TTNH :: Volume #17

#1684: Wild with joy and regrettable 【Makes up 14】

These people, perform are the Nine Great Clans first ancestors, each one ten thousand years of advanced ages, it can be said that arrived at Dashanbeng in Qian, but color invariable situation \; But hears words that Ling Muyang said at this moment, was completeness is rude! 这几个人,尽都是九大家族始祖,个个都有万年高龄,可说是一个个都已经到了大山崩于前而色不变的地步\;但听到凌暮阳此刻说出来的话,却是一个个的完完全全失态了! The reason only lies in a few words. 原因就只在于一句话。 After Ling Muyang comes back, meets on Lima posthaste to convene everybody, after meeting, Ling Muyang reddens all over the face, an excitement of face, almost announced a news with the impatient manner. 凌暮阳回来之后,就利马十万火急地召集大家见面,见面之后,凌暮阳满脸通红,一脸的激动,几乎是以迫不及待的态度就宣布了一个消息。 Exceptionally significant, even is the news of stir! 一个异常重大,甚至是轰动的消息! inform everybody a great news of level! Our people of father's generation...... May be also alive very much!” Ling Muyang these words, completely shook everybody directly at the scene silly. 告诉大家一个级的大好消息!我们的父辈……很有可能还在世!”凌暮阳这句话,直接当场就把大家全部都震得傻了。 Said that these words, all people completely were shocked. 说完了这句话,所有人尽都愣住了。 Ye Chenchen breathed heavily maliciously several tones, finally recovers, under the body vanished moment to arrive in front of Ling Muyang towering, just liked the ghosts and demons visualization is seriously ordinary, has seized the Ling Muyang front piece: What did you say a moment ago? Also! You talk clearly!” 夜沉沉狠狠地喘了几口气,终于回过神来,身子突兀消失下一刻已经就到了凌暮阳面前,当真犹如鬼魅显形一般,一把揪住了凌暮阳的衣襟:“你刚才说什么?再说一遍!你说清楚一点!” Said again, good news.” In the Ling Muyang eye has the tears, on mouth is actually joyful laughing: My father...... Night of uncle, Uncle Xiao, Uncle Zhuge and Uncle Chen...... As well as Uncle Li, Uncle Lan their people, have very big opportunity also to live! Also is living!” “再说一遍,也还是好消息。”凌暮阳眼中有泪,嘴上却是快乐的大笑:“我父亲……还有夜伯伯、萧伯伯、诸葛叔叔、陈叔叔……以及厉叔叔、兰叔叔他们那些人,有很大机会还活着!都还活着!” Ling Muyang said that whistling breathed heavily several tones, suddenly bellows: They are also living! Has understood what is heard! Also needed me to duplicate to say?” 凌暮阳说完,呼呼的喘了几口气,突然大吼一声:“他们还活着!听明白了没有!还需要我重复说吗?” Bang! 轰! The place that several thousand old ancestors are, resembled grocer general seething with excitement unexpectedly. 数位万年老祖所在的地方,居然好象菜市场一般的沸腾了起来。 All people excitedly were saying anything, was everyone has not actually cared, or simply has not heard others to say anything, was saying anything including oneself, blurry was unintelligible. 所有人都在激动的说着什么,却是谁也没有在意、或者根本没有听到别人说了什么,连自己在说什么,也都是迷迷糊糊地不知所云。 All people because of this sudden good news, almost to be completely wild with joy lost the intelligence, or lost the intelligence, because this news really shocked, was good! 所有人尽都是因为这突如其来的好消息,狂喜得几乎失去了神智,或者说已经失去了神智,因为这个消息实在太震撼,也太好了! Long time after long time, Ye Chenchen remembers to ask: This news, do you come from where? Full and accurate?” 良久良久之后,夜沉沉才想起问:“这个消息,你从何而来?翔实吗?” These words ask will come out, everybody finally slowly is peaceful, the vision of all people gather the body of Ling Muyang, the meaning of inquiry is self-evident, however inquired that in the vision actually also mixes with for several points to suspect, several points of panic, several points dreads. 这句话问将出来,大家才终于慢慢的安静下来,所有人的目光聚集到凌暮阳的身上,询问之意不言而喻,然而询问目光中却还夹杂着几分怀疑,几分恐慌,几分畏惧。 Has no alternative but to suspect that has no alternative but to be scared, has no alternative but to dread! 不能不怀疑,不能不恐慌,不能不畏惧! Real? 真的么? Ten thousand years of brothers, everybody has a trust of nearly instinct regarding Ling Muyang. So long as said from his mouth, everybody instinct believed that any words can also believe. Therefore until thinks at this moment traces the informed sources as well as authentic. 万年的兄弟,大家对于凌暮阳有一种近乎本能的信任。只要从他口中说出来,大家本能的就信了,任何话也是可以相信的。所以直到此刻才想起来追查消息来源以及真确性。 After the revelry, traces the origin of information and authentic...... As if very absurd. Moreover, on these people, is absolutely the impossible fresh fault matter \; But now, actually really lived. 狂欢之后才追查信息的来源与真确……似乎很荒谬。而且,在这几个人身上,也是绝对不可能生的失误事情\;但现在,却是真实的生了。 Because only, this time the news was too big, if the false report, will create the greatest regret absolutely! Such rejoicing without reason, will make person collapse. 只因为,这次的这个消息实在太大了,若是误传,绝对会造成莫大的遗憾!这样的空欢喜,会让人崩溃的。 I looked for Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, which from his obtained this information!” Ling Muyang precipitated the mood, gasped for breath saying: Your several, more or less, has this and that hatred or the connection with Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, only has my Ling Family, at present also for with it mutual hatred, even also many friendship \; Therefore, the old man wants to search the rumor, has a look whether each other also has the leeway of cooperation.” “我去找了九劫剑主,从他哪得到了这则信息!”凌暮阳沉淀了一下心情,喘了口气说道:“你们几家,或多或少,都与九劫剑主有着这样那样的仇恨或瓜葛,唯有我凌家,目前还为与之交恶,甚至还多少有些交情\;所以,老夫就想要去探探口风,看看彼此是否还有合作的余地。” After all the Devil potential is big, if only depends on us, vertical non- must defeat without doubt , the odds of success is uncertain, can many boost be good throughout, especially this boost came from Nine Tribulations in Legend and Master of Nine Tribulations Sword.” “毕竟天魔势大,若是只凭我们,纵非必败无疑,却也胜算渺茫,能多一份助力始终是好的,尤其这份助力是来自于传说中的九劫九劫剑主。” Numerous old ancestors have raised up the ear, listens attentively with rapt attention. 众位老祖一个个都竖起了耳朵,凝神倾听。 They know the truth of matter, inevitably in coming from this talk. 他们知道事情的真相,必然就在源自于这一次谈话之中。 „After going, presently the matter of Devil, is really hard to be a worthy opponent, moreover Sovereign of the Law the demon melted the Law Enforcer high-level strength, at present is seeping toward the underlying bed gradually, forms the scale, the old man is filled with righteous indignation, shouts abuse Dongfang Badao.” “去了之后,现天魔之事,果然是难以匹敌,而且法尊已经魔化了执法者高层力量,目前正在向着低层逐渐渗透,形成规模,老夫气愤填膺,破口大骂东方霸道。” But Master of Nine Tribulations Sword said...... Present Dongfang Badao, radically is not past Dongfang Badao, but is...... 30 thousand year ago One of the Nine Tribulations, Diwu Chouchang! Is Diwu Chouchang is surviving using the Dongfang Badao body, Dongfang Badao status that he replaces......” “但九劫剑主却说道……现在的东方霸道,根本就已经不是昔日的东方霸道了,而是……三万年前的九劫之一,第五惆怅!是第五惆怅在利用东方霸道的躯壳存活着,他顶替的东方霸道的身份……” This astonishing news said that Ye Chenchen and Xiao Chenyu and the others was similar to the top of the head resounds the startling thunderclap, the complexion could not bear pull flatly. 这个惊人的消息一说出来,夜沉沉萧晨雨等人都是如同头顶上响起了惊雷,脸色都忍不住扯扁了一下。 About Diwu Chouchang this point, believes that Master of Nine Tribulations Sword will not lie, before , generation of Nine Tribulations have the exception to appear, I then could not bear ask my father's matter, at that time actually also reported the if by any chance prospect, has not thought that......” Ling Muyang remembered questioned the mood of time at that time, was unexpectedly excited shivers. “关于第五惆怅此点,相信九劫剑主不会说谎,既然前代九劫又有例外出现,我便忍不住问起了家父的事情,当时其实也就是报了万一的指望,没想到……”凌暮阳想起当时自己问话时候的心情,竟还在激动得颤抖。 How did he say?” An audiences old man asked together. “他到底怎么说的?”众位老头一起问道。 Master of Nine Tribulations Sword said...... Our people of father's generation, have greatly are also living very much possibly...... But not on the plane that in we are, at present......” Ling Muyang deeply inspired, stops shivering of sound, grave saying: Now fights bravely above the Outlands battlefield, decides the Zhan Tian demon! If had not sacrificed, naturally is also in good health!” 九劫剑主说道……我们的父辈,都有很大可能还活着……只不过是不在咱们所在的这个位面上,目前……”凌暮阳深深吸了一口气,止住声音的颤抖,庄重的说道:“现在奋战在域外战场之上,决战天魔!若是不曾牺牲,自然就还健在!” The voice falls. 话音落下。 full Wuzi is silent. 满屋子寂静无声。 Ye Chenchen coughs two, muttered: Father...... The Outlands battlefield, decides the Zhan Tian demon......” his voice to be somewhat hoarse, covers to be quiet with the hand, repeatedly cough, a finger quietly, wiped the tears of corner of the eye secretly, inspiration. 夜沉沉咳嗽两声,喃喃道:“父亲……域外战场,决战天魔……”他的声音有些沙哑起来,用手捂住嘴,连声咳嗽,一根手指悄悄的、偷偷地拭去了眼角的泪花,一个劲的吸气。 Xiao Chenyu ornamental cloth hung over a doorway to day, mouth closely sips, unceasing is swallowing anything, the tall and straight body, in rustle shivering, from slight to fierce, can see clearly he is restraining, actually cannot restrain, instead more and more is fierce. 萧晨雨仰脸向天,嘴巴紧紧地抿着,不断的吞咽着什么,挺拔的身子,在簌簌的颤抖,从轻微到剧烈,可以清楚地看到他在克制,却是怎么也克制不住,反而越来越是剧烈。 Ye Qiuye opens mouth, as if wants joyful smiling, actually almost cries, shuts up hurriedly, tears brushed falls. 叶秋叶张着嘴,似乎是想要快乐的笑,却几乎哭出来,急忙闭嘴,眼泪已经刷的落下来。 Other people completely excitedly are almost also unable to restrain oneself. 其他众人也尽都激动地几乎不能自已。 10,000 years, the entire 10,000 years passed by......” the Ye Chenchen sound to be hoarse, language inadequate sound. “10000年了,整整10000年过去了……”夜沉沉的声音沙哑低沉,语不成声。 The numerous youngest brothers completely are low-spirited. 众位老兄弟尽都是一阵黯然。 hero descendant, the child of Nine Tribulations! 英雄后人,九劫之子! This no doubt is their glory \; Also is their pains is. 这固然是他们的荣耀\;却也是他们的痛楚所在。 Father, only then in the memory of childhood, form of that being indomitable spirit! 父亲,就只有在幼年的记忆里,那个顶天立地的身影! His heroic feelings is unparalleled! 他豪情盖世! His hero is invincible! 英雄无敌! He sweeps away the world! 他横扫天下! He rules in the territory! 他君临域内! He is omnipotent! 他无所不能! However, his early walked. 但是,他早早的就走了。 Where did not know. 不知道去了哪里。 After going, does not have the news again! 一去之后再无消息! Only leaves Nine Heavens big 6 eternal legend. 只留给九重天大6一个永恒的传说 Nine Great Clans resists Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, why? At the same time, is the request saves certainly to ask to continue. Believes that nobody wants the inheritance innumerable year of families of by the destruction. 九大家族抵抗九劫剑主,为何?一方面,当然是要求存求延续。相信没有人愿意自己传承无数年的家族被覆灭。 But also has another reason, is...... if by any chance my family destruction, who praises glorious achievement of father Sir? 但却还有另一个原因,就是……万一我的家族覆灭,又有谁来传颂父亲大人的丰功伟绩呢? This is base industry that the father leaves behind. 这是父亲留下的基业。 Leaves base industry that I protect! 留给我守护的基业! I and others, pledged to fight to the death the maintenance! 我等,誓死维护! In the future some day, to the Nine Springs , the fathers and sons met, can have a clear conscience. 将来某一天,到了九泉之下,父子相会,也能问心无愧。 Today, you appeared once again. 今日,您却再度出现了。 However is actually ten thousand years later the transformations of the world! 然而却已经是万年之后的沧海桑田了! cough cough...... cough cough...... wū wū......” Shi Paoxiao coughs again and again, resembling is to suppress own excited mood, but coughs finally, unexpectedly really could not bear cry: Father...... The father Sir left in the home on that day time, is the midnight...... At that time, I was sleeping, the father Sir has kissed my one quietly...... I awoke at that time, intentionally has not actually opened the eye...... I quite regretted! My why I have not opened the eye! 10,000 years, I regretted fully for 10,000 years!” 咳咳……咳咳……呜呜……”石咆哮连连咳嗽,似是想要抑制自己的激动情绪,但咳嗽到最后,居然实在忍不住地哭了起来:“父亲……父亲大人那一天离开家里的时候,还是午夜……那时候,我在睡觉,父亲大人悄悄的亲了我一口……我那时就已经醒了,却故意没睁开眼睛……我好后悔!我为何我没有睁开眼睛!10000年了,我整整后悔了10000年!” from that time on gets up, the father one does not return. But of that day in the morning, father's beard rubs the feeling on my face, I am life-long, never forget......” 从那时候起,父亲一去不回。但那一天早晨,父亲的胡子蹭在我的脸上的感觉,我终生难忘,永世难忘……” Shi Paoxiao cries loudly: But now, father's base industry, Shi Family, thoroughly has annihilated...... Present I duplicate have what appearance to see him!?” 石咆哮放声大哭:“可是如今,父亲的基业,石家,都已经彻底湮灭了……如今的我复有何面目去见他老人家!?” Spoke the sad place, people all silently shed tears, long time was silent. 一言说到伤心处,众人皆是默默垂泪,半晌默然。 Suddenly the sigh, the sobbing sound, the weeping bitterly sound, makes a sound one group, long time has not subsided. 一时间叹息声,抽泣声,痛哭声,响成一团,良久还没有平息。 Now, since had known the father their whereabouts, we naturally must seek their, rushes to Old Nine Heavens , to promote the strength, to Outlands, with the father together, decides the Zhan Tian demon!” Ye Qiuye wipes the tears, called out fearlessly. “现在,既然已经得知了父亲他们的下落,我们自然是要去寻找他们的,冲上九重天阙,一路提升实力,去往域外,与父亲一起,决战天魔!”叶秋叶拭去泪水,昂然叫道。 As the saying goes, going to war blood brother, going forth to battle united army!” Zhuge Cangqiong heavily say/way: Father Sir and others had fought bravely for 10,000 years, should be we shares some times.” “俗话说,打仗亲兄弟,上阵父子兵!”诸葛苍穹重重的道:“父亲大人等已经奋战了10000年,也该是我们分担一些的时候了。” Therefore this Nine Heavens encircles Devil, will resist the Outlands Devil skirmish in the future, cannot defeat!” Ling Muyang heavy said. “所以这一次九重天围剿天魔,乃是日后对抗域外天魔的前哨战,绝不能败!”凌暮阳沉沉说道。 Other people completely are in the light, heavily nod. 其他人尽都是眼中光,重重点头。 In a piece of delighted and sad aura, some people heaved a deep sigh suddenly, sound Xiao Se (desolate) was dismal. 一片欢欣而又感伤的气息之中,突然有人长叹一声,声音萧瑟悲凉。 The people turn the head to look, the person of deep sigh is actually Xiao Chenyu. 众人转头一看,长叹之人却是萧晨雨 Suddenly the people completely are in the heart heavy, actually does not know that said anything is good. 一时间众人尽都是心中沉沉的,竟然不知道说什么才好。 Xiao Chenyu do not turn the head, then deeply low, looks like committed a crime general, the vigor of whole person as if broke down. 萧晨雨别转了头,然后又深深地低下,就像是犯了罪一般,整个人的精气神似乎都垮了。 Early morning rain!” The Ye Chenchen sinking sound called out. “晨雨!”夜沉沉沉声叫道。 The Xiao Chenyu whole body shakes, raised the head, two atheistic, bitter smile said: We also many...... But, Uncle Li, with Uncle Lan what to do? At that time met with Uncle everyone, how I must say, Lan Buhui, already the body died...... But, Li Chunbo...... Actually is...... Actually is I persecutes to death, is I persecutes to death......” 萧晨雨浑身一震,抬起头来,两眼无神,惨笑道:“我们大家都还好些……可是,厉叔叔,和兰叔叔怎么办?彼时会见诸位叔伯,我要怎么说,兰不悔,已然身死……可是,厉春波……却是……却是我逼死的,是我逼死的……” His bitter smile, the corners of the mouth are gurgling flow out the blood, said: What to do should I? I duplicate have what appearance to see my father, sees Uncle everyone...... My younger brothers died...... I have persecuted to death Chunbo personally...... What honor do I have facing Uncle Li?......” 惨笑着,嘴角汨汨流出鲜血,道:“我该怎么办?我复有何面目去见我爹,见诸位叔伯……我弟弟都死了……我更亲手逼死了春波……我有什么脸面面对厉叔叔?……” All people are together silent. 所有人一起沉默下来。 Yes, here, without doubt is a fast knot, again not solvable fast knot. 是的,这里,无疑是一个死结,再无可解的死结。 Xiao Chenyu face upwards bitter smile: Person, the kinship of person is true! Hehe...... Before, people of father's generation, among us, this was similar to the blood brother is also ordinary, because of as we all know, our people of father's generation, was the brothers of living and dying together, was not the compatriot, surpassed the compatriot. Father one generation, child one generation, similarly such as is, therefore everybody felt that each other is the person on one's own side, is the brothers, is brothers for a lifetime.” 萧晨雨仰天惨笑:“人啊,人的亲情真正奇怪!呵呵呵……以前,父辈们都在的时候,我们之间,本也如同亲兄弟一般,因为大家都知道,咱们的父辈,乃是同生共死的兄弟,不是同胞,胜似同胞。父一辈,子一辈,同样如是,所以大家都感觉彼此是自己人,是自家兄弟,是一辈子的兄弟。” Hey...... What a pity, the people of father's generation were missing...... Therefore we started to become estranged gradually...... Yes, the people of father's generation did not have, we each other are busy respectively respective, people of father's generation's sentimental link had been cut off in the past...... Thereupon, slowly starts not to work as the brothers the opposite party, starts to suspect mutually that each other plans...... Shape slowly with Mo Lu...... Slowly, unexpectedly becomes the foe......” “嘿嘿……可惜,父辈们失踪了……于是咱们就开始逐渐的疏远了……是啊,父辈们都没有了,咱们大家彼此各自忙各自的了,以往父辈们的感情纽带断掉了……于是乎,慢慢的就开始不将对方当兄弟,开始互相猜疑,彼此算计……慢慢的形同陌路……慢慢的,竟然成为仇敌……” ............ ………… Double makes up the last chapter. Hehe...... Finally made up. The heart also puts down a big stone. 双倍补更最后一章。呵呵……终于补完了。心头也放下一块大石头。 Today last chapter, Xiao Chenyu words, is my feeling, in my family many relatives, grandparent also, lively, more than 30 relatives, take a walk is very good, since the old people passed away one after another, in family/home also gradual lonely...... Each other has not made the mistake anything, but many relatives, as if on such unfathomable mystery became estranged, then did not have...... 今天最后一章,萧晨雨的话,也是我的感慨吧,我家里很多的亲戚,爷爷奶奶还在的时候,热热闹闹,30多家亲戚,都走动的很好,自从老人们相继去世,家里也逐渐的冷清……彼此都没有做错什么,但好多亲戚,似乎就这么莫名其妙的疏远了,然后没有了…… World favour, seems this, the senior maintains the kinship, the junior unfolds the new kinship, passed away with the person old person, the kinship also goes...... 人间人情,似乎就是这样子,年长者维持亲情,年少者展新的亲情,随人老人故去,亲情也随之而去…… Although is the worldly affairs so, but indeed is also worth sigh sighing...... 虽然是世情如此,但也的确值得嗟叹…… Tomorrow the friend in publishing house comes, if renewed late, please do not blame. First greeted in this...... Thanks. ( to be continued ) 明天出版社的朋友过来,若是更新晚了,请勿怪。先在此打个招呼……谢谢。(未完待续)
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