling Muyang unable to restrain one's anger: You also said a moment ago, before latter generation of Nine Tribulations destruction , the generation of Nine Tribulations prime culprit, must say these uncomfortably, haven't our people of father's generation withstood? They first have killed how could it not be also beforehand Nine Tribulations descendant, after extinguishing others family, comes up? Your this bastard curses own father radically?? You such consider the matter and of itself, is?!” “分析你个鸟头!”凌暮阳怒不可遏:“你刚才也说,后一代的九劫正是覆灭前代九劫的元凶,要说这些难受,难道我们的父辈们就不曾承受吗?他们岂不也是先杀了以前的九劫后人,灭了人家家族之后才上去的?你这个混蛋根本就是诅咒自己的父亲?是不是?你就是这么就事论事的,是不是?!” In an instant, all around several vision are passing bad looks like. 刹那间,周遭几道目光都透着不善的看来。 Chen Yingfeng these words, really have actually violated the popular anger. 陈迎风这几句话,却实在是犯了众怒。 Everybody's fathers like this come up, your then, cursed your father, actually also curse my father?? Courts death? 大家的老子都是这样上去的,你丫的这么说来,诅咒你自己爹也就罢了,却还连带着诅咒我爹??找死吗? Em, actually I was not this meaning......” Chen Yingfeng have flustered in an instant completely, waved the hand again and again, grovels, on the face the perspiration came out: Fellow eldest children...... I really am not that meaning...... Considers the matter and of itself...... Really......” “恩,其实我不是这个意思……”陈迎风刹那间完全的慌了,连连摇手,点头哈腰,脸上汗都出来了:“各位老大……我真不是那个意思……就事论事而已……真的……” Also considers the matter and of itself? That asked your inform I, what meaning were you?” Ye Chenchen interrogated: Can the temperament that your thing of this anxiousing to stir up trouble, your harms others but not benefit oneself when change? Hits slightly on this welldoing, taking pleasure in others'misfortunes constantly, oneself uncomfortable do not make others feel better, never knows the long memory......” “还就事论事?那拜托你告诉我,你到底是什么意思?”夜沉沉质问道:“你这个唯恐天下不乱的东西,你丫那损人不利己的脾气到底什么时候能改改?打小就这德行,一味的幸灾乐祸,自己难受也不让别人好过,从来不知道长长记性……” This goods are owe to tidy up!” “这货就是欠收拾!” Is! Punches him!” “就是!揍他!” Old fogies be ready to fight surround, Chen Yingfeng does not know for sure right, cries out strangely, must run away, actually first one fought with the fists by the Ling Muyang pocket on the face, immediately the whole face peach blossom blooms, in an instant everybody closes in...... 一个个老家伙摩拳擦掌的围拢过来,陈迎风情知不对,怪叫一声,就要逃走,却被凌暮阳兜头一拳打在脸上,顿时满脸桃花开,刹那间大家一拥而上…… Bang bang! ! pu pu pu ~~~ 砰砰!噗!噗噗噗~~~ Starts really! 真下手啊! Although is not under the pain the killer, has actually gotten down the extreme methods, hits, so long as keeps the tone becomes! 虽然不是痛下杀手,却也是下了死手,往死里打,只要留口气就成! Ganging up to surround and beating up! 久违的围殴! ............ ………… North Capital City, on some main road outside thousand li (500 km), one old and one young leisurely however is probably coming. 中都城以北,大约千里之外的某条大路上,一老一少正悠悠然而来。 What is old is one old scholar who looks like somewhat natural and unrestrained leaves the dust flavor/smell very much, is the old scholar, looked that it walks in the appearance that on the road swings three to suspend, definitely is full reads the poetry book, acid to the person of bone. As for small that is actually a pearl beautiful jade common outstandingly beautiful young girl, walks, turning head leads 3000%. 老的是一个看起来很有几分潇洒出尘味道的老文士,就是老文士,看其走在路上一摇三摆的样子,肯定就是个饱读诗书,酸酸到骨的人。至于小的那个却是一名明珠美玉一般的绝色少女,一路走来,回头率3000。 „This day of Dingda thinks that will be very lively...... However Sovereign of the Law has to plan inevitably, his ambition is very big.” “这此天鼎大会想必会很热闹……不过法尊必然另有算计,他这个人野心大得很。” Yes Master.” “是呀师父。” I think that this Heavenly Cauldron Distinguished Meeting is Sovereign of the Law and Devil does the ghost ahead of time inevitably, in only feared that has the mystery greatly......” “我想,这次天鼎盛会提前必然是法尊天魔搞得鬼,内中只怕大有玄机……” Yes Master.” “是呀师父。” Old man to that nuisance congress a little interest.” “老夫对那捞什子大会很有点兴趣。” Real Master.” “真的呀师父。” Looks at this, this time scale certainly many that the old times was grander , but how to have these many people , were too seemingly many a point, feared that had the accident.” “看这样子,这次的规模肯定要比往年盛大的多,只是怎么会有这么多人,貌似也太多了一点,怕另有变故吧。” Yes Master...... Are we but quicker walk to be good?” “是呀师父……可是咱们快些走行不行?” „It is not good, the old man sees your Big Brother repugnantly, can late see one to be a meeting, late sees the moment on the moment, in brief, late improves sees prematurely, if can not see is most ideal.” “不行,老夫讨厌看到你大哥,能晚见一会是一会,晚见片刻就片刻,总之,就是晚见好过早见,要是能不见才是最理想的。” Master your this? My Big Brother? My Big Brother may the master your handsome were more, have courage and insight, gallant and chivalrous frame of mind supple intestines and sword guts zither Xin, people of lofty ideas......” “师傅你咋这样呢了?我大哥咋了?我大哥可比师傅你英俊的多了,有胆有识,侠骨柔肠、剑胆琴心,仁人志士……” cough cough, stops...... That side also has does not enlarge ones vision came...... disciple, you practice acquiring a skill, practice the toxin, that is proper.” 咳咳,打住……那边又有不开眼的来了……徒儿,你练练手,练练毒,那才是正经。” Really insipid, does not have any master, is anything practices acquiring a skill, wastes others good medicines......” “真没劲,都没什么高手,算什么练手,浪费人家的好药……” Was saying, that side some people of waists have carried on the arm the saber, valiant spirited coming, a face loose from enjoying: This daughter...... Below courteous......” 正说着,那边已经有人腰挎佩剑,雄赳赳气昂昂的过来,一脸的风流自赏:“这位小娘子……在下有礼了……” This is some does not certainly enlarge ones vision to soak stupid thing of little girl, saw that one old and one young such is walking on the road, old delicateness, small such as weak willow tree Fufeng, sees does not have many military forces...... Own today was really on ancestral tomb has braved the azure smoke, unexpectedly such good luck has run into such a role young beautiful woman, but also nobody protected, looked at the funds of that journeys servant servant, unexpectedly early had not been plundered, was too lucky...... 这当然是某个不开眼想要泡妞的二货,看到一老一少就这么在路上行走着,老的弱不禁风,小的如弱柳扶风,怎么看也没有多少武力啊……自己今天真是祖坟上冒了青烟了,居然这么好运遇到了这么一个角色的小美人儿,还没人保护,看那一路风尘仆仆的款,居然没被人早劫,实在太幸运了…… Must say that this person of power of observation is really good, makes a long and wearisome journey including two people, walked to observe, has not actually thought that deep, the beautiful woman, came from far away in this way, how possibly nobody thought of a way, if active has resulted, how also to be one's turn him! 要说这人观察力真是不错,连二人长途跋涉,一路走来都观察出来了,却没有想深一层,如斯美人,远道而来,怎么可能没人打主意,如果能动得了,又怎么会轮到他呢! This fellow thinks matter that has not thought, today is not on ancestral tomb braves the azure smoke, seemingly was on ancestral tomb has braved the black smoke, hopes that he had the heir or also has uncle brothers to be insufficient a smoke from burning incense future, because he picked up the little girl to soak on Heavenly Poison Lady unexpectedly, resulted in fortunately?! 这家伙想必更没有想到的事,今天绝不是祖坟上冒青烟,貌似是祖坟上冒了黑烟,希望他已有子嗣或者还有叔伯兄弟不至于断了一家的香烟前程,因为他泡妞居然泡到了天毒大小姐头上,还好得了吗?! Your this fellow gives me get lost agily! Hurries to get the hell out, many get lost far! This Young Lady does not want to waste the time with you!” Anxious must see own Big Brother Chu Le'er requests Master to pick up the speed actually not to be allowed, naturally has suppressed a lot of anger, saw that this fellow comes to sexually harass itself unexpectedly, fills with gas not to hit one, but Chu Le'er non- is the person of bloodthirsty, but spoke to reprimand. “你这家伙给我利利索索的滚!赶紧滚蛋,有多远滚多远!本小姐不想跟你浪费时间!”急切的要见到自己大哥楚乐儿要求师父加快速度却不被准许,自然是憋了一肚子火气,见到这家伙居然前来调戏自己,更加气不打一处来,不过楚乐儿非是嗜杀之人,只是出言申斥。 Yo ~~~ the daughter temperament is very big, I like......” that person of saliva the face being probable to put out a hand to touch to the elegant face of Chu Le'er. “哟呵~~~小娘子脾气挺大的,我喜欢……”那人涎着脸就要伸手摸向楚乐儿的俏脸。 Next moment! 一刻 „! ~~~ that hand only stretches out half, started to send black from the fingertip, immediately the finger turned just liked the ink general color, and rapid spread upward...... “啊!~~~”那只手才只伸出一半,已经从手指尖开始发了黑,随即手指变成了犹如墨汁一般的颜色,且一路迅速的往上蔓延…… In the Chu Le'er eye murderous aura is steaming: Does not roll! That goes to Gate of Death, Yellow Springs does not deliver!” 楚乐儿眼中杀气腾腾:“不滚是吧!那就去鬼门关吧,黄泉不送!” ...... …… Southeast, Chu Family. 东南,楚家 Meng Chaoran since to Chu Family, basically has become the Yang Ruolan guest. 孟超然自从到了楚家,基本就是成了杨若兰的座上宾。 ............ ………… Was very reluctant...... >\; 已经很勉强了……>\;
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