TTNH :: Volume #17

#1682: The Duxing (solitary) sword, the Wushang (woundless) blade, Qingwu gets up, blood great waves!

This is Master of Nine Tribulations Sword Nine Tribulation Brothers, they also said that Sovereign of the Law is Devil!?” “这是九劫剑主九劫兄弟,他们也说法尊天魔!?” That...... Who perhaps doesn't slander the life...” Master of Nine Tribulations Sword is? How could to falsely accuse others casually? ” “那……也许不是污蔑命…”九劫剑主是什么人?岂能随便诬陷别人?” Said is also. A while ago, Lord Sovereign of the Law once had also said Chu Yang is Outlands Devil, has issued the Sovereign of the Law command personally: Now actually knows that Chu Yang is Sir Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, now the situation, Master of Nine Tribulations Sword said in turn Sovereign of the Law is Catholicism......” “说的也是。前段时间,法尊大人也曾说过楚阳乃是域外天魔,更亲自下了法尊令:如今却知道,楚阳原来就是九劫剑主大人,现在情况反过来了,九劫剑主法尊是天教……” Truly so, is Sir Master of Nine Tribulations Sword possibly Devil? Since is Sovereign of the Law lies, that situation is obvious.” “确实如此,九劫剑主大人怎么可能是天魔?既然是法尊说谎,那情况就明显。” Why does he lie?” “他为什么说谎?” Afraid.......” “心虚呗……。” Why afraid?” “为啥心虚?” He is Devil, can not be unafraid, has to make a false countercharge...,” “他是天魔呗,能不心虚吗,只好反咬一口…,” The emergying public opinion is almost one-sided to Chu Yang advantageous. 新出现的舆论几乎是一边倒的对楚阳这边有利。 This is the Nine Great Clans person responds certainly after the confusion that starts to coordinate the word da theory of Gu Duxing and the others. 这当然是九大家族的人在混乱之后反应过来,开始配合顾独行等人的言龘论。 Such word da discussed comes out . Moreover the view was lopsided, immediately caused entire has overturned the heavens, must overturn the heavens, now was actually solid true overturns the heavens! 这样的言龘论一出来,而且论调还是一面倒,顿时令到整个中都都翻天了,原本就已经要翻天了,现在却是实实在在的真正翻天了! Nine Tribulations, is always existence of Legend, now world, who personally had seen? Now, da appears in front of oneself really on the spot! 九劫,一向都是传说的存在,当今之世,谁曾经亲眼见过?如今,却真龘实地出现在自己面前! This vibration, simply is unequalled! 这种震动,简直是无与伦比! Wow! 哇! „...... Nine Tribulations! Heavens!, the god in my heart.......” “哇哇……九劫天啊,我心中的神……。” This is Nine Tribulations in Legend no wonder so is young, has such fierce skill! ” “这就是传说中的九劫”怪不得这么年轻,却有这么厉害的身手!” This matter also was really confusing......” “这事儿还真是扑朔迷离了……” Really graceful......, This is Nine Tribulations Legend, was too graceful! wū wū, I must marry him.” This is a starry eyed female. “真帅啊……,原来这就是九劫传说啊,太帅了!呜呜,我一定要嫁给他...”这是一花痴女。 „, Your this shoe horn face? What son also does not illuminate itself to be long, you also look for my such......” “切,就你这鞋拔子脸?也不照照自己长啥样儿,你也就找个我这样的……” Go away! You die!” “滚!你去死!” How Nine Tribulations possibly told the lie!” 九劫怎么可能说假话!” Nine Tribulations said that Sovereign of the Law is Devil, that definitely has reason..., „” 九劫都说法尊天魔,那肯定事出有因…,“” Right......, Everybody guards against 12.......” “对对……,大家防备12……。” The northeast direction, the Mo Qingwu red clothes is floating, the dreaming of a gentle dance blade glitters a big piece of illusion general gloss, the personal appearance is similar to the female celestial that dances lightly, but brings piece by piece illusion blurred killing intent. 东北方向,莫轻舞红衣飘飘,星梦轻舞刀闪烁出一大片梦幻一般的光泽,身形如同翩翩起舞的仙女,但却是带出来一片片梦幻迷离的杀机 behind the body before her body, performing is blood light. 在她身前身后,尽是一片血光。 On the face of Mo Qingwu, has to be thick cannot melt does not endure \; But starts not to be actually forgiving. 莫轻舞的脸上,有着浓得化不开的不忍\;但下手却是绝不留情。 Girl, facing the enemy, can kill must kill immediately! Most at least, must keep him from moving. Do not hesitate!” This is the Second Brother Mo Tianji words: Do not forget, you are not your.” “丫头,面对敌人,能杀死就要在第一时间杀死!最起码,也要让他无法行动。绝不要犹豫!”这是二哥莫天机的话:“别忘了,你可不是你自己一人。” Qingwu, only spoke a few words to you: Does not have the enemy of threat truly, is the deceased person! Must protect itself good, if you...... Was injured again...... I also can only go as you like..., „” This is the Chu Yang words. 轻舞,只跟你说一句话:真正没有威胁的敌人,就是死人而已!一定要保护好自己,若是你……再被伤害……我也只能随你而去了…,“”这是楚阳的话。 I cannot make Chu Yang shoulder the life for me again!” This is Mo Qingwu to own warning: I must become his boost, do not become his burden! Not!” “我绝不能让楚阳再为我背负一生!”这是莫轻舞自己对自己的告诫:“我要成为他的助力,决不要成为他的累赘!决不!” North, Gu Duxing One Man One Sword, able to move unhindered flees, the Duxing (solitary) guest black clothes is grim, Black Dragon Sword, the day rectifies dances in the air, the sword hemorrhaging light is similar to bright peonies, when desire in bud puts suddenly has encountered the warm spring breeze, blooming. 正北方,顾独行一人一剑,纵横披靡,独行客黑衣冷面,黑龙剑,天矫飞舞,剑下血光如同一朵朵灿烂的牡丹,在含苞欲放之际突然遭遇了温煦的春风,一朵朵的争相绽放。 Killer who several throw crazily, will see only the person's shadow to fly to throw generally will come up, then by quicker, head on pu pu pu will fly from the neck. 几名疯狂扑上来的杀手,只见人影飞一般扑将上来,然后以更快的度,一个个的人头噗噗噗的从脖子上飞起来。 Corpses, are similar to wooden stake are then common, splash dropping down. 一具具尸体,便如同一块块木桩子一般,扑通扑通的倒下。 Gu Duxing starts, uses the sword, is quick and is steady and ruthless, striking must, probably die. 顾独行下手,出剑,又快又准又稳又狠,击必中,中必死。 Simply does not have any idle talk, as long as discussed not to accept and come up to formerly word da to quarrel to own Saber and Sword, Gu Duxing all was a sword, a sword life and death not turned head, Yellow Springs started on a journey. 根本没有任何的废话,但凡是对先前的言龘论有不接受而且上来就对自己刀剑相向的,顾独行一律就是一剑,一剑生死无回头,黄泉起程。 Only then just arrived here that time, elects, when person are many, said words of expostulation, attend to Second Master again not opening the precious words after that. Puts on a serious face starts to meet the challenge, on the live image is a grim killer! 就只有刚到这里的那时候,选在人多的时候,说了一番劝诫的话,从那之后,顾二爷就没再开过金口。板着脸就开始迎接挑战,就活像是一个冷面杀手! The volume, is not right, in fact is a grim killer, moreover of level. 额,不对,实际上就是一个冷面杀手,而且还是级的那种。 Seemingly must be more agile than the most specialized killer because of this goods murder, the sword sword does not fail. 因为这货杀人貌似比最专业的杀手还要更利索,剑剑不落空。 Even if afterward some people shouted that is the Nine Tribulations body da share, the Gu Duxing complexion has not moved one to change countenance, the look does not have the slight change. 即使后来有人喊出是九劫的身龘份,顾独行的脸色也没有动一丝动容,眼神更没有丝毫的改变。 Those dare, heartlessly was cut to kill, certainly without exception! 凡是敢于冲上来的,都被无情斩杀,绝无例外! He looks like came from the ice of hell together! 他就像是一块来自于地狱的冰! Ice-cold heartless! Where arrives, has brought slaughter! 冰冷无情!走到哪里,就带来了杀戮 Now this section, this time, holds the da law aspect or is Nine Great Clans, both sides are fermenting to save own strength, will not send the level master to join in the fun to here, therefore, Gu Duxing is similar to the dragon turns over to the sea, the tiger enters the remote mountain, in the crowd back and forth able to move unhindered, unexpectedly completely cannot feel any prestige...... 现在这个地段,这个时间,无论是执龘法者方面又或者是九大家族,双方都在酝酿积蓄自身力量,根本不会派遣级高手到这里来凑热闹,所以,顾独行便如同龙归大海,虎入深山,在人群之中来回纵横,居然全然感觉不到任何一点威的…… On the other hand, reached grade nine Supreme Supreme of Swords, takes a broad view present age can be his enemy of gathering seemingly also few people, have such skill, how possibly to appear in the current situation. 话说回来,已臻九品至尊剑中至尊,放眼当世能是其一合之敌的貌似也没有几人,有这样的身手的,怎么可能出现在当前的这种场合之中。 The appearance of this grim killer, Gu Duxing is also the appearance is handsome, immediately made many Jiang Hu young girl young married women fragrances have heart palpitations said. .... 这份冷面杀手的样子,偏偏顾独行又是长相英俊,顿时让许多江湖少女少妇们芳心荡说...… Naturally, Gu Duxing themselves will not have any feeling, rouge skeleton, seemingly also similar. 当然,顾独行本人是不会有任何感觉的,红粉骷髅,貌似也差不多。 Really cool!” “真酷啊!” Cool.......” “帅呆了……。” If can marry him, not only need accompany him, as soon as sleeps......” “要是能嫁给他,不只要陪他一宿……” This is in love young girl. 这是怀春少女。 Looks that very much teaches...” not to know.... ” “看着就很强教…”不知道…。” Nine Tribulations so is strong, confused the deceased person.......” 九劫都这么强壮么,迷死人了……。” This is imagining of certain message sent by flowers young married women. 这是某些花信少妇的意想。 If Gu Duxing hears these words, believes that meets a blood to spurt absolutely, then comes a heavy hand to destroy the flower these woman......, 若是顾独行听到这些话,相信绝对会一口血喷出来,然后将这几个娘们儿来一个辣手摧花……, The Northwest, Dong Wushang grasps Black Sabre, leads the way in big strides, in his behind the body, nobody is standing. 西北方,董无伤手持墨刀,大踏步前行,在他身后,没有一个人是站着的。 But this side, holds the road which must be taken that the da law aspect manpower marches forward, the accumulation here holds da law and holds the da law dying loyal member especially many. After Dong Wushang dispersion news, the attack that comes under naturally is also most, most ji is fierce. 而这一边,却也正是执龘法者方面人手行进的必经之路,聚集在这里的执龘法者和执龘法者死忠分子尤其的多。董无伤散布消息之后,受到的攻击自然也是最多的,最为ji烈。 In fact, said that the Dong Wushang taking a walk news and fact are very improper, because of the beginning, Dong Wushang has not opened mouth. 事实上,说董无伤散步消息与事实很不妥,因为一开始,董无伤都没张过嘴。 Leads the wife is being convenient, Mo Lei'er all has handled very much these matters on own initiative, you also dare to count on that Dong Wushang did explain things to the people? As for when some people start to attack Mo Lei'er, a Dong Wushang neck stem, takes from storage ring Black Sabre, is dragging the blade, such standing swaggering before wife body, standard one man guards the pass, ten thousand cannot pass opens! 带着老婆就是方便,墨泪儿很自觉地把这些事儿全办了,你还敢指望董无伤向众人分说吗?至于当有人开始攻击墨泪儿的时候,董无伤脖子一梗,将墨刀空间戒指里拿出来,拖着刀,就这么大摇大摆的站在老婆身前,标准的一夫当关,万夫莫开! Dong Wushang has storage ring this matter should not be surprised, Chu Yang comes out from City of Elves, the first matter to brothers everyone storage ring, even links Mo Lei'er also to provide one, these storage ring primary materials naturally are that hundreds of thousands of years of Heavenly Star Wood do, compared with the general space stage prop does not know where strong to seriously went, complete must not to be mentioned in the same breath. 董无伤空间戒指这事千万不要惊奇,楚阳精灵之城一出来,第一件事就是给兄弟们每个人了一个空间戒指,甚至连墨泪儿也配备一个,这些个空间戒指的主要材料自然就是那数十万年的天星木所做,比一般的空间道具当真不知道强到了哪里去,完全不可同日而语 Everybody regarding this suitable liking. 大家对此都相当的喜欢。 Dong Wushang does not have slight covering up, the create something from nothing magnanimous attitude to draw a sword to present at this moment, immediately has caused a bigger tumult. 董无伤此刻没有丝毫的遮掩,无中生有的高姿态拔刀亮相,顿时引起了更大的骚动。 Certain fellow eyes that does not want to begin were also red. 原本不想动手的某些家伙此刻眼睛也红了。 In fellow hand really has the space most precious object! How possible?!” “那家伙手里竟然有空间至宝!怎么可能?!” That thing was First Master my, only then First Master had that and other most precious objects.” “那东西是大爷我的了,只有大爷才配有那等至宝。” Snatches! Brings to me.” “抢过来!给我拿过来。” Immediately, most people of these onlooking also flushed, being filled with righteous indignation that completely displays, as if Dong Wushang did any unpardonably wicked misdemeanor to be ordinary. 顿时,那些原本旁观的大部分人也冲了过来,一个个尽都表现的义愤填膺,仿佛董无伤干了什么十恶不赦的坏事一般。 Boy, you dares to insult Lord Sovereign of the Law unexpectedly! Gives me dead!” “小子,你居然敢辱骂法尊大人!给我去死!” even/including your father you also dares to slander! Has killed him!” “连尊大人你也敢污蔑!杀了他!” Kills this to slander the Sovereign of the Law fellow!” “干掉这个污蔑法尊的家伙!” One group of people clash competitively, lest that mystical space treasure had resulted by others, unexpectedly before comparing these is holds da law who Sovereign of the Law revenges also to arrive at the Dong Wushang body, wholeheartedly quickly. 一群人争先恐后的冲上来,唯恐那神异的空间宝物被别人得了去,居然比那些一心为法尊报仇的执龘法者还要更快到达董无伤身前。 The Dong Wushang vision dodges, proceeds one step, immediately was similar to such as cloud mountain suddenly proceeds to move general, a beyond example formidable, palatial vigorous imposing manner dispersed suddenly, the single was this moves, front person almost soon has not gasped for breath. 董无伤目光一闪,往前一步,顿时如同一座如云高山猛地往前挪动了一下一般,一股空前强大,巍峨雄浑的气势猛然散,单只是这一动,面前的人就几乎已经快要喘不过气来。 Dong Wushang raises the blade, shouted at one: Comes well!” 董无伤提刀,断喝一声:“来得好!” This drinks greatly, looks like above clear sky in a silencing, suddenly resounds the startling thunderclap that Qian mountain Wan He shivers sufficiently together also to resemble! 这一声大喝,就像是一片静寂之中的晴空之上,突然响起来一声足以千山万壑一起颤抖的惊雷也似! Has also covered the ear including behind the body grade seven Supreme Mo Lei'er, really shocked. 身后七品至尊墨泪儿也捂住了耳朵,实在是太震撼了。 A fellow, saw the treasure to open the eyes, spells to try to collect, just assembled in front of the Dong Wushang body, the front surface greatly was drunk to blow by one, the fierceness of whole face has not eliminated with enough time, the body was already stiff general lived, two straight looked at Dong Wushang one, immediately in the seven orifices suddenly leapt up the blood, entire body soft but actually...... Twitched, thorough was motionless, „... 一个家伙,见宝眼开,拼尽全力凑了过来,刚刚凑合到董无伤身子前面,迎面就被一声大喝镇住,满脸的狰狞还未来得及消去,身子已然僵硬了一般的顿住,两眼直的看了董无伤一眼,随即七窍之中猛地蹿出鲜血,整个身躯软软的倒了下去……抽搐了一下,彻底不动了,“… Unexpectedly was roared dead by a Dong Wushang throat! 居然被董无伤一嗓子生生吼死! Must say that was roared that fellow who dies to be possible not to be the average person a moment ago, is a Monarch Level master! The master of this level no doubt did not enter in the present Nine Tribulations eye, but on common custom Martial Artist, was still the quite high level, but the prestige of Dong Wushang drinking, unexpectedly one to Huisse. 要说刚才被吼死的那个家伙可也不是一般人,乃是一位君级高手!这个层次的高手固然已不入如今的九劫眼中,但就世俗武者而言,仍是相当高的层次,而董无伤一喝之威,竟然一至于斯。 A Monarch Level master, extinguishes directly kills! 将一位君级高手,直接灭杀! The roar is reverberating especially, the Dong Wushang starting to walk stride, vanguard in big strides, one toward not returns to the imposing manner that thousand armed forces flinch, arises spontaneously \; His goal only in front, but, left and right nobody dares to go forward to rent its footsteps unexpectedly slightly! 吼声尤在回荡,董无伤迈开大步,大踏步的前行,一股一往无回、千军辟易的气势,油然而生\;他的目标只在前方,但,左右两边竟然没有人敢于上前稍租其脚步的! Just threw several people who went forward to shock inexplicably, but before the body actually was also maintaining , the movement that threw, retroceded without enough time, everybody complexion disastrous incident, in the ginger Wushang (woundless) hand the Black Sabre lightning general craziness divided under! 刚刚扑上前的几个人震惊莫名,但身子却还保持着前扑的动作,已经来不及后退了,人人脸色惨变,姜无伤手中墨刀闪电一般的狂劈而下! Puff! 噗噗! A corpse piece by piece neat separates toward the two sides, the flash, the blood light soars to the heavens! 一片片的尸体整齐的向着两边分开,一刹那,血光冲天! Dong Wushang gets rid, is the human purgatory, in the eye sees, only then endless bright red. 董无伤一出手,就是人间炼狱,眼中所见,惟有无尽鲜红。 He steps on the bloody water of splash to go forward in big strides, the vision sinks to congeal, the complexion is tranquil, leaves the move only then very simple chops to sweep away, simply does not have anybody to keep off his blade! 他踩着飞溅的血水大踏步前进,目光沉凝,脸色平静,出招就只有很简单的直劈横扫而已,却根本没有任何人能挡他一刀! A blade gets down, the weapon disruption disintegrates, the arm breaks, head opens, the body divides from, under moment, two pieces of corpses divide to make the two sides to depart again in light of this, neat. 一刀下去,兵器碎裂瓦解,手臂断,人头开,身体自中而分,再下一刻,两片尸体就此分作两边飞出,干净利落。 All matches there is nothing like are, without exception! 所有对手莫不如是,无一例外! A stride stride proceeds to make great strides forward, does not have any stop certainly. 一大步一大步往前迈进,绝无任何停顿。 A person of blade, keeping off flees! 一人一刀,挡者披靡! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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