TTNH :: Volume #17

#1683: Nine Tribulations gets rid, earth-shaking

Mo Lei'er follows in Dong Wushang behind the body, black clothes is floating, strolls general accompanying. 墨泪儿跟在董无伤身后,黑衣飘飘,就只是闲庭信步一般的随行。 Some Dong Wushang here, really do not have the leeway that Mo Lei'er gets rid, Dong Wushang aura, early protects the wife solid. Every front, is only a blade, if behind, good, a blade in the past, saber energy dispersed, dismembered at the scene, was the Spirit Sense crush, came shape soul altogether extinguished! 董无伤在此,委实也没有墨泪儿出手的余地,董无伤气场,早将自己老婆护得严严实实。凡是面前来的,只是一刀,若是背后来的,好吧,一刀过去,刀气分散,当场分尸,跟着便是神识碾压,来一个形魂俱灭 Has the opinion about Nine Tribulations to raise finally, Dong Wushang has cleared unexpectedly the termination. 有关于九劫的言论终于掀起,董无伤这边居然已经清场完结。 The reason does not have him, Dong Wushang here environment was too bloody a point! 原因无他,董无伤这边的环境实在太血腥了一点! Everywhere flesh and blood stained, the Dong Wushang majestic form standing erect core position, tiger did not have the expression to pass over gently and swiftly from the surroundings crowd face, for his dominating imposing manner the fear, to on eye has put aside the eye that could not bear with his average per person, unexpectedly unmanned dares with his vision relative. 遍地血肉斑斑,董无伤雄壮的身影屹立核心位置,虎目全无表情地从周围人群脸上掠过,为他雄霸气势所慑,所有与他对上眼睛的人均是忍不住的移开了眼睛,竟无人敢与他目光相对。 A piece dies in the general silencing, has Dong Wushang tool bit blood a little bit falling on the ground. 一片死一般的静寂之中,惟有董无伤的刀头鲜血一滴滴啪啪的落在地上。 The surrounding several thousand people, suddenly unexpectedly nobody dares to gasp for breath loudly. 周围数千人,一时间居然没有人敢大声喘气。 Really was too shocks bloody! 实在是太血腥太震撼了! Dong Wushang , in Black Sabre the hand leans in the ground, in the ground an air wave raises the dust immediately, toward peripheral rolling goes. 董无伤‘噗’的一声,将手中墨刀拄在地上,地面上顿时一圈气浪掀起尘土,向着周边滚滚而去。 His is leaning on blade, a fork waist, the sinking sound shouted to clear the way: Sovereign of the Law is Devil! This saying was I says! Who said that he isn't? Station!” 他就一手拄着刀,一手叉腰,沉声喝道:“法尊就是天魔!这话是我说的!谁说他不是?站出来!” This shouted, caused all around all people neatly simultaneously to retrocede, at this moment, but also who dares saying that wasn't? 这一声断喝,令到周遭所有人非常整齐地同时后退一步,此时此刻,还有谁敢说不是? Also has the loyal member, but compares in denying loses one's life immediately, these dying loyal members intelligent shut up, the real man is not at a disadvantage from the outset! As for other person with no mind of his own responses such as is 或者还有死忠分子,但相比于否认马上送命,这些死忠分子都聪明的闭嘴了,好汉不吃眼前亏!至于其他的墙头草反应如是 Yes...... Is is, Sovereign of the Law is Devil! You said that is!......” “是……是是是,法尊就是天魔!您说是就是!……” Right, right, you said that he is Devil, he certainly is, must be, definitely.” “对,对对,您说他是天魔,他一定就是,必须是,肯定是了。” You said his him, he is. It is not is also!” “您说他他,他就是。不是也是!” „...... Scared to death me......” “呜……吓死我了……” ...... …… Hahahaha......” Dong Wushang face upwards and laugh. The heroic feelings is suddenly unparalleled, sinking sound shouted to clear the way once again: All people read with me together: Sovereign of the Law is Devil! Overthrows Sovereign of the Law! Expels Nine Heavens all Devil bastards thoroughly! Utterly destroys Sovereign of the Law and Devil! Who didn't read? The sound is louder!” “哈哈哈哈……”董无伤仰天长笑。一时间豪情盖世,再度沉声喝道:“所有人跟我一起念:法尊就是天魔!打倒法尊!将所有天魔崽子彻底赶出九重天!将法尊天魔斩尽杀绝!谁不念?声音大些!” Read lives, reading did not die! 念得生,不念者死! Now can also live completely is intelligent person, therefore several thousand people bellow together, is feeling this Asura slaughterhouse common atmosphere, that is similar to the gaze of deity common character bold and powerful oneself, lest shouted slowly. The sound was small...... 现在还能活下来的尽都是“聪明”人,所以数千人一起大吼,感受着这修罗屠场一般的氛围,那如同天神一般的人物威猛的注视着自己,唯恐自己喊慢了。声音小了…… this moment, seriously is call shocking sound. 这一刻,当真是呼声震天响。 Sovereign of the Law is Devil!” 法尊就是天魔!” Overthrows Sovereign of the Law!” “打倒法尊!” Expels Nine Heavens all Devil bastards thoroughly!” “将所有天魔崽子彻底赶出九重天!” Utterly destroys Sovereign of the Law and Devil!” “将法尊天魔斩尽杀绝!” ...... …… Roar repeatedly surges turbulently, surges wave upon wave. 一遍遍的吼声汹涌激荡,一浪高过一浪。 behind the body. 身后 Mo Lei'er has covered the forehead, intertwining that is filled in addition speechless. 墨泪儿一把捂住了额头,满心的纠结加上无语。 The Boss is makes you come out to disseminate news, guides the public opinion trend, then forms the unrest. Sweeps across...... 老大是让你出来散播消息,引导舆论走势,然后形成风潮。席卷中都…… Has not asked you to intimidate by the life! 可没叫你以命威逼啊! This...... This simply is the might oppression in Legend, forces girls into prostitution, the scene is big, is useful? You know how others think...... 这……这简直就是传说中的强权压迫,逼良为娼啊,场面是大得很,可是有用吗?你知道人家心里是怎么想得么…… This goods handle the matter, forever is such tyrannical overbearing...... Does not adopt any strategy...... 这货办事情,永远都是这么强横霸道……根本不采取什么策略…… In piece of mountain cry out sea howl should in, Dong Wushang open the big mouth, has a good laugh, performing is self-satisfied...... 在一片山呼海啸的应和之中,董无伤裂开大嘴,仰天大笑,尽是志得意满…… Slightly distant place. Some many Law Enforcer resenting looks here. But is actually has a mind to kill the thief, powerless. This too was very intrepid a point, cannot hit...... 稍远处。有许多执法者愤恨的看着这边。但却是有心杀贼,无力回天。这贼实在太强悍了一点,怎么也打不过啊…… ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 In the Ji Mo hand long sword transporting causes like the wind, only such as chops the melon to cut the dish to be ordinary, back and forth sprints in the crowd, in high spirits, the cry is shocking. 纪墨手中长剑运使如风,只如砍瓜切菜一般,在人群之中来回冲刺,兴高采烈,叫声震天。 dog aunt! Sovereign of the Law is Devil!” 狗大姨法尊就是天魔!” dog aunt! Sovereign of the Law is the Devil bastard!” 狗大姨法尊天魔崽子!” dog aunt! The father is Ji Mo! Ji Mo discipline, Ji Mo black ink! It is not the lonely that loneliness! But is Ji Mo! Ji Mo discipline, Ji Mo black ink! All remembers to father, this is father's name! Awoo ~~ dog aunt!” 狗大姨!老子就是纪墨纪墨的纪,纪墨的墨!不是寂寞那个寂寞!而是纪墨纪墨的纪,纪墨的墨!全都给老子记住,这是老子的名字!嗷呜~~狗大姨!” ...... …… Awoo ~~~ Luo Kedi rave: All people gave father to listen clearly, do not receive that Sovereign of the Law again has hoodwinked, Sovereign of the Law was Devil! Awoo ~~! Heard?” 嗷呜~~~”罗克敌狂吼着:“所有人都给老子听清楚了,不要再受那个法尊的蒙蔽了,法尊就是天魔嗷呜~~!都听见了吗?” Awoo ~~ our Nine Heavens do not allow Devil to exist absolutely! groove, you dare to hit me, courts death! Awoo Awoo ~~ 嗷呜~~我们的九重天绝对不允许有天魔存在!卧槽,你敢打我,找死!嗷呜嗷呜~~” ...... …… In front of Xie Danqiong Exquisite Flower bright opening one after another, dances in the air elegantly, in the tall and pleasing to the eye beautiful scene, all observers and bystanders as if could not see in this way this world slaughter and bloodiness to the scenery of beautiful bringing, instead somewhat is enchanted by in this illusion general scenery. 谢丹琼面前一朵一朵的琼花灿烂开放,飘逸飞舞,在如斯美轮美奂的美景之中,所有旁观者、围观者似乎根本看不到这人间至美的景色带来的杀戮和血腥,反而有些迷醉在这梦幻一般的景色之中。 Saw only, only then a white clothing is floating, the abundant god is handsome, few Toshiro of having a beautiful face, in a blurred illusion Huahai, wanders about the reverberation, looks about the fresh posture. 唯一见到的,就只有一个白衣飘飘,丰神俊朗,眉目如画的少年郎,在一片迷离梦幻花海之中,徜徉回荡,顾盼生姿。 Before the body of this peerless beautiful youth side behind the body side, piece by piece flesh and blood in confusion \; The stump residual limb breaks the arm, has actually increased many chilly colorful and brutal beauties for this visionally scenery. 在这个绝世美少年的身前身后身旁身边,一片片血肉狼藉\;残肢断臂,却为这梦幻般地景色更增添了许多凄艳而残酷的美丽。 Sovereign of the Law is Devil!” 法尊就是天魔!” Sovereign of the Law already in demon Law Enforcer! Everybody must enhance vigilance surely, once is fascinated, again not the road of turning head.” 法尊已经在魔化执法者了!大家千万要提高警惕,一旦入魔,再无回头之路。” Did not need to hear him to say anything, some already by Xie Danqiong beauty confused the spirit and soul upside-down women crazily to echo...... 根本不用听到他说什么,一些已经被谢丹琼的‘美色’迷得神魂颠倒的女人们已经疯狂呼应…… Hugely big, the handsome fellow is biggest! 天大地大,帅哥最大! So the handsome fellow, really really raises eye, itchy heart...... 如此帅哥,真真是养眼,又痒心啊…… The starry eyed female who in braves the loyalty rushes to be first was yelling Sovereign of the Law is Devil, Sovereign of the Law is Devil!’ Follows thanks Grand Marshal elder brother's behind the body, the god keeps off to murder the god, Buddha keeps off to kill Buddha...... 一个个眼中冒着红心的花痴女争先恐后的大叫着‘法尊天魔,法尊就是天魔!’跟随谢大帅哥的身后,神挡弑神,佛挡杀佛…… Perhaps links Master of Calculation and Manipulation Mo Tianji not to think that Xie Danqiong can also display the beautiful male idea in such situation unexpectedly...... 恐怕连神盘鬼算莫天机也没想到,谢丹琼居然在这样的场合中也能施展美男计…… Although is the unconsciousness, is absolutely passive! 虽然是无意识的,绝对被动的! Actually is also incurs the bee to direct butterfly...... 却也是招蜂引蝶啊…… Also is really the evildoer/monstrous talent! 还真是妖孽啊! Is the handsome fellow so really great?! 难道帅哥真那么了不起?! ...... …… Ao Xieyun and Rui Butong a dragon and a phoenix, is unwilling lonely, naturally similarly has raised the dreadful blood wave. 傲邪云芮不通一龙一凤,也是不甘寂寞,自然同样掀起了滔天血浪。 Suddenly, dragon roar phoenix cry, the sword eating delicacies blade roar, Exquisite Flower everywhere blooms, dog aunt is lingering on faintly, Awoo Awoo resonantly...... 一时间,龙吟凤鸣,剑啸刀吼,琼花漫天绽放,狗大姨不绝于耳,嗷呜嗷呜嘹亮之极…… Nine Tribulations gets rid, formally presented Nine Heavens. First open and aboveboard sends out, entire. Was done to make a mud ball the starch. 九劫出手,正式亮相九重天。只是第一次光明正大出动,整个中都。就被搞成了一团泥浆糊。 Entire. The complete start was chaotic, moreover during unceasing promotes. 整个中都。完完全全的开始混乱了,而且还在不断升级之中。 Related Sovereign of the Law is the Devil news, after the collaboration stimulation of movement in these eight aspects, starts to proliferate without limits...... 有关法尊乃是天魔的消息,经过这八个方面的联手催动,开始无止境地扩散出去…… Person who anger hears has it, the skeptic has it, chuckling to oneself has it, fight has it. Courting death has it...... 听到的人愤怒者有之,怀疑者有之,窃喜者有之,战斗者有之。找死者有之…… In brief, the life hundred condition, perform at this moment, exposes with nothing left. 总而言之,人生百态,尽在此刻,展露无遗。 Some people, is not Nine Great Clans, is not Law Enforcer. Does not participate in the fight, is not angry did not suspect that is only taking pleasure in others'misfortunes. 还有一些人,也不是九大家族的,也不是执法者的。根本不参与战斗,也不愤怒也不怀疑,只是一个劲儿的幸灾乐祸。 Do not suspect that world has this kind of group of people, so long as some people have bad luck, they are happy, if that person is a celebrity, they will be happier. If the litigant can go to such as Sovereign of the Law such situation. They arrive at the full house happily! 千万不要怀疑,世间真的就有这样一群人,只要有人倒霉,他们就开心,若那人是名人,他们会更加开心。若当事人能达到如法尊这样的地步。他们开心开到爆棚! Mother, your is not very imposing? Imposing enough more than 10,000 years. Finally was also done one chapter......” “妈的,你丫的不是挺威风的吗?威风了足足10000多年了。终于也被人搞一回……” Haha...... Too was really crisp, how quickly had a look at the situation to unfold......” “哈哈……真是太爽了,赶快去看看事态如何展了……” Actually what's the matter to have the relations of bird with me? Sovereign of the Law? Is related with me? Nine Tribulations? Also is not my biological father...... How loves how...... Satisfies a craving......” “究竟怎么回事跟我有个鸟的关系?法尊?跟我有关?九劫?也不是我的亲爹啊……爱咋地咋地……只是过瘾哇……” Really very satisfied a craving...... Always only then Law Enforcer makes others, but also is really first time saw that some people make Law Enforcer, moreover directly makes the Law Enforcer Boss, is really makes the old man cherish greatly smoothly......” “实在忒过瘾了……历来只有执法者弄别人,还真是第一次见到有人弄执法者,而且还是直接弄执法者的老大,实在是让老夫心怀大畅……” What? Fight? Why? I do not go. I at the same time am looking that looked who can win finally, ha haha......” “什么?战斗?为什么?我才不去呢。我就在一边看着,看谁最终能赢,哈哈哈……” Sovereign of the Law right now is pressed but actually in the evil reputation, haha...... This goods are really bad luck......” 法尊这下子是被摁倒屎盆子里了,哈哈……这货真倒霉……” Has saying that this kind of person occupied the considerably large part. Anxiouss to stir up trouble, saw that others open wide bad luck, the person of taking pleasure in others'misfortunes, will not really be short in this world that place. 不得不说,这类人占据了相当大的一部分。唯恐天下不乱,见到别人倒霉就敞开,幸灾乐祸的人,实在是在这世间那个地方都不会少的。 The person of harming others but not benefit oneself regardless in that world, that plane is exists, often is also not infrequent! He, our side are more! 损人不利己的人无论在那个世界,那个位面都是存在的,往往还不在少数!他么的,咱们身边更多! At this moment thoroughly degenerated into a pan boiling the pulpy muddled gruel. 此刻的中都已经彻底沦为一锅煮得稀烂的糊涂粥了。 However, slaughters is still actually continuing. 然而,厮杀却还在继续。 Nine Tribulations independently was still going all out, almost wants in massacre. 九劫仍旧在放手大干,几乎是要血洗中都。 The person in Nine Great Clans aspect also gradually participated. But at this time, paid back greatly in each direction responsible Nine Great Clans people saw advantageously the situation independently decided coordinated...... 九大家族方面的人也逐步的参与了进来。而这时候,大抵还只是在各个方向负责的九大家族中人见到局势有利而自作主张的予以配合…… The genuine aristocratic family support order, did not have actually. 真正的世家支援命令,其实还没有下来。 If Nine Great Clans fully coordinates seriously, the present momentum, only fears can also above a vaster several fold...... 若是九大家族当真全力配合的话,眼前的声势,只怕还能够更浩大数倍以上…… But the Chu Yang goal, has the event the bigger the better! Intensely is better! Should better spread over entire Nine Heavens, that is the most ideal situation...... 楚阳的目的,正是将事件闹得越大越好!越激烈越好!最好传遍整个九重天,那才是最理想的局势…… ...... …… In the Ye Family secret room. 夜家的密室之中。 pā! 啪! „......” “啪啪啪……” The first even/including several teacups fall one after another on the ground, falls crushes. 一连数个茶杯接二连三地掉落在地上,摔得粉碎。 Some are hold in the hand fall, then after is hears some news, because of extremely in the shock, the hands and feet shivered, has bumped into the teacup on tabletop, throwing down and breaking. 有些是捧在手中掉落的,还有一些,则是听到某个消息之后因为太过于震惊,手脚颤抖,碰到了桌面上的茶杯,将之摔碎了。 Your this news...... Real?!” Ye Family first ancestor Ye Chenchen sits on the chair stiffly, shocking raising the head, looks at opposite Ling Muyang, two eyes almost must rouse the coming out eye socket, if no eye socket to keep off, perhaps shot! “你这消息……是真的?!”夜家始祖夜沉沉僵硬地坐在椅子上,震惊的抬着头,看着对面的凌暮阳,两只眼睛几乎要鼓出来眼眶,如果没眼眶挡着,没准就射出去了! A Xiao Chenyu pair of hand closely gripped the fist, placed on the table, on the face was excited reddens all over the face. 萧晨雨一双手紧紧地攥成了拳头,放在桌上,脸上激动得满脸通红。 The Shi Paoxiao original severe wound has not recovered, this moment mood major rises, the great happiness is greatly sad, the aura is difficult to be steady, fierce cough: cough cough cough...... Ice...... Mu Yang! cough cough...... cough cough cough...... This this...... This...... cough cough......” 石咆哮本来重伤未愈,此刻心情大起大落,大喜大悲,气息再难平稳,剧烈的咳嗽起来:“咳咳咳……凌……暮阳咳咳……咳咳咳……这这这……这是不是……咳咳……” More anxious more coughs, more coughs is more anxious. 越急越咳,越咳越急。 Zhuge Cangqiong and mood of Chen Yingfeng these two also very goes to there, whistling rapid gasping for breath, two stubbornly looks at Ling Muyang, waits to say from his mouth. 诸葛苍穹陈迎风这两人的情绪也好不到那里去,呼呼的急促喘气,两眼死死的看着凌暮阳,等着从他口中说出来。 Confirmed the authenticity of this news. 证实这个消息的真确。 Ye Qiuye was eye socket suddenly one red, closely has bitten the tooth, a character character said: Ling Third Brother...... This matter.................. Really?!” ( to be continued ) 叶秋叶则是眼眶猛地一红,紧紧地咬住了牙,一字字道:“凌三哥……这件事……到底……是不是……真的?!”(未完待续)
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